Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....


Sunday, October 15, 2017

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....

Oh Dear!!!



Hello Stella, greetings!

I'm an ardent reader of your blog who's psychologically distressed.

I'm suffering from a hair pulling disorder termed trichotillomania. I've had it for 15 years now and it's beginning to drive me nuts. I totally rely on wigs cos I have little or no hair to fix or braid. I've been mocked and called names several times. I feel so sad and ashamed to say the least. Honestly, this is a cry for help. I would like to know the following:
Has anyone experienced this or know someone who has? How did they get over it?

Is there anywhere I can get medical help or otherwise in Nigeria?

If you have the same condition, can we please be friends and at least find solace in each other? I'm in dire need of a confidant who understands my plight.
Thank you Stella and please kindly hide my email address.

NB: Attached pictures can be posted too.

OMG you did this to yourself?I just read this thing now and OMG you need help fast...I pray you find one.
Please what do you do after you pull out the hair?Do you throw it away or what?


  1. Lord please take perfect control and make poster happy

    *Larry was here*

    1. First step, go to the barbing saloon and cut your hair, do so every week. Make sure no strand of hair on your head. Then go see psychiatrist ( doesn't mean you have mental issues) Don't allow your thoughts control you .

      Josephine the great

    2. You have had it for 15years., you enjoyed it for 15yrs or what ? Did it just suddenly begging to drive you nuts.? you didn't seek medical for 15years.? If you sort spiritual help for 15 years it didn't work then your problem is medical. I don't understand

    3. If you don't understand keep your confusion to yourself.
      This poster is looking for solutions not JAMB questions.

    4. Please maintain steady low cut for the next few years till you are able to control this bad habit. Pele my dear, it cant be easy.

    5. So for 15years she just suddenly started looking for solution.. This is psychiatric plus psychologist. No need sensationalizing what does not not make sense! Emotions solves nothing

    6. Annonymous why are you like this?

    7. Hair pulling disorder??? Hearing it for the first time
      Maintain low cut na

    8. Hmm I do this too oooo. The best way to fight it is to always have your hair either in braids or weave. Never have it out.

      First get a nice lace front with and install it with glue carefully. Try to keep it on for 2 weeks. If your hair has grown enough to braid then braid it. If not then install another lace wig for 2 weeks
      After that just keep braiding or weaves. That's how I've been able to grow my hair. I do it when I'm stressed which is a lot!

    9. Hi Femilicious! Glad to know you've been able to manage yours. Kindly drop your email address with Stella, thank you.


    10. Go to prophet TB Joshua for deliverance. Youkube shocked. I

  2. It is well. This one pass me.

    1. My dear you've had it for 15 years?

      First of all I will like to let you know that your have a psychological challenge which is a category of obsessive compulsive disorder(OCD) that may be triggered by anxiety and depression. OCD is not a disease but a disorder. The compelling desire to want to always engage in a particular thing without control. For example, constantly washing of hands especially by some ladies, nail biting, nose picking etc. This is the category where yours fall in.

      I wish I could see you to know what exactly happened within or before the last 15 years of your life. Did you lose a loved one? Are you working and what kind of work do you do for a living? How does pulling your hair make you feel each time you are about to do it and afterwards?

      These are some of the questions a psychologist is mostly likely to ask you. Just like masturbation that is very difficult for people to stop, this hair pulling disorder would be difficult for you to stop all by yourself because you need help... Psychological help. You need a therapist! But since I know it may be very difficult for you to get one and even if you do you may not be able to afford it, I would suggest you use introspection (looking inward) as a tool to help yourself by genuinely asking and answering those questions I typed above. Try to find out what major event that happened to you in the last 15 years that triggered this disorder. Are you a solitude lover who like to be alone all the time? If this is true then you need to modify on this behaviour and hang out more often with people... Be more accepting of people and totally avoid one minute staying alone. If you live alone, then it's time to have a roomie!

      There are so many things I could type but I don't want my write up to become too lengthy for you and thus become a bit difficult to comprehend.

      You can overcome this disorder ma''s not much of a big deal once you become totally conscious of your habits. The first step is accepting or identifying that you have a challenge.

      If you can afford a psychologist then get one ASAP. If you don't know where and how to get one, then locate the nearest federal university around you, go to their psychology department and ask to see any clinician at the lab. If they don't have any lab then ask for a psychologist who majored in clinical psychology, counseling psychology or go to any hospital most likely a federal university teaching hospital and ask to see a psychiatrist or a clinical psychologist.

      You'll be fine!


    2. Lol, poster I don't even know were to start. As I'm writing this i have few strands of hair in my mouth....i pull as well then play/nibble with it in my mouth. Mine started as far as I can remember, if someone ask what's my hobby I'll say pulling my, i pull at different locations on my head so I don't get bald entirely in one area....guess what, i actually turned a wristwatch box to a box of my pulled hairs, like I pull, nimble on my mouth then save in the box for future use, the box is full of hairs actually. Let me advice you: the more coarse the hair, the sweeter it is for you to roll and pull, the pain is sweet. First of all cut your hair bald let it start a fresh growth, talk to yourself...look at the downsides to what your doing to yourself...ask yourself what is it sef, tell yourself you don't deserve to look this me it works with the mind, always oil the hair so it wouldn't be as sweet to pull, as it grows more retouch it..let it be straight and always oiled trust me your hand no go even go there. (NB) i can give this advice because mine isnt as close to as bad as this. It is well

  3. OMG
    This is serious o
    Poster doesn't it pain you when you pull it? Just curious

    I pray you find a doctor to help your predicament.
    It's well

  4. Oh my God, please you need to go see a doctor. This isn't just a disorder but it is a mental disorder. You probably derive some kind of pleasure after pulling out your hair.
    You need to see a specialist who can better speak and understand the reasons you derive pleasure from pulling out your own hair. It gets worse for some people who chew it afterwards. You need to get help fast and meeting other people like you is great but it doesn't solve much if you can't attack the source of this disorder.
    Sweetheart please go and see a doctor. Please let's leave demons out of this.

    1. Excuse me., not every situation is doctor just as not every is demon. If so doctors would have cured all psychiatric cases. Who told you she hasn't consulted a doctor ? Did you read the duration of the hair pulling? Abeg be objective and approach all problems holistically.

    2. No doppelgänger it's actually not a mental or a spiritual disorder, I have watched a documentary on it, I am actually surprised Stella hasn't heard of it even being in the abroad. There are drugs you take but I am not sure if in Nigeria as the documentary I watched was done "in the abroad" . Google would actually serve you better, for people who have suffered from it. This is just a habit that needs to be controlled, it's just like people who bite their nails to the point of bleeding, you may also need therapy

    3. Being in abroad meaning gini exactly.? Life is too sweet here to go looking for issues when there's none. Y'all Nigerians need to upgrade your thinking pattern..! This is a MIND issue they enjoy the *scratchy kinda sound the hair makes." I had a short while but stopped! While on it , you are lost in thoughts imaginations and ideas lool

    4. Push up, when someone says mental disorder it is not related to what we general term "madness". The problem is psychological and this is why I mentioned she should see a doctor not a psychiatrist. For some, they stop on their own after sometime but clearly hers has persisted for 15 years and she hasn't gone to seek medical help. Most of these things are sometimes caused by depression or anxiety. She needs to find out what it is exactly and she can't do so without speaking to a professional. This is coming from someone who chews her nails to the point you mentioned, so yeah.

  5. My dear take anti depressants, I have a friend who pulls her hair plus her eye lash, ever since she started anti-maniacs, she stops pulling if she's taking them, it doesn't cure it stops you for a while. Once she starts, i'll ask her if they have come, she'll tell me I won't understand.

    1. She needs to seek medical help and have one prescribed for not buy across the counter. What worked for A won't necessarily work for B.

  6. Damn!!
    Have u considered going Amber Rose?
    Your skull isnt bad.
    Dsnt it hurt while u pull?
    Clearly the pleasure supercedes the pain,

    1. Anonymous to bahd15 October 2017 at 15:17

      Even foolish people sometimes make sense.

      Poster, go on very low cut. You'll be fine. Or not.

    2. guy relax, your reasoning no reach this athiest own, just like 5 BVs can match him, i follow for the 5.

  7. It's a demon spirit in control of your mind using your hair pulling to supposedly relieve you from stress worry depression. The personality of this demon is you pulling your hair! Solution: the mediating on Word of God for a sound mind and baptism of fire. That hair pulling demonic spirit of depression will leave .

    1. Get out of here with your stupidity. Everything must be spiritual for some of you here. Ishi mkpo!

    2. Wisdom is profitable to the direct, demon indeed.

    3. @Cynthy L life itself is spiritual and there's nothing God cannot do. Best believe.

    4. @@cynthy L u are just criticizing people's comments. Advice the poster and get lost if u can't

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Jesus!I believe you will get the solution here..

  10. I think you should start cutting your hair with clipper. Since your hair has always been like that,that means there is no possibility it won't pull naturally except you have money for surgery.Always have a low cut of Skin aka fadan or gorimapa. There are so many people who don't have front hair but guess what they do cut their hair so low.Take a bold step to the salon(Male) and start rocking your low cut hair.

    1. Good idea.
      But madam, before we get there just make sure your skin is flawless, you don't have any trace of facial hair (laser if you must) and you haven't plucked out your brows too. If You don't have brows as well, do microblading.
      Alek Wek and algelique Kidjo rock the 'baldie'.
      And see, maybe you should talk about it. Sometimes speaking about a problem can help us find solution. Let your close friends, loved ones and maybe even close colleagues know. And let them understand that going bald is your way of fighting back.
      After these, you can proceed to other solutions. You would ne amazed how many others know.

      As for me, after spending money buying orisisisi for my fro that grows one inch every two months.... I will now come and pluck it? Ah! That particular demon is still cooking in fire, make e first done, come begin him journey to earth.

    2. Hey Chikito, your last line got me lol. I pull my brows and lashes too and considering going for microblading. As for laser treatment, who dash me money kwanu? Thanks nwannemadu.

  11. Hair pulling disorder??? Hmmm na wa o. Me dt if a strand of hair pulls out while combing I am usually unhappy n someone else is pulling out d ones she has. #Jesusfixit

  12. What you need is therapy. Go see a specialist.

  13. Iya Oshoronga of Blogosphere AKA Mrs Always RIGHT15 October 2017 at 15:24

    Poster what is disturbing you is the same thing disturbing chain smokers and alcholics and nymphomaniacs. It is a terrible addiction. Unfortunately, the only help they will give u in nigeria is 'church' and 'deliverance'. I will suggest you cut off your fingers if you can't find any help at all. You can get prosthetic fingers to use, you will not be able to pull out your hair with prosthetic fingers. This is a sad situation.

    1. 😳😳😳😳😳

    2. You got it right iya, it's more of a habit or addiction than a disorder you just have to set your mind to it so you can stop

    3. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I talk sey werey full this blog

    4. She should cut off her fingers because of a psychological problem?? Stella what kind of dumb old cargos do u even have on this platform self??

    5. iya oshoronga's apprentice15 October 2017 at 18:52

      Iya ti soro! 🙌🙌 I no too understand iya dis days but she sha don tok, Twale iya!

    6. Iya Oshoronga of Blogosphere AKA Mrs Always RIGHT15 October 2017 at 19:32

      Anon 18.01 why call your mother and grandmother 'dumb old cargos' ? Did they offend you? Their heads will surely judge you for coming to this blog to curse them. Elenu yama yama

  14. I know how you feel.

    I had the condition for 5 years. It all started when I had to cut my hair for boarding school.

    Next thing you know I'm having two self-induced bald patches on both sides of my head. It wasn't as bad as yours though, but It was so embarrassing. Braiding my hair became an ordeal for my hairdressers.

    Anytime people asked why I had the patches, I would say it was as a result of burns from bad relaxers. I was always hoping to stop, but the sensation after plucking.... It was so damn good. I cant describe it. The worst part was that my sister that initially used to laugh at me, started plucking as well, and hers was baaaaad.

    What made us stop, was when we watched this documentary about people with the condition whose cases were far worse than ours. Seeing them talk about it like it was a mental illness, took away the denial from our minds. Plus, the way our cousin looked at us when we admitted it to her whilst watching it.

    It was nerve-wracking. We just had to stop it. I guess we all have our own wake up calls.

    1. Poster at least you don't eat your hair, thank God for that. Please pray about it.

  15. I am suffering from the same condition. I didn't put a name on it till I was 22.
    I was mocked as well. My mum used to think people cut it at first but later realised I did it. It's uncontrollable it's OCD and it's all in the brain.
    I totally rely on wigs too. The follicle of the area I pull is totally destroyed. You are not alone ok. Millions of us in the world.more than happy to support and show you pictures of myself too

    1. My dear go on low cut, so low that ur fingers can't pull.

    2. Hey babe! I'm so sorry about your condition, but that makes two of us ☺. Kindly drop your email address with Stella, thanks.


    3. I have sent Stella an email to kindly forward my email address to you or send yours.

    4. @ blackberry, thanks Hun, I am forever on low cut,unlike the poster mine started from childhood. Even when my head is bare,I can't get my hands off. I have learnt to live with it.its a strongly impulsive disorder!

  16. Hey babe,
    Can you just go on low cut for life? Seriously, it will ease you from the str

  17. Why not barb everything down so there'll be nothing to pull anymore

  18. Hey babe,
    Can you just go on low cut for life? Seriously, it will ease you from the stress of pulling your hair.

  19. this isn't good. have you tried tieing your hands to avoid pulling at your geo when the urge comes. another thing you can consider Is barbing gorimapa, people will consider it fashionable trust me. visit a doctor all the same

  20. Sorry poster, may the Lord see you through and I pray help comes speedily. It is well with you.

  21. Village people una still show una self in anoda way. I believe it's an habit which u can overcome with self control and prays

  22. You need medical help precisely the help of a psychiatrist.If you are in Lagos,I recommend Yaba neuropsychiatric hospital.
    This is a form of mental illness,and it can be adequately managed if the best care is given and medications are strictly adhered to.
    You will be well dear
    God bless

  23. Wow! .I feel Part of the treatment is figuring out what triggers it,first learn to identify when and where you have the urge to pull the hair and also learn to relax and do something else, that doesn't hurt you , as a way to help ease tension when you feel the urge to pull your hair.try going to a public place or around other people. You may be less likely to pull when others are around. Proactivity might help to reduce episodes.see a specialist and try hypnosis .....maybe.

    Best of luck!!

  24. Replies
    1. iya oshoronga's apprentice15 October 2017 at 18:54

      I bin tink say you wan recommend coconut oil before nah.

  25. You are addicted to pulling your own hair. I have seen this on TLC.
    You need to see a Psychologist fast. The thing is,you will make conscious effort to stop this.
    You will undergo a Habit Reversal Training.
    I'm sorry for what you are passing through.

  26. You need to go completely bald..that's all I got. May God help you, dear.

  27. It is well with you

  28. Omg you need to cut the remain on you head without leaving a strand.make sure u cut it regularly and see a strink (therapist) who will understand your state of mind and help u.

    1. Shrink ma..please dont blame auto correct.

    2. Thank u grandma cynthy go watch the chicken eggs as they hatch

    3. @stella lol that was savagery

  29. Poster, don't be afraid.

    There are many like you, some situations far more severe.

    Some pluck the hair and eat.

    Because people are quite primitive in these parts, every unusual situation is adduced to the devil.

    Poster may I suggest you read up more on this condition online?
    There are also virtual support groups you can join for issues like this.
    You can also check for alternative therapies and therapists within Nigeria online.

    And bae this 'patch patch' is not looking good,scrape it all off!

    I am not affected by this malady but would be glad to listen anytime you need an ear.:-)

    You'll be fine!

    Best wishes.

    1. I'm the poster.Pls kindly drop your email address with Stella, thanks.

  30. Completely scrap your hair at least 3/times a week, depending on how fast ur hair grow. Confide w someone that lives w u or around u, who will ensure u scrap the hair as often as required.
    Continue dis consistently for a year or 2, I am sure it will help stop it.
    Also, try making friends and do what makes you happy. Avoid always being alone or in depressing situations.

  31. You need behavioral therapy and medications. Paroxetine, valporate, lithium carbonate are some of the medications you can take. But avoid anything that causes depression. And pray. God help you

  32. I used to do this too. Still do when I am anxious or tense. Sweet feeling while doing it,terrible feeling when you look at the floor and see strand of hair every where. It brings tears to my eyes though. See a Doctor. I relax my hair when I start doing it again to make it too slippery to pull.....I started when I was a kid...maybe due to physical abuse from my uncle...maybe. I try to psych myself out of it hen it starts and be around people so because I will be ashamed to do it in their presence. You need to help yourself. All my primary school pictures are funny because of my "rat-chop" hair. You are not alone. Be strong enough and determined to let it go. See a qualified medical professional, do not be ashamed. ...lots of love. ..and light.

  33. i think this poster did not present her case well,do u mean ur hair falls off or u pull it?because ive seen those that their hair falls off

  34. Poster.....maybe you should start wearing low cut, if there's no hair to pull, the disorder may stop. I thought this hair pulling disorder happen to white people because they have long hair........ugh

  35. Poster have u try cutting every thing and starting all over again? If u have done that and the problem persisted, kindly go to hospital.

  36. So sorry dear.
    I pray you get the help you seek.😢😢😢

  37. This is called alopecia there are some many people suffering it only few speak out.i will advice the poster to google alopecia and learn more

    1. Alopecia which is hair loss is different from hair pulling syndrome. I'm very sure she included the medical term of this condition in her narrative as well. You should read that up. She pulls her hair strands out by herself and not the other way round.

  38. My dad has this condition. Its ocd. See a therapist pls

  39. #Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing*

  40. I started doing this some months back now, I pulled hair from my beard.
    Had to cut it off completely and Im trying to stop it...
    I didn't even know where I got this crazy habit from.

  41. My sister has had this problem for about 20 years.

    It's so bad now that she even pulls her pubic hair.

    She refuses to realise she has a problem, she has refused to seek hair and she has refused flat out to cut her hair.

    1. I'm in that catergory, pulling of my pubic hair, lash and eyebrow.. I wanted to graduate to my lovely edges but I controlled it with all d strength in me.. so now I only pull my pubic hair in the comfort of my house ..

  42. I know of someone that eats paint. A child of about 3yrs then but thanks to God he has stopped. We thought it was spiritual since his mum died when he was about 9months old but later got enlightened on the fact that it's a brain thing. He still does it once in a while but only when tensed. Now we have painted his room.

  43. Thanks everyone for your concern and good wishes. As regards going on low cut or completely bald even, tried several times and still find myself pulling as soon as a strand pops up. At some point, I stayed off pulling for months,honestly don't know how I achieved that. I had a complete regrowth and somehow, I found myself pulling out everything again. It's a series of events ie,the compulsive urge, the conscious effort to ignore urge, succumb, pull, satisfaction,regret. I also observed I pull more when sad,tensed,stressed out or alone reading or watching TV.
    I have broadly researched on the condition online, even downloaded articles.I also joined online support groups. The only thing I'm yet to explore is medical help of which I intend doing asap.

    Thank you all for the suggestions, I'm grateful. ♥


    1. Atleast yours is just pulling of hair, I pull and eat mine, it’s terrible

    2. You don't have to go through this alone. I seriously wish to help you but I don't know how. You Stay alone most of the time.... This is not good for you. Read my suggestion up there👆 but also make sure you constantly do things that will keep you away from being idle.... Have people around you and avoid lone times.



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