Stella Dimoko President of Nigerian Bar Association Addresses The Brouhaha Of Lady Who Was Not Called Because She Covered up



Saturday, December 16, 2017

President of Nigerian Bar Association Addresses The Brouhaha Of Lady Who Was Not Called Because She Covered up

President of Nigerian Bar Association A. B Mahmoud, following the Hijab controversy sparked, has addressed the issue sharing photos of his daughter in New York.

If the Hajib was not the problem,WHY WAS SHE NOT CALLED TO BAR?what was her crime?We need to know in case of next time..
If this lady was treated unjustly then they should call her to bar!! 


  1. If this will make them stop wearing that ancient stone age wig and gown, better sef.
    But rules are rules for now until they are amended or changed.

    1. The picture she took inside the courtroom doesn't prove she was at a ceremony.

    2. One thing they need to understand is that we dint inherit the wig wearing from Americans but from England who are the ones that colonized us
      Secondly if we are to follow everyone's religion then the whole place would turn to something else, now imagine a catholic wearing his rosary outward, or his scapular, or a deeper life dressing in their long skirts or the Lords chosen wearing their vest, now everywhere would look stupid
      Thirdly if rev sisters who were called by God can leave their caps and gowns for 3hours cus the colors are not acceptable then no one else has a right to disobey, no be she love God pass
      Muslims always like making things difficult, they make you do things to please them, they can hardly accommodate people yet they prefer people bending over back ward for them

  2. He did not even address the issue squarely

    The ladies up there are not wearing "wig on a wig" and they're not in Nigeria

    So because of religion someone will just come out and start breaking the law?
    Unless the girl that was not called to bar was not pre informed about not wearing hijab
    But if she knew and still went ahead to wear hijab,then she's a fool and she just wasted her father's money..

    1. God bless you for this comment

    2. Gbam..
      How can I struggle to pass something as hard as law exams and 4 hours without hijab will prevent me from being called to bar. Na she sabi

    3. What usesless law? Are you a Nigerian like so? There is no laid down law anywhere against the use of hijab by the body of benchers

    4. BTW, any Muslimah who knows her religion knows it's mandatory to wear the hijab (cover her body up properly) outside. That some Muslims don't know or choose to act western doesn't make it right.

      I read the first post on this issue here and the Islamophobic comments on it were alarming. I wasn't surprised thou since most of the BVs here are Igbos and most Igbos are tribalistic and hate Muslims no matter how much they tryna hide it. But that shows the kinda people yall truly are. You have no humanity in you if you are religious intolerant and ethnic bigoted. You are worst than an animal if you cannot tolerate other people's religions, tribes and differences.

    5. Eesah go and read up and stop getting unnecessarily worked up.

    6. They are just stupid. ..Even @Buharis daughter did not wear hijab when she was called to bar last year... So why is this girl SHOUTING mbok?


    7. @EeSah.. .look at you? Just hear yourself

      Get a life unam. Ikot

      Lost sheep


      Una know we're una dey do una gragra.. ...bring am come Calabar and See Me treat your fuck up.. Unam ikot mkpo


    8. What is essah saying?? I dislike sentimental people who want to use religion to blindside people and play victims. What tribalistic comments where there?? Is this a tribe thing?? Are we talking tribe or religion??? You want us to not follow the way things are done becaus you are Muslims?? Why exactly?? Isn't Buhari daughter a Muslim?? Didn't you see her call to bar picture?? Last time I checked your quaran asked your hair to be covered and bodies and the wig covers the hair perfectly. So what are you on about??

      In trying to act like you are not a religious bigot, you just showed how bigoted you are.

    9. @EESAH, it's ur kind that draw ur Nigeria back. U people think u can just do whatever u like and get away with it. The law is clear; separation of state and religion. If she didn't know this, her years in law school was a waste. I'm full bloodied Igbo and I don't even know why you people insist on us being part of your country.

    10. @EESAH, what concenrs Igbo on this? Is the NBA chairman Igbo or what? Honestly, this your comment showed how bigoted you are. No need of exchanging words with a fanatics like you.

    11. I hate when they are talking one thing and then you bring another, wetin concern Igbo inside the matter? So rev sisters they were called by God do not love their religion? The lords chosen do not love their vest? Why are Muslims so difficult, they make people do things to please them and simple instruction they can't obey. I am happy that at the end of the day she dint attend, next time bring sentiments, since the six years she spent means nothing to her

  3. He has not addressed the situation yet.
    Pictures are not good enough...
    Are they practicing the United States Bar Constitution?

    Maybe this whole situation will call for a revisit of a lot of things we adopted from the white man.
    Iff they want to inject a little of both culture and religion into their dress code.. They need to state it categorically.

    She is apparently fighting for a cause which should include all religious groups in the country and how they been mandated to dress!
    How did she attend the dinners prior to the Call to Bar ceremony? I understand that covers of any form isn't allowed.
    From the look of things, they will never address this matter properly for fear of being excommunicated, but truth be told.. She just started a revolution. It was her intention all along.
    My question is: Will other types of religions and their unique ways of dressing be considered? Because from the way they are changing mouth, it is glaring that this will soon become a norm in the Nigerian call to Bar constitution and this babe might just be getting a presidential handshake. Lol

    1. Ma'am, you write well. Word@ She just started a revolution. It was her intention all along.

    2. I am telling you. And someone like Essay will see it as religion Abhorrence.

  4. He did not address any issue here. Why should he be comparing the America and Nigeria bar (and still saying nothing tangible).
    For the sake of clarity, he should pen address this matter properly with constitutional reasons.

    1. She's just a fanatic, she knows what she was doing and that's just how these Muslims are, and the man talking is he speaking of England Cus the last time I checked we weren't colonized by America

  5. Oh well, are they going to also let deeper life people wear their khaki in a skirt form? The lady up there wasn't wearing a robe and wig. Would have preferred a picture of her in that and the hijab

    1. Also allow the Jehovah witness people to stop our national Anthem from been song and other various religious groups with the diverse rules. My simple advice to NBA stick to your standard and don't compromise.

  6. We all saw Zara's pictures when she was called to bar, she is a Muslim. New York bar is different from ours. If this happened to the daughter of a poor guy who sacrificed all to put his kid through school there will be no noise. Those ranting today won't say a word. l don't know why she wasn't called to the bar but it's sickening when those who choose to be mute when the poor are mistreated start ranting over a rich kid.

    Josephine the great

    1. Na @Zahra sister..... @Zahra no get brain to study law.. Lol


  7. I won't waste my precious time educating suppose learned men onthe need to respect laws.

    "no wig on wig!"

  8. How is this addressing the issue?? Which of the ladies there are wearing gown and wig??

    The rule is no wig on wig. No cap underneath a wig. Don't come and play with our intelligence

    Unless you are saying Nigerians will stop using wig on their call to bar day or totally.

  9. This mahmood is a confusionist. What is he trying to say? The LPA says the ceremonial wig should not be worn on another wig which includes a scarf, and its a well known fact that on the call to bar day, the mode of dressing is: white and black, the wig on your natural hair, no dangling earrings, and minimal makeup. No dreadlocks, no scarf or hijab. Nba president is a hypocrite.

    1. How are you, Nina? Long time.

    2. Serious confusionist. US is not Nigeria. They have their rules and we have ours. Can he go to court (except the magistrate court) without his wig and gown as it's done in the US? You don't need to be admitted to Bar in your wig and gown in the US reason why his daughter is dressed that way. You follow the rules of a profession and not whip up unnecessary sentiments. She could have covered her hair with that small cap they use but noooo she decided to wear hijab.

  10. They must call her to bar. Nothing is gonna stop that. Not in this Nigeria where over 60% of her population are Muslims. Ain't a thing anyone can do about it. This issue has been unjustly pushed beneath the carpet for long and Firdau's case will bring an end to it.

    Nothing wrong in her call out and advocacy. She ain't doing anything wrong by asking that the Constitution of the land he followed! By advocating against discrimination!

    There is no laid down rule anywhere against the use of hijab by the body of benchers! So why can't she use her hijab? She does not want to disobey her Creator to obey the creation due to one stupid call to bar.. And to think the president of the Nigerian bar is a Muslim and he is trying to shift the attention to please some Nincompoops...

    This bias against Islam and the use of hijab in the law profession is very baseless. This is not about Fridaus, if it were just about her, she could have removed her hijab for just a few hours so she could be called to bar. But it's in the interest of the entire Nigerian Muslims and this gotta stop now!

    1. One stupid call to bar you say? Oya go and call her to bar by yourself na.

    2. You know this is between a Girl and NBA right?
      Not a Muslim girl and NBA???
      The wig is a covering on its own.. So how was she disobeying her creator?

    3. Mstheeeew
      what is this one saying?
      Mr Kayan mata, Errands in Lagos, sex therapist, what are you saying? They should change the laws of the benchers to suit your religion? Issorite.

    4. Maybe you should go and sit down with lawyers and know that they have rules and regulations governing them just the way doctors and other bodies have laws they follow..

      Its a laid down rule which they are reminded of all the time in law schhool
      No wig on wig. It's that easy. Who says you are 60%. Don't bring your tribalistic view here saying there is nothing we can do about it because you feel Muslims should get away with everything. It's this your type of thinking that has made you people feel to entitled in Nigerians, feeling like you own it and it has kept your people poor, underdeveloped and sad . 60% indeed

    5. Mr nobody go and call her to bar na...the law says no wig on wig was she the only Muslim there??same way some churches who don't wear trousers have no choice than to wear khaki she would have just complied..

    6. Kikikiki... DIDIRIN

      You are even @Mr Nobody

      Keep SHOUTING


    7. Yes FAB mom, why you seem pained by the mention of my 60%? Yes you heard right, OVER 60% OF NIGERIA'S POPULATION ARE MUSLIMS. GO FIGURE! GO MAKE YOUR RESERCH. @Chiexotic call to bar is a stupid thing compared to the obedience of her Creator

    8. Eesah @ Not in this Nigeria where over 60% of her population are Muslims. Where did you get that statistics from?

    9. it only means that muslim men na horse one poor girl wears cloth then gown with a wig u still want her to wear hijab to qualify for well dressed you guys should go and check your brain and get a life.

    10. Give me the place you made your research so I go do mine Mr statistics. Keep having your kind of mentality. Keep stunting your growth. This is the reason your growth is limited. Because whatever you people want, Since you can't get it the normal way, you go thru fighting and what not. So even if 60% are Muslims, we should allow you people get away with things other people won't get away with

      Last time I checked, Nigeria is a secular country. Not an Islamic one

      Go chew in that

    11. Eesah is not different from Shakur. No need for argument.

    12. One stupid call to bar? Yet you guys wan die on top...Since its not important then e gboju now!!!

  11. By the way, 90% of the most tribalistic BVs or comments to ever grace this blog are Igbos. From Linda Eze, down to Money Maker, Fan Emmanuel and Chike etc. But when Don Mayor had enough of it and started paying them back in their own coin, they went to report him to Stella. Same people that cheer each other on when they are bashing other tribes or religion. Don't you see that some people have a problem? Not like I support Don Mayor or anyone who decides to be tribalistic, but don't dish out what you can't take.

    Listen, you are the worst of creatures if you are tribalistic and cannot respect other people's faith. You cannot live and let live.

    #I don commot for here

    1. Mr Nobody just shut up! You seem pretty hungry this morning and direct need of attention. Ibos are not ready to get messy with you! So we just going to ignore

    2. Eesah but on this particular post, you have succeeded in showing you are not just a tribalistic person but also a religious bigot. You have deep rooted issues with the Igbo people.

    3. Hahahahahaha, go and hug wet transformer oga. Igbos don't have your time.

    4. Fuck off and don't come back here!
      Foolish extremist

    5. Ohhh shut it and get out of here jor. Too much brainless talk. Reason before you talk.

  12. They should do the needful asap...

  13. Coming from one that spreads mat on any post that has to do with christians... You are in their category if not worse.
    Are you not the same Eesah that would type unspeakable things on posts about Christians again? Or this is not the Kayanmata guy? I am confused here!!!
    Until you all realise that our problem is not about US as individual people from different tribes and religion.. We will keep throwing stones.
    I came on this blog and realised that The Tribal/Religious war in Nigeria is real.

    Opened the first post about this Hijab lady and was ashamed at how people left the discussion at hand and started typing unspeakable things about Islam.

    No one should even ask me why I haven't called anyone to order.. I have tried in the past. I realized I didn't give birth to anyone of you here neither I’m I the blog owner. I don’t sleep here either to monitor comments and will never take that task.

    1. Exactly.

      Last time I checked, this isn't even a tribal post, but how he has made it about tribe baffles me.. Thus isn't even a religious war. This is a matter of the law and NBA but yet they find a way to bring their bigoted attitude to everything..

      Its even more baffling when a bigoted person is on about calling another person out. The hypocrisy.

    2. Listen, for the records, I am never tribalistic or criticize Christianity for no reason. When ever l speak about Christianity, l only speak against the religious mumigiousity aspect of it. The sheeples and blind followers. Same way it is when I speak about Islam. You know same way there are many Christian mumus, that's how there are many Muslim mumus. I speak against both whenever I can. You can go check my old posts and comments and figure. I have too many Christian friends and relatives to be Christian intolerant. Heck, I can't even be a Muslim if I do not believe in Jesus Christ and love Him, so how can I be Christian hating?

    3. You these two women, when your brothers and sisters were being tribalistic/Islamophobic and blasting Islam on the first post earlier in the week, you both didn't speak up cause you were enjoying it, now you've suddenly found your voice since I'm speaking about tribalism and religious intolerance amongst you. Says a lot about you too.

    4. You just described yourself Eeasah... If that is what you call enjoyment.. Please have fun🙌🙌
      Some of us need to either read posts after work or weekends... but you won’t understand this would you? This is your office.
      When your veins have stopped bursting, Read my last two paragraphs again.

  14. Look, I'm a proud Muslim. And let me tell you that not wearing hijab for one day will NOT take you to hell. Hijab is not what will take you to Eden. There are ways apart from a veil to cover up. She's complaining about nothing.

    1. It's because you don't know much about your religion, that's why you think so. Do yourself a favour and go get some Islamic knowledge

    2. @ Anonymous 13:02 because you decide to cover or not does not mean that Firdaus cannot fight for her own right. The way you understand Islam is different from the way she understands Islam.
      People like you are what is wrong with Islam and Muslims. The prophet (SAW) said if you don't have anything good to say it is better to keep silent.

      BTW to those claiming no wig on wig. The hijab is not a wig, no be wig make una hear na cloth. If they say no cloth on wig or something like that then we can continue the conversation.
      At anonymous May Allah forgive all the Muslim ummah for what we say that we didn't know was bad and what we know that was bad but we decided to still say it for whatever reason. Amin

  15. Firdaus was called to the bar in that her name was read out with all others. She was not allowed access to the hall of the ceremony because her dressing (hijab) was deemed improper and her behaviour shouting and disrupting the ceremony was disallowed.

  16. Nigeria follows the British system not American
    Americans do not robe


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