
Monday, November 20, 2017


Hello Monday!...

Hope your day is going well?My Mondays are very busy OMG!!!
Shout out to all the new mums in the house..May motherhood complete you all and bring you Joy,peace and love....
BV Fan Emmanuel the thing never heal?LOL


Hello Stella,
I decided to send my son picture as Face of IHN, hope he is qualified?? His name is Alexander Wealth and he is 4 months old. Thanks

Kisses to you little baby..may you be your name!


Hello family, please I need contact or address of where I can get second hand suit in Lagos (suit skirt) as I don't really have much to get a new one. And am US size 8 and UK size 10. My number is 08112423632. Email. , thanks.




Who Chooses What The Chief Bride's Maid Wears?

Hi Stella 

 Please I would like  you to post this to bvs...
Who dictates  what the chief bride's maid wears on the wedding day!  This issue Don dey cause casala among my friends o. 
Thanks looking forward to hearing the views of bvs

Hmmm isnt the Bride supposed to choose what the Chief Bridesmaid wear?Ha!!...Before she arrives at the wedding dressed like she is the one getting married oh.....I have seen a wedding where the bride and her Chief were five seconds away from exchanging blows because the brides say she tried to steal her show by not wearing what was agreed upon and arriving in a wedding like dress.....They had to ask the Chief Bridesmaid to leave the wedding venue....

I think the Bride should choose!!!


Professional Tilers NEEDED

Professional Tilers are needed in a construction site at Igwuruta, Port-Harcourt for immediate employment. 
Interested persons should call 08069323416. 
Thank you. 





Reading mama Tee's article yesterday almost made me change my mind about sending in this post.

But I decided to do it any way it is still the same accommodation wahala.

Before I got married I had lots of married women as friends but i was closer to Gift and Joy. So one day i went to joy's house and met her friend let's call this friend Stella.

Stella was crying and begging Joy. Soon I got the gist. Stella's landlord had thrown them out of their house and they had no where to go. I called Joy aside and pleaded with her to let her friend stay. Joy said she wanted to but her husband said no. I was like how can he say no you no tell am the gravity of the situation. Joy's husband said no and he meant it. I couldn't help her because I was still living with my parents and my mama born plenty no space for my house.

As if Satan never rest for her matter it started raining, Stella started running to where her belongings was to save them from the rain. Joy ran after her telling her to give her the baby on her back. I ran after them to help Stella pack her things.

Gift saw us running in the rain I guess it was a funny sight, she asked what was up I told her no time join us and you will find out.

Her amebo antenna shot up, she grabbed an umbrella and joined us.

When we got to where Stella's properties were it was a pitiful sight. She was crying and saying stuff in her language.

Gift was broken she couldn't take it she called her husband, told him everything and begged him to let Stella and her family stay with them.

Her husband agreed. She shared the good news with us and we started rejoicing in the rain.

One day I went to Gift's house and I raise Beyonce hand 🙋 for her. Come and see the chaos.

Gift has a family of 4 while Stella's was 6. All in a 3 bed room apartment.

To why I am writing this story, one day I went to Joys house and i saw Ebony magazine outside so i picked it up and started reading. Its important you know that Stella and joy speak the same language and we weren't friends with Stella until this incident.

Stella was gossiping to Joy about Gift. She was talking like she is entitled to certain things in the house. Even Joy was supporting her. Na so Gift be just manage her.

Really? Really?

I was disgusted, this was the same Joy that didn't help her o and she was putting fuel.

Na so them begin the judge Gift, Stella was relating everything happening in the house.

Gift became the bad person.

Before I left I made sure they saw me. Guilt almost killed them.

I went to Gift's house and I wanted to tell her. But when I saw Stella's children I changed my mind.

I asked Gift how she was coping she said it wasn't easy but wetin person go do, since she don start she must finish.

Long story short Stella stayed with Gift for 7 months.

And when she left they stopped being friends.

The whole issue affected my relationship with Joy

So sometimes I wonder at the entitlement mentality some people have.

How they come into your homes and start expecting some entitlement. Them suppose they give me extra meat, they give their children this and that and they don't give me.


She actually wrote it for her Column on Saturday but it was like what Mama tee sent for her Friday column and Iya Ibeji she had written it in the week and was shocked to see that their writeups were the same .....I decided to post it here since the story



(1.) *Your salary will never make you rich. Your boss isn't that foolish.*

(2.) *Your salary is fixed, are your expenses fixed?*.

(3.) *If your company pays you the exact true value of the services you render, they would be running at a loss. As an employee, you are underpaid*.

(4.) *Once you get HIRED, you either get FIRED or RETIRED, you may also resign when you're TIRED*.

(5.) *Salary is the bribe you're given to forget your dreams, family, freedom, self-esteem, academics, social life and other personal goals*.

(6.) *Your kids won't inherit your post in that company you're employed in. Employment is not hereditary*.

(7.) *If your salary is not huge enough to pay your bills, leaving you with sufficient amount to save,prepare for poverty after you stop work*.

(8.) *If you must work,before you eat,if you get paralyzed,ill or become aged,hunger will strike you*.

(9.) *Being an employee is a bit similar to being a slave,you take orders,you are regimented,when will you become a master?*.

(10.) *In Forbes list of the richest men in the world,show me one employee*



*Do Have a plan B to fall back to...!*



Please if the person chosen does not contact me by today go and choose someone else,no time to waste!!!...
Those people saying that my blog PA might be the one choosing herself under another ID.why will she do that when she is entitled to take part as herself?
Some of you are so full of unbelief it makes me wonder..if choose they will say i am partial,if i let you choose,you choose yourselves under multiple ID'S,i bring someone else to choose and now shes also not clean?
Anyway make una leave am so .......

Blog PA, new winner should emerge by tomorrow morning please.





Thanks for giving me an avenue to air my story

I thank everyone that advise me thru my ordeal yesterday,words of wisdom won't depart any of u,i never saw the maltreatment coming,my daughter was so fond of him as she always call him"my mum friend" till we got married and i told her,he's now your daddy,it started that we were expecting a visitor that faithful day and i had to go pick him from the junction,we were all eating in the sitting till i left,when i came back,i saw her somewhere else and ask what she was doing there,she said daddy ask me to sit there,i stupidly thought its for the visitor till we are about sleeping at night and he ask her to go sleep where she ate,which was beside the kitchen,i didn't say anything that night but couldn't sleep...

I woke him up to ask why he did that and he said she snores too much and he's not making him sleep well,gosh, if she were to be your child would u have done that knowing fully well she's having cattarh?that was all,no normal talk for like 4months on that,at times,its only greetings that we share,yet,i will still go on my kneels to beg and beg that he's killing me emotionally but no changes...

I actually got tired at a point but was thinking,what would people say? Maybe i am even the problem that i cant manage him but seeing my happy child depreciating daily makes me cry always,God sees that i never bother him with any of my problem,i always appreciate whatever he gives,no matter how little but i am really not comfortable cos i can't say dis is my achievement or happiness since i got married..

@Bloglord,where will i go? 

D last time i saw my mum was last year and my dad is managing his life,i can't add to his burden,she's more like a slave cos she can't sit and watch  TV in the house,she can't relate with me freely,she doesn't feel happy eating cos we do eat in the same plate all dis years..

@Miss Kay,i should have ignored society tagging a single mother and face my life instead dying in silence now cos i gained absolutely nothing from the so called marriage,
@anonymous,we live in Abeokuta,Ogun state.@anonymous that thinks i open leg before marriage, you don't really know my story, fending for oneself can be nasty at times,i have done several worst jobs in my youth days like labourer,bar attendant and d likes but no one to guide me thru life,i am almost 9weeks gone for the anonymous asking,



  1. Still can't get over BAAD2017, but fear not lemme tap ohh.

    1. My dear don't tap ohhh, because all this celebrity marriages are not the best to envy abeg


    2. You better tap better pammy😎

  2. Do not Lament over what you cannot Amend. If it's not Amendable, it should not be Lamentable...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I was invited to a birthday party yesterday and the host was a young pretty Yoruba girl who I could tell was deeply in love with her very short Igbo boyfriend who happened to be the celebrant. The guy' birthday was on friday but the lady planned a surprised party for him yesterday at her apartment. From what I observed, the lady is comfortable with 3 companies under her name, meanwhile the guy has a shop at lawanson-surulere where he deals on fairly used kitchen wares, but their bonding and affection could be seen from afar.

    I read through the BAAD17 post this morning, I saw some comments regarding Juliet Ibrahim and her choice of boyfriend and I started wondering why some people are morally, psychologically, physically, mumustically stupid? Relationship or marriage exceeds physical appearance and many of the people mocking Juliet have been craving for love, compliment or admiration even from a bus conductor over a year, some of you have smelling punani and instead of looking for a way to treat your infections like that anonymous yeast infection lady, you rather come online yarning dusts.

    Leave Juliet and her guy alone, maybe his Ila ọtụ is game, maybe he makes her laugh, maybe he washes her plate very well like no other. Atleast the guy is good at something.. But some of you, your boyfriend is only good in beating you and making your life unbearable. Ndi ụchụ!


    1. Ask the boyfriend if he has Nutribullet for sale.

    2. If Juliet Ibrahim were to be your sister or daughter would have seconded her of choice ice Berg Agama with this epistle you just typed here... You sound like you teach or are a children coordinator in church hence the move to show your writting prowess here.oya we have Learnt how to punctuate and give paragraph you can now sleep well at night...
      Person just dey digress from topic of discussion.... Mtcheew.ila otu kooor ila alasepo ni

  4. The enemy may have meant it for your harm, but he doesn’t have the last say. God does and He says, “Stand still and I’m going to show you My goodness. Stay in faith and I’m going to turn that battlefield into a blessing field.” What should have defeated you is going to increase you. You’re going to come out better.
    I know it's been dark in the valley recently. You wonder if you will make it through and what awaits you if you do. But as you move through, know this: You are someone's hero — a living example of faithful & cheerful perseverance. Someone has the courage to meet the day because they see you do it. Someone sees GOD in you . . . even when you feel you can't see God at all. Even on your worst day, you are a BLESSING. Isn't God amazing?

  5. Back and better...... First?

  6. Congrats my able Governor Obiano...Apga is our own.
    Welcome IHN

    1. Reserved my comment for Oga Yul

    2. But Anambra people mean o, not up to 1000 votes in all. We don wise up.

    3. Baby Alex is so cute...I love babies

  7. Please where can I learn interior deco in Benin city, Edo state.

  8. Cool Monday, thank you father for a brand new week bless the works of my hands

  9. Christmas decor is everywhere

    1. Not in most parts of lagos, the economy is harsh mehn😯😯😯


  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Wise investment of salaries?

  12. SDK you no well @ d sign out meme. Pls bvs what is the best foundation and powder for oily face. Include prices pls.

    1. Someone said Nixoderm,I think the person is right afterall 😎

    2. Classic water base foundation and original classic super oil control powder(2k or so) cos fake is everywhere. Buy from their shop or Classic stand at smaller malls.

  13. I. H. N
    Hello Bookers, let's do this again.
    What book are you currently reading and what is your next?

    Mine is Think and grow rich. Have had this book in my small shelf for two years but anytime I pick it up to read, I have this fear that I may not understand what is written there, maybe because, it's one of the most revered books in history. And next is finishing Akè, the years of childhood.

    I am thinking of customising "books made me" shirts. At the back, I would inscribe name of my favourite authors. How would that look?
    Lemme go and budget for that one.
    Anytime you need books of any kind and category, I am always available.

    Shout out to
    My book angel, I don't know you but I love you.
    Simi, God bless you babe.
    Mrs Roma, 😍😍
    Kamikam, hope u are fine.

    Kwanu, let me go and finish what I am writing before deadline meet up with me.
    Bye 👋 👋 👋

    1. I'm reading Born A Crime by Trevor Noah

    2. I'm reading stroke me gently by Chikito and Lep😎😎

  14. I just feel so happy and smiling like Cheshire since morning .
    #Positive vibes only

    Saturday In House Gist Winner, What's happening. Hmmmm count down till Tuesday's

    1. Beloved, pls ejor don't let my blessings pass me. I have just sent a mail to SDK again after sending the first one. Maybe the first one entered her Spam box.
      I can't find your email on your profile, I wanted to send it to you first so you can check if it is ok.

    2. @Meena My E-Mail has always been on my ID.

      Okay o, Hope You Titled Your message properly, I mean the SUBJECT should bear Something like "Saturday IHG Winner"...So it won't be lost to voicemail.

  15. This is for the poster of yesterday's chronicle.
    Pls sister girl go and remove that pregnancy and "flee" with your daughter that man is abusing your child, how can you choose a man that is treating you like trash over your precious girl ? why do you want her to grow in such a lonely and lovelss environment when her mother is not dead. How can you her mother allow your so called husband treat her that way ? you and your child are one person if he cannot except her then he doesn't love you even if you send your daughter away he will still not love you and treat you like a slave, because you cannot go nowhere because of his seed with you. my dear I will be very realistic with you even if I tell you to keep the baby I don't have one kobo to give you even if I have highest 10k what will that do for you ? we are talking about bringing up a child feeding, clothing, school fees and all that you think meagre 10k will solve that ? hell no no matter what anyone gives you it won't be enough. Pack your bag and leave let him come and not find you in that house leave a note for him telling him you know that he will never accept your daughter and his molesting her and the horrid things he have been doing to you put everything down, tell him you had a miscarriage due to all the stress and maltreatment (that is after you have remove the pregnancy ) and that he shouldn't look for you because you are gone and not coming back. Madam leave prick matter forget marriage and shield your daughter this world is a wicked place o "I have experience it first hand" don't leave your child with nobody sister girl people are sick and wicked that even the devil is shock shey you hear me
    Then find a good church to go to, go to the altar you can do this at home too cry to God to forgive you and help you pray every day and fast too take full responsibility for your action tell God why you did what you did tell him to forgive you talk to your maker like his right in front of you, see God is not man his ways or thought or thinking is not same with ours he's a merciful father he will forgive you and help you have seen the mighty work of good so trust him completely, give your self to God and dedicate your life to you your daughter in making surd that she have a good life and becomes great in life God works in mysterious ways he might bring a good man in future for you but now do the needful pls
    Pardon my gbagaun or whatever abeg . peace of the lord be with you I'm out

    1. So you are this bereft of ideas
      so you are this morally bankrupt?
      It is good to know those in this blog that
      one doesn't need to bother looking at their comments again.
      You stock in trade is to murder kids?
      Woe unto you for shedding innocent blood/blood of innocents

    2. Anon Whatever. carry yourself forward my dear you are just wasting your time. Mtchew morally bankrupt ko morally banky ni
      WO awon holier than thou don't bother menstrating under my under comment or speaking English I swear you people are just wasting your time.

    3. Plus I didn't ask you to read my comment here I didn't come here to kiss anyone's ass I'm on my own lane so I advise you do same comment and waka.

    4. La'Sunshine la baby killer. I hope you die first bitch!

    5. Hahaha anon come let me make your life sweet idiot.
      call me whatever you want that is your problem bitch I don't give a fuck.

  16. Little Alex kisses to you.
    You are cute.

    The bride decides what her Chief bride maids wear..

  17. Its it advisable to go for teeth washing to make it white?

    1. Is it advisable to go for anal washing to make it not to smell again?

    2. Go for scaling and polishing,it will take your teeth to its original colour.teeth whitening might harm you

  18. This is for the poster of yesterday's chronicle.
    Pls sister girl go and remove that pregnancy and "flee" with your daughter that man is abusing your child, how can you choose a man that is treating you like trash over your precious girl ? why do you want her to grow in such a lonely and lovelss environment when her mother is not dead. How can you her mother allow your so called husband treat her that way ? you and your child are one person if he cannot except her then he doesn't love you even if you send your daughter away he will still not love you and treat you like a slave, because you cannot go nowhere because of his seed with you. my dear I will be very realistic with you even if I tell you to keep the baby I don't have one kobo to give you even if I have highest 10k what will that do for you ? we are talking about bringing up a child feeding, clothing, school fees and all that you think meagre 10k will solve that ? hell no no matter what anyone gives you it won't be enough. Pack your bag and leave let him come and not find you in that house leave a note for him telling him you know that he will never accept your daughter and his molesting her and the horrid things he have been doing to you put everything down, tell him you had a miscarriage due to all the stress and maltreatment (that is after you have remove the pregnancy ) and that he shouldn't look for you because you are gone and not coming back. Madam leave prick matter forget marriage and shield your daughter this world is a wicked place o "I have experience it first hand" don't leave your child with nobody sister girl people are sick and wicked that even the devil is shock shey you hear me
    Then find a good church to go to, go to the altar you can do this at home too cry to God to forgive you and help you pray every day and fast too take full responsibility for your action tell God why you did what you did tell him to forgive you talk to your maker like his right in front of you, see God is not man his ways or thought or thinking is not same with ours he's a merciful father he will forgive you and help you have seen the mighty work of good so trust him completely, give your self to God and dedicate your life to you your daughter in making sure that she have a good life and becomes great in life God works in mysterious ways he might bring a good man in future for you but now do the needful pls
    Pardon my gbagaun or whatever abeg . peace of the lord be with you I'm out

    1. How many times you wan post your gbagaun?, as we don pardon the first one😎

    2. My Bugling Lady, you be baddo.

    3. As many times I as want @ ladybug keep pardoning the gbagauns you don't have any other option.Lol

  19. Little Alex kisses to you.
    You are cute.

    The bride decides what her Chief bride maids wear..

  20. It is only Baby Alexander i see so? fine boy, will you marry my princess? That my prin prin as i call her is a strong babe ooo. She can play from morning till midnight self, na prayer we dey take follow her to allow her parents sleep.

    Happy Monday.

    That anon asking if i am using another ID. Your head is not correct at all. ANU.

    You think because of 10k i will start using a new ID. Make una dey get sense small. Not everyone dey hungry like una on this blog.

    Stella no vex ooo, you mean Beloved too should be among people to compete for the 10K? It wont be good to do that. She is your PA. She is supposed to be Jega? Abi she don dey PORT? She cannot be the judge and defender. Just my take on this.

    She is doing a good job but I dont know people who complained, but try and look at their complain and do something about it.

    You know that Nigerians never get satisfied at all when it comes to MONEY

    1. Lol... I am free to partake doesn't mean I should partake,for the cash prize.

      Oh dear, My Want for MONEY has NOT reached to create new ID to hustle for it,ok?

      And again, what I won't take is someone springing up false allegations because of The same MONEY they don't want/need @Wailing wailers take note.

      😎 😎

  21. Feeling Christmas breeze. Thank you lord for bringing I and my family (nuclear and extended) this far
    Thank you for your love and compassion towards I and my family
    Thank you for everything I know Lord greater and mighty things will you do for all of us including SDK bvs next year in Jesus name. Amen
    From Glory to Glory

  22. Good afternoon people
    So I read the SP late today and saw the plenty brouhaha on the results of the Saturday gist.

    @Beloved Madam INEC I had to go back to read the Saturday gist and stella didn't ask for a morality speech all the post said was a neighborhood gist.

    If I had known it was morals that was the criteria I would added some bible verses and moral lessons.😂😂😂😂😂

    Anyway I don't know the criteria used bt it's all good, but I would like to know just like everyone else here.

    I have no beef for you oo, but to clear the doubts of so many others on the blog, kindly share how someone with lesser votes won.

    @Lady Bug my Padi thanks for having my back dear, I like that you aired your views but let's not fight over it, it's just a blog and not worth the ish
    Thankyou still 😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉

    Please no one should come and cry underneath my comment, only friends are welcomed to say hii.


    1. LEP,my padi forget story jare,na dem sabi😎,na to turn inspirational​ speaker on top gist now😂😂😂😂😂😂😎

      No wonder,all I see on sp now na yeye inspirational messages that are not practicable in the real sense of it😎

      How you dey?😎

    2. Hello Pipi Lee 😉😉😉


    3. Hii you, I have no beef for you either...I already gave you reasons already, while you in particular lost out.. baby girl, Check Spontaneous 😎

    4. There were funnier stories than meenas. PA has the final say

    5. @Lady Bug...You just spoke my mind, SP is now so full of inspirational talks that I don't bother trying to make it in time to drop comments.

      Too many Pastors, Too many goody two shoes, what happened to the regular fun,jokes and normal outdoor gists

      Anyway thanks for speaking up but you know I don't kiss ass so I might never win anything on SDK blog but that won't stop me from participating in posts

      I come here because I like it and this outrageous result from Saturday IHG won't deter me

      Happy trolling Lady Bug


    6. Lady bug a.k.a miss Aboki go and hustle for money. Stop feeling pained. Next week use another of your numerous blog ids. Maybe that one you used is cursed.

    7. @anonymous,pained for what exactly?,10k?, mtsheeeeew,if you know how much I used for ordinary data in a month,you will definitely hang yourself,my data budget can feed the whole of your miserable family!

      It is people like you that never speak up for something that seems wrong,all because you are waiting to benefit from it!😎

      Choke your miserable self on water,have you eaten today?😎

      I speak my mind with my id,I need nothing from nobody here!😎

  23. Please who can tell me more about Forever products, my friend wants me to join and sign under her. Which kind work person go do? I followed her yesterday for a seminar on that forever products. Who knows anything about this? i will be grateful.

    The lady asking if the bride will choose or the chief bridesmaid. The bride should tell the chief bridesmaid the colour that she wanted for her to use. That is what i know

    1. If you sign that yeye thing,you are on a long thing,you go pay like 40k,dem go give some yeye products like that for different ailments,last last na you go use those products 😂😂😂😂😂😎

  24. BAAD 2017....kai my data saw something yesterday. Thank God we can now move on with our

    1. Move on ke, The white wedding never hold fa.

    2. Move on ke,there's still more to come 😎

  25. Kisses to you baby wealth.
    IHN y so short

  26. The Bride will choose na no be her wedding again? If I can’t choose what my Chief bridesmaid will wear because she wants to do what she wants den i will so change her.
    It’s not ur wedding and u want to come open eye. Story.

  27. The true measure of a man is not how he behaves in moments of comfort & convenience but how he stands at times of controversy & challenges. God bless u this week.

  28. the bride should choose what her chief will wear bfor she wear her own wedding gown dat day.

  29. Home remedies for period pain anyone? Help!!!
    I don't understand why women have to suffer so much.
    Every month it will be like someone is using burning scissors to tear your insides.
    After chilbirth your vagina will be like shredded beef.
    You will still go through menopause.
    Still suffer sexual, verbal harassment.
    Breast pain, breast leakage, vaginal leakage and collapse etc.
    Only you? Gosh.
    Me? I treat myself like a sacred egg. This suffering is too much.

    1. Sorry o,as for me,I've never had period pain or cramps 😎

  30. Replies
    1. Even 5 years after school, a GRADUATE doesn't know the right tense to use.
      Dem say make we no dey correct so wallow in your ignorance. Lolll.
      E wo lo ko mi be?????

  31. Lols @Iya Ibeji gist

    Stella I'm available to represent you at any party or event in Lagos this December biko. Be it awards, wedding, seminar, house warming, birthday or conference. This December looks like it would be a boring December to me as I don't have any owambe that I plan to attend and I'm not travelling. Lol.

    1. Pele,but there are so many children's party this December,you can just Google them online and attend 😎

      Nobody will even ask you for IV 😎

  32. I almost forgot. I'm here to greet that aunty sholetoga that lost flight ticket and travelled to Abuja by night bus.
    Abeg leave all those bitter aunties laffing at you, dem no sabi.
    Even me, I wanted to travel to the UK, couldn't get a window seat, I now decided to travel to Britain before travelling to UK.

  33. Thank God for yet another day. Kisses to baby face of IHN

  34. During your lifetime, you will produce enough saliva to fill two swimming pools.

  35. When my mum had me, she had a misunderstanding with my dad and she left. She left me at the care of her mum (my grandma), and remarried under a year and was living in the city with her new husband. When I was about to enter middle school, she came for me to live with her in the city. My mum behaved like I was her sister instead of daughter. This man never touched me or anything, but neither was there any affection from him to me. My mum closed her eyes and pretended not to see what is going on. Anytime I had an argument with my younger sister that I'm almost 2 years older she than, she always asked me to go to my father's house because that is her father's house. I did everything to pleased my mum, everything you can think of. My mum treated my siblings special. I used to visit my aunt in the same town every vacation. One day after Senior High School, my sister told me I should be grateful "her" mum took me from the village. I cried that day. My mum never reproached my sister for talking the way she did. She always kept quiet. I left to my Aunt's and never returned to my mum's. I finished my service this year and waiting on God for a job. I was the best female student in my class and second best in my department. My aunt and her husband treats me like their own. I shouldn't say this, but I am indifferent about my mum. (I feel she doesnt love me enough) They way she can use me to brag to friends after I completed my university. My father was takingredients of me even when I was with her. And he and my aunt took care of me in the university. My mum never gave me anything. Even when I asked her. (She buys goods from China and resell. Travel every 2 months ). Madam chronicle poster, don't let your child hate you because you want to please society.

  36. the bride chooses what the chief and bridal train wear, most especially if she is the paying for it. I exchanged words with my chief in the market because she was choosing expensive gown when my budget for her is 30k. I told her madam add ur own money naa, she ni agree, she dey yan to everyone that cares to listen in the market that m stingy. I just changed her immediately, I no fit shout when I have plenty friends

  37. Ihn. Happy new week
    Most People r usually ungrateful. I have experienced a similar tin accommodating people.
    Cute baby
    Love Baad2017
    What else?

  38. @ sunday news poster

    Please can you tell us what u need in order for you to save that child from that neglect and abuse ?

  39. Poster WTF you let your baby sleep on the floor alone by the kitchen, something must be wrong with you, i'm sorry to say, thats child abuse! Do u stay in 1 room? You couldnt even go n stay with her, what more do u want us to say? You have joined that man to abuse that child, in a more developed world that child would be taken from you and sent to foster care and you would be facing charges of child abuse and neglect. WTF! I just am so pissed now.

  40. That poster of yesterdays de mean o. Who you want to train and nurture your pikin? Wait until your husband rape her then your eyes will reach your ears.


    Mao Akuh


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