Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....


Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....



Hi Stella, i trust you are good ?
Plz i have an issue that i feel like it has gotten out of hand .
I grew up to be this lucky chap,i am the kind of person that when i pray God listens. Growing up wasn't easy but with God it was from grass to grace .

I graduated few years ago and got a good job was doing so well,got a car,and was happy. I also met this young looking Lagos guy that was also based in same area as mine and we got into a relationship. He was everything i ever needed,money,fun,love everything like the full package.

Unfortunately,he wanted marriage so badly and i felt like he was rushing me plus we had religion differences,i was a Christian, he was a Muslim,my father didn't mind though cos this guy was really cool and wasn't a practicing Muslim, like those who pray 5times a day and all that,he no dey go mosque self but his FAM na Muslim.But my mum was totally against it.

He said he has to settle down early but i needed to slow down and think things through, moreover i was in my mid 20's so i wasn't really buying the rush thing. We dated for two more years bf I traveled for a workshop out of the country and bf i came back he totally changed,he started avoiding me etc for no reason at the long run we broke up i just kept my distance likewise him.

11months later he got married to this Lady, i checked her out and saw that she was one of those attending white garment'church ,i just deleted him off my Facebook wasn't even bothered.

We didn't quarrel oh nothing ,no issue i just took it like he wanted to settle down real quick and i wasn't ready so he should moved on,no troubles ,no beef at all.Most times he sends me texts,to check up on me i just ignore them.

But my woe now is that since i broke off from that relationship its been one issue to the other, i lost my job, my savings, my car,i had to settle for a fairly used car.
I didn't really attribute it to my past relationship was just pushing through the saying that life is up and down,you know you can go through a rough part and the bounce back nothing major.

But the downs has refused to rise. I have been down now since 2014,no job no man nothing .
I have gone to deliverance, prayers,Lagos,abj,TB joshua,Mfm, still, its been one disappointment or the other,I have had several opp to hit big deals but the luck is not just coming always one slight issue or the other.

Some say its a foundational issue, some said i have a delayed but very great destiny,some say it was someone i accommodated bc i see her in my dreams sometimes for no reason, we don't have issues she's good and good she got a big job and parked .
They all have different stories that i had to forget about pastors and prophet's and go to my God my self

I reflected on my life and went silent to my God for one week i come out to pray at night for God to hear me,i cried i worshiped, i begged him to forgive whatever sin i may have committed knowingly or unknowingly but God seems to be far from me,unlike those times i prayed and he answered me .

I have prayed for several issues believing God with so much faith and all i get is disappointment he said no one would call his name and end up in shame but he seems to be quiet on my case ,i have fasted ,done personal prayers,opportunities keep coming i keep loosing them.
Most times i would be the best out of all with the highest chance but I would still loose out and those with lower qualification gets taken.
My house accommodation is on my neck.

Am running mad, depressed, i had to think about my life and remembered it all started from when i left my past relationship. I even changed my location from Lagos to abj,still the same issues.

I need God's help i need prayers ,i need to feel the God i am serving plz, i need to meet a real man or woman of God bc i dont want to loose faith in God, after my last disappointment from an appointment i had, my sister said to me, na wa o, upon all the prayers way u pray and sleepless night this thing no fair o, and i couldn't help but cry . I still believe nothing is too strong for God to do.and i would not end up in shame.

If anyone have any real man of God around would love to get the contact.

*Hmmm that white garment church attending woman he married must have done something?.....Why dont you get in touch with him first and tell him to forgive you if you hurt him in anyway?you might think there is nothing but there might be...Contact him and ''make peace''


  1. Replies
    1. You probably imbibed the wrong spirits from that man via sexual intercourse while that relationship lasted.
      Sex is not just a contact of natural bodies, it is also a contact of spiritual bodies.
      Going to deliverance is not the issue here
      The issue is repentance and seeking God in prayer and fasting.

    2. And you think she hasn't done all that?na wa

    3. This is why I don't date muslims. Most of them are 'Covenanted' at birth.

    4. Please, if she did it, she didn't tell us
      The comment is for the poster and not for you

    5. You dont keep going to God cos you want solutions...he is not a babalawo...begin to seek a relationship with him and enjoy fellowship, trust me he will show up...sometimes he allows stuff to happen so he gets your attention. Stop running to church and being desperate..he is not a wicked God..if truly anyone has done sometimes he will reveal in due season. Continue praying, fasting and just spend time in praise and worship he will show up

    6. Your situation is likely to have nothing to do with the guy and his wife. It's not like she snatched him from you. You are just being paranoid. Go to omega fire ministries in Auchi. The country is in recession so don't blame an innocent guy 4 your woes

  2. It's called life you're living my dear. There's nothing spiritual about it. It's just how life happens sometimes. Keep working, try and smile more, maybe even visit hospitals and terminal wards then you'd be grateful for your own struggles. All good things would come in due time. We are all trying to keep our heads above water. If everybody starts listing their challenges, then all churches would be full because deliverance sessions would be scheduled back to back. Life is beautiful. Just Keep on pushing. You'll be alright at last!

    1. I personally see hardships as part of life, but if you feel it's from that guys, please call and ask for forgiveness it's not a big deal, then attach yourself to any good fellowship, just worship and serve Him, don't necessarily be doing it cus you need something but cus that's what you are meant to be doing. I attend when women pray every Tuesday, since you are in Abuja you can connect yourself to God there, open your heart and ask God to show you your purpose, God has definitely not forgotten you, He is working out something

  3. Is it that you are a "Christian" or "you go to church?"

  4. Keep praying my dear, don't give up because God knows the best for you. "pray without ceasing" No prophet or seer can do a best job than what the Almighty Jesus will do for you. Another thing that could make your challenges to linger on is sin. I an personally inviting you to the RCCG Redemption Camp this Friday at Kilometer 46 Lagos Ibadan Express way. Come fasting.

  5. Nigerians will always attribute every downturn in life to a spiritual force. What you are experiencing is life, a mixture of the sweet and sour. We have all had that stage of answered prayers and results without even praying, and a season of dryness depite praying. The biblical Job also experienced a season of dryness.

    God is using this season to build your character and give you an unexpected direction greater than your imagination. A direction you would have never thought of without the season you are in. Your prayer should be: God show me the specific direction you want me to follow. He might have been telling you but it may not be what you desire. Your season will change when you stop struggling with God's direction based on your intellect and limited expectations.

    1. Brilliantly said. Everything is not 'spiritual'

    2. You are right but I tell you this,the spiritual rules the physical

    3. From Anonymous: Yes the spiritual rules the physical but there is no spiritual man in the bible that did not pass through the wilderness. God is more interested in your character than your pleasure. Romans 5:4 says: endurance builds character, which gives us a hope that will never disappoint us. The hope that doesn't disappoint is achieved when you get to that point where you tell God that, even if you don't change the situation, my hope will still be in you.

      You must recognize that your season of pain is the path towards build up and God birthing a purpose in "his own direction"

      Point to a spiritual man that did not pass thorough the season of endurance. Paul said in Philippians 4:12, I know what it is to be in need, and I know what is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.

  6. God will surely remember you, Satan is just trying to frustrate you at the moment,but joy will come in the morning. It is well. (Bia #Lucifer, real or fake,stay off this post!)

  7. My dear you don't really need a man of God to get liberated, you can go on our kneels and pray to God yes I read where you said you've been praying, never loose faith, he will hear ur cry one of this days,probably this guy was dating this white garment church girl unknowingly to you but took you more serious,maybe she wasn't satisfied that way just saying oh.but I see no good reason why you didn't get married to him as at then,you see why dey say time waits for no were not too young and them nor dey gather money might still be coming from him as well because the heart of some men is desperately wicked..just saying not 100% like Stella said,try and contact him then asked for his forgiveness in anyway you've wronged him.stay blessed and never give up in your faith.your miracle is on the way.

    1. Parts of the body we sang in primary school:
      Head, shoulders, KNEES & toes
      KNEES & toes
      KNEES & toes.

      Why do people keep saying kneeLs???

  8. What weakens me is this issue of "when it looks like the sins are full . . ." pentecostal girls go for deliverance and return to their sins after that.
    Were you observing the christian chastity while you dated this man?
    If not, did you get pregnant and did you abort?
    You did not go into details of what went on in that "relationship" to enable one take you to the word of God.
    Look inside and talk to God; he is merciful.

    1. What do u want details for? Judge of the jungle. See questions, Choi Hahahahaha get a breather, if u were God ehn!

    2. @Blackberry
      There is no "playing God or Judge" here.
      There are certain things in life that one can refer a
      fellow Christian to the Bible to see
      E.g. If the girl follow the man do blood covenant or went to a medium etc.
      By the way do you know this scripture:

      1 cor. 5:12 What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside?

      She told us that she is a Christian.

  9. It is well with you poster. Read psalms 121:

    1I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
    where does my help come from?
    2My help comes from the Lord,
    the Maker of heaven and earth.
    3He will not let your foot slip—
    he who watches over you will not slumber;
    4indeed, he who watches over Israel
    will neither slumber nor sleep.
    5The Lord watches over you—
    the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
    6the sun will not harm you by day,
    nor the moon by night.
    7The Lord will keep you from all harm—
    he will watch over your life;
    8the Lord will watch over your coming and going
    both now and forevermore.

  10. Hmmmm this life, poster can i get ur contact from Stellar? I want to help

  11. All will be well dear, give it time, keep depending on God and see what He'll do.

    Sometimes, waka waka from one prayer house or the other never helps jare. Know your God and leave the rest to Him. Your breakthrough will come. Cheers

  12. Nothing spiritual here dear. You want a fake pastor that will chop your money. Since you've been to mfm tb Joshua. E don do.
    I had a rough patch too in 2013. I had resigned my job and planned on relocation, then my man got married to a lady abroad without my knowledge . You can imagine no man,no job. For one year I remained stagnant. Spent money on pastors. The only good was I got closer to God. Eventually I got a job and now dating a good man. This was after I gave up and just started praying myself and going to church.
    Keep doing your prayers. I hope a good job finds you. That first before a man.
    I saw weeen with diffrent versions of going about for spiritual stuff. Some will say it's your father's side. Some will even say it's your mother doing you. One told me I will marry a very rich man someone known and famous but an older man,months later said the man wont be rich he will be young like me. We will need to build together.
    Keep working on yourself and quit visiting every mountain.

  13. I love the two comments that said life happened cos that's exactly what it is. This is the time to build character and tenacity, you need to get to the point where you believe that you are at your lowest and can not go any lower, laugh at the devil in his face and walk in the victory you have in Christ. DO less crying to God and more of studying His words and promises for you. The battle is no where but in your mind. Once you win that you would find that the physical would align with your mind.
    I am speaking from experience, I have been there and I got out, you can do, don't give up.
    Till date I reflect on that victory, when things get really tough and I feel overwhelmed, I remember what I went through and thank God for my life.
    Please don't give up or believe that monkey on your shoulder telling you that God doesn't answer prayers or has forgotten you.

  14. My dear just put all ur going tru to God in prayers!ders nothing too much for God To handle!u mite be going tru ur desert period!dats wen everytin u put ur hand in fails!ur life wd be stagnant!nothing u do wd work out fine!even boyfriend sef u no go see!my dear dnt give up!keep praying!dont relent in ur prayers and ur fasting!keep seeking d face of God!He can't fail and Wd Never Fail U!it wd end in praise!its well with U dear!

  15. Hi poster, I will advice you to try and forgive everyone who ever wrong you in the past and get in touch with those you thing you have offended to forgive you then go on your knees and call on your Father, the creator of heaven and earth. I will also advice you to join singles and married with pastor Chris ojigbani on Facebook. They fast every Monday and there have been countless testimonies. You can get his book call spiritual warfare, it is an eye opener. The story changer will visit you in Jesus name

  16. POSTER, please you have to surrender all to God as in giving your life totally to Him> god cannot fail and He wont start with you my dear. Also, since you reside in abuja ,why dont you visit CHAMPIONS ROYAL ASSEMBLY - PROPHET JOSHUA IGINLA at 1133/1134 chikakore kubwa area abuja. He will conduct personal deliverance and i know God uses him. You can visit friday , saturday or sunday. God will see you through.

  17. I think that guy has stolen your goodluck charm,you can pray it out with God.
    I can't date a muslim,whether serious or will be fine

    1. Alternative Facts1 November 2017 at 23:48

      You were a prayer warrior and dating a Muslim. Do not bd unevenly yoked with an u believer. That's the instruction. That could be a part of the problem. Instead of crying begin thanking and praising God for your victory. You'd have done your part. Answer to your prayers is God's responsibility. So relax he's got everything under control. Take it from someone that's been there.

  18. Poster, please join the Nathaniel Bassey hallelujah challenge with theme open heavens on instagram at 12 midnight. It is from the first to twenty first of November. As you do, I pray our Heavenly Father will open your book of remembrance and grant you speedy recovery of all that has been stolen from you in Jesus name

  19. This is your own part of story to tell tomorrow, trust me.....
    It won't be long and you will look at yourself and say
    "but why was I afraid?.....

    Don't ask God why? Don't give up and never you feel depressed.
    Don't just pray for your problems to be solved,seek the face of God with your whole heart;and every other thing will be added unto You.....

    Pray God will hear you soon.

  20. You just have to keep praying and believing that God will answer your prayers one day. Prayers are like a store house, God will roll out your blessings in due course dont quit you have no choice but to keep praying and believing that your prayers will be answered and stay away from Sin. He is a miracle working God. I have a daughter who is SS i have been praying for years and believing God for healing for her. The other day i went to laboratory to conduct a genotype test for her because the doctors in India where we plan to take her to for a Bone Marrow Transplant requested for a prove for the gentoype in order to give us the HLA kit for a donor and behold the test says she is now AS no more SS. We took her three other labs to repeat the test and she it says she is no more SS but AS. This is my own testimony and prove to you that he is still in the business of answering prayers and performing miracles. God is not called Ancient of days for nothing.

    Keep the prayer life up. If you contact me on on email address i will give you the number of a pastor friend of mine who is a mentor as well. He will pray with you and support you because sometimes the load is too heavy and we need guidance and support. A lot of the so called men of God these days are too money conscious and materialistic and do not serve God in truth and in spirit. They can not be relied on but there are a few good one. Still, you must search for God your self no one can do it for you. The bible says knock and the door shall be opened. Trusting in the lord is your only sure refuge.

  21. It is well @ Poster, where there is life, there is hope.

    Stay strong and this phase will pass

  22. Please poster take heed to the comments telling you to keep praying and believe God has answered your prayers and in due time you'll see the manifestation, especially, if you've truly confessed and forsaken the sins you committed. Going to a man or woman of God is not the solution, truth is God doesn't have grand children, we're all children of God, prophet, pastor or not. Moreso, you can't be very sure about the person you're going to meet in the name of man or woman of God, if the person is a native doctor or "owu mmiri"(servants of marine spirit) turned pastors and by going there you'll be adding fuel to the fire. Isaiah 62 : 6&7 said something about praying and keep reminding God about his promises, don't rest and don't give God rest until he fulfils them. The problem most Christians have about God and answered prayers is that we try to limit God to our own timing forgetting that to him a thousand years and a day are the same thing. The incidence about Daniel's prayer, God's answer, Prince of Persia's interruption and the Angel's intervention is the reason some prayers delay but if you keep at it and don't relent, you'll surely testify. O gwukwa ka ora m n'onu

  23. IF IT IS TRUE..Well for me oh...I dont think it got anything to do with that guy or your past relationship..Its just life and happenstances..But still meet him and ask for forgiveness..You need to build up your faith and leave no space for doubts i beg you..Dont worry since you have prayed and fasted allow God to do his part..Infact you can join the hallelujah challenge starting today by 12 midnight on instagram or facebook...Continue praying and praising him, your miracle is on the way..

  24. Poster it is well with you, join the Open Heavens session being hosted by Pastor Nathaniel Bassey on Instagram.
    God Almighty will surely answer you.

  25. Aunty Stella, please stop encouraging this fetish behavior on this blog. what has the white garment church or her making peace with this guy got to do with anything. Must someone be always holding another person's "destiny"! This woman is troubled and needs to be encouraged not to give up, keep trying and stop attributing anything to people.

    This is why Africa's progress is slow - everything is God or devil!

  26. Poster.....This one is odikwa serious something. Continue praying, your miracle is on the way...

  27. Stop blaming your innocent ex, your case is almost like that of job in the Bible. My sister stop praying to God for money and man, you are sounding like someone who will only worship God in good times but murmur and lament in bad times, you don't need any pastor to help you pray your way into success. Believe in God with all your heart and live a normal life stop murmuring like the Israelites that God save from slavery in Egypt. Stella I don't agree with your advice, why would the wife of the ex want to hurt you when you were never interested in your ex again.

    1. @Swiss Gbam ...thanks you.People are always looking for someone to blame for normal happening in their lives. My humble advice is she should just leave her EX and his wife out of her issues if she does not want to complicate her life. I guess she has been stalking her Ex and sees he is now doing well. Leave the guy out of your present situation. He has moved on Abeg you too move on and keep moving.

  28. Stop ignoring his texts. How can you be prayerful and unforgiving?











  30. Sorry ur problem is not spiritual but unrealistic expectation & greedy ambitions, whereby u feel ur deserving of a perfect husband, have a perfect job, have a perfect life with no up & downs affecting u.
    Focus on seeking for jobs or skills that r marketable to the good employers. Obviously ur over qualified now for the kind of jobs ur applying for & the qualificatins u possess can only scare off the potential employers at this level or stage of ur life.


  31. Poster when your cloud is full, your rain will fall. Just start rejoicing cos weeping might endure for the night but joy cometh in the morning, you have been mocked but you are about to smile and rejoice,i feel that in my spirit already.keep praying don't stop. God is about to elevate you again. Hallelujah

  32. Well, you have a really mixed mind and a few people like you tend to paint other religion or doctrines as evil or causes of your problems.. So with him marrying a "White Garment" church gal has automatically ruined your own chances of a successful life... Please when we stop this discrimination and name callings even as christians can we have peace and learn to bear our cross...

    I feel your pain and sympathise with you. However, you did not mention anywhere here that you offended him nor did anything to hurt him, so i see no justification for this your cry of going to speak with... But kindly go to him if your mind chooses to and have a heart to heart talk.. Cheers


  33. Stella how can you insinuate that the white garment church lady must have done something to her? Not as if they contested for the guy. Poster pls hold on God in prayers stop visiting a prophet or prophetess, delay is not denial. God has a reason he's quite on your case.

  34. Talk to your ex, be patient with God.

  35. May God hear your cry and pet you afterwards. Amen

  36. May the almighty God hear and answer my prayers as well...poster the lord has answered your prayer and we will both testify soon...AMEN

  37. Dear poster God has not forgotten about you,for spiritual encouragement, there is a man of God known as Pastor Olumide Oni SRO of MFM Kubwa Federal Housing try and see him,he will not only pray with you but will also give Godly counsel, please beware of fake prophets,its well with you.

  38. Dear poster, what you need is not prayer or deliverance first. What you need first is to study and meditate on the Bible everyday of the week, followed by doing what the Bible says, then praying without ceasing.

  39. What you need is blind trust. Believing him even with an attitude of whether you help me or not I will still serve you, leave pastors they will spoil your psychology with their believes, read your Bible and encourage yourself with testimonies of pple in d bible. Check out Esther, the three friends that didn't bow down to the idols, Daniel, job etc. They had an attitude of even if he doesn't help me I will still serve him. Did God not save them all. # blindtrust


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