Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....



Thursday, November 02, 2017

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....



Adultery Loading Between Two Married Christians.


I am a huge fan of yours, 

 Please I need help. I am about to lose my relationship with God, my family and my life to a serious temptation. It's not as easy as people may think.

I want you to post this as a chronicle for two reasons: to seek BVs opinions and to read their personal experience. Adultery Loading Between Two Married Christians.

A female friend married with children wants me (a married man) to take her on vacation. We were friends and childhood lovers (crush - nothing serious during our elementary school days), but used to chat infrequently until recently when we reconnected on Facebook.

 In a recent discussion, I hinted about going away for a while. She gleefully asked to go with me. I thought it was a joke until she told me she would ask for a 2-week leave of absence from work. I perceived all is not well at home; perhaps due to financial difficulties, so I probed further. She told me her husband would allow her travel. She did not tell me how or what she intends to tell her hubby. 

I promised to travel with her next year and also help get her kids into school abroad. But then, am I not spoiling for trouble? How do I survive in a room with a woman - my childhood crush - for 2 weeks without having sex with her? She told me in a way that she's game. My heart breaks at the thought of married women sleeping with men for financial gains. 

I still wonder how she intends to excuse herself from home. The thought has been swirling in my head for days running. Both of us are born again Christians.

 If you read this by chance, please know that I will not renege on my promise. I love you, but how do we survive a week long physical contact without having sex? The aftermath will be too much for me to bear. I cannot afford to sacrifice the promise of a global reputation for the sake of sex. I'm in tears because it has already happened in my heart. Help me Lord.

How do I overcome this tempting thought? How do I fulfill a promise to a needy friend without committing adultery? How do I convert an erotic feeling into agape love without falling into delusion? I cannot afford to break my friendship with her - she needs help.


*I can see your preek is doing the thinking...Must you travel with her?send her money to go on vacation alone since it looks like you are financially heavy...When the time for the promise you made reaches,get her account number and send the money to her..
You are the one attaching the money you promised her to the sex she is offering,the problem might just be you and not her....Asawo man! *tongue click*


  1. Why would you even agree to travel with her even if she brought the idea. It is not by force oga. Help her financially before you travel and tell her outrightly you cannot go with her. Must we tell you it is very wrong.

    1. Poster you call your self a born again. Can't you help that woman from afar? Must sex be involved?

    2. Tomorrow now when you get HIV from her over sized punani you'll come and complain to us like the other mumu.
      Oga I pray that your wife travels with other men and spends your money training other peoples children abroad...... Idiot

    3. Thank you o. I thought I was the only one not understanding. You seem like you have the money must you stay in the same room? With your thoughts it's better you don't even go together. Pls take Stella's advice Mr. born again.

    4. This is what Jesus meant when he said: For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:20). The acts of righteousness were stated in Matthew 6:1-15 as fasting, praying, giving. The Pharisees fasts at least twice a week, pray thrice a day and give at least a tenth (Luke 18:12 etc.)
      Your flesh is about to embarrass you and deny you a place in the kingdom of God and you know it. You have not been disciplining your flesh through fasting like Jesus taught and practiced. You simply go to church and dance.

      Foremost, get up and begin to fast; to mortify the flesh so that you will not fulfill its desires -Gal. 5:19 etc. If like you fast on a daily basis, you will be able to both muster the strength, will and boldness to discuss this issue with your wife and tell the other lady that she can't go with you. Offer every help you wish financially and let you wife be the one that does the giving.

    5. Don't be deceived people, that woman is not troubled with financial anything she just saw a mumu that wants to spend on her and train her children in the abroad.
      Oga I hope your children are schooling and holidaying abroad and your wife is allowed to travel to spend time with men she just wants to help.
      The guts Nigerian men have tho...... Things his wife wouldnt have guts to do

      Oga please if you want to cheat go and cheat don't come for validation from us

    6. You want to gbensh. And you are letting her know through this medium. We see 👀 You.

    7. Poster please take me along instead of her to avoid temptations😒😒😒😒😒😒

    8. Please you can have me as long as you can get me into school.... please I beg you. Reply if u want so I can contact you

  2. Replies
    1. Born against is to born against.

    2. Kwarangida is to akwunas


    3. Traveling with another man's wifing is to plane crashing.....

      "In Jennifer's voice"

    4. Thinking about gbenshing her is to practicing the gbenshing with her!😁

    5. All of you on this trend is not serious at all. 😂😂😂😂🙌🙌. Sdk blog the best place to read comments. Bwahahahahhaha

      Umu ogwugwu Oge........

    6. Una too funny Abeg.

    7. Her end time born again punani is to dangote warehouse

    8. hahahaha. never a dull monent in sdk

  3. hahahahahah this red pen again.

    Oga if you want to help her, help her from afar. You knew she was troubled with financial difficulties and you still gave her the go ahead to come with you on your holidays. You encouraged her by edging her on. THat is wickedness. You did not take a stand.

    Get your wife involved with this matter. Women will never cease to amaze me with sex sex sex. No shame again.

    1. How do you expect his wife to allow him help the woman if he tell her the story?

    2. Get which wife involved when he obviously have his ulterior motive but blabbing here?? How much does he think he have to start with? Nonsense and Ingredients.

    3. You are not a serious man, you can help her without sex, and you know she's only traveling with you cus of financial issues, so why not help her as the "born against" that you is. I hate when people call themselves born again but see temptation and jump into it. You are so annoying, you dint even care about your wife or her feelings all you are concerned about it preek and why she's cheating... when the real question is why do you want to cheat?

  4. My guy, you are a konk ashewo!
    A re-incarnated he-goat.
    Go n bang another man's wife naa,
    Damburuba shege.

    1. Hahahahahaha.. OMG! Hahahahahaha. If you like 'shat' the okpo will still go ahead and do what he wants.

    2. Why are Nigerians like this?!
      Cant you just advise without insulting the man,haba.

    3. Blackberry haff vex.
      Kai, walahi talahi 😂😂😂😂

    4. No be small shege he is wallahi.
      Very annoying chronicle. Mscheeeeeeeew

    5. Lol, no b small thing o,dat man is not serious

    6. Ha is not telling himself the truth. I dunno how someone can keep lying to himself.

  5. Mr poster, you didn't talk about your wife in all this. Would you travel with another woman without telling your wife? Do you intend to lie to your wife. Poster you are the problem here. This woman did not tie your leg or hand. Simply tell her there's no way you can travel with her alone. If she's so much hungry to go, give her cash. Let her go alone. You want to cheat on your wife because of childhood crush, the aftermath of your actions would destroy all you've ever built. Maybe this is how the devil wants to get you. He wants to penetrate into your life with this sin. Don't even think you can travel with her and nothing will happen. And pls don't tell me the woman is born again. No genuine born again Christian will be game to offer you sex or even travel with you alone. She has lost her salvation maybe due to frustration.

    1. Dont mind the he-goat. As he is jetting out with another man's wife , another man will be jetting out with his wife and the wife's excuse will be to go for a seminar or conference for 1wk. Oga kwontinu.

    2. Don't mind the two born against next thing they would be found dead inside hotel room. You men that sleep with peoples wives continue your end is near

  6. Born again Christian abi?

    Oga ur chronicle e nor make sense at all. Dont u have wife to travel with? Have u finished putting your own kids in school abroad its now a married woman you see to be lusting after and dreaming of going on vacation with. In fact let me not waste my little battery life on you.
    Just know if the trumpet sounds while you are on vacation with another man's wife you wont make it.

    1. This man is obviously looking for an opportunity to shine his konji

  7. All these Mumu men walking upandan
    If them check well now your wife might be broke , but here you are spoiling , to spend for another married woman
    Since you are looking for money to throwaway,let me ask ypu
    1. Are your children millionaires?
    2. Have you settled your parents and your siblings?
    3. If you die today, can your wife and kids survive on what you have left after burying you? at least for a while during mourning?
    I guess not, but here you are lusting after another man's wife.
    Are you sure the woman and her husband are not even using your head to drink garri? planning o scam you.
    shame on you, Mr Philanthropist for another man's family
    Athink your preeq is itching you
    Ngwanu go and scratch it make we hear word
    Remember what happened to the cheating couple found in the corolla
    Make I stop before i talk the one I go regret.

  8. Stella chai! The man is in tears you no even pity am lol. Poster man, you have money to take your childhood crush abroad, get her children in school abroad, probably pay their fees, I hope no one in your extended family is in need sha. What am I saying immediate family sef. I have no advice for you seeing that your mind is made up.

    1. The Poster is a funny Dude😂😂😂. Oga, i am sure this was not the advice you were hoping to receive here. My advise to you is never to add Christian to your sentence again. You make the good ones look bad.

      Assist the Lady and look for ponyor else where...Nonchenche 😕 😕 😕

  9. LMAO....nor be small asawo man na Okpolor man too. which advice do you want from us? go nau since you think with your preek and not your head...ozour

  10. Poster the only thing you want us to do is to encourage you to do the do, but we won't.

    Give her the money for her children school fees and for her own personal vacation.

    Ikpe kelu onwe ya, ibia ebe na ako akuko Mike Ejeaya si noo Chronicle.

    1. Imagine!! Lol


    2. These two badoos arent even in support.😒 Kikikiki!

  11. born again indeed

    I just hope anoda mam takes ur wife on a fucking spree vacation??

    so ur Fuckship wt ur childhood crush is more gratifying than ur relationship wt God. u r a shame to d body of Christ!!!?

    nonsense n ingredients

  12. Christians are always fast to scream I'm born again but won't do the normal thing that the is expected of them. The time you spent typing this could have been used praying this sin you plan to commit away but no you need us to tell you how to go about this without getting caught. You're not worried about the sin but how to live with it.
    Your child hood friends is clearly looking for an escape and instead of joining faith with her to see that peace is restored to her home, you want to further wreck it because you are an adultery but this time you want to taste another man's wife.
    I won't even advice that you give her money, there's no way she'd disclose that to her husband now or in future that he won't suspect something fishy even if nothing happens. Oga, do what a good Christian would do and stay away from that woman,your wife doesn't like vacation? Why can't she go with you? Would you be happy if another man sponsors your wife even with no strings attached. Do unto others.... And it's clearly raining cheating married men.

  13. What is all this please? If she needs help, send her some money to sort herself out na. I don't even see how this is a problem. You mustn't travel together, and you mustn't stay in the same room. Oga e be like say married man never slap you before. Ashawo man.

    1. Your problem poster is that you want to go through with the adultery. You have a CHOICE. You can change your mind.

  14. Help her from a distance oga.
    You are only trying to take advantage of her.
    Besides you can decide not to help her and nothing Will happen.
    The way married women are begging their ex's and other married men for money is so shameful.

    1. Shut up abeg do you know what people face on a daily, is not their fault some men are wicked they can't help without thinking of sleeping with the woman. Who you EPP sef ? Wicked souls

    2. Cravings of the flesh,look elsewhere "if you must".
      Help and move ahead,do not allow her have a partner in you.
      How does the thought of you mounting another man's wife make you feel?
      oga briddle thy preek!

    3. Anon16:21 you are a bad example of womanhood. Marriage is for better or for worst.
      It may not be rosy all the time you should learn to bear when things are not working out the way we expect.
      That's what experience all about.

    4. Redbotafly or whatever you call yourself I didn't call myself good as a matter of fact I'm not close I'm a sinner. You are in no place to call me a bad example who made you judge over my life ? What do know about me ? What is your stinking moral compass you want to use to judge me ? Abeg shit jare mtchew hypocrite

    5. @anon 18:12 so sorry dear, my comment really got to you.
      You go dey alright!

    6. Hahahahahha..anon is busy fucking men for money as a married woman..the comment pinch am well. Dont worry continue..

    7. Haha anon 20:18 i'm very busy fucking your husband for money come and beat me am in my house.

  15. Stella this is one time I will comment to say just this,your red pen was very apt..... Ashawo man looking for validation to commit adultery.
    Mthsheeeew...... 😒

    1. One time indeed. Wetin we wan use this your one time information do?


  16. You know you can assist her financially without taking advantage of her. Something's ought not to start at all oooo, and sleeping with her is definitely one of them. Put yourself in her husband shoes and please in Gods name help her the way you can without gratifying the lust of the flesh.

  17. Bros flee from all apperances of evil,the woman wants you and you know it, why go with here to stay alone even if for a day, she believes that once you guys slept together you will assist her more, remember joseph fled, so flee and help from afar

    1. Exactly !! help her if you want to but pls don't take advantage of her situation.

  18. Oga chronicle you wan make I tell you to carry on abi? Wepukwa aka enwe na ofe tupu ọghọ aka mmadu.

    Na I wan come charge my phone for your house e dey take start, but before you know wetin dey happen, she don begin charge your prick too.


  19. Poster, I put it to you that you are a very useless sombori. Fuck off from here with your irritating chronicle jare. Dan banza mutum kawai.

  20. Oga..its evident a part of ur wanna fuck this lady but the Christian part is dealing with ur conscience...there isn't any biggie here..since sure married tell her your wife is coming with you and see her reaction..apparently,its ur money that is tempting d poor lady..bless her and earn Gods blessings rather than attach a price!

  21. Kikikikikiki I laugh @ the red pen, come this man you called yourself a born again and you are coming here to tell us that you want to travel with someone’s wife and you need advice from us.... Better know what you want in life, even a deaf person knows that it’s a capital NO. And you are explaining how you want to enjoy someone’s wife be careful there ooo

  22. Stop calling yoself born again when in fact you're born against! Son of a gun

  23. Oga, Na story you dey find. You know in your heart that you wanna fuck her. But here is the thing, after doing it, the guilt you will feel will be out of this world. It wont be worth it for you in the end.

    1. It could even become the gateway to his downfall. Bros poster go and read Proverbs very well. Don't you value Gods' blessings for your life? You want to give the devil an entry point to wreck havoc in your life? Or maybe you are tired of peace?

  24. This word 'born again' don suffer for people mouth. Someone you claim to be 'born again' just told you she's game? Ok naa!

    1. Both of them are deceiving themselves. Poster are you a pastor? Ayam jus asking a kweshun ooo? Nor vex.

  25. The fact that you're already sensing the danger inherent in two of you staying in an enclosed place is enough reason for you to avoid such. Your spirit is unwilling to derail but your flesh is just exerting its susceptibility. Resist it!
    I want to believe that putting this up here would equally provide enough lee way for brain reset.

  26. What is all these nonsense? To crown it all you call yourself a born again Christian? Ngbo piawakwa gi isi there. The shameless way you guys call yourselves born again is becoming alarming when it's glaring you're not one is very annoying.
    Don't face your wife and children and their future. Sit down there and be planning on how to carry another man's wife (who is clear will lie through her teeth to her husband about her whereabouts) for holidays and then set up her children in schools outside the country.
    Send her the money to travel ALONE, tell her clearly that you can't follow her because you value your relationship with God and your wife and SEVER any lines of communication with her.
    You're a dimwitted fellow and may sense from the throne of grace fall upon you amen.

    1. Exactly. I repeat what Ralu has said. Severe ALL communication. Deal with the root of your foolishness. Put your flesh under, fight it if need be. Don't let your wealth cause you to indulge to the point where you loose your salvation. What does she have that your wife doesn't? Take your wife on vacation instead. Drink water from your own cistern.

  27. Stella, this ur write-up dey get as he dey be sometimes.Poster, don't do something you will regret for a very long time.Deep down within you, you want want something intimate to do with her and you know it's so wrong.Don't even think of spending ur vacation with her.She belongs to ur past.If u r having trouble in ur marriage, it surely will pass.Be the good christian you profess to be.Ask God to help u overcome this temptation.

  28. How come you claim she's not financially bouyant and she's looking up to you to help get admission for her kids in the abroad? Abi are you the one going to pay their school fees?

    1. He wants to turn to her sugar ex. I wan call am mugu abi na maga, community helper, but make I no abuse am because na advice he come find. Mtcheew. There are many orphans in orphanages you can help sir and you can even sponsor them in schools in Nigeria if sponsoring them abroad is too expensive for you. Mtcheew

  29. Some chronicles taya me. U both claim born again and married n yet planning to go on 2weeks vacation. Poster go to proverbs n read what happens to a man that sleeps with another man's wife. To me that woman doesn't even deserve the help u promised as she doesn't care about ur marriage n family. So many shameless women everywhere. Poster ask ur self if the few days of pleasure is worth ur soul. Tell her u r taking ur wife instead

  30. Poster, this is the moment you've been waiting for, all your life. Those childhood fantasies are about to come true. And as a 'burn again' that you are, we know you can resist anything except temptation. You'd better flee before the fleas of a thousand camels infest your crotch..

  31. People always feel as born again christians , you won't go through trials and temptations...

    Advise for you is try and see this as a battle or hurdle you have to cross with God, don't look at it like the battle has already been won ...

    You're in Control and you cant win this battle without God, cry to God for strength.. With God you have the strength to do anything , even overcoming the thought of having sex with her ...
    It won't be easy, but you can do it..
    Think about your wife and everything you have built with her..

    Don't go on the trip with her, try not to get in the same room with her ...
    Help her in anyway you can from a distance and stop communication with her..

    1. It is easy, cut her off. Her type is poison. She is willing to cheat in her marriage and destroy yours for money. Is it her beauty you are chasing? That is shallow. Guy your fantasies are deceiving you.

  32. Dick they scratch everybody ds days😂😂😂😂
    That Chronicle sent earlier this week ee,cant get over it. The guy writes so well and his story sweet die,he should come and give us update on what later happened just dat d kind insult he got that day fear no go gree am say anytin again😭
    Yo back to the poster. Give her money and let her go alone. Anytime she needs ur assistance and u can help go ahead buh don’t see her for any reason before u end up sending another Deborah Chronicle 😂

  33. If you read this by chance, please know that I will not renege on my promise. I love you, but how do we survive a week long physical contact without having sex?

    Awwwwww!!!! That's part of your statement right?

    Then its simple, tell your wife to padlock your preek!!! and tell her that as a Shild of God that You are,you can't stand cheating on Her.

    Why are you here seeking for our opinion?
    since you know whatever we so type here you can't compromise.....

    Dear Shild of God,act like a man please and leave another man's wife!!

  34. Men don'nt like genuinely helping the opposite sex without looking for 'what is in it for me' this here is the major problem this poster is having and the woman has noticed it hence her agreement to go and do the do. Poster you are not truthful in your narration up there. I can put it to you that you coarsed this woman into agreeing because you have actually been giving her the signal.

    1. Thank you. See a won angels insulting the woman maybe she feels the only way she can get the man to assist her is if she goes with him. Stupid foolish people who don't think People are suffering,some women will go to any length just to survive I'm not going to judge her or this man. Help her from afar
      See wicked souls saying he should not help her at all and they call themselves Christian.

    2. Anon sorry for what you are going through. But sleeping with men for money as a married woman is only compounding the problem. She woman is the wicked one..she is willing to go have sex with another woman's husband all in the name of abroad

  35. Go on vacation alone
    Help her from afar without expecting in return.

  36. Mr man please desist, what if you take her for vacation and discovered that she has Urged breast or trailer can park in her poom poom like the previous chronicle. You are not immortal therefore temptation like this is normal but be wise enough to flee. God is your strength

  37. What about your wife? Does she know you are planning of traveling with a female friend and staying together with her for a week? Is she ok with it? Guy, you already know the outcome of what you are about to start , be ready to bear the consequence. All these brothers and sisters in Christ, una dey try.

  38. Stella Aka ise!! You too much

  39. Mr poster, must you travel with her? Abeg just tell us that you want to fuck another pussy other than hour wife's.

  40. the Bible said "Flee fornication." i dunno what to say to you since u claim to be Born again. i cant deal. for Christ sake u made a vow!!!!!!!!!

  41. Born again indeed hisss, Oga born again feel like tasting Efo

  42. All these new generation married women are nothing but prostitute. Imagine planning to leave her husband at home and follow another man on vacation just for monetary compensation.

    1. It's your mother that is a prostitute. What about the married man who wants to take somebody's wife for vacation. Idiot just so you know I'm single

  43. Asewo a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Poster, just tell us you're interested in sleeping with her; otherwise, even if you travel together, you don't have to share a room or even lodge in the same hotel. Asewo ni yin jo...

  44. Please stop mentioning "Born Again Christians" her..You should be ashamed of yourself as a man..What gave you the effrontery to seek validation here for your sex escapades and randy moves...Instead of you to use that money and spend on your wife and kids, na another woman abi..Please I beg you if you want to commit adultery go ahead but dont you dare mention 'God' or born again christian...You are really pissing me off..Grow up and be a man and stop acting immature..Efulefu!! Get Lost!!

  45. Oga Abeg just send 50k make i start small business. As ur cup runneth over just help her financially n forget about sex. Your village people dey prepare shame for you if you follow dat woman travel.

  46. @St Frankool My blog Crush.. You are so funny..Seriously am highly irritated by this mutula!!

  47. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Yes, this chronicle, the one of yesterday and the horse rider abroad are same. This people are just trying to use our head.... This is tales by moonlight.

  48. Nnanyi don't justify the fucking with a holinness talk. We all know the preeq is standing.

    Why did you have to bring the straff here in the first place? Whatever happened to ' don't kiss and tell'

  49. The man na funny man. Oga make i send you my account details but you wont knack me. Since you dont know what to do with your money. Funny man.

    See the way you talk about loving her, chai. Bishop must hear this

  50. What u are having is inordinate affection,as a born again, u know what God says concerning what u are about to do,but u want ur flesh to take over u,confess to ur wife.if ur eye will make u loose heaven cut it out,therefore cut ur relationship, u can still help with out strings attached. And if u don't resist it,u will blame ur self Satan is calling u.

  51. U have already committed in ur heart,go and ask for forgiveness. And start thinking on things that are pure,edifying and of good report. And ask holy spirit to help u.

  52. U have already committed in ur heart,go and ask for forgiveness. And start thinking on things that are pure,edifying and of good report. And ask holy spirit to help u.

  53. Poster....
    You need serious repentance.....odikwa serious temptation kwanu......

  54. You need to forget about that dumb love that was yearssssss ago and keep it pushing. Face your wife and help this woman from afar.

  55. Why is nobody mentioning the fact that it is the married woman that jumped to follow the man to God knows where. I mean what kind of married woman does that..and he even said they are bring again Christians. Na wah oo

    1. Cause the poster is not telling the whole truth. I am in a similar situation am also a man but I keep her at arms length and help when I can. It's hard rejecting the temptation because it's always easy for the two of you to talk about a lot of things and having that strong attraction. Stop communicating with her. She is definitely not happy in her marriage and and he that is down fear no fall. If you want to ruin your home,peace and progress then I advice you pound her spent pussy and afterwards sit back and watch your life crumble like a pack of cards. I smell a setup. In my own case I realized the mistake I made was seeing her and allowing her to see how blessed I am. A meeting I innocently agreed cause of old times sake. Have blocked her number and don't take her calls but once in a while she gets through with strange numbers. And this is the 5th month she has been on my case and she is getting tired and frustrated. She needs no help from you. She actually wants you cause you are successful. And the success you have will go down in no time if you start an affair with her.

  56. Mr born again Christian, guide your heart with all diligence out of it proceed the issues of life. May you not use your own hands to bring destrotion upon yourself.

  57. The woman is so shameless, am yet to understand what she will tell her hubby.
    Oga flee from such, u seem like u are not such a bad person but pray against list. Help her from afar, tho I still think the woman is disgusting. What makes u feel she hasn't done this before???
    In other news, u seem to be swimming in cash, u might as well help me pay for IVF treatment cos obviously I need help more that that promiscuous woman

  58. Poster, you and I know that your spirit will not be at rest until you do the dirty. But you and I also know that illicit relationships never end well. Adultery never goes unpunished especially for people who profess as children of God. Remember how God dealt with King David, a man after his own heart. You will not be spared either. Remember that. Confess this sin immediately you read this comment and ask the Holy Spirit to help you. Loving God will not always feel good or easy. Sometimes, it requires tough choices. Choose the right path.

  59. Oga you are the problem yourself, you already have in mind to sleep with her, please desist from the devil, if you have any minst to help her then send her money to her account. Travel with your own wife and live another Man's woman alone.

  60. Can you just imagine this shameless man... Biko if u cannot help her without thinking of sex just forget it hian!!! So your don't like vacation abi??? I just hope your wife and kids are really doing good financially o ... Kai e no easy an that woman too na longer throat dey worry her from d look of things she's comfortable but she's jst looking for names "my kids are schooling abroad" her puni wee her it hot for that 2 weeks


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