Stella Dimoko A Chronicle Of Polygamous Brouhaha -6


Friday, December 22, 2017

A Chronicle Of Polygamous Brouhaha -6

This is another story of a Committed Leader in an orthodox church that ended up with an extra wife and his action altered the course of lives involved and the end result was so shocking,it will leave you quite shocked...

Andrew was a self-righteous man that everybody loved and appreciated because of his hard work, commitment and dedication to things of God and his business acumen. He was a wonderful fellow to be with. A man with a large heart and God blessed the works of his hands.

He later decided to settle down with beautiful fifteen year old Amara. After the necessary marriage rites were performed, Amara took in and gave birth to a girl. They were happy and thankful for God’s blessings. He was also progressing steadily in his business. Amara was very fruitful and she gave birth to another girl and another girl.

Before you will say jack, Amara have given birth to TEN GIRLS, yes ten beautiful girls. Andrew did not show much worry but people knew he was not totally happy having only girls coupled with the fact he was an only son of his late parents. As time went on, he acquired landed properties, cars and good things of life. He also bought a Peugeot car for Amara.

The sisters were not happy about their brother having only girls, they mounted pressure on them for a male child. Two options was given to them, either Amara produce a male child within a year or allow the husband remarry their cousin’s late wife that had only one daughter before her husband passed away.

They forgot that Amara’s health was already affected because of quick conceptions. After, a long argument, she accepted and encouraged the husband to go ahead and impregnate Uche. They went through some procedure to authenticate the agreement.

Few months later, Uche gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. Their joy knew no bounds including Amara. She took responsibility of birthing the baby and taking care of him.

A year later, Amara also took in and gave birth to a baby boy. Andrew, felt bad and told whoever that cares to listen that he wished he waited patiently with his wife.

In his Will, he gave Amara’s son whom he named ifeanyichukwu the lion’s share and left few portions for Afamefula the late cousin’s wife whom he remarried. He later passed on.

When the contents of the Will was read that ifeanyichukwu got the lion’s share, Uche was not happy but pretended that all was well. She made up her mind to do something about it. Nobody knew about her evil plans because she never showed her bitterness to any of them. 

Amara lived in the township while she resided in the village.

Years later, ifeanyichukwu took over the late father’s business and was managing it. He went to Lagos for his business transaction and on his way the luxurious bus he boarded had a fatal accident, he died on the spot.

The news upturned the lives of his family, they could not be consoled especially the poor mother, Amara. She later became sick and was diagnosed of kidney failure. Before now, five out of the ten girls were already married, remaining five. They took care of their mother but she also died.

Strange things began to happen, like suitors abandoning the remaining five sisters at the altar, or not showing up on the day of the traditional marriage. One out of the girls left the house and went out to live in a brothel. She refused to come home no matter what the sisters did to bring her back.

As God would have it, one of the girls, Nkechi gave her life to Christ and invited some pastors and prayer warriors to her father's compound in the village for prayers. Everybody was invited including Uche and her son Afamefula.

 While the prayers were going on, to the unpleasant surprises of Nkechi and her siblings, she confessed to killing her late husband. Her reason was that the man was very poor. She killed Andrew and Amara because she felt sidelined after the will was read. Made the suitors to hate the girls at the last minutes preparations which made them to abandon them and turned the other one to a prostitute. Her aim was to make sure that her son inherits the properties.

It was indeed a sad experience.

NB. Ifeanyichukwu of blessed memory passed away on the 21st of Dec, 2006 at the age of 24. It is now eleven years. Rest on ifeanyichukwu.

*My goodness!!!!


  1. Replies
    1. But how can people be this wicked, this is why I love my self, my anger never lasts an hour, someone that was married to a poor man was looking for lion share of another woman's property, she would have even spoken to amara I am sure amara would have helped, haba, they even gave her son something na, the length people go enh,

  2. Wow 😨😱😱😱😱. What a wicked woman.

  3. My mom is a second wife, we don't live with near d first, my dad lives in d main house n built houses for each wife, they visit him in turns, we are peaceful but for that peace to continue, we don't eat from one pot nor get too comfortable with each other, sometimes my dad won't send for my mom for a two weeks, I suspect my mom is running shows cos dad is always busy with mistresses, asides is wives, I don't know why men choose to complicate their lives, now my mom is praying we get a good share in his will, is that a good life? I envy my friends with stable nuclear homes, no pressure, no competition, it's awful, God forbid I marry as a second wife if I'm first, i'll leave.

  4. RIP to Ifeanyichukwu. The worst thing is she will die and leave the poor boy to suffer for her own wickedness

    *Larry was here*

  5. This is so me!!!! God forbid I tow this part! Pikin Na pikin, boy or girl all Na same

  6. Story doesn't make sense. She killed him 'because he was very poor'? Then where did he get properties to will lion share from.

    How was he able to cater for almost 15 children, and still did will sef. No be person wey get something dey do will??

    1. She killed her first husband not the second....

    2. She killed her first husband and remarry.

  7. Nawa o.. That's d problem! Only like 2% out of 100% polygamous family know peace once the husband start marrying women upandan.

    Rest on ifeanyichukwu..

  8. My God! And somebody would still de5rp his or her neck into polygamy

  9. What a world. How can someone just decide who gets to die and who gets to live?

  10. Wow! What a wicked world
    Patience is important
    Nice story


  11. OMG! This is so sad!
    Ah really painful to read .

  12. Patience! Patience!Patience!
    So many people lack it.
    Even Mummy Sarah ran out of it and the decision she took is still affecting the whole of mankind till date.

  13. Omg 😫😫😫😫😫 the heart of man is desperately wicked.

  14. Patience is key!
    I wonder how somebody will kill his/her fellow human being and still have peace. And your conscience won't prick you.

    I'm sure after confessing, she will ask for forgiveness(that's the annoying part). Mtchewwww

    Rest on Ifeanyi!

    1. And God will forgive her, that's the most annoying part😬😬😬😬

  15. Pls. Rejoice with me, finally gotten my own blog ID, though I have been following Stella of life (SDK) for over 4yrs now......
    So at the end non of the Son's inherited the properties, even as uche tried to manipulate things to the favor of herself and son, she still lost, that is to say EVIL never pays..

  16. Okechukwu oooo Ten girls faints.. RIP ify...

  17. Whether girl or boy.
    A child is a child.
    The most important thing is for the child to grow up knowing the right things to do.

  18. Seems like Nigerian movie,polygamy can only succeed when the women have the fear of God

  19. please help me answer this simple question Is it hard to be contented even when presured?

    1. JAMB question.

      60 mins

      2 marks


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