Stella Dimoko Tuesday IHN -Freestyle


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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Tuesday IHN -Freestyle

Today's in house News main post is supposed to be empty but I reckon these people really want these posted lets give it to them.

I want to discuss my Freestyle and it concerns TITHING....I hope I am entitled to my point of view concerning this?


How can you not give tithe and expect to be Blessed of God?This is a question that you need to find the answers to yourself...
Some of you do not have progress in your lives because the Devil has helped you interpret what tithe is and has taught you that giving is not by force....TRUE giving is not by force!

God expects you to use the common sense that was imparted into you when you were being created to know that you should give..

Salvation is not by force?TRUE!!!

Do not look at what they do with your tithe,give and let God bless you!

Do not listen to EMERGENCY social media preachers....Find a quiet place and Understand that Just like like Salvation being a personal decision,giving your tithe is also a personal decision BUT IF YOU DECIDE NOT TO can you unlock the blessings?There is something about giving that cannot be explained...

The Devil browses the careful what you read and believe!

Salvation is not by force...
Tithing is not by force....

Go figure!!!

Please if your freestyle is to respond to mine,try not to insult me or throw words OK?

Reading my point of view is not by force.



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Thank you.


Hi Stella

Bvs wan kill me with calls amd messages. Apologies to whoever I couldn't respond to or pick up calls. I got overwhelmed.

I chose the first person that called and 2 other people.

Pick up will be on Saturday.

I will let you know how it goes.

Enjoy your day everyone



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Hello dear Stella, thank you for touching lives.

Please I don't know where this falls but kindly help me post (anonymously).

My fellow bv's please how do I dry up my breast milk after weaning my baby? I weaned him in August and kept expecting the milk to dry up but it has not. Anytime there's a pressure on my breast,or when le hub touches it, the milk still comes out (not so much Tho). it's just that I expect it to have dried up completely.

What should I do Biko?
Thank you.





  1. Oh lord bring down your glory, I gat no strength sick, grant me divine healing, in my bones and flesh, these and many other blessings I ask through Christ our lord, amenn.

    1. By His stripes you're heal In Jesus Name.

    2. Oh dear, you will be fine ok. By his stripes you are healed.

    3. Babe pls go and treat ursef well. Pele

    4. @ Em jay - You are healed as the Lord is your strength Em. Pls claim the healing Dear

    5. Stella, you sure entitled to your opinion and do not be wary of those screwed up folks. To be honest sometimes I have a little doubt about giving tithe too most especially when you see the way and manner these so called Man of God. Some of them are very wasteful with their parishioners money and you wonder if it is worth giving the church your hard earned money. But like you said, salvation is a personal decision.

    6. That stupid stinking Madam Banana gave that fake phony ass Freeze the platform to vent this rubbish since she doesn't believe in giving to churches too. She blogged awhile back about her stand in giving money to those rich Pastors. They are both birds of the same feather

  2. Sometimes you feel that i never succeed in my plans and i don't get what i want but at the same time we have to think that GOD has already made plans for us and one thing for sure that his plans are far better than our plans for us..
    So may be sometime you feel like things ate going wrong, make a belief that GOD has planned something more beautiful than I am thinking right now..
    Be grateful for each breathe you're taking in because in every second thousands of breathes are stop going in..

    - Girach Uvais

  3. Replies
    1. Who has noticed the silent war between Amaka Benson and Oby ohakim? 2 of them wan form perfect mothers and now have decided to do the same kind of business. Always shading themselves and forming my husband is rich silently by flaunting their wealth. After showing off,they will start sensoring their children's school or office or house as if other people with children in the school won't recognise. Must you show off ? If you must, why are you covering things. It is only the guilty that runs when no one pursues. After, they will wrap it up with God

    2. Unfortunately, no one has noticed.
      Thanks and God bless

  4. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Just like u said Stella, tithing is a personal thing. If u don't believe in it, that is ur biz. Don't discourage others from paying their tithes.

      My people una doh o. This headache is not making me to see Road well.

      Lady bug how far? Hope ur ministry is moving to permanent site?

      See my baby dragging phone with me. Na wa.

  5. first to comment yeah

  6. NOAH looked like an idiot until it started to rain....keep building ur ark... They must not understand ur dreams before u succeed....the best thing have ever done was believe in my self..

  7. Work your ass off to be rich. It will make your life easier. You won't have to grovel at anyone's feet forever or pretend to love the things you hate.

    There is independence in being independent.

    Good afternoon 🏡 😍😘😘😘😘

  8. IHN Baby!!!!!!

    No Face of IHN today?

    Where my peeps @, Have a lovely day y'll.

    #Peaceful trolling

  9. That moment when your battery is at 3% and you see your Boss upload pictures of himself and his family. And wanting to impress him, you quickly comment "cool pics" but auto correct changes it to "cool pigs" and your battery runs out!Don't even bother explaining, pal, just find another job!

    Good afternoon

    1. pepper😂😂😂😋😂😋😋 be ready for what comes after .lol

    2. Lol. Yawa don gas be that o.

  10. Stella abeg no use my comment cook soup....People help me judge this matter...hubby and i are trusting God for something and so i said lets do prayer of agreement which we hv bn doing....but i said let him bring his head let me lay my hand during the prayer Oga refused oh....dt he dun like people touching his i said when we r doing action and m rubbing his head as his giving me "felicia" from thw front or back he doesnt know dt he doesnt like peeps touching the head.....
    PS - anyone that feels their child can decode my comment should probably consider having "the talk" with their offspring as the child is no longer an innocent..

    1. Your husbandis your spiritual head. You can't just decide to lay your hands on his head when praying. If it's not a specific divine instruction to do, please don't just tell him you want to lay hands on his head. Hold his hands. It's a prayer of agreement ba? So hold hands. Don't cause issues when there shouldn't be one. You can lay hands on your own head for the both of you.

    2. Just hold hands. Don't lay hands on his head unless u hv direction(from God) to

  11. I believe in Tithing because I love God and not because of what I can get from him.

    1. then give God ur money not pastor

    2. @anonymous... . Honestly don't understand what you guys mean by giving pastor money. Is it that people take it directly to the pastor and say 'pastor, this is my tithe, I'm paying it to you'? I just don't get it cos I've never seen it happen. What I know is the practice is that you put your tithe in an envelope and drop in the offering box or a designated tithe box in the church. It is now unfortunate that some pastor's spend these monies given carelessly and selfishly. That doesn't mean the tithe is paid to them. If you say giving the tithe to the poor is the only way to give to God pls how is your church maintained? How is the rent paid? How are electricity bills and salaries paid? I just don't get it.

  12. QUESTION: Does the teaching on tithing in Malachi 3:9-10 apply to us christian today?"

    Answer: Malachi 3:9-10 is often used to teach the need for Christians to tithe to local churches today. That passage reads, “You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing me, the whole nation of you. Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the LORD of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.” Does this teaching apply to Christians today?

    First, the context of this passage concerns the Israelites not bringing their offerings to the temple. Because of their disobedience, God had judged them with a small harvest. The Lord challenged them to bring the “full tithe” of grain sacrifices (Leviticus 6:14-23) and see that He would bless them with an abundance of future crops. The “storehouse,” mentioned in verse 10, is a place to store grain in the temple.

    Second, this passage teaches that the Jews were to give a tithe as part of the temple worship, but it does not teach that Christians are to give to churches. Malachi was written more than 400 years before the start of the first church in Jerusalem. Applying its command of temple giving to the local church takes these verses out of their original context.

    Are New Testament Christians commanded to tithe or not? To be clear, a tithe is literally a “tenth,” or 10 percent. Abraham gave a tenth of all he had to the priest of Salem in Genesis 14:20. Later, the Mosaic Law included commands to give a tenth for tabernacle worship. Tithing is mentioned 18 times in the Law, as the people were to share their produce and livestock to support the Levites, the caretakers of the tabernacle. This same system of tithing would later be applied to the temple (2 Chronicles 31:5).

    Jesus rebuked the religious leaders of His day, saying, “But woe to you Pharisees! For you tithe mint and rue and every herb, and neglect justice and the love of God. These you ought to have done, without neglecting the others” (Luke 11:42). These Pharisees obeyed the Law of Moses in that they tithed scrupulously, yet did not truly love God. They were challenged to do both.

    The Law was fulfilled in Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:17). When the church began to grow beyond the Jewish people and reach Gentiles, leaders struggled with whether or not to command these new believers to follow the Mosaic Law. In the end, only a few instructions were given for the sake of peace, but tithing was not among them (Acts 15:19-21).

    The principle in the New Testament is to give voluntarily to support the needs of others (Acts 2:45; Romans 15:25-27), support Christian workers (1 Corinthians 9:11-12; 1 Timothy 5:18), and expand Christian outreach (Philippians 4:15-16). No specific amount is ever commanded, and no percentage is suggested. While a tithe or tenth of one’s finances may be a good standard to use for Christian giving, it is clear the early church did not focus on a specific amount but rather on meeting needs. This sometimes included giving much more than a tenth, as some believers sold homes or land to meet the needs that existed in the church (Acts 4:34-37).

    1. Since the Old testament was for Jews and Israelites..using your above logic, I think we should just throw the bible away.

      Jesus was a Jew and when he read the scriptures in the New testament, he was reading the Old testament.

      Isn't it convienient that some of us Christains are quick to select what part suits us at a time?

    2. Nice write ups
      In my opinion we should do what ever our heart guides us to do.

    3. I dont argue with fanatics anymore or the Sheeple".. Indoctrination is a psychological grip religion has on the infant mind, trust me... even if u tattoo the biblical words on their forehead, those that'd pay will religiously continue to do so with smiles on their face, till butterfly emerges from their pockets, if u knw wat that means!
      It took a country founded on freedom 245yts to figure it out that human slavery is wrong, simply because the bible says its right!

      Exodus 21:2-27
      1 Peter 2:18
      Mattew 5:17

    4. Lucille... Not whatever our heart guides us to do, but what the Holy Spirit convicts us to do. The heart can lead you to where God hasn't given his approval. Thank you

    5. Anon 14:04 you said it as I would. 👍👍👍. I owe you ice cream. infact take it right now 🍦🍦

    6. Exactly @bipolar.
      Since we are heading that way, we should also do away with the Bible and write our own bible to suit our logic and whatever...
      Its very annoying when people pick the part of the Bible to suit their argument without reading thru other books to understand better. Last time I checked, Jesus's didn't even come to abolish the old law.

  13. Lols @ the devil browses the Internet.

    Bvs want to finish u with calls on top used clothes giveaway Later they will come and be forming rich and posh. Ndi ara

  14. Tomorrow, my CIPM induction starts. I wish family is here to attend with me but non the less, I will attend and celebrate alone. Shout out to anyone else here who's getting inducted tomorrow. I wish ICAN students examination success also. 😙

  15. My son is two yrs old my I weaned him@1 year old,my breast milk still flowing a bit tho it's decreasing,i beliv it will stop on time on its own

  16. IHN pere mpe ka akanri.

    Umu Igbo ibe m, okwa Unu furu nnekwu akpa ahu umu nwanyi na ebu? Ife nile di na uwa a di na ime ya, belu so ego motor...

    Gwazikwa ndi yard unu😂😂😂😂

    Ugegbe oyibo m, My virtuous wife, My Angel of peace and love, how is Trump? Take this kiss hold body till you return 😘😘😘

    1. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂Chike gini ka I chogara na akpa umu nwanyi? Ubochi rezor ga eyi gi na aka ka ichoro itinye aka gi,I mara ife

    2. Chike so me that can't read igbo to understand no go dey know wetin you dey write nii?abeg the igbo is too conc ah ah!!!my own is very cheap to understand.Please go back to english make i know wetin you de write.btw WTH did you write up there???

    3. My darling......... the sleep na something else. 💜💘

  17. 'Bring ye meat into my store house'
    I will tithe 10% to my regular income wen I have d means, and also help the less privilege, charity is totally different from what the book of malachi said.

  18. Here is my opinion on this Tithing issue:

    To give and be rewarded is one of those life principles that i dare say isn't religion-affiliated. If an atheist gives toiletries to an orphanage, he gets rewarded, if a Christain buys a G-wagon for his Pastor, he also gets rewarded and if a Muslim cooks food for his whole street of hungry people, he gets rewarded too.

    For a Christain, tithe is 10 percent of your earnings and IT IS FOR GOD. If you decide to do a calculation of that same 10 percent and give to a broke person, someone in the hospital, someone in did NOT PAY TITHE, you simply helped the needy and YES! You will be rewarded for doing that.

    A lot of people arguing against this say "Its for the Jews, it's in the Old testament;...I say then let's stop keeping the 10 commandments as Christains and also stop claiming the promises in the Old testament or using the Psalms to pray.
    Jesus clearly said "I did not come to abolish the law but to fulfil it".

    Others don't want Malachi to be read, yet they want to quote other sections of the bible that they have misconstrued and bent to their own needs, and I simply say if we are not regarding Malachi, let's not regard any other text too because whatever disqualifies Malachi to you, disqualifies other texts to me.

    Others say it should be paid but the Pastor's should use it for the right thing. I ask you, most of those beggars, poor people, people in need you would rather PAY TITHE do they use it for the right thing?
    Haven't we seen beggars who drink, take weed, build houses, own cars and have multiple wives and would still keep begging because it's lucrative? Yet the people who give the beggars still get blessed regardless of if the beggar decides to go book a prostitute with it.

    I have been paying tithe since I knew how to calculate 10percent. The years when I was given money for coke ,biscuit or Christmas and up till now when I am earning a monthly income. Yet, I have a percentage of my salary that goes to a needy person every month. And I have been rewarded bountifully on both sides.

    If you ain't comfortable paying your tithe to your Church because you think your Church doesn't use it right, go find a church that does. Anything outside paying it to the "STOREHOUSE" is not TITHE. And I wonder why any of you will go worship in a Church where you consider your pastor a thief(that's what all of this means).

    A friend I had this talk with says it's because I attend an orthodox church where clearcut rules are made on this sort of thing, maybe I'll have another perspective if I attended a One man Church where the pastors enjoy a higher level of grace (wealth) from the members. But in my church, mbok..we are the same thing, lay members head the treasury and are signatories to the church account.

    Conclusively, tithes should not be forced, even offering should not be forced, God loves a cheerful giver and you all should remember it is more blessed to give them to receive.

    I wish we spent this much energy on making the government use the tax we forcefully pay the right way.

    1. .....all these arguement & confusion boils to one fact; the bible is full of contradictions & open to intepretations, same reason theres hundreds of denomination all under the umbrella of christianity!

      4ever an Atheist!!!

    2. A million likes!!

      How can you say you don't trust your pastor to use your money judiciously and you keep attending that church? How can you trust someone with your spiritual growth yet you can't trust the person with material things that are less important? Are you not deceiving yourself?

      Your tithe is for the church to use as it sees fit. It is different from donations for church projects or charity. If you cannot afford to pay your tithe and do charity, don't try to justify why you shouldn't do one.

  19. Patiently waiting for freeze in anonymous mode to reply stella
    I will b watching

  20. First to comment

  21. I'm a proud tither. No one in this world can stop me from paying my tithe. When I say no one, I mean no one. I'll rather keep paying my tithe than die and be judged for never paying.

    People tend to forget there is
    1. Almost giving. This is what you give to the poor, needy, orphanage homes.
    2. There is tithe. Your 10%. How is 10% of your total earning in a month even a problem??
    3. There is seed sowing. This is when your sowing to God because you are believing for something.

    4. There is vow. This is when you make a pledge to help in one thing or the other in your church.
    5. There is offering.

    In all of this, none comes with hun to your head.

    I have come to realize those that make the noise about not tithing and the whole levite rubbish don't even tithe before. They can't even afford to tithe so they look for means to justify their actions.

    While justifying their actions, they won't let us that want to pay to be in peace. Don't pay your tithe. Leave us alone. They will come and call us fools and ignorant. And I ask, is it your foolery or ignorance??

    Some people keep reading the Bible upside down. They forget the Bible is very hard to understand and needs you to be spiritually fit. Same Bible that tells you to love your enemy also tells you to not suffer a witch to live. But if you do not understand the Bible, you will not get the meaning of this 2 things. I'm not even ready to explain.

    1. Thanks Fab mum.

      This set of people who claim they don't pay tithe would be the same set of people who will scrutinise and look for loopholes in the stories of people who need help.

      They simply don't give, both to God and humans.

      Yet, they want to force the rest of us to join their gang.

    2. Bipolar me, exactly. They don't even give to any needy. They are the same that will pass beggars on the street and still come online to say that's where they five their own 10%. They keep capitalising in the fact that 3 or 4 out of 1000s of pastors have jets. Some of them are in church that are still being rented out. So that means they will pay rent, pay for fuel or diesel, so this and that and they will be asking what pastors do with money. Mtchewww.

      Some people don't even out offering of 59 naira in church and they will be shouting tithe to the as if those paying are using their money

  22. Let it be to each according to their faith.
    I believe in tithing,but I don’t even have strength to argue anytin. If you want to tithe fine. If you don’t want fine.
    I have been doing it and seeing numerous blessings.

    poster trying to dry up breast milk,get alligator pepper (nkpuru ose oji) ,chew a handful for 2 days and bam,it will stop. It worked for me
    Good afternoon everyone

  24. Stella bae, Thank you o. My love for you is like from here to sokoto

  25. persin wey dey find wia do dry milk ....!abeg my mouth dey o i sabi drink miliki wella!!!!Thanks
    Milk sucker. kwa kwa kwa

    1. Na you be the new milk drying machine.
      Well work oga

  26. Well said @ tithing. 👏
    I heard a very bad news yesterday...
    A woman waited for years before God made her fruitful and she bore 4 children. Two from those children were involved in an accident. One died instantly and the other is in comma. How does one console such a person? She's a very dedicated christian, joyful to work for God so it begs the question why do bad things happen to good people?
    @signout post👍

    1. Because we are in the world the devil was sent to.
      Remember that it was said when the devil was cast out: "Woe unto the inhabitants of the earth...for the devil has come unto you"

      There's a constant struggle between God and the devil, and it will continue till the return of Christ, unfortunately some of us will be caught in the crossfire.
      This is the message Churches these days don't want to preach, when you come into Christ, you become a prey to the devil and he is ready to get you into his camp by all means.

      We just have to be like Daniel who said "Even if he slays me, yet will I stand"
      God help us.

  27. i believe in tithe (TITHING) as well. God is not greedy, so giving him jux 1000 out of 10,000 is not too much, u can help the poor or whoever u care to help with part of the remaining one. whatever ur pastor is doing with d money is non of ur business. people still dey argue even wen bible made it clear. Malachi Chapter 3 vs 10. ONE OUT OF TEN IS NOT TOO MUCH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!

    1. That is the issue they have.

      They don't want to do the two so it's that one that should go to God that should be used to block the needy's charity.

    2. I wont give him one naira sef, what does he need money for? Infact where is he?

    3. Atheist don't be stupid ok. Don't just be stupid. Keep you silly atheism to yourself. No one cares whether you believe in God or not. At long last its your loss.

  28. Tithe ,Tithe,Tithe!!! Much has bn said about it. I believe in tithing and giving . There is a way it unlock doors for me and my family.
    Its not by force to read got me laughing. True talk @dont admire people too much...

  29. Good afternoon my yard people....

    Please has anyone ever gotten a job through Jiji?? I need urgent answers biko

    1. Never.

      Na yeye scam full there. Run ooo, you go just send Cv only God know wetin dem dey use am do.

      Imagine I saw one 'job offer' yimu on that site, for some reason my mind was not settled on it.
      As a proactive person na, I called the company that they claimed was recruiting directly. #nowastingtime
      I first spoke to the receptionist who told me the company was NOT recruiting. Imagine!
      She even transferred me to their HR director who began to interrogate me etc. 'Who am I?' 'Where did I hear of such recruitment' etc etc.'
      Na so I begin fear o, make dem no con think say I be scam artiste or something,
      I quickly directed him to the jiji site and the page make e use eye see for im sef.
      Oga HR said he would have a word with the owners of the site that there was NO such external recruitment in the company. Can you imagine??
      Abeg, na everday another scam.
      Protect yourselves, make enquiries and don't put your house address on your cv.
      If you live in places like Igbenihidun, Ori- oloke, Lakowe, Okokomaiko, feel free to leave your address.

      In fact there was even another one on a totally different site, na me use my hand call the site admin (their contact details are always on the job page) to pull down. That one was CLEARLY a SCAM. Site admin is now my friend sef. Kikikikikiki

      PS: If you want to call any company directly, be confident. Speak with authority. Add plenty fone. Dem go even confuse weder you be employer or employee. No dey talk mwen mwen pesin wey suffer pass for 2017, receptionist go just drop phone for your head.

  30. Giving can only be justified when you give it to someone that needed it. You can carry a cup of water and pour into river niger and expect a break through. Even the Bible said that it is more blessed to give to that person that you know can never repay you. So if your tithing didn't satisfy the motive of God which is putting food in his store house and helping the poor widows, fatherless and strangers, then you just showed didn't do the right thing according to the bible. Deut 14:26-end and Malachi 3. So I still maintain that where you pay your tithe matters.

  31. DRYING UP BREAST Milk poster :

    Kedu ka iga esi na akpo di gi Baby mana idighi enye ya ara ka omia?

    Nee ara nye di gi ka omichapu mmiri ara ahu ka ogwu kpam kpam...

    1. Esther oga oo, must you read his comment. Can't you just pass by & make your own comments. You guys likes giving relevance to silly attitudes.

  32. Beautiful Tuesday.

    Like I said, i still pity people who dont pay tithe. God does not need your money but when you give, He will release the heavens on you and gives you protection, good health, breakthrough etc.
    I am enjoying my payment of tithe and for una information, i have not gone to the hospital since last year to complain of sickness. My tithe drives away sickness and many other things. I dont rush my families for emergency at all. God is just too much.
    I sleep very fine. I drive very late from the office but no thieves or anything that comes my way. My car has never broken down at all. It is just God because He loves people that follows instructions and not argue the Bible for their selfish end.

    So no face of IHN. wetin happen.

    The madam complaining of people calling, so you dont know the recession is affecting a lot of people and those people calling, might have offended you anonymously.

    Anyway when you dont pay tithe, why wont recession affects you guys.

    1. Yori yori how are you hope you are waiting for queen of Miami like I am on telemundo Dec after woman of steel.

    2. So you are saying that their cars breakdown, people that are in hardship, fall sick, victims of armed robbery dont pay tithe? hmmm

    3. Bee 10, learn to punctuate please!!!!!!!

      Nwanyi Afikpo

    4. Fuck off, pastor's sales rep. I don't pay tithes and I hv even more than what you mentioned up there. I'm married with a beautiful family. Living very comfortably. None in my family including the kids hav been to the hospital for treatment since the beginning of this year. Paracetamol is our only medicine. I give to the poor and pay normal offering in church. So go and yansh down.

  33. Really need a man in my life right now, tired of being single sigh

    1. Can you manage abroad husband?

  34. There are blessings attached to tithing. Not just financial blessings, in that same Malachi 3 the devourer will be rebuked for the sake of your tithe. May God help us to pay our tithes and other kingdom offerings IJN.

    1. Yimu
      Keep enriching your pastor
      I'm a Christian but I don't pay tithes to any church. I contribute if they have any project in the church, I give to the needy around me and I'm blessed beyond words.
      I hear them saying if you don't pay tithes you can't hold any post in church, what the f##ck do I need a church post for? If my daughter wants to get married and they say they can't join them because I don't pay tithes, f##k them all. I can pay any pastor to join them anywhere. Pastor is just a title. What most of them do is unbelievable. We know where we dey jam ourselves

  35. Giving can only be justified when you give it to someone that needed it. You can't carry a cup of water and pour into river niger and expect a break through. Even the Bible said that it is more blessed to give to that person that you know can never repay you. So if your tithing didn't satisfy the motive of God which is putting food in his store house and helping the poor widows, fatherless and strangers, then you just didn't do the right thing according to the bible. Deut 14:26-end and Malachi 3. So I still maintain that where you pay your tithe matters

  36. Bubul the Baboon, you are still job hunting? I thought you were a rich babe working in a multinational company or running a successful business. With the way you opened your hungry mouth to call some people 'poor people' yesterday, it is now clear you had not eaten since the night before. Are you among those that wanted to blow up anty's phone for clothes giveaway? Pray those interviews they invited you for are not GNLD, Oriflame and Forever living products. Jobless small rat

    1. Bubul keep fighting yourself you hear? I must be blog celebrity by force.

  37. When you tithe you cOmmit God into protecting you. That's the first benefit of tithing. All these people that said we should give our tithe to the poor don't even look at the poor twice. What the pastors do with the tithe shouldn't be our concern but commiting God to protect and bless us should. Many of this pastors help the society in various ways and the media does not carry the news. We should be guided.

  38. Pentecostal churches are hypocritical when it comes to tithing:

    I do like to enter the church in my city to pray during the day; especially on the days that I am off duty. Each time I entered the catholic church (I am not a catholic; I am without denomination), not only do I pray well without "harassment" but sometimes, I will be there for 2 hours and by the time I am about to leave, some of the people I met there are not in any way preparing to leave. I am usually challenged by these people. Several time, I had stopped by the "mega churches" (Redeemed for e.g.) to pray, they looked at me like I've come to steal, most of their parishes are under lock and key. is it only the orthodox churches that are "house of prayer"?
    Really I have learnt to do house fellowships to learn the scriptures with other like minded Christians and have not gone or needed any of these churches in the last 5 years. I grow very well in the Lord and we do go online (social media)/prisons for evangelism. If you are a Christian who do not pray and fast and study your bible, very soon, every wind of doctrine will ferry you!
    Again, why is every girl (especially fair ones) that go to these "mega churches" put on "deliverance for 21 days"? Did Christ or his disciples do that. One of the teenage girls on my street after being put through such "deliverance' was also "put in the family way". The worst is that she does not know the father of her child because multiple "deliverance ministers" had her. Thank God she got saved during her pregnancy and delivered a healthy baby boy. Or should I talk about the "Rev. Fathers" that browse the girls in their congregations.
    For those of you who would "rattle" about tithing; I pay it very well to strangers (prisoners and street kids rehabilitation), widows, orphans, and some missionaries (who of course have no other means of livelihood); if you care to, you can read the scriptures; Deut. 14:28, 26:12, practiced in the NT; Acts 6:1-6, 1 Tim. 5:9, James 1:27. A lot of you will be surprised that I did not start my quotation from Malachi 3. the point is that "God's house has become as spiritual house (1 Pet. 2:5-9). By God's grace, I've taken many kids off the street, enabled widows begin small scale businesses, helped missionaries out of poverty etc. and I am not lacking in the blessings" from the Lord. I feel more fulfilled.

    1. I've read this somewhere..not sure where.

    2. Don't mind them
      That is how they will go and copy what they themselves don't understand and bring it here

    3. Where is your copied in caps?

    4. All these folks chanting "read it somewhere"
      The question is; is the post relevant to this discussion?
      The answer is YES:
      case closed!

  39. Stella why did my comment on sp enter your pot of soup....i no insult you na.
    Issorait! The Cain I wee use to flog is inside kerosene

  40. Roboskeske roboskeske😙😙😙😙😙😙

    Una never tire for this tithing issue? The bible said be it unto yu according to your faith... If you believe in tithing...fine..if you don't... fine... Remember that the bible said that during the end time,brethrens would be deceived in various forms.... Biko e don do for this tithing issue mbok...

    Una good afternoon😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙

  41. the way we duscuss matters that are of personal opinions in this country ehn...if we channel that same energy in discussing urgent national issuies i think by now lots of progress would have been made.

  42. No face of in house news today? Chai, see as this my pretty face just dey waste for here. Let me go and apply make up and take some nice pix for tomorrow's FOIHN..

  43. Replies
    1. They yaff come o. Beggars limited

  44. My own freestyle is ☹️☹️☹️
    When you get a call from your doctor and you just can't stop crying!
    But I feel a lil better this morning😇!
    A line of prayer from everyone as I check into the hospital today!
    Abeg no sad lines!

    1. It is well with you Sweetie, God has taken control of your health.

      It will end in praise

    2. It will be a new dawn for you, I pray the 'impossible' be made possible for you! Bear hugs.

    3. Ball in and ball out jo... hope my friend is nxt 2u

  45. I believe in tithing 100%,the fruit that God ask Adam not to eat was what? Why was he asked to touch every other fruit and not that particular fruit. Please if you don't believe in tithe keep your view to yourself and allow others to practice it in peace. Have you for once look at the life of non-tithers? What can you tell about them in the aspect of their finance. Abeg make i leave matter for Mathias

    1. That is how your pastors are brainwashing you people and enriching themselves. Why not try and read that chapter in Malachi that talks about tithing from beginning to the end.

  46. Abeg stella, some people do not pay tithe and are still blessed. What happen to people who do nt even belief in God n are making it big.
    Making heaven is what matters n paying tithe or not has nothing to do with it.
    Personally i belief in paying tithe.

    1. The minute u give in hope of receiving u defeat the true purpose of selfless giving which is what pleases God most.Give and forget about it instead of going on and on about it then watch God do His thing.All this 'give and it shall be given back to u in ten fold' no be am

    2. Im blessed!!
      Why will religion ever look attractive 2 me? Over 10yrs ive never attempted to pray or be thankful to any deity.

    3. @ Atheist you think you have it all....

    4. No human being has it all...
      Now go look for a toilet to scrub.

    5. @Atheist,ever heard of Ravi Zacharias?He helps people like you to have more understanding.

    6. Atheist when will you get it into your cracked brain that no one cares that you don't believe in God. Stop refering to it, we don't care. Now buzz off.

  47. yes o my people my's Ihn baby.
    madam don't worry d breast milk will dry up naturally just like it flew naturally when u put to bed..dats one of wonders of God.

  48. Stella I love what you wrote about tithing, God bless you.
    Don't know how to place this..
    How can some people be so heartless and evil, i never use to take this kinda attitude serious until lately.
    I love making peace for others in fact i am the kind of person friends run to when the going is bad to maneuver issue and make it die down peacefully but when it comes to mine, it becomes a small thing to handle since Amy is involved therefore, it's a minor issue.
    Have this colleague of mine who am very close to, she is such a nice person , even introduced her to this blog
    Outsiders think we are from same family, we had little issue for the past few weeks but pride won't allow us settle
    I was hoping like i do, close friends will get involve and settle us but no,the only ones that comes only come to gossip to me about her condemning everything she does
    But in my heart, I know she isn't bad and so have praying to God to help me get our friendship back through corner corner way lol
    I thank God he is doing it
    We have started talking and gisting small
    Very soon we go dey alright
    But you see all those people eeeh make i reconcile fully with my friend first
    Hmmm people can be evil sha
    Never knew some people secretly envy and wish you loose your happiness

    1. Awwwwww...... you sound so peaceful! Lol
      I hope u guys reconcile fully.
      Dont mind those ones. I am sure they are also going to her to condemn u too. Never discuss her with them. Human beings!

  49. Annon 14:14, no darling i am not job hunting, i am gainfully employed. I still maintain the fact that people who travel every December to the village to show off are actually poor people who want to show off what they do not have. Mami, if it pained you. Go n hug a transformer. People like you are the type that do not want to grow, they get a job n decide they will remain in that position. Mumu, I am working and i will keep looking for greater opportunities, If you like, stay in one position and be shouting up and down. Please take a pinch of sugar every morning, the bitterness you carry about is alarming,it smells from a distance. I am in my office come n beat me. Lmao

    1. See this mkpi is also seeking for attention. Replying herself and claiming it's another person. Bubul your are the same person as the anonymous, that I what most of you do here. Yesterday you posted a comment twice, one with this URL a another one with anonymous.
      If you want to be popular go and fight another person with a known Id. Stop fighting an cussing yourself. Ode.

  50. Minnie Respeck God knows when it will happen. Death is a MUST every one has to pay. Only God can console her.

    Sorry about the pains. It is a trial that all who are in Christ Jesus must face. While facing it, it is to know if you are a conqueror.

    God is there for her and her families. We cannot question God. Comfort to you all Amen

  51. Hello my yard people. hope ur day is going on smoothly.
    pls my people what can I use to grow my front hair abeg. ladybug face ur front ooo!

  52. Awww Crazy housewife, Believe God and everything will be fine. Stop crying, you will come back with joy and good news.

    I will continue to put you in my prayers

  53. Breastfeeding mum,pls use cabbage,put it on ur breast and the milk will dry off.

  54. God is the giver of wealth. He gives to whom He pleases. He sends sunshine to the wicked and the good. He never discriminate until Judgement Day

  55. Crazyhornywife aka ogwugwo nso Chukwu n'ime ndu gi. Iga adi ndu na ala ndi di ndu. Ogologo ndu na ahu isike ga Abu nke gi... Amen.

  56. Ihn don land. Una dooo o!
    About tithing..make God bless me with a job and make I see who go stop me from paying tithe in fact God should. take away d job if I don't pay tithe but I won't money wey my boo dash me pay tithe

  57. to the lady still lactating, its normal for it to take a while for your body to stop producing breast milk. you should only be concerned if you stopped breastfeeding over a year ago, or if it is still gushing out like when your baby was still suckling. otherwise, you are good to go. just give it time.
    for the case of tithing, let us stop deceiving ourselves. we all know the right thing, let us do it.

  58. are we saying that people that God dont bless or people that fall sick dont pay tithe? are everybody that pay tithe rich, devoid of problem?

  59. I believe in tithing even though the devil has been keeping me back.

    Why can't I just close my eyes and remove this tithe and pay. Sometimes, I look at my account and be like if I remove this amount now, wetin go come remain.

    But I don't have this issue when I need to help out someone in need. I can take half or 1/4 of the money with me and give someone but can't do same as tithe. I am still wondering why.

    I don't think people that don't give should be castigated tho cos I have read passages in the new testament that says this.

    1. It's a deliberate ploy from the devil to make you not to pay tithes.
      Have you wondered why you can stay a whole day and not remember to eat but the moment you want to fast, one hour seems like thirty days.
      Check what the enemy is fighting. Revisit him in that area. Submit to God and the devil will flee from you.
      Discipline yourself in that area.

  60. I Believe in giving. I believe in tithing. I will pay my tithe till Jesus comes.

    It is a new dawn for me

  61. Today Ihn na tithe matter we go discuss abeg enough abt this issue.but for me I know how tithe is important but u can't force them na.
    my own na about dat comment someone made abt ckde009. truth be told some bvs are ingrates.Even d miss aboki DAT still comment isn't loyal too . wo Stella jst keep being u.

  62. Every man their race!! Let God be the judge at the end!!

  63. This anon on Bubul's case e be like say the reply Bubul gave u on dat ur comment enter u wella...I sure say u no sleep for night. just take am easy u's just a blog o b4 u die of hbp

    1. Bubul is the one fighting himself/herself. Na the work Wey dem dey do for here

  64. Giving or not giving of Tithe is a personal choice, but at the end it shall speak both for those who believe and receive the blessings or those who do not. The bible specifically says bring the tithe to my store house that there may be meat in my house (church) it did not say give it to your loved ones or for other means, this does not mean you should not give your loved ones when they are in need, please give but don't give them your tithe.

    We should understand that God does not eat your paper money. Tithe is used to service the works of His kingdom, which includes spreading the gospel, planting churches, encouraging full time ministers, empowering the widows, other that are challenged, and as His Spirit leads.

    If assuming a man of god is living large with tithes, please let God be the judge, you just obey God and enjoy the blessings, the bible says God will judge every man according to their works. (I know some people will say so can't we point it out, well that's left for you)If you understand the bible very well then you will know what I mean.

    We should also understand that not all preachers, evangelist, apostles, pastors, prophets are called by God, some are self proclaimed who just decided to swindle their destiny by extorting, siphoning, and deceiving people. The bible says by their fruit we shall know them

    After the fall of man God says "His Spirit will no longer strive with man" meaning you will be responsible for every decision you make. "What is written is written" it is your choice to believe. If a man is truly born again, the Spirit of God will guide him to all truth, in fact he doesn't need a scholar to interpret the bible for him, because the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of Truth will lead him rightly.

    If we chose to read and follow the books of the Law (old testament) precept by precept like an ordinary book, then am sure a lot of people will be drunk on Sundays in church, lots of people will be going about with one eye and toothless mouth after-all Moses says and eye for an eye, and tooth for a tooth (Matthew 5:38-42), wives will deliberately commit adultery so that their husbands will divorce them, people will be stoned to death if they commit crime. Same goes with the issue of tithe mentioned in Deuteronomy. Imagine how the world will be if every man have to take laws into their hands according to Moses.

    Please do not be deceived by anyone.


  65. Well-come. IHN, madam be patience the milk will dry, but if is painning. You go see a doctor..

  66. Thank you very much Stellakoko for that wonderful message on tithing. One thing i know for sure is that God can not change, He will remain God whether some people decide to pay tithe, obey His commandments and do His will. The end will justify the means.

  67. Bee10 I tire ooo. When I want to bind telemundo they brought our queen of the south to Miami. I have no choice but to watch from December.

    Our Mama twins how body? Don't worry. Let God Almighty do the worry for you.

    Hahahaha anon 14:10 you play too much. You are not serious

  68. Welcome in house news,Good afternoon people and trust y' all are having an awesome afternoon.

  69. I am no fan of Freeze but what i noticed is that he backs up his anti-tithing arguments with facts yet pro-tithers have been unable to muster a scripture-based response to Freeze’s simple questions.

    Nobody empahsizes on helping his neighbour or having a good relationship with God , all are shouting "tithes".
    It means a sensitive spot has been hit.

    If you want to put God to the test, use your tithes to
    -Feed the hungry
    -Help the orphans
    -Cater to the needy
    -Help the sick who can't pay their hospital bills
    -Help the elderly

    We will see if God will not bless you abundantly; Try it and see.
    Forget about those blackmailers on the pulpit who can't even back up this tithe thing scripturally.

    1. Very well said.
      I notice that whenever I see someone in need and I have the mind to give, if I don't have the means to give to the person, something will happen and I will have more than enough, I will give to the person and still have some to myself. More will come after giving to the person. This happened severally. So what I do now is to give whatever I can afford to give whenever i see a needy person and the blessings are unlimited.

    2. Pls Stella don't be biased. Approve all comments as long as it's not cusses

  70. This life self I don't know where to start from no job no husband no money in my account let me dress up and go to the motherless baby's home even if is their dirty clothes let me wash it for them since there is no money to buy things for them I. Know my redeemer lives

  71. Anon 14:17 please read Genesis 6: 1- 7 to get your answer

  72. My issue isn't about tithing but with the fact that Nigerian Pastors have made it the only sermon they preach every sunday.
    Tithing is not the only topic in the bible people need to know.
    They have sold this idea that tithing washes away sins and puts food on a lazy man's table. This is why most christians are falling off the bandwagon, they are deceiving christians instead of telling them the truth!! How do you explain to a poor man that earns barely 20k every month and squeezes out 2k even when the child needs a cough syrup of 200naira that his neighbour that never pays tithe is making it and he isn't? How won't he lose faith if he sees that a Non-christian is the one borrowing him money when he is attached to a local church that knows his problems but tells him to pray more and bring more to the 'store house'

    The problem is not about giving God your 10%.. The issue is that some Pastors have derailed and have refused to open the eyes of their members to salvation. Miss me with the touch not because God gave me the brain to think and reflect!
    Until they begin to make people uncomfortable with the truth in church. We will have less armed robbers, less looters.. people will think twice before taking up that front row seat and brandishing their cheques.
    Not Tithing will not keep God from blessing you... killing one another will. Passing your neighbour soaking garri everyday will. Maltreating people will. Looting the country blind will.
    No one should be threatened into paying tithe. No curse will come upon you.. the curse will start from the ones that sleep with vulnerable females in church first.
    Finally.. Before you try to start with the you-don't-pay-your-tithe-song???
    Yes I do.. I started paying my tithe at a tender age. I started paying my tithe when my Orthodox churches didn't even announce tithe payment. I sold the idea of tithing to friends and family and anyone willing to listen. So you see?? I have a stake here.

    1. 7darl, u made sense jare, even if i dont pay a dime.

    2. 1million likes
      I dont pay tithe, ordinary offering sef is a problem for me I don't know why

  73. Anon 15:08 all these are already in the Bible. Christ said when you help the poor, you are inadvertently helping Him. Feed the needy, you are also doing that to Him.

    The poor will still be with us till Christ comes and that has not stopped anyone or me from helping.

    But your 10% tithe you must give. If you dont give, your concern, if you give your gain.

  74. Anon 14:52 i am talking of what God has done for me through tithe.

    I give my tithe. I sow seeds, inshort i do nearly all sowing and God has never failed me. For me, God has never put me in difficult situations.

    I dont eat in the dreams or sleep with spirits in the dream because my sowing including tithe takes care of all that.

    My job is very secured and I am loved in the office. Do me to your own detriment. those that tried it, they are no longer in the office.

    So no shakings where i dey concerning God's instructions.

  75. Slyvia did God give you that instructions to put your hands on his head to pray for him? Dont start what you cant finish.

    Families that prays together stays together. You can hold hands because whatever you bind on earth is also bind on earth and whatever you loose on earth is also loose in heaven.

    You shake people's hands, do you know what they have transferred to you and you want to use that same hands on your husband's head, come and take 25 strokes of cane from me.

  76. Everybody must put mouth in this tithing thing, jisie nu ike. When you guyz dont really understand anything you'll be writing rubbish? You are talking about giving and then linking it to tithinh? So a whole lot of people that give but dont tag it tithe will not unlock blessings abi? You guyz should just shut your mouths and do you and stop all these merry go round talk.

  77. I don't have strength to discuss tithing, blacks people will forever remain poor and behind white. You sin everyday, you are not afraid of sins but you are afraid of not being blessed if you don't tithe. You see why black people are poor? How can someone says it doesn't matter where the money goes or is used for as long as you tithe and respect the 10%? But sins are being made everyday, no one respect that very word of God, thy shall not commit adultery, steal,lie oh I forgot, they ask for forgiveness everyday, so the sins are gone but the one who don't pay tithe, will not be blessed even when he lives a righteous life.
    You africans are very funny, i am glad that when we die, no one knows where one goes to but at the end, we shall all meet.

    Bill gates is white, Oprah doesn't pay tithes, beyonce, in fact name it yet they call God's name but are super rich, in fact all the people going to church to pay their tithes won't even have their kind of money until they die. Continue doing what you are doing, after paying those tithes, they still go out there to sin, criticize, gossips, steal, sleep around, womanize, prostitute and expect the blessings?

    If tithing gives blessing, why are africans poor? Why most of you are jobless? or have jobs that only take care of the necessary?
    Black people have big heads but only bean size brains.

  78. Why not attack me with an Id? Make i tear you into tiny pieces. Crazy fellow. You go on anon to say something about someone bc you are too small to face them. Nnama

  79. @BIPOLAR ME You have said it all.....tithing is not by force and I am not really surprise about how people twist the bible to suite there belief


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