Stella Dimoko Wednesday Spontaneous



Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wednesday Spontaneous

#goodmorningtoday #timeagainfor.... #lol #short hashtagday # boyfriends #schoolday #memorylane 

Good Morning folks!....It is a Beautiful day,if you like rain as much as I do......When one is indoors watching it oh...

So lets talk about Yesterday...It was lit i the comment section because a carrot was dangled by a BV..........I read thru the comments and found most of them boring and unconnected..........not the way comments usually flow on this blog............Not my style but oh well at least i brought some people out of hiding,albeit in anon mode.

Today there is no carrot to dangle so I am gonna be comparing both days comment wise..........So let us see how today's comments will play out

The people posting Yesterday that Nurse Atutupuyoyo broke Confidentiality by bringing that story here,please go and eat sand sand make i hear word .LOL.............I didnt ask for your opinion,Enjoy a good story and move on.....
Those who contributed positively thank you.....Atutupuyoyo is here to stay with stories that have no details to whoever.........

I had to delete so many comments suggesting i wrote the story.......I am happy to see the Haters are back as well...If  I wrote the story,please leave it so and move on OK?Get busy with life and stop looking for holes in everything i do....if you decide to continue,then enjoy it.

There are the winners from yesterday's comment section giveaway.....The comments were counted as stand alone because the replies method would have deprived the original winners from time IF you see a giveaway like this..make your comments stand alone please.

For the IHN giveaway,There were no 400th winners because there was no stand alone comment at 400 even though the comments are over 500.....This happened because people used the reply method to comment.......I would pointed this out but I didnt know until i started counting and saw the mistake of not announcing people not to click on replies...

I will do a giveaway soon but not the comment section type...That was one Boring ISH and not my Blog style.....

Thank you to everyone who participated... 

The winners are..............

Please contact me with your account details if you are any of these three.

Kisses to everyone!



  1. As you wake up this beautiful morning, may the blessings of God abide with you. May your safety from danger and storms of life be guaranteed in the Mighty name of Jesus. God shall preserve thee from all evil and irreversible success shall be your reward in everything you lay your hand today. Good morning and have a blessed day.

    Just Krix!

  2. Replies
    1. GANG.. .LB Sorry πŸ˜€

      Hot Momma...ifu Kwara Ife melu uyanwa..πŸ˜‚πŸ€§

    2. Nwunne!
      Nwunne di m n'obi❤️
      Nne kedu Ije? LMAO @ whatsaputuπŸ˜‚

      Buggie Baibay!😘
      Issacson Baba!
      Beloved..... in whom I am well pleased😍

      Good morning my Beautiful People!

      Where is Pipi Yoo?πŸ˜‚

      Kisses to my Ollie Baby!
      My once-upon-a-time!😍

      Imakwa Na chicks ayasa....
      Eze Nnunu!

  3. Chike please leave me alone oh... Im in love with *scratches head* eeerrrm, Atheist? Not sure sef.... **flips hair and twists away**

    Hey Chikito #WhileYouWereAway.... Never mind 😊 You wont believe me anyway... You will believ your husband....

    Anyways baby girl, welcome to the north, the land of plenty and cheap food. Make sure you buy some on your way back to Lag...
    Been seeing lots of requests lately for you to look at CVs... Maybe I should join the queue... Need some Chiki effect on my CV. Been hearing testimonies on how it does the magic. Im on the queue oh, Please let me know when its my turn by hitting the ID...😘😘😘😘😘
    Chike, do well to pass this message on as you said you are representing your wife now that shes busy.

    Hello Jostified mom, how is your little prince? still bitting? Im chuckling at the imagination of his chuckle after bitting... Kids are super super adorable... I realy cant wait...😍😍😍

    Hello everyone, its a new day to do everything you couldnt do "yesterday". may favor locate you...Kisses 😘😘😘

    1. You and atheist?😎 #mismatch😎

    2. I also thought the comments were disconnected yesterday.... Very disconnected. You will greet someone up, the person will reply you down there a bid to get space/comment number...Oh well, We prefer the usual style abeg. Love you Stells

    3. Hi @same girl. Please leave me husband for me na πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ anything he did in my absence I Will accept him like that. We go quarrel for inside house.

      On that CV matter, guess I might have to open a mail for inflow like Stella suggested. Will keep you guy posted. But it will be first come first serve and no hurrying.

    4. Hahahaha lol @You will greet someone up, the person will reply you down πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    5. Same Girl so you wan lie put for my head... ???

      Thank God all BVs are my witness.
      Lady Bug biko come and testify ooo. Same girl don lie for my head.

      Ugegbe m you are an Angel. Thanks for believing in me😘😘😘


  4. I pray for peace, healing, good health, happiness, prosperity, joy, true and God's favour in Jesus name. Amen.

    Good morning❤

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. My thought exactly,but the winner had been announced so be it!😎

    2. Lookatew dictating how she should count comments. Who sent you to count? Winners have have been chosen already. Rest.

    3. I came late
      Larry o Wetin you type... I no see

    4. Ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwa, why did you delete it na?
      Larry do you want to become a gist collator? If you want to join us, contact me for your registration form and tutorials. This one that you are suggesting how the winner should be picked, are you the INEC chairman? Stella is the INEC chairman, if you join us and behave like this, you will be sacked one time.

  6. One day you'll realize turning the page is the best feel in the world- because you realize there's so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on

  7. Good morning ooo
    Yesterday was lit.

    On a More Serious Note.!!!

    Pro-Biafrans please what's wrong?
    See what you guys are doing ?
    Killing n disturbing the peace of the nation.
    All because there are Military presence in your neighborhood..

    The military people to me, are there to contain the situation, they are there to make sure things are in other.

    You peeps feel threatened by their presence. That's a normal thing. Even if twas my own community, I will be scared too. But please since you can't do anything about it, leave them. Let them roam about. Go about your day to day activities. Don't be scared or threatened by them..

    What you are fighting for, since the FEDERAL GOVT is not ready to give you, why not calm down n wait till 2019. Vote another man that you know will grant you your wish, or a man that will at least make sure you get all your entitlements..

    What you "pro-biafrans" are to do is this!!
    Since you know u don't have enough people to help you vote an Igbo man to the Presidency, merge with the Yorubas, collabo with us.. Look for a good n young man from the east, we look for ours in the South, then we use the 2 for president and vice. Shikena.!! ��������

    But please let us all live in peace ehn.
    I know its not easy when someone deprives you of your entitlement... But let's learn to PERSEVERE in difficult situations and the Good Lord will reward us bountifully.. Amen

    1. You too like story abegi 😎

    2. I do not understand, how dyu conveniently leave out the parts of the military killing before all of these happened.

      I am not pro biafra but u can't bring fight to people in their town and expect them to sit back and watch.

      I mean, u can kill them in your town and they'd keep calm but u can't kill them in their own territory and expect nothing in return.

      I do believe that the Abians should leave the innocent hausas and probably face the soldiers that did that

    3. Why would you choose to ignore talks of the soldiers killing and molesting people? I'm not pro biafra o but if you'll join the discourse try to be unbiased and take EVERY INFO into consideration.

    4. Who told you the military are there to control the situation? So killing and harassing unarmed citizens just because they are wearing Biafran logo is your own idea of controlling the situation abi?
      I tire oo

  8. Yesterday I bought a new sponge; But before discarding the old sponge, I thought to shower the SDK way so I divided the old one into 4 and proceeded to the bathroom. My people, it was chaotic. I got dizzy with confusion while trying to recall the particular sponge I used for my body seconds ago, so as not to mix it up with the one for my face, or the neck, feet and kpekus.
    To those of you who are experts at this, Well done oh... More sweat to your armpits.
    And those of you that use sponge to scrub the kpekus area, where exactly are you scrubbing? Are you washing back of pot? Next time add vim. πŸ™„

    1. Lmaoooo,you sure had time. cant even try, i will loook mad

    2. Hahahahahaha the sdk way got me laughing hard

    3. Me I'm for one sponge abeg. I start scrubbing from my face down so I guess I'm not 'sdk dirty'

    4. You guys scrub your faces? Ha!
      I don't oh
      If I do,come and see reaction
      I just wash with my hands no scrubbing.

  9. Good morning alllllllllllll. Issa raining Wednesday.

    My WCW goes to you Stella.. I love you Stella. You're a darling.

  10. COPIED!!!!!!! Though surrounded and besieged by pythons at the moment, Nnamdi Kanu must find a way of getting out word across to his IPOB supporters that on no account should the blood of any Stranger, be he Hausa or Fulani, be spilled! The struggle was never against innocent strangers in our midst! The struggle loses its essence once it turns violent, in which case IPOB relinquishes the moral high ground! To protect the lives and properties of strangers is a sacred duty, and that duty is binding on Kanu now, more than ever before!

  11. I've forgotten how cold Kaduna gets at this time of the year. Lagos is just rain, the heavy downpour we were greeted with as soon as we arrived at the airport at 8:30pm yesterday wasn't light at all. Anyway, I'm glad to be here never knew I'd have the time to visit till December. How I've missed this town, Okay it's time to relax my nerves. Congrats to the winners. Wishing you all a beautiful day and take it easy with the hustle to win the price.

    1. Why should we take it easy madam?? ? Are you going to dash us the money

    2. But my friend told me yesterday that kaduna was realy hot... Well maybe cold compared to Lagos Tho. I know it gets cold in dec/jan

  12. Am I the 400th ? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Beloved biko tell me that I am the winner.

    Ola Moneyyyy wetin you chop yesterday? I can't stop laughing at your comments... Lol


    I saw the Aba riot post and 80% of BVs that commented were blaming Aba people for killing the hausa in their state.
    Is that how you guys judge things?
    Hausa people told Igbos to leave their region and you people blamed Nnamdi Kanu and called Igbos gullible.
    Soldiers went to Aba and kill innocent Biafrans and you people blamed Nnamdi Kanu and called the Igbos gullible.
    Biafrans fight back (because you can't come to a man's house and over shadow him)You people still blamed Nnamdi Kanu and called Igbos gullible.
    If hausa people are the one doing this riot and killing the Igbos, you people will still say "that's what fits the Igbos"
    You people did not ask yourselves what Nigeria army are doing in Aba.
    Are they fighting boko HARAM there if I may ask?
    Every sector are going on strike you and guys will not use that energy of blaming Nnamdi Kanu to blame buhari regime.
    From the way things are going in Nigeria, everything is falling apart. This is one of the reasons why Igbos want out.
    Ama seat back, relax and watch what will become of this country Nigeria.

    Ugegbe oyibo m 1 worldwide, My virtuous wife, My Angel of Love, beauty and peace,kindness is your character. come and give me tight hug and kiss because you are my joy. Have a lovely day ahead My Anike 😘😘😘😘😍😍

    Same Girl let me tell you, mmadu ejiyi aka abuo azo ife abughi nke ya. Shey na for this blog ka some people siri na abum local native doctor. Mana kita ma umu asa no home and abroad choro iTASTE zi my local banana. Kita umu Asa furu na alugam legit so whenever I enter fa Ana aRUSH zi mu ka abum the new 2pac maka na all of them choro igulu mu ka akara oku... Lol onwebeghi ife Unu huru... Akpolugom My Chikito fepado aka, loving her like there is no tomorrow. Nwa bu Authe, Nwa bu echi, Nwata mmechiri akwukwo mmepe, gba strike bido lesson. My Chikito bu mbada#ChikiChi2017

    1. What's all these now,no vernacular please😎

    2. You see what im saying Chikito... This your husband ehn, hope you planted a camera in his house oh...

      Ehen Chike, i dont even know why this your "untranslatable" message made me laugh sef....
      Ive dropped a word for you up there...πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†

      Now i understand why TGW struggle to remove Ed from your crew...

      *strolls out*

      Chikito baby, dont beieve Chike oh, i have the truer version of all that happened

    3. Hahahaha πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      I gave up on Ola yesterday....Ah

    4. I'm beginning to like you Chike. It just looks like the igbo's told a Nigerians that their anthem is "blame it on me" by Avon. O su mi oo

    5. Same Girl you can lie for Africa...

      Why are you like this?

  13. Congrats to d winners.

    It's a cool beautiful morning here, wishing y'all a fulfilled and blessed day

  14. Morning peeps OK I am at work and congrats to the winners.

    Keep kinging and queening

  15. Good morning All...Hmmmm Seems like I overslept last night..πŸ€”

    So this morning I just finished my FIRST transaction from the blog... Mirian Dear Thanks for Trusting me πŸ’‹

    UNIZIK Aspirants I am still selling Soft copies of Unizik post ume past Questions For All departments (#500)....Grab your copy NOW....The Faster you contact me the Quicker your admission!!! IF YOU BELIEVE IT, Say Amen Somebody...πŸ™‹πŸ™‹πŸ‘‰

    Trust is my Watchword,Delivery is My Vision...So everyone you can tell your friends about this, They can prepare for the Exam from the comfort of their phones...So COMFY!!!, Just click on my πŸ†” (My Contact is there) πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

    P. S... Other Schools Aspirants, Ehnn You Can still buy it to know more sha...You never can tell,Your one mark difference can come from there..😁

    And congrats to the Winners from Yesterday Sp...Chaaii the hustle no be here o

  16. Hello everyone! Stella remember me in your kingdom. Your girl. Lol

  17. A spontaneous morning to you Stella and BVS.
    Today will be a busy one with so much work work work.
    I love what i do.
    My God is forever faithful.

  18. Good morning all, I had a wonderful night and woke up relaxed. Wishing you God's blessings, wisdom and protection today. Thanks for everyone who wished me happy birthday yesterday,may good things never depart from you all.

  19. What was the Hullabaloo all about on SP and IHN?
    Y'all are downright funny with the hustling

    Let me drop this real quick as e dey hot
    My first attempt at being a video vixen was ineffectual
    My friend hits me up this past Sunday that one upcoming artist saw my picture on her phone and asked that I be part of his music video
    I asked her if I'm gonna dance cause baby girl has got no moves

    She said no dancing that I will just look pretty, serve face and make myself the center of attraction

    I said ba wahala!
    At least people go see me for TV. So I thought

    Should I bring some clothes along? I asked
    She said ChiChi, just come everything would be given to you to use

    In my little head I was like Yaaasss this is how I become famous. My village people were laughing at me in their minds

    So I went there and the guy was so excited to see me, offered me drinks and said I should relax for like 30minutes before they start shooting.

    I was still sitting when one lady brought something.
    My brothers and sisters the thing they brought was bikini, a two piece swimsuit
    In short let me use a language that we are used to, Pant and bra!
    Pant and bra bawo? Ha! This one Kolewerk oh

    I asked them if this is what I will wear underneath the costume that they are bringing?
    The lady said the Pant and bra in my hands is the costume as I would be with the artist in a room scene while he sings on. I was left red faced

    How do I wear Pant and bra in a music video that would prolly be on national tv? Bride price would just reduce oh

    I looked at her sheepishly and said Aunty, I can't oh!
    To cut the story short my people
    Omo, na so I carry my kaya and two left legs Waka dey go house oh

    Shout out to all the video vixens
    Y'all are the illest.

    1. Like seriouslyπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚???
      Them nor serious at all, make them go boil stone.

    2. Heheheheheeheheehe! Ije uwa!

    3. Lol.
      My dear i wonder how all these video vixens do it. It's not as if the dude will wear his pant/boxers and singlet o, he'll be all covered up.

    4. LMAO @ Aunty I can't oh!

      But seriously,that's how some things in life play out. They never always tell you the real deal. The whole deal. LMAO I just remebered "Andy akowasiro lum ife a ofuma"

      Trans:Andy didn't explain all these things well.

      Paul-O of the Famous "Living in Bondage" had joined the occult. He was happy he would be rich but his occultic friend,Andy didn't tell him everything joining the occult entailed: That he had to make human sacrifices.

      My Chi puff-puff!😘
      Always cracking me upπŸ˜‚

    5. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚na so now,no work is easy 😎

    6. Glad you did not go against your moral ethics all in d name of fame dear

    7. Lol, you should wear a bikini while the Artist will be fully clothed abi? Lol, i understand the shyness, me sed no fit....

      Chi, it seem you are realy pretty, can i get a *for your eyes only* picture?

    8. Hahahaha that's why they are video vixens na. ..Na their work πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

      I can imagine your face when you saw the

    9. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ @aunty I can't o.

    10. Chu you no get liver o πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚by now we should be seeing you on national TV. On a serious note,those video vixens are really trying.kudos to you for not trying it.

    11. Lmao, Chi, they are really trying I gave it to them

  20. Good morning world. Cobgrats to the winners.
    I just came to say that the man in the story i shared on IHN yesterday was a scam. He was busted by his former neighbour in Jos that claimed he has never been married. Even the person that offered to take him to Mama Blessing was part of the gang. And I was busy wasting my emotions. SMH

    1. SMH
      Just Imagine.

      And that's how they make people reluctant to help the genuine ones that need help.

    2. Hiannnnnnnnnnnn!
      And I was busy pitying him?

    3. Jesus Christ. ..let me go and collect back my emotions too
      World pipul everywhere

  21. Good morning everyone .. I smell Christmas already...

  22. Chai so all the trolls get bad luck? None won the giveaway.

    Special shout out to the love of my life, and my new bestie I met @ sdk lag forum. I love you babe.

    Missing owerri already

    1. Kikukiki
      Non of them hungry blog irritants won after trolling like their lives depend on the 10k

  23. Good morning lovelies
    Stella thank for bringing back sanity to the blog
    Yesterday was traffic loaded
    Just like 3rd mainland bridge traffic on a friday
    At a point I stopped reading

    Wishing us all a great day
    Happy birthday to me in advance
    Simi blog friend turn sis
    Much love

  24. Stella, pls let's not use money to get comments again. Yesterday's sp and ihn were as boring as anything else.

    Let's just continue to flow the way we flow.

    BTW, I think it's quite somehow that people that didn't use to comment before and now commented because of money got the cash.

    That's why I don't really dig this method. This isn't our blog. This isn't how we do things here

    Came and met over 500 comments in ihn yesterday and I wasn't even tempted to open.

    I am not saying this to wrong anyone oh. I just really liked the way the comment section used to be before yesterday.

    1. Honestly the rowdiness is so disturbing

      *Larry was here*

    2. Gbammest Joy, that's why I love you. Some shameless guy was just everywhere. I have not seen his Id here before. It's like they went and invited all their friends to come and shade market here yesterday becos of giveaway

    3. Boring and so childish!, especially IHN

    4. I didn't even bother to open. Saw 500 and something comments, I ya stepped back

  25. Yea very boring, didn't open ihn yesterday coz of it.

    Good morning everybody.

  26. Congratulations to yesterday winners, am so happy for you

    If you are yet to go for service but will be registering soon but have no idea of the state you would like to go then perhaps this could help..... In addition to the Federal Government NYSC Allowance, State of deployment do pay NYSC Corps Members serving there and the amount varies per State. Below is the list of State paying with the amount:
    Abia State Pays N5,000
    Adamawa Pays N0
    Akwa Ibom State Pays N5,000
    Anambra Pays N8500
    Bauchi State Pays N0
    Bayelsa State Pays N3,000
    Benue Pays N0
    Borno State Pays N1,000
    Cross River State Pays N0
    Delta States Pays N5,000
    Ebonyi Pays N5,000
    Edo Pays N0
    Ekiti State Pays N0
    Enugu State Pays N895 to those in Urban Area, N4,000 to those in Rural Area.
    Fct (Abuja) Pays N0
    Gombe Pays N0
    Imo State Pays N0
    Jigawa State Pays N5,000
    Kaduna State Pays N3,000
    Kano State Pays N0
    Katsina Pays N0
    Kebbi Pays N0
    Kogi Pays N1,000
    Kwara Pays N0
    Lagos State Pays N15,000
    Nassarawa State Pays N5,000
    Niger State Pays N0
    Ogun State Pays N0
    Ondo Pays N0
    Osun State Pays N0
    Oyo State Pays N4,500
    Plateau Pays N0
    Rivers Pays N0
    Sokoto State pays N5,000
    Taraba State Pays N0
    Yobe State Pays N2,500
    Zamfara State Pays N3,000
    Note: The amount listed above are the general payment or least amount an NYSC Corps Member receives in a Month. Medical Doctors earns as much as N150,000 per Month depending on the State in addition to the Federal Allowance of N19,800.

    1. Lagos state issa wow. Isaac any idea when batch B will leave for camp?

    2. Are you kidding me? You mean with what Bayelsa collects as allocation, they can only pay #3,000? Very bad and shame on them

      Cross-river, Edo, Ondo were not even paying anything despite being Niger/Delta States, shame on them.

      Lagos is just a role model and will continue to lead others

      *Larry was here*

    3. That Lagos own is not entirely true, dey pay only d ist 300 posted to ministry 10k n outta dat 300,a few ppl posted to public school only get its not for everyone.

    4. Chineke and I was busy saying no to Lagos because of the High stress level and all that...
      I like quiet and peaceful environment where you can make cool cash..
      Lagos has been stressful to the extent you will end up spending the whole awoof on transportation...

      I prefer Ogun State (Did I just see 0 naira? )to Lagos sef
      Oh lawd

    5. Okay thanks for pointing that out first lady... We appreciate it

      Anon I heard the online registeration for batch b will start by October 10th of will leave for camp on the 15th of November.... Though not verified yet thowhile they

  27. This thing pain me ooo ooo����������������

    See my name for 99th... Argggghhhgg..

    Lolz...���������������� congrat to d winners..

    Beloved howfar������
    Don't worry. Next time we go win am

    1. Ola, make you double your hustle
      You were so close to winning.

    2. My guy I really wanted you to win ooooo.... Better luck next time

    3. Hahahahahahahaha

      That kain thing can pain eh. So close yet no win. But not to worry,there wil always be a next time but pls you guys should make it fun for those reading as well. By making the comments "blog-worthy" and "blog-readable" Okay?

    4. Hahahaha lol you get energy I swear

  28. Thank God there is no carrot, yesterday's comments were so boring and childish.

    Stella you can get the exact numbers even with the reply method by using the desktop format😎

    1. Lady bug,how you dey,I didn't even bother reading those comments,it was headache inducing πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. I bet the comments won't reach 200 today

    3. Over 500 comments,yet most if not all were useless comments without head or tail, mtsheeeeew

    4. That was a great mistake Stella made yesterday,the rowdiness was just chaotic.

  29. Thank God it's Wednesday!okay let me go back and read...How was ur nite?hehehe,up eyes...

  30. Good morning everyone..
    I want to start peanut and chinchin business hopefully next week. Let me start around my neighbourhood first. Oluwa bless my hustle.. #Lifeofanigerianatudent#ASSU strike if u like kwantinue#

  31. Congratz 2 all the Winners.
    Big ups@ Stellz

  32. And Beloved was just so close to all the comments! E go pain me well well o

    1. Azzin πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜Ž

    2. Hahahaha I was just laughing at my luck last night sha Na game of Luck sha πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  33. Good morning people, y'all should have a good day

    Arrrrgh, Olawealth tried yesterday o buh still didn't win
    And the guy that saw Stella in his dream won? LMAO
    **kisses to y'all**

  34. Good morning gbogbo Ile.We shall experience supernatural breakthrough in all our endeavors today in Jesus name Amen.

  35. Congratulations to winners and God bless you Stella for this initiative.

    Let me rant here.How can a 2 weeks weeding and traditional marriage be cancelled because of pressure from the family of the groom,because of the said bride is an OSU?

    In this 21ist century people are doing nonsense traditional belief.

    To think this guy had dated her for long.Why didn't you break up with her then? This Lady dey threaten suicide. I'm just speechless!

    Africans and their nonsense belief! Shaking my head!

    1. 'weeding' bawo? But let's come of this, why are you close to people who love ending their marriages because of flimsy excuse?

      *Larry was here*

    2. I read this because I know say anyhow you write am you go gbagaun πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‹

    3. Hehehehe
      Y'all should leave Sexy daddy and let him be great
      His gbagauns are always a delight to read.

    4. Ikwakwakwakwakwa
      Lady bug you no well at all. Sexy daddy, come and be paying me to be editing your comments for you before posting. You forward them to me, I edit for you and then send them back to you for publishing. Any gbagaun word that I don't understand, I will ask you to type it in Igbo and send to me since we both understand Igbo.


  36. Kidjo my are you? Love you so much

  37. Bonjour house,
    Stella please repeat, rewind the RHI (Rumour has it) of yesterday. The decoding was not water tight, so many clues, codes on the announcement which left many confused. Some just typed Genny Genny all over the place. There were no explanations, break down line by line of the codes. Or abi, you intentionally made it difficult.

    Free me, decoding on these script interpreters is more than me.

  38. Congrats to the winnerS. Beloved you nearly won

  39. Yo!!!!As I no win the giveaway now my body dey do me anyhow.

  40. Lol
    Abeg I no fit laugh. The struggle is real.

    Una Good Morning!

  41. Good morning world.
    monday I witnessed racism so unbridled that it fundamentally altered my perspective of the country I don't want to dignify by mentioning the name here , watch out for my story here when I'm less busy . Chriiist!. How are you?

  42. Good morning everyone. Beautiful day ahead.
    Congrats to the winners too.
    Thanks Stelz.

  43. So yesterday all the Anonymous saying that they have been on this blog since 1990 but don't care about blog ID, yesterday all of them appeared with their IDs. No problem, make una continue to dey deceive una self.

    Ola Moneyyyy, Beloved make una come make we have get together hug since after all the hustling 100th, 200th and 229th position we no get. Even the 400th position we wanted so much no even exist ... Lol πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    Let us use this Bible verse and console ourselves. It says "we shall be the first and not the last" Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚Chike and the river 😎

    2. Yesterday was Funny I swear...i couldn't even read anything, I was busy laughing

  44. Please bvs I need advice,I recently got married and moved in to Lagos but I can't be sitting home all day so I decided to apply for this royal masters secondary school at alausa ikeji and one other school,tho this royal masters sec sch is much closer to me but my church member told me the school changes teachers all the time and it's not a good school to work. Please my fellow bvs I need your people's idea on anyone who knows much about the school to tell me how true is that,so I would know whether to go for the other school.thanks

  45. Hi @Adadioranma πŸ’
    Hi @oluwadarasimi πŸ’žπŸ’“
    Hi @eka joy
    Saw your S/Os on IHN yesterday. I dey oooh....

    @Bee10 I saw your comment. Unfortunately this is as far as I can go for now. Hopefully I'd go to Kano some day πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹Abuja ti takeover ASAP. So excited. Muffins hangout tonight πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒFluffy cheeks to rub. No sleep for the excited πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #roadtriploading

    I hail una oh for this side πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ #beyoncehands Almost all una men na ashawo for eye. Jesu!! In Lagos if you like be like sunshine and lightning, nobody too send you. Ok, even if they send they pretend not to. This one... I fear oh! How many winks in one meeting? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I'm thinking of relocating. If i apply this my Lagos sense here, i will be collecting contracts every month πŸ’ Some hijabs and long skirts would be the order of the day though πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Una doh oh! Migwo. Mesiere. Onyima. All na greeting.....
    Congrats to the lucky winners. @Ola wealth how far? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I truly thought you would get one of these.

    Chike duuuuurling.... before 12 noon I promise😘😘😘😘

    1. Yaaaaas, this is so cool....

      Keep touring babygeh😁😁😁😁😁

    2. OK my ugegbe. I believe you. 😘😘😘😘

  46. Another thing.!!

    Is it true that a senator receives #30million a month as salary???

    Hardship AllowanceπŸ˜•πŸ˜•
    Wardrobe AllowanceπŸ˜•πŸ˜•
    Please remind me the rest ooo..

    #30 million. Jeezzz. Arrggghhhh...
    #30milla. WTF!!!

    One person #30million in a month..
    Just to sit down n drink tea with bread!

    And nobody is doing anything.. Oga oo oooo oooo oooo ooo..

    Ehh.. And we have like how many of them there? This is ridiculous, outrageous and melancholic..

  47. Another thing.!!

    Is it true that a senator receives #30million a month as salary???

    Hardship AllowanceπŸ˜•πŸ˜•
    Wardrobe AllowanceπŸ˜•πŸ˜•
    Please remind me the rest ooo..

    #30 million. Jeezzz. Arrggghhhh...
    #30milla. WTF!!!

    One person #30million in a month..
    Just to sit down n drink tea with bread!

    And nobody is doing anything.. Oga oo oooo oooo oooo ooo..

    Ehh.. And we have like how many of them there? This is ridiculous, outrageous and melancholic..

  48. Hahahaha congrats to the winners. Good morning great people.

    Watching dangerous affairs. Good to be in the office.

    May God provides for all. It is not funny at all with what people are passing. Just know that God loves you all and will surely provide.

    Let me take my tea jare

    1. Hi Loveme jeje
      I tell some of my friends too about that thing, dem self don borrow themselves brain and do the right thing. Who facebook group epp?

  49. Most of the comments were boring on sp, same with IHN I didn't bother to read. shout out to all the winners....

  50. Good morning guys, is itching normal in third trimester?

  51. Ha!!!! Yesterday was litty Lit!!!! I laugh tire when I came on the blog, on SP, Anons were not much, meaning most anons have ID yeah?? 😁😁😁😁😁

    Then on IHN, Lmaoooooooo, OMG!!!!

    I'm sad that I didn't participate oooh but oh well, there's always a next time yeah?? Quickie, you cracked me up yesterday, Ola, Chike, Beloved, how market?? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Stella, this initiative is sooooo cool biko.....

    Congrats to the Winners..... God bless everyone!

    *crawls back to my hole*
    *Crawls out back*

    Chikito, You're A BLESSING........

    Where's my swaggie???

    EKA JOY, I saw what you did yesterday, that's so Mature, I like 😘😘😘

    *Crawls back in*

    1. Is that why ya shouting my name

    2. Lol
      Cookie no show show. The Bible made us to understand that we shall be the 1st and not 400th... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. *Logs out of My Cookie πŸ†”

      *Logs in to my Beloved πŸ†”

      Yeye geh....My market no sell at all πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  52. I actually enjoyed the comments on SP and IHN.I read it all.What I found really cool was how happy and excited everyone was.There were no sob stories,no rants,no insults and curses.Claws were clipped,fangs hidden and tigers became pussycats.What a miracle!BVs were genuinely happy to compete.I thought I would find it boring too but it was fun.Pipi Lee and Quiksilver were doing cartwheels in SP.Someone even came out of the closet.Wow!

    So Stella,don't knock the idea.You brought a bit of good-natured fun to your BVs.Kudos!

    Good morning my neighbours!
    I have a seminar starting today by 10am.

    1. LMAO @ Tigers became pussiesπŸ˜‚

      Are u fully awake now? Or you are really awake pretending to be asleep right nowπŸ˜‚

  53. Good morning everyone.
    God is good

    Enjoy your day.

  54. Issa cold morning.. Shout out to all bvs..
    Birthday is two days away..

  55. This post was on yesterdays IHN and after reading this I couldn't stop laughing.. Like seriously.. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ @daughters of Lucifer... You people will not kill someone here Abeg..

    Anonymous12 September 2017 at 14:15

    And I won't stop until I seduce my gym instructor.guy is cute for days.i have invited him to my house to give me a body massage,I can feel his lips inbtw my legs already.will make sure i cum in his mouth.then resume gym on a bad gal like that



    Anonymous12 September 2017 at 14:24

    Is your gym in ekololu in surulere, please don't seduce him I beg you. He is my cousin trying to survive. Yea he is very cute but forget that beards he is just 21. He told me about a babe that comes to gym that is all over him for the past 2weeks now. Abeg leave him alone yea daughters of Lucifer

    Good morning all...

  56. Another beautiful day. Thank You my sweet Jesus

  57. Good morning everyone. So there is no winner for the ihn? See me crying yesterday because I did not see light to charge my phone till night when my neighbour put on his generator.
    Maybe we should just be ourselves like we used to be. Congrats to the SP winners.

    1. Cutiebee you always cry. Your own matter no be here.

  58. Hehehe comment won't reach 200 today because no freebies. Unfortunately I couldn't comment yesterday because of network ish, but am sure 98% of BV's will want shook. Lol. God bless you Stella,everyone seems to need a little more cash

  59. Good morning everyone, thank God for today, yesterday traffic was something else shaiii, may our day be fruitful

  60. Good morning everyone, congrats to the winners.

    Miss Aboki I see your a very kindhearted person but you need to be careful so you don't bring trouble to your self cos of kindness ooo.
    For me I am no longer moved by any pathetic stories whatsoever,cos I have been duped and robbed in my act of showing kindness .
    I simply put my alms in the alms box at the entrance of the church.

    Its a few hours to my birthday and I'm excited about the gifts I have already received cos they are things I really needed. Warming up for more gifts
    God bless my mother so much...#Iloveyoumama

  61. Congratulations to the winners

  62. Good morning all,I am a lady in are late twenties.
    I need a word of prayer from my families in this blog,I noticed from my teen age how people refer to my face,why are you always frowning or they say why is your face like this?this is nothing compare to what men that have manage to approach me say.
    I have never bin in a serious relationship, I am never taken serious.
    I have been begging God to reveal to me what the problem is,after so many years, I finally had a dream this week.
    I was in the dream dressing up about to go out,so I picked up the mirror to make up,only for me to look into the mirror and saw a different face,a terrible and scary face then I woke up.
    I have started off midnight prayers,I believe God reveal this cause is time to set me free from the hand of the wicked.
    All I need from you all is a word of prayer.
    Godbless you

  63. Juarez, a city in Mexico has the highest murder rate in the world with 1460 murders per million inhabitants per year. This means it has a reported 1,900 murders a year or an average of just over 5 a day.

  64. Congratulations to the winners.. Good morning Stella

  65. I knew there would be irrelevant comments due to the giveaways

  66. A BLOG WITHOUT SEX that a blog?

    Mister I love you and all your are a classic and you make my should see my face when i read your give me Joy.dont mind those cussing you out oh.....
    Your type is rare....Kisses to sexy mummy and sexy son.

  67. Please bvs why do people promise and fail ?
    I don't know why I am always disappointed... Lord please deliver me from every bondage of disappointment Amen....

  68. no i will not use the desktop format.....those who posted replies will be counted before those who posted stand alone..i have checked both and think it is fair to use mobile version to count....sorry about that..let me explain further...the first comment has 20 replies but the next stand alone posted before them will be counted as 21 instead of 2

  69. Just observing yesterday's comment.
    It was lit.

    The real was hustle.
    God bless you @ Stella.

    Good morning dearlies

  70. When there's a casting down for others, for me and mine there will be a lifting up. The way I am holding to God ehnnnn! He would almost be tired with my matter now. Hehehehehehe....


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