Stella Dimoko Thursday In House News


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Thursday In House News

Thursday smells good.....
Have a nice day...and kisses to all my past and present blog boos...LMAO


Hi Stella and lovely bvs, felt like gracing the face of ihn as one of the oldest member of this group (winks). Doppel i'm following your footstep for natural hair babes, hope my transitioning is looking good.

I love you much Stella and everyone 

Aww thanks for the love babe.

WOW,your hair looks soft and can i get mine to have this texture.....Doppel honey help!!!!



Good afternoon Stella, I will like to assist anyone who's either preparing for an examination or anything as a VOLUNTEER Teacher(Free of Charge) ... can take Children  too. 

N.b... I cant take financial accounting very well and I can't take Literature at all

My strengths are... Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Statistics,Further Mathematics, IGCSE, GMAT, GRE,et al
Location: Lagos. 

Volunteer?Will you be going over for free or ask that the person comes over to you?will you be asking for transport fare?you need to sort this out with anyone who calls you cos i know that there is no free lunch in freetown



My name is Destiny ....... also called mìngyùn as my Chinese name... lol

As I celebrate this day, I ask the Lord one small request;  I know I have all I could need, but this prayer is not for me. So many people on this day, don't have a single place to stay,  I pray that all crying cease and that we all may know peace and dear God wipe our tears of sorrow away...  On this day, I pray peace to anyone going through crisis in any area of their life in Jesus Name.... Amen.

Abeg, BVs easy with the jabs.... afraid hold me..

Happy Birthday Mingyun...Fine babe...whats happening in China na?



UNEDITED because i didnt understand most of the words

''Hi Stella,this is going 2 b a long read but I'll try hard to make it short.i got married in June pregnant nd lost it after 6months.. i went thru severe pain from d 4th month of d pregnancy went for a scan but d said it was a fibroid degeneration...

I was bedridden 4 a month nd was even willing to take all d pain even for an extra 3months but God tot it wise to take d child so I can live.. I was sad,depressed nd miserable..after my child's death I was still going thru pain accompanied by fever nd vomiting i tot it was from d fibroid,I waited 5wks went for anoda scan but d doctor said it wasn't fibroid but an infected cyst d also discovered fluid in my Douglass pouch,I had a terrible womb infection.

I got treated with broad spectrum antibiotics nd was later scheduled 4 surgery 2 take off d painful cyst but in d process d discovered d womb infection had damaged my left ovary nd tube,so it was removed alongside with d cyst!!!the doctors said ivf might b d only option left bcos d right tube looked abnormal but d however said we should try 4 6months nd if nothing happens we go 4 IVF...I wept I asked so many questions I begged God 2look with pity upon me nd heal my remaining organs I held firmly unto God nd damned d doctors report cos I belived God will answer I started TTC in July 2017 nd surprisingly I missed my period in September ....did a pregnancy test and it turned out positive...

one of the things I promised God was dat if my prayers where answered I will speak enormously of wat he has done 4me... after dat surgery I became a prayer warrior said my rosary of liberation 4 my remaining reproductive organs,novena to st Rita,st Jude to Mary undoer of knots nd also the TTC prayer Stella put up nd God heard my cry...pls guys help me and praise God..if theres anyone here who has lost hope on something or a situation pls cling unto God only him can change ur story..I'm still stunned I cant believe my miracle baby is on d way...who would have thought?








Please a male office assistant within age bracket 20- 27 is needed urgently in an office in Victoria Island (kofo abayomi). Please know this role involves running errands and cleaning. The pay is 25,000 naira. Kindly call this number if interested 0817 962 6150.



Good day sdk and bvs. I wanted to do this in the comment section but I wouldn't like for anybody to come under my comment and say' SD,welcome oh'β€Ž like they do when an anonymous agrees with a person's point of view.

Words are powerful and there isn't any human being that isn't affected by them. This memo is for the Bvs who feel they have been blessed with a physique to die for and think it is right to make caricature of another human being.

β€Ž You guys are the reason why people lock up their physically and mentally challenged family members and act like it is a death sentence.

 If you can go as far as digging up pics from Google to mock a complete human being who is not impaired in anyway,then imagine what you to an impaired person.

Let this memo touch your hearts and pls let Sexy Daddy be in peace. If you cannot read his comments,then scroll up or down past it. Some people are better at spoken than written English.

His misspellings(which shouldn't be a problem at all because at the end,we all get the message) are no reason at all for him to be mocked and called names. 

LET this come as a warning and let us all be guided.
P.S: This is neither from sdk or Sexy daddy.

Thank you for this Babe...

Sexy Daddy you are a storm on your own and nobody can bring you down.....Maybe last last na politician you go be local govt chairman or



  1. What can I possibly give God for his mercy and grace upon the life of my mother? This past few months has been crazy, full of fears and uncertainties. I watch my mum groan in pain and couldn’t do nothing. Evil thoughts came wandering in my head, the thought of losing her freaked me out. I couldn’t imagine being motherless. I almost lost faith in God but his words came true for us. My mom had a major surgery on her back/waist few days back and the surgery was successful, she is healing and they will be back in the country in 9 days time. *am super excited*
    Today 16/11 is her birthday and I just wish she was here to watch me sing a happy birthday song and clown for her, well tanx to technology that is still possible. This is the first time in my 20 years plus of living we will be celebrating her birthday without her around to cut the cake. If you come from a small family where all you have is just your mother and older sister you will understand my excitement. God is faithful and thats why instead of hanging legs I choose to lift up my hands and praise him for this miracle.
    I spent the whole of last nyt catching up with the blog I couldn’t finish mbok I give up.
    SDK how far? How the hustle? I will find time to mail you
    Sandy Yo yo creamybae chai I miss you gimbiya
    Fab mum how far? Sending you truck of kisses your way I love you like I love my sexy hot legs.
    Queen and boss dearie I miss you pieces where I dey white pigeon no dey. I miss knocking something
    Ibukun bae where you dey?
    Pastor Krix me I need deliverance oooh tho a special kinda deliverance lol
    Sharon aminu dear I miss you too much
    The General wife I need some of those ya free hugs
    Chike and the river how ya side? How is ya wify chikito?
    Athiest I have some questions to ask you but let me finish this fura da nono first.
    Joblesshouse wife how far? Still tearing bra?
    Lafreshest congrates dearie. God bless ya new home.
    Who else? Let me go and ask google lol
    All my boobaes in the blog lol (who brought this idea of boobae sef I like it) hope life is treating una well?

    1. Welcome back. Missed you on here. Happy birthday to your mum. God will perfect his healing on her

    2. Wow. Praise God for mummy. Happy birthday to her and welcome to you

    3. awwww, thank God for her life. her healing is permanent IJN.

    4. Thank God for His mercies. Wish your mom a speedy recovery. Affliction will not arise a second time in Jesus name, Amen.

      Happy birthday to her πŸŽ‚ πŸŽ‚ 🍷

    5. Look who is here.
      The leg hanger herself!
      Thank God for his grace and the added age to her years.
      Happy birthday and happy new year to your mother.

    6. Hahahhahahaha crazy girlπŸ˜‚
      U still clowning around,mentioning hanging your legs and ur mom in one sentenceπŸ˜‚

      Thank God for ur mom's successful surgery.
      May His name be praised!πŸ™πŸ½

      Hehehehe @Boobae.
      Take a wild guess babyπŸ˜‰

    7. Happy birthday to your Mum Pastor's Daughter. Her healing is permanent and she will live to enjoy you and your sister. The affliction will not rise the second time.

    8. Awwww, Sannu da zuwa and miss you too darlyn.πŸ€—β€πŸ’‹ I don use eye find you tireee ashe... Thank God for momsys life and happy birthday to her kwo.⚘

    9. Welcome back Stephie..Happy birthday to your mom

      I originated the Boobae

    10. Happy birthday to your momma. May she live long to carry your 'greatest granded children' (Chai Engrish is sweet o).

    11. Aww thank God for your mum
      Happy birthday dear

    12. Welcome back honey! Her healing is perfect in Jesus name Amen.

    13. Look who is here.
      The leg hanger herself!
      Thank God for his grace and the added age to her years.
      Happy birthday and happy new year to your mother.

    14. Good to have you back Crazy Girl.

      We thank God for permanent healing for Mum

    15. Welcome back PAstor's daughter AKA stefysofinesofly.
      Thank God for your Mom.
      You got us worried.. I'm happy you are goodβ™₯️

    16. Aww, thank God for his mercies and the successful surgery.

      Welcome back hun

    17. Awww..welcome back honey. Missed u here. Praise God for ur mom.

    18. Happy birthday to your mummy.

      Her healing is permanent in Jesus name. Amen.

    19. Welcome back.

      Thank God for the successful surgery of ur mum. And happy birthday to her. I am wishing her many more years to come in good health and plenty.

    20. Awww, look who we have here. I'm happy you are fine. If I said I wasn't worried, I would be lying.

      Thank God for your mother. God in heaven is to faithful to fail. Permanent healing is her portion.

      Welcome back to the blog.
      Happy birthday to your mum. Long life, good health and joy I wish her.

    21. Welcome back Stephanie. You were missed.
      God will perfect your mom healing in Jesus name

    22. @iphie barbie doll am sorry i got you so worried sweetheart.
      @Adadioramma i dont know the meaning of your name sweetheart but i sure love it. my first daughter will have that name lol
      @darasimi i have this peaceful sweet picture of you in my head. i miss your inspirational quotes wallahi
      Amen thanks alot Pipi lee.
      Omeh,sara leo, my sweet sweet sherikoko and elegant i miss you all alot.
      @slimqueen amen darlyn your beauty is drawing me like okro choi
      @queen amy, victorious ehis, official prestige thanks guys i miss una too.
      @Justsweet truly you are sweet lol thanx dear
      @sugar baebae tanx alot dear.
      @lipstickally my very original person after you na you. i miss you darlyn.
      i miss you all like crazy damn!!!
      so what drama did i miss?
      let me go and catch up with other post and see if i will find drama lol. damn i miss EEI and WNB like kilode.

      *runs outta post*

    23. I dey here oh @pastors daughter. Thank God for your mum πŸ’ gosh! Mothers are precious

    24. Lolz @your First daughter will have the name. I will tell you the meaning by tomorrow. Love you babe.

  2. Replies
    1. Ada Ada!😘
      Ada m oma!😍!

    2. Let me borrow your space
      Good afternoon People

      BV Mingyun your request are valid and Amen to your prayers plus you are very beautiful😊😊

      Afternoon lunch loading...Oha Soup and semovita. A friends birthday and she intends to feed us till we can't work on our computers again.

      Am super excited about tonight, meeting someone on a blindate and I hear she is hot.

      Will bring gist here later on, hope it all ends well😊😊😊😊


    3. Finally I get to know u are a dude. Phew!

      Good speed bro!πŸ˜‰

    4. Lol I used to pray for him thinking he was a lady this beevees will kee my enemies

  3. The weather is hot. Ihn is here.

    1. Meanwhile it rained heavily early hours of today.

      This Harmattan should do and come biko.

  4. This cracked me up n he/she is so on point. Sdk bvs are mouthed.

    Account has been hacked if
    -Queen and boss talks about wife submitting to their husbands
    -Blackberry preaches about abstinence
    -Atheist talks about Repentance and accepting christ
    -Ese essay talks about having sex and nudes as normal
    -Doppelganger writes about being a side chick to her bf
    -Fab mum turns deaf and dumb to anonymous trolls
    -Tgw fights dirty and exchange words with a troll
    -Elastic swears he's a virgin
    -Whiteberry says she's doing a monthly cash give away on the blog
    -Lady bug becomes a motivational speaker
    -Sandy yo says she dislike Ebube Nwagbo
    -Blogbrity confess She's Lolo Ideato
    -Kidjo tell us miss aboki inspires her
    -Bloglord says she's broke and can't afford 3 square meal
    Add yours

  5. Good day all,Supposing you are older than your brother's wife but she feels it is her right to be greeted by you cos she is married, how do u deal with that?
    Personally I see no big deal in greeting even a child but when someone u are older than now feels you are d one to greet her in d morning when u wake all cos she is d wife & if u don't she doesn't greet either. What do u do,do u stop greeting her?

    1. anonymous to bahd16 November 2017 at 14:15

      Greet her! Greet her first all the time! Smile, put your hand on her shoulder & say my dear good morning, se you slept well? What should we cook this morning? Vary that according to time of day. The earlier we learn to overlook stuff the easier our lives will be.

    2. I won’t mind greeting her, salutation is not love. Make sure you do it in the presence of her husband. He should be the one to correct her. Some girls lack home training.

    3. Keep greeting her, there are other ways to show her that you have manners and that you are a peaceful person even if she lacks manners.

      Greet her and maintain a friendly distance both on conversation and in doing things at home.

      Ultimately tru and move out to get your own place as there would never be respect for you in her home if she already sees you as too small to greet.


    4. Lols Anonymouse to bhad
      Some people are too petty. Looking for trouble where there is none. What is the big deal in greeting your brother's wife first even if you are older than her?

      Pls leave the young couple alone let them enjoy their marriage. You no get house? Go to your house or your parents house if you are not married yet. Let her enjoy her home. Trouble maker.

  6. *I beg laugh small & relief tension!!!*

    *Be careful who you share secrets with ....*
    *Three pastors met & agreed to sincerely tell each other their problems, which must be kept a secret between the three of them.* *The first pastor said; my problem is moneyπŸ’°. l do steal even from the church offering πŸ˜”. Please pray for me.*
    *The second pastor; mine is women. Whenever l see any woman, my desire will be to go to bed with her. Infact l have slept with most of the church (female) members.πŸ˜’*
    *Turning to the third pastor to hear his problem, he started crying 😭😭😭😭😭😭😒(it took his friends some effort to calm him).*
    *When they asked him to continue, he was still crying😭, he said my problem is gossiping, when we leave this place everybody will hear everything the two of u have just told me.😭 Please pray for me!😩...*
    *😭 The two pastors fainted.

  7. Honestly, that memo was very necessary... Fido Dido... Hahaha πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

    1. No, that's wicked. He doesn't even look like Fido Dido in any way sef.
      Ignore Sexy Daddy, you already know where you are na, insults is part of the Blog culture.

    2. Just decided to ask google what's Fido Dido...a cartoon o. Hian

      Sexy Dad...don't mind them o. You are not a cartoon. You don't look like that cartoon.ok 😘

  8. please Stella and bvs,help a sister out. I'm battling dark spots from pimples n this is giving me esteem issues. Can someone recommend d best cream for spots please? I'm so down.

    1. Stop looking for cream for dark spots rather a good cream for your body, it will take time to correct but you won't regret it.

    2. Buy rosewater and be using it to wipe your face after bath morning and Night

    3. If u are fair, cleanse ur face with peau de lune, d brown one.

  9. This sun is hot ooo
    I want to drink garri with very cold water, plenty groundnut and milkπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€.
    My mum says nothing cold should be entering my mouth till after three months😱😱

    1. Maybe I should do same fa.*phew*

    2. Listen to her, mums knows best


    3. LEP I'm trying but this sun eh, I doubt if I can resist.

    4. Listen to her
      After I had my second child, I started drinking cold things forming my mum worries too much about nothing. Not like I wasn't taking hot stuff o but I was taking cold water, cold drinks too much. And then the pain started. Serious pain. Then movement in my tummy. Like I still had a baby in there. Then my mom and sister in law said the blood in my tummy that was supposed to go out had congiled and they made me start serious hot water therapy. 3 days later,movement stopped, and I bled it all out and got myself.

  10. Maturity is when you keep your mouth shut when you want to say something mean to someone. Only people at peace with themselves can do this

    1. Exactly.... If i have nothing positive to say i just waka pass.

    2. Hope u saw ur own corrections too on yesterday's IHN corper Isaac

  11. Dont mind those yeye annonymous
    As if sexy daddy is the cause of their bitter soul
    Uwa teachers.mutcheeew

    1. Dollar bills
    2. Id card
    3. Credit card

    1. Expired atm card
    2 . bet 9ja slip
    3. Naira bet slip
    4. Tramadol
    5. Bet 360 slip
    6. National Id card
    7. Weed
    8. Voters card
    9. 12 different passport
    10. Toothpick
    11. 250 different business card

    1. Mobile phone
    2. Money
    3. Apartment key
    4. Atm card
    5. Some Chocolate

    1. Hair net
    2. Toothbrush
    3. Wig
    4. Paracetamol
    5. Pad
    6. Pant
    7. Makeup kit
    8. Bathing soap
    9. Phone charger
    10. Andrew liver salt
    11. Different complimentary card
    12. 600naira plus some change..... Not my business shaa πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„
    Abi na lie?

  13. What's with Thin men and Fat women...

    Dem no dey fear ?

    1. Na their spec nauu. Looooooooool

    2. That is a question that only the gods can answer.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


    3. I wonder same. One man in my church is so slim and his wife is on the big size. When they all together, she looks like his mum or aunt. I don't know how they do it

  14. Life is all about perspective. The way you see a Traffic Jam is not the same way a Gala and LaCasera seller sees it.

    Live and let's live
    Pls leave sexy daddy alone faaa
    It's not fair trolling him like a bee
    Good afternoon lovelies

    1. anonymous to bahd16 November 2017 at 14:30

      Didn't know there was a one-troll-per-blog policy! So ladybug has monopoly!? Mba nu!

    2. Let him too respect himself on the blog he is not the only man here.

  15. #That awkward moment when your friend is friends with the person you hate 😁

    1. All u have to do is to make sure you don't entertain talks about the other person and everything will be fine.


  16. πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
    So Sexy Daddy can't take the heat but he can throw insults around also.
    It's all right.
    Continue oo, throw punch and when you are bulldozed, your voltrons fight your battles.
    You better man up and ignore. πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’

    1. Don't mind him. He can insult but can't take insults

    2. It won't be fair if you lie about him. Sexy daddy doesn't insult people here. He only throws insult at those who wouldn't let him be. And not like he insults them self.

  17. Praise God!!! For the TTC testimony. We all will receive our own testimony soon be it financial or materially.

  18. Everything will be alright..
    Take a deep breath.. Don't stress out.. Just relaxe.. calm yourself.. listen some favourite songs..Look at the stars.. Go to walk, feel the atmosphere.. eat your favourite with friends.. talk with family members.. Get some sleep and then everything is alright...Just keep calm.. Keep yourself peaceful..

    - Girach Uvais

  19. Good afternoon.
    Thanks all for the birthday wishes. I am still expecting the gifts ooo.

    Kidjo wey me birthday gift?

    1. anonymous to bahd16 November 2017 at 14:32

      Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Would have gone on but finger dey pain me. Eka, learn from these 2. Especially as per your "good friend" colleague.

  20. Beautiful faces up there,
    Volunteer teacher, well done. If only you can teach me mathematics. It's my biggest challenge .
    Miracle person, thank God for you though I am yet to read your story..
    What else?

  21. Anon on sexy daddy, well said. One thing you got wrong, Fido dido is not a Google pix. It was an image used for seven up advert on television, newspaper and radio in the early 1990's. Maybe you were young or not yet born and so you don't know this that is why I'm explaining. Honestly speaking, Sexy daddy is one of those that makes this blog thick, let us leave so he can continue entertaining us.

    1. anonymous to bahd16 November 2017 at 14:34

      "tick". You write & sound suspiciously like sperm donor but hey, we get the message!

  22. Bless God for that miracle pregnancy. Bv Regina welcome o I know most old bvs are reading and not commenting, in anon mode or changed I.d just like I did.
    Cookie, be strong okay, its well.
    Greatlady, send some novel my way too na.
    Sharon Aminu, my prayers are with u.
    Happy birthday miss Aboki,God bless your new age.
    God, pls let this job pull through.

  23. No rain, no grain.

    Happy birthday Destiny baby. Best wishes to you from me. οΏ½οΏ½

  24. Ahahahahah @ Politician. Funny thing is that I don't even care as I see them as hungry and jobless people.

    I'm slim,sexy and handsome! Take that to the bank. I got married to a beauty queen with a handsome son.A good job recently.,A good family.A good business.choice properties etc.

    Its unfortunate non of their Queen's 'engrish' has been able to put food on their table.I'm flexing my life and commenting without any problems ,while you are killing your self picking out my errors. Hahahah.Shame on you all!But una go dey alright last last!
    I have decided already to even ignore you hungry baboons.

    Let me go and eat my oha is too sweet. Who cares to join me?

    1. Hahahahahaha! I loff this. Enjoy your oha o!

    2. clapback so litπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    3. anonymous to bahd16 November 2017 at 14:36

      Praise thy lord, in' kidjo's voice! You see why teasing is good!? He edited and didn't make one single error! I pat you on your slim back spermy, well done boy! Keep it up, I beg you!

    4. Oha General...... Looooool

    5. I'm sure he sent this comment to someone to edit for him before posting.

    6. So much hate in this country... lets all stop with the insults already n allow love flow... pls SD u dnt have to clap back... if it really doesnt get to u then please just ignore n move on. Am happy for ur good life. And i also pray God provides for any hungry person in this blog. No one deserves to not have what to eat. Theres nothing to rejoice about someone being hungry...
      We are the ones to make this world a better place... for us, for our children. Am just so tired of all the hate and cussing.πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”.

    7. Sexy daddy, don't mind them trolls. Say hello to sexy mummy and sexy boy for me.

      I am coming to join u to eat this oha soup today.

    8. So happy for you 🎢Enjoy mehn πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŒπŸ½ #notime

    9. Live and let live...

      Even if he didn't edit nko? Is English our mother tongue in this country? Why can't you guys read or jump some people's comment if you feel they make typo errors? Hmmmm nawa oo. For this small world again.....

      Nnam SD continue to do you Biko.

    10. Loll always whining like a child and making people to fight battles for him. Abeg leave him o to flourish grandly in his ignorance and to continue to entertain y'all. Oga choice properties. Personally I always skip his comments, got no time to waste. Ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa

  25. Hehehehehehehe, Senator SD nwannem...Remember me for your constituency o. Poster you said it all, I wonder if SDK blog has turned to MAHADUM.
    Miraculous Testimony Poster, I rejoice with you. I can relate. I was once in your shoe but God is God and can never be a Human. I am a proud Mother of 3 wonderful children presently. With God, nothing is impossible. Thank you for giving me expo on this Novena's . I must overcome this current challenge.
    Destiny you are so pretty, Happy birthday Omalicha. Keep enjoying China.
    Volunteer Teacher, God bless your effort. You didn't specify if you are a male or female so we can know who to recommend.
    Hello TGW, kedu ka Eke si anya anwu.
    Chike Nwanna, dalu nwannem.

    1. Ada nwanne m!
      Na sleep get me since. Woke up a while ago,my mouth wanting Ofe onugbu and nni ji. But my brain telling me I shouldn't have that. But Moi moi or Beans. I refuse to eat Beans this afternoon ojare. It's Ukwaaa!πŸ’ƒπŸΌ

      How are u love?
      Umu azi a?
      God is forever faithfulπŸ™πŸ½
      Whatever the challenge we face.He is able to turn them into Miracles. And u see that St Rita's Novena? It's soo powerful! You know she is the Saint of Impossible cases.

      I rejoice with u too poster!

    2. Adadioramma 1 of Igbo land.

    3. TGW I want Ukwa oo. Start preparing for Omugo, no excuses oo πŸ˜‰πŸ˜

  26. House of posh everyday advert. Stella wehdone with your partiality. If it's someone else you won't do like this. Keep helping your brothers and sisters

  27. anonymous to bahd16 November 2017 at 14:12

    A whole post on IHN because we tease sperm donor? Na wa o. Y'all take life too serious. Hre the king of comebacks! He has ALWAYS called people who tab him out. He even calls people Fool and all sorts, and the irony of these people, me inclusive, lol, rarely ever insult him! We tease, yab, pinch, but he responds with heavy uppercut insults and all sorts.

    Abegi. Make him sef try edit small nah. Grown ass man meowing about being teased! All na play bruv, true. But the Fido Dido got me! 7up gave me a real life cardboard Fido back in the day! πŸ˜‰

    1. Anno. I have always laugh at your stupidity when ever I see your insults under my comments. But i have decided to ignore you as you don't Worth replying. So don't expect my replies .

      Note: For your information I did not ask any body to write a memo on this.. OK.I'm flexing and enjoying my life.Aturu!

    2. Lol. Give up nau. Live and let live

    3. That was how u called someone aturu yesterday and their reply gave birth to a memo today.cry baby

    4. anonymous to bahd16 November 2017 at 15:07

      "have always laughed". "don't deserve my replies"or not worthy of my replies". The agama must nod! πŸ˜‚

    5. Don't mind SD,he's always dishing what he can not take. Such an abusive human being,very temperamental any little thing he will flare up, can't you act your age for once? I pity your wife and those you donated your slimy sperm to.

    6. Ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa I'm sure his blog mom will come out guns lazing to defend him.
      Abeg take lollypop and wipe your nose biko, it's just a blog.

  28. IHN is here.

    I hope we are all having a beautiful day.

    CHW, how far? Good news i hope

    Cookie, the Lord is your strength

    Sexy Daddy, My Oha General, even Jesus was crucified how much more people like you and I. You are an over comer.

    My Blog Sweeties, hope you are all having a swell Thursday.

    Happy Birthday Destiny

    Face of IHN, you have beautiful eyes.

  29. Sexy daddy asked for what he got yesterday. No one cusses him out, just simple corrections that was made to his comment and he started cussing the corrector, calling him or her aturu

    1. anonymous to bahd16 November 2017 at 14:43

      A lizard cannot help but nod says our elders. He has started again today. He who the gods roast his yam for him shouldn't boast and brag.

  30. Welcome in house news, happy birthday to the beautiful BV celebrating her birthday up there.
    Please guys you people should leave sexy daddy again,he did not create himself,someone will be smarter,someone will be taller,someone will be shorter,and someone will be finer than the other but that shouldn't be a problem.
    if we have our way,some of us will change the way we look,please don't allow anyone commit suicide because of your comment about them because you will answer for it.
    Adadioranma my darling greetings,Victorious baby,Cintas,Ag baby greetings to all my people in Edo/Delta you know yourselves.

  31. anonymous to bahd16 November 2017 at 14:17

    Why do Asian girls have the sexiest lips ever?? No thin upper lip, nice succulent looking not too full, with that their middle upper lip cleft abi groove always perfect! Even our Naija babe that stays there too has a lovely pair! Is it the food, the air? I want those lips, yumyum!

    1. I know that you re obsessed with my lips, hence the desire to take about lips....
      Take it easy bruh, all these will pass soon okπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

  32. Welcome in house news, happy birthday to the beautiful BV celebrating her birthday up there.
    Please guys you people should leave sexy daddy again,he did not create himself,someone will be smarter,someone will be taller,someone will be shorter,and someone will be finer than the other but that shouldn't be a problem.
    if we have our way,some of us will change the way we look,please don't allow anyone commit suicide because of your comment about them because you will answer for it.
    Adadioranma my darling greetings,Victorious baby,Cintas,Ag baby greetings to all my people in Edo/Delta you know yourselves.

    1. Greetings nor drop double comments today πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

    2. I just went πŸ‘† a lil further and noticed that you didn't disappoint...πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…double comments as usual πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

  33. anonymous to bahd16 November 2017 at 14:21

    Something weird o. Kidjo, there's a Kidjo on my phone! Does your number end with 02? Anyway. Once again I'm proud of you for greeting miss Aboki. Our elders say, when we fight or quarrel, no be unto death nah. I love the new dawn ladylike you. Less mouthy, more decorous, πŸ˜‰. Abi na Eng T handiwork? If yes oga please continue o, just quick drop yam & make her a honest girl. πŸ˜‰

    1. So you ve my digits all these while πŸ˜‹πŸ˜πŸ˜‹πŸ˜. That's me of course, you naughty boy...
      Who told you that I've become less mouthyπŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ˜•.just look for my trouble first, if I won't give it to you HOT.

  34. Dear Sexy Papi,

    If someone treats you like crap,just remember there is something wrong with them,not you. Normal people don't go about destroying other human beings.

    You rock Papi!😍And you know I love you Sexy Dada!

    1. Nalu Ise!βœ‹πŸ’―
      Nwunne m of laive.πŸ’‹

    2. Nwanyi G daalu nne! Achara ugo..

    3. Ndi Nke m!😍

      Onye OtitiπŸ˜‚
      Ana akwadobeπŸ‘Œ
      Imana obodo anyi afu bu!πŸ‘ŒπŸ’ƒπŸΌ
      Ogaranya bu omume Na bu unuπŸ™Œ
      Adi abu ya abuπŸ‘

    4. Mummy have come oyoyo. Oya bomboy, go and take biscuit and caprisonne.

  35. @ sexy daddy, i applaud you for showing remarkable restraint in the face of insensitivity.

    I stopped commenting on this blog for sometime now, because of people's comment under mine.But on a second thought, i said, why should i allow some people crassness destroy my positive self image.

  36. Sexy Daddy don't mind them o.

  37. See who is here...
    PASTOR'S DAUGHTER aka SteffySoFlySoFyn aka
    kokolet aka
    leg hanger aka
    cucumber grabber aka... πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

    Nnooo onye ije...

    Ugegbe oyibo m is fine.

  38. Cookie darling God's healing power is on your father in Jesus name amen!

    Stella darling get me a widow's account details for a cash give away at the end of the month!

    God's blessing is toomuch for me!

    1. See how you are announcing the 5k that you want to give to a widowed bv. People give hundreds of thousands of naira to bvs here anonymously but your own is to be shouting on top of 5k or 10k max.

    2. Now I know why people bash you. I don't have anything against you and your comments are sometimes hilarious but you don't need to announce this. Just send mail to Stella. The left hand mustn't know that the right hand is giving.

    3. Lolll are you minding this one?
      The person that donated millions for IVF did not come to blog to announce, this one will first announce, raise shoulders, gesticulate. If you think giving like this will make you generally more liked and accepted, you're probably right at least to the clowns here. Doesn't stop you from borrowing self respect and decorum though. Please don't cry I did not insult you. Before you go stamping your feet to Stella again.

  39. congrats to the mum on the positive pregnancy test. god who did yours will give us our own babies this month of November 2017.

  40. Adadioramma Nwa oma di mma
    Nwata makata
    Achalugo nwanyi
    Afu nwanyi afu ogologo ime ya.
    Ekene ooo πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

  41. PASTOR'S DAUGHTER I thank God for the life of your mum. Happy birthday to her. May God bless her new age.

  42. Where is Yemi 7UP? Has he changed ID?

    1. Yemi change ID?
      Nah! I don't think so. I guess she is just busy.

      Hope you are good Sis.

  43. Beautiful faces of IHN
    Birthday celebrant @mìngyùn come and be my Bae ooo. You are fine. Wo ai n.😘😘😘

  44. I am getting tired of all these people telling us how we should comment and not comment on this blog because of sexy daddy.

    Do you think people have not been through worse on this blog??? Do you think that correcting grammatical blunder or laughing at them is the worst thing anyone has ever done to anyone on this blog???

    Take me for example, I have told people and they have told me worse. A lot of other bvs have suffered worse fate.

    The most annoying thing here is that sexy daddy had told people worse things (forget that he's now forming pastor now).

    This is a blog. If u can't develop thick skin on an online forum where no one is pouring spit on ur face in the process of insulting you, how then do you want to face real life????

    Pls, his Goons should just not gimme headache today as my head is not correct at the moment

    1. Well Well Eka
      Don't mind the over grown baby and his baby sitters

    2. anonymous to bahd16 November 2017 at 15:22

      Oh shit! I think I just fell in love with Eka Joy! God help me!

    3. Don't mind them always behaving irritatingly like little children at the playground.

  45. Ihn ekabo. Plz fashonistas in the house what's the best foundation for oily face. Include prices ejor

    1. anonymous to bahd16 November 2017 at 15:24

      Nixoderm. You're welcome.

  46. Please who has heard anything from N-Power? I did not do any phone interview and I'm hearing they have started inviting shortlisted candidates already. Help please!

    1. Ms.Omeh I heard the list for shortlisted candidates was out tee tee. I don't know about inviting sha

  47. This sexy daddy issue never do? Haba. It's a blog for God's sake, if teasing kills I am sure I will be dead by now. Shebi my throwback pictures were posted last year, did I die? Shebi I have been called ugly, baby mama, owala, banana seller, even sewer rat, did I die? abeg abeg abeg. Sexy daddy is a man, he should learn hoe to take the heat or get out of the kitchen.

    1. Exactly. Sexy daddy just ignore please.

    2. Not everyone is strong enough to take the heat. Not everyone wants to roll that way. Especially if the said person has said he doesn't want it and more especially if he gets teased day in,day out over trivial things.

      It isn't right. Let's not make it right by giving exonerating the bullies and making the bullied the guilty one. Thereby effectively silencing the Bullied one and approving bullies and their bullying ways.

      He isn't the one with the problem. The small-minded bullies are.
      I only hope he stops answering them simply cos he is much bigger than the cowards.

    3. @ leave matter.

      Some people are old in age but premature emotionally.

  48. That memo writer up there, well-done!

    It beats my imagination as to how people mock ugly(according to them) people simply because they are beautiful(in their own voice).

    To me, nobody is ugly. It is just that some people are more beautiful than some. It continues like that.

    A is more beautiful than B, while B more beautiful than C. That's how it counts.

    See ehn, I nobody created themselves and I believe that if we were to create ourselves, everybody would have been so perfect.

    Now, I bet, even those so beautiful ones lack some attribute they wish they could get right if they were to create themselves.
    Ranging from bad teeth, body odour, not brilliant, (no mockery intended to any person related with such aforementioned).
    It cld be"character".
    Things which the so-called ugly ones have yet the so beautiful ones lack and which they long for.

    See, every one is created,gifted and unique in different ways.

    Swear you the most beautiful ones haven't come across people who are way more beautiful than you!

    So, you see, that's how the cycle goes.

    God knows if I see physically challenged person(s), I feel so pity for them and even sometimes feel like crying on behalf of them.

    1. Your last paragraph,I hope you're not insinuating what I think you are...

  49. ANON 2:21pm send your advert if you have and stop talking nonsense ok?

    everybody is my brother and sister...

    1. God bless u nwanyioma... i just wish we all can learn to love and support each other here......a lot of people are ging through alot n a soft word of encouragement goes a long way to soothe an ailing soul... love conquers all

  50. Welcome IHN, it is now that the year knows it wants to crawl.. 25th and 31st should come already. I have plans for 2018.

  51. Ihn rocks!!!!

    Thy will be done Lord.

    I yaff miss and still missing my blog fam....

    Kisses all. ....
    #say no to body shaming
    *Faithful bv*

  52. Good afternoon house. I just saw the diary of Abuja runs girl post, it s so sweeeet to read. I thought it's for Sundays only. Kudos to the writer.

    Our stories are very similar. I pray that the good Lord who answered you will also answer me. Amen

  54. You all should stop with sexy daddy this sexy daddy that, he's a snake in a green grass, he pretends he's nice but he isn't. I like people that say what's on their mind, trash whatever and move on instead of acting like they ain't hurt, sulk at a corner and kill.

    When I have your time, I'm going to table our matter before this blog. Pretender. Swear you've not insulted anyone under anon. I know your type, I see thru you.

  55. hahahahahaha Sexy daddy this aturu you are calling them. Chai i have been laughing since.

    Abeg dont mind the aturus

  56. Cookie stay strong okay πŸ’
    Gods healing on your dad

  57. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    Ugegbe oyibo m, the comment appeared twice so I deleted one.

    My Chikito,
    My virtuous wife,
    ugegbe oyibo m 1 worldwide,
    My Anike,
    My Angel of peace and love,
    My Pride
    My Beauty.
    You know I gat mad love for you 😘😘😘😘😘

    1. Nwannaa do bring her home this Xmas...

      Pastors daughter thank God for your mums life. I wish her long life.

      Cookie all is well with you and yours.

  58. ChyAda adaJesus

    Nwanne m nwanyi, anuru m ife ikwulu. Ugegbe m so mu abata ana Igbo na ekeresimesia...

  59. Ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa @Fido Dido

    I thought I was wicked, I never knew some peeps here are 'wickeder' than me...


    I don die ooo

    Wait o, E be like say as una dey cuss Sexy daddy, na so him blessings dey multiply o. Him don dey do giveaway o.

    Err erm make una come cuss me too small na, na beg I dey beg una.

    *soaks koboko inside hot pepper mixed with ogogoroo*

    1. I swear I was choking when I read that fido dido, gosh some of you pipu ya mouth na wa.


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