Stella Dimoko Thursday Spontaneous



Thursday, September 14, 2017

Thursday Spontaneous

#thursdayshowsfridayisalmosthere #boyfriendsalreadyinschool #awesomethursdaydespitethecramps #weatherfortwobelleforone #lol #rumourhasitthatyoumissme #myboorocks #ttcisnobodysportion

I salute you all with so much love.......Who else wakes up by 5am?

The 100th winner from Wednesday's comment section giveaway has not contacted me so I am moving to give the 10k to the next sensible comment after it and Blog visitor Beloved is now the owner of the 10k for her comment stand alone comment made at 11.14 am. 

The other two people have contacted me with their account details.

The 50k i wanted to give away will now be given to someone who has a business plan that covers this money.
Please nobody should send me mail until i can figure out how to select someone.
Please no bombarding of mails.Giveaway will be given to anyone who can proof that they have been on this blog for more than three months with a valid blog ID and comments to prove.....I guess that is fair enough.

Please where Lolo Ideato?She or he has been Missing in action and someone actually sent me a mail to post and find out if she or he is Ok.......Please Ideato comment to let your fans know you are OK.

Galore hope you are Ok?I have not seen you comment as yourself or as,Missing you.

If you have the contact of anyone that has not been commenting,please contact them to find out if they are OK,i cannot remember them all.
Where is Villager?So James finally changed ID's and nobody knows which one it is?

Angel Beautiful I dey see your handwork for Instagram oooh..OMG!

Martins Aboy good luck to you as you write your final (?) exams...MAY YOU COME OUT IN FLYING COLOURS..good luck to everyone else writing their exams this period.

WET Kisses to everyone!

Support the Hustle...........


  1. Good morning fam.

    Did you know anger is a bad thing? Someone made me angry yesterday, I was so angry that I refused to take dinner, I've been up since 3am, why will I be punishing myself because of someone's mistake? Well, I've decided never to be this angry again. The funniest thing is, I hardly get angry, but when I does, it will just change my mood, won't say anything but will be burning inside.

    Anger is a bad thing, please let's do away with it. May we all have a fulfilled day

    *Larry was here*

    1. When you does kwa?

    2. Lol.

      Ever since I discovered that i wake with headache when I sleep angry. I have learnt to stop.

      No wonder the bible says do not let the sun go down and still be angry.

    3. You tried,because someone got me angry then I will have to punish myself by not taking anything.anyway it's a good thing you are doing fine now.

    4. That is why it's good to let it out immediately, don't pile up your anger at heart 😎

      Starry the Larry 😘

  2. A Pastor finished the service one morning by saying, 'Next Sunday, I am going to preach on the subject of liars. As a preparation for my sermon,I would like you all to read Mark Chapter 17.'

    On the following Sunday,the Pastor rose to begin.Looking out at the congregation he said, 'Last week I asked you all to read Mark Chapter 17. If you have read the chapter,please raise your hand.'Nearly every hand in the congregation went up.

    Smiling, the pastor said, 'You are the very people I want to talk to today.. the liars .....Mark has only 16 chapters!


    I inspire Diddy! And Missy! Missy Elliot!

    Good morning Lovelies!😘

    1. Lol..they should have at least tried to catch a glimpse of the chapter before raising hands.

      Goodmorning beautiful.

    2. Coming through like ⛷πŸ„πŸ‡⛷πŸ„πŸ‡πŸπŸπŸ
      I'm not regular, I'm papping up and I'm papping up hard. Go tell Danald Trompu.

    3. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      Good morning TG mama yo!

    4. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚, unrepentant liars😎

    5. Wow...I love the Pastor AlreadyπŸ‘
      #Whitelies innit πŸ€”

      The General Wifey!!! I inspire πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ˜...wait o Your hugs are becoming scarce nowadays πŸ’‹

    6. Hehehehehe
      See falling hand.

    7. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

      Ijele dike
      gaa gaa na ogwu
      Odi mfe anyi alu
      Okwulu oka

      Amam na imaro na onya pastor? Lol
      Maka na idighi regular mana ina inspire gwo gwo

    8. Exotic bebe...πŸ‘™πŸ‘™πŸ‘™πŸ‘™πŸ‘™
      pose for a portrait sweety.

    9. 😁😁😁, morning TGW

  3. I pray for you this morning, may God remember you as He remembered Zion. May He surprise you with His Grace, and cause you to dance like David danced. God shall be there for you at every point of your need. The blessings of God shall not pass you by. His glory shall surely manifest in your life. May those who stand on your progress stumble and fall yakata, and may all the curses from your enemies be turned into blessing, who God hv blessed no man can curse! Those who hate you will have no choice but to rejoice with you. From this day onward, Favour is your new name in Jesus Mighty name. Good morning and have a blessed day.

    Just Krix!

  4. Good morning Beautiful People...I dreamt about something good last night...Can it come to pass please?@Dreamcatcher

    Ehn to all the Unizik Aspirants...I brought good news
    This is to announce that the Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka has shifted the date for the post utme.

    And Registration is expected to continue beyond the closing. New date for the screening test will be communicated later.

    So come and get your past questions at a cheaper rate from me...

    1. have come ooooo.

    2. Congrats Beloved.

      Mana iga abia settle umunna.
      Ima nu, mu na Ola

    3. Yes o @BipolarMe,The hustle continues,Victoria acerta πŸ’–

      Pipi Yoooo ❤
      I bind and cast any jealous eyes,πŸ˜ƒ

  5. If you didn't go to atleast three different classrooms to look for duster when you were in primary school. Forget am, you nor school for Niger

    1. I like "vassata" people like you. #weldone

    2. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. Niger state? I schooled in Nigeria and never had to look for duster in other classes, when there were leaves and grasses everywhere? My school made us all sew dusters, so each class didn't ever lack dusters

    4. And chalk...then hiding your duster from other classesπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  6. Good morning all...

    How can somebody get pregnant, then go through that difficult 9months journey, go through labour pains and then dump the baby in the bush?? God, people are heartless.

    So heartbroken this morning. 😒😒😒

    1. Help me ask them o... Not even in the Motherless babies home

    2. It baffles me honestly. Even people have have registered to give the baby up for adoption find it difficult to do so when they first see the baby...

  7. Good morning SDK world. I missed all activities on this blog yesterday due to no fault of mine. Hope I'll be able to catch up on gists today.

  8. Morning Bv's did not catch any sleep.
    Sometime in June,i came back home from school for the weekend.I stepped out later in the evening and i saw my guy KOB and we greeted each other briefly cos he was heading somewhere so we decided to meet when he got back.I did not hear from him that night so i figured we'll see the next day.In the morning i came out and people were gathered.What happened "KOB was knocked down the night before and he died on the spot".
    OG we really miss you.Its like you are still here with us.David still sees you anytime he looks across to your house.Fanny cried her eyes out for days.We all remember you everyday from Somboy to Udeme,Emeka,Banana,Bebe,Cartoon,Khalifa every single one of your guys.We love you bro and we pray you continue to rest well.RIP KOB.

  9. Good morning to us all. Wishing us a blessed Thursday ahead.

  10. I'm just tired this morning πŸ˜”

    1. So you won't "bug" people?

      Beht why?

      Take care of yourself o

    2. Why won't you. When you don't sleep at night.. #bug. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. The bugger herself,tired you not,snap out of it😘

  11. Ekaro gbogbo ile


    Thank you Lors Jesus for favour unlimited 😭😭😭😭

  12. Jesus Christ πŸ™

    So finally my hustle paid off oooo πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ
    #Nwachinaemelu kam bu true true

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      and the hustle must pay.

    2. Lolol. Congrats. Hope your name isn't "Goodluck" like our former president

    3. Of cause it sure paid you😁😁😁

    4. And I bind and cast all the Anty Uche Onise's πŸ€“

  13. Boom zahramay!!!
    Three wishes for everyone.

  14. Mercy opened the eyes of Bartimaeus
    Mercy opened the womb of Hannah
    Mercy parted the red sea for the Israelites.
    Therefore, I decree this early morning that Mercy will open every doors shut against your Greatness, you shall be celebrated in Jesus mighty name. Amen
    Good morning!!!
    My birthday in few days
    All I have to say is thank you lord

  15. First to comment? Today is going to be the best day of my life..

  16. It's a beautiful morning

    There's heavy police checking of vehicle paeticulars today in Edo state .

    If ur vehicle paeticulars or licence isn't up to date, pls leave ur vehicle at home bcx apart frm d fine to be paid, I hear there's prison term too.

    @martinsAboy, congrats on ur finals darling

    1. Most vehicle owners in Benin don't have vehicle particulars. Last year I got into Benin and this same exercise was on. Everywhere was so peaceful, few cars on the road.

    2. Because my paper isn't complete, I will go to prison, when I didn't steal car? Their dad

    3. I heard you should also walk around with ID card too.

  17. It's embarrassing that I'm doing this. I can categorically say that I have never detested anyone on this, blog both my fans (lol) and even the people I have had issues with.

    But there's this particular idiot (Jesus, his idiocy is on another level) that I have come to detest. His comments fill me with so much anger that I want to wring his neck off his shoulder.

    He's anti-igbo, anti-compassion, anti-sense, anti-smart, in fact he's anti-anything moral.

    Christ!!! I can't deal abeg.

    1. You have a beautiful heart, please don't detest anyone.

      You are rare.

      How do I know, both of us disagreed with one another partly because I didn't really understand you and you didn't understand me too. Now, to know you is to love you.

      No matter how we disagree in future , know ye that I appreciate you Eka. Please don't ever detest anyone. No one is worth it. Call them out and move on.


    2. Eka Joy please it's too early to laugh.Don't wring his neck off cos his family likes him like that.πŸ˜πŸ˜€.

    3. Name the person now and free your mind😎

    4. It's the same way I completely detest you.

      And I've detested you since 2015.

      Your picture made me crow with
      delight, reminded me of flies on food.

      It's the law of Karma.
      The way you detest others,is the same way others hate you.
      What you sow you reap.

      Deal with it.

      *And no,idiot, I'm not the person in question.

    5. Hian @joy who dey vex u like dis na?
      Pls take it easy babe.

    6. @anon 9.48 OK. Xoxo mystery, love u right back. But mba, I can't help but detest this particular person


    ● ​​Moses would say, "Lord, if You don't go with us or before us, we are not going anywhere."​​

    ● ​​Abraham would say, "The Lord will provide."​​

    ● ​​Jacob would say, "I won't let go of You unless You bless me."​​

    ● ​​Joshua would say, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."​​

    ● ​​Samuel would say, "Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening."​​

    ● ​​Nehemiah would say, "The joy of the Lord is my strength."​​

    ● ​​David would say, "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want."​​ ​_and "This is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it."​_

    ● ​​Solomon would say, "Trust in the Lord, oh my soul, and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path."​​

    ● ​​Isaiah would say, "Arise and shine for my Glory has come." and "No weapon formed against me shall prosper."​​

    ● ​​Jeremiah would say, "The Lord has plans to prosper me and not to harm or fail me."​​

    ● ​​Jabez would say, "Oh, that you may bless me and enlarge my territory."​​

    ● ​​Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego would say, "We will not bow down to any image but will serve the Lord."​​

    ● ​​Ezekiel would say, "Any dry bones in my life, live again."​​

    ​Choose your daily statement of faith. Meditate on it! Speak it every morning.

    Good morning, may ur day be bless in Jesus Mighty Name. AMENπŸ™

  19. Sunny Thursday good morning y'all i am at work about to devour my fried Irish potato and stew with cowbell chocolate tea.
    Buggy how are you
    Beloved congrats
    Miss priya how are you
    Sexy daddy, Chike
    I love you all

  20. And it's SP.. Thank God for life.. May our day be filled with laughter and good news.. Amen

  21. Replies
    1. You are not "vessatta".

      You need to be "vessatta".

      Or don't you want to be 'firmous'

      To be 'Goat' na yam????

    2. A very boring human being with no sense of humour whatsoever

  22. Yinmu, Stella that I know will always find a way to give her people, mtsheeeeew

    1. if i hear pim!

    2. Hahahaha they have lost their πŸ†” again πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      It's my turn to laugh

  23. Morning y'all
    So yesterday i had this weird craving for 'boli and groundnut'.
    This morning it is pear and no its nt what you're thinking

    **kisses** #bye

    1. Lol what are we thinking

    2. And what do you think I'm thinking.....that you're are a glutton?😎

  24. Good Thursday beeveeleonsπŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

    Story story.. Stoooooory.

    I remember when I never had any experience in driving. I learnt how to drive using my eyes whenever I'm in a taxi, bus, or when dad is driving...

    Well one good day, my dad traveled, left his car behindπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    As the only stubborn boy, i took his cars, told my sister to stand n watch me drive..😝😝😝😝

    Awa National Union of transport Road DriversπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Naso I enter car ooo, put car for reverse, put hand for back, reverse small.. Vuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmm..πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

    After put in Gear 1, na so I go press the turtle ooo. Vhuuummmmmm.. Car go hit wall.. Gbammmmmmm

    My sister just enter house.😝😝

    I came down. My hands on my head.πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†.. Yehhjh.. Mogbe oo oooo. Temi ti bami.... 😭😭😭😭😭😭

    I entered back, parked it very well, came down, checked the front bumper.. Oti fo patapata.. The pointer Don break.

    Well I went inside to look for cellotape, I packed all the pieces together, used cellotape to "cellotape" itπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

    My dad came back the next day, next thing e went to his car, I was shivering on the dining table.. I Don already Crame wetin I go talk.

    He entered the sitting room,
    "Jide (talo wa motor mi) who drove my car"
    Talo fo bumper motor mi

    The lieπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Daddy I was chasing goats, they entered into the compound, so I carried a shovel to pursue them, so they pass beside the car, then I don't know how the shovel hit the bumper.. Case closedπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Didn't know if he believed or not. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. I stay in Akure, I would like to meet you.

      Are you free this Sunday?

      I have a blog ID though but I won't let you know till I am comfortable with you.

    2. I thought you were a lady

    3. πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

    4. @Teddy,he only comment as one😎

    5. Meet him for what?

      Who are you???

      'Afi comfortable with you ' ID passport to Heaven. Loll.

      Raise yourself from the depths of desperation, hunger and thirst doesn't look good on you hun.

  25. Good morning beeves,

    Stella, I was waking up at 6 oo when the holiday started but back to my 5am since school resumption....May God continue to strengthen mothers.

    God bless us all.


  26. Hmmmmmm, we didn't sleep last night here at Aba, they said Hausa people invaded a street,I've never experienced this kind of thin before.

    God Bless Everyone.

    1. This thing is fast escalating 😎

    2. we didnt sleep too, From 3:00am.
      it is well.

    3. The amazing part is that it's probably rumour but everyone is living in fear...

      May God protect you all..

    4. Hmmmmm
      Go will keep you guys safe

  27. SP Baby!!!!

    Good Morning Blessed Children of the most high.

    I hope everyone slept well.

    My Blog Paddies πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

    The Anonymous white walkers have disappeared after the give away πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

    Stay Fab people!

    1. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
      they disappeared intellectually

    2. Lip, if u are free, can u mail me? Let's get a plan for the game

  28. Good morning everyone. Thursday, please be nice..

  29. Good morning all, thank God for yesterday, today and tomorrow, hmm. I can't wait to start my leave, Martins goodluck as you start your exams today,Do have a lovely day all

  30. BelovedπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Congratz ooo.. Oya you know wetin u suppose do oooπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. Lol

      She go come settle guys nahπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

      I don tell her for up

    2. Hahahaha
      Ola: What are you doing πŸ€”
      Beloved: I am dancing πŸ’ƒ

  31. Goodmorning peeps. Who else is experiencing the traffic in portharcourt? Lord please help me oo. My late coming is on another level these days. Love you Stellz!

  32. I don't have a problem with people coming our to stay in my house what I have a problem with is you watching Africa magic or putting your legs on my sofa I beat my kids for doing these things especially the Africa magic am I weird or what and when you tell me you are spending one month don't make it two because you like the atmosphere or something I really love my privacy please

    1. We've heard you Mrs right,why not pass your message directly to them😎

    2. πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ˜‚
      Auntie Nkiru well-done oo

    3. Lol. I swear I see people that watch Africa magic all the time differently

    4. You have issues with someone watching Africa Magic in your house? Yes that's weird. I really don't do much of Nigerian movies, but I shouldn't have a problem with someone that does.

  33. Good morning 😊 everyone!
    May GOD bless all our endeavours today in JESUS mighty name...Amen!

  34. If You Can't Thank God For Anything. At Least Thank God Mosquitoes Can't Transmit HIV

  35. Madea I hope you are fine dear

    Auntie CHIDINMA I am calling you out ooo... I have missed your lovely gists so much πŸ’‹
    Baby la hot @Steffysofly so fine baby gal...It have tey o, come and kiss us small..
    Who else is missing from the comments box
    Fabulous momma I know you are so busy right now..πŸ’‹

  36. Good morning guys!

    While restraining my hand and head not to comment about the agitation of some my Igbo brothers, (I'm trying so hard to resist the temptation not to give a piece of my little thought on this blog.

    I,sexy daddy emplore my Igbo brothers (Ipop members) to thread with caution. If we feel The Government have abandoned us it is not high time we started putting our house in other? After all our fore fathers built our community through self help.

    If don't have the means to leave this country when this get tough(Ma egwu die like) My brother desist from this act of incitement.Yes I'm warning my Igbo brothers.

    Let's focus on putting our house in other. He who fights and run,lives to fight next time.

    War no good at all.Have a nice day all!

    1. Sexy the daddy,you no dey fall my hand I swear πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. Sp with gbagaun from sexy spermy daddy, is that one sp? Ride on jare πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    3. Sexy daddy, you don change am to IPOP? No be IPOB again?

      I get your drift anyways.
      Good morning Sir.

    4. Sexy Daddy yo!
      Is it
      if we don't take care of you, who will?

  37. TGIT.Good morning,otutu oma,
    ekaaro,mesere.I don't know if I
    got them right.whatexer πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜.

  38. SDK,
    You should have been patient a little with the Nkiru lady. There is every possibility that she is yet to read yesterday's SP that is why she is yet to contact you.
    She is not a popular BV here and might not have friends here that would alert her of her win.
    I feel for her though, her hustle to win on your blog paid off finally and she lost it just like that.
    I remember how she hustled for that anniversary giveaway and she lost out, now this.

    1. Meaning she's not a regular if she hasn't read yesterday's sp. The more reason the money should go to beloved.

      Probably just came to this blog to chop money

    2. I feel for walahi. Sometimes Stella go dey do like say the money dey cry for the bank.

  39. Good morning big fam
    Feels good to be back here

    Chai! That 50k is eyeing me

    Hey Lagos people, beach party is hungrying me

  40. All the best Martins Aboy in your final exams, you are highly favorited by the most high.
    Y'all have an amazing day. The weekend is upon us already.

  41. Top of the morning to you all...have a beautiful day ahead😘😘😘

  42. Good morning world .
    Cupcakes are muffins that believed in miracles .

  43. Good Morning Everybody.Please,i need advice and suggestions as I am about to loose my mind.
    We have a special need kid(paralysis from waist down).i have been a stay at home for the past one year taking care of him,hospital appointments,sugerys et al.Now I intend to get a job because depending on DH all this while hasn't been funny.DH is saying if I want to get a job,then we will send our kid to the village with his mum.Its unthinkable for me cus taking care of him os stressful yes but I can't bear to stay without her.And who knows if his mum will be able to take care of him?My heart is soo breaking right now.Pls,advices.What do I do?

    1. The lord is your strength my dear. You don't need to get an 8-5 job to make money okay, think of something else you can do from home, it could be an online stuff. You may look for a good network business to start with and you'll be surprised at how much it will generate. You may also try out petty trading that won't require much capital. My parent's neighbour has a Down syndrome son and for a very long time she couldn't do anything, just last year she started making pap to sell and supply. How do I know she makes a lot of money from it? She saves the proceeds with my mum.i told her to open an account but no means of ID yet. She does not even have the time to go queue at Alausa for national ID. My plan is to drive her there nextweek with her son to try if that would make them attend to her ontime.

    2. Sometimes we have to loose some things to gain more sometimes we have to sacrifice even if its means the world especially when it comes to our kids either you get a job you can do from home or some sort of business you can do but please don't leave your child

    3. You have three choices to me:
      Get a job with very flexible work hours that can still let you manage your child

      Run a business

      Stay at home and cater for your child till she's better. I don't think finance is a problem from how you sound.

      Sorry about your child, shes peculiar in her own way. Don't let anyone talk you down concerning your child. It's gonna be alright.
      Sending you loads of hugs😘

    4. Employ a carer at home and install a video camera at home.

  44. Good morning everyone, please who else watches Twist of fate ?? I can't wait for it to finish, i promise not to get addicted to any zee world series again! Sup Stellz , come on IG live today now😍😍

    1. Zee world, telemundo,I find both channels and their likes dumb 😎

  45. LOL
    Beloved see God oh
    The money is yours baby girl

    I think BV Nkiru is busy that's why she has not reached out with her account details

    I'm sure she's going to be really pained to find out her win was giving to someone else, but all join.
    Even if I'm of the opinion too that money should not be used to get comments, I think the competition was a healthy one

    Everyone was playing around and having fun and I think once in a while the competition should be brought up
    Not everyday thing cause it can get really childish
    Maybe once or twice a month.

    1. You have a good point,she even participated in one anniversary giveaway like but she didn't win,she will be do pained,better luck next time though 😎

    2. *given*
      Before Sexy daddy abi Lafresh rings gbagaun bell on my head

    3. Osinachi Nne m πŸ’‹
      I support the "Once a month "

  46. The cuties are off to school. Time to go to the gym. Thereafter, today's hustle. I'm liking my personal business thing, thank God I don't have to resume somewhere and wait for monthly peanuts even if I still wake up as early as 5am to get the kids ready. Network buz Na baba!!

  47. The cuties are off to school. Time to go to the gym. Thereafter, today's hustle. I'm liking my personal business thing, thank God I don't have to resume somewhere and wait for monthly peanuts even if I still wake up as early as 5am to get the kids ready. Network buz Na baba!!

  48. Good morning people of God. I noticed something here. If Stella post something let's say by 1pm, if you comment few hours later let's say 4-5pm downwards your comment might disappear. Abi na only my own comments?

    because i usually read later on in the day but I cannot contribute because no matter how long my epistle is, na pot he go enter.

  49. You will not lose the special packages that God has prepared for you. God will daily load you with extra benefits In Jesus Mighty name!
    You will rise above limitations and failures. Evil news is not ur portion.The devil will not hack into the secret of your success. Enemies will not manipulate the password to your joy In Jesus Name. AMENπŸ™πŸ½ good morning nd have a pleasant day.

  50. In the office.....preparing for a seminar.

    TGW,I am adept at multitasking. Of course I can be awake and pretend I'm sleeping.I'm already an expert at sleeping with my eyes wide open.
    Mischievous girl!

    So last night I caught up on posts.In the EEI post,there was a fact on Keanu Reeves.I know it is easy to omit a letter but when I saw Ola Wealth's comment,I doubled up in laughter.KANU Reeves?????

    The EEI post started about a couple of years ago and people like TGW,Sisi Eko....consistently dropped comments there.Two years back.Not 2017.

    That's all,folks!

    1. Pardon Ola,he spelt it the he pronounced it with Akure intonation 😎

    2. lMAO!
      Leave Ola Wealth and his spelling errors, just as Viber and Gunners are "fibre" and "gummers" respectively.

    3. We would have our 2 years anniversary of EEI in months to come.
      Have a great day dearly

  51. Good morning great people.

    beautiful day ahead for everyone of us. good to be in the office. Ambode men are trying small small (Lastma). Trying to control traffic. Government should do something about these tankers that have taken over Ijora, Costain.

    The suffering is much jare when going to work or business. Anyway that is what makes us strong and can drive to anywhere in the world.

    Finished watching dangerous affairs. Let me go and do small work.

    Lolo is fine and busy with work. So no shakings where she dey. I know everyone is fine too.

    Beloved congrats. You don win

  52. Biafra secret or security services, how market this morning? Abeg Stella bring that trending video here so some people can learn from the mass beating.

  53. Goodmorning to the beautiful people september to remember for good
    Whenever boo tries to get me upset I know there's a suprise waiting for me, he just doesn't want me to suspect a

  54. If you were to sell all your body parts it would be worth £400,000.

  55. Follow your heart but take your brain with you

  56. Oh yeah married couples, are you enjoying your sex lives? Life's too short to always feel shortchanged and unfulfilled in that department. Always remember that s3x is to be enjoyed and not endured.

    Good morning

  57. Sam Default smile's post on Tuesday.Made me remember when I was pregnant for my 2nd child and wasn't going into labour. I had walked staircases, rocked on my fours, tried nipple stimulation, walked long distances etc; in fact wetin I no do sef, but for where the girl just relax dey make-up.

    ....And then what I dreaded the most happened, my consultant booked me for induction, I ran to my second consultant same thing! Jesu! It was as if the thing was inevitable (all this was happening on a friday). My induction was booked for Monday and my file was transferred from the antenatal clinic to the gyn ward.
    My husband was there, I just went to him and started crying.

    That Friday night, I intensified both prayers and natural labour induction tricks. In fact, "Onise Iyanu" was on replay and I was calling God all kinds of names, telling Him He how He has never failed me and with now.

    Saturday nothing just off and on contractions. Did I mention I get apprehensive when I hear CS? Hehehehehe, I dey fear that thing and MIL kept reminding me that if the induction fails it's CS straight,funny enough I have a lot of friends that opted for CS without any issue #RespectToUna πŸ™‹

    Then Sunday came and my desperation knew no bounds. I had wanted to take castor oil like 2 weeks before but fear no gree me cuz of all I read online.

    Then Sunday came......
    Part 2 coming soon(the post has become too long 😁)

  58. Good morning all.please where is Becky divine,tetrina,pastor's daughter and xoxo mystery,really missed you all

  59. As a cake boss that i am I have tasted almost all the cakes baked by sdk bakers in abuja. Btw Bella's cake and pastries, cake by jummy hope you guys are okay. You haven't commented in a while.

    1. So?,we should award you sdk official cake taster or what 😎

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Good morning happy people
    May God prosper us today as we go out
    Stella God bless you for giving out.

  62. Goodluck to u martins and a big congrat.

    Good morng everyone and hv a beautiful day ahead.


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