Stella Dimoko Ghanaian Actor Chris Attoh Claps back At Estranged Wife Damilola Adegbite


Saturday, September 30, 2017

Ghanaian Actor Chris Attoh Claps back At Estranged Wife Damilola Adegbite

Actor Chris Attoh in recent news confirmed his 2-year-old marriage with Nigerian actress Damilola Adegbite has crashed due to irreconcilable differences.. he claims they are still friends but Damilola has deleted all their photos from her social media handles...

Things took a different turn after Damilola said, her prayers had been answered

She posted on IG...

“That feeling when I ask my father in heaven to do something and he does it in less than 24 hours. Then I am convinced that all things work together for good to them that love him and are called to his purpose,” she said.

Responding to the indirect comment of the ex-wife, Chris Attoh, has hit back that, women should be submissive to their husband whenever they get the opportunity to be married.

In his interview with Bola Ray on Starr Chat, Chris openly said, a woman who does not submit to the husband and trust his instincts is not going to be successful in marriage.

’I think that we have forgotten about the fundamentals of marriage. When you love someone, it’s important to be able to forgive, respect and submit.” he told Bola Ray.

“As a woman you need to trust the captain of the ship. It’s truly important if you want peace in your home.”

If you are a Christian, it is your bible that will take you through your wedding days.”

Everything happens for a reason. I have a beautiful baby boy, a wealth of experience and a lot of work to do”, Chris explained.

The once Inseparable Lovebirds are now shading each other publicly and it’s just incredibly sad..


  1. Now this is what I hate, break up amicably and move on, not this side eyes shading.

    1. *yawns*

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    2. That's it ooo.. Just breakup n don't be bitter..

      But the girl will just want to remove your intestine.
      Always bitter bitter

    3. Well I kinda agree with him.
      A man should be the captain of the chip as a husband.
      If there is no mutual respect & forgiveness in a marriage then its as good as not getting married but cohabiting.

      I pray they learn a lesson from Lilian Esoro and handle their issues privately.

      Bia Chris Attoh enough of granting interviews pls respect Dami's privacy.

    4. How can you break up and not be bitter. It ain't easy like you guys make it seem except you married an animal

    5. Yes o, for peace to rain because of the children. Break up amicably, moved on and she becomes one of ur side chick. Na so I do my X.

    6. @Anon 15:01, I think the problem with marriages these days is that they don't take peace lightening

  2. Oga,all what u said just mean two things,that u are cheating on ur marriage and she does not trust u.

    1. Gbam!
      talking about forgiving and bla bla.

    2. Seriously! He obviously was a cheat and too controlling. The girl married him and stopped acting. That's what submissive means abi

    3. @chineye, u nid to reset ur stereotype brain. It's not every divorce dt is caused by cheating. Who told u it must be d man dt is cheating? Marriages fail jst bcos of toothpaste usage, soaked underwares, family interference, work load and pressures etc.

  3. Mbuk this man should shift, forgive kie ranting up and down

  4. So if the woman does all he said, what will he now do as the man. God instructed men to love their wives to the extent of dying for her before telling women to submit. So stop using submission to threaten women if you haven't fulfilled your own obligations. It's a two way channel, what you give is what you get. I hate men with this kind of reasoning.

    1. And how do you know that he did not fulfill his obligations? Na wa for online jury...

  5. "Women should learn to be submissive whenever they get the OPPORTUNITY to get married "...women don suffer finish, this guy has issues. So she forgive and respect u 🙄 after cheating on her, may brain fall on u.
    Dammy will be regretting ever meeting this guy in her life.

    1. Like seriously, he is complete agbaya

    2. Don't mind the ode, he's proud abeg, sounding like he did her a favour by marrying her. Asshole! Na she cause am sef, who goes to man's country to marry him?

  6. Na them sabi, all I know is WIZKID is a legend 🙌 Starboy always totoring me lol❤️

  7. Oga captain abeg leave clap backs for Churchhill abeg. Why is he granting interviews upandan? mtcheew

  8. In as much as I don't support the indirect shade.Chris Attoh should have said he was looking for a dummy and not a wife.You want a woman to submit to you,is she your slave? Aren't you supposed to be equals and partners? May your mouth bend their.Samw goes for all the bunch of chauvnistic assholes,who are sorry excuses for men.

    1. Like seriously?? Like are u for real??

      Are u not to submit yourself to your HUSBAND???? can u provide ur own dick n ride it alone???😕😕😕

    2. Lolzzzzz@may your mouth bend there.

    3. My guy sassy u should go look for an actual boyfriend I don't mean random niggers fucking u or the boyfriend u made up in your brain and leave married folks alone.smallie

    4. Learn to submit now

    5. Ola can you provide Your Own pussy & ride & it. That's why they are partners, if he want a dummy wife he should go to his remote village & bring a naive girl who will mature sooner than he expected

    6. My dear, if any pastor preached that equality for you, him don maga you. There must be a lord/captain.whether u like it or not, you should and must submit to your head/husband and he too must play his role of loving you to the extent of dying for you. That's God's mandate.As a woman, submission gives you power like kilode but Many people don't know. Abeg forget chauvinistic thingy. It's from submission that you will get control and the best out of your marriage. I dey even dey hear some pastors preaching that Eve, our mother was taken from Adam's side and not feet to mean equality. End time pastors. As for dammy & her husband : as them make their bed, make them sleep there

    7. @tina one million likes👌🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

    8. Abeg make I hear word.Anon 11.14,you are very stupid! Tina, your advice is not needed.You just assumed I am a Christian and telling me what the Bible said.Even God sees both sexes as equal so wtf?? I still stand on my previous comment.All these men hiding under the cloak of submission are all bunch of chauvnists! Too bad the patrachy in this part of the world has eaten so deep in our minds and brains that we now see unfair treatment of women as normal.

  9. This is no shade to me though...side eyes at sdk
    But there is some truth in his words a lot of wives want to prove that they are also the head of the family as much as the man is.....that they forget to respect their human being likes being disrespected, that fact won't ever change even if he loves u..
    Me myself I also try to prove I'm also in charge lol but I know when to draw the line

  10. This is off topic, few days ago i read a lady wasnt comfortable with the way her man calls his mum. Some bvs told her to pretend then show her true colors when married, ladies who decide to pretend till married should know that divorce isnt a hard thing for men this neighbors husband walked into the house with his family members, he told the woman he is tired of the marriage that she isnt who he married anymore na so marriage take end. A work mate is in the process of divorcing his wife of 15yrs, he said before he got married she was nice only for her to change after marriage, he lost his family and friends because of her attitude.
    What i am saying is people see through us no matter how long it takes, even jazz sef fails. If you must marry, marry for the right reason!

  11. The only bible verse men know.. ship ko! Yatch ni abeg a man that’s in charge wouldn’t have to scream he is in charge to deserve respect

  12. This marriages and Lilian Esoro to Ubi Franklin are the marriages I never supported from day one. I knew their would be issues. Lord save them.

  13. This marriages and Lilian Esoro to Ubi Franklin are the marriages I never supported from day one. I knew their would be issues. Lord save them.

    1. honestly. he looks like someone that would be beating whoever hr is with

    2. Ghanian men dont beat their women , Ghanian men arent abusive ,they have a very strong law on DV so men no dey pass their boundry. but say cheating yes .

    3. I can bet he never touched(beat) her. Honestly..Educated Ghanaian men are the best..

  14. So sad. Out of all the celebrities breakup I never expected this to happen. I was angry in my spirit when I had of it.

  15. Mr man you remember your bible now? black joker!! I’m guessing when you were fornicating you bible was closed now its quoting time .oya 1,2,3 continue to copy and paste(quote)

    1. When a married person fuck outside, it is adultery not fornication.

    2. Who said she cheated?

  16. They should stop clapn and start dancing.

    Why was damilola pained @ the interview? She didn't have to delete his pics,he actually did 'them' a favor. Dami living in fools paradise. For how long would they have kept the secret anyway? Mcheew!

  17. Go sleep Chris, you guys know nth abt marriage. Take a cue from mummy Joke

  18. So much to remaining friends and co-parenting

  19. So once divorce is settled, couple now shade each other.

  20. Dami and Chris are not been sincere with each other. Marriage is a school and it is determination that makes it work.

  21. Dami and Chris are not been sincere with each other. Marriage is a school and it is determination that makes it work.

  22. They should remember they have a child together and respect themselves

  23. How is her first post even directed at Mr Attoh?
    How is his comment even referring to her post? Is she not supposed to refer to her father in heaven again and the things he is doing for her? Lol

    I get confused with keeping up with the 'shades'
    Since Nigerians got hold of that word.. Its only brought chaos. *sighs*

    1. Thank you oo. She could have been thanking God for anything, anything at all

  24. Marriages dese days is something else. May God give us the wisdom to sail through

  25. This Chris preaching what suits him. A pastor preached all of that topic Paul preached. He also said people should not extract part of the passage and be hammering on women. One of the points he highlighted was respect and also women will automatically submit if they are loved. This Chris was disrespectful. I saw him on IG stories kissed an actress and she said Chris y now? He did it again. My mouth was left opened in shock. I just knew what I had perceived​ from day one of their marriage this was doomed.

    1. I pray God heal their pain cause its not easy.....

  26. Ummhhhh, this is not good for the sake of their son. Dani had too many expectations especially thinking that Chris is rich and can afford the luxuries of life. She was not patient and ready to grow with him. Chris did not understand what marriage and faithfulness is at all. He displayed his Ghanaian xteristics and madness. Attoh is a serial cheat who thinks he is a blessing to women. They both mistook acting emotions for true love but could have taken from then and ensure it worked. However, Chris and Dani must keep shut and let's have peace.

    1. What is "his Ghanaian characteristics? Like how many Ghanaians do u know? 1000?

  27. This people just make marriage so scary.

  28. @Candid BFL, but women are also the head of the home. This idea that the wife should submit and the man is the sole head of the house is false. The man may be the CEO, and the woman the CFO, or vice versa. Each have their strengths and weaknesses. So if a man is a spendthrift, does not save for a rainy day and put the family's survival in jeopardy the woman should just allow the family to crash and burn because he is the man and she needs to submit? No! All men are not leaders in a nation, some are leaders and some are worker bees, same thing in the home, not all men are cut out to be a good leader in the home and automatically get rights to submission because they were born male, submission comes through trust and confidence. Like everything else in life it is earned, not a right. When a woman knows her man can handle his shit and get it done right the submission is automatic, it isn't even a thought in her mind because she is 100% confident in his wisdom and discernment to make the best decisions at all times, she will automatically seek out his opinion before she make any decision because she trusts his judgement. She will even be a better lover to him, he will bring the best out of her in every way.

    It is weak men who require complete submission because what he have not achieved in the world he can get that at home, the sense of power and superiority. The Bible is a book written by men for men to carry on the male agenda and chronicle their History. Women cannot look to the Bible to speak on their behalf because it is not about them for the most part.

    1. @anonymous 19:06, the Bible was written by men led by the Spirit of God and with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Not men in just human wisdom. Kindly correct that notion, abeg.
      @Ozioma, how can you agree to the Bible being written by men to carry on male agenda? You be Christian so?

    2. @anonymous 19:06, the Bible was written by men led by the Spirit of God and with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Not men in just human wisdom. Kindly correct that notion, abeg.
      @Ozioma, how can you agree to the Bible being written by men to carry on male agenda? You be Christian so?

  29. @anonymous 19:06, the Bible was written by men led by the Spirit of God and with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Not men in just human wisdom. Kindly correct that notion, abeg.
    @Ozioma, how can you agree to the Bible being written by men to carry on male agenda? You be Christian so?

  30. The Bible was written by men to chronicle their His-story and carry out the male agenda, which is the patriarchal mission. Not just the Bible, but all these other so called holy books supposedly inspired by God. God is real, but those writings are not from God, they are 100% out of the thoughts and minds of men and their egos. But you have free will to believe what you want, as do I. Now, being 100% woman I'm not crazy enough to look to the Bible for my inspiration, I look within and make the primal connection to the source of all that every human had to before these books were written.


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