Stella Dimoko Educative,Entertaining And Inspirational - 738


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Educative,Entertaining And Inspirational - 738

These are just pictures but they tell stories that will either Educate,Entertain or Motivate you.


  1. Fact 1: never despise little beginnings
    Fact 2: wickedness of the highest level. Their leader must be a minion of the antichrist
    Fact 3: waste of Litigation. Stupidity at its peak


  2. North korea takes the cake for the most absurd & terrible laws/rules on this earth, top of the list is,
    1. Owning a bible a illegal in N.Korea.
    2. Kim Jong un actually approves 25 haircut styles for the men.
    3. Apple iphone is considered a contraband... these & many more!
    So im not shocked hearing this from that creepy den.. It kinda reminds me of how christians have been made to believe an innocent baby born 2day is born with sin, & needs cleansing or how do u'all put it? *😩😩* needs to be born again LMAO!! Kim is showing u the practical view of paying for the sins of ur fathers!

    Free VISA, 1st class ticket with all xpense paid to Nort/ South korea, thank u, id rather do Madagascar.

    1. πŸ™Œ For the other part
      πŸ˜’ for the other part

    2. Atheist, I respect how you are an adherent of the idea that negates the existence of a supreme being, I've been there and beyond...lets keep it moving.

      What I however do not respect is how you constantly try to force-feed your belief system down people's throats with every little bit of opportunity that you get, makes me wonder what direction your train of thought is headed and upon what premise your Atheism is pivoted.

      Did a Christian girl break your heart, bro? LOL! I do not in the least way like organised religion owing to the fact that I'm not ignorant of the mental plagues and limitations it has brought mankind but you see, bro, I don't go about rubbishing and casting unncessary aspesion on other people's Faiths.

      You should try that too...or not, long as when you are amongst true intellectually-superior Atheists, you don't come off as an "you know what".

      Its all love bro.

    3. *My Niggar* πŸ‘ŠπŸ‘ŠπŸ‘Š.

      You're right about me metamorphosising into a militant atheist on this blog, it used to be calm b4 the storm rocked the boat, chalk it up to defense mechanism or launching a missile (SSM) without garrison, any fanatic is a target, depending on ur mindset.... talk about not bringing a knife to a gun fight.
      Religion (xtianity) is being shoved down "throats", theres hardly a deep breath taken without the smell of it around the corner, theyre loudly on the streets, in our educational system, media, literally knockin on ur day offering eternal life 4ur "soul", every key you turn, every wine you pop.. Cognitive dissonance is the order of the day, and yet its not noted that religion has no boundary or the respect u boldly typed.

      ...on a subconcious level, all a realist/activist thinks about is redeeming the world, one neighbourhood at a time, ignoring the whispers that some ppl are hopelessly dependent on the system & refuse to be unplugged, Atheists try & let them be, e no concern you!

      A christian girl has once broken my heart though, but that didnt bring me to embrace atheism... i also didnt require "SSRIs" that'd have made us colleagues in the "you know what" One love VnV.


    4. Nice! πŸ‘. Missed you V&V. And I'm enjoying your light sparring with Atheist another of my favourites. Atheist no dey force am down our throats, you hear? 😁

  3. Enter your comment...@last fact,that's so not fair. Generational punishment? This is weird.

  4. Fact 2; North Korea's evil antecedence is there for all to see, what that 'country' needs isn't mere strict sanctions from UN et al.

    Most people mistake Kim Jong Un for a bad leader, perhaps you should read up on his genealogy particularly the ones who ruled before him...Kim II Sung, Kim Jong IL, etc. You will realize Kim Jong Un is a saint compared to those fat-bellied, sadistic, depraved, drunken monsters.

    Fact 3; I am sincerely trying so hard to show concern for King Tut's goatee but my humanity is bereft of the capability to give such irresponsible concerns.

    1. YayπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ You say what? What are you not talking.
      My boss is back with his ice-cream of knowledge.

  5. Fact 1 - when you end up competing with a business that you initially ignored. this is a lesson on overconfidence.
    Fact 2 - this is insane human rights abuse. Talk about generational curses.
    Fact 3 - beard gangs causing problem since 19gbogbo. πŸ˜…

  6. Now who's laughing @fact1 "he who laughs last laughs best". Anything can happen sha!

    This North Korea and their to the left to the left way of doing things. Literally sins of the father onto the fourth (third) generation.

    The workers should know better. The cost of excavating and preserving these "things" is not something you just commonize. Now it has been permanently damaged even if it got the job done. I hope their prosecution wasn't too severe though.
    The law is the law.

    I'm here now Greatlady, thanks for checking. Hope you're doing good.

    1. You people should come and be marking absence register oo. My register is full of red pen

  7. 1: Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. ... Winston Churchill. Blockbuster crumbled because ,They were simply too slow to adapt new technology. At the time that Netflix started, Blockbuster was primarily brick & mortar, whereas Netflix was exclusively an online store.
    2:if you know that not only you, but your innocent family members will be punished for your REBELLION and crime , you’d probably feel too guilty to carry it out. Totalitarian regimes use this psychology to their benefit.
    3:It's a priceless one of a kind item so not suprised.

    1. Are you in support of this cruel form of punishment? Cos you sound like you do..

    2. I see that you are a KING hence my question.

    3. Lol Persian I am not in support of that ferocious retribution. No!. I was just stating the motive behind it and Don't worry about my subjects. πŸ˜‰.
      Great lady. πŸ™‹πŸ™‹.

    4. Alrighty, King. lol

  8. Kim Jong Un, another vile human being.

    1. I will take u to North Korea to serve that punishment. Today is Tuesday oo... Lol. Saturday will soon reach

  9. Replies
    1. You will pay fine for not marking absence register

  10. Wow look at Netflix now!

    Atheist,you forgot to mention that they have approved channels to watch in North Korea.🀣🀣🀣
    I am king Eze, as much as I understand that psychology, I think it is a cruel way to achieve a crime free North Korea.
    Kim is referred to as "The dictatorship of people's democracy"

    1. hmm.. i didnt knw that! Can u imagine the conditions? what a dictatorship.

    2. Iphie I am not trying to justify that outlandish punishment .come on !! .personally I consider north Korea a criminal organization not a point is that a totalitarian state as extreme as NK wants and needs as much control as possible to maintain itself- a side effect of this is paranoia, meaning the slightest hint or rumor of a rebellion makes the State uneasy, and fearing its grip on power, it doubles down forcefully. the Khmer Rogue had a similar practice, back in the day.

    3. Oma is baaccckkk!!!πŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸ’ƒπŸΌβ™₯️β™₯️β™₯️😍😍😍😘😘😘
      How have you been Oma maranma???

      Okay.. King Eze, I understand your point of view now😘

      Hahahahaa. Atheist, Kim and his forefathers are what they sre- dictators.

  11. Hmmmm @ all the facts..
    my jotter is full.. and brain is on birthday holiday.

    1. You will pay fine too. The family don't even know today is ur birthday and u are appearing today. I will forgive u bcos today is ur birthday

  12. I don't know if it's just me, but I have this special likeness for History's bad boys. Like Abacha, Gaddafi, Hitler, etc.... Oh before I forget and the Ezemuo of my village in the year 1812.

    1. are you sure you are not from that ancestral line?

    2. Not just you..
      Mine is that weird admiration ror the power they welded
      Escobar,Babangida, Idi amin and the rest.
      Its good/bad.
      Like I hate what they did, but I'm curious about how they lived, what made them tick.

  13. Fact 1, what an "in your face" moment when they meet.
    Fact 2, cruel and unusual punishment but if it reduces crime, good luck to them. Crazy north Korea.
    Fact 3, one of a kind stuff, but what da

  14. Fact 1: No one knows tomorrow. Treat all with courtesy and respect
    Fact 2: NK, the 3 generations of punishments, otipoju, hahahahaha
    Fact 3: On top mistake.

  15. Ah!A peacock mating dance.What a colorful display of plumage.

    Oh no!Ouch!....low blow.That's messed up.
    What's a gun doing in a swordfight?

    Draw the curtains up!

    1. weldone, shade mistress, as kidjo told you, its sweet till they come for you, this one is vice and virtue and athiest comments i know.

  16. Idealist you mean?

    GreatLady, ice cream of knowledge????? Come on! can be so cute and funny.

  17. Wow wow that's so inspiring in fact 1,
    Fact two na I'm be say their prison yard go full well well pass our Nigerian own.


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