

Friday, September 29, 2017


Great News!!!

Good day Mrs Dimoko Korkus,

Please allow me to use your blog for my testimony as I promised God. Thank you for all the great job you are doing.

I got married about 6 years ago. God bless us right away. Pregnancy was smooth. Thank God, never experienced any sickness. Gave birth to a beautiful baby after about 38 weeks. It went smooth and easy. The nurse was like "wow this is really fast for a first time mother". Baby was happy but cranky. I was up most nights.

Everything was going smoothly until about 3 weeks after birth. I was up as usual while hubby slept. I got tired at a point and woke him up. I gave him the baby and I went to bed. I woke up in the morning, feeling wet. I thought I slept so well that I had wet the bed. I went to the toilet to urinate and a clot fell out. I remember from my last doctor visit I was told I shouldn't be getting bright red blood again and If I should see any clot, to notified them immediately. I called the clinic and I was told to be on my way. By this time, I was contracting like I was about to have a baby. 

By the time we got to the clinic, my trouser was socked. The doctor wouldn't attend to me right away because of other patient in his office. I was not able to seat and very uncomfortable. I went to their toilet to urinate and I was just passing blood and clots. I screamed for my husband. He ran to my side. The floor, seat was full of blood. They called the ambulance but when it seems like it was taken forever, my husband wanted to take me but they advised us to wait so I can be attended to right away. Ambulance came and I was taken to the hospital. By this time, I had lost a lot of blood. I was getting really cold. I was telling hubby to please take good care of our child. My dad arrived as they were taken me to the Emergency department. 

 Apart from when my father lost his mother , this was the second time I saw him cry(may we never cry over our children. Amen). I was later stabilized and moved to a private room. My OB came, he pressed my tummy, clots and blood was coming out. I was booked for a D&C right away. Me that didn't know what a D&C was, started crying that I didn't want surgery. D&C was performed after i consented. When I woke up, the doctor told me that a piece of tissue believed to be part of the placenta was found and it was sent to the pathologist. I was white, low blood. I was offered blood but I rejected it. My doctor was worried I might go into sock and possible brain damage so I agreed. Few days later, I was released but had to go back again due to infection.

Three months later, period came back very light and dark . When I went for my pap smear, I told my gynecologist but she said not to worry since I was breast-feeding. After about 1 year plus and no changes for the better, I went back to the OB'S office. I was sent for a scan to check uterus thickness and it came back normal. Then I had Hysteroscopyh (viewing the uterus with a camera). From this, we learnt that there were some scar tissues. While one tube is open, the other is partially blocked by the tissue. The doc referred me to a specialist in a fertility clinic for secondary infertility treatment. The doc ordered HSG. I have heard about this test from a friend. I was worried so I did some research. I read that some people were able to conceive after this treatment. I prayed mine to be same. Did HSG and the doc said both tubes were fine. Few weeks down the line, the few drops of blood that I had as period didn't not show so I decided to perform pregnancy test. 

It was faintly pink. Did couple of times because I was really shocked. Called my Ob and made an appointment. He checked and he said he did not see the pole but the sack is there. I was told to come back in some weeks. Went and it was still the same. I prayed, cried but was not able to change it. On the advice of the specialist, my OBGYN said we should not perform a D&C because of the uterus delicate stage. So, I carried the sack for almost 6months before my body ejected it. I cried so much that day. I decided to research into the conditon. Asherman syndrome. 90% of the condition is as result of D&C and 25% of woman that had a D&C done within 2-4 weeks post delivery get this and this can lead to infertility and miscarriage among others ( I read testimony from people that had been able to carry their children after some procedures. I got in touch with one and I was linked up with a doctor. I made appointment and went to the clinic.

 I explained everything to the doctor and after the examinations he said it was not the typical case that he deals with and advice to go back to my specialist. He said if you gets pregnant, call me I will congratulate you. I left there feeling like it was over. I was crying on the road as I walked to catch my transportation.

After his visit, I decided to leave everything to God and enjoy my life and family. I pray more and thank God for the child I have and others that He already had prepared.

For the first time in my adult life, I went to watch night at the end of 2015. I held my tummy and declared that by the power of the almighty I will carry my child in 2016. They also started anointing Service at our church. I tried to go every time and I touch my tummy with some of the oil from my head. During the first harvest, I made a pledge with hubby and though the grace of God we were able to go beyond the pledge. Few months into 2016, I started feeling funny. I decided not to check but leave it all to God. I read the TTC prayer the first day it was posted and declared mine is already there and it is there to stay and fruitful. After about 2 months, I finally checked. I made the appt. Before he checked, he said I want a good news today. After the appt, he was like you are the good news I got all day today. I said thank God. That was how a 9 month journey started. There were some scary moment but God showed His mercies. My baby is almost a year now and I am so grateful to God for his mercies, love, blessings, favor and protection over us.

I pray for those still looking unto God that God will surprise them in a big way. There is nothing too big for God to do. My obgy was surprised. Your testimony will surprise the doubter in Jesus name.

Thank you for allowing me to testify here. Thank you for reading.

Sorry for all the mistakes. Have a blessed day.



Testimony one

Testimony two

Testimony three

Testimony Four

Testimony five

Testimony Six

Testimony Seven

Testimony eight

Testimony nine

Testimony Ten

Testimony Eleven

Testimony Twelve

Testimony Thirteen

Testimony Fourteen

Testimony Fifteen

Testimony Sixteen

Testimony Seventeen

Testimony Eighteen

Testimony Nineteen

Testimony Twenty

Testimony Twenty One

Testimony Twenty Two

Testimony Twenty Three

Testimony Twenty Four

Testimony Twenty Five

Testimony Twenty Six
Testimony Twenty Seven

Testimony Twenty Eight

Testimony twenty nine

Testimony Thirty

Testimony Thirty One

Testimony Thirty Two

Testimony Thirty Three

Testimony Thirty Four

Testimony Thirty Five

Testimony Thirty Six

Testimony 37- 39 by word of mouth via Phone call.

Testimony 40

Testimony 41 - IHN

Testimony 42

Testimony 43

Testimony 44

Testimony 45

Testimony 46

Testimony 45

Testimony 48

Testimony 49
Testimony 50

Testimony 51

Testimony 52

Testimony 53 and 54

Testimony 55

Testimony 56

Testimony 57

Testimony 58 and 59

Testimony 60

Testimony 61

Testimony 62

Testimony 63 and 64

Testimony 65 and 66

Testimony 67 and 68

Testimony 69

Testimony 70

Testimony 71

Testimony 72 ad 73

Testimony 74 and 75

Testimony 76 and 77

Testimony 78 79 and 80

Testimony 81 and 82

Testimony 83 and 84

Testimony 85 and 86

TESTIMONY 87, 88 And 89

Testimony 90

Testimony 91

Testimony 92 and 93
Testimony 94


TESTIMONY 97,98 And 99


Testimony 101

Testimony 102

Testimony 103
Testimony 104

Testimony 105

Testimony 106
Testimony 107

Testimony 108

Testimony 108 and 110

Testimony 111,112,113

Testimony 114

Testimony 115

Testimony 116

Testimony 117

Testimony 118

Testimony 119

Testimony 120
Testimony 121

Testimony 122

Testimony 123

Testimony 124

Testimony 125

Testimony 126

Testimony 127

Testimony 128

Testimony 129

Testimony 130

Testimony 131

Testimony 132

Testimony 133

Testimony 134

Testimony 135

Testimony 136
Testimony 137
Testimony 138
Testimony 139
Testimony 140
Testimony 141

Testimony 142
Testimony 143. 144 Testimony 145

Testimony 146,147,148

Testimony 149

Testimony 150

Testimony 151

Testimony 152

Testimony 153

Testimony 154

Testimony 155

Testimony 156


  1. Congrasulaions honey, ALMIGHTY GOD got your back. I claim my own blessing in child bearing in Jesus name.

  2. Congrats dear
    God bless ur child
    I must win this battle
    I want a positive result before the end of this year in Jesus name Amen

  3. Congratulations,been battling with asherman syndrome for like five years now,got pregnant last year and had miscarriage.I have done surgery thrice and taken all types of herbs cos my aunties said it's EDA in Yoruba but nothing has changed so I have decided to hold unto God alone.The same God who answered you is whom I serve and he will answer me too.Thank you for sharing,my faith just tripled


  5. Congratulations , baby dust rest on TTC soon

  6. Congratulation. Father please answer Moji my friend, forgive her any sins she might have committed.

    Thank you Jesus. I promised to come back for testimony.

  7. Congratulations madam. I rejoice with you jare....

    1. Congratulations Sis, and I say a big AMEN to this prayer in Jesus name.

  8. Congratulations to you and I pray that the God that did it for you will do mine.

  9. Congratulations dear poster. God be with you. Heavenly Father please answer my call. After ectopic pregnancy. I don't know what hope I have.pls help me Lord.I'm grateful still...


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