Stella Dimoko Monday -IHN


Monday, November 13, 2017

Monday -IHN

OMG I am having a fast day.......too fast!!!

Hope your day is going well?IT SHOULD!!!

Shout out to everyone,including blog drammarians!!!




Stella oniovo... This is your isoko sister from another mother.. Lol to say I love your blog is an understatement... Your doing a wonderful job(yea I know you have heard this a million times)but this is me saying it.. ....

Patience's Birthday was on Saturday but we didnt post it because it entered my spam....Happy Belated Birthday Babe....



Hi Stella,

I have clothes for give away. Mostly size 10 dresses, trousers and shirts. 

Size tops/shirts and 12 bottoms 

I would like to give someone or people who NEEDS Clothings for work.

They must reside in Lagos and be ready to pick up.
All.clothes are in good condition and some have not even been worn.

BV Memmie

Thank you



Please I'm in need of an affordable makeup artist for my Tm in dec. please hubby and I are on a budget and can't afford much. I'd prefer anyone who's in calabar and can travel to my villa in Abini. I can be reached on 08020657417. Thank you and God bless you.



Am in need of anyone who can make small chops for a wedding in Awka and at an affordable price. Reach me on this number 08024573316




In-house News. Shedding more lights on yesterdays chronicle and replying some of the comments I read

Dear Mrs Korkus and lovely bvs. 
I will appreciate if you can post this.
I read the comments on yesterday's chronicle and I knew that some people don't understand a lot of things. 
Most times you don't know where the shoe pinches until you wear that exact type. I used to think hat way too until later.
I am.a married woman and a mother of one. I have been married for a year and some months now.My baby is some months old.
 We discussed everything when I say everything. I really mean everything. I attended different seminars. I applied all that was taught in my relationship. I was in control of what happens. 
We discussed sleeping routines. Number of kids etc.
I was a virgin, he became celibate. He had been with two others.
I was careful because my mum is in her second marriage. I didn't want a familiar family trend(like mother like daughter).
I didn't do all that washing of clothes for him or his mum before marriage even when I went visiting. Everything was always clean and span. He was still staying with his mum( she had been doing it for him unknown to me).
Fast forward to marriage. He can wear a shirt or even boxer for a week. I had to change that. In changing that I had to start doing his laundry. 

When Oga uses the toilet, he cleans on himself while standing with water. In correcting that I spoke to him about it. Oga did not change o. I get irritated easily. For peace to reign. We started using different toilets. Though is till get to wash the smelly dirtied poon water toilet. But at least peace reigned.

Most times when we were chatting, he will be in the  toilet. I didn't really think of it as a big deal until marriage.( Toilet is his favourite place in the house. He spends fours hours at a stretch early in the morning or late at night.He is with his phone listens to music and watches porn or probably masturbate).
We courted for four years. No sex, no intimacy, no sleep overs.
When we got married I was working.
So I bought foodstuff and other things needed in the  house while coming back from work with my money. When I get home. Hubby gives me back what I have spent. 

In my third trimester, I was always weak and I was not productive at work. I quit. I was a semi staff as no job. I just attached myself to the company. So I get some money but NY regular salary so I left.
Mind you for that months I rarely go out. Where we stay is far from the market. So hubby stared getting stuffs for the house even condiments for stew and soup while coming back from work.

One it saves money and it also saves me stress.

I delivered with ease  though with a terrible cut that didn't heal on time.
Three months post pregnancy, I was back on my feet and still not working. I was getting offered but couldn't take them. My mother in law is a full time workaholic. She has been a single mother for ages do work still dey her body. Her ship is faraway. Her type of business is not safe for a new born. Dusts and all. My mum attends a white garments church so religion differences and some other other differences. Its a No.

So I became a full housewife with small business like wig making and liquid soap. Its not booming.
Hubby began to buy things. When I request for money to go and get groceries for the house. He will say No that let the baby not enter sun etc. Flimsy excuses.

This were things I never thought will happen to me. Note that I don't get allowances. And I would have been  seeing some tits buts from markets money hence pad money and other little things. I have to ask.
Communication was dead. While courting via phone calls or chat we discussed everything. But now before I wake up by 5am (even during our honeymoon)Oga is already I'm the toilet. No cuddling etc. He cokes out after he is done and penetrates. No foreplay. That's dead on arrival for me. Because most times I'm dry.

I have employed dialogue. This is the real him. He only pretended during courtship. We don't fight. So the house is peaceful. He is not running away from me. 

I have reported him. It only made things worse.
Because he grew up with females, he is not manly. He is petty. 
For example, when he comes back from work and buy eggs(a crate). He will carry it to the kitchen by himself and arrange in a the egg rack. He won't give it to me because he says somebody need to be careful with egg(lol) Can you imagine someone who carried a pregnancy to full term o. 

He complains at everything. This is how to turn the wooden spoon. This is how to bath a baby. Etc. He will arranges the seasoning cubes into the jar and pours salt into the jar if this almost finished.

Mind you he is not doing these little.things because he is caring but because he feels he is the only one who can do it right. 
He asks for my opinion but never takes to it.

 He is dirty, petty and manipulative plus an emotional abuser and I didn't see alll that while courting.
 So my dear people I did my best in courtship but some men are capable of pretending and turning their wives into bitter people after marriage.

If I come back to the world again, or get married again,I MUST TASTE BEFORE BUY. THAT IS THE ADVISE I WILL GIVE MY FEMALE CHILDREN SELF. They are allowed to gbensh and sleepover for days to know him well. THEY MUST NOT ENTER ONE CHANCE.
Though I believe that if I get capital for a business soon I might be able to correct some things again because money and liberty walks hand in hand.
So stop judging not all of us walked in with our eyes closed.



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Product awareness
Tools of the trade

Day 2:
Million pleats
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Fan gele
Take a bow
2-in-1 gele

Date: 25th and 26th November, 2017

Venue: 34, Oke Ira, Ogba, Lagos

To register, please send your name and number to or send a text to 08178244941




  1. No matter what you’ve been going through, always remember that God is always with you. Sooner or later, you’ll be fine. Just keep your faith high, and never give up.Before you think of giving up, think first of everyone who never stops believing in you. Fight for them, but most especially fight for you. Do not be afraid of defeat, of making mistakes, and of losing a battle. Never a day did God leaves his people. Stand up once again. No one wants you to give up.

    1. Who else is feeling the harmattan?
      Prick standing anyhow

    2. This lady in yesteday's chronicle is a joke
      So you think that if you engaged in pre-marital sex, you wouldn't have had issues in marriage?
      Is it lack of premarital sex that is making him "petty, annoying, uncaring?'
      If you like convert all your female children to prostitutes, how does it injure all of us readers that advised you?
      Your husband "watches porn etc." on his phone, do you expect him to share scriptures or do charity? He is doing masturbation and will even do more like visiting prostitutes if you do not humble yourself to ask God for help and work with your husband to overcome his challenges which dates beyond your marriage.

    3. Yes, my faith is strogh in God.

    4. Anon 14:29 1000likes for your comment...can you imagine what she's preaching? So all the people that tasted before marriage have perfect homes? Mcheww!
      Instead of you to be humbled by your situation and reach out to God for help, you want to turn your daugther to harlots...mchewww!

    5. I agree with the poster up there. Men can pretend.
      My husband's own no be here. We courted two years before wedding.
      We discussed every, I slept over, etc etc but my husband didn't have the decency to tell me that his parents didn't like me and were against the union. Why? Cos he knew I would have ran.
      I had no inkling. Cos he always had a reason for their random strange behavior. And was quick to quelch my doubts.
      Human beings are wicked o.

    6. Princess Scheherazade13 November 2017 at 15:06

      Madam that wants her children to sleep over for days before marriage, don't let the devil deceive you abeg. See funny story.
      Only you talk say men de fit pretend during courtship, only you still de talk say make dem observe the man for a few days.
      So you think the man cannot pretend for some days?
      I laugh in Farsi.
      For the 4 years you dated the man, you weren't able to know him fully, na inside weekend sleepover you go come know am.
      People can pretend for months sef in case you don't know.
      Anyway, na your life.

    7. Poster pls tell u ur husband is not fucking u well not this crap u wrote up there

    8. Anon 14:29, God bless u for that comment. Best comment ever. It's when she pushes her daughters to get HIV that it will dawn on her. Foolishness!

  2. IHn welcome. Beautiful face of In house.

    So Stella and bvs, I was on my usual blog patrol. Guess what I stumbled on. Stella you won't believe it.
    Bvs can you remember a bv with the blog ID Code 009. I won't blame you if you can't remember.
    So this lady has been an Sdk bvs, not only that. Stella also paid for her and two other bvs to learn fashion designing and tailoring. Not only that, Stella bought for her and two other bvs a brand new sewing machine each. I think the machine was bought at #150,000 or so. Miss Aboki can confirm that.

    So what happened. Imagine the ingrate! I found her in no other place than LIb. I mean she was among four other person's selected as the highest commenter for the month of October.

    This is someone that does not drop up to 10 comments in a month on this blog. Heck her comments is not even up to 10 here in 2months, yet she has been blessed and set up here. Such display of ingratitude. Code 009 you are an ungrateful lot. If Stella should look at what some of you is doing, she won't lift a finger to uplift anyone anymore. But I thank God for her kind of person.

    Code 009 and others repent. Where's is your conscience left. omo rada rada. Nonsensical nonsense. Mscheeeew.

    1. Lol.. Na the work wey them dey do be that now

    2. Hia, what arrant nonsense @blog patrolled. What is caled minding ur business? U can't be happy for pple, yet I dare u to read other blogs aside sdk. Mtcheww, such pettiness

  3. Replies
    1. Do you even get customers at all? The time you should be doing adverts on instagram and different facebook , you are roaming the blog commenting first on all posts. I know cos I come here to read comments later in the day. Christmas will come now and you will be begging fo santa. Meanwhile you are supposed to be giving to the less privilege

  4. Happy belated birthday patience
    Age gracefully

    1. Happy birthday @ Patience, your hair be like hairnet.

  5. First to comment

    1. The day is going so fast💃💃

    2. I don't know about the masturbation thing so I can't really advise on that bit as regards him wanting to arrange eggs and do other things, please let him do it.

      My husband is like that too, always wanting to arrange things his way , put this here put that there, initially I used to get upset but now I just leave him to do it. I don't bother, if he thinks he can do it right and better, please let him ,infact, make it his work, less work for you.

  6. I want to us this opportunity to say a big thank you to this wonderful couple for their show of love and kindness. I saw this giveaway on Wednesday IHN and call the number cos I was interested in the fridge but my call came too late and they offer to give me the cabinet but to my surprise, when I got there they gave me two additional beautiful couches. I'm so amazed at their show love and humility. May God bless and replenish their source and also bless you Stella darling for using your blog to touch lives. 

  7. Beautiful Monday.

    Happy belated birthday beautiful girl. Hope you had a wonderful blast.

    Christmas is really smelling ooo. I wish everyone of us a beautiful christmas.

    Let me go and look at my contacts, who go send something to me. I need to enjoy good christmas.

    Congrats to all who needed congratulations. Happy belated wedding news to all.

    Good to be back. So Dangerous affairs just end like that okwaya. No wahala, let me continue with my woman of Iron steel and price of fame. these two giving life.

    Those in pains may God Almighty send helpers and comfort Amen.

    Thank you to the lady gifting clothes to people. May you never lack Amen.

    Slow day today

  8. It is well with u @ d chronicle poster,if i open my mouth talk my own for dis issue,una go open mouth agape, but as una no dey forget things easily and like to dey decode,make e dey inside me for now, but men men,when next i am opportune to come to dis world,i will open eyes,ears,hand,foresight and everything.

    1. anonymous to bahd13 November 2017 at 18:00

      Don't be like dos nah, go under anonymous and yarn d tin nah! Waiting...😎🍟🍹

  9. Who has experienced RLS before??? That thing is so uncomfy☹️☹️☹️☹️!
    Will go and catch up on yesterday post to understand the Genesis of this marriage post!
    But even if you knack and spend time, people change hun! I don't think it should be a yardstick for a good marriage!

  10. IHN Baby!!!!!

    Face of IHN is cute, She has my body type, proportional everywhere. Looooooooooooooooooooooool. Happy Belated Birthday Dear.

    Stella, the Christmas aroma has not reached my side ohh. I have inhaled all day just to get a whiff of it, who saiiii!

    Who will be my Santa in 2017, few slots available, kindly indicate on time. Looooooooooooooool

    Jokes apart, i would love to spend Christmas with a BV. I make very tasty jollof rice.

    1. Hahahahahahaha @I make very tasty jollof rice.

      So what of those who dont fancy Jollof rice??

      Truth is i think Jollof rice is being hyped on this blog..
      @Lippy;i dont think there is any Jollof i would see or eat now that would make me go "Woooooowww"..

      So mention another Food! #wink

      Can you cook beans??
      What of Okro soup with Ugba??
      Ofe Akwu nko??

      If the answer is No,then we no fit stay together oooo.kikikikiki!!


    2. You have started begging for santa this early. How many people do you want to play santa for? Don't forget that It's more blessed to give than to recieve

    3. Hey Lipsticalley. I for say make we do Christmas together, I know my Beautiful Heart won't mind, but that Jollof Rice no follow. If you'd said Pounded Yam and Egusi Soup or Atama now I'd have said 'Great'.

    4. Martins i said Jollof cos its more of a celebratory food.

      Who dey chop beans on Christmas Day? Loooooooooooooooool

      I can make Ugba and Okro soup with pigeon meat sef. Kikikikikiki

    5. Martin please add being a Chef to your IT skill, wetin?😁😁

    6. 😨😨😨 "I can make Ugba and Okro soup with pigeon meat sef".....😨😨😨

      Kidjo I need the broom please. My legs won't be fast enough. Lol😁😁😁

    7. Rowland, na so Jollof Rice don go extinct? Loooooooooooooool

      See all of una mouth, we all have to meet half way.

      I kent come and be sweating on Christmas Day, who did i offend?

      @ Anon, did i beg you to be my Santa, since you are a professional giver........give others nauu. Onyeoma Cy..

    8. Hahahhahaahahaha @Lippy,im not regular na;so im the only one that eat Beans on christmas..kikiki

      Did you say pigeon meat? Kikikikiki
      Thank God im on this blog;at least Queen and boss Nwanyi ike has made me know what pigeon can do in the life of a man..

      so Thank you Lippy! I no dey chop unless you will put goat meat with correct body other(in stella's voice)...#wink

      When you spend time with a "Worldwide International SuperStar Continental Chef" you learn what good food is all about..kikikikiki

      How are you jare? #smile


    9. I knew you had a reason for forming blog typist and analyst. Your want to beg during Christmas

    10. Lippie am so much available *wink*

  11. I need a hug, I'm going through so much at the moment. Just tired.

    1. Big hug💝

      TGW will give you some more😁

    2. 🙌..... Come here.... Ahan!....Stop holding me so tight it's supposed to be Agape hug hian... Lol.
      You are blessed Omeh

    3. It is well dear. This phase too shall soon pass. Be strong.

    4. Be strong dear. I have been there before. Prayer helps

    5. teddy bear hug from me to you.... 👥

    6. Opeyemi, thanks so much
      Crazyhornywife, thanks a
      Lipstick, thanks dear
      Rowland, you made me laugh out loud, thank you. I'll be careful not to squeeze to hard.
      Cynthia, amen. Thanks dear
      Palmville,I'm trying to. Uv prayed,fasted,praised....still holding on. Just feeling overwhelmed. Thanks a lot.
      God bless you all for me

    7. All will be well ok!! #big hug

    8. Don't worry dear, God will come through for you!

    9. U will smile Omeh. Oya, come and take this hot hugs

    10. @ chameleon, Uriel n Kendricks mum, thanks so much. I appreciate

    11. It is well my dear God will see us through Amen

    12. I am sending you special hug Omeh, the mixture is from TGW and Ronalda. Hang in there, everything will be alright.

    13. We ain't here to baby sit your grown ass, go suck a dick shit.

  12. Pls, which town is sparkles Jewelry located,thank you

    1. Google the name, you will see the address and contact on google.

    2. That is how you people enter anon mode to do stylish adverts for your businesses. Later you will come and answer yourself with details

    3. Rumuola, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

    4. Rumuola, Port Harcourt, Rivers State

    5. Igbenihidun, Ikere Ekiti

    6. Hehehehe bvs are cray

    7. Back of Siemens, next door to kidjo, opposite Ms Aboki's roasted corns stand😂😂😂. Thanks me later.

  13. I'm grateful to the bv who did a locally made oven giveaway on Saturday cars for sale post. I got the oven yesterday. may God bless her. may God bless sdk.

    1. May God bless her. Is it working?
      Giveaway doers here are something else. They will call you to come and collect shoes that have started peeling off. Clothes that have stayed for decades in d store that will tear when you wash it. Issokay

  14. That sign out is really crazy and it made me laugh so hard because I always shout i receive it whenever my pastor prophecy to me lol.
    Welcome In house news and trust you all are having a great day...Adadioranmma I thought of you when i entered Lagos on Friday,but had limited time,see you during Xmas period biko otego lol.

    1. My bae for life...Why nah? You no even holla your babe say you dey around. It is ok dear, hope you enjoyed your stay?

  15. Ms Chronicles poster of yesterday, it's ok if you didn't pass d nyt before marriage, what is not ok is your scared of communicating with your husband! What is the worse that he LL happen??? He LL vex and after a day , he LL be fine! Funny you might tell him and he LL be sober!
    Sit him down and calmly ask him the reason for the wanking before knacking before calling him a pervert or saying your love has disappeared for him!!
    Marriage is not all about shinning teeth without argument!

  16. Omeh May God Almighty comfort you and hug you tight Amen. Dont get tired. It is well

  17. Life will be hard if u want it hard for you

  18. Omeh you dont have an email, i would have called your number. Sorry it is well. Please be strong

    1. Wow, this means a lot to me. Thanks princess. Amen

    2. Call her no for what? To refer her to your Bishop I suppose. Are you the church's sales rep?

    3. So soemone cannot call an comfort BV again in peace? Hian!

    4. Mind your business, if dem insult you now, you'll start whining like a misbegotten child.

    5. Chikito onu oke
      You are poke nosing now your friend sdk will not see it, when we start giving you your size now she will be throwing our comments into her tea pot. Madam Blog Radio

    6. Chikito the blog radio

  19. Happy birthday to that my delta sister up there.

    Any drama?

    Lady bug, stay off my Lane this hot afternoon.

    1. Wow...Bv patience is from delta that's nice, we don take style dey many here.HBD beautiful Patience.

  20. From all the bacteria that we have, the ones that causes diseases are less than 1%.

  21. Madam, there is nothing God cannot do take it to him in prayers, I have seen men who are worst than ur husband but today they are changed men.

  22. Onye Chronicle, kita ka ichoputara na ikwesiri inene nnu, okwa ya?

    Omego bu na Omego, ya mere mu ji asi gi na ndidi ka mma na ndu gi ugbua. Dibe na ibanye go bu na ibanye go.

    1. What's this? You this guy must be stupid in nature.

    2. Mazi Chike how is u...ILA OTU

    3. Obviously you no longer want those of us who aren't igbo to read your posts. Just imagine everybody writing in his or her own dialect.
      It's like you're so sure the chronicle poster is igbo and can get your message.

    4. Leave him alone Biko. Native doctor rant Mba, S$x Mba, his dialect Mba...Ohun ti o jë. 😂😂

      Raaa ya aka. Chike onye isi nku ka SDK blog. Onwelo dii.

    5. Beloved you can be silly sonetimes. Did Ambience made reference to all those stupid things you mentioned. You people cannot make logical conversation. You want to turn the blog to kiddies show time. What Ambience mentioned was reasonable without being rude but you have to come act like superman on behalf of chike. Silly overgrown child. Must u raise a battle over every comment.

  23. 🙋🙋🙋🙋
    Miss u guys 😘😘😘

  24. My fellow sdkers pls what are the side effects of that Apetamine that people always mention here for weight gain?
    I want to add weight before Xmas as I will be travelling. I lose too much weight few months ago. Plenty swallow food and other food is not helping my ministry, no difference. Pls help a sister gain little weight.

    1. It causes infertility

    2. You wan gain weight just because you want to travel to village for Christmas?
      You people can't stop amazing me.

    3. Don, is not because of travelling alone. I lost weight because of sickness. You know that kind of look na. I dont wa wa b answering questions, some may even insinuate that I did abortion.

      Anon are you serious? It causes infertility?

    4. Eat more proteins. But protein powder and drink one scoop everyday. Just eat more proteins

    5. Bloggie once suggested COMPLAN. I think u should ask her more about it or any other weight adding drugs

    6. @Anonymous 14:33, I am already insinuating that you have HIV/AIDS, and I dont even know you. Start licking 0.9l of fanice double treat ice cream everyday, if you can afford it and thank me later.

    7. This December travel to the village to go n show off is common amoung poor people who wan to show off what they don't have. Hope you are not one of them. Go the way you are. Stop considering what people are saying about you.

    8. Irony of life,see me saying I want to do everything possible to lose weight before Christmas because I'm also traveling. I have registered with a gym and started eating little portions of food though I must confess it's very hard but am determined. Anyway try and start taking malt and milk.Then burger, shawama infact junk food in general even though it's not a healthy option sha.

    9. Bubul, you cannot differentiate between showing off and wanting to look healthy. Isiaki

    10. I concur with Sharwama. Eat it every night for like 5 days straight, you will see difference.

    11. Thanks all.
      Bubul or baboon or whatever your stupid name is, must you reply my comment?
      See your twisted mouth like 'poor people'. How rich are you?
      Let me see you begging for santa or anything else here, I will show you. Anumpam.

    12. This anon is mouthed. See how you finish bubul.

    13. Buy carton of. Malt two carton of peakmilk the car mix one mlk one malt drink morning and evening thank me later

  25. Happy birthday Patience. God bless you. Beautiful you!

    The sun today is so hotttt!

  26. "When Oga uses the toilet, he cleans on himself while standing with water". Poster explain, i did not go to school.

    What sort of horseband is this? May God give you the grace as you go through this.

    1. Aunty Yori you no need school for this jus common sense Wetin she mean be say, if oga shit finish, e go enter 'shawa' with the big lump of shit wey still gum for inside yansh begin baff.
      So all the shit plus water plus soap go just mix for body. If e baff finish, na Mrs go come scoop the shit abi baff water con tro away.
      Chronicle poster tuale o, you dey try sha. Me wey any small thing dey irritate me, e be like say make I vomit as I dey imagine how the big big crumbs for im nyansh go begin melt or maybe if dem too strong e go use finger begin break am,still wash am untop body with sponge and soap.

  27. Yesterday chronicle poster, you better up your sex game and blow your husband mind.
    I think you are one of those women that lay in bed like a log of wood waiting to be pound without lifting a finger.

    You can't talk to your husband? Don't worry o. Let one "omo wobie" handle his dick outside, he will never touch you again.. Lol

    1. Sir, you reason like someone who was bounced on his head frequently as a child.

  28. One thing I know for sure is: God doesn't make mistakes. If He asks us to stay away from premarital sex,He knows what's best for us. Don't feel bad for doing what's right, even if you had'gbenshed' him,he could have still hidden his dirty acts from you. What's wrong is wrong even if everybody indulges in it;and what's right is right even if you are the only one practising it. God knows best sha.
    If things are going smoothly for you, just keep praying, help as many people as you can and please be HUMBLE, don't look down on anyone no matter the position they occupy. A manager was demoted to the post of a security officer while the security officer was made the manager. Life's crazy mehn!. But this sun ehn,nawa!

  29. My husband has been treating me bad lately. Always insulting me. Now I have lost my love for Him, I don't even pray for him anymore, I pray for myself and my kids. I don't feel like having sex with him too, I sleep and my body don't touch him. If he asks for it, I will just open legs and let him in just becos it's my duty , no sucking of his something or anything. If he romances me I won't even make any sound. I will just lay there cos I don't feel anything for him again.
    I don't pity him at all. He told me he has Malaria this morning, I just pretended and asked if I should get him drugs, I didn't even tell him sorry. Also, I have stopped giving money. Before, I used to help out in the house with my little business money. Now I tell him no sales. Instead I send my money to my mum and other relatives who cared about me when I was still in school. With them, especially my mum, there is no disappointment. Husbandman should go to hell.
    I will just sit at a corner (with folded arms and sdk side eyes) and watch how his life will turn out, unless he changes the way he treats me. Me that was there for him when he had no roof on his head.
    He will see chomtin.
    End of rant.

  30. Is it just me or is the month crawling real slow???? I'm tired of counting down already

    1. Time crawls slowly whenever u wait for it. I don't know if someone it sense u are waiting for it. My time here is fast

  31. Sunny afternoon here
    Happy new week all.

  32. Lipstick kelly ishi nnini bikonu?

    Anu pigeon?
    Martins Aboy nekwa gi nee isi gi... 😂😂😂

    Lipstick kelly ihe mu choro bu ofe nsala, anu ewu na nri ji asuru nke oma. Ka oga Abu mbelu ya suru na ofe nsala ahu wee tinye na onu ansa ya aburu gbim.

    1. Chike, Le kwa onu gi ka Ofe Nsala.

      Anyway, i am game if others are, we can all cook or buy stuff and meet up somewhere and end the year on a good note.

      That is for those who live close by or in the same city.

    2. Chike my bro keep it up 👏 👏 we want teenagers that read this blog and who are Igbo to learn how to read in Igbo.... Though am not Igbo but u write so well.

      Anonymous Rasta

  33. Lol anon 14:27 is it your begging? Are you in my contact?

    Dont worry, i have been doing more than that. I dont blow my trumpet.

  34. Congrats swag LaFresh.
    Hey Stella 😘
    Hello bvs enjoy the rest of your day y'all.

  35. Life will be hard if u want it hard for you, u can go shout " I receive it in the grave yard"

  36. @beautiful heart hope you are having a nice day today?sorry I saw ur comment late yesterday Kendrick is very fine thanks darling.

    1. Iya Kendrick..... How art thou? And ze family?

    2. Rolly darling *sideeyes to BH* we are fine and hope you are good too?

    3. Kisses to you my darling n pls don't forget the xmas groove am fully gamed for the any kind jollof

  37. So I had to scroll back n check if I was on the right track,chronicle inside in house News. In house news is bae anytime

  38. I miss u guys😥

    Happy married life Lafresh
    Busy week ahead catch ya😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

  39. Good day Stella,
    I want to appreciate the name of God who made it possible for me to be chosen in last week's fridge giveaway by a kind hearted bv.Sis Ehi,God bless you and yours and may God increase you and your family in all areas of your lives.The Fridge is working and in good condition.Stella there are truly angels on this blog.Your blog is with a difference, God bless you more.

  40. Chikito dont mind the foolish thing. I dont go for quantity, i go for quality

  41. Does anyone know where I can do change of name on the island?
    The only place I know of is Ikeja and I cant go that far.


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