Stella Dimoko Toke Makinwa Reacts To Alleged Messy Side Chick Controversy After Massive Call Out



Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Toke Makinwa Reacts To Alleged Messy Side Chick Controversy After Massive Call Out

Outspoken Media Personality Toke Makinwa has been accused of being a side chick  and the story is messy. but she has remained quiet..Read it HERE.

Insiders say though she has been denying the story to close friends who have called her to find out the truth,she is yet to officially mention the story and deny it,however she posted the munched as a coded reaction to her name being negatively dragged on the Internet...




  1. Replies
    1. World people. Dey will not mind their business.
      Madam Toke, Abeg enjoy your life, fuck whoever you choose to, if it's for money, good for you, if it's for pleasure also good for you. If you choose not to fuck nobody, it's your way, your life, your body. Live it, love it. You owe nobody no explanation. Keep enjoying your success, let them continue talking.
      No time. We only live once.

      Your comment will be visible after approval

    2. Alloy weldone👏👏👏👏
      Coming from a man,I am disappointed.mutcheeeewww

    3. Truth is no one is holy and for Toke all is business; she knew what story to tell you all for you to buy it. Now she's been exposed; you think she cares? No! She knew this day will come.

      Some said they are disappointed in her. No darlings be disappointed in yourselves for allowing yourselves to be used. Do something productive with your time than beeing on pages of celebrities 24/7 and be tapping. Remember black China and her post pregnancy body? Now Toke. Take a decision today not to be available for them to disappoint.

    4. Aloy, the problem is she's destroying a family. The man has a wife and she knows it.
      She talks about decency and self respect, and honor. She's the worst type of hypocrites. Why live a lie?

    5. I think people missed the whole point about the story which is of the morality of it. And also because she has a lot of young girls as her followers and her behavior on her instagram has been way over the top with material stuff and not about substance. She preaches about mortality and she need to live by her own conviction

    6. Of course she will deny the story because of thou art holier attitude when in actuality she is an hypocrite all along and I'm sure within her she is very happy with the exposure the story has given her. Shameless girl

    7. Alloy chikezie aka mr parosident legion of Mary.
      Who exactly are you for? Is this what you go about evangelising? You better be careful.

    8. Nigerians have time, jobless lots. This is Dec, year has almost ended and people are losing sleep over who Toke is sleeping with. Toke is the least of my problems.

    9. And that @sexyslimfit06 is gearing up for Toke's next give away. She's doing a good job at defending Toke. I hope Toke has noticed her.

  2. Replies
    1. Bhet what do they expect her to say abi respond to if d tory is actually true??? Nothing nau other than keeping mum. When they get tired of dragging her, they go sleep. Lool

    2. @ Lipstick She might get more publicity from this but I don't think a good brand should reward her fake ass with such story. But then we are talking about a brand in Nigeria where the Director who is married himself might even want to date her after reading her story. She might be making money but not to the extent of buying those ridiculous pricey items. Where is her morals? I'm sure her mother is turning in her grave seeing how wasteful she has become just to prove to people that she has also arrived. Fake ass and hypocrite of the highest order

  3. Mehn, these people really have time oh
    How do they camp on someone's page and start fighting each other in the name of fan and non-fan?

    Another one up there was just jejely advertising her goods. Na that person get sense pass walai.

    1. And it's women that are bashing her...
      I'm sure the Fadeyi will stop taking her calls from today...
      But why would Toke date a married man without being extremely coded about it?...
      How can you allow your man friend's family to know you are gbenshing their father?...
      Na wah oh!...

  4. Toke Makinwa's ass crack is black. The bleaching did not reach there. She is a cheap hooker if you know who to call to get her to your house.

    1. Haters everywhere... @Toke yoi owe no one any explanation.... Keep doing You...

      Let them keep SHOUTING.

      god got you.... Your Mum is even helping you fight your fight... You go dey do higher, dem go dey disappointed.

      I am with you in the spirit


    2. Of cos. It has to be the small god. It stands for all things despicable!

  5. yes she deserves it and more. too bad she is shameless and such shit dont get to her. now i see why Maje couldnt put up with her fake ass. tueeeeh

    *hangs leg on the wall*

  6. I still don't understand this story. Is Pa.Fadeyi, a baby? Why is Toke the one getting blamed? His kids if truly they did that cry for help thing on behalf of their father are shameless.
    I don't think there's anything Toke would do that shouldn't get heat for and I guess she's used to it reason she doesn't respond most times. Men are always fast to scream "ashewo" at women but this same woman wouldn't sleep with you and most of them their mama's had them while she was still in her father's house and unmarried.

    1. Oh because he is not baby,his children should not caution him again when he is doing whats wrong?the way we reason!smh..what is bad is bad.What toke is doing is it good or bad? You all be justifying nonsense.

    2. No, pa Fadeyi is not a baby. The reason people are callimg her out is because she divorced her husband, took him and his side chick to the cleaners with so much anger, degrading words, disgraced him to the whole world in her book she wrote because of him, just because of the same thing she is doing to a married man. She is a tufaced hypocrite. She dated Amaechi a married man which every one knew. Why preaching what you ain't practising? She is too fake, she deserves all the negativity and more of what she is getting. To be truthful; Anita has been in the picture before her, she jumped the broom to sideline because that one is a reserved kind. Ondo girls that can fuck anything. When i gave up on her was when she said she had to bleach her skin because of Maje, what kind of low life complex is that?

    3. Exactly.She judged so it's expected that she shld be judged too.

  7. i am angry because the man owes some debts and all toke could do is to take from him..and people supports her seems the bad way of life is now generally accepted as the standard of living in nigeria.

    1. I don't know HOW and WHY toke should be blamed for him not paying debts. Abeg as much as we want to drag the babe let's be reasonable. It's NOT her fault that he's in a N190bn debt..i don't even think she has chopped up to 1bn from him. So wetin??!!

  8. better disgrace go calm her down.if she continues this way.that type you hold her hostage,fuck her naked and record with her showing all her tities and upload online for the world to the type that will humble her....

    1. ARIDIN... I am sure you are one failed OAP, that people don't know.. Not are you the stupid @Anita that left good men and got impregnated by a foolish man

      Or are you @Maje himself that does nothing other than feeding off women

      Will you all keep KwaYat and let @Toke breath

      Unam ikot mkpo everywhere


  9. children of anger everywhere, abeg let me come and be going

  10. Lol
    Guess she means what’s mere bashing compared to her luxurious goodies and babygirl lifestyle. Lol

    1. For some reasons, I read it this way too... if I can take the good, why not the bad. If I can enjoy the good life, what is bashing? #babygirlforlife

  11. Everyone has their own call out day,yesterday was tokstar day.

  12. Truth is she has nothing to say else the man's children will come for her again and this time it will be real hard. She is guilty as judged! My own is she should sha take it easy with the milking.. Abi?

  13. Jesus! people get time o. See bashing 😨😨😨😨

  14. 1. More than half of the gurls calling Toke out have at one point or the other in their lives dated married men, only difference those men are prolly not as rich as Fadeyi.
    2. More than half of the people calling out Toke also quote bible verses and go to church every sunday even when their disobedience to God is on another level.
    3. More than half of those calling out Toke are fornicators as they have prematital sex upandan.
    4. Whoever Toke fucks or not is her business, its her body, her cross and na she go face judge alone
    4. Why do we believe negative stories every single time? What if it were all lies? What if?
    5. Why are the children not calling out their father and why is the internet blaming Toke? Is Toke rubbing the man at gun point or raping the man?
    6. Remember you have 'better' problems, do not waste your time playing judge Judy on Toke's matter, use that energy to strive to better your own life.

    1. Toke shouldn't have put herself high up there.nnugo

    2. She is being called out because she snatched anoya from maje and turned around to be the main chick. Somehow we still find a way back to where our heart is, then she let all hell loose abd disgraced the babe and het husband. That is the reason for this call out.

    3. Thank you oo

      I don't know the nonsense that they are screaming about

      Make Dem continue to dey scream......

      @Toke, I am with you in the spirit.......

      Let them keep SHOUTING


    4. Trust me Fadeyi"s kids didn't call out Toke. What are their names, they should list it. Kids that are so private. Even fadeyi himself is private.
      I know several ppl working in Panocean and I heard about this story since. Whether it's true or false I don't really know.
      But if it is I am highly dissapointed in Toke. Why that man that is atleast 70.
      What happened to her American boo.Time wants to tell me she doesn't have rich young guys asking her out.

    5. Toyin and Femi. I don't believe they called her out either. These are very busy and accomplished guys. Toke is not the only girl Pa Fadeyi is splurging on but Toke is just unfortunate to be a celebrity.

    6. @anon 8:53 was Toke not calling Maje and Anita out and draining their integrity out when she knew she us equally guilty as charged. What happens when you decide to fight your own fight instead of allowing God to. This same people calling her out now finished Maje for her last year.

  15. And that was how Toke made us to forget about #Baad and #ON2017 so quickly...There's power in Toke's pus*y😅😅😅😅😅
    So many people mislead others with their lifestyle, that's how other OAP will be crying in silence thinking that it's their village people that's stopping them from shining like Toke, not knowing that Toke's shine is from Uncle Fadeyi's pocket😅😅😅😅

  16. Stella did U have 2 screenshot all d comments ha!U didn't think ur people here will like 2 comment aswell?😕😕😕😕

  17. Make Toke no commit suicide oh!...
    The name calling is too much!...her close friends should take her phone from her...
    I'm not her fan though but I hate when women are busted like this...

    1. It’s too much for one person pls. Are they all saints? Most of them even fuck for free. I don’t support Toke but if Pa Fadeyi is owing the bank and still wants to spend on Toke den dats not her fault. Like that girl said dey tink it’s easy to handle d old man😭 dey should let her be abeg,people just hate her for no reason. I know their annoyance is all her preaching about relationships buh someone dat sells only Samsung can still be using an iPhone. So dey should fucking let her be.

  18. @ sdk if ivonne can deny her pregnancy, if tonto can say her hubby bought her iphone only to turn ard n say she bought it, if toyosi can say she's a virgin whn she's not, then don't expect toke to tell u she's sorry for dating pa fadeyi. U shld knw dis celeb's r lairs from d pit of hell. They lie on national tv without remorse just like their pay masters politician.

  19. See Toke has been a Hoe Since Unilag days no be today and let me tell u guys something Hoe wey e eye too dey shook find it very difficult letting go especially as she get status to maintain that the truth. Even some dey dey husband house still dey f**k outside that's the Sad truth. It's better not to start at all cos at some point it becomes an addiction... evrm if u need a tooth brush u want someone to pay for it .it's Sad but it becomes an addiction for some.Good luck girl

  20. Nobody like washing their dirty lilen outside, for man's children to call her out they must have talked to their father, the main thing that are after is the debt cos tomorrow they will be the one to suffer for it

  21. Oh my God.. Are schools on strike?
    One thing is sure though.. You don’t know how many people have an ax to grind with you until issues come up.
    One said.. “The amount of stuff Toke has was making her sleepless, thank God she’s been exposed”
    Funny people.
    In all of this, They have painted Papa as the victim. Smh!

    1. Papa isn’t the victim.
      In my eyes at least.

      And then again you know how most Nigerians are. Sometimes we tend to be overly sentimental with aged people. We are a bit forgiving with them. And the way they even Call the man Pa Fadeyi,Pa Fadeyi weee make even u sef imagine the man is one “senile” man that unfortunately isn’t with all his senses anymore. That Toke wee just hold his hand and the pen and say “Daddy sign here” Ehn Daddy sign this one too. And he goes a-signing🤣🤣🤣

      But seriously,I think The reason for the bashing are not so hard to see.
      She claims she works soo hard. Reason for the luxurious lifestyle and dividends.

      Then it’s revaealed that an old married man is indeed behind her lifestyle. A married man??!

      The same thing she said Anita did to her that made her lose her man and her marriage?? And then she turns around and does it to another woman?

      Now,don’t forget too that she had previously before this Bn on a platform where she wasn’t entirely truthful to her fans about life,real life situations and her own life.

      But the fans and public forgave her for this(I want to believe they did) and I mean the Book came out and the massive support and love for her followed. And her fans and others alike took Maje and Anita to the cleaners. They didn’t spare them one bit.

      And then it happens that this for-eyed,Phonetics-speaking,Sexy,Gospel-preaching,BabyGirlFoLife enthuthiast isn’t all she claims to be....
      That she is giving it to a married man. A married OLD man heavily in debt. A man whose kids have reached out to her to leave their Dad alone. At least let him Pay off his debt in Peace and In response Baby geh debuted a Beautiful Range🤣

      And you think SM wont go berserk?

    2. Every one should examine his or herself.

    3. I honestly imagine Papa as a senile, walking stick using,head bobbing aged man from how they have painted him.
      I guess he is not any of these👆

    4. TGW, you analysis is on point. You are very sound. It's her holier than thou attitude and pretence that's responsible for the backlash

    5. Wait o. Who remembers the guy toke paraded after maje. One US millionaire that threw birthday party for her. Where is he at? Shebi she dumped him too after squandering all his money on her. Dis old Papa is not the first and by no means the last. She must have dat baby girl lifestyle private jets and all by force!

  22. The only reason I am pissed is because of the kind of impression she created about herself,hardworking and Godly woman with good morals bla bla
    What an hypocrite 😣

    1. *a hypocrite*
      Well.... except you're one of those with the h-factor 😉

  23. The only thing I see here is a foolish oldman who won't pay his debts, he codedly wanna die n leave dem to incur huge debts, if na my papa, aswear, I would make sure d bank seize his properties whilst he's alive, n I pack my load waka! D kids made so much noise about it, deal with d catalyst codedly if u must, 'robberies go wrong everyday'.

  24. With that 50 million naira car she won't commit suicide. Who will she leave all that to.

    Toks keep enjoying and let them keep talking. Your juju and MFM dey work. Die by fire use am fire them, shebi Na MFM slogan

  25. How could you guys ever take a bleached out ass fellow seriously in the first place?
    Someone who hated her nature and went ahead to disfigure herself is a bitter and unreasonable person and does the social media hype to fill up the wide vacuum in her soul.
    She could do anything to fill up that wide vacuum.
    Needless to insult her,i think it's just best to look at the foundation which is..'you can't give what you don't have'.

  26. Correct original jazz at work. For pa fadeyi oloro's children calling toke out means,"their father is no longer reasoning sensibly and acting under the influence of supernatural powers"

  27. I still maintain Toke is not the issue here. The children should call their father to order. Toke can always get hitched on another billionaire and d man too as well get another celebrity to shine his bongo n spend big on her. So make dem chill and caution their papa...simple.

  28. John 8:7."He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her". Jesus Christ response when the woman who committed adultery was about to be stoned to death by the mob.

  29. Please how and where do i meet this men that gives women 50m?

    1. Okay. Let's start with you English first hun....

    2. Actually olodo chikito she is correct... All dem dummies

    3. *YOUR* oversabi

    4. Na real oversabi! YOUR not You. You don't correct people by putting them down.

    5. Aabeg, leave Ribena Child. is allowed.

  30. i wish poeple will let this girl be, seriously i dey pity her.

  31. point of correction Festus is single!His first wife died and he divorced the second,so pls leave Toke alone

  32. The General'S Wife and Oueen The man is a divorcee

  33. Hypocrites! Why won't they insult the randy old man like this too? Abi Toke is raping him and stealing his money? The pa fadeyi's children are stupid. They're treating the symptoms while the sickness is still there. Tell your father to stop chasing women upandan and focus on paying off his debts. As long as Toke is not raping him she's the least of their problems

  34. Please, I want those on her side to put themselves in Pa fadeyi's wife and children's position. Your parents started young and worked their way through life, through hard work they were able to acquire their wealth. Now time to start enjoying themselves, one small girl will come from nowhere and start reaping where she did not sow! Don't forget that the baba too will start treating your aged mother like trash because of his side piece, you come home, you see is your poor mother in tears, how will you feel? If their mother is a second wife that chased his first wife out I won't even bother. I am sure they are also giving baba hell. What she accused her ex and his mistress of doing to her is what she is doing to another woman. IT IS NOT FAIR. Toke leave the baba alone! Don't let mama die of heart attack o hmm.

    1. Abeg help me ask the defenders of the universe.
      What you guys are saying is,if you marry tomorrow and heaven smiles on you and your spouse,then in your old age your dauthers age mate begins to date your husband and suck him dry,you will applaud guys better be guided.

    2. Abeg help me ask the defenders of the universe.
      What you guys are saying is,if you marry tomorrow and heaven smiles on you and your spouse,then in your old age your dauthers age mate begins to date your husband and suck him dry,you will applaud guys better be guided.

  35. Dear Ma Fadeyi... I can help you solve your heartache and problems. Do you want to destroy Toke Makinwa YES or NO.
    As long as she is sleeping with your husband, spirit can undo her. I can help you, it is very easy. Just say the word because it is like she thinks he is invincible.

    They never yet born the person that will sleep with any of my siblings husbands or wives and go unpunished.

  36. Well, this is old gist sha, ope makinwa who is Toke’s sister was the one sleeping with pa fadeyi o, the man splurged in Ope well to and even for her her latest car., when daddy was seeming getting tired of Ope, she quickly introduced her so called celebrity sister to take over and now Toke is the reigning queen in baba’s life.. the other girl friends in baba’s life both young and old are very angry now. What I wan to is the kinda of Jazz she dey use because the thing dey work well .

    1. Where did their parents go wrong?

    2. @Anon20:57 God bless you. Toke na small hoe compared to Ope. Toke is attracting noise becos she be celebrity. Ope na bigger hoe and pimp.

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