Stella Dimoko Apostle Suleman Voices Out On Tithing:-"Religious Rascality Should Not Be Confused With Spiritual Maturity"


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Monday, November 13, 2017

Apostle Suleman Voices Out On Tithing:-"Religious Rascality Should Not Be Confused With Spiritual Maturity"

''Yesterday I got some calls over something that was going on the internet that were credited to me, about somebody talking of tithing...That they should come for a debate. ...

I have a Ph.D in Theology and a Ph.D in human resource Administration, not to argue.

The Bible says in 1st Corinthians chapter 2 vs14 , A natural man cannot receive the things of the spirit of God, they are foolishness to him. He cannot know them, because they are spiritually designed. It's stupidity for me to sit down and speak over spiritual matters with a logical reasoning.

The Bible says in 1st John chapter 2 from verse 20, "You need not any man to teach you but the anointing which you have received teaches you all things. Your pastor or social media should not teach you about tithing. Go and ask God. We must be careful, so we could differentiate from religious 'rascality' and spiritual maturity. There's so much religious rascality. To talk is cheap, to post things on the internet is very cheap.

If you are against pastors or you fault what pastors do; no problem, start a church, run it for 10 years and do it the way it should be done; then we listen to you.

Having followership on the internet is different from having in real life. Because there are certain truths that are too real to be debated. I have read the Bible, from Genesis to Revelations 36 times. And I know from the Bible that anything you want to support your point, you will see it, even if it is negative, you can twist scriptures. You can say Levites are of the order of Abraham not of the orders of the pastors of these days. That means the Bible was written to the Jews. So let's drop it for the Jews and look for the Bible written to Nigerians?

The issue of tithing is because of the way certain young, new generation preachers who are in a hurry to compete with ministers who have been there for years, not knowing that 90% of these ministers who are very blessed--their private businesses. Omega began in 2004, I was already a millionaire before it started.

If somebody says tithing is wrong, tell the person THANK YOU. People who argue are shallow people. Deep people are silent over perceptive beliefs. The Bible says in 2nd Peter 1vs 20 " No scripture is of private interpretation". No prophecy of scripture is of private interpretation. Genesis 6vs 3 "My spirit will not strive. The Holy Ghost does not argue. You talk back at people--they don't pay tithe. Tithe is not real--tithe is real.

Talking to the congregation, He said; the tithe I pay every Sunday is more than the tithe all of you pay for two Sundays. I pay tithe to ministries, I pay tithe to ministers. It's a personal revelation.

Jesus said to Peter saying "Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you. They were arguing--"who do men say I am?" Some said you are this, some said you are that. And Peter said you are the Christ. So controversy didn't start today.

And Jesus gave us the strength of revelation. It says flesh and blood does not reveal this to you. So there are revelations that come by flesh and blood, by logic--common sense. But He (Jesus Christ) said by the spirit, only the spirit of God can reveal something to you. If I talk to you in this church about anything, go back and ask God. The day-back Christians in Acts 17vs 11, were not just Christians who were researching. They were noble and they were not confrontational.

Anybody who wants to raise up a people must understand the place of the spirit.
You do not attack. You correct--nicely. Any movement you start under controversy is a cult.

Someone responded to Papa Adeboye, and I said ahh--for age sake, not for sentiments. I am not a sentimental person, I have no atom of sentiments in my blood and that's why they call me controversial because I am not conventional. I don't do what every pastor does. You must show me in the Bible. But that of tithe is a covenant--is an age-long covenant. I am a generous tither, and I don't hope to change.

And I discovered the issue of tithing is an age-long debate. It has outlived all those who came to argue it, and it will still outlive others. Please ask the Holy Spirit to reveal things to you. Let God speak to you, ignore anybody that is talking anything.


  1. Replies
    1. anonymous to bahd13 November 2017 at 19:01

      "It has outlived all those who came to argue it, and it will still outlive others."

      Dem wan kill freeze??

  2. I just like this man of God. For tithing, do as the spirit leads you.

  3. Apostle Suleman...Thanks so much 🙌🙌

    He really made some valid points. I hope this controversy can now rest with this.

    1. He didn’t make any “points” just one but didn’t elaborate. This post is out of anger and disgust without proper teaching of the word on TITHE. We must live beyond bitterness and fighting and go deep into the word. He just went back and forth without really saying anything. I believe in Tithes and freeze raised an unpopular controversial discriminatory topic. We need to teach stop claiming and start teaching. We cannot always say “”ask HolySpirit” TEACH and stop blabbing.

    2. Anon 10.58, don't pay your tithes oh , did anybody pull a gun to your head? Hian.

    3. Thanks anonymous 1058.
      Blind people everywhere with one eyed man leading them.

    4. Freeze never said one shouldn’t pay tithe, but he said it comes quarterly ( every 3 years) and also shouldn’t just be paid to pastors. He argued that Nigerian pastors should read and understand the Bible. Even before now my grand father told us that tithe can be paid to people and can be used to buy wine just like freeze said, but our problem in Nigerian is that if anybody ask question concerning the Bible that person is labeled the devil. Please when pastor Suleman said he is been lead to pay his tithes to ministers and other ministries that means someone in his church can also be lead to pay his tithe to his hungry Muslim gateman, but when they tell you No you can only pay to your church or pastor then I too don’t understand why my spirit can’t lead me right. I believe in God but I don’t believe everything our pastors tell us.

  4. Apostle Suleman...Thanks so much 🙌🙌

    He really made some valid points. I hope this controversy can now rest with this.

    1. What valid point did he make? That we cannot get scriptural backing for tithe so we should ask God. Only Scammers talk like that.

      The Bible has answers to all our questions. If Tithe was for Christians, Apostle Paul will not tell us to give as we have resolved from our heart, he would let us know that a tenth of our earnings should be brought to the table, no negotiation!

    2. Oshe my dear! I haff tire for how people enjoy being ignorant!

  5. Why are they so rattled?

    1. Cos Daddy Freeze is really getting on their nerves na.😂

    2. Iphie, shops are gradually closing up ni!

    3. There is nothing nice and intelligent in what he said. Imagine a pastor saying there is no argument that cannot be supported with the Bible, is he trying to say the Bible contradicts itself? Or that the Bible is confusing? If that is true, why couldn't he come up with valid scriptural quotes that shows that tithe is a Christian requirement to serve God, that it is not just for the levites? I would expect that since the Bible can be used to support all arguments and him, being a PHD holder in theology, he'll tender a superior argument but no! He is trying to confuse his followers with his status.

    4. I'm irked by how disturbed they have all become...🤔I wonder why? Someone used to say, "I won't seat and watch you take food out of my hands".....

    5. Exactly o! By stating the truth,the so called pastors are fidgeting. Their lavish lifestyle will suffer should tithing be stopped hence they must justify it by all means. They must invoke fear into the people even without any new testament scripture.

      Those who will stop will stop! Hian. Let's see how far they'll go.

    6. They are rattled because someone is about to expose them. If not for the offering and tithes, none of them would have venture into pastoral job.
      *Babalawo in suit and tie.

  6. Thank you Pastor. Freeze go and start your own church and see how many years it will go. When you have stayed 5 years, then you can talk about tithing or not. for now i just pity your fans that follows and listen to you.

    I pity people who dont have wisdom from God.

    1. You should pity yourself for not trying to check what you've then taught from the Bible, just swallow everything because a pastor said so. Olodo!

    2. Don’t pity his fans.. freeze is doing more work to support his opinion than our pastors are doing. He give them evidence from scriptures to support what he’s saying.. people are hungry to learn not just to know., pastors need to wake up and running away from with “ask HolySpirit to help you” come and teach!!., open our eyes with the scriptures with spiritual revealation not just prophecy here prophecy there TEACH us the WORD

  7. Sensei Lee✌🏼️13 November 2017 at 10:25

    Nice and intelligently spoken

  8. Can we please allow tithing rest haba!!!!

    You tithe, you don' is not a yard stick to check those that will or will not make heaven. The more important teachings in the Bible have been ignored all because of tithe.

    People should stop over-flogging this issue.

  9. By the same token, for Apostle Suleiman to fault what El-Rufai is doing in Kaduna, he should contest and win a Governorship seat first.

    Do we also take it that, for Apostle Suleiman to speak against gays, he should submit himself for the experience first?

    When reasoning goes out the window, we start grabbing at straws. Notice how he did not back up his tithing being ordained with scriptures but only backing up the word of God on Christianity and leaders. What of what the scriptures says about tithing which is the crux of the message?

  10. Good,I wonder why tithing is controversial because nobody is enforcing it, it's a personal decision and it doesn't take one to heaven and no pastor has said that either. Freeze is just trying to be relevant by all means, I laughed when he said they are using tithe to buy private jets, please are you for real, are private jets that cheap? please freeze does not even know what he is talking about. If I give you the answer to the private jets things he will use it to start another controversy. One yemi tried for taming this man for a long time, with the demise of his marriage his mental incapability became obvious hence becoming a social media nuisance. Stella post my comment on cos freeze is not too busy he reads blogs and also comment under anonymous. Besides I checked the dictionary meaning of symphony and synchrony, these words where wrongly used in your response to apostle sulaiman

    1. What do you mean no one is enforcing it? What did Adeboye mean by saying people who don't pay tithe will be under a divine curse?

      That, my dear is enforcement. Not only is it but also using fear to emotionally blackmail people into giving.

      Secondly, one can go hell by paying tithes. Simply because it is based on falsehood. The way it is being done has no scriptural backing. Neither did Jesus nor his disciples teach by all means, get understanding.

    2. They create fear in the mind of followers just to part with their hard earned 💰 cash

    3. Anon 12:27, What do you mean by, "Are private Jets so cheap"? So because you give kobokobo tithe, you think that's what everybody give.

      A banker said he transfered 30 million naira tithe from a customer's account to a church's. There are high salary earners in this country, Top business men pay tithe, people get a billion naira contract and pay tithe.

      My dear, the money Pastors make from tithe is anything but cheap.

  11. Wow! That's all...Rascality? Really? The people will get what they deserve. If people have decided to be blind, who can open their eyes.

    If you must pay tithes, obey God and do it as he commanded. Must be food not money, every year and at the end of every three years.To Levites from the tribe of Levi who are Israelites by the way.
    In the place where God has put his name...(Deut 14:33-29)

    If you do anything outside this, then that is utter disobedience.

    Secondly, just because falsehood is practiced and there are blessings attached to it doesn't mean God is in it.

    Just as in Jeremiah 44 when the Israelites claimed they were blessed when they were making sacrifices to the queen of heaven. That obviously wasn't from God.

    Finally, Rom 3:3-8 talks about if ones sin brings about the glory of God why should we be condemned? Paul replied, the condemnation is well deserved!

    If it isn't done God's way, the result can never be God's doing. If you all searched the Scriptures, you'll know what "by their fruits you shall know them truly means".

    In the mean time, enjoy being fleeced by sheep in wolf clothing. Very soon, they'll start drinking your blood and of course you wouldn't mind.

    1. Sorry, that should be Deut 14:22-29 not 33-29
      And enjoy being fleeced by wolf in speech clothing.

  12. PAPA!







  13. The Yahoo Plus Pastor no wan gree make dem block him hustle.

  14. He got nothing concrete to say. They are just living on other's sweat.
    If not for tithing and offering, most of you wouldn't have venture into the business of winning souls like you all claimed.

  15. I pity the children of this age, you have graduated from insulting Presidents and their wives to servants of God and the word of God; hmmmm. Please for the sake of your children and your future don't meddle in the things of God.

    1. "Meddling in the things of God" what the hell does that mean. This sorts of statements highlight a blind uninformed followership which is bane of why Nigeria and Africa as a whole is where it is. Are you saying only pastors have the right and authority to study and interpret the teachings of the bible, are you saying they and they alone have access to the holy spirit, are you saying the congregation is not allowed to question a deviating man of God, if you find his teachings misleading. Why do we choose to be slaves to ignorance and fear, the very thing these private jet men of God capitalise on to deceive the flock and enrich themselves. Did you ever sit down to ask yourself that when have they ever taken such a unified front on any issue, and particularly on any issue that concerned the poor and oppressed, especially in the wake of the high rate of corruption and poverty in the land. My answer is never. They speak in one voice now that it affects their pockets.

    2. Servants of God indeed abi a brood of vipers...white wahed walls...false prophets...placing their own commandments over God's. It is people like you that give them the chance to thrive. When you will not study to show yourself approved! I'm sorry for you.

  16. believe whatever you like about tithing, me i will still pay my tithe.if pastor likes let him eat, its not my concern . mine is to obey the word of God.

    1. If its about obeying the word, first go and study it from the bible, not from your pastors mouth. As the bible never asked you to pay your tithes to the church, Not going according to the prescription of the bible is going against the word of God.

    2. If you have determined in your heart to continue to give unscriptural tithes, na banza kowai. You are on your own. If you can't give it the way God has commanded it, I am sorry for you


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