Stella Dimoko Labour Room Drama 210


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Labour Room Drama 210

WHAT!!! will not believe what you are about to read!!!....I was screaming all through whilst reading this......WHAT!!!

Hi Stella, it took me a lot of courage to write this. Its long oo. If you wish you can divide it so that people won't find it cumbersome to read. This covers both my LRD and the aftermath. 

I gave birth late last year. My pregnancy was drama filled filled with morning sickness, vomiting, sleeplessness and every part of my body being swollen especially my legs. I registered in a particular hospital that i heard was good but i left there and registered in another private hospital i felt was cheaper.

 Though later I discovered they were the same. Becos of the size of my leg and stomach people started predicting that I will give birth to twins. A week before my edd, I went to the hospital for my normal antenatal. The doctor present checked me and said I was 4cm dilated. Hubby drove me to my parents house which was closer before going to bring my bag. There I started jumping up and down in order to hasten the process. 

My mum told me that if am serious we should trek to the hospital which was very far that anywhere I am tired hubby will come and carry us. We reached the hospital on foot at 10pm. On reaching the hospital I was checked and they said I was still 4cm dilated after all the trekking. I started jumping up and down,climbing the stairs.One woman with her hubby was praising me saying am strong.

 I was just feeling like a strong person not knowing that the main thing never start Meanwhile my first disappointment was how dirty the environment was, people urinate on d floor of the toilet, one can see blood particles on the bathroom. It was so bad. But becos it was late I couldn't back out. I made a mistake of not checking the environment during antenatal. It was late, there was nothing I could do. So I continued my exercises. 

Around 1am a tablet was inserted in me.and there the main labor started. My mum will fan me, massage me even hit my back on request, nothing was working. I was crying, praying, confessing. To lie down na wahala, sit no way, stand for where. Around 3 when the woman in the same ward gave birth, na there I know say I Don enter one chance. 

The baby was breeched and only small nurses where around, they started panicking. They went to call the doctor on duty upstairs in his room, knocked and knocked he didn't answer. When they came down my mum offered them her phone to call him. the phone rang he cut it and put the phone off. After much efforts by the nurses the Woman finally delivered.

 I was checked and the nurse broke my water. Na there I started seeing angel Michael and his brothers. Around 5am I was now fully dilated I was asked to push. I pushed and pushed. My baby was coming out with his face. If contraction comes and I push, any rest he will go back. I pushed for about one hour. During that time my mum was there praying and encouraging me. It was when She was disturbing the nurses to give me a tear so that when the baby comes he will follow the tear that they sent her out.

 The nurses did everything possible even to the extent of collecting 2000 naira from us to climb on me. According to them it will help push the baby out. They were all sweating. At a point when they became tired,they left me and went out.I started shouting and calling my mum.My mum came in again.Around 7am, the doctor passed the theatre.

He was wearing sports wear with headphone covering his ear. The nurses called him and told him that they were tired he should come and help. The doctor now said, "is she giving birth to Jesus that I cannot go for my early morning sports" 

Oh I cried I told God is this how am going to die. My mum started raining abuses on him even to the extent of cursing him. Do you know that this man, a person who swears to preserve life left me and went out with his car. I swore then to sue him if I come out alive. My mum now asked the nurses to book a surgery for me. They all left us saying they want to go and call the doctor who will do it. Only my mum and I were in the theatre, she was crying, I was crying. 

She called her prayers partners to intercede on our behalf. Then she told me and I quote," NNE its only us and God that are remaining in this room. Try and push for one last time. Do it as if your life depends on it" 

I agreed and pushed with all my strength and behold the baby came out. He would have dropped on the floor if my mum wasn't there. She shouted and the nurses all ran back to the labor room. They cleaned the baby up.he weighed 4.5kg. The main pain came when they started stitching me. Remember they refused to give me a tear, so the baby tore every thing. I had a fourth degree tear. If there were 5 or 6 degree tear had all of them. I cried and cried and cried while they were stitching. I also lost lots of blood. When they finished I couldn't stand 

I had to be carried out.

When I came out of the labor room I was so down that I couldn't see my baby all through the day.Any attempt to rise causes blackout.I complained,the nurses said its normal. Imagine nobody came to check my blood level or bp or anything. They just gave me the normal routine drugs i got during pregnancy. 

The next day, a woman who gave birth in that hospital recommended dextra, can't exactly say the name( she's a nurse). When hubby bought it, she gave me the injection herself . the fainting then stopped. When the fainting stopped, I started feeling serious pain in my vjay. It was so painful that I had to beg one of the nurses to do something. She went and gave me pain relief injection. It will stop for some time and start again. She will give me again. 

After two days I was discharged with 22,500 naira bill. My hubby paid in the morning and promised to come back in the evening to take me home. Towards the afternoon two woman lost their babies in the hospital. Come and see cries everywhere. I called oga to come and take me out of the place. After much I should wait, he came when I threatened to take a bike. 

When I was about to go, I started feeling pains again. I looked for the nurse that used to give me injection, I didn't see her so I begged another while crying to give me pain relief. After she gave me the injection we went home.thing was normal throughout the evening. People came to see baby. 

In the  midnight, the pain came back, I cried till morning. I couldn't sit or do anything. My mum was even saying I should bear it that it's normal. In the morning she used salt,ncp hot water on me. I was not able to bear it. It was terrible. I suffered pain throughout that day, everyone was saying its normal, only I knew what I was suffering. 

The next day being Saturday a heavy rain fell. If one could remember it was the last heavy rain we experienced last year. I went into one of the rooms in my house only to discover that the window was open. As I went to close it, unaware of the water on the floor I fell. What I heard last was a noise from as if a cloth tore. It was the stitches of the tear I had that tore completely.Everywhere was open. 

It was then we discovered that the nurses stitched only the outside part of me leaving the inside which was decaying resulting to the pain I was experiencing. I was unable to fathom the pain cos it was out of the world. My cousin who is a doctor in another town was called, he told them to rush me to his hospital. 

On getting there, surgery started. They had to do some cleaning before stitching. All the pain injections given to me none worked. It was as if my body was rejecting them.I never know a person will be able to survive that kind of pain. I wont really be able explain it. The surgery started around 9 and ended at 3. My brothers and sisters, do you know that after 3 days the Stitches tore?.

 I was stitched again and yet again. Before the fourth and last stitching, the doctor explained that it was bcos the the wounds were not fresh that's why it was breaking. He then promised to use a very strong and olden surgical ropes when I told him that I rather die that to experience that pain over again. 

After the fourth stitching, God made me recuperate faster. I left the hospital after a month and two weeks. I learnt so many lessons and I know that if not for God I wouldn't have been alive to tell the story. I suffered but I thank God every time I look at this wonderful gift of mine. We are 3 months and counting. 

Dear friends, make sure you make enough inquiry before attending any hospital . ask people, go inside and look at the environment. Never assume a hospital is good becos of the number of people going there. When ever I raise the topic of suing the hospital my mum always discourage me saying  i should thank God am alive and my baby is alive too.

 Looking at my baby, my first fruit I ask myself if I will love to go again. I reply myself saying yes I will but not like this. Another will be easier and bearable.

*OHMYGOD!!!!...sue that hospital even if it is to shake them,you made it,someone else might not after you...that Doc needs to have his license seized and the Nurses need to go back to nursing school...OH DEAR!!!


  1. This is pure horror. God needs you in this life. They climbed on you? The doctor they called supposed to be arrested and thrown behind bars. OMG! Jesus the Christ!

    1. Madam sue the freaking hell out of that hospital and the useless and incompetent doctor in particular.

      Useless doctors everywhere.

      That was how my sister was dying at UCTH and one short useless doctor on call said he was in a hurry to go and watch Manchester United match.

    2. OMG! upon my days! madam playing sue them! if you can't afford a lawsuit just get the police involved. try to get hold 2 or 3 people with similar complain about them and go to the police. They will do the rest. What!!! You survived, you with your baby but what of those who don't? And those coming on the way?

  2. Madam please sue them, thank God you and your baby where preserved.

    1. Madam please sue them,you survived this ,another woman may not,please sue so if its a private hospital it will be shut down. So many woman have lost their lives due to negligence and nonchalant attitude of doctors,they always think that they are God. Please I beg you even if u don't want to sue ,please give us the name of the hospital ,let's tell other women to boycott them.

  3. Poster please, was this a public or private hospital?

    I'm planning to use General hospital Onitsha when the time comes, I hope it's OK.

    Poster, take care ooo, I can't even imagine the pains u went through. I'm just picturing the fall, so sorry poster.

    1. Please general hospital is even worse now.gather money go look for better private hospital.their non challant attitude is something else this days because am writing from experience

    2. A government hospital is better because they have experienced specialists or you can use a public hospitals doctors hospital I mean his private practice

    3. @Mhiz A..Dont u dare go to General Hospital Onitsha to have ur baby.. Its a death trap..My mom's friend's daughter saw he'll there..

      Go to Kanayo hospital or Gozie hospital...These two are about d best private maternity hospitals in Onitsha. Gozie have a lot of patients but they sabi work. Daz where I had my baby 4yrs ago.. D only problem I had with them is their labour room..U will have like 5 or 7 women in labour but no bed to rest..All of them will be sharing one bed close to d labour room.. But it's not like dat in Kanayo. My sister had all her kids in Kanayo hospital..They are in a class of its own...They are expensive too but they worth d price..
      No look money face oh..Use ur last kobo and go to a good hospital..

      I was a single mom when I had my baby in Gozie,i paid almost 35k from my pocket..dey charged me dat amount bcos they used vacuum to push out my baby when I got tired of pushing..Daz why my bill was higher than others..
      If I was looking at money as a single first time mom and gone to General Hospital like I was advised by friends, my baby would have died in d process bcos it's not all hospitals that have that vacuun extractor. Be wise oh.

    4. Okolo(St Patrick)hospital is very good too..They are cheaper than Gozie and Kanayo...U can use them if u can't afford those two I mentioned.

    5. I used Holy Trinity (Waterside) Onitsha for 3 of my kids. It is a missionary hospital like Borromeo & Iyienu. Aside being affordable,you are sure you are attended to by experienced midvwives (no Nurse Eliza).
      The doctors respond promptly too when called.

  4. What!!!!!!sue the hospital for all they have got.
    If not for God your mother and hubby will be singing a sad song

  5. This is a serious labour room drama I am scared already.

    1. My dear don't be scared, every pregnancy is not same moreover the hospital one uses plays a very big role. I gave birth last yr Dec 12 and mine was easier than that of Hebrew women. If only I can hv strength to send it to sdk. I delivered without falling into labour was like magic.

  6. Thank God for your life Poster.

  7. my sister died after going through this kind of ordeal. Nigerian doctors are murderers.

  8. Oh my definitely sue you might be saving a life by Doing so. Their negligence could have cost you your life. Thank God for you and your child

  9. Okay I feel nauseous now. I didn't get to finish the aftermath. My head is turning.

    The pain....I was imagining what you went through. Oh no, women are trying oh.

    Later oh, let me digest the one I have read.

  10. This is the worst thing I have ever read. I'm having goose pimples. Labour room drama of the century. And you survived? Jesus is great. I'm weak. Which hospital biko?...πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†

    1. This is practical horror.. You saw d devil with his angels..God, I pity your state.
      Thank God for your testimony.

      I read one labour room story else where .The woman got a tear that gave her fistula. She was TTC before the pregnancy.
      People should be careful when going for antenatal .Some hospitals are den of death!

  11. I have goosebumps all over. All I can say is thank God everything turned out fine

  12. Its high time people start putting clues like rumour has it of these bad hospitals o so others can avoid them.

  13. My dear, what you went through is hell, thank God you are fine. That stiching of the vagina after child birth pain is unbearable for me, I don't know why. May God not lead us to the place where we will carry another problem.

  14. I held my privates while reading this story. It was as if it was happening to me. This is better imagined than experienced.Poster,i am happy you survived that horror. Please sue that damn hospital to protect the innocent women that will still go there tomorrow.

  15. God, this is too much oooooo, it is well with u, we thank God for life

  16. I guess they nurses are auxiliaries, you went to a quack hospital. No trained midwife will run away in the presence of any delivery, or probably too you had an inadequate pelvis,or CPD, safe vaginal delivery shouldn't have been an option for you,maybe you have an Android kinda pelvis,bordeline pelvis, a good hospital would have done pelvic assessment on you before you even proceed into true labour.the doctor might be a house officer who was using you to learn work, they are quiet unserious most times. Thank God your baby came out alive. Investigate properly those people on white you call nurses and auxiliaries, and if the are nurses, they can never be midwives! Episiotomy is usually sutured with an absorbable suture(chromic)you don't apply any form of pressure to that area,or warm water as most people would tell u, its fragile it heals on its own,so sorry you fell.i guess they didn't suture you properly. Please next time go to a good hospital with well qualified nurse-midwives and doctors who didn't eat their school fees. Sorry for the pains you passed through

  17. What did I just ready o, Jezz ThankGod for your life o..

  18. Wow. Thank God for your life.

  19. Poster, I beg you in God's name, sue that hospital, place a curse on the Doctor and as for the nurses, sue them too. private hospitals dont use school trained nurses. they train them like apprentice. so in some private hospitals, you see trainee/apprentice nurses.
    in short, on your behalf, i place a curse on that doctor. he shall suffer and will only ever be free of the curse when he confesses. he shall die a very painful death. as from now on, he will start decaying. What rubbish. I am so pained and angry.
    please I need the name of the hospital and the name of the doctor please.

  20. This is the height of negligence. WTF! I can only imagine what you went through. When stitching episiotomies I usually pre anaesthesize the area, cos i myself i have very low pain threshold, i dont like people being in pain. For a 3rd/4th degree perineal tear, required you to have been taken into the theatre. How could they have stitched only the skin!Thats really bad of them. Thank God for your life.

  21. This is a woman's worst nightmare in the Labour ward I swear. Thank God you didn't even bleed out! They need to be sued for sure. I'm so pissed.

  22. So some private hospitals are these bad, never experienced it as all my kids I delivered at teaching hospital and they were really nice to me.
    Poster, thank God for your life, how can I pay such a ridiculous amount after the bad treatment.

  23. Ma'am Stella, forget the " Nurses should go back to nursing school" talk. Most of the hospitals in this Lagos do not have registered nurses.
    Madam poster, if you have the means, sue them.

  24. I was shivering inside while reading this and you say you don't want to sue them? Sue them!
    Thank God for your life. You survived it to make sure another does not go through the same ordeal.

  25. Jesus this is too much, pls sue that hospital. God really love you and want you alive. May God not allow us come across such hospital,my case is different. Congrat on your bundle of joy

  26. Why not drop d name of this hospital? Whta kinda useless doctor is that? Oh lord, a doctor won't dare leave a clinic if his consulting time ain't over, he would be fired on d spot except na all these mushroom hospitals with doctors dat failed mbbs. Tueh!

  27. This is my first time commenting but my sister in the name of God pls sue them.If you can’t pls report to the police or send mails to various blogs on what happened let them post it .Pls my sister you don’t know whose life you might be saving. If more people die there indirectly thier blood is also on your hands because you could have done something

  28. My eyes were wide open while I read through your drama. Sue them for the sake of others that might die in their hands. Call them out on social media even if you don't want to sue, please drop the name of the hospital and the pictures so that others will not fall victim of your ordeal.

    Think of the lives of women and babies you will save by calling them out.

  29. Oh my God. I felt your pain my dear but thank God all is well now. Pls those people you called nurses are not nurses cos no registered nurse will behave the way they did. They are auxillaries used by some private hospitals cos its cheaper for them. Pregnant mums pls be very observant before you choose a hospital to give birth in.

  30. If u are in onitsha use kanayo hospital or grace hospital near people's club nkpor or okolo forget water side oo nah only name they are answering

    1. The hospitals you mentioned are good but You are not correct about Waterside. I had three babies there.
      They don't use auxillaries so you are sure you are with qualified nurse/midvwives.

      My only ish with them is the crowded antenatals.

  31. what manner of wickedness and gross negligence is this.
    A doc left a patient in an emergency situation to go for sports. And asked if you were giving birth to Jesus. The nurses collected 2k to do what, i don't understand.
    Even if you don't sue, that quack hospital needs to be named and shamed.
    Thank God you are alive to tell this tale.

  32. Please expose them. No woman should have to go through this. You were very lucky. God be praised. Imagine the women who wouldn’t be because you decided not to do the right thing? Expose them.

  33. Please report that hospital to police. Call them out. Hate is not the opposite of love it's indifference. Evil prevail when good people do nothing. Please in memory of those two children that died in your presence do something to put an end to it. If u won't drop the name of the hospital and I will personally investigate and do something. No woman deserves to go through what you went through.

  34. Jesu!thank God for saving you and your baby

  35. Hmmm!!!thank God for life.

  36. What horror!!
    Jeeezzzzzzzz! I was almost feeling the pains myself.
    I have never ever heard nor seen such wickednessπŸ™†πŸ½‍♂️πŸ™†πŸ½‍♂️πŸ™†πŸ½‍♂️πŸ™†πŸ½‍♂️πŸ™†πŸ½‍♂️πŸ™†πŸ½‍♂️πŸ™†πŸ½‍♂️πŸ™†πŸ½‍♂️πŸ™†πŸ½‍♂️πŸ™†πŸ½‍♂️

  37. Come and see me shaking here, thank God you and your baby made it through

  38. Oooooh! I cried reading ur story! No woman should ever go thru what u went through! Cos this is total negligence! But am happy you are alive and well! God bless and keep your baby!

  39. I don't know y u r protecting the hospital and doctor. Pls name and shame them. You could be saving a life. Thank God for your life and that of your baby. God is on the thrown! But pls name and shame that God forsaken hospital

  40. Madam if someone else dies because you didn’t expose this hospital the persons blood will be on your hands. Mention their name even if you have to do it in the comment section under anonymous!

  41. What did I just read? God forbid. Thank God for everything.

  42. Please sis,think of all the other women and their babies who would still want to use the hospital.Not everyone would survive what you went through. In the name of whatever you believe,please mention the hospital and doctors” name.No woman deserves this

  43. Please sis,in the name of whatever you believe in,I beg you to mention the hospital name and that if the doctor.Do not let another woman or innocent baby go through what you have just described here.They might not survive it.Please I beg you.Dont hide their name

  44. Please name this hospital for the sake of other women


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