Stella Dimoko Another Nigerian Lady Proposes To Her Man And He Says NO!!


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Another Nigerian Lady Proposes To Her Man And He Says NO!!

Another Nigerian lady has been reportedly disgraced by her lover when she proposed to him at a restaurant at E-Centre in Yaba, Lagos State.

She went down one knee and proposed but when her lover realized what was happening, he angrily stormed off, with the heart broken lady and her girlfriends pursuing him...

Nigerian men are built differently,their mentality is so backward.....what is wrong with a woman proposing to marry the man she loves?Mscheeew!!!


  1. It was a prank

    1. Stella what do you mean? Everyone has a right to say yes or no. It's not about being backward. Don't women say no???

    2. which kind yeye prank be that?
      its real jo

    3. Haba! Isnt your comment on our Nigerian men too harsh? Our men are not different from men the world over. Its not a man ish to be proposed to around the world. They will rather a woman scheme or play or even give them ultimatum to make up their mind but not going on one knee abeg.

    4. Stella, leave matter, what is wrong is wrong.
      We are Africans, this is a shameful act.

    5. I'm dating 3 guys now, wen I'm sure of one I will then propose to d other two so dat they ll refuse and clear d road . No one ll say I dumped dem

    6. I'm dating 3 guys now, wen I'm sure of one I will then propose to d other two so dat they ll refuse and clear d road . No one ll say I dumped dem

    7. Stellaaa...what do you mean by being backward? Ask yourself 'Did you propose to your hubby? If no...
      then she is not an exception o. Is a matter of right and wrong o.

    8. it was a prank by pulse tv.they were interviewed nd the guy did they were raising awareness on gender equality (that women can propose too but Africans are against it). so make una no break una head on top this matter.

    9. These desperate girls need to stop all these nonsense. If she also going to pay his groom price?

    10. Now it's clear that it was you Stella that begged your husband to marry you.

  2. This is rubbish,these girls should stop already.if everything vanish in this world culture gat no where to go

  3. This is rubbish,these girls should stop already.if everything vanish in this world culture gat no where to go

  4. hmm... but are they evil? how hard is it 2 say YES, then in private u cancel it.. useless men & lady

    1. Why is he compelled to say yes? He doesn't want her for a wife full stop.
      You ask why he is leading her along right? When you see a guy that is into you you will know and he won't even wait for you to propose. Most of this girls proposing up and down, it's because the men are saying nothing and instead of giving themselves brain and working away, they go the shameful route.

      If you feel a man is unserious with you after some period of dating, nne move on and if he comes back for you find out what he truly wants.

    2. Please get the dictionary meanings of CONFIDENCE and DESPERATION. Don't mix them up okay.

    3. Na u go still abuse the man say "He is not a man of his words"

  5. I like confident women who take the bull by the horn. But she shouldn't have done this publicly when she wasn't sure what the guy's reaction would be. Well, all the same, I admire her confidence level.

    1. And see the kind shame her confidence brought her. Abeggi I would rather become an aunty gwegs than propose to a man. What rubbish, that's how they will go and be disgracing their entire clan.

  6. These women will never learn. SMH

  7. Every girl at certain age is ready for marriage,not all men at any age is ready for marriage!

    Girls should stop this shit!😎

    1. Well said, dearie, you couldn't have said it any better. I concur with your opinion.

  8. This girls go just dey fall their hand. Girls abeg allow the guys propose and if they don't, abeg date another guy. We Nigeria men get as we take dey.A word is enough for the wise.

  9. Nigerian ladies, stop embarrassing yourselves.

  10. Jesus! Stella what you say?! Ovonokome!

    See enh if my brother accepts one rubbish proposal from any lady, I will "dis-brother" him. Abegi make I hear! Which nonsense westernized mentality is this?

    Ladies should stop this nonsense mbok. Stoppet.

    1. Thank you!
      Stella, our Nigerian brothers are not backward. It is simply not right according to biblical injunction!

  11. What is this madness?
    When will it stop?
    Why will some women venture the path of disgracing themselves and their families by proposing to a man?
    It doesn't make you western, it makes you appear stupid, silly and desperate.

    Any woman considering this should better kill the idea.

    What a man can do, a woman can do better should not be applicable to everything. Know your place. Wait for the ring or move on if its not coming. C'mon!

  12. If he is not ready nkor? Shebi women too have been rejecting marriage proposals since 1900. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Mcheeew

  13. Na wa...Girls it's time we borrow sense oh. This is Still Nigeria and not America. Ha

  14. Anything to trend..: nonsense

  15. This is Mc Macopolo jor, the prank master. Pulse Tv pranks.

  16. These are just the few we that made it to the internet, do u know how many occur behind closed doors? The desperation point has gotten to a 100 degree fahrenheit! It takes a whole lot of guts to go on bended knee to propose, with lots of rehearsal before time, saying No or walkin away is just downright degrading... at least smile n accept, then reject later in private, thats courtsey!

    1. Hian does it change anything? I don't even know which will hurt more, saying yes in public and saying no in private after we've had 3 good rounds of hot gbenshing due to excitement? Aarrrgh just kukuma disgrace me in public. Ladies need to stop this madness mbok.

    2. Hian does it change anything? I don't even know which will hurt more, saying yes in public and saying no in private after we've had 3 good rounds of hot gbenshing due to excitement? Aarrrgh just kukuma disgrace me in public. Ladies need to stop this madness mbok.

  17. Like seriously so this girl no get shame...hissss

  18. so after proposing dear Nigerian Woman, will you pay your bride price?

  19. This is madness, real madness

  20. Stella forget Nigeria mentality. I'm among those who think it is wrong for a lady to propose to a guy. Call me old fashion i don't care. The Bible say he who finds a wife.... Not she who finds a husband.
    Though I feel this current one is a prank. They also want to trend.

  21. If this is true, then it's the stupidest thing any woman will do. No woman dares this BS with me. You dey mad ni?

    1. If you see a woman going an extra mile to propose to a guy is bcoz she has seen something in his account. No sane lady will go proposing to a broke brother. Now my question is how much dey your account wey person go waste her time and energy to propose to you? Abeg gerrarahia

  22. This story is fake madam Stella. She offended the guy and was apologising on her knees. So a woman cannot kneel down in peace again... she is proposing.

  23. PulseTV prank, calm down people.

  24. Seriously, they should stop all this rubbish Biko, what's with all this girl's proposing

  25. We are still in nigeria, lets behave ourselves

  26. See public disgrace, abeg ladies should respect themselves.. .... What about trying the guy inside house or on top show, if his respon is NO borrow sense and walk away simple.

  27. Ehn ehn stella that one no follow at all. We are Africans and no matter how much educated and enlightened we are some of our culture will continue to be deep rooted in us. you propose to my brother I use mouth finish, you my sister propose to a brother I go still use mouth finish your destiny. What rubbish is this? How did we get to this point?

  28. And one foolish girl will still be nursing the idea. You have lost your self respect once he says "NO". This one is in Yaba, make the girl enter the market and sow shame veil to cover herself. Ndi ala.

  29. Lols😂
    This so funny..after seeing what happened to first lady,she still did the same thing...

  30. Public proposals seem cheesy whichever gender is taking the initiative. This woman could have taken her rejection in private and kept her dignity, well this is just a minor blip, she'll get over it in due season. Make she sorry.

  31. Public proposals seem cheesy whichever gender is taking the initiative. This woman could have taken her rejection in private and kept her dignity, well this is just a minor blip, she'll get over it in due season. Make she sorry.

  32. Just when you think Stella is making sense, she comes up with statements like the one above. Doesn't a guy deserve to say no? Must we always follow the western culture in order to be relevant to everyone else? How about our own culture? What is backward about saying no?


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