I am a Nigerian woman,married to an amazing man and I have been trying to conceive for 4years running. So far,I have done a couple tests,2 IUI's 1 IVF and I will like to share my TTC experience with other women on this journey with the hope that you are encouraged and we draw strength from each other.
To every TTC woman reading this,the first thing I will like to say is this- STOP BLAMING YOURSELF & DO THOSE TESTS.
After 12 long months of marriage without a missed period and alot of 'your stomach is still flat' 'should we take you to the vulcanizer' comments, I burdened myself with thoughts on WHAT IF's???
- What If it's my fault?
- What If I had too much alcohol?
- What If it's because I didn't marry as a virgin and GOD is angry with Me?
- What If this/that?
I worried soo much I almost slipped into depression. I got to a point where I realised that thinking will get me no where,I needed to get off my tear soaked pillow and face my fears by taking the necessary tests required so I know my stand medically.
The first test recommended by the doctor is called HSG- This is done to check for blocked tubes or fibroid as the case may be. If you have been advised to take this test,there is really nothing to worry about or be afraid of, but I must be honest with you ' It hurts like crazy' so BRACE YOURSELF
I remember screaming in mad pains during the procedure and the nurse who held my hand was screaming as well because I squeezed it soo hard she yanked it off and went to stand a few steps away from me. After I was done and ready to go home,the(I can't remember what they are called now,but the person who performed the procedure) said and I quote 'Kindly smile and walk uprightly when you get to the reception,because the women seated are also here for the same procedure' .
At the reception,I smiled so wide and beautifully(I heard one of the women wisper to the other - I don't think she is the one that screamed) I laughed at that point because clearly they heard me scream and were worried,So I held their gaze and smiled even wider. In my mind I thought- you better brace yourselves........
The results came out and I was relived as it showed that my tubes weren't blocked and I didn't have fibroid.
The second thing I did after that is called TUBAL FLUSHING(this wasn't necessary for Me,especially since my tubes weren't blocked)but I wanted to conceive soo bad that I was willing to try all options available to me medically.
At this point,my doctor at the time(changed hospital later on),recommended that my husband also run some tests(this way,he can work accurately with our complete medical history and not just mine).
TUBAL FLUSHING is not as painful as HSG,but I was sedated during the procedure so that went well.
After the TF,I was placed on Clomid while running a follicular assey(I think that's what it's called) medical terms are sometimes too long to remember. This basically is to monitor the eggs(follicule) and ovulation so we can predict the best time to BABYDANCE.
My husband was placed on some medication and I started taking folic acid daily.
Unfortunately,all this did not work so I decided to let my body rest from all of the medical tour.
Getting tested and going through all of the various medical procedures gave me a clearer view on fertility,sometimes it's nobody's fault and cause for infertility is unexplained. During the various tests and procedures,you meet women who married as a virgin and are TTC,some got pregnant after HSG,some after a round of CLOMID,some just by taking FOLIC ACID,some just by changing their diet or eating habits.
This showed me that no two infertility cases are the same,and most times it's not a case of what you have or haven't done in the past. I know women who back in UNI had abortions but are married now with kids of their own.
BLAMING YOURSELF will only cause headaches,heartache, physical and emotional exhaustion.
TTC can physically and emotionally drain one soo much to the point that it becomes the only bane of one's existence. We must remember to live knowing that there is alot we can achieve while waiting and trying to conceive.
Next time,I will be sharing on how I 'GREW A THICK SKIN' and making a conscious effort to 'LIVE LIFE' and my first IUI procedure and result.
Exodus 23:26
Amen to all in the waiting room
ReplyDeleteIt is well with you all. My prayers and love are with you.
ReplyDeleteNo be beans not to have ur biological child....
U wake up some days and want to cry ur balls out!
HSG is no more painful if u go for the painless...though a little bit higher than d norm (35k)...
U shall all carry to full term when u eventually get pregnant in Jesus name(Amen)
Sometimes the problem might be spiritual.
ReplyDeleteOne have to go spiritual too,ask God for mercy and deal with the evil/spirit husband that does not want you to be fruitful, after doing all the medical treatment OR
How do you explained failed IVF ,IUI etc
Its not by power or strength
Thank GOd for your story. It is good when you are TTC and you have money to do all manner of test you are asked to do. Imagine you are TTc and no money as well to do any test.you will be frustrated.God will not put us nor our enemy in such situation.
I love your faith sis. To all women TTC, I know and believe God will put an everlasting smile on your lips soonest. It is well.
DeleteThis is really informative....thank you....God bless you with your heart desires and more.
Thanks alot, i learnt alot
ReplyDeleteThanks poster. I feel better, much better.
ReplyDeleteIm sure this has inspired and encouraged someone. Im proud of you poster. I can imagine the, have you giving birth? what is happening now? you are still doing sisi up and down?......... and other unnecessary questions. Nothing hurts as much as blaming yourself. Well, God's time is perfect. His plan for us is good. May God keep giving us reasons to smile and may he grant the wishes of all trying to conceive.
ReplyDeleteShould have posted what I did on sp here. It is well. God is working on me. Soon, Very Soon!!!
ReplyDeleteThis made me remember my first pregnancy,conceived on my wedding day(lol)but still-birthed@24weeks,the 2 RED-FLAGS I had after the still-birth was with cries and cries till I took-in at the 3rd month,I can't imagine what you guys are feeling but I pray for you today that every desires of your hearts be met,don't mean to sound cliche but please PRAY at ALL times,your joy is here!!
ReplyDeleteU r just blessed. Pls always appreciate God. Am happy for u. U took in 3month after, that can only b God
DeleteEvery time I see TTC, it scares me. The what ifs flood my mind. God please do not let me wait after marriage.
ReplyDeleteAmen 🙏 you will not wait
DeleteThank you for this piece.
ReplyDelete@ Stella, Kindly include the link to the ttc prayer in the next parts so that people can read and pray also. Thank you.
God please answer our prayers
ReplyDeleteHmmm! where do I start? I have been TTC for 2years, I've lost my husband cos now 2 ladies are pregnant for him. So I guess it was my fault all along. I had a Myomectomy by August last year so I had to repeat HSG as no conception yet and a lady was claiming pregnant for my husband and so he asked me to move out. Results showed that I have tubal blockage due to the largeness of the Fibroid I guess healing after surgery. Now another woman number two is also pregnant for him also. Hmmmm it's hard but in all I give God thanks cos I know it's not over until it's over. I don't know how it's going to happen cos I am turning 32 this year and I am now single not by choice but I know God will settle me. Thanks for sharing your experience. Please if you are a wife who is TTC and have a supportive husband beside u, please thank God and treat him like ur king cos for some others like me we were not so lucky.
ReplyDeleteGod is ur strength my sister. Abi ooo seeing a man that stand by u is another thing. Some men are so wicked. Even when u give then baby, they will still do what they are meant to do just being wicked.
DeleteIt will surely end in praise.
ReplyDeleteI can relate with this story, i was TTC for 3 years 10 months. I did HSG thrice, follicular tracking, several pelvic and trans-vaginal scans, Myomectomy for removal of fibroids. I had bilateral tubal blockage, adhesions on the tubes and hydrosalphinx...chai only me!!!
ReplyDeleteBut I didn't let all these deter me, i held on to my God and asked him to lead me and make a way...We decided to try IVF and to God be the glory it was SUCCESSFUL after the first attempt...hmmmnnn... this God o. Now I'm pregnant and the journey has to been smooth all thanks to God and i trust God totally for perfection of what he has started.
My encouragement to all those waiting, don't loose hope, keep living your normal life, stop stressing about it. God who did mine will surely do it for you all Amen.
Ttc sometimes make me blame myself for keeping myself. I kept myself and had d notion that i will get pregnant immediately i have sex, i am married and having sex now but yet am believing. I pray i receive a miracle this month. Chai, it pains me and i begin to question why didnt i have sex, i kept myself to the extent that after my traditional wedding in 2015, i didnt have sex ooo, until church wedding which was after 1year before i started having sex. God pls look down and reward me this September 2017. I know God is a Bv reader because he answers prayers. Sometimes i feel very depressed, unhappy and all. Another thing that keeps me going is this quote "what u ve is someone else pratet request" i thank God for what i have but i wany moree to the glory of his name
ReplyDeleteThank you so much sister for this beautiful write up, you have given me more strength. I cried yesterday like I was going to end my life, I was mad with my self when I saw a drop of blood that morning. I was thinking of taking my life cos I have already told myself am pregnant already. May God bless you and give us all the strength to stand strong.