Stella Dimoko Friday IHN



Friday, September 29, 2017

Friday IHN

Happy Friday to you all.....
Let me resume Observing mode for


Hi Stella and bvs,

Its your girl Miss priya. Decided to send my picture again as face of ihn. Shout out to you all and to my blog boo I am king Eze ( Igwe 1 of SDK community) kisses to you Stella you eat Okro a lot?your beauty is drawing me!lol



Hi Madam Stella.

Kudos on your great contribution to the Blog Community.
Continue to soar.

Attached herewith are my pictures for I house news. I hope I qualify.😁

BV Funmi of Brent.

I am in need of the following vendors in Abuja.
A) CupCake Vendor
B)Small Chops Vendor
C) Makeup Artist.

Kindly contact me on 08098078776

One love beautiful woman




It Pays To Be Patient

I met this guy some years ago on facebook, our chemistry was something else. But the truth is that we never met ourselves till today. We were suppose to meet six years ago when were quite close in different cities because he lives abroad, but somehow the nature of his job did'nt give him the chance.

I later had issues with him because he started adding my friends on his facebook and I did'nt like it. Fast forward to 2017, i reached out to him through facebook and we chatted around june when i got his wats up contact and I told him all about myself and everything I've been through, and I also asked him for a little favour, he said no problem, he has got my back.

The next thing, this guy ghosted me, i never heard from him again, I will send message, he will not reply, I became irritated and the thoughts of blocking him on my wats up came to my mind, but I was just patient.

Then one day I got a ping from him after like two months, he said he was in nigeria, I said ok. He asked if I still need assistance, I thought maybe because he came into town, that's why he wants to assist me, so from there he will insist on seeing me even though he was in another state, but It was far from it, the guy is now hooked with a son.

Well I said yes I still needed the assistance, and asked him why he just blanked off on me. He said he did'nt have means of sending the money to me then, as his job takes him to different countries. I had asked him for about 7k, the next thing my account was credited with 50k. I thought this was a joke, I was surprised, I did'nt know he could be that nice.

I'm only trying to say we should be patient in life, if I had blocked him, I won't even know his intentions are genuine. And I know you're wondering if we finally met, no we did not and he has never asked. I guess I like it this way since he is hooked already and I respect that.



Please i need information from B.Vs on courier/delivery services in Lagos, i am starting my new food business but the delivery aspect is tiring for me as i don't want to lose customers to be with high charge rates. Some times i see other business people setting their delivery prices for as low as N200 and I will be like how is this possible?! Please I need advice on this urgently and if possible cheap and reliable delivery services should contact me too. I stay in Alimosho L.G.A. Thank you!  




9mobile: 567499892156480
Glo: 760719626380075
Airtel: 5816331338277992. 5033452494217583
MTN: 3545553277587226 .


A room self-contain apartment needed urgently.

Weldone fellow bvs. Please am in dire need of a room self contain apartment preferably at yaba in a good location. My budget is 250-300. Am 24, female and currently serving. Wouldn't mind to pair up with a lady too if my budget is too low. Thank you. 08067806727.


In response to your Wednesday chronicle (September 27th) .

Hi Stella thank you for using your channel to enlighten and help people .  I am a BV who have never commented but reads your chronicles everyday. My story is a bit long sha.

 I have really learnt alot from your chronicles  but I disagree with you 100% with your view on the case of a lady that is about to marry a mummy's boy.
I will consider myself a mummy's girl because I talk to my mom every day even though we are several miles apart. I have 7 sisters who I love so much and we have each others back anytime anyday. 

We grew this close because my dad was abusive to my mum and us, the children. One of the reasons was because we are all girls and therefore not worth it.  So we including my mom stuck together.  Thank God we are now pharmacist, doctor, medical lab scientist, Engineer nurse, business manager, Economists.... and this was possible because my mom believed and invested in us. I can do anything for her.
I remember when I was in the university, my mom visited my hostel all the time to the extent that my hostel mates began to envy me. She makes sure she knows were we work and who our bosses are. YES it is to that extent.

Anyway after I finished school I met this guy and he fitted into the kind of man my mom wanted us to marry ( same church, state, intelligent etc). So he asked me to marry him and we had just dated for few months (4 months). I him told it was too early for that (cos l dont want to end with a man like my dad) but after much persuasion, I said ok. Mind you I was never desperate to get married . His family wanted him to get married fast fast. 

He said before we proceed that he will like us to go see his sister and husband for their approval. Hmmm I didnt take it serious cos I love my family too. He said if they dont approve we wont go further we the plans. 

So we met his sister and she asked me series of questions. She also told me that hope I wont plan to take her brother permanently out of Nigeria in future . She wanted us to move to the state where she was so we can be close to her and their parents.  And my so called Ex agreed. Mind you he is not the only boy, they are two and he is not even the first son. After everything she approved that we should proceed with the wedding.

He came and paid my bride price and after a week  ( I am not exaggerating) he started acting totally different.  He wanted to fix our wedding date on a day suitable for him and his family and when I reminded him that it has to also be suitable for my own people especially my sisters who are far away, he said they dont have to come that his family can stand as mine  (c'est ne pas possible).
He asked me to cut down the communication with my mom and my siblings and make his mom and family mine. 

My opinion comes after he has consulted his parents, sibling especially his elder sister and her husband  (inlaw). Whatever they decide is final and if I dont agree na quarrel. If we discuss something, his family will hear.

 One of the things that was very painful was that his inlaw ( elder sisters husband) has so much influence on him. We might plan something and once he calls  him to see him our plans are cancelled. He even tried forcing his opinion on me but I refused. He was planning the wedding the way it will suit his family.
It was done on me that I am about to marry a FAMILY BOY who anybody can push around.  He has no respect for me and my opinion, his family is FIRST.  In all this I never told my family because I dont want a third party in my soon to be marriage.

Well thank God I dumped his sorry ass  when his Family boys attitude became too much and he was also verbally abusive. 
I thank God that I left before it was too late. Nobody  advised me to leave, I used my brain and my family supported me 100%.
Now I am happily married with a man that asks for my opinion first before he does everything including sending stuffs to his family, a man that adores me, a real MAN not a boy and in my next world I will marry him again. 

So poster if you decide to marry that boy OYO is your case. Get ready for public marriage because he will choose his family over you anytime. I am not against someone been close to family (which l still am) but know when to draw the line. This is because when you involve your family in everything about your marriage, they might one day dislike your spouse and of course they will always be one sided with their judgment.



*TODAYS REFLECTION Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, archangels,   FRI SEPT 29 ( Dn 7:9-10, 13-14, Jn 1:47-51).*


Beloved, as we celebrate the Feast of the archangels today, *we need to know that, the very word angel (angelos, is a Greek word for “messenger”)* and it points to *the Sender, God.* And the Hebrew names of the angels celebrated in today’s feast, each of those names is a sentence about God; *Mi-cha-el is actually a question—“Who is like God?”, Rapha-el, means “God heals”, and Gabri-el means “God is my strength.”* They are real, mighty, glorious, beautiful and magnificent in every way.

In all, there are nine orders of celestial beings that we commonly refer to as angels and all nine of these orders are traditionally organized into three spheres. *The entire hierarchy is traditionally* organized this way: 
*1. Highest Sphere: Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones.*
*2. Middle Sphere: Dominions, Virtues and Powers.*
*3. Lower Sphere: Principalities, Archangels and Angels (Guardian Angels).* 

The hierarchy of these celestial beings is ordered in accord with their function and purpose. The highest of the beings, the Seraphim, were *created solely for the purpose of surrounding the Throne of God in perpetual worship and adoration.* The lowest of the beings, the Guardian Angels, were *created for the purpose of caring for humans and communicating God's messages.* The Archangels, whom we honour today, were *created for the purpose of bringing messages of great importance to us and to accomplish tasks of the highest importance in our lives.*

Michael is well known as the archangel who was *empowered by God to cast Lucifer out of Heaven, Gabriel is well known for being the archangel who brought the message of the Incarnation to the Blessed Virgin Mary, And Raphael, whose name means "God heals" is referred to have been sent to bring healing to Tobit's eyes.* We are adviced to honour and pray to them because we believe God has entrusted them with a mission to help us bring healing, fight evil and proclaim the Word of God. *Their power comes from God, but God has chosen to use the archangels,* and all celestial beings, to accomplish His plan and purpose. *MAY THE ARCHANGELS PRAY FOR US. Be blessed.* 


Barr. Oma



Good day 

God bless the work of your hands greatly...pls i would like to share my testimony with bvs and would be glad if you can help
post it where it fits.

i got married to the love of my life in 2015 and got pregnant
immediately, the 9 months journey was smooth,no sickness at all,my duedate came and i got to the hospital at around 5am after my water
broke,the doctor checked me and said am doing great,i was there in
pains till 8pm at night after every thing has been tried,have been
induced and all still no show,at around 8:30pm i Noticed my baby wasnt
moving like before,i shouted that i want to see the doctor,he came and
said we have no other choice than emergency CS...

We agreed and it was successful, i gave birth to a bouncing baby boy,the pains after was hell and it lasted for over 2weeks,plaster was removed after 8days and i noticed the suturing started swollen, went back and the doctor said
its infected that he would prescrib some drugs for me,if after 3days
am still feeling that way they will have to reoperate it,i cried my
eyes out but thank God the drug was ok for me and by the third day
pulse started coming out of my tommy,i went back to the Hospital and
it was cleaned and dressed,after healing i noticed a very big
kelloid(not sure of the spelling but yorubas will say nkan so) and
thats how have been going about with the kelloids.

fast forward to 2017,my second pregnancy.... from day one was
hell,morning sickness, vomiting, could not even eat anything only
liquid.... this lasted for the first trimester,my EDD was august 3rd
which i waited patiently for,august 3rd came nothing,i started having
high bp,my mother Inlaw then insisted that we change from our family
hospital to a specialist Hospital, we were reluctant cos our family
doctor is really good and nice(so we thought),my pregnancy lasted 41
weeks and 3days.....fortunately my water broke around 3am and i got to
the hospital some minutes to 5am,doctor said i have only 12hours to
labour because the water is not enough and i cant be induced because
the suturing of the first CS was Not properly done,my tommy may tear
open if induced,waited patiently for 12hours,no other choice than to
do CS again,doctor told my hubby to deposit any amount we have so he
can start then we balance up,in this economy how do we raise

It was a 6man team ,d cs started around 6pm and the first
question the doctor asked was why do you people like to risk your life
because of money,what type of suturing is this?....i told him the name
of the Hospital i was using and he was surprised....

I asked him what the problem was and he said,my uterus was not contracting that the initial cs i did was done in such a way that i can never give birth
normally again,what he used for the suturing was the cheap ones,blah
blah blah....cs was successful and i was discharged the fourth day,i
then asked the doctor what really happened, he said the suturing was
done upside down so there is no passage for my baby to pass,i was
confused he then explain further that the Hospital i was using is
under investigation,i thanked him and left.

Went to my previous Hospital a week later out of curiosity to know
what happened and i was told that he has this injection he gives to
first time mothers that stops contraction and there wont be any other
choice than to do cs because of the money.Also he will do the suturing
upside down so that subsequent pregnancy will also be cs,since he is
the family doctor ..i was just so confused,all this because of
money? wicked people can be,this is a very big Hospital, a
private one at that,i can imagine the number of people that would have
lost their lives,all the pains i went through that very year..
i just cant stop thanking God for sparing my life,for using my mother
Inlaw for me,cos if not for her i would still be using that stupid
hospital,even though we spent our last this time cos the doctor helped
correct everything and removed all the kelloids am still greatful cos
i know the storm is over....thank God for me oo
to every woman looking to God for the fruit of the womb,you all shall
be favoured and blessed by his grace. WOMEN are the strongest
creature,God bless our mothers!
Investigation is on going and i pray the Hospital is close down for ever.

i would like to do free wig training for bvs,would be sharing over 20
videos that i used wen i was doing my training.... this is my own
little way of saying thank you God,biko no vex,thats all i have wish i
can do more,if you are interested in the wig training add me up on

JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH...are you for real???hell fire awaits him!!!!



  1. "Send me money before I come" is the reason why some girls are still single.

    That's how you will visit an mbaise girl in her house and she will still ask you for transport money!


    1. Elastical...

      There's nothing bad about that na.
      Shebi na u wan see babe face, so suppose ready pocket oooo😂😂😂😂

    2. Madam with the cs testimony i thank God for our life,how wicked of the doctor all because of money.may God be praised.
      Replied on the chronicle, dear poster thanks for sharing parts of your life experience, I sure learnt something from it.thank God you were blessed with a loving husband not a mummies boy type.

    3. "Archangel Michael"; agree
      But please read your bible and you won't see anywhere
      there was mention of "angel Raphael"

    4. I disagree with you Elastic. Did the guy marry all the girls that have been coming?

    5. Ms Priya you are too beautiful..chai! Nne idi mbada okay.


    6. Ola small suppose thank me for this post nah. So the ladies will stop requesting from you. Lol

      Gi Coco the guy is yet to marry cause none of the girls is ready to sacrifice.


    7. Poster who dumped the "FAMILY BOY" for a real man who seeks your opinion first on everything including sending stuff to his own people.

      Seems to me like asking for permission and that for me isnt a "real man's" trait

    8. You're an idiot!

  2. You will know that you are ugly when you are sitting beside a woman with a baby in the taxi, the baby cries and she says, "Stop crying or else Uncle will bite you."

  3. My soul glorifies the lord...

  4. Replies
    1. Go na who hold u??

    2. Hope it's not dogoyaro and monkeytails?


  5. Good day all. Missed this blog like Kilode. Let me go back to previous interesting posts have missed. House chores with no helper na real deal. Those who get paid helper, thanking God on your behalf o. This month is gone already. I wish u all a testimony filled October in Jesus name. Amen bye

    1. My dear,if you don't have,i hail you. I made sure mine is two biko.i can't come and "keey"my sef

    2. Lol
      My dear it isn't easy o
      I also stay aline. I use to have but the wahala too much so I decided to take a break
      It's well

  6. Something amazing happens when HEALTHY IKPU’S congregate!!!

    1. Abeg shift! Healthy ikpu for mouth! Who certified your ikpu??


    2. Hehehehehehehehe, you eeh. How is you?

  7. Was walking on the street this afternoon, then I had this thought, "why can't someone throw something from the aeroplane down" 😝😝😝

    Like one stewardess shud just cease one phone and throw it through d window..😂😂.

    Abi they don't open window in aeroplane ni..?? Like 'wind-down' when u are feeling hot.😒😒.

  8. Something amazing happens when HEALTHY IKPUS congregate!!!

  9. Gosh!! I so hate the new always pad...feels like rag, not a good quality at all.

    1. Virony is good and cheaper. Check it out

    2. Yes i agree! It is total rubbish! I just resumed my period after weaning my baby, and i bought my beloved always! Mehn, it was useless. I kept changing it every hour. I wont biy it again. Too bad.

    3. Please which one is advisable for a heavy flow?

    4. Family size towel

    5. Lady care (green coloured pack) is good for heavy flow.

  10. Wonders shall never end!!!
    Ashim nnini?
    Ashirim oooo, wonders agaghi agwu agwu!! Ma oli ma oli
    Ele Ele ooooo, Nkem ekpomekwenu!!!!!

    So in the morning as I was reading SP comments "one by each" and I came across a lady's comment that said she want to lend her husband 100k with 20% interest and she will tell her friend to pretend as if she borrowed the money from her.
    To my greatest surprise female BVs supported her and said it is a good idea.
    Then I started asking myself "was it not on this blog that a female BV complained that she borrowed 400k with interest from her boyfriend and her boyfriend is pressuring her to pay back and all the female BVs roasted the guy alive by saying that he suppose to leave the money for her as a support to her business.

    Bikonu female BVs marriage and relationship which one is more important and worthy of commitment?

    Ayam not understanding umu nwanyi BVs again ooo.
    Una atara akwu ka obu ka Eze Unu si acha???

    Sweetie m, Ugegbe oyibo m 1 worldwide, My Anike how are you feeling now? Oga adi mma My Chikito.. You are healed in Jesus name... Amen!!!😘😘😘

    1. Bikonu female BVs marriage and relationship which one is more important and worthy of commitment?
      The both.
      Chike aka Prince Charming

    2. Make sure you wear double condom before you do with ladies like chikilol

    3. 😂😂😂😂😂..

    4. My dear Chike u dey mind them? Ndi uwa!

    5. Nna ehn. Today they go south with their comments tomorrow they go north with their comment. Mbok i can't deal....

    6. You are finally awake


    7. @Rowland Dominic,
      Like Elastic will say "don't take 99.9% advice here serious"

    8. Anon 14:35
      Amadioha gbagbuo gi there.
      Ekpenta tagbuo gi there.
      Kitikpa na enwero nne na Nna tajie gi aka iji wee dee ifea

    9. Chike, it is a man's in-born responsibility to give and give and give to the woman. A woman on the other hand was designed to collect and collect and collect from the man. Inu la?

    10. Hehehehe this your comment really made my day. Abeg leave we female bvs alone

    11. Nwanna International, na today?
      Lucile are you from Abagana? "Taadinu"

    12. Thanks darling 💋

      @miss Priya I see ya! 😉 My co-wife. Nice sneakers too 👌🏽 Are you in Lagos? 😁

    13. Ugegbe m Welcome 😘

      Ola Moneyyyy... The matter tire me

      Elastic my manchi, emum anya ka azu kita.. Lol

      Sexy Spermy Daddy, ike gwuu.

      LUCILE COCONUT OIL, Nne oburo obele ife.

      Mrs Priya Eze daalu nke oma.

    14. Anon 14:35
      Amadioha gbajie gi aka iji type that nonsense.

    15. @President D'Royalty
      I refuse to hear... 😂😂😂😂😂😂

      QUEEN AMY, I don leave una ooo.. Lol

      Adadioramma egwu di na ibeke Unu bu umu nwanyi.. Lol

  11. Awon Richards o Tito. Na was for Casper ghosts. IHN o ti de

  12. TGIF.
    Beautiful IHN faces, miss Priya you look take-away.
    Sign out meme on point.
    God bless SDK & all the lovely bvs here.

    1. Hallos👋 jostified mom
      Priya you're foine

    2. Thanks justified mom😘😘😘😘😘😘

  13. Priya is a fine girl hiya, hiya ooo
    Eze you is lucky mehn

    It's a long holiday
    Hbd to Nigeria in adv
    Let Me observing toooo.
    Enjoy... .😀😁😂😍😘

    1. The streets are so dry. 6 years ago, Nigerians were so patriotic that they start selling and buying green White caps, flags, scarf, and whatever have you in green white. And this time 6 years ago, the streets would have been decorated with green, white flags. On pillars, post,tansformers. You have have been feeling the bubble of an independent nation but this year and last year have been so different, so cold. No single flag in the market. It shows one thing: Nigerians have lost faith in the country and this coldness towards independence is silently saying "Nigeria is not worth being celebrated"

    2. Eze is indeed a lucky man 😂
      Thanks olori

  14. Miss Priya,you are pretty😘😘

    Funni,you are beautiful😘

    Pretty faces👆👆👆

  15. Miss priya, u is a pretty babe.

    Funmi u are beautiful.

    #word @Stella the last meme.

    Stella hope u got my mail?

  16. Why do bad things happen to good people??.😢😢😢. Everything around me is tiring!

  17. Replies
    1. Happy Birthday my Beautiful damsel...💋💋💋💋💋😍😍😍
      Enjoy your day Jare...onweloo dii

    2. 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
      U is sweet oo..
      Make we sample u for dinner na😍😍

    3. Thanks BELOVED but is not my birthday, 😘😘😘😘

      Okay money 🙌🙌🙌🙌😂😂😂😂😂

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Mrs Priya Eze nne imaka... I am king EZE ifulu uzo... Igbo amaka 🙌🙌

    Pretty Funmi

    1. 😂😂😂😂🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 Chike

    2. ThatYorubaChic#wifenotcook, if na my village people send you to come and spoil my ChikiChi2017, go back and tell them that I am busy loving my Chikito so you can't get me.. 😂😂😂

    3. Tha yoruba chick na desperation be this abi na what? You don already perch under ola comment like mosquito. Dude no jah you face. Now you Don come hear, igbo man Don bounce you. Tomorrow you go follow Danny fisiye for nyansh. Abeg softry ehn make desperation no give you belle as you dey so.

  19. Anon free wig thank God for your life and hope you are not lying about the hospital.dey check am

    1. Already added her on WhatsApp
      Waiting to see some of those FBGS that cuss themselves here...

  20. Welcome IHN
    Thanks Bar Oma for bringing up the post-Nnaa mmadu anagokwa mba na uka bikonu.
    St.Michael the ArchAngel, defend us in the day of the battle, be our safe guard against the wickedness and snares of the evil ones, may God rebuke him we humbly pray, and do thou O heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell satan and all other evil spirits, who prowl the world looking for the soul to devour.
    Otito diri Jesu

    1. Udo di nwanna international. Onwego ife Ili?
      Lucile how far, hope our business is making progress?

    2. IH Testimony, your name is miracle. Thank God for safety and for keeping your children. That is how they keep wasting women lives in the name of giving birth.
      Miss Priya you are too beautiful, I love you already.
      I can't wait for this stressful week to come and go.

  21. I. H. N
    Miss Priya, àsa bekee.
    Foihn....u are fine.
    Chikito.... Kpele dear.
    Amanda favour... U will be fine.
    Atheist, may the angels of God almighty continue to guide you. Amen. Come and gist us on ur date oo...hehehe, meanwhile, did you deactivate your mail box ?

    👋 👋 efribodi. Villager, hope u are okay oo.
    Cooking unripe plantain, anyone cares to join me? I will pay ur tfare😀😀

    1. mail box still active, still white prints.
      Date by 7pm...
      Shes suggesting the venue, so i pick from chikitos list.

    2. Drop your house address I'm on my way, unripe plantain is yummy.
      Thanks love 😘😘😘😘

    3. Ola, u are in Ondo nah. The tfare will be too much mbok.
      Atheist, check ur mail.

  22. In house testimony thank God for your life. What a wicked world we live in!
    Miss priya, nwaoma ka ibu.
    Have a beautiful afternoon.

    1. Have a beautiful afternoon too dear.
      Thanks olaedo 😘😘😘😘🙌🙌

  23. The toothpaste 'Colgate' in Spanish translates to 'go hang yourself'.

  24. We thank God that everything was corrected in time but don't you think it'll be good to mention the name of the hospital? So that others don't fall victim, you'd be saving lives

  25. TGIF people 😉😉😉😉

    Miss Priya is looking hot like hot pounded yam and egusi soup 😂😂😂

    Well am hungry so in get to compare her to food.

    Anyway I wish you all a wonderful weekend ahead and pls relax and enjoy yourself.


    1. 😀😀😀😂😂😂🙌🙌🙌😘😘 love. Eating. Pussy

  26. Happy weekend beautiful people.
    So much to read today.

  27. Good day house Thank God is Friday God bless us all.

  28. Cs poster thank God for you, private hospitals na their way, after few hrs of labor they will give you so and so reasons cs should be done, you out of fear will agree, 80% of cs done to 1st time mum in a private hosps. are not necessary.

    First time mum pls use a teaching hosp, bcos of so many things.

  29. TGIF people.... Time to relax abi

    God is good.... Without him i am nothing but without me he is still God... Have a lovely day people muaaaah... Today teaching stressed me to the bone lol

  30. The kind of heart some people have ehn...that doctor is one heartless human prayer every morning is for God not to allow me fall into the wrong hands at anytime.

  31. All these people sending their faces again for IHN watagun? Pripri you are beautiful. Fine girls everywhere.

    congrats to the lady that was gifted N50k. congrats to all who needs congratulations.

    Good afternoon lovely people. To the woman that the doctor did CS for, congrats again and dont worry, God is still with you.

    Today is looking great

  32. You this Chike, should i call you man wrapper. wetin concern you for our women talk. women are looking out for each other.

    So any woman that wants to borrow her husband money, tell them it is loan ooo before you hear stories from hubby. Their stories too plenty. We women don wise up

    1. Lmao
      Yori Yori Nwa you don see person wey tie wrapper and the wrapper resemble me?
      Bia Nwa Aba gbalu tea gi nwuoo...
      Aka apukwana gi there 😂😂😂😂😂

  33. That CS story just scared the hell out of me now. I have been reading LRD archives. I was so scared the other day that I dreamt it. I'm happy for you poster. Please someone please pray s silent prayer for me. Different people keep dreaming that I either died or had stillbirth. It is well with me

    1. Declare over your life what you want simple.

    2. Nothing will happen to you. Key into Galatians 6:17 and Isaiah evil shall prevail over you.

    3. Thank you very much blessed one

  34. Hello everyone,pls who kmows how to use the spying app?how do i install it and monitor dh phone. Someone should please let me know the steps.

    1. Chai! Madam hope your blood pressure is normal, you can have heart attack oo, the things you will see ehn!

  35. Miss Priya is so pretty. The second lady too is fine.
    Droyalty I was laughing at your comment on SP. Wee bombom and poo bom bom lol. I think you should tell her their Real names.
    Maybe Stella should do a post on the age we should stop letting our kids to see us naked. My son only sees my boobs once in a while and he is 7. Maybe if he was a girl we will still be bathing together. Lols

    1. Cutiebee, you laughed?
      You mean I actually made you laugh?

      Thank you Jesus!
      Father Lord, give my the right words to always make Cutiebee to laugh on sdk blog in Jesus name, amen.

  36. Ola, so you don't know that Chikito is a runs girl? Ha where have you been? Chike is fooling himself lol.

  37. Priya and Fummi are beautiful women
    My dear I don't block people or delete numbers no matter how pissed i am,they end up blocking me themselves cause of guilty conscience I no get time.good thing you were patient enjoy
    I can't marry a mummy's boy sha
    I don't have stamina for headech

  38. Miss Priya Baibay!!!!😘

    Went to try a new style in the bathroom and even before I finished raising one leg,what I heard was Kpaaaaaaaaa.....
    And the General's laughter followed by chants of "mmia,mmia....

    He calls mmanya,mmia🤣🤣🤣

    Was all fun and games this morning till the Plumber got called in and I saw the bill. Paapa said he will have to buy new every every. Change the whole piping system. Plus cement and tiles🙄🙄

    I have Bn sooo quiet since today. Promising myself I wil be sober for the rest of this month. At least☹️

    But then I get a text some moments ago and it says in part "My Monkey In the Shadow Baby! How is the leg?

    And it kinda lifted my spirit😂😂😂😂

    Happy Weekend People!😂😂😂

    1. "My Monkey In the Shadow Baby! How is the leg? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂, Ndewo Nne 😘😘😘😘

    2. Hehehehehehe, nwunye G igbuonam. Mana how did you scatter the stuff nah. You added weight? Don't be sober jare, all join. G ga aghota no imeta ya mma ka eji gwawa na Net. Ewo, off to Oyingbo. I must make Ofe Ora this weekend plus public holiday on Monday.

    3. This is the type of marital life that I like to read about.

    4. Hahaahahahahah Nwunye G obu the ira ikpu na akosu!.....please don't try this at home.Lol

    5. TGW
      Ijele dike
      Gaa gaa na ogwu
      Odi mfe anyi alu
      Okwulu oka
      Nne ima shi na ibu onye olu?
      Iluga mbada mba.. Lol 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
      Aka m di na elu. Okwa ishi mu weetuo ya, mu ewetuo ya. Ma ishi ya diri nga ahu, okwa odiri there.. 😂😂😂🙌🙌🙌🙌

      Ed come and see your legal adviser...

      Ed I told you that Nwunye G bu aka ochie. Ife ona alu bu ife alu gbo gbo... 😂😂😂😂😂

  39. Priya and Fummi are beautiful women
    My dear I don't block people or delete numbers no matter how pissed i am,they end up blocking me themselves cause of guilty conscience I no get time.good thing you were patient enjoy
    I can't marry a mummy's boy sha
    I don't have stamina for headech


  41. I thank God for you poster of CS. It well.

    1. This type of gbege is the reason most Nigerians frown at CS. Our health care system is under developed and not many people can afford the very good and expensive hospitals.
      I read the TTC post of yesterday and saw one woman's comment saying she had her child via CS and people were greeting her sorry. IkwakwakwakwakwaKwakwakwakwakwa

  42. IN HOUSE NEWS is here... voila🎉🎉🎉🍹🍷

    Beautiful faces of IHN

    Wow... Thank God for your life.
    The doctor is a wicked someborri....
    Things some doctors do for money no be am, @ all. Equating money over human lives is very disgusting. Thanks be to God that gave your mother-in-law the insight to use another doctor.

    Stella, your sign out MEME is the Shiz-nit😍😍😍😍.

    May God's undiluted blessings, favor and grace fall on us all in Jesus name Amen

  43. Last Friday of September, God is people any info on mini flat at AKwa anambra to let please kindly drop your contact. Stella bon courage

  44. Its a good day! Hello Stella and her tenants. Beautiful Friday it is here in KD.Kai Stella u gather comedians here o...kwakwakwa even Ali baba no see Una back. Bee10 ur comment on sp dis morning abt Iron Rose left me in stitches..Kai d way u called Saul. Una no go kill me with laugh o.Abi na yori yori baby with her grammar.someone suggested she becomes sexy daddy's second wife...kwakwakwakwa.abeg Una 3 much for dis blog .

    1. How can my yori yori be Sexy daddy's second wife? Yori yori no be Sexy daddy mate na.

  45. First time in IHN and hopefully many more

  46. Good afternoon y'all

    Miss priya, i see you o

    1. Thatyorubachic I hail ooo 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

  47. is everyone's day going..great I suppose.I'm d anon DAT asked for advise on sp dis morning. abt lending my hubby money with interest.Thanks so much for Una advise and DAT yeye person insulting me.I say may u marry a Stingy man if u aren't married yet.So I decided to give him d money with 20% interest.All na bizness na.

    1. And I was talking about you up there, 👆.

      Madam you can lend him money using your friend, but I don't support the interest. It is not good to put interest for him. The business is for the good of your family.

    2. Ikwakwakwakwakwa
      Hope you told him the money was from money lender, no dulling...
      A stingy man I will not wish my enemy.

  48. Wow, things people do for money. Thank God for your life.

  49. Wow Beautiful faces of IHN. Miss Priya is really pretty.. And funmi I love your skin tone..
    What's happening in your area?

  50. ThankGod for your life madam, your story brought memories to me, it's a story for another day.

  51. Stella wait!! . The okoro thingy is just too bland for my Baby! .
    Priya love Are you from Tennessee? Because you are the only ten I see.
    I sure hope you know CPR, cuz you take my breath away.
    If you were a phone of apple,then you would be called igorgeous .
    If grapes make skin beautiful, then you must be living in a vineyard.
    Damn !, if being sexy was a crime, you'd be guilty as charged.
    Baby,if you were words on a page,you'd be what they call FINE

    Shout out to you princess !!

    1. @ fine print 😂😂😂
      Thanks you so much love,
      Igwe 1 of SDK community 😘😘😘😘😘😘🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌👍👍👍😍😍😍😍😍💋💋💋💋💋💋

    2. Wow!!!
      See love!!
      Miss Priya is truly beautiful
      Eze is that you on your DP? If yes, then your kids would be very beautiful. Handsome man plus beautiful lady... chai!!

    3. I am king EZE kita ka ibia...
      Nalu ise na ifulu uzo.

  52. Priyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, why??? Why soooooooooooo fine????? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy????? 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

    Love is a beautiful feeling......... Choi!!!!

    Ps: what are the duties of a Chief Bridesmaid????

    Lovely Afternoon Lovelies 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

    1. Cookieeeeee 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌😘😘😘😘😘😘

  53. Welcome IHN!

    Errrmm!!! Am calling out Lipstikally for making me laugh profusely yesterday....hahahaha!! My network was poor yesterday I couldn't come up here for IHN. In D evening I decided to surf our ogbonge blog gbam I stumbled on her comment on our favourite celeb...hahahaha I laughed so hard that my mum had to look at me n shake her head*** phone madness **.

    All the same babes thanks cos I had a good laugh n am happy for that.This is my call

    I thank God for your life.
    God will frustrate the life of that wicked doctor. He will live a miserable and painful life.

  55. Miss priya always knows how to hide her burnt knuckles. Bleaching thingz

    1. Na wa, every fair girl is bleaching her skin. Thanks sis

  56. In house testimony , I thank God for your life ooh. Wooooow scary story. It's cos of stories and hospitals like this that made my DH say that I'd use a General hospital when we're ready to have kids but I told him God forbid, that I'm too posh to use "Public Hospital " May God save us in this country

    1. Pls use teaching hospital, they normally have one in each state.

  57. That doctor is from hell, please give us the name of the stupid hospital!

    1. How will she give you the name? She wants you to do upside down suturing there so that they will destroy your womb as well and leave your vagina like opening of bucket.

  58. Psalm 34:8

    Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him

  59. Hi everyone!
    Hello to my lovelies in the house, how una dey? Where is Shakiti baby? She don metamorphose to another name? IkwakwakwakwakwaKwakwakwakwakwa

    Miss Pripri baby, you is foine!

    Chikito Chikinwa, sorry about your Malaria, start using Mosquito net on your bed. It's been almost a year since I treated Malaria last. I and my family sleep under treated mosquito nets every night. Even when I'm travelling, I go with my net. I always find a way to tie it around where I will lay for the night. I hate mosquitoes with a passion and I don't expose myself or my princess to them. The burglary on my verandah, I paid a good carpenter to arrange a net on it. I boil water once every week and pour in the hole in my kitchen sink, wash hand basin in the bathroom and the other hole to kill their eggs.

  60. 😂😂😂😂😂 thanks Stella.
    I love you

  61. Thanks Madam Stellz.

  62. To the lady that replied the chronicle poster, Thank God for you. I almost enter one chance marriage too buh my God will never let me make that mistake. This one is his mother and 2nd sister, mummy said, ulunma said...Even engagement ring, the sister was angry that she's supposed to be the one to buy it not him, imagine! he talks too much, everybody knows his business, complains alot, at a time my sister started avoiding his calls. I'm yet to see anyone who talks and nags like him, so insecured.I don't know between him and his family which baggage is manageable. I really pity the girl he ends up with, him and his family will so make life miserable for her.

  63. Beautiful Priya and Funmi, yeah patience truly pains, Congrats, testimony lady thank God for you and congratulations on the birth o your baby, thank God is Friday, Chikito you are heal .good afternoon all

  64. Hi. I am new here. My friend recommended this blog to me. I hope you all are having a nice day?

  65. Madame that did cs, I thank God for your life, that shit dey happen under ground since 1900 some doctors mind dey their back all for the bar upon say na to save life be their baptismal name, they still don't care .

  66. Dem no believe me , but next week I go share my invitation .
    Quoting : 2baba

  67. The Officer's wife29 September 2017 at 18:30

    Thank God is Friday.May the mercy of God pave way and grant our heart desires as we usher into the month of October.

  68. Friday is here already
    Let me ask around if there is any owambe in my area tomorrow, I need to go out a little

  69. Thank God for that lovely testimony, may God continue to protect all his children.

  70. Replies
    1. Latecomer for where?

      You no sabi gatecrash?

      Here na church?

      Ok be latecoming den, na so you go announce yourself for Heavens gate as a latecomer that you are.


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