Stella Dimoko Thursday Spontaneous Post...


Thursday, December 28, 2017

Thursday Spontaneous Post...

#thursday #beautifulthingshappening #idontrememberyouhelloooooo #theheartisnotsosmart #lookingforablogbootolastallof2018 #vacancy #thankyoubaba #babayourockyouknowyourself #wordsofenouragementtoliftsomeoneisgreaterthansilverordiamonds #aintgotnothingifiaintgotyou #idontmakeresolutions #countdown #love #beautifulcityoflights #uncodethecodes...#amouagenotlancome

Good Morning People!!!

Today no rants,I am just gonna celebrate all the wonderful people that life has brought my way....

Baba thank you for the words you say to me when you call....I know you will be reading this and I just want you to know that your passion for Benevolence towards people you do not know is rare......your kind words is proof that God knows what he was painting when he sent you this Blogs ways....Thank you!

On the Job post,I think it would be nice if it is posted after all this celebrations..When work really begins....lets say the beginning of the second week in January?...That should give you all time to get your CV's in good shape.
If you have more tips or any tips at all to getting the CV right,please send it in for a post....Thank you.

Do we have any fantastic faces of in house news?Someone will bless me today (hopefully)and i hope to bless someone today as well..

Also,Yesterday I won 100k on a game on Instagram and i am still so excited cos i have never won anything..Most people see me as having too much (Thank God for his blessings)and always overlook me when it comes to giving...

All my life i give and never receive so the win last night means everything to

The Chronicles folder ti empty

I am typing with a little difficulty cos yesterday i closed my hand somewhere mistakenly and it is now somewhat swollen and hurts......

Have a blessed Wednesday and remember that Choosing to love despite negativity is beautiful decision.

I love you!



  1. Thursday already? Lord help me in 2018, it must be a very fruitful year for us

    *Larry was here*

    1. Stella please can the job post be on 31st December..

      If we wait till second week, most vacancies would have been taken as work resumes on first week.

      Please put this into consideration...

      A fruitful Thurday to us all.

      I await the job post like kilode, my story must change this 2018


      Thank you 'baba' for blessing lives on here

    2. Dear Stella, I love you!!!

    3. Good morning every one.hard luck Stella,you will be fine.
      So yesterday I watched miss Africa,it was so adorable seeing Donald Duke performing with his daughter Xerona. This family reminds me of Obama' so nice

    4. Stella congrats on your win. It feels so good to win something no matter how small.

      May God's blessings never depart from us.

  2. If you wanna talk to your babe and you have only N2 in your phone and you don't wanna flash her to avoid the impression of being broke,
    Just call her and say in a harsh voice "So you think I won't find out abi?"
    End the call....balance well...cross your short legs and wait for her call. 3mins is too long bro
    Good Morning Good People Of This Blog.

    Your comment will be visible after approval

  3. Every spirit that will make you to see your breakthrough and will not allow you live to enjoy it; may the fire of God silent such spirit In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen

  4. Good morning lovelies

    Who noticed Nigerian banks didn't send Christmas message this year?

    So many people have written off 2017,and are already in 2018.Dear lord,i am still in 2017 the crowd has reduced Oya pick up my call😁😁😁😁😁😁

    Bee 10 momma, where is my chicken?
    Love y'all 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

    1. hahahaha He will surely come through for you!

    2. Iya your chicken is still in kano come and collect it.

  5. Good morning beautiful people.... It's another day. Countdown to the new year begins, few more days to go...
    Word for today: Always wear forgiveness like a crown...
    Have a nice day everyone

  6. Morning to everyone,last last i win over dis useless network called airtel,where u shook ur hand@ Stella,sincerely, it good to give out than receive but dis obodo naija don make almost every household be receiver,it is well with us all,do ve a nice day lovelies

  7. Congratulations to you Stella, my former boss told me that we hardly give people that are rich any gift and it do pain them, but if you give them little gift, they will appreciate it as if it's bigger than that. So since then, when someone do give me things, I appreciate in my own little way as well.

    *Larry was here*

  8. Replies
    1. I looovvveeee harmattan. Sorry dear

    2. harmattan sex is sweet

    3. We are on the same boat. I have cattarrh, sneezing non stop, itchy ear and eyes. And the worst part is that everywhere is dusty. The harmattan shld do and go joor.

      This year is almost coming to and end, Lord bring forth all my delayed blessings to usher me into the new year.

      My people una good morning.

    4. I love harmattan just that it cattrarrh is top notch

  9. Yaaaaaay!! Thank God its thursday! Countdown to 2019... Stella pele.

  10. Sorry about your hand Stella, it'll heal with time, and congrat on the money you won.
    God bless you.

    Your comment will be visible after approval

  11. Good morning good people of SDKB...

    I'm at work just for today, na till 2018 be that.

    Sorry Stella, your hand will be fine in no time. Pelee and Congrats too. Enjoy...

    Have a blessed day people.

  12. Morning darling!
    Where is Omotola, Ibukun and Miss Priya?

  13. Good morning stella love. Today is soo cold and lovely. May God grant us knowledge

  14. Good morning all.

    What has Lagos become of recent? Refuse dump on major roads, heap of garbage at every T-junction. Traffic gridlock is not just caused by the commercial bus drivers in Lagos, refuse dumps now play a major role.

    Am I the only one noticing this?

    Stella, no vex say I call you yesterday ooooo, na over happiness dey worry me. Abeg no vex.

    1. Ambode did not take environmental sanitation very serious. The day they stopped the every month sanitation was the day dirtiness took over from him

      *Larry was here*

    2. Oh Bhaykins was the guy that called. Stella Kork biko forgive him but you should know one or 2 things about human management na.

      If someone calls you shouting and breathing hard, allow the person to talk, if possible for long so you hear "everything".
      They came with open - angry mind, the ones that will not call go behind to do amebo and rubbish your name. Come back to hail you unnecessarily. Which do you prefer? Less for the wrong time of calling which was wring.

      Few male bvs are here, don't let this one fly away.

  15. Stella I have not said it before.. But just know that I love you and indeed you have a heart of a mother, you are one woman that never allow her anger over certain thing to linger on. God will continue to bless and increase you. Compliments of the season. Have fun!


  16. Sorry about your hand Stella. Pele.
    Now that ive changed my name here it feels good. Lol

    1. Lol....Na d same rope tie us😂😂😂😂 changing name gives a kinda cool feeling.😂😂😂😂😂

  17. Good morning oo... I am here for Martins aboy... Martins thank you so much for yesterday via YouTube stuff.. Now I can save whatever I want... Ur a nice somebody ooo, ur gf must be a lucky girl oo side eyes @bvs 😆😆eeh Martins pls if I want to save through YouTube is dere a way I can change it to English...becos they are speaking another language for me..thanks in advance.

    1. Martins na chick magnet na...
      The guy de intimidate me.. using computer village charm to win babes.

    2. Hello Dear..

      1) When you go to youtube with your Browser;sign in first of all..

      2) scroll down to the bottom of the page and you would see language;select the language of your choice and save..


    3. Thanks for this info @Martins.

    4. Martins really sounds like a nice guy and I hope he gets a good lady too.
      I was able to get back to SDK blog when I saw his explanation on downloading VPN app.
      Thanks so much Martins a boy.

  18. Good morning all. Thank God for a new day.

  19. Good morning Everyone and congratulations to you Stella, you deserve it.

  20. Good morning oo.. Pls beloved or Martins Wetin be pin u will use n Recharge airtel they will give 3gb with 1k Bikonu

    1. @Anon 18:16,kindly Dial *144# then select "1" from the screenprompt as displayed....


  21. Goodmorning beautiful people.had my most embarassing moment yesterday,Wanted to slay for the Malay guys in the villa but i ended up having apollo(conjuctivitis) throughout the festive season,.

    Village people=1

  22. This harmattan be making my throat dry thereby giving me sore throat

    1. Sore throat can be an infection . It can be lots of things but not the weather . Check yourself

    2. makin my own pussy wet and dry at the same time

  23. It's a good day ,all thanks to God

  24. Sorry about your hand Stella.
    Inter tribal marriage isn't easy o,I'm in Edo state for my sis in-laws wedding and everyone is speaking the same language apart from me. Just looking like mumu,hubby is running around finalising things. I hate being in this type of condition, I like to relate but I'm so handicapped here.

  25. Dear lord I know u've been so great and kind, but please attend to my case. Ireti pipe o fa irewesi okan

  26. Good morning. But I sent in my chronicle last night. Please post it today ’ehear’

  27. Sorry nne about your hand. Today is Thursday

  28. Congratulations Stella
    It feels good to be blessed

  29. Hello everyone..... Harmattan be doing me strong thing over here😂😂😂

    Congratulations on your winning sdk.... May you continue to win forever amen and sorry about your hand

  30. The day is bright and fair.
    Stella sorry about your hand and congrats on your win. Ermmmm dont forget me as regards the job post, I'm still searching for a good job.

  31. Count down to 2018 yes! Stellastico sorry for your hand me sef I hit my hand somewhere and my little finger is swollen happen sometimes!

  32. Compliments of the season bv. Santa came for me. Oooh i cried yestaday and after crying i felt really good. Please help me thank my santa he came for us after I had already given up on santa. Thank you so much Sdk for making this miracle happen for us. I bought my mum the walking frame yesterday, now she can walk around the house. To say am happy will be an understatement I am super excited. Now we can gently go to therapy with ease. Thank you my Santa,God bless you sir for putting a smile on my mothers face. Guys help me thank my Santa and SDK please

  33. Thank you Lord for everything you keep doing for me. Who am I that you're mindful of me?
    Stella, sorry for the pain you feel you'd be okay in no time.
    Martins Aboy pls how do I get an ID? I use an iPhone. Had asked before but I guess you didn't see it. Urgent pls!

    1. @Anon 08:52;Didnt see it dear..

      To get a blog ID;CLICK HERE and follow the procedure gradually

      Or use this link below:


  34. Good morning and kisses from the hinterland. Cool environment, cool weather. I loooooovvvveeee Dissemba, ceremonies berekete.

    All the men are about leaving for the family meeting,young and old,so the women have a free day today. No waka and I got time today.
    Kikikiki. It's gisting day.

    Waiting for big red akara and hot pap to swallow, then continue to flanjor with gadgets. The young ones will face their viewing room and all of dem will continue watching films.

    Stella Kork...Pele, next time you have flu, get some chicken breasts and drumsticks, pieces them and make pepper soup with it. Enough pepper and mint leaf if you got it and take it piping hot. The 'marrow' of chicken is home remedy for flu.
    Anyone having issues with harmattan nose(?), rub Mentholatum not ROBB in your nose and walk around feeling like you're inside an aircontiditioned basement. Una doooh.

    No time make I go chuola oyi uguru first before akara go finish, na from fire dem dey collect here. Too many mmadus.

    Happy Uguru to y'all. See ya later.

    1. Hahahaha 😁. Enjoy oh!
      Akara and Akamu is bae!
      Kiss lo and behold for me

    2. Amanda...hahaha. I will thanks.
      Merry ekeresimesi

  35. psyllium husk 0708946162128 December 2017 at 08:58

    Good morning people,My God of over will do wonders.
    There is still time for his miracles in 2017.
    Hope there will be jobs for people in Ibadan.
    Pushing it lord,5 days to go.

  36. Good morning 😊 everyone
    Stella sorry for your hand,tell mr korkus to massage it now 😉
    Congrats on your winning,LMAO 😁 @ everybody assuming you're rich and don't need money.
    Celebrations everywhere
    Bye 🙋 everyone

  37. Good morning haters/lovers,
    I'm just angry this morning , can you imagine , the babe I sent flight money from abj to lag is now giving me excuse for not making it, woooo, if you don't come down ehn, I will expose you on this blog,I met you here via the last single mingle , just tell me you are just an hungry ,starving young lady that's need 20k instead of deceiving me . chai , see my harmattan plan Don cast . painful

    1. Grow up already, you sound like a kid.

      Un top 20k we no go hear for you this early morning.

      If you had given that money to your relations them for pray for you untop am.

      Your plan never start cast set...

    2. He doesn't just sound like a kid, more like a retard. Screaming because I gave a girl cash to come f*** u.
      Don't u have self respect?

    3. You had 'harmattan plans' ? Oh wow
      Maybe that's why.

    4. See this one of, so for your mind flight from ABJ to lag na 20k?even before this festive period Arik was 30 something.God is good bus self na 15,500 to Lagos. Nonsense, do for your mind now you don give better money. Yeye

  38. It sure feels good when you win something.

    I'm I the only one still working?...I jump and pass this job come 2018.

    Good morning lovely people.

  39. good morning beautiful people.. Hehehehe, this Harmattan nor be small o!

    @Mrs Korkus.. Your not alone, I've never won anything in my life before as well and nor be say i geh money o *hehehe*😀 .. Dat fact discourages me to bother to participate in anything game at all sef

    Y'all av a lovely Thursday!

  40. Congratulations to you Mrs korkus .. I will start trying my luck too .. Hehehehe 😀😀


  42. Good morning everyone, congrats Stella, wish I could also win something

  43. I'm sooo eager to get into 2018. This year has been so challenging for me, gosh!!

    Stella, congrats ma'am. Hope your hand gets better quickly. Sorry about that.

  44. Good morning Stella,and sorry about your hand. Congrats on the winning too. Me sef, I've never won anything before so I can imagine your feeling.. Enjoy.
    @martins boy, keep up the good work. You're too kind

  45. Winning feels good. U are already a winner SDK,may ur hand free u on time.

    I saw a guy with a nose ring today so I was just looking @ him cos it's my first time of seeing such. Fashion I guess?

  46. It feels good to be back on SDK blog,hi Stella and everyone


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