Stella Dimoko Boredom Eliminating Post...


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Monday, November 06, 2017

Boredom Eliminating Post...

This should be Interesting on a Monday after the days work is over....

The whole Pregnancy thing.....How does watery sperm become bones after Nine months?How tohtoh so small expand to let out such a big baby?The placenta and the child connecting?I can never Understand this pregnancy process and it leaves me in AWE of God!


  1. How some people are hustling but not making it yet some make it so easy.

    1. Is ritual money registered under the CBN?
      If No,where does it come from,and who issues them out?? Or does the devil print out different currencies from hell??

      For example,if you kill someone for money ritual;will money just start rushing out from the pot of the Babalawo??

      Ahh,i wish to just know how all this work..#kikiki


    2. Martins, you are just too intelligent!!!

    3. Iya Oshoronga of Blogosphere AKA Mrs Always RIGHT6 November 2017 at 19:16

      @martin aboy. You are curious but remember what curiosity did to the cat and you'll be fine.

    4. To add to it Martins.

      Those currency notes, do they have serial numbers?

    5. Lmao Martins..
      I don't think it works the way we see it in movies though. I think the person should be in business or so and more jobs will come, hence more wealth? Just a guess

    6. Please read Psalm 37:1&2 & 7

    7. @Iya,you are very correct..#Smile
      I am extremely curious because:

      1) I am a science Student;and we love facts

      2) I 'd prefer being curious than being Ignorant and bask in it..

      3) What you dont know in life;is what kills you

      4) A wise man will always take a step to know "A little about everything" surrounding him;than knowing "Everything about only a single thing"..

      5) Wisdom is profitable to direct



  2. How God came into existence
    How sperms form little cuties
    Why men are scared to say the truth

    1. That last line should be framed like this;
      Why men are scared to say the truth once they want to get into that hole between a girls thighs or when caught doing so.

    2. Why a woman carries a child in her womb for 9 months but the child celebrates his/her birthday every 12months (a year ).

    3. What happens when people die?
      What happens to them, the next secs, mins,hour,day etc?

  3. Why is it that ILA OTU is sweet.?
    The whole sweet feelings where is it coming from?
    Why is it that after one finish ILA OTU and come down another round go dey hungry am?

    1. The only thing you think is "vagina" and noting else
      Your type do not differentiate between your daughters and
      other women.
      Once you see a girl, even a baby girl, you become uncontrollable.

    2. My brother that is where all the sweet things of this life dwells. God created everything for 6days and then rested on the 7th day, yet He realized there is a sweet something lacking so He created ỌTỀ. But immediately man tested the ỌTỀ, he became addicted and in bondage to the something.


    3. Hahaha aswear chike, your madam will not rest o!

    4. Its not ILA OTU that's sweet ooo..

      Its your dickhead that feels the sensation..
      All ILAotu are sweet irrespective of its vaginaic prowess

    5. Always typing crap πŸ’©

    6. What is ila otu?? , confused

    7. Chike don't be offended by that, but do you get involved in productive thinking or reasoning sometimes?

    8. It's the ugliest part of the body but also the sweetestπŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…..all hail Ila Otu. Otu papa@ChikeπŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

      Anon 19:33, pussy ooo, AKA OboπŸ˜‰

    9. You berra run Chikito!

    10. Please read Ephesians 5:3-5.
      Please, Chike, Elastic and Kidjo.

    11. Chike+productive reasoning= -0.0000
      Ola wealth+productive reasoning=-0.00
      Sexy daddy+product reaz=-0. 0000

      Pls type responsibly...

    12. All my life as a babe I have come to realize that men who talks so much/dream/hallucinate so much about s*x are the ones with the tiniest peepee, erectile dysfunction, indomie and can't even make a woman ask for more...

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people. 4 Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving. 5 For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person—such a person is an idolater—has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.[a]Ephesians 5:3-5

    15. Very dumb fellow. The only thing you ever talk about on this blog is your senseless "Sex".

      Get enlightened and stop hiding under the cloak of wanting to sound funny cos you are not. Agadi ekwenka

  4. Life is such a mystery. But I'll definitely want to know about "akudaya".

    1. Stella my pastor is here I showed him this post and he is dishing out the bible verses to those who are asking... Ride on pastor Deinde

      Anonymous Rasta

    2. Rasta the liar. God hates liars. Your pastor doesn't even know how to use his bible let alone help anyone with it.

  5. What is in a totoh that men will want to die inside?

    What is a dick that women want to die inside?

    Abeg make una come answer me oo.

  6. Replies
    1. Since heaven exists, why not hell
      Even in this life, can't you see
      Government house and kirikiri
      computer drive c and recycle bin
      Hell is simply the Kirikiri of the creator realm.

    2. 18:56 is making sense.

    3. Hell, as in the grave, common ending of mankind, yes.

      Hell, as in eternal fire burning the ones judged as sinners, no.

      Fire is symbolic of eternal/permanent destruction in the bible.

      Wages of sin is...death, not eternal fire Romans 6:23

      How do we know the lake of fire in the bible is symbolic, not literal? Because even 'death' & the 'geave' will be thrown inside - Revelation 20:14. Is death a person? Or the grave for that matter?? No!

    4. No my dear. Even your sky god doesn't exist.

    5. Mark 9:47And if your eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell, 48where

      “ ‘the worms that eat them do not die,
      and the fire is not quenched.’d

    6. I'm in support of anon 19:55

    7. @Chameleon
      Be changing your colors and deceiving yourself.

    8. And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. 24And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. 25But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. Luke 16

  7. How is it possible that some people can be so heartless? No sympathy, no empathy, no pity, nothing. Some people are this way even towards their own children. How? God how?

    1. Lolz..

      That's how their minds have been set since they were young.

      The environment, the peer group, etc

    2. 2Timothy 3:1-5

      Please read.

      For some good news, also read Psalm 37:9,10,11

  8. If trully theres a God, who created God? How did he/she come to be with so much supernatural power?????

    *Runs away from religious mob πŸƒπŸƒ

    1. *drags Athiest back*
      *give atheist heavy knock on his bald head*

    2. Typical THEOPHORBE questions!

    3. He is the beginning...

      There's always a beginning; he is.
      No matter how..

    4. Atheist be careful o

    5. He was before the beginning

    6. I will assume your question is sincere. You don't believe in God but I'll tell you 2 things.

      1. God has no beginning and no end. That itself is why he's God Almighty.

      2. Tour disbelief doesn't in any way vitiate His existence.

      If simple thinks like shoes and clothes have makers, why shouldn't complex things like the human body, our planet and its solar system and extraordinary plants and animals have a maker?

    7. @chi exotic bald head ke... boo isn't a vulture o😘

    8. Lol. Oh so you know He has SO MUCH "SUPERNATURAL" POWERS? honestly, that's enough for an answer. So if you will be sincere enough, you'll admit HE deserves all the attention He's getting, even more.

      Pls let me ask you bro. If you know He has so much powers, how come you doubt miracles that people get from Him. And why do you believe things should be left to chance, e.g, sickness that defy medical treatments: if it goes,fine, if it doesn't,oh well.?

    9. He is the uncreated creator, the unmoved mover, he has no beginning or end. A mystery too great for the human mind to comprehend. Perhaps he will reveal Himself to you one day.

  9. How do couple so much in love turn to hate themselves so bitterly? It still baffles me.

    1. Love isn't always enough..

      People tend not to understand themselves anymore..
      Patience has been thrown out of the danfo bus.

    2. Love alone is never enough... Some people get married without love but it comes in along the way. You need trust, respect, patience, tolerance, forgiveness, empathy and a host of other qualities to make a marriage work. No one is perfect but you can both be perfect for each other.

  10. WHY DO I LIKE MEN? I do not swing both ways, I love having my balls sucked by a man

    1. Please read Romans 1:18-32

    2. You better kill that evil desire before it kills you.

  11. it is not like I do not enjoy it, just that as a christian my conscience still pricks me

    1. Iya Oshoronga of Blogosphere AKA Mrs Always RIGHT6 November 2017 at 19:10

      @pervert. There is nothing wrong in what you are doing. You are on the right track that leads exactly to your own final destination. You do know that not everyone can/will enter heaven. Continue, you are doing well.

    2. LMFAO, Yeye Oshos...ahaha. I like you response. When something is sweeter than normal, it kills.

    3. ÌyΓ‘ Γ’shΓ²rΓ²ngΓ , you’re indeed an oshoronga!!!
      The kind of response my ma would give.

  12. Why do people die. You wake up the next and someone you just saw yesterday is gone. No sign, nothing 🀷

    And Many other things

    1. Most people die from one illness or the other.
      That's why its good to check yourself every 3 months

    2. Again how do people know how to have sexual intercourse. I mean how do we know the P should go to the v πŸ•³

      Because it was not described in the Bible.

    3. @BELOVED, natural instinct dear. That's why when you are with the right person (husband and wife), the privates pulsate. The Anus will never, cos it was not made for sex, ab-initio.

  13. Why the prophecy I heard since 2015 that I will be getting married soon hasn't manifested.

    1. Who prophesied to you?
      Don't you know that there are lying spirits in this end days?
      Why don't you seek God in fasting and praying and reading his word
      and get information for yourself?

    2. me too oh since 2016 and another different pastor saw me on the road and gave me same message January this year.Lord i believe you please let it manifest nah...

    3. Eyahh..

      You have been "gbas".. Sorry dear.

      Just keep searching.. Things will work out.

    4. SouljaGal
      Very soon a kidnapper will see you on the road and prophesy to you.
      Keep listening to every "prophet" on the road
      Because you shoot God catapult that he can't listen and talk to you when you pray.

      John 10:27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

    5. You pray prophecies into manifestation

    6. @19:53
      Scriptures verses please

    7. Abeni I thought I typed this myself. Same thing here. 2 different ministers saw me an told me my celebration was soon and that I should just start shopping for my wedding. But I believe God as the author and finisher of my faith

  14. Why there seems to be so many guys on the street, making passes to do sex right now but there is husband scarcity. I step out and nothing less than 50 guys eye me. I'm tired of this life sef.

    1. Men; always thinking about sex
      Women; always thinking about marriage
      That is the puzzle in this life

      Marriage comes with responsibility
      Sex comes with pleasure
      folks run away from responsibility

    2. Why looking for husband? You wan snatch person husband?? Any husband you see has a wife(s). Pick from the guys(singles) and make him a husband-your husband. Sho ti gbo?


    3. Lolz.. Most guys always try to get down with a girl or more.. Reason: the dick's urge is so so so hard to resist.

      But you should be able to handle them..

  15. Iya Oshoronga of Blogosphere AKA Mrs Always RIGHT6 November 2017 at 18:26

    What a shame.

    1. Signs of Jesus' coming as in Luke 21:10 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

      pestilences means "incurable diseases"

    2. They should find a cure for death too.. Once a person die, you inject the body and voila! He is alive again. Lol.. Immortality!!


  16. Why do Good and young people die?

    1. Please read Ecclesiastes 9:11&12

      For good news, also read Revelation 21:3&4

  17. Girls, women, ladies . . .
    What's in this enigma of creation?
    So vulnerable yet so "foolish", desperate and naive?
    Once the topic is "marriage", it's like our brains stop working and the foolish naive persona takes the vacated position in our vain minds?
    Why is it that we love lies; those men that tell us lies about what they are not, even when we know they aren't, we love it "when he told me the things I love to hear"; those kinds of lies that make "tohtoh watery"?
    What did God create in the hearts of women that make us so fixated about marriage?
    When I read about that guy in the Bible . . . what's that his name that made a vow with his daughter. When he returned from that war, the girl's cry was not that she was going to be sacrificed but that "she will go to the mountains and weep with her friends that she was not going to get married?"
    Chei marriage has finished women!
    Any day I see Baba God, he will answer these questions; I know.

    The other affinity is that of a child; a woman's craving for a child. Don't know which one is more.

    1. The reason is not far fetched. We, girls have always been groomed to marry. Remember Chimamanda speech on: Beyonce's flawless track. Listen to it, if you haven't heard it.

      So I will use my own experience as an example: I thought I was a pretty smart cool kid, I thought me and my girls were going to conquer the world, be with our first love till eternity. That was my wish. But the sad truth is reality comes knocking. Upon all the warning from my parents, uncles, aunties, teachers, even pastors to stay away from boys cos they are out to destroy lives. I had this strong desire to date, yes to date. But because, I didn't want to get used, my plan was to hold on till university. Then from there, I will date final year guys: older guys that will lead to marriage. Little did I know that was just the beginning. "Extract my words above no one likes to get used" no girl no matter her age whether she is 12 yrs, 16yrs, 21yrs,26yrs,30yrs or 90yrs wants to get down for play. This is the bitter truth. Women ain't designed to have sex without strings attached. So, what then would you think will be the result of a genuine guy wanting just sex??? It will fail 99% of the time, if he comes directly, so he has to LIE to get his results. The 1% chance is something he may not be patient or willing to risk, neither does he care to find out.

      As per what God created in women to desire marriage, he created in men to desire sex. The feeling is like a man's morning erection. Women feel that yearning psychologically. We are meant to need each other and the need of one is in possession of the other. Women are supposed to hold on and not give in till marriage, this is our culture as of old. Even worldwide with the whites as well.

      But somehow, this practice is not fair. Because I as a woman, also have hot sexual desires, I have cravings for the opposite sex, and I could not hold on to marriage. The risk of having an unfulfiling marital sex, against having it with my bfs, was my decision. Unfortunately, I learnt that the sexual pleasure was INCOMPLETE without marital bond. You understand what I'm talking about. So, that is why when women hear Marriage, there is a subconscious feeling to clinge to, to hope on in order to seek to experience that true sexual completeness!

    2. I hope you get to see this...
      Genesis 3:16 answers your question. And the bible answers many many more. Please read it daily. Pray to start, ask for holy spirit to help you understand. Shalom!

  18. why was i not born into a wealthy home, why this struggling? why am i not married?

    1. Remember if you don't correct this situation, your children will feel the same. Why are they not born into a wealthy family??


  19. What really happens after death?
    Where was I before birth?
    Will I ever see my late mother again?

    1. What happens after death is how you were before you were born.

    2. This after death ish eh.. Even some pastors can't explain it.


    3. Exactly! What really happens after death? You find urself in another woman's womb(According to my niece)πŸ˜…

    4. Please read Ecclesiastes 9:10
      Your late mother, yes, please read John 5:18&19
      Where were we before? Please read Genesis 3:19

    5. Read evolution by Charles Darwin
      We were probably green plants, frogs, spyrogira, monkeys etc

      Anonymous Rasta

  20. When will I get married and have kids?

  21. Why do we grow old and die?
    When is the world ending?
    Why do good people suffer?

  22. When will jesus come again?

    1. Jesus has been coming in different forms.. The question is how did u trey him/her/It?

      Anonymous Rasta

    2. He has come...but not visible to All. Please read and think deeply on Matthew 24:3. Then read to the end of the chapter. To understand God's word, pray before reading and ask for holy spirit to grant you understanding and wisdom...

  23. after death, will one see and unite with all those that died before, like friends and family?

    1. Yes but not immediately. Please read John 5:18&19

  24. Location of heaven and hell.

    What God actually looks like Eg, halfman half smoke? Man with physical body n male attributes? What happened to lilith who was created with Adam who wasn't obedient?
    Do rocsicrucians worship God?

    1. Please read the scriptures I poster above.

      No men may see God and live, but we are made in His image. Bible says
      He's our Father so yes he is male. The entire bible mentions no other person or creation on earth aside animals and man (Adam then eve). Any addition or subtracting to and from the bible comes with a terrible curse... Revelation 22:18
      Please visit

    2. God is not a man, neither is he a woman.
      God is a spirit
      God doesn't have a voice of a man or woman.. Forget what you watch on TV.
      God does not even laugh.

      Anonymous Rasta

    3. @Blackberry being a rosicrucian doesnt mean its your is an organization that focuses on truth and doesnt stop one from being a christian or whatever religion.Most of their teachings still draw from the word of God.whether christian or muslim or jewish they all come for the teachings and seminars

  25. Will i ever see my father and mother in-law again

    How come some people are so lazy yet they have everything they want in life.

  26. 1. How foes aperm become bones in the womb of a woman?
    2. Why do people die?
    3. Why do 'poor' people give birth to so many children?
    4. Why does one have to suffer so much to achieve a particular thing that others are having on a platter of gold?

    Awanga Abasi!

    1. I think poor people give birth to so many children because sex is the only thing that makes them happy. Lol

  27. How come no one has just bought 2000gb from me onceπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. Na that one dey worry you? 😁😁😁

  28. I hardly eat and do little exercises but y am i dis big?

    Its annoying

    1. The little you do eat, what and when do you? It could be a thyroid issue, of you eat adequate proteins and fiber rich foods, low intake of cabs, exercise fairly often, then it could be a medical issue. Except of course you have a certain weakness for some kinda snacks...or alcohol...

  29. I can't stop wondering why God loves mankind so much????

  30. Why am I so lonely? I'm 27 but I don't have friends or boyfriend not to talk of a husband.
    Why does it feel like God has abandoned me and he doesn't listen to my prayers? Why do I find it so difficult to stop smoking? Why can't I forget about the married man I'm in love with? Why is my life at a standstill? Why did I have to go through this life? Why did God allow me to be born when he knew that I will come and suffer in this world? If you commit suicide will you go to hell? I want to end it all. This life is wicked.

  31. What the whole purpose of our being on this earth is?
    Are we alone in this universe, as in are their aliens out there.

  32. I remember dis dream I had when I was small but I no fit remember my actual age then..I dreamt i was in heaven I saw God he carried me in his right n one other small baby..I was very small then but I can stil remember the dream very well..just don't know wetin d dream mean up til nw..and dere was dis day I was tryin to figure who created God,was there somebody who created him n how does he look lik..come n see how my brain wanted to turn asif I was gonna run mad..immediately I stopped thinking before something bad happen to me.but I didn't get my brain until after 3mins..this thing happened to me live dis one is not story o

  33. Why is there hardly ever light in Nigeria

  34. God created heaven and earth. He dwells in heaven..Therefore,where was he dwelling before he created heaven..What was he doing before he decided to create heaven,angels and everything.It is thought provoking.
    Phil 2:10-11 ; Does this mean things dwell under the earth?
    As Humans dwell on earth,did God create humans to dwell on other planets as well? The universe is vast, what else is out there?
    This is a mystery that God knows.

  35. Why we have so much wickedness in the world and most especially Nigeria - witches , wizards and native doctors killing and destroying people's lives and destinies yet cannot use such powers to change our country Nigeria or attack the looters of our common wealth?

    if they have so much power why don't they utilize for good but no they will turn it for evil

    Why good girls don't get married but the badoos marry easily and concieve so easily


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