Stella Dimoko Nigerian Army To Begin ‘Exercise Egwu Eke’ II in Abia, Anambra, Enugu On Friday



Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Nigerian Army To Begin ‘Exercise Egwu Eke’ II in Abia, Anambra, Enugu On Friday

The Nigerian Army has confirmed that ‘Exercise Egwu Eke II’, (Python Dance) will begin fully from September 15 until October 2017 this year.

According to a statement made available to DAILY POST, Deputy Director, public relations, 82 Division of the Army in Enugu, Sagir Musa, revealed that the operation will take place simultaneously in Abia, Anambra, Cross River, Ebonyi, Enugu and Imo States.

Part of the statement read: “In our efforts to carry members of the public along, Gmail and email addresses, Facebook and Twitter accounts have been created for the exercise. The addresses are; Exercise EGWU EKE II as follows:

“Email address:

“Facebook account’s name is Egwu Eke II and you can search it through this URL;

“The twitter handle is @egwueke2 and you can search it through this URL;

“Similarly, in addition to the Nigerian Army Information and Call Centre Telephone Number 193 (Using all Networks toll free) and Human Right Desk Number 08160134303, the under listed cellphones numbers are also hereby provided as dedicated public telephone numbers to members of the public who might have reason to pass credible information or reasonable complains to various Commanders of Exercise EGWU EKE 11;

Sector 1 (Abia State) Commander – 08023445961/07065013133.

Sector 2 (Imo State) Commander – 07030803546.

Sector 3 (Enugu State) Commander – 08023634672.

Sector 4 (Anambra State) Commander – 07037055354.

Sector 5 (Ebonyi State) Commander – 07039833547/08180605871.
Sector 6 (Cross River State) Commander – 08033865572.”


  1. Hmmmm, I smell a rat
    What is the exercise all about?
    And why is it mainly on the Eastern part of Nigeria?

    1. They are not serious
      Why isn't it done in the North too. Are they not the ones that gave an ultimatum 1st?
      Ofcourse i know all these are geared towards the so-called Oct 1st ultimatum

    2. They are chasing a rat in the river.
      Eke adighi agba egwu; the python does not dance.
      And there are more pythons in the Sahara desert than in forest of the Guinea Savannah

    3. They are serious, Before you know it, they will say someone started a riot and then they will start shooting sparpdically and kill innocent people. Please go and dance in your houses

    4. Election is near people, that's why the operation is taking place in the eastern part

  2. We need one in Lagos, let me see how a Python dance is...

    1. Stella.., I like the idea of egwu eke if and only if same egwu eke military group is stationed in Kano the originator of All Igbos must leave with October1 as fixed date. If indeed these bamboons fear reprisal attack and are about maintaining peace and order why station at Abia alone? This goes on to show the extend of marginalization and Jarred's on Native Nigerians.., yes Igbos are Native Nigerians all others except ND migrated in .most ND have roots in Igbo land.
      Say no to injustice stand for what is right proBiafra or not.., You say they didn't cry during Jonathan? Well he made an effort to unify the whole country without segregating one. He showed more love to the North more than his people and Igbos . This government is a government of segregation. Buffoons!!!

  3. Would be checking them out for gists & updates! No lele!

    1. Guide on how to stay safe in the Entire South East during the Military exercise named Egwu Eke II (Python Dance II) from September 15, 2017 to October 14, 2017. Your life is in your hand.
      1. Always carry your ID card with you, so that you can always identify yourself whenever called upon to do so.
      2. Never stay out late for whatever reason.
      3. If you must drive, make sure your driver’s license and all your car particulars are complete and valid.
      4. If possible do not use car with tinted glass even if you have permit.
      5. If you are stopped at the check point, answer only the questions that you are asked. Do not volunteer any information nor ask questions.
      6. Do not for any reason argue with any military personnel, they are all battle ready.
      7. Stay indoors as much as possible, go out if it is absolutely necessary.
      8. Do not play ball on the street.
      9. Do not jog on the street.
      10. Do not for any reason carry Biafran flag with you.
      11. Do not play loud music in your car.
      12. Do not undertake any interstate journey, unless it is absolutely necessary. You must target to arrive your destination before it gets dark.
      13. Avoid fixing weddings, burials or any form of function that will require the gathering of many people.
      14. Females should as much as possible move around in pairs.
      15. Be warned, this is like war situation.

  4. Correct. The rough and tough guys are about to come out. Let's see who's tougher than them.

  5. That's good.but let them concentrate on whatever exercise they came for and stop harassing,intimidating ,killing and putting fear in the lives of the innocent citizens they are to protect.

  6. Which egwu eke? Re we having war in the east... I think this there python abi anaconda dance is better suitable for sambisa forest.

    1. Abi your biafran brothers have moved to sambisa? It's to show you idiots that kaki no be leather. Bring it on. Abeg where are the biafran sss abi what did you call them stella

    2. Answer yourself there, how come they dint do this dance when their so called girls were kidnaped, why dint they have the dance when Boko boys were all over maiduguri? Please they should say something else

    3. Push up you are in your house you don't know what Nigerian Army does unless you were told or read on the page of newspaper.
      No one or a group of people threatening a sovergn State. It's better for the Biafra agitators to channel there engery in to a right cause.

  7. Please can smone explain what thia dance is about.Thank yoy

  8. Ola wealth come and see this now o. When Fulani herdsmen were killing people all over, destroyed villages in Benue and all, Python didn't know how to dance, now biafrans have made them learn how to dance snake dance. It's okay, it's okay.

    1. Not anonymous, I shouldn't be laughing at something this serious, but this your comment eh! I couldn't help it.
      This is python dance2, that means there's python dance1, the question is where is it stationed? Let me go find out.

    2. LMAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣
      This anon o hahahhahaha
      LMAO @ the Python didn't know how to dance

    3. Sorry ehn...

      Na una cause am oooo...

      If there's love you won't seek for separation..
      Its just October.. Them go soon leave

  9. Hian, I hope all is well oh, me I don't understand this their Ekwu eke in the Eastern part of Nigeria alone ohh

  10. The Nigerian army is within its right to start an operation anytime it so wishes within the country but they should not use this as a point to attack IPOB Members.

    Dialogue is still the best and only way out of this issue.

    After all the igbo's have a right to ask to leave nigeria If they want to according to United Nations laws.

    Burutai should warn his men not to start a war in the east.

    God bless Nigeria.


    1. Ipod members are growing wings, Nigerian Army can't stand aside and be watching. They are to defend any threat within and outside the border of Nigeria.

  11. Good step in the right direction but does this needs to be announced to the general Public about an operation..All they need to do is to be efficient and effective in their duty, make sure their hotlines are available and act promptly based on genuine information shared.

    More should channeled on intelligence and this should be extended to the North as well against October 1.

  12. The same army that did 'tactical manoeuvre'into Cameroon when it was confronted by BH is now showing fore against its own unarmed citizens.

  13. Hahahahaahahah . Not anonymous killed me . You funny o .well kanu n the fools calling us zoo will soon watch us dance in the language only animals understand. They shud beta advice themselves off the roads bc anybody who dare insult our great nation with stones n bottles will receive bullet wounds . Go my gallant soldiers .

    1. It's not funny. I wonder how it's okay for you talk about killing people likes it's mopping the floor. What's wrong with you!!

    2. Since they don't want peace . N are causing problems in Nigeria . Let them get ready to gave the army

    3. You are not even wise...keep pouring fuel on an existing flame.

    4. Whats happening to people of Royhinga right now in Myanmar will be the faith of the biafra, just watch it. I hope you all follow what's going on around you.
      Nigerian Army can't fold their hands and let miscreants take over the streets of South eastern Nigeria.

  14. I weep for this country. What is Egwu Eke if I may ask? The last time I checked, Fulani Herdsmen are still killing innocent Nigerians and BH have not surrendered. Why stage a dance in the peaceful Eastern States? This is their opportunity to kill innocent people in the name of being a Biafra. Why not station the dance in Kano also, is October 1st no longer deadline for the quit notice? I pray that any weapon fashioned against my people must back fire to the original sender.

    1. It's been withdrawn nwa.
      Let KANU get small sense. The cost will be too much for the average IBO man who has investments everywhere. Peace is key.

    2. Amen. There is GOD. He is watching! There seems to be a lot of Double Standard in Nigeria. Dear LORD JESUS, please take control. Our LADY, QUEEN of Peace...Pray For Us.

  15. Those of you saying no military attention in the north has clearly not be following the news in the north well. Gi to maiduguri or kano and constitute the kind of nuisance Kanu is doing then you will see the day you came out of your mama womb.

    1. They never heard about ' operation lafia dole' (peace by force)before.
      You all just hide your brain inside your phone and spew rubbish online..
      Kudos to the Nigerian Army

    2. C how u are vibrating like doll baby. Biafra matter go soon kill you.@ ola very soon ur thoughts towards Ndigbo will backfire on you ..

  16. Ethnic cleansing orinating,somebody should call Buhari to self restraint. There are several options to deal with such issues. Kanu/ is notinvisible, there is much room for consultation - simply adhere to call to re- strucure. It is geniune democracy.

  17. Its very important to noted that the unity of Nigeria is settled and not negotiable,Kudos to the Nigerian Army !


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