Stella Dimoko The Dream That Almost Came True But For God...




Thursday, October 05, 2017

The Dream That Almost Came True But For God...

This is a touching testimony of a US-based Nigerian Pastor who found a bag of marijuana planted in his car after dreaming of being arrested for drug possession.

He wrote;

Though there are many devices in the hearts of men but only the council of the Lord shall prevail. Amen!!!
Blessed be the Name of the Lord Who Has exposed the wicked plots of the enemy against my life and the Ministry.

On Saturday my car mechanic picked my car for maintenance and he didn't return the car. In the night I called him and asked where is my car? He pleaded with me that he couldn't meet up with the repairs. First thing Monday morning he returned the car, I asked him, hope the car was safe where it was? and he replied yes Sir!!!.

Finally on Monday morning he brought the car and I called him and said to him "My Spirit is not right with you, hope you are not working or plotting against me" and he said, how can he do something like that.

Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing His plans to His friends...
The Bible says it shall not stand neither shall it come to pass...

Early morning hours of Tuesday, I had a revelation where I was driving and Police stopped me and said they are on Stop and Search. I said its OK. I was ordered by the Police to come down from my car which I obeyed without delay. To my greatest amazement one of the Police Officers put his hand under the driver seat and brought something and shouted we have seen it.

Suddenly I was arrested by the Police and they handcuffed me in that dream and they called press men and over two hundred people (200) gathered snapping me with handsets. One of the Police Officers wanted to slap me and as I tried to defend the slap, I woke up from bed sweating.

I hurriedly checked the time it was 5am Tuesday morning. I started praying asking God for help, to direct and give me details of what is going on. The Holy Spirit said to me "before you drive out today search your car under the drivers seat.

I came to the car I forgot and the same Voice came again don't go "search the car under the the drivers seat" Behold I put my hands and I saw a waterproof under the seat. I bent down to see and pulled it out. It was wrapped with four waterproof. I opened it behold it was a bag of marijuana(weed) planted in my car.

I shouted and called my Security and my wife to see what I saw inside my car. They were all amazed and my wife began to cry. Immediately I heard a voice to call my machanic.

I put a call to him " my brother have I ever offended you or is there anything wrong I did to you? He answered me no sir ... Why have you decided to kill me by planting marijuana in my car? He said to me dad I'm sorry I will explain to you when I come "

I removed it snapped it with my handset and took it out of the house. As I was driving out to the office. Four Police men stopped me that they are on stop and search. I said OK but other cars were passing nobody was stopping or searching them.

The Police officers shouted that I should not teach them their job. I was ordered to come down from the car just as it happened in my revelation. I laughed he said to me you are laughing very soon you will begin to cry and beg me.

My eyes were very wide open on them looking and monitoring the whole movie. They put their hands under the drivers seat just as it happened in my revelation. But they saw nothing they were looking at each other. They searched everywhere in the car and saw nothing.

They were over disappointed and mocked by God Almighty. And Police Officers said that I'm free to go.

Father may Your Name alone be Praised for frustrating the evil plots of darkness and his cohorts against my life, Ministry and the body of Christ.
This is the Mighty deliverance that God has shown me this Month of October... Grace for Help
Friends help me to say thank you to this Awesome God.''


  1. Mehn when I read this late last night I had chills

    To imagine that his mechanic could do that to him after getting paid to to do his job,the guy is just evil

    That pastor is one lucky man


    1. Please I live in the US and I have my reservations about this story thus:
      1. For almost a decade in the USA, I have never seen that type of plastic bag here.
      2. Police typically do not stop someone on the road for a search here, except for some traffic offence
      or they ran his name in their computer and he has issues.
      3. The cliche "do not teach me my job. . ." isn't really an American police "line" it is typically Nigerian
      4. Police here typically do patrols in twos at most not like in Nigeria where they are stationary and up to four like in this story.
      5. Could this "US-based Nigerian pastor" have crafted this story to appeal to Nigerians' sensibilities?

      Please do understand me, God works in miraculous ways like this narration but the above are just my reservations.

    2. Exactly my own thoughts too. This really sounds like a fabricated story line from the delusional pastors to attract some attention to himself.
      Ndi ara!

    3. **sighs**

      Lemme explain..because it must really bother you before you made such long ass, bulleted comment..

      1. Guy is Nigerian based in the US , presently in Naija

      2. Incident happened in Naija

      Always try and comprehend

    4. @Hannah;
      Please this writer did not tell us that he is 'presently in Nigeria"
      And that the incident happened in Nigeria.
      Please tell us the line where he made reference to Nigeria.
      What the Anonymous 14:00 noted are facts about the USA.

  2. When you are on the right path with God, your enemies are always put to shame.

    Congrats Pastor for staying true with God Almighty.

    1. God is able to deliver his people..praise to his name.

  3. oh God be may your name be praised!

  4. D man for get evidence by recording d call wen he spoke with d mechanic make dem send d idiot to jail. Deal with who plan to deal with u. Simple!

  5. Surely they will gather but as long as their plan isn't of the Lord, they will scatter

  6. Hmnnnnnn gullible people every where,I don't believe some people will fall for this story.see guy man,when you open your new church or decided to come out with the church you are trying to promote,come to Stella and do advert you hear.they sha do adverts for churches now,afterall na business.not all of us are stupid and yes I know people do have dreams and it comes to pass,this story get as e be can you give your car to your mechanic and the first question you will ask your mechanic on the phone is if your car is safe,it just gives you away that you cook up this story and in other to make it too convincing you gooff instead.the thing is car owners usually have a stable mechanic that works on their car,so obviously you'll know your car is always safe in his workshop or wherever his place of work is.if I call my mechanic up what I will ask is when is my car going to be ready?why haven't you fixed my car yet,pls do hurry and get it fixed for me not ask if my car was safe.People and gimmicks every where

    1. Mr Anonymous I am 97% certain you don't have a car ... or understand dat not everyone is comfortable leaving their car till the next day with mechanics... I would ask d same question, about the safety of me car too...

    2. Even if my mech is going for test running after any fixture/repair, I call him like 15 times before he comes back!
      I no get time for rubbish story dat tickles the bum!

    3. The bag of evidence that was opened has a different colour from the one under the car. I can't be the only one that noticed it.

    4. Lol. How wont he ask if his car is safe? My dear when I had to change my evaporator and my Mechanic said the car will have to sleep at sura complex I pleaded with him that I hope my car is safe. No one wnats their car stolen so if you worked hard to own one you will definitely ask. That said, its okay not to believe what he said. The things of God are usually not understood

    5. So what is the name of the church advertised?
      Or I didn't read well, cos I didn't see the name of the church or the pastor.

  7. Thank God for his mercy. wicked World

  8. God is real, revelations are real. It's not too late to give your life to christ Anon.

  9. Thank you Lord- The one that swallowed what swallowed the elephant and still kept the lion in His mouth. Thank you Lord for the life of this man and frustrating the device of the wicked over his life and ministry. #Halleluyah Praises

  10. His mercies Endereth forever thank you jesus.

  11. Do they have this type of plastic bag in the USA? Or, did this incident happen in Nigeria? Cos this is nigeria nylon o

  12. Do they have this type of plastic bag in the USA? Or, did this incident happen in Nigeria? Cos this is nigeria nylon o

  13. @Anon 10.40 - are you sure you have proper understanding of English language? people like you always turn God's faithfulness to unnecessary arguments just to stay relevant. Did he mention the name of his ministry or the location? if you want to argue do that objectively and not blindly. you can believe whatever you want to its your cup of coffee

  14. ThankGod for putting your enemies to shame, somebody close to you must have paid the mechanic to carry out this evil plans, but the God we both serve never sleeps nor slumber.

  15. This story isn't complete. Let him tell us what the mechanic told him. That said, this story raised too many of my "it's a lie" radar

  16. That why I don't joke with dreams oh, no matter how foolish my dreams are it stand for something dreamt this night how my BF died, and in that dream we were not in terms, and truly we are quarrelling I just pity him n already he from a very wicked family

  17. So in the interim anon 12:18 you are praying for him to die as you are josephina the dreamer. what a wawu

  18. If i used to joke with my dreams before, a recent incident has made me seat up.

    My own gist.... friend was having a small quarrel with her bf in June. She opened up to me about it. Before I slept that night I prayed for her. That night I had a dream that she was getting married to the guy and she wore purple. I sent her a message the next morning telling her that he is her husband so whatever is going on now, she should just chill. Told her i saw her wedding colour but I didn't tell her the colour. She called me back laughing, cos they were still quarreling.

    The next week as her birthday, he called her that he was at the Heathrow and he was coming in. She called me screaming that he was on his way. I told her he will propose (I think i mentioned it here) But she said she was just happy to have him around for her birthday that I do the most. Okay. Her birthday dinner be didnt propose, that was the flood weekend and we were all on alert. The next monday she was taking him to the airport and said they should stop for lunch. He proposed at the restaurant and she called me on the way to the airport, tears of joy.
    I told her that was step 1, that step 2 would be when we confirm her wedding colour.

    Yesterday she called me that shes back from balogun I should stop by afer work. She had the fabric all wrapped in a bag and before I opened it I told her I saw her wearing purple lace top and purple judge (abi na George? πŸ˜‚) and stones that are between silver and gold. She screamed and ran out the door. Lo and behold..... I opened the bag. Purple lace, purple judge with ivory stones.

  19. Wow! The heart of man is wicked but God will surely prevail. Thank you lord!

  20. Anon 14:00 please leave reservations and praise God for him.

  21. hmm I don't joke with dreams oh. God has a way of revealing things to us but we have to be sensitive in the spirit to understand. There are so many people that God has revealed to but because of their lack of ignorance they would take it for granted and not do anything about it. that is the reason most people fall prey to the devices of the wicked.


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