Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...


Friday, January 19, 2018

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...

Advice is really needed here,please do not just read and close!


Confused About What Path To Choose

Hello Stella,Happy New Year.

 I'm a silent bv for the past two years and I really appreciate everything good thing going on there,I have learnt alot.

To my problem:I am a 20 yr old lady,will be concluding my degree programme this year. Doing my ICAN along sides.To the glory of God, I'm an academically sound student..

I'm already making plans for life after school which is to become an entrepreneur. I have two major interests:Fashion Design(i had started making sketches of wedding gowns from primary school) and Skin Therapy(cream mixing,facials,spa treatment,body massage etc, i have a good skin care routine and lots of people always want to know what I'm using. I want to capitalise on that and build a name for myself)

My mum is insisting I should get a white collar job and get more qualifications in order to build my career to the top.

She is a senior civil servant,and can give me all the needed advice and referrals. But I don't want that kind of life or job.

I have a superior passion for skin therapy business, lots of ideas on my mind I haven't seen anywhere.

Now my problem is mum doesn't want to support me in acquiring any entrepreneurship skill or learning from a certified beauty Institute.

She believes there is more dignity in the 9-5 office job,rather than talent or skill. she is well educated and we are comfortable too.

How can I politely make her understand her dream for me to be a qualified accountant is not what I want to do with my life. She is the only one I have and this is already causing issues between us as she has termed me a rebel.(ps:only child) 

*consider the fact that your mum has your best interest at heart and is thinking about Job security for you......
I am sure she means you no harm and is only also thinking ahead for you....Just tell her you will get the job she wants after you learn the skill.....
Is the job readily available?if not tell her you will be learning the skill whilst you job hunt.


  1. Start with a 9-5 and build your business on he side. Once you get to a certain point in which you are sure yourself can quit you job

    1. Where are the jobs? Is it Naija or some other country?


    2. The African chic’s advice is the way to go.... that can even help you build your client base

    3. That African Chic advice is exactly what I had in mind after reading your narrative.
      And dear poster, if you still insist to learn a skill instead of the job, plz can you ask your mum on my be
      Plz!!! Na same course we study.
      God bless you and help you make the right choice.

  2. Well I get where your mum is coming from and while your dreams are valid it's also important to note that 9-5 isn't as bad as it seems.
    You can get a job and nurture your business well enough to ditch the 9-5. Most parents are just like your mum and that's because it's not easy to start a business. Lots of planning and capital is required else the business would be dead on arrival.
    I have a 9-5 and it hasn't stopped me from getting a second degree or starting a side hustle. Why not try it out first before knocking it down completely.
    Your mum is simply scared that you have no experience and while that is true it is not a true testament of success. Besides, all you have so far are ideas and you haven't even started the real work.
    Maybe, you should have started your business while in school that way you would have an idea of the terrain but mehn just starting a business is tough especially when you have to rely on others for money.
    I recently read a story of a young of a young lady who left her oil company job to start her hair business. You can do both or leave one for the other when the table is set.

  3. Do not let this "passion/talent" die.
    It doesn't seem you need "certified beauty institute" since you have "ideas you've not seen anywhere", except in Nigeria such certification is necessary to set up a business.
    Meanwhile, play along with your mom, get her job offer (which is what I understand). Save for your launching into your dream profession. Make you plan B perhaps the independence of marital life; in that case to someone who values that passion. Or when you have saved enough for you to quit and possibly have won your mom over through some works while on employment.

    1. Think like you don't have help coming from anywhere .
      1. Get a job
      2. Set a timeline to work say 3 years cause you need experience if you want to run a successful business.
      3. Go for weekend classes.
      4. Save towards your big dream.
      5. After day 3 years take 2 years study leave and learn that thing you are most passionate about.
      6. Start your business and grow wisely
      7. If your business is not going as plannee continue the job ship running the business by the side.

      Most importantly start your business NOW. You don't have to wait till you graduate. If you are so gifted in this regards then you have probably waited too long to actuize your dream hence the reason why you probably don't have your mum's support. See, having great talent is one but actualizing it is another. This singular reason is the reason why alot of talents are buried. Stop waiting on your mum to support your dreams. Start now with the little you have. Your mum will eventually come around.

  4. If your mum can give you civil servant job, at least they close by 4.00 p.m. or by 3.00 p.m. and they dont do work only to gossip, gossip and gossip. They always laugh yeye laugh when you go their place of work. Take the civil servant job and also do what you always wanted to do. Even when in civil service tell them you are a skin care expert and show them the stuff you are made of.

    But just know they dont pay ooo. THey are onigbese people.

  5. Hmmm
    Only child
    Babe..u have to do what she says..although getting a job is not maybe along the line she can let u be and support u.

  6. You can combine both for now until u build a strong customer base for your skin therapy business. I have a thriving vocation and I also work for the federal government. I get slot of clients through my colleagues. Good luck.

    1. Poster.. We are going thru something similar, d only difference is my mum has no referral but I av to start doing something even if I'm still gonna go along if I get a white collar job and do my business for one side..
      Poster, err mum wants their children to work in big company and earn good money but where is the job.. Ur mum can help concerning d white collar job so go for it and start ur business gradually.. U will appreciate it last last I'm telling you coz mum's know best

  7. It's well Poster,Talk to mum politely and you can also start building your dreams from now till the end of your service year, the result will speak for you before mum, don't get mad at her pls, she is only seeking for the best for you.

  8. Who says you can run both together?

    1. Poster let her help you get the white colar job, in the process, if it's taking a lot of time just tell her you want to learn a skill whiLe you wait for the job, from there you can start chasing your dream, and if you get the job, you can also continue learning on weekends. You just have to plan yourself very well. God help you in making the right choice and see you through.

  9. Stella has said it all,tell her you are willing to take up a white collar job after learning a skill. To own a business is capital intensive,so i'll suggest you work for a while,and build your brand when you feel your business is stable enough,you may quit your job.

  10. Since you are still dependant on your mum, simply accept her directive, get a job, save enough money to go learn what you wish to learn and when you are financially capable of sustaining yourself, resign from the job.

    Being an entrepreneur is not as easy as you think, your 8-5 job will also help you understand how to manage your business and staff well.

  11. You could try to secure a job for a while.. Work for a period of time so that u can sponsor yourself hun. Time waits for no one

  12. Omo Mama Olowo (OMO) you sound highly intelligent and i like you already. Just listen to Stella’s advice on the one. I’m sure you’ll be okay.

  13. listen to your mum. She is older and wiser. That skill you want to learn can be done weekends or part time. Develop yourself like your mum is saying

  14. Life! Look at me here praying for God to answer my prayer on getting a good job and someone that has an opportunity doesn't want it...

  15. Get a job! Do that for a while( the job will open you to experience and also potential clients) While you are at the job, save your money. I mean, opening a fixed deposit not just saving by account structure.

    After a few years at the job, speak to your mum and explain to her your passion and tell her you’ve done the job all this while for her because you believe and still do believe she knows better then go ahead and tell her your vision, that she should give you a chance.

    You still have time baby girl, I was once in your shoes so I understand your stance but now that’s a thing of my past. I joggle both 9-5 which I now run (I was an intern for a few years, before I quit and opened my own ) then went after my passion which I enjoy. So it’s a win win! You’ll gain experience

  16. Poster,this is easy to handle. Get the job, while on it save and keep exploring your ideas, try it out. By the you have save enough, you can launch out. Please do not be angry with your mum. With patience and hardwork you will win her over

  17. get a 9-5 job and keep up your hustle by the side and when you are married and no longer with your mum you can resign and settle down with your business. all the best

  18. Fashion designer...
    Skin care expert...
    Very soon, there will be no need for customers, as every Nigerian woman will be one of these.

    Make up artist
    Jewelry maker
    Ankara bag/shoe maker
    Selling clothes
    Selling hair extensions
    Gele tying

    Everybody and their mum does either one or all of these in Nigeria! Can't you people think outside the box? Why are these the only "career" paths you follow? And you wonder why business is slow? How will it flourish when every other person is doing the same thing as you?

  19. #The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth*

  20. Hello My Dear,

    All the advise given are enough for you to carry on and decide what to do.

    Get that job as your mum recommends, you save your income at least 50%. This will help you and expand your horizon as regards organisational culture.‎
    Don't make a mistake to getting a guy to marry you if he's not keening with your dream‎ of becoming an entrepreneur. You future partner must protect your interest.

    Support your ideas and ready to add value as you grow together.

    My piece of advice...

    Go and prosper. Weldone SDK.

    SKY... ‎

  21. MOTHERS KNOW BEST; Yes your mother is in the best position to put you through. she has good experience. i tell you, in Nigeria today. 9-5 job is the safest. especially Fed govt jobs. Its difficult for business people. Especially as a beginner. Dont forget you still depend on your mother. It may not be as rosy as you think with your so called passion. we all have passion. put think of what puts carry on your table and job security.

    I am a career woman on 9-5 corporate job as people call it, mine is 9 - ,,, a single mother having spent over 20 years on my job and have risen to the very top, every day I thank GOD that i choose that path. and my daughter who graduated at 19. i made sure she went for office job. she wanted to go into entertainment, i kicked as my only daughter, she did not find it funny. In other to frustrate me, she turned down job offer from my organisation. i then sent her out of the country for her Msc. upon completion, i sat her down for the real talk.
    and now @ under 23 she has landed a good job of over 700k per month salary.
    I sat her down in and today she has landed a very lucrative job at just

    i sent her out of the country for masters

  22. biggy.paul@yahoo.com19 January 2018 at 16:35

    Young Lady, Please entrepreneurship does not stop you from focusing on your studies and qualifying as a chartered accountant. I understand your passion and interest perfectly, however you need network, capital, business and corporate structure experience to blossom in your entrepreneurial endeavors, The challenge most young adult falls into theses days is that they now see hobbies, talents and Interest as a form of entrepreneurial skills at the expense of their professional career. Great business owners starts from regular professional 9-7pm jobs gather experience,network,biz mgt skills,training, etc before starting up their own ventures.

  23. Passion is not always permission. Do what you don't like first before doing what you love.
    Get the job, learn more about your passion, save money then switch into what you love or you can do both at the same time.

  24. Congrats. You are only 20 so you have the luxury of youth and time. Take 9-5 to build up a nest egg. Starting your own business takes money and good financial cushion. You can dedicate your weekends to your own passion and build on it. With the Internet shrinking the world you can t as key studies in your other pursuits and do online learning until you can get into the live environment. Do not give up on your passion, but do not minimize the value of having a steady income and how it can build security. Your future appears bright.

  25. These children sef. Work and build your business. You have all the time in the world to do both. It is that simple. Your job will finance your business.

  26. My sister go for the 9-5 job,i am a living witness i was told not to work under anyone that i will make HOW? As a Graduate i took a job of 20k Monthly as GOD will have it i venture into a business of Soft Drinks to God be PRAISE,I am able to raise a Million Naira YET I DID NOT LEAVE THE JOB cos i believe i have not reach where i am going HEAVENLY FATHER LET THIS YEAR FAVOUR ME MORE than the OTHER YEAR Life as a SINGLE MOTHER HAS BEEN GOOD not to talk the other way YET I AM SELFMADE PROUD OF THAT

  27. Poster, take the civil service job, then youvcan gradually build your own business. Your first set of customers will even be your colleagues. These days, nothing is as sweet as government job especially federal government jobs . Follow your mom's directive and you will be glad that you did. After two years, you would come back and thank us. CherishD.

  28. Dear !!!
    Your mum is just like mine . I didn't appreciate her much before , but now i do a lot .
    Build your career, even if you will later venture into your passion , you will stand out .
    Funke akindele is a lawyer , she stands out amongst her colleagues .

  29. My mum is oil actually the same, I spent 6yrs in school studying for her, I am a proud business owner today and my mother supported me with absolutely nothing. I am her only child you can imagine how frustrating it can be. bone your mums and go learn your skill, save towards it. That woman would help you with nothing, she might even be the one to pull you down because you are not going the path she wants. focus on what you want to do, it you and God, I pay my bills today thanks to my biz and she's amazed, that's life for you.

    1. She can have both, a job n business, makes it more lucrative, it's wiser.

  30. I've been in a similar situation, so I understand. My quick advice for you is, take the job BUT PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, DON'T LET YOUR PASSION DIE. Make it your primary job, but one that needs time to get right. Take a 9 to 5 that provides benefits for your main hustle. For example, your 9 to 5 could also be an opportunity for you to grow awareness of your business, develop some transferable skills and a client base for your main job. Grow your main job until it at least can support you (a good measure of that is its ability to replace your 9 to 5 salary). Once your main job is ready, step away from your 9 to 5 knowing that you are not dependent on mum or anyone when you do this.

    At the point where you step away from your 9 to 5 into your main job, the evidence will be there, your mum can't argue against it. Parents only want their children to do well. 9 to 5 helps demonstrate progress early, but if there is evidence your business is growing, your mum will embrace it.

    I can confirm to you that towing this path means a lot of VERY HARD WORK and you may feel like giving up several times - but if you are truly passionate, you won't give in.

    Good luck dear.

    One more thing, it is a good idea to leverage technology to help make your hustle happen faster and easier.

  31. Start the job first, develop yourself.

  32. My dear you can do the two oo! But you can learn the skills while job hunting and the skin therapy most is for 1week intensive

  33. Everyone says start the job first I say poster u sound very smart , let me use myself
    As an example at age 20 I was done with nysc didn’t get a job for my passion , didn’t accept banking job cause I couldn’t and I can’t still stand sexual harassment but you know one advice I will give to you make sure you serve in a very good organization learning how to manage your business and practices I served in a big organization and it helped me with mailing , customer relationships very key !! And yes after service you can start on your own I advice you use your passion and make money from it later , use your social media tools it is free start from family and friends trust me especially the skin beauty business you will make the money now . This is your best time to invest in your business while your young at age 28 ,30 you can be proud of being in business for 10years that most ceos don’t get to attain . Also make sure you are a multitasker to combine the 9-5pm it has never worked for me to do soo much at the same time I know being an entrepreneur requires a lot of concerntration and hardwork . I hope I will have time to mentor young female entrepreneurs . From your story I see your strength being an entrepreneur more it is a Garri drinking process but trust me it will pay off in the end . Am so proud to say my business is 7years old at age 28 with a staff strength of over 30 people I started like you . It’s not easy but every sweat is worth it !! You can do it ! PS Sorry for the zero punctuation guys 🤗

  34. Everyone says start the job first I say poster u sound very smart , let me use myself
    As an example at age 20 I was done with nysc didn’t get a job for my passion , didn’t accept banking job cause I couldn’t and I can’t still stand sexual harassment but you know one advice I will give to you make sure you serve in a very good organization learning how to manage your business and practices I served in a big organization and it helped me with mailing , customer relationships very key !! And yes after service you can start on your own I advice you use your passion and make money from it later , use your social media tools it is free start from family and friends trust me especially the skin beauty business you will make the money now . This is your best time to invest in your business while your young at age 28 ,30 you can be proud of being in business for 10years that most ceos don’t get to attain . Also make sure you are a multitasker to combine the 9-5pm it has never worked for me to do soo much at the same time I know being an entrepreneur requires a lot of concerntration and hardwork . I hope I will have time to mentor young female entrepreneurs . From your story I see your strength being an entrepreneur more it is a Garri drinking process but trust me it will pay off in the end . Am so proud to say my business is 7years old at age 28 with a staff strength of over 30 people I started like you . You can do it !!

  35. when I was 20yrs, my mother begged me to join immigration or customs. I refused, my reason being I want to finish school first. She had the contacts then, put her younger sister in police, and some other relatives. She said, nne enter first and even use ur salary and pay ur school fees but I insisted I must finish school first. Before my 21st birthday, my mother died and that was it. It 10yrs now and I'm still struggling, nobody cares sef. poster, life is so unpredictable. u better take the job now and start from their. Goodluck


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