Stella Dimoko Femi Fani-Kayode Heaps Curses On Sahara Reporters CEO For Viral Story Of Marital Hiccup



Saturday, January 06, 2018

Femi Fani-Kayode Heaps Curses On Sahara Reporters CEO For Viral Story Of Marital Hiccup

Hmmm,these curses are placed on Sahara Reporters CEO Sowore because he carried a story which the former Minister says is not true....

Hmmm these curses are strong......Should the former Minister have ignored?


  1. Replies
    1. May the same curses come back to him if he has ever done same thing he is accusing Sowore for, iseeee

    2. What happenned to ffk's senior brother that tied up and locked up for years in their Lagos house because the brother was slow and ffk did not want him to destroy ffk's political career. I heard ffk beat him like a dog everyday. Is the brother dead now?

    3. What happenned to ffk's senior brother that tied up and locked up for years in their Lagos house because the brother was slow and ffk did not want him to destroy ffk's political career. I heard ffk beat him like a dog everyday. Is the brother dead now?

    4. FFK focus on getting cure from many curses that has been heaped on your head. From ex wives, girlfriends, family and others. You need to talke the dirt out of your eyes first dummy

    5. Do not touch my anointed. So says the Lord. Do not touch Sowore FFK.

    6. So he cares so much about his own family but will gladly and loudly wish Buhari dead. The presidents family did not even abuse not to even talk of cursing him. Yoruba ni fi ina jo are ko wobo sen ri, FFK bo sen ri 're o lara awon to ti robi si.

  2. Congratulations on your pregnancy of multiple births. I don't know why curses have this heavy burden that comes with it. I beg forgive and laugh off the lies.

    1. Why curse? Why don't you do your thing FFK, focus on your so called peaceful family and with time, the public will know the truth about your relationship with snowwhite . Is not that serious raining curses if the story is fake news, Precious and yourself will still be together years from now and the public will know that the story was a fabricated fake story

  3. Oga goan pick beans please enough of all this your nonsense that means you for don run mad if we all should start placing curse on you and reckless way of talk you can't just ignore

  4. Loool! Tooor.. Bhet why do Sahara like doing this??? They normally find it difficult in corfirming something b4 reporting.. They should try change abeg. Not nice at all.

    1. Sahara should leave ffks famiy out of politics, and should focus on the government.

  5. FFK pissing on somebody namsense his curses can’t even touch the lizard on the fence of his rented Abuja flat talk less of sowore precious nne land safely be carful of that yaraba loud mouth

  6. Hahaha..u see how it feels when u are accused falsely..u don become ala ugbaga wey dey place curses on pple.go side down for potty Abeg.After all ur talku talku accusing people left right and center now Sahara jst give u one u don dey curse.ode

  7. FFK should park well
    Don't trow a stone if you live in a glass house

  8. FFK that curse will not work because you are the father of all false hood in Nigeria.

  9. Mtcheeeeeew!! Who tod him that shit works? wasted time on a keyboard, the effects ends on ur hand & keypad. No one can destroy a family if you dont create a room for that... besides i hear ure an xpert in doing dat singlehandedly, maybe Sahara assumed ud need a hand this time around, just tell them u got it all covered na.

  10. One word. FFK is a mad man. If he can react to a "false" story of his marriage collapse like this what then does he expect from victims of his own false allegations to do especially Buhari. I pity this girl. A classic example of beauty without brains. The pussy will always suffer. Short sightedness. She had better amass as much financial growth she can get now before this mad man looses it finally. The media will always carry false news. However you react wisely.No wonder PDP lost to APC with a sick head as this presenting its campaigns. What you wish for others Femi Fani Kayode shall be your portion on earth In Jesus name. How can you wish death on your enemy. Your wish others what you wish yourself.

    1. That girl you are pitying is FFK's love. She controls everything. FFK takes care of her, her sick mother, sisters, and her entire neighborhood. He is very protective of her and watches over her like a hawk. FFK loves her so much.

      He doesn't play when it comes to Precious. Precious is also a darling because she stood by that man through his trials unlike some other women who will abandon their husband. Igbo women really make good wives.


    2. you go fear reaction nau,the thing pain am gan , ffks children should change their surname, identifying with this man is a monumental tragedy, senseless goat.

      If God was as mean hearted as you, he would have whipped you and your leaking mouth to death, idiot.

  11. My love for this couple though

  12. I just pity this precious girl when FFK begin to descend on her.
    A man that is not well. Just hold your jazz man right and amass all the wealth you can before his madness starts.

  13. IMO... This guy is trying so hard to cover up something. His responses are too aggressive. If they are truly happy, they would just laugh it off. Sahara reporters report shouldn't disturb or destroy a home.
    BTW, why the pregnancy announcement? Na pikin I know say people dey announce. It is well with them.

  14. Why should Sahara reporters leave his family out? does ffk not do the same to people? He constantiy curses people on social media, even made an insensitive comment when Buharis son was involved in an accident.

    You call people gay and other unprintable names and now you want to die over this small thing !! If your marriage is not in crisis, you shouldn't be bothered abd should laugh this off.

    What did Sahara say that FFk hasn't said to others? How many of them came out to curse him? Typical case of people can't take what they dish. Your curses back to your head. Only a cursed soul misbehaves at this your age, baboon.

  15. Precious keep having kids for FFK ooo. Last last a Hausa man go help you raise them. Ask the women that he was married to before you...

  16. So dis precious aka snow white is truly pregnant with triplets for dis FFk mad man? Hian!its like ds babe does nt knw wat she's into sha! Last last na u go tk ur hand train dos ur triplets o,cos dis mad man is d habit of abandoning his children after panel beating his numerous wives o!ds girl no de behave like fellow sharp ibo babes wey I know!am sure she's from ebonyi!dos girls frm der are so docile eh!dem just no knw wats up!instead of u to tk wat u can frm ds crack head and flee with ur son aragorn,u still de dia de open leg for d modafucker to de fuck u without condom allow am to de discharge him contaminated decayed sperm on u! Tufiakia!person wey no get any source or means of livelihood? As for u ffk,d curse on sowore goes bkto sender!wen u whr calin pmb a fulani illiterate and dictator u didn't know bah?wen u whr caling osibajo d vp a midget u didn't realise e de pain bah?u never see pain o,just wait more revelations are coming u dis pernicious odious vermin! U dis Baracuda! Oponu oshi!

  17. So dis precious aka snow white is truly pregnant with triplets for dis FFk mad man? Hian!its like ds babe does nt knw wat she's into sha! Last last na u go tk ur hand train dos ur triplets o,cos dis mad man is d habit of abandoning his children after panel beating his numerous wives o!ds girl no de behave like fellow sharp ibo babes wey I know!am sure she's from ebonyi!dos girls frm der are so docile eh!dem just no knw wats up!instead of u to tk wat u can frm ds crack head and flee with ur son aragorn,u still de dia de open leg for d modafucker to de fuck u without condom allow am to de discharge him contaminated decayed sperm on u! Tufiakia!person wey no get any source or means of livelihood? As for u ffk,d curse on sowore goes bkto sender!wen u whr calin pmb a fulani illiterate and dictator u didn't know bah?wen u whr caling osibajo d vp a midget u didn't realise e de pain bah?u never see pain o,just wait more revelations are coming u dis pernicious odious vermin! U dis Baracuda! Oponu oshi!

  18. I hear the baby boy does not belong to him,something is terribly wrong, I see cover up

    1. That is confam Abuja gist gbayi

    2. you know the real gist,they are perfect for one another. Living a lie...

  19. Why is he acting pained?means there is an iota of truth in the so called rumors..ffk curses buhari daily..small news from Sahara he wan die..coward!#istandwithsahara #ffkthewifehitter

  20. People like saying shits about others when they have their several problems facing them..

  21. It's only a pained person that rants like he hasn't said worse about others


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