Stella Dimoko The Meeting Point On A First Date...



Wednesday, September 13, 2017

The Meeting Point On A First Date...

Time for the Couch Session........

Does the venue of a first date determine a good relationship?

If you meet your date at his/her home on the first date, does it make you cheap?...Yes,this question is necessary because if you meet indoors on a first date,s§X might happen.......

Does it make you decent when you both meet in a public place?Does that make any difference to how the relationship would start?

For some venue doesnt matter,but for some,OH IT DOES!

Let's discuss!


  1. Okpali. Nice topic. Make I clear my desk and come back.

    1. No sensible girl will allow any date in a house where the boyfriend lives alone not to talk of first date.
      Are there no decent pubs, parks, restaurants, lobbies, etc.
      If sex happens, who is at the receiving end, who will scream rape when dumped?
      How will anyone believe a girl if she screams rape?
      Whose juice is going to be "drugged?"
      Who is going to get pregnant and be asked to terminate it; she becomes a terminator isn't she?

      Any man that wants a date in his house is a schemer!

    2. Annon what work for you, is not gonna work for others. I don't think meeting place matter and we all can't be evil with negative filled mind.
      You sound to me like a negative minded person with all you wrote up there.

    3. My dear as long as it is the average Nigerian guy who thinks with his dick, please meet in a neutral place.
      If he complains, tell him you will pay.
      There are many neutral places you can meet where you won't have to pay a kobo, sebi na talk you wan talk. Abi e get anything you wan do?

      If you go to his place and from clap e enter dance, the same people saying there's nothing wrong will ask you what carried your legs to his house. Mtsheew.

      Also never, I repeat NEVER leave your food or drink unopened with a guy and come back to continue eating. Better hold the shit or piss very well and finish your food or empty your bowels first before you start eating.

      If you know how many ladies are raped daily, you will fear for your life.

    4. Stella you just made me remember one yeye guy like that. We met at nysc secretariat in wuse when I was serving. okay o, we exchanged numbers, talked,chat then he asked for an official first date and i said no wahala.
      Oya where, he said his house and I refused. I told him let's go to a public place and chill,that was how he changed it for me o, that what do we want to go and do in a public place, when he has food in his house, he will cook and buy drinks and we will eat and watch movie at his place, must we go out, blah blah blah.
      I let him finish before I asked him if I too don't have food in my house that made me entertain the idea of going for a date with him. I really cannot remember the details but the insult I gave him that day, till we finished nysc whenever he sees me he crooses to the other side of the roadπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    5. Anon. 19:25
      @Don is that "average Nigerian guy that think with his d*ck"
      Well let's say that many folks dating do not have "evil" in mind,
      But when desire is stirred in a secluded place, the girl becomes
      "meat for the hungry lion".
      When pregnancy comes, another evil takes the seat; that is "abortion in secret"
      And if the girl happens to die in the process of abortion, she is forgotten
      Guy man will not even attend her burial
      He moves on with his d*ck immediately. Have heard a lot of such.

    6. No matter what is said here, the wrong step will always be the preferred for most of us.

      This is going to surprise you ...“Game Of Thrones” Characters Ordered From Smallest To Tallest

  2. I even have phobia for visiting new friend's house. So we can't put a date in his house now

    *Larry was here*

  3. MonkeyNoFineTheTafiaMama13 September 2017 at 13:06

    I have a large tv in ma house, enough food to eat so tell me what am I coming to your place to do? Take me to somewhere i hardly go. Even if na beer parlour πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. Thank you maami, stingy people everywhere

      *Larry was here*

  4. I think for a first date, an open place is preferable. Except if it's not the regular type of boy girl relationship, like all them meeting up for sex and stuff.

    But for a normal relationship, the cinema, beach, eateries etc could be a good place for a first date.

    1. I couldn't agree with you more and guys inviting her to your crib for the first meeting simply means come let's have sex bcos that's how majority of girls see it or believe only a selected few will read no meaning to it ND actually come

    2. Abi..Your last statement... Oh so true. I didn't know that. Until I had my very own personal encounter. A guy a had a mega crush on invited me over after church (I be church gel). I went innocently thinking that we would just hang out, eat, talk , watch movies and Maybe make out abit since we were still getting to know each other. I got there... Lovely apartment... Dude cooked for me.we watched a movie... Everything was going according to what I expected... Even when we started kissing...(first official kiss by d way). Then d drama started... Bros dey ginga too much.. abeg cool down. Lol. It was when I told him I was a virgin he calmed down. Wow. Thank God he believed me. I think it was obvious by my shy shy (bashful) attitude. We did plenty other things Sha (not xrated o). It was a very new experience for me. That day is still etched in my brain. Thank God I wasn't drugged or raped. I really wasn't thinking when I decided to go along. Cos anything could have happened and it would have been my fault...guess I was're allowed to be a fool once..

  5. Waiting for comments

  6. MonkeyNoFineTheTafiaMama13 September 2017 at 13:08

    The reason why some babes over clean their Punana while going on a first date in his house is the reason i won't go to his house on
    A first date except public places.

  7. We've all got personal divine maps, even if the routes & terrain is similar to the nxt person, the destination just might differ... Learn to read ur map

  8. What works for A wouldn't necessarily work for B.

    Personally, I wouldn't meet you on a first date indoors not just because I don't want you to see me as "cheap" but more for "security reasons"

    How a person behaves on the first date could also be key to a lasting relationship... Different strokes for different folks

    1. Your head dey there rocky..
      First impression matters alot

  9. waiting to read comments..this should be interesting.

  10. We better meet outside not in his house because something go happen

  11. Venue doesn't matter to me, I even prefer house, the privacy and freedom to sit or lie down, if sex happens, no wahala, we are adults, before I follow u go house on a date I know anything can happen n I'm cool with it, no hard feelings.

    1. Tuale for u are very mature minded I swear... Unlike most that will visit the guy bcos they also want sex but will be forming ND torturing d guy to beg nd beg lol... Saying so this is why u brought me here abi why u wanted ur house or crib.... Had a female frnd who always say if after all those her yannings u see she is well shaved and wearing same panties ND bra then she wanted it lol funny girl... But is that true?

  12. Unless it's a booty call , a public place is best . Check out that new mall , go to a garden, art gallery you don't even have to spend much.

  13. I prefer going to a Guy's house on the first date, so that i can size him up.. To know his calibre, does he lives in a flat or shared apartment...πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

  14. Meeting at his place doesn't make u cheap depending on ur own intention but not advisable, meeting in a public place doesn't guarantee a successful relationship cos that person might be willing to do anything possible to get ur attention. The venue of first date doesn't determine a good relationship. A good relationship is based on the foundation both parties lay at the beginning.

    1. Thank you for the last sentence. My first meeting with my husband was at my house. I invited him over and told my family about expecting him. If he had invited me, I would have gone too but I guess he wanted me to know he was serious by coming instead.

  15. For moi, first date at his place kolewerk. Not adviceable even.

  16. IF IT IS TRUE..Stella the real question is the first date should it be at a BUKA, EATERY, JOINT OR POSH RESTAURANT..Cause my girls are really arguing seriously..

    For me its either a public place or forget about it...Cant afford my case to be like that Cynthia Girl that died in Amuwo Odofin..Many are evil but few are roaming..

  17. Each to his/her own but for a first date, an open environment is much better to avoid stories that touch the P&P.

    Don't ask me what P&P means please.πŸ˜ƒ

    1. Purry...

      Now dont ask me what the other P means pleaseπŸ˜‚

    2. MonkeyNoFineTheTafiaMama13 September 2017 at 14:08

      Pen and puna πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‹

    3. Prick & Ponyor

      MNF & TGBaibay,πŸ˜πŸ˜ƒspoilt gerhs

  18. In my opinion, a first date should never be in his/her house. Yeah, i know some guys are genuinely broke, however there are parks you can take a woman you are interested in to, get her ice cream or even home made food but it must be outdoor. I mean but inviting a woman to your house is just cheap and unserious of anyone. In fact visiting the house should be after several dates or when she has agreed to date you.

  19. Everything boils down to security. Do what would ensure your safety. When y'all are cool, you can fuck and everyone would be fine. Pardon my expletive. The sister is ovulating and horny.

    1. Your first three sentencesπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘
      Your last sentence, πŸ˜„ + sorry.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. MonkeyNoFineTheTafiaMama13 September 2017 at 14:09

      Banana fall on u πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  20. its always safer to meet up in a public place. that is necessitated by the fact that both parties will want to be as comfortable as possible in order to get to know the other better. if you ask me where i will love to go on a first date it will be pub.

  21. There is no hard and fast rule..atleast I hv come to learn that. Before I met le boo, I was a feminist as in not going to his house,helping a guy with chores for me was forbidden.. but those relationships didn't last for their own reasons.

    There is no Manual to keeping a relationship.

    Then I met le boo in a bank.. the next time we saw which was supposed to be our first date ended with me going to his house and preparing soup and stew. When that happened I was sure something was wrong wit me becuz I had never ever done that to any guy. to cut the long story short we are still together waxing strong and this is my most stable relationship I have ever had.he is a great guy. Bottomline where you meet on a first date doesn't matter. It is the intention of both parties that count

    1. That's how feminist act until they get banged then they are loyal...who dosent like a good fuck especially when he taps dat ass...Stella Abeg post my comment oh...and anon don't tell me u are celibate

    2. Thanks. " It's the intention of both parties that matter. "
      God bless you.

  22. A guy refused seeing me because I told him he can't sleep over in my apartment I had to go over to his place we met at an eatery and I left the same day but that was the end of the relationship the guy is not even educated and is forming boss man

  23. God's plan for everyone is different. where you meet on a first date does not really matter. After going on a lunch date with him and a female colleague of his who happened to be my friend. He invited me to his house, we did it on the first visit and today we are 22 years in marriage. It does not make you cheap, it only depend on your perception.

  24. Any where is okay. As far as you both agree.

    i met a boyfriend at home(his brothers house). this was over 9yrs now. i got there like 10am and end up spending the whole day together 7pm. we had sex like 5 or 6 times and smooching. we were naked all that time. he bought contraceptive on my way out cos we werent sure of the condom. i enjoyed all that. that was the first and last we saw. we talk on social media. i am married now with 3 kids.

    1. Hahaha...these are d memories I want to have before getting married...I will be like d good ol'days

    2. Aha! But why did you mention naked that's part of my IDπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  25. First date with my husband was his friend's house, I was very angry like why not your house even if you can't afford to lodge me cuz I traveled to see him. But you know what, I did not regret it at all.

    What will be will be, whether indoor or outdoor, the way you present yourself matters. God help us all.

    1. Thank you, when a man is yours, if you like have sex with him on first date, he yours.

  26. Meeting him first in his place means u also have the intention of having sex with him, cos this world we are men thinking is abt sex, sex, sex, and sex followed by food and money. Olaidex4sure

  27. For a first date I prefer an open place chosen by me.

    I have a friend who prefers going to the guy's house on their first date, according to her it gives her the opportunity to know if the guy neat, married etc,and She will also be able to show the guy her good culinary skills...funny girl I miss you Blessing.

  28. It depends on the parties involved. But personally I will prefer a public place, that way, I will feel relaxed.

  29. Take note! None of this bvs will ever testify that they have men in his place on first date so I'm calling on y'all sinners to please go on anonymous for the bvs /people on this blog are too "holy" they unlike myself are not "cheap" at all.Personally,I see nothing wrong in going to a man's house on first date since you agree to go one a date with him in the first place then I see nothing wrong with it except, he specifically made it clear that he just want to see a movie with you then you can talk over in the cinema. Bite me! But I speak my mind.

    1. Met* now people will think the only thing in my head is men πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ You might be right! Now applaud yourselves for thinking right! Bullshit!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  30. I think it depends on the maturity of the two people involved

  31. I think it depends on the maturity of the two people involved

    1. Exactly what I was trying to type the thing just hung on my finger thanks for nailing it for me.

  32. Iya Oshoronga of Blogosphere AKA Mrs Always RIGHT13 September 2017 at 17:48

    Gosh! Memories! My husband and i went to The Newyorker in ikeja on our first date. Gosh. It was so romantic. Fortunately it was not crowded that evening. Memories. I wonder what happened to the newyorker. I just remembered others Pacinos, boyle's bar etc what happened to these places

  33. Nice comments.. dunno wah to say so lemme jes chill

  34. I can't meet you at your house for our first date. I don't trust the male gender at all. Seen a lot of nonsense to risk that.


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