Happy New week to everyone...I just dey Observe.
rom now on In house news is no holds barred.....
Do you know what a clean cuss out is?LOL
Have a nice day,I am at the Docs right now checking that the privates is in good shape......Will talk about it tomorrow in Spontaneous post.
rom now on In house news is no holds barred.....
Do you know what a clean cuss out is?LOL
Have a nice day,I am at the Docs right now checking that the privates is in good shape......Will talk about it tomorrow in Spontaneous post.
Stella Sweetie,
Finally summoned courage to send my pic for FOIHN as a foine babe that I am...I won't say "I hope I qualify", I know I over qualified...
God bless you for the beautiful work you do and the lives you're touching. Bigger you I pray...
See how you just littered every where with ya beauty eh!!!
Hello Stella. Compliments of the season.
Seeing alot of baby pictures and they are so cute. Here is mine for your eyes only but if you decide to post sha don't reveal my identity
LOL...I decide to post oh..I hope she is not on your DP
Pls Stella keep me private pls.
I have being crying and asking myself and God question since morning.I have been married for fifteen years now without a child.Had ectopic pregnancy in 2008 and since then I couldn't conceive!
My hubby has being the most amazing partner since this ttc journey!But I came close to conception in 2015 but it ended in tears and also I missed my period in my last cycle and upon all the precautionary measures I took,I resigned my job and stayed indoors to avoid stress and all what have u not,still I lost it this morning. I hid It till we came back from church becos I had the faith that the devil want to stop me from receiving my new month blessing and joy.
On my hubby sighting the blood,all life and joy flew away from our house.
He has being moody and acting like someone died and me,I have being crying and burning inside.Pls anyone reading should pray for me,am loosing my mind and I feel like running away but to where?I don't know!My story is long,I just need prayers now,when I am stable,I will bring all the story!Thank you all and Thank you Stella.
Oh dear,this is really sad but dont give up on God.....
Whilst you wait,why dont you adopt a new born child and nurse the baby?it will help you greatly,trust me on this!!!
"Are you really anonymous?"
That was the question that asked bvs sometime back in the midnight open post(if I am correct). #Smiles
That's the reason I opened a new email.
Hello Stella. Your blog is a comforter. Especially for people like me. My go-to-and-be-merry site.
I don't really know if I want this message posted. But seeing I'd eventually turn to fellow bvs (I am a frequent guest) for help, I might have no choice.
My life n of my family is a chronicle. Some days I hope to write a book on.
Stella, my family is cursed, a generational curse that has a root from my dad (so EVERY pastors who my sisters have visited were told).
My progress in life is so slow even a tortoise wouldn't envy.
My dad was a Christian before he became a Muslim.
My parents wasn't too keen about religion practises but rather on discipline and being educated. So it wasn't a bigger deal when we spent the weekends (no sleep over) at the Catholic Church with the reverend sisters of my missionary school. Primary and secondary.
My dad is late, who is married to 2 wives, that the ones left after series of divorce.
Due to some BURDEN which only required a mother's care, one of my divorce step mum was asked back to the family house. That step mum Stella, is doing us. Add that to the "revelation" that my dad put his hands into. From him bury Things in the ground to having a oracle that needs constant care.
These two things has made the family house a ground zero (or almost) for my elderly one.
I have prayed to God never to step feet in a fortune teller or 'herbalist' shrine.
It seems to work well for my elderly once but I know the end run of such things. Even though the door it for protection n success.
I know some one or even you might think, " it's always the step mum that the blame it on abi? ".
The BURDEN I talked about previously is another story/tale that would only seem out of a Nigerian movie.
Plus, I want to go anonymous for now.
The help I seek is a reference to a good, I mean a really good n truthful man of God. Not a 'Man of sheeples'.
NOT ONE Who would run at spiritual attacks after hearing my matter. (I'm talking from previous fact).
Honestly, my dads side of the whole fracas is child's play compared to the OTHER factor. A lesser of two evils as they say.
Imagine my life like a wedding reception, where guest are served jollof rice, front to back n ME sitting right at the middle. Then just before it gets to my turn, the jollof rice gets finished. Then another set started to serve from the back, then it gets finished. Likewise from both sides. Yeah.
'Ah!', right?
That's my life.
That's all I can say for now.
If you think it's worthy of being posted, I beg u to BEG bvs to please help with reliable information on how to reach out to someone with a high authority from GOD.
My life is every SDK chronicle all joined together as one.
I'm not asking for a hand down. I need a lasting solution please.
For those who might suggest about TB Joshua, do they know how hard, it is to see him? My sisters have tried, tried n tried. Yes, they've been to SCOAN on many occasions.
I need a deliverance cleansing. A thorough one at that. I need help please.
This is a cry for help!!!
Please drop suggestions for him on which Church to attend...Thank you.
"Are you really anonymous?"
That was the question that asked bvs sometime back in the midnight open post(if I am correct). #Smiles
That's the reason I opened a new email.
Hello Stella. Your blog is a comforter. Especially for people like me. My go-to-and-be-merry site.
I don't really know if I want this message posted. But seeing I'd eventually turn to fellow bvs (I am a frequent guest) for help, I might have no choice.
My life n of my family is a chronicle. Some days I hope to write a book on.
Stella, my family is cursed, a generational curse that has a root from my dad (so EVERY pastors who my sisters have visited were told).
My progress in life is so slow even a tortoise wouldn't envy.
My dad was a Christian before he became a Muslim.
My parents wasn't too keen about religion practises but rather on discipline and being educated. So it wasn't a bigger deal when we spent the weekends (no sleep over) at the Catholic Church with the reverend sisters of my missionary school. Primary and secondary.
My dad is late, who is married to 2 wives, that the ones left after series of divorce.
Due to some BURDEN which only required a mother's care, one of my divorce step mum was asked back to the family house. That step mum Stella, is doing us. Add that to the "revelation" that my dad put his hands into. From him bury Things in the ground to having a oracle that needs constant care.
These two things has made the family house a ground zero (or almost) for my elderly one.
I have prayed to God never to step feet in a fortune teller or 'herbalist' shrine.
It seems to work well for my elderly once but I know the end run of such things. Even though the door it for protection n success.
I know some one or even you might think, " it's always the step mum that the blame it on abi? ".
The BURDEN I talked about previously is another story/tale that would only seem out of a Nigerian movie.
Plus, I want to go anonymous for now.
The help I seek is a reference to a good, I mean a really good n truthful man of God. Not a 'Man of sheeples'.
NOT ONE Who would run at spiritual attacks after hearing my matter. (I'm talking from previous fact).
Honestly, my dads side of the whole fracas is child's play compared to the OTHER factor. A lesser of two evils as they say.
Imagine my life like a wedding reception, where guest are served jollof rice, front to back n ME sitting right at the middle. Then just before it gets to my turn, the jollof rice gets finished. Then another set started to serve from the back, then it gets finished. Likewise from both sides. Yeah.
'Ah!', right?
That's my life.
That's all I can say for now.
If you think it's worthy of being posted, I beg u to BEG bvs to please help with reliable information on how to reach out to someone with a high authority from GOD.
My life is every SDK chronicle all joined together as one.
I'm not asking for a hand down. I need a lasting solution please.
For those who might suggest about TB Joshua, do they know how hard, it is to see him? My sisters have tried, tried n tried. Yes, they've been to SCOAN on many occasions.
I need a deliverance cleansing. A thorough one at that. I need help please.
This is a cry for help!!!
Please drop suggestions for him on which Church to attend...Thank you.
Binge eating and incessant hunger are two culprit of weight can and a bloated waistline.
Dietitians have discovered that two types of food can keep you full for longer, food that has much fibber and food that has good quantity of healthy fat.
Carbohydrates only increase your glucose level, gives you a high and crashes you back into a perpetual hungry state.
Eating carbs too often gives you a roller coaster moods of short energy bursts and longs drowsiness and lazy /hungry feeling where you crave more sugar and the cycle continues. Eating a diet of more proteins,fibres and healthy fats gives who constant energy, a clear mind and stable hormones and emotions.
This festive season save your self from carb full swallows and Eba,Fufu,akpu etc and invest in psyllium husk to enjoy the wonders of Coconut flour Eba, cauliflower Eba, cabbage Eba, with all your soups.
Diabetes should never keep you from eating swallows, Never!
Dear Stella,
Thanks for your open platform of helping and enlightening your BVs on daily basis, Its a pleasure to be part of this community even though am Anonymous, I love you back to back.
After reading Azura's plea on IHN, I called her for the giveaway, I wanted seeing her and catch her unawares to know if she's is for real or a scammer, she told me to come to Ikpa rd and she picked me up at the school gate, she was reluctant to take me to where she stays but I insisted and when I got to the place I knew why, it was close to a ghetto::...
I saw the lady she stays with carrying her son and I offered to carrying him but he was just cranky and uncomfortable because its hot, I was sweating in less than 5 mins, and I later got to know she cooks in that same room. Oh dear!!!
She explained her ordeals and told me she wrote to you even before the slave trade issue, I saw the scars she sustained couldn't help but be amazed, I also asked why she is doing the giveaway instead of selling, I was made to understand it isn't original gold, its gold steel chains and I saw them, she Bought some quantities to sell, like 20 PCs because its cheap in Libya, they are like for 5k each and she promised God to give out some items to show her appreciation is she survives her ordeal and I paid for the giveaway instantly, we later went to plaza to get a standing fan instantly because of her son.
I also promised to check on her again with lunch and am joining my faith with hers, if you doubt her, you can send any Bv in Uyo for confirmation. Thanks for reading.
I would still like to confirm from other Blog visitor,if any visited her as well cos something rang an alarm in my head concerning this case....
I got too many mails trying to convince me she is real after doubting comments inside in house news.
Hello Stella,
I want to do a #5000 giveaway to 1 person that would love to be in Shiloh ground but don't have enough. Seriously I want someone that really really needs it and can't afford to come to Canaan Land, but this little token will help them come and be blessed
Maybe you choose the person or he / she send me a Dm on IG @bimfem_natural_hairproduct
Thank you and God bless you. I love your interview😘😘
THANKS and God bless you!!
Greetings Stella.
Hope the snow dey allow you see road small small. Lols.
I was strolling on the blog for a few minutes and I saw plenty comments on Saturday gist, as amebo wey I be, I say make I see what is going on there.
I noticed one particular story had plenty votes posted today, out of curiosity, I started clicking on the IDs that voted for this story. Lo and behold, this poster used her blog ids to vote for herself. She would edit her name, vote, go back again, edit it, vote and so on. she used two or more different ids to give herself almost twenty extra votes. Choi!
This is cheating. Considering your clampdown on fraud on the blog, I say make I alert you.
I checked other posters votes, they were not like that.
I know you have a busy schedule, you may have to instruct bv Beloved to go click on all the ids that voted for Bv Falcon's story and see for herself. Here is what I discovered:
Blog ID..........Name that appeared on profile
Mrs Sarah......Asanwa
Mz Iphay........Asanwa
Sir P..............Asanwa
Mhiz Rosey....Asanwa
Mama Ghee....Falcon
Merry mum......Falcon
Princess of sdk........Not available
Pearls and Petals...not available
Lady Blessing.....not available
Florence.............not available
The poster of the story is Bv Falcon.
BV Falcon please defend yourself on this.
And BLOG PA,please go back to count the votes again....Votes on Sunday until 2pm are valid as well...Please do a recount.
This amebo can you please do a check on all those with high votes?
thank you.
Hello Stella, greetings and much love from me. I don't know where this post will fall o! But it has been giving me sleepless night I need the thought and advice of others .
I went to the shop on Saturday and after cleaning I saw my neighbour's 5years old daughter peeing behind my window, while doing that she was crying . I came out and asked her what happened?
She said her veejayjay is paining her. I helped her up and noticed there was blood stains on her pant. I got scared and asked her if she told her mummy she said yes. She left and I went back to my shop to put my self together ,because I knew something was wrong. And I had to find the right way to talk to the mum.
I went to her and told her calmly what I saw,she screamed that her enemies want to kill her. I begged her ti calm down that she was causing unnecessary attention.
She said she took her daughter to the pharmacist that morning,and she was given ibuprofen,canextin cream and antibiotics. I asked what for did something happened? She said,she met her daughter crying and when she asked ,she said her elder sister who by the way is 13years old put her fingers Inside her and also a stick. When she asked her she said its not true that she fell down ,that's why she is crying. She said she beat the girl so hard and also locked her at home and came to the shop.
Stella I was speechless ,I told her beating the sister was not the right way to go about this. She needs the girl to talk because I feel there is more to this. Beating her now ,will make her get defensive and lock up. The woman no gree o! She said she will put pepper in her veejayjay and kill her.
I asked the little girl if she was sure,she insisted that nobody else touches her there but her sister. And that it happens everyday ,while bathing her and also in the room .
I told the woman I will be praying for her family and hope whatever this is God will give her wisdom to handle it.
But this thing is really troubling me. Any ideas how to help this woman.
God help and save our children.
This is so horrible...THE GOVT needs to start putting things in place to protect the girl child and take them away from abusive environment...
This is so scary cos if i had a daughter i would be checking her under pants every second......The happenings all over the World has so affected my mind..Oh Dear!!!
Email of Friday Chronicle Poster.
Hello SDK, I would appreciate if the chronicle poster of Friday can contact me with cherrycindy40@gmail.com. I believe I can help her and also be valuable to her. poster, if you see this, plus contact me.
Here it is. Thanks dear. Love you Stella. Have a super productive day ahead
It's so hard trying to catch up on posts. You miss one day and it's like its impossible to read up all the juicy juice.... still on it tho...
ReplyDeleteHow's your day going lovelies....
JoblessHouseWife please come back... your position is vacant. We miss you.. .
How's our baby Default Smile? Please kiss him for me 😍😍
Lovely day darlings 😘😘😘😘😘😘
Pamela you are so beautiful....
DeleteAnonymous baby... can I just play with your cheeks? I will be gentle I promise...
The TTC lady, I may not be able to understand how you feel but God does. He hasn't forgotten you. He doesn't do incomplete jobs. His blessings bring joy not sorrow. God will answer you ok....
I can totally relate to Stella's suggestion.... it does help a great deal I am soooooo sure.
Tho sorrows may linger, joy will come.. relax darling, your testimony is here
As in Enh...
DeleteSo hard catching up. Well, what did I just read up there? What's my name doing under BV falcon's bouhaha. . I did not vote oo. I was busy eating one Kain plain owambe rice somewhere.
@SUGAR,BV Falcon is a cheat!,she takes your name to bite for herself, people are just too desperate when it comes to money!😎
DeleteSugar shut your dirty smelling mouth, you saw id Sugar you keep quiet, why didn't you protest. All of una na same same thieves.
DeleteYour friend Pipi Lee don carry belle, her mouth is closed. Bloody blog lizards, una cup go full one by one. Falcon is making noise down there, as aunty wey shame no dey her eye.
One person.Emerald,sugar,fresh and petals etc.
Bv Falcon aka Asanwa aka princess of sdk aka Mr P aka 10 other ids.
DeleteNo wonder. They will post a comment here and then use their other ids to hype their comments and praise themselves. Sometimes they use these other ids to agree with whatever points they raised. Bunch of thieves.
Imma just pretend there's a second Pipi on here cos I can't bother my pretty head trying to understand this trash.
DeleteThat baby girl uo there is so beautiful. God bless you cutie.
DeleteBV that is TTC, please stay strong. I just said a prayer for you. May God grant you triple, for all your losses.It isnt easy, but please stay strong.
While us child molestation so high in Nigeria? This is even disheartening, because it is allegedly from a female sibling? That woman needs to get to the root of the matter, even if pepper needs to be involved.
I don't know why any wrong number that calls someone must be an hausa person. I have told you abokis to leave phone and concentrate on cow. Civilization is coming to you people in 2090.
ReplyDeleteLet me see another aboki that will call me again and say "Salam aleku" ka nkita lacha ya anya.
Azzzinn,the thing tire me,pick up and na aboki go dey speak without break 😁😁😁😎
DeleteThey have never ever called me though
DeleteThe group of people I have problem with are the Indians. Why dafuq do they have their brains coulded with sex?? They'd message you on facebook telling you they want to sext with you bla bla bla...
The Aboki call is so true... And the will speak continuously until you say wrong number.
DeleteSometimes they even still call back immediately. Odiegwu mehnnn.
Chike, only few people will understand your plight
DeleteI don suffer for their hand well well
It seems they picked special interest in me
Always blowing up my phone speaking what I don't understand.
So true. One called me yesterday,I just hung up on him.
DeleteI can totally relate
Delete@Chike, I thought I was the only one that had that same thinking. Any wrong no is always an aboki.
DeleteAnonymous baby is so fine. She looks like my baby when she was still a baby.
Bv falcon, na wa for u o. To what end now?
Bv that needs a real man of God, I pray u get help fast.
Bv ttcing, the lord will wipe ur tears soonest. Pls be calm.
strong connection is wen ur mom or aunt is in charge of sharing food nd drinks at a wedding ceremony.my dear youve made it in life.
ReplyDeleteLol. Total bliss,but if its my mum forget o. She will say let's take care of visitors first
DeleteLady ttc for 15 years , I am sorry about what you are going through.
DeleteMy advice is you adopt a child and shower the child with love affection. What do Nigerians have against adoption? I have kids of my own and I am working towards adopting a child.
A lot of children lack love and care, I will put you in my prayers and I pray God blesses you with twins, amen.
streets of Africa
streets of Africa
When you put your nose into the water your cheeks get wet as well"
You sef don learn work from ladyport 😎
DeleteFirst in house news for the week.Network is doing me strong thing.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless Everyone
ihn is here ooo
ReplyDeleteoya oooo
come one come all. lol
What am I seeing EEEEEEEE....oh wow, when I was counting out emergency voters, some people nearly had my head. Oya nau. Na here I dey o.
ReplyDeleteLet me go back again...Just wow
With all the noise on spontaneous. Just WOW
Yinmu,you started it by counting anonymous votes 😎
DeleteOsulu gi...please have you ever seen me count anonymous votes on In house gist 💁
DeleteThe time I counted anonymous votes was on the face of In-house on Jadesola because It was SDK's intro "instruction"
Be guided
Somebody should come and explain this yomi and prisca trend for me, is he a celebrity somebody¿ and who is prisca.
ReplyDeleteWe should explain to you as what?, your informant?,if you no sabi,you be oteh 😎
DeletePlease i want to understand something. People insinuated i cheated because SOME of the ids that voted for me were done that day. Biko STELLA look into this issue. The rule said highest votes and some ardent die-hard readers of sdk blog decided to get an id just to vote, and people are counting it against?? Please lets be reasonable. Distinguish FAKE from NEW ids. I dnt see anything wrong with that.
DeleteAlso,i dnt underatnd how bv beloved counted "reactions" as votes. What does that even mean?? Some reacted on my story, then went somewhere else to say i vote. I ddnt count theirs as vote.
When you advocate for the right things to be done properly, pple start talking anyhow!
Come I will bite you oo lady bugger. Oya tell me na
DeleteThat IHN Baby is Yummy, Haba!
ReplyDeleteFace of IHN, this your eye is a selxy sumthin.
BV Falcon, i bind every Sexy Daddy spirit that wants to display in your life.
God Bless the givers and sowers on this Blog
Shout out to the lovely people on this Blog.
DeleteBv Falcon wants to fly by all means 😁😁😁😁😁😎
DeletePlease don't be stupid, did u hear that I scammed anybody asking for moneymoney.
DeleteBV Falcon, that is how it starts.
DeleteYou start from cheating from little giveaway's before you graduate to scamming people.
Why would you even pull such a stunt, i am sure this isn't your first time.
Please stop so we can progress on this Blog.
ReplyDeleteYou wanna blind my eyes pastor 😎
DeleteI collect one
When you speak ill of others behind their backs, you’re backbiting. Be wary. What they are and who they are, shouldn’t be matters of concern to you. Just stay away from this bad habit and you’re working your way towards the life of everlasting bliss in the hereafter.
ReplyDeleteI'm outtie
Ihn of life!!!!
ReplyDeleteSo much to read and digest..
Happy new month blogfam!!!!
You don show face😎
DeleteGood day beautiful souls of sdkb and the sdk herself.
ReplyDeletePlease somebody help me with the pronunciation of the name Maxon, how is it pronounced?
Ehen... why does children that bears "Favour" name so one kind. I don't know what word to use and describe them.
Like, they are so much of a head ache.
All the"Favour's" I've come across behave the same. Both big and small.
The other time, one's mum was even saying she would dash her(Favour) out should she see somebody who will take her. Lol.
Hahahaha biko there's always an exception to the rule. If you see my own favour,you'll fall in love with her
Delete@Pamela, you dey drink Pami?
ReplyDeleteAbi na photo supermarket you use there?
imagine a small girl fingering her younger sister gosh! the mother should ask d older girl who use to finger her bcos i know there is no smoke without fire.
ReplyDeleteTrue,most abuser were abused😎
DeleteYou're right. The mum should calm down and have a heart to heart conversation with her older daughter.
DeleteTwo stupid fellows above, you are disappointed that the 'fingerer'is a girl abi. Girls commits the most heinous crimes.
Oooh, that story is freaking me out. The tears on that little girl's face, the pains...
DeleteWhat a wicked world.
Elastic,you are MAD!
DeleteViva Ciara your daigghter up there is cute. Greet her for me
DeleteIHN is fully loaded today.
ReplyDeleteThat Anonymous baby is so cute, God please bless me with a cute baby girl next In Jesus Name.
To the TTC couple, please take heart & don't give up cause I believe God is preparing something big for your household. I will definitely put you & other TTC women in my prayers.
I can see that the hustle is real o, only one person voting countless number of times. Anyways, let's hear what you have to say in your defense.
My network these days is something else, sotey to comment na war.
God bless the givers & receivers. Good day y'all.
Longest time 😎
DeleteMy personal person Lady bug of life, I dey o, na network dey do me strong thing o.😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
DeleteI. H. N
People that are going for Shiloh, sow a seed and key into it. Demand for your needs and show gratitude only.
Some of us demand and request too much that we never remember the attitude of gratitude.
Bye 👋 👋
What is this conflicting edit nah. I haven't been able to comment today because of this issue. It's even disturbing me now
I had the same problem too
DeleteThanks for reminding me dear @Great lady. God bless you
DeleteThanks for reminding me dear @Great lady. God bless you
DeleteWhat's your account number? Bank name?
ReplyDeleteThose voting themselves on IHG, lol, that na normal format naa, you'll see strange IDs n anons voting for a story, just like jadesola, she miss when d prize wasn't mulla, just thinking aloud o.
ReplyDeleteAnd as for azura, a known bv should. Verify her, for all we know, those mails u received might be part of the plan.
Lemme go n look for eggplant I'm hungry.
Hmmmm, eggplant 🤔
DeleteI only saw "eggplant".. Hope we are safe oo. Lol
DeleteLol, dutty mind. Eggplant swallow.
DeleteFace of ihn is gorgeous but be like who go dey hood with knife. Those wives that kill chicken as a hobby and volunteer to kill hosts & cows for neighbors!
ReplyDeleteHallos, does anyone know where I can buy Black Opal foundation etc in Ikeja?
ReplyDeleteHelp a sis!!!! Lolll.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteU sound like an idiot.Nvm u are in good company with Stella
DeleteA lot of you on this blog are always so extra
Making someone have trust issues
Why I don't open some posts here
I see some cunning and shady things going on and I just wonder.
You were desperate to win, I hear.
You say?????
DeleteDesperation mama😂😂😂,all join,all is fair in war😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😎
DeleteI don't see any problem with what you did.
DeleteIf we are going to be sincere with ourselves, most of the IDs that vote on IHG are plastic IDs. Next time, cheat with sense
DeleteIs this an excuse? So watery.
DeleteInstead of you to apologize for cheating.
DeleteYinmu yinmu yinmu yinmu desperado.
Do it the right way, no shortcuts to blessings.
Desperate to win? Why must you so desperate because of money?
DeleteFalcon, you are the same as Asanwa. You used only Asanwa to vote ten times. you are a thief.
DeleteMrs Gee does not have any plastic id
Falcon I don't have any plastic Id, I am not like you.
DeleteBvs pls go and click on all the IDs that voted my story. Non of them is questionable. They are not new either.
I always pray for favour from God in things like that, He alone can truly bless.
I believe Falcon is the same as Whiteberry, a renowned scammer on this blog. Such a shame...
DeleteI believe Falcon is the same as Whiteberry, a renowned scammer on this blog. Such a shame...
DeleteChoi... I just went back to the Saturday ihg after reading the memo up there. Haha haha. I can't laugh o. The extent people go. Even the mzlynzz that almost cried in the SP post is guilty too. I clicked on some of the 🆔 that voted for her and discovered that some of the ID were opened this month and some are not available too. So miss Lynn I put it to you that it's either you called your village people to come and vote or you opened several ids to vote for yourself. #countryhard
ReplyDeleteStella but why!!! I'll ask again: These drop dead gorgeous babes appearing in advert windows, please are they Naija babes? Maybe buggy will know, she seems to have long antennae, pun intended!
DeleteSo grateful for life.
ReplyDeleteTo the TTC woman, I pray God will answer your prayer.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful faces. Cute baby.
I noticed the various Id, suspected it was same person. Guys easy with cheating.
Child abuse is so rampant. Father to child, neighbour to child, sibling to child, uncle/aunty to child...Everybody is a suspect.
Ihn is here, lovely faces of ihn. It is well with us all. Sewing machine giveaway God bless you, incase if no one calls I really need it but I'm based in nasarawa. Baba God pick my call!
ReplyDeletePoster looking for deliverance if in lagos, come to ikorodu town and ask for Joy Cometh ministry along ebuka igbogbo road. If you can't, look for it on Facebook, send a message or email and someone will get back to you.
ReplyDeleteThank you once again Stella for blessing the twins and also to my fellow BVs that voted for them to win Wednesday in house news photo.
ReplyDeleteThe BV trusting God for the fruit of the womb, he will surely wipe ur tears
The little girl story broke my heart, her own sister molesting her, oh my God!!! if any one come near my girls, I will kill the person, God help m.
Kiss your twinnies for me
DeleteI will
DeleteTry Mountain of Fire deliverance. They have deliverance they do every week. The one week deliverance is effective but it includes dry fasting and sometimes sleeping in the church. God will see you through. As for the 5year old who was abused, I hope it wasn't a man who did it and told her not to tell anyone so the sister is the fall guy. On the other hand, her sister may have been a victim and is just replaying what happened to her. Please parents be careful with your children both male and female. Protect them with your life. Ask them questions and teach them not to pull down their pants for anyone to touch. If anyone touches them they should shout or report. I am a survivor of child sexual abuse by a very trusted neighbour. I thank God that after the first time I realised his tricks so I didn't go back because he used comic to lure me. He was very friendly with all the children in the block of flats. Gave all of us nicknames. Our parents trusted him but he was fingering little girls. Be wary of people who are over friendly with children. it seems like there are so many pedophiles and it doesn't show on the face o. The man who molested me is a professor o with PhD from University of London you can imagine. Please protect your little ones. The consequences especially what it does to the mind is terrible except for Christ
ReplyDeletePoster MFM is good. It's a deliverance church. If you can run to Shiloh,you will testify,it starts tomorrow.
DeleteMay you find the solution you seek in JESUS Christ mighty name....Amen
Reading the story of the man who needs a true man of God I pray you find one to help with your troubles.
ReplyDeletePoster whose neighbors daughter is been molested, you need to educate the mother and ask her to speak to her daughter calmly so that she can find out where she learnt such habits from.
Lady from lybia I hope God visits you and brings you a comforter and and helper.
Lady Bug my Padi,how you deyes
Shoutout to the Bv's who continuously make this place fun.😊😊😊😊😊
Poster whose wants the number of a true man of God to help with your lifes troubles.
Deletecall this no= 08028856546 Pastor Morayo.
It's a church in lagos
Name of church= Grace Redemption assembly.
He is tested confirmed and trusted.
I pray you find the deliverance you need
DeleteHow can all what I type just disappear like that?
ReplyDeleteCan't go into details again.
Pretty Pamela.
Cute anonymous baby.
That 13yrs old girl is wicked for defiling her lil sister.
If I were the mother your own don finish... there's nothing like proof there cos a 5 yrs old child is old enough to know what happened/happens to her. What else did I read...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteU don cast! Your way no pure.
DeleteYou don't deserve an ounce of respect. You are a thief and unrepentant one. A thief with bold face.
DeleteShut up thief
DeleteYou must think we are fools here. You did not open Id for anyone. You vote with one, edit it, vote with it again. And again. Falcon Sexy daddy's sister and whiteberry's cousin.
Stella, Falcon is Whiteberry, please investigate this! Same manner of writing, the same scamming styles and excuses, such a shame!!! She is just as evil as Sexy Daddy.
DeleteNext time please vote for your story?
What if no one or few people find it interesting?
Lady, you no try.
I try to leave votes for as many people as possible BUT, only if the gist is interesting.
Always conduct yourself like someone is watching you...that is what integrity is all about.
Just shut the F up!
DeleteTrying to justify cheating,smh.
No Iphie, I beg to disagree.
DeleteIntegrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching.
Anything less, is eye service.
God with us.
Shut up Don! Haba
DeleteRe: Loud cry for help. What you need is a personal relationship with God, If you need a place where you need to wait on the Lord and listen to His word, I will suggest the on going Rccg Congress. Continue to pray and don't relent. God will surely intervene in your situation, trust me a lot of persons have been there.
ReplyDeleteIs falcon the person I voted for?
ReplyDeleteLemme go and check.
FALCON your explanation is not acceptable. You are a big drum of disappointment, pls prove to this honourable house that you are not same ID as Eka Joy, who was begging for vote for u Falcon. Thief thief thief. Mz Lynn, Mrs Gee, Falcon all of you are thieves. Anonymous Ids, plastic Ids, all were new.
ReplyDeleteFor some reason, i laughed so hard at this comment. So idiotic! you cnt even construct a story to save your life!!
DeleteI tell you, she is the same as Eka joy. Eka was begging for people to vote her. Then went and started editing Asanwa and Falcon to vote for herself.
DeleteEka Joy nor get that time anon. Biko leave her outta this. She just loved d joke and pleaded for others to vote for it. Dazol.
DeleteSome people were born daft sha.
That was my funniest joke and It made me really happy.
So it's now a crime to solicit votes for someone????
PS. I'm not that good a write.
See his fellow stupid anonymous concurring.
Falcon ur story was really hilarious but u just had to taint it with this????
DeleteRhoda Rex, "Eka Joy" and "nice" cannot appear side by side so how could she be pleading for votes for anyone but herself??? I've watched her for many years; it is not in her character to look out for anyone but herself so I agree with the others; Eka Joy is the same as the scammer Falcon...
DeleteThe TTC blog visitor, God has not forgotten you
ReplyDeleteYou are work in progress
All I know soon you will carry your bundle of joy
Change your name to Mama Ejima
I say soon soon
It is well dear
If you voted for any of BBN participant more than once, then you are also a cheat. Cheating is not justified, Falcon is not the first person to vote with fake I'd, most of you here have more than one Id, shey Christmas Giveaway go come, all of you two faced $itches will show yourself, hungry people everywhere.
DeleteYou are an accomplish. You area thief too
ReplyDeleteGood day bvs, another blog visitor drama, Bv Falcon. Lol, have u guys heard about multiple personality disorder, in this case multiple Id, abeg if you did not vote for any of this participant,then shut up. Some of you can't even write interesting story, to entertain us, only to copy and paste every time, so shut up and stop judging, Falcon u have learnt not to help yourself. Personally me i don't even see any thing wrong in that, no rule was given about anonymous votes afterall
ReplyDeleteSister abusing her younger one is also being abused. Their mum has a lot of work to do,beating is not one please. Shout out to everyone giving on this blog. I missed the sewing machine giveaway, need one badly
ReplyDeleteI don't know what I need but I really need to share this. I have a guy who has been asking me out for 4 months now and I have been saying no (not because I didn't like him but cause of state) so he recently called me that he recently met a girl and she really likes him but he will cut off all ties with her if I say yes but I still said no and he went ahead to date her and now I miss him. What can I do to get him back? 😩
ReplyDelete👋 thunderous slap!
DeleteTtc woman may the Holy Spirit comfort u. Weeping may endure for a night but joy comet in d morning. U will av reasons to smile again IJN. Pls don't b too hard on urself
ReplyDeleteLmao @ Rocky.
ReplyDeleteI heard that male Indians send their nude pictures to any Lady That adds them on Facebook.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteAre you for real. Since last year. gaskia All these sexy daddy brothers and sisters should pick another blog because una cup don full here.
DeleteNah wah for some people too.. Falcon, see d lame excuse u put up there. No apology or remorse, then u started pointing at another. Meaning d winner should be disqualified too.
ReplyDeleteOn someone else's money u go all out (wrongly) to get it and justify yourself when caught red handed?
No wonder Stella decided to forgive SD. (Cos there are too many of his kind here).
Some of you think it's only you people DAT need cash or are broke, many other principled and honest people do too here, but they would rather trust God and look for legit ways...
Be careful what you do today to survive, it might become your everyday lifestyle and eventually kill you.
I wonder why she's trying to drag me into her mess. Is it a case of "if I can't get it, then none should?"
Spot on
Stella please can you do a post for those who have services?
ReplyDeleteI'm looking for a personal shopper who can buy specific items from abroad.
Check out Ifeomaohirimall on instagram. She’s a good personal shopper
DeleteThan you so much. Will do.
DeleteBeautiful face of in-house
ReplyDeleteAnon's baby is cute
TTC couple I pray God will remember you do not lose hope keep praying and trying it will surely end in praise.
God wil help us all. Own a Business?? Learn how to boost your business online & via Social Media. Register for Digital Marketing Training for Business owners. Visit https://reelandrith.com/training for more info.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous TTC, my prayer is with you. By this time next year, you will invite us for a baby dedication.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you for your kind gesture to Azura from Libya, I can see your help coming.
Multiple id's for how much again? Ndi mmadu sef.
The poster who wants a church to attend for deliverance. If you are in Abuja or any any state, ask for Dunamis International gospel centre. Asap.
ReplyDeleteTheir deliverance program is Tues at 9.30 am.
Pastor Paul Enenche is good and is called into deliverance ministry. No matter how bad your case is.
Going to check if I voted for Falcon and I will delete the comment if I did, you are an unrepentant cheat, your mouth is still sharp and you are shamelessly defending yourself
ReplyDeleteFor the man who wants a place for divine intervention, visit Christ holy church, a.k.a odozi obodo. If in Lagos try the Ikeja branch near computer village.