Stella Dimoko Husband Snatching Tales Trail Ghanaian Actress Yvonne Nelson Weeks After Welcoming Her Patter Of Tiny Feet.


Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Husband Snatching Tales Trail Ghanaian Actress Yvonne Nelson Weeks After Welcoming Her Patter Of Tiny Feet.

The Actress who was very private about her pregnancy and birth (She practically vanished from the social scene)of her daughter recently granted an interview where she talked about wanting to have her own child and meeting someone who also shared her dream....

Her Interview did not indicate his Nationality but the actress is viral and being accused of snatching the Husband of a Nigerian Lady whom she first contacted to buy slimming pills from....

The Alleged baby is Daddy is Reportedly British and a photography named Jamie who is currently going around snapping with lens bought for him by his very angry wife who says ''Yvonne knew Jamie is Married''

Let us wait for first photos of Yvonne's patter of tiny feet and that will be all the confirmation we need to know If cute Mr Jamie is indeed the Baby Daddy or not..


  1. They have come again.... If this is true then its sad... Why not be patient and wait for your own God sent man without any baggage to locate you

    1. I personally cannot seem to figure out why these young women whom God has blessed and who can comfortably take care of themselves will leave all the eligible men trying to wife them to go into snatching spree.
      Yuvonne was engaged but suddenly disappeared and boom knack belle for another woman's husband. Are you kidding me?

      I read up her interview on why she left her fiance and I couldn't even understand a thing from that whole epistle.

      There is no justification whatsoever to covet what belongs to another, especially when it is still legally and very much the persons own. Ladies are their own worst enemies.
      Yvonne is beautiful, successful , comfortable, charming and what have you, yet, she has to snatch someone's husband and have a child immediately under 1 year. She has sealed up that marriage into crisis forever and it won't be a matter of time, another woman's tears will be her joy.

      The stupid fuckboy is even living off his wife and yet you wanna die put for there.

    2. Be like say that wife don feature for this blog before. Keela Harrison. Abuja runs girl

    3. Anon 9:07,

      You have said it all!
      And a proof to me that she was what I always suspected she was: a loose chick. Succinctly put: an undercover ho*! And one without shame too!

    4. My dear don't mind her, her write up made no sense, reasons why I dint comment. These people come on your page and then look for your mans page cus they feel you are successful. She may have been sleeping with the two men then found out she was pregnant and broke the engagement cus she dint know who the father was at the time. This Yvonne girl has never been smart, how come you buy something from someone and end up with the persons husband, and I heard he is even broke, that's why it's not good for women to help clean up any man, they would use all you gave them to get other women. Mary young they will not hear, they will finish chasing men away then when they get old they will start looking for where to put head

    5. The thing bursting my brain is she saying she can't move to London after marriage but still went and got belle for a Londoner. Hian! There was no fiance or proposal

    6. Push up, it's called scheming...for the "perfect" one whose genes she wants for her child. It's not about getting the man for keeps. It's getting him to deposit his seed in her for a baby. That's all.

    7. Anonymous 9 : 17, I bow for you.

    8. White guys who "does" only black women, are worse than Nigerian men...They can cheat like kilode

    9. @ anon 09:07.... Did you forget when keelah snatched another woman's husband? It's just a clear case of the hunter becoming the hunted. What goes around comes around. She did this with oga traffic bar, no she's feeling vexed! She's not allowed that privilege!

    10. Analysis under this comment makes me nod my head. Annoymous 9.07 and 9.39 ; they say you attract what you got. All three parties are birds of the same feather.
      God knows y people don't value or honour marriage

    11. Oh boiiiiiii
      See gist
      I don mis this blog

  2. hahahahaha wahala.

    Women and snatching
    man and woman
    ila otu and pom pom


  3. Most single celebs baby daddies are family men, especially when his identity is kept secret.

    1. The said wife is the worst of both of them. Until her husband being with Yvonne, didn't she know, he was leech, broke, lazy exconvict? Where were all these adjectives when she posted on Instagram about him being the best guy.
      He was all these but she married him.
      Women let's wisen up and stop making a fool of ourselves.
      They are still legally married, but a divorce has been filed by the wife. Why is she interested in him again? Or because there's a celebrity involved so she wants to drag her?

    2. Blue you are so intelligent.

  4. So she lied to herself?πŸ™† Do they even force these celebs to grant interviews or they just choose to as per 'role models'??? This is something she would have kept to herself no matter what and let d public to keep assuming and wondering who d zaddy is just like her sis Nadia did, Freda Francis... Oh Chim!

    1. Sandy obviously didn't understand the post

    2. It's not just speculations Ola. Sandy did you see the chats between his wife and her friend?? Yvonne though. Why did she leave a single man that proposed to her??
      Well I think Jamie and wife are about to be divorced from the way that chat with her friend went.

    3. Yes I saw d chat @Fab momma. Yeah, like they have been having some serious squabbles from d chat. She seemed really angry..

  5. She did mention the man is based in London and a fashion photographer but nothing more.

    If this report is true,Could this be the reason there were no gushes?? No love tales,just a scanty commentary on what he does and where he lives.

    Like I wee fine like this and end up Bn a baby mama? End up breaking a home,end up Bn the "other woman"


    Ashawo man!

    1. As in eeeh a beauty like this ending up a mama, i reject it
      Me that loves pampering but this one will end up crying lonely to bed at night

    2. Hmmm... May God help us.
      Indeed there were no gushes, none whatsoever. Just a ditty detail about him.

      I know how this celebs gush when they find 'the one'. She didn't seem sooooooooo in love, twas all about how she desperately wanted a baby.
      May we be blessed with the spirit of discernment.

      If this is true, ain't sooo cool Yvonne.

    3. Reading the interview, I knew something wasn't right. She was kinda coy.

    4. Y'all don't seem to be connecting the dots at all.

      Let's pick up some of her statements.

      Yvonne said "isnt it funny how she turned down a proposal of an okay guy and got pregnant for a guy who hasn't even proposed?"

      She gave reasons that the guy who proposed wanted her to come settle with him in London which she wasn't cut out for.

      She also said her mom wanted her to get married before a baby-The traditional and right way.

      Then when she found out she was pregnant (which she was hoping she would)she was very happy but worried about her mom's reaction which she later talked over.

      What does this all sum up to?

      She is NOT interested in marriage.

      Maybe because of the high rate of divorce,or whatever her reasons are but one thing is very clear.- she has made up her mind to have a (biracial) cutie and go the path of a single mom.

      All she ever wanted was a baby not marriage.

      It's so glaring.

    5. Boo,
      And in that her wanting a "baby" she has effectively come between a married couple.

      That's what we were talking about.

      Talking about then cos an Anon down there said the said man and his wife were in the process of getting a divorce. Process.

      Cos I can also be argued that they may have fought for their marriage and gotten back on track. Or maybe not. Maybe they wouldn't have.

      We would never know cos now Yvonne has come in and unbalanced the already imbalanced equation.

      And again looking at it the other way,having a baby outside wedlock isn't something to be proud of. Especially planned Babymamahood.
      Let some of these women and men stop trying to change the proper ways of doing things.

      @ Chy,very coy.
      That interview didn't just make sense. She just ended up exposing herself.
      She said she didn't want the marriage by the man that proposed to her simply cos she knew marriage was gonna change her lifestyle and her way of doing things. But she will have a baby??πŸ˜‚Hehhehehehe

      Pls can someone pls remind us again what having a baby does to the parent's life?πŸ˜‚

    6. Bloggy I don't think so, they may say the like Bi racial babies, but she stole someone's man, she actually wants him for herself, are you trying to say if he proposes to her she will not say yes. Let's not forget she was all over nyaya wanting him to propose, (Cus I have a close friend who knows the gist). I don't think she was running away from marriage, I feel she got pregnant for this man and had to let go, who no like marriage? Forget what she said in her interview, she just lied

    7. Bloglord's analysis is quite right push up

      Yvonne is a very selfish person. Wants everything her way (based on pple that know her personally) .

      Ladies like her can't contain a man's excesses

      She did wat she WANTED to do and PLANNED it perfectly.

      She may get married later, but probably to someone much older that will spoil her silly; whose sperm is irrelevant to her.

  6. What's with all these our fellow African women liking who ever our Nigerian women are dating or married to?....
    If you have female friends from all these African countries,please hide your man from them!...
    You can only be free with them if you are a pigeon knacker like me...
    They like any dick that has serviced a Nigerian woman pussy!...
    They see us as threat so you all should be careful!...
    I have witnessed several episode of these!...

    1. We are their big brother so they always want to affiliate with us

      Ghanaians are steady romancing Nigerians.

    2. LMAO 😁. @ hide your man. From them. Queen and boss I saw your question late yesterday Yes I am from Ebonyi state. I am also nwadiala in Anambra state.

  7. Stella there’s a chat between the woman and her friend. According to the wife nigga is broke and she’s been d one feeding him.
    Yvonne go dey alright shaa,at least she has achieved her aim which is to have a child. She needs to leave d man alone asap cos Nigerian women no dey smile. The woman go just deal with her if she continues having affair with the guy.

    1. But from that chat it seems they are in a process of divorce sha. As she kept saying the baby would be a big proof for her in her case as products of infidelity blah blah

    2. Yeah Fab Mum i think they are in the process of getting divorced but she will still fight and disgrace Yvonne if she keeps having affair with the man. Trust women na.
      She should just run along with her Baby and leave d man alone.

    3. Yeah I think his wife is filling for a divorce
      I pity women that think all white guys are rich

      Some of them are broke as hell.

    4. Gbam!!!
      80% of men abroad r struggling or down right broke!!!
      Feeding from hand to mouth, carrying many debts to pay off, too much serious money problem in their head. And if they find any unwitting or vulnerable woman desperate for love or looking for any man to attach to or for marriage or for having child, him be say that marriage, child, partnership, sex or whatever reason that make u fall for dem go soon turn to shame & curses for that woman.
      Even without marrying them & they con u into using ur name or joining their name & attaching u in anyway to their life, the dirt & shit they will rub on u for ever no be for here.

      That's why many successful & thriving women abroad r mostly single & uninterested in having any man in their life anyhow!!!
      Because u don't need a man for anything when u have ur life put togther by having good career or smart brains to stand on ur own & find ur way very well.
      Many men abroad r big time BAD MARKET!!!

  8. boy he is fine, i am tempted to snatch him too kikikikiki

    1. Don't snatch please. The wife said he's broke

    2. Don’t snatch please. His pocket is not this fine too.

  9. How convenient!
    She left a single man to become a babymama to a married man... Hmm.

    Oh well, what do I know?
    I pray for the spirit of discernment.

  10. If that's the baby daddy,the baby will be really cute. Sure she just needed a biracial kid.

  11. She can enshroud the baby in secrecy all she wants.
    Suddenly that baby has become a goldfish;no hiding place.
    The truth must prevail.

    All is well.

  12. So she left a single guy who proposed to her to become a baby mama to a married man?? Why do babes do this? Well we need to hear from her first! All in all her life, her choice!
    Btw this Jamie guy is super cute.

  13. Anon 8:45 shebi I said the same thing that day but I was insulted. Leaving a single man who proposed to you to have a child with another man who has no marriage in view for you. Me I don't know the stupid film she's acting that she can't relocate to London with the guy that proposed to her. Now e don shele.

    1. Listen to me properly! This your mentality of I must marry by force will lead you nowhere.

    2. Anonymous I just taya for Nigerian women o marriage marriage is it everybody that want to get married abeg her life her choice.

  14. Oyinbo! I thought they don't cheat that's why some Nigerian girls are looking for them or could it be passport they are interested in

  15. Hmmmmm... Then why did she leave a single man that engaged her to be with a married man? Their cup of kunu.

    The bobo fine sha!

  16. What's you expect from Ghanaian, their ashewo is on another level.

    1. Yes oh!!! Typical ghana women strategy things!!!
      If they befriend u & sniff any sense of weakness around u, they kill u off quick!
      They can target from thousands miles away...monitor, spy, gossip, make innuendos & all sorts of preverse moves just to plunder, steal & destroy another woman's happiness & joy in this life!!!
      Fear Ghana women!
      Fear edo women!
      Fear yoruba women!
      Some Ibo women too r very deadly & conniving, like mbaise, owerri, orlu (imo state) mostly cheap whores & desperado rats & thieves..specializing in robbing other women of their man.

    2. Ghanaians this Ghanaians that; come to Ghana and see how many of your sisters are "uselessing" themselves for our men. Come and see how many are sleeping with married men just for a plate of rice. I will even direct you personally to around the East legon melcom road and see how they line up at night to do ashawo for chicken change. See err the fact is no one is holy. Need I talk about your brothers that are belittling themselves using their God giving brain for internet fraud? I beg shift!

    3. Anonymous what are you on about ? You seriously lack wisdom sorry to say. Tueh

  17. Hmmmmm, na wa for all these celebs. I hope it's not true sha. So as pretty as she is, she could not find a single guy to impregnate her?

    1. Most pretty girls ve this difficulty of making good choice when it comes to marriage issues.πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

    2. @kidjo , how would you know? From what you've heard?

  18. At the end of the day married or not he is still the child father
    Case closed!

  19. John dumelo could have been better sef

    1. Loool exactly what I thought o. She could have just collected sperm from John and save herself the stress lol

    2. Oh I don't think so. She and John had a huge fight. Ever since their friendship has gone sour. Apparently she allegedly in midst of raining insults she alluded to the size of John's prick.

    3. That is your opinion ? She might not find him attractive one man's meat is another man's poison

  20. I doubt Yvonne wants any lovey dovey relationship. She just wants a baby that's all.

    1. Godbless you.
      You get the whole drift πŸ’―

    2. At 30yrs old she was just desperate for a baby ??????
      Wonder how women cheapen themselves.
      My elder cousin got married at 37 and had a baby boy immediately for a 38yr old never been married, no baby mama, fine and successful guy.
      Why the desperation of women once they hit 30.
      If a 42/45 year old woman does this I will understand.
      Plus how many movies is she acting she can't move to London. She can still get jobs there afterall they have iroko tv and Ben tv there.
      She's too young for the drama is my pain.

    3. Yeah like her Mum

  21. Keela Harrison who was featured on this same SDK blog for snatching and sleeping with another woman's husband (Chuks' the owner of traffic bar in Abuja) is now accusing Yvonne Nelson of snatching her own husband...Karma indeed!! Keela has been separated from this Jamie for almost a year and has been dating other married men to pay her bills, I don't understand why she had to send a chat to herself pretending she's chatting with a friend and then send the chat to the blogs. Keela this is your second marriage that didn't last up to 6months, you need to check yourself. Silly calabar girl.

    1. God bless you my dear.

    2. I saw through that bitter chat and knew it was orchestrated just for public release.
      Is her Ex not supposed to be desirable to someone again?
      Except I don't understand this whole gist ooh... I don't see the whole brouhaha in their Hoedom😁
      Is their work.

    3. Thank you o Iphie

    4. Abeg tell them o!
      Especially TGW. Being separated is not a curse, the man has a right to love, date/marry someone else.
      Why is Yvonne being tagged for loving a broke ass?

  22. I am very sure she knew he was married and also wanted a biracial child what a waawuuuuuu

  23. Isn't the woman seperated from the dude?
    The Ex said he was broke, and an unsuccessful photographer but she still married him abi? She's not wiser either.

    If you ask me, I think Yvonne needed a sperm donor for her biracial baby. Vain but very possible.
    My concern here is this... Why was Yvonne Nelson taking slimming pills? I liked how she looked before😳😳😳

    1. I suspect that too.

      To be like Samantha et al.

      One can find love anywhere but when you hook a man solely for the purpose of having a biracial kid,then Issorai!

      Hey lovely!

    2. The foolish naija woman married to the oyibo didnt know it was a ploy to familiarize with her & to steal her husband!
      Thieves come in all sorts of decoy, excuses to enter ur life & steal from u. All forms of friendships & social contact to perpetrate ur life & to find areas of weakness.

      Next time this naija woman will learn to snub & shun social media contact or friend requests that seem mischievous.

      No be today naija, ghana, gambia, ethiopia, haiti, jamaica, south african women dey target others to steal their oyibo men.
      Maybe SDK need to do a post on this issue to inform show people what's going on in holland, sweden, france, belguim, italy, ireland & etc...where black women become peofessionals in recycling oyibo married men & oyibo women in relationship with fellow black man or woman.

    3. Hi dearie. How you dey?

      Haa.. They are 'thieving' oyibo men? Tell us more. LMAO!!!

  24. From the chats its obvious the guy is not with his wife again, the only mistake Yvonne made was granting an interview, she should have kept it to herself, simple, she did nothing wrong cos Jamie has left the lady and she sounds pained, and oh that guy has a thing for slim tall girls, his ex has the body of yvonne

    1. Exactly! Why granting d interview hence my asking πŸ‘† if they are being forced or something.

    2. Arinma my sister Iphie, anale? Yes o sandy Nwanyi oma you are very right, granting that interview caused this, it's good to keep things like this most times

  25. One of my Ghanaian friends told me they are obsessed with mixed race children. I suspect that was her motivation.

  26. It's obvious she wanted a biracial baby. So her child could look like Nadia and all these bi kids in Gollywood

    1. True. Cos she didn't get pregnant for the guy that proposed to her but chose to get pregnant for this one.

  27. You might be right, maybe she In it for the man’s sperm not marriage.

  28. Yvonne did not leave her man, she wore her engagement ring for more than a year, the guy must have developed cold feet and she decided to move on to the next person who is ready to have a child with her at least. Did you not read where she said she cried on her 30th birthday? All these celebrity lies a lot, she wanted us to believe that she left the guy who is not through. The simple fact is that the guy who engaged her later became skeptical about wifying her.

    1. The man did not develop any cold feet.
      She was just hanging unto him as fallback guy incase her plans in motion didnt pull through. Fortunately for her, it did hence she took a walk...dor What she really wanted. - A baby

  29. Snatched? No man can be snatched if he doesn't want to. Give Yvonne a break; who knows? They might have even seperated before Yvonne got into the picture.

    To those of you saying with all her beauty, why will she be a baby mama; hello! Not everyone sees beeing married as a yardstick to fulfilment. Live and let's live, you want to be a wife; she doesn't mind being a baby mama. Full stop!

    And yes I'm a Ghanaian and will support her anytime and any day. Stella if you like don't post. It's your blog.

    1. Keep defending this liar and thief all in the name of Ghana

    2. But you didn't say anything wrong dear. Just your opinion.

  30. Na real wa....whatever makes her sleep at night.

  31. I read in the interview where she said he was not a first time dad, and went hmmm.

    I wish her all the best, but someone of her calibre should not have such stories trailing her.

    Not strange for her to be asking for slimming pills, everybody seem to forget she was a chunky girl when she came on the scene.

  32. Kikikikikik it painedπŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹ some of you ooo. A clear case of Ghana jollof beating nigeria jollof hands down.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  33. When I told you guys A FEW WEEKS AGO after SDK revealed Yvonne has Been put to bed, I said the guy was a white British guy, some oyall were arguing with me, like how do I know.

    Sweetie, I know Yvonne that's how I know.

    Go back to the thread from a few weeks ago and read if I didn't tell u, he was a white guy.

    1. Oya take chocomilo or what else do you want?

  34. The baby daddy is all shade's of beauty

  35. @anon 15 November 2017 at 09:54 what tribe are you that you as a woman should not be feared? From all the hogwash you wrote it simply means fear all women. You can not pick and choose which tribes and nations of women you should fear. Grow some brains.

  36. You have to be quite dumb to think she didn't want marriage. You believed everything she said? is she not a woman again? Crafty as always.

  37. Omasiri you just spoke my mind πŸ˜‰, baby girl will be cute for days. What she allegedly did is still wrong, or maybe she just needed a sperm donor....but some people say its karma for the lady in question. Whatever!

  38. The supposed “wife” here is none other than the same Keela Harrison who made it to Stella’s own blog for stealing Chuks Iroche Traffic bar from his wife.. wife threatened to acid attack and she moved to U.K... Boom! Just like that, with the help of her permanent man Chuks of course. The British man discovers this afffair and threw her out, cancelled her visa and tried in vain to divorce her for a year.. it FINALLY came through weeks ago despite the wife not responding to his lawyers. Ask the woman for proof of her petition if I’m lying... she’s just another scamming callabar whore.. line em up!

    1. Why is crying wolf since she is divorced,from the man, plz she should free Yvonne abeg.

  39. one thing Nigerian's should know is we Ghanaians dont care
    wherether single mother, baby mama..
    we believe in it.
    that why if a guy impregnate a girl, he just need to perform rites to inform her family of having a child with their daughter and in the family..
    please live us alone.
    that's why your Nigeria brother love them.
    they don't choke them with marry me ... marry me mantra


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