Today we will be settling a all out...
Both the caller and the callee are here with their stories....
WE WERE NOT THERE WHEN IT HAPPENED but we can read and deduct the situation which must not have been easy for both parties......
we are trying to make peace here so please do not fuel the situation.....
Have a nice weekend everyone.......
See you on Saturday Spontaneous post....
Today is my birthday and I want my pictures to be used as face of IHN.. I want to appreciate my creator for keeping me till this day...
Shutout to you stellz, you rock.
And to every bv...
Bv olori oma
Happy Birthday beautiful one,you are so slim,I like!

Stellakorkus of life,please use my picture to grace Ihn today, this is my 3 days postpartum Tummy,baby no 2,I decided to put it on display cos I'm feeling myself,for the doubting Thomas argue with your ancestors,and for the holier than thou, am in my house come and beat me.#LRD loading.
Shoutout to all the controversial bvs.
THREE DAYS POST PARTUM AS IN?????? just welcomed a patter of tiny feet?????huh?
Hahahahahahahahahaha #comingtobeatyou
baby number 3 and 4 go soon load this one when you don twist waist down dey wait.......and your pin lipstick?hahahahahahhahaha u set die....ahahhahahaha...I think you might actually get some haters today but no mind them na ''JEALOUSNESS''
Madam Stella,
For my Igbankwu I was looking for vendors.
I am an avid reader of your blog but I never comment, so in one of your Inhouse post Labliss events advertised that she makes cakes. I contacted her and she told me she does more than cakes. I went ahead and hired her for the complete catering for my Igbankwu in Owerri (Nov 25th 2016) . See what we ordered below. 1,320,000 Naira was her charge, I paid in full before the event. My family provided the COW. You know Nigeria about 250 people were invited 500 people showed up.
1.Fried rice
Served with chicken & salad . 250 servings 1100 naira per plate
2.Jollof rice
Served with salad and chicken 250 servings. moi 100 servings
4.Ofe Owerri cooked with dried meat.dry fish.isam .stockfish .with EBA.150 servings .
5.Ofe nsala served with fufu.cooked with long bitter leave.dried beef.stockfish. dried fish kpomo. 150 servings.
6.canned malt 175
Canned coke 175
Canned sprite 175
Canned fanta 175 .
7. Ushering service charge. #12 servers
8.Side dishes
Ukgba 50 plates
Nkwobi 50 plates .
4 tier cake with same sculpture .
10. Small chops 150 packs
spring rolls
puff puff
prawn crackers.
Pepped gizzard
Sausage rolls
11) Decor chairs .canopies.tables and couple couple stage .
Cooling van
Labliss event did a good job with the cake, softdrinks and décor. Here are my problems with Labliss event, If someone pays you 550,000 naira for 500 plates of rice, isn't it common sense to buy more than one bag of rice. On the day of the event we found out she was cooking only one bag of rice. the food disbursement was a shame to say the least. I couldn't find her 12 servers. there were only about 4 at the food stand dishing out food. She told me her servers are only to dish out food not serve guests????? whaaaat?? . The small chops that were supposed to be in nice 150 packages and handed out, that didn't happen.
She personally made the cake , so the morning of the event instead of managing and ensuring all was going well she was at the hotel decorating the cake. I ended up paying for 5 hotel rooms for 3 nights for her and her "dishers" (Hidden cost)
My Igbankwu was a disgrace because most people did not eat, My inlaws went home without eating. If you book labliss ensure other vendors do other aspects of your wedding. DO NOT ever give one vendor total control of your wedding. It is such an important day for one person to ruin. Thank God for my husband. The issue caused problem between us. Stella be careful who you do free advert for.
When I arrived from USA and I met her she told me she will charge an extra 100k for decoration (hidden costs) , this is after we had finalized costs. All in all the event was not a good one. People beware there is soo much more I can type Im just tired. Another mistake I made was I came from USA so I trusted one vendor to do everything.
My advice is be careful who your hire for your wedding, do your homework and do not contract an event to one person. Ask specific questions before you book!!!! Ask to see all the ingredients and have your people monitor what the caterer does. I paid all she asked for on time yet I my event was a disgrace.
My Mum insulted her when her staff came to take some of their stuff after the event because of how bad it went . I cautioned my Mum and told her not to do that again.
In conclusion, quite honestly I am angry with LAbliss event because I feel used.
Thanks for hearing me out.
Washing the Vjay.
Greetings Stella.
We've got to discuss this issue of Washing the"Vjay" to educate some people cos, it seems "some" don't know the logics on Washing the Vjay.
I've read about 2 to 3 comments here saying "don't wash the inside of your Vjay, just use a mild soap and wash the outside", seriously?!
I've never heard of that before.
Only been told to use only water and wash the inside, then, a mild soap for the outside.
How can u not wash?. After periods? Sex?
Gush! Can't deal mehn.
Sorry if I sound harsh or ignorant.
We learn everyday, right?
My dear I am tired of discussing this topic..Use whatever you like,Use 'Ororo',use diesel but just make sure it is washed,,ah ah!!!
Keep it well trimmed or completely shaved and washed with lots of can it smell if you do...lots of water,abi na one cup of water you dey imagine?
Dont chook soap inside and make sure you Douche....
Good day to you Stella.
I am one of your blog visitors and please I will be glad if you can help me put this up in IHN. Any bv who has a baby Walker to give away please I need one now for my Son but can't afford it. Please I will prefer someone in Lagos because I can't afford to pay for a way bill now. I can be reached on 08130192601.
Thanks so much.
Hello Stella,
I need some people to go on errand for me in these cities
If you reside in these cities and you can help me run some few errands please send an SMS to to 08099418308 with your location and I will call you back.
Financial appreciation is involved.
Thank you Stella.
She was the winner of the Port Harcourt free advert post and as soon as I posted there was a call out and I contacted sexy Daddy to alert her that there was a call out and she seemed to know who cause she sent me this response which co-incides with the call out...
Good day ma .Sexy Daddy brought my attention to a call out by one of my client . I got to know her through your blog . She contacted me and booked our services for her traditional marriage last year July . The event took place last year November. We agreed on a certain amount with lots of discounts which was OK for us both . She insisted I come down to her place nekede in owerri 3 days earlier . Infact, all her terms I kept to it . She even acknowledged that . But her complaint started when I she called me while the cooking was going on that one bag of rice wouldn't be enough for the number of persons she paid for .
I was trying to make her understand that we cook with measurement in which I earlier stated in our discussions. One bag and quarter feeds 500 persons because each rice servings comes with , peppered chicken, salad ,moimoi or dodo . She herself ate and told me that our food was excellent .her family wanted to do the cooking . But she confided in me that they are only looking for a way to milk her in her own words. So the mum raised alarm and was nagging that we caterers are criminals . You can imagine I was at my hotel room Decorating her cake when she called me and was screaming I couldn't bear her insult any more so I had to tell that let me go back with my staff .
And transfer her money back to her because she kept saying I saw that she just came back from America and want want to utilise the opportunity to drain her .Stella my parents have stayed in America north Carolina for over 30 years . Her dad called me and I explained to him that we must continue with the program he has to bring some one from his side to be counting the number of persons we served in other to erase every doubt. So they agreed and he brought some one and I still went and met her while she was dressing up and told her what we agreed she said she was OK with that but seeing the crowd that was troop in in , she suggested her mum should bring extra quarter bag since we had so much condiments remaining by then we were almost done with cooking .
I still told her that I will dish that one in a separate cooler in other to satisfy my conscience that I delivered what I was paid for .even her sister came and thanked us that we did well I shouldn't mind her family , that for the fact they couldn't achieve their aim they will set confusion. Her 2nd complain was that her in laws didn't eat. Stella we both agreed that her in laws are the centre of concentration which I personally dished their first food . They were 43 initially . When the occasion hasn't even started they came . Her mum alerted me and I was dishing while she took upstairs to them . When it got to her mother in law she came back and told me to give her a bowl of peppered chicken and salad . Which I obliged. Then afterwards she has already told me that when the occasion starts proper,I should send my staff to serve them before the time for refreshment , I told her the consequences . Once you do that in a community wedding the crowd will no longer concentrate , their attention will be solely on the food .
she told me they will be going back to their base so for the fact they eat she cares less about the crowd. Her mum came to the stand and supervised their servings which she still acknowledged. Those in laws ate and ate and over ate . The special side dishes we made for them ( NKWOBI ) their spokes man came and told me that their title men amongst them don't eat in the public I . Immediately packed it as take away. And I went to their canopy and asked them if they were all satisfied and they said they were and appreciated our services. While we were serving her in laws . The crowd that was in the field ( guest ) rushed down to the food stand and you can't imagine the what it was like .even the police men . The journalist. The vigilante could not control the crowd .they also joined the crowd to hustle for food .😓😓. After the Mc tried to calm the public down to relax food will get to almost every one .the crowd was being very hard to manage because the Okada riders made half of the population . Once they heard that their community chiefs daughter was wedding and the people that matters in the state were there , you can imagine their expectations.
Well that experience taught us so much . The gbege at the venue became threatening so her dad had to relocate the important personalities to the main building and asked me to come with only 2 staff to serve the fully filled up 3 parlours. I and 2 of my staff with the assistance of their aunt served until it was dark because they ate varieties . By the time I came down ( 7.30) the crowd was reduced drastically and my stand turned upside down with most of my plates and casseroles broken . So I had to go behind were we cooked .there I saw my staff analysing the whole thing . But as God will have it they had 2 more coolers of native soup and 1 cooler of NKWOBI .
So I quickly went to her mum and told her .she sent her sister who followed and transferred the soup to her coolers . While I waited for the 3rd cooler transfer the NKWOBI . It was forthcoming and I had to retire back to my lodge cos it was already late and mobile escorts were already grumbling. I went back to their mum and gave her cooler and told her I will pick it up in 2 weeks when my staff delivers their photo book ET al.she was delighted . Now in the morning while we were loading our van to take off to port Harcourt . The father called me for another meeting and complained how we couldn't control the massive crowd in the field . And 2ndly he went around and counted the empty packet of juice on the floor and 2 empty packs was missing .that if people drank the chivita juice(#400) were is the pack 😂😂😂😂
.at that point the younger sister to the bride stood up and left in anger ,so I explained to the Eze the much I could excused my myself and left . Meanwhile my client left their place immediately after cutting her cake . And I also served her food .drinks and chops through her chief Ashebi lady . And she sent me a text how she enjoyed what she ate .let me at this point leave out some details which were very hurtful to me because I already forgave her long time ago . She said I demanded extra 100 k .which she didn't pay up finally . We agreed to decorate about 400 chairs and 5 to 6 canopies . Which I charged for . Finally she hired close to 1000 chairs and extra 5 twin canopies . And the crowd standing was more than the ones sitting . Her mum asked me to give her my spices remaining , which i refused because no caterer dose that . My phone is down I send in a conclusion soonest thanks
So her mum still came out as I left the meeting and came to were I was asking me in a rude approach to give her my remaining spices . She has a full house and things are so expensive in the market . Stella I was paid to cater for the guest and that was what I did.
When that crowd gathered the food stand and I saw the wahala I quickly ran to her mum and told her to call the heads of the uniform men there to enforce order. She told me to do the best I can and let her go and carry her hand bag because alot of people were smoking weed in a broad day light and those same officers aren't doing anything about it , rather they joined the crowd to hustle for food. It is not the work of a caterer to do crowd control neither was I the event planner . She planned her day herself and brought me in as a vendor. This same lady after dancing out to find her husband according to tradition , saw the chaos and immediately she rushed down to the stand and was shouting to this crowd that surrounded the food to go back and asked us to shut down .
You needed to be there to see the drama .then she saw that most of those guys were high . Keke drivers . Okada riders . Vigilante people .the villagers etc . She went straight and cut her cake ordered people to carry her cake into their waiting vehicle and left with her husband and in laws .The eve of the wedding while we were setting up the place ( decorations) her dad called me for a meeting by 10 pm , she was present and kept asking were and how she will dance in . 😃😃😃that topic alone lasted till 12:20 am ooo. I had to beg to be excused .
Then I asked them what was the measures to control the crowd since they have so talk about how the whole imo and anambra state will gather for the occasion the chief vigilante man is an alcoholic . He answered me with ." Hey madam let me tell you leave that to us and just make sure you serve everybody fully .IF NOT YOU WILL LEAVE THIS VENUE WITH ONE LEG . 😲😲😲.i should ask the Eze in order to confirm how dangerous he is to any person that doesn't do the wish of his master .I stood up and gave him the warning of his life and immediately the meeting ended . Ask Yvonne to find out all that I stated here.
While the chaos was going on that chief vigilante came and met me and commanded me to order 2 to 3 my staff to serve his men that he was going to bring them to come and sit behind the food stand .after much persuasion I agreed he brought them and arranged chairs for them I served them and beg them to eat fast and control the crowd. These guys ate .ate and ate . Then they started drinking and smoking while their oga .the chief vigilante guy kept running to our cooling van to use violence to carry drinks to his men and right in my presence he gathered and gave his hungry looking children to run and drop in his house . " that today is their day to enjoy .
So when I saw that, I called the attention of my staff and ask him to stop giving him access to the cooling van . He told me that the guy is high with drugs and he kept threatening him with his darker ( Hausa knife ) and the Eze came and told him to release drinks to him to serve the public . They never stood up to help control the crowd . Another incidence that happened was that , as the food was being managed to serve because of the environment , while Yvonne was screaming for the crowd to go back to their seats .the mother suggested we give one cooler of rice .protein and salad to one of the women dancing group .
I immediately did so . Do you know that that particular woman carried the half cooler of rice with two other women . Went behind my car and offloaded every thing together in a dirty looking rice bag. And this is why I don't give people food to serve unless that individual is my staff. You can imagine the rest of the occasion.i have been into this biz for about 9 years . Some times our clients don't know that we give instructions and manage our events based on experiences. But rather they impose their decision on us the way they want their event . So I tried the much I could to remedy the situation .but it was obviously beyond my control.
I after the occasion got charted up by Yvonne 2 days later and she stated categorically her displeasure in the crowd mismanagement which I also let her know it wasn't what I was booked for .she apologised and also apologised for what I wasn't solely responsible for . She told me her husband refused to pay the balance and I accepted my fate . So I was sooo ooo shocked that this same lady after almost a year will say what she said.i have been privileged to be contracted by about 12 brides in your blog and other event planners . 2 out of this events was a big regret for me . But I take it to be part of my learning process . If for nothing , I won't want to stain my biz name with a bad image because I have laboured to stand against all odds .I contacted her through what sap yesterday with just let God be the judge between I and her .
The reply and insult she gave me made me give her back a double dose of what she dished out . So as our mother you are , I decided to report myself tooo. 😆😆😇😇😇.thank you
I am not Judging or saying you are right or wrong but henceforth try to avoid call outs like this because it is bad for your business and for me as the really makes me look bad and also spoils business for others....please I urge two of you to forget about the past and make peace,you dont need to be friends but just apolgise to each other and keep it moving.
Madam thank God you are married and thats all that matters,please let it go...Make una free me from this gist if una decide not to settle,I have tried my best and God forbids that i take sides.
Life is really crazy
ReplyDeleteYou dream that u have a car, when u wake up, u have nothing!
U dream that u have money, when u wake up, u have nothing!
But try to dream that u're urinating, that's when ur dreams come true😂😂😂😂😂
Good afternoon everyone... TGIF
Happy birthday to me
DeleteLols... Thats how I cum after straffing in my dreams
Good afternoon SDK, I will only preach peace to the 2. Bvs. Sometimes couples don't and their families don't plan well,they envisage and plan for few numbers of guests but by the time the party starts proper it will be too late to make amend.
DeleteHappy Birthday to you olori Ola... More life and wins to you
DeleteElastic so u still dey get wet dream? Or na spiritual lol 😯😯😯😯😯😯😯😯
Happy birthday, Omawunmi.
DeleteI found out about la Bliss last year from thid blog. She was having the kind of promo you advertised for her recently.
DeleteI was happy to use her, even though my in laws wanted someone else, I made sure not to disappoint her, so in the end they let me have my way but booked an extra caterer(thankfully).
I categorically stated that I didn't want Flowers, as I am not a flower person. The theme of my wedding was diamonds are forever.
Behold on that day, it was flowers galore on the stage. My cake, was supposed to be with stones n bling, I nearly cried when I saw what she made. She finally admitted that she gave it to one of her girls to bake. Unbelievable, after she had told me she was working on my cake the day before.
The decor, all she could tell Me was that for the price she gave us, the job was good. Notwithstanding that it wasn't what was discussed.
I just let everything go because in the end, I was married and that was what was important. Luckily we had an extra caterer, so the fact that there was complaints about her food was not obvious. Even though she didn't keep food aside for I n hubby as she ought to.
This is not a call out, but like the other lady said, please bvs should not use only one vendor for everything
I have inner peace of mind.
ReplyDeleteMe too
DeleteGood for you 😎
DeleteThat's all that matters in the end
DeleteYou can't put a price tag on a peace of mind
Friday ihn. Brb
ReplyDeleteGod forbids u take sides ehn Stella kikikikiki
DeleteYour whole life is one big lie tueh
IHN Ekaaabooo
ReplyDeleteBlogbrity Showapa? Ehnnn you can still get for Unizik Aspirants around you na..
Just do transfer for me and send their Watsaap numbers..Chikina 😁
Cookieeee I am coming.. 💋
Happy Birthday Chilaka big and happy family 🎂
Happy Birthday Olori Oma
Happy Birthday Olori Original
Ahh Olori haff plenty o
Happy Birthday Abigail Joseph
Happy Birthday Chimamanda Adichie
Happy Birthday to Others celebrating
Sugar in my Garri..please ehn Tell them That the Kilishi is for you and your sister 😁
I will collect mine when you come back
And Snap plenty pictures for my Eyes only.🙈
JAYMOOOREE Me too I have missed you 👁
Okay let me go back to 💃💃💃💃
This is for girls who have the tendency to stay up at night listening to music that reminds them of their current situation. Who hide their fears, hurt, pain and tears under the smiles, laughs and giggles on a daily basis. The girls who wear their heart on their sleeve. The girls who pray that things will work out just once and they'll be satisfied. The girls who sceam and cry to their pillows because everyone else fails to listen. The girls who have so many secrets but wont tell a soul. The girls who have mistakes and regrets as a daily moral. The girls that never win. The girls that stay up all night thinking about that one boy and hoping that he'll notice her one day. The girls who take life as it comes, to the girls who are hoping that it'll get better somewhere down the road. For the girls who love with all their heart although it always gets broken. To girls who think it's over. To real girls, to all girls: You're beautiful.
ReplyDeleteChai,life could sometimes be difficult
DeleteFriday IHN, you and your household will not end in the back of an ambulance this year. The Ember months will be in our favor not against us
ReplyDelete*Larry was here*
AMEN to this prayer.
DeleteAmen,Starry the Larry 😘
DeleteAmen and Amen.
DeleteAMEN🙏 In Jesus' name
DeleteIf People Can Use "LOL" Without Even Laughing
ReplyDeleteSurely They Use "I Love You" Without Even Loving
Use your head faa
I kept on reminiscing on how far I have gone, all I have to say is thank you Lord.
I use to think that birthday serves as reminder that one is moving closer to the grave, don't wanna grow old one bit.
Birthday in a bit,not too excited yet not ungrateful.
Ekasan, shey alafia
Nice weekend ahead
ReplyDeleteThe information reaching us is that there will be riot today after Mosque in the outskirts : Nyanya, karu, kubwa, gwagwalada, etc. Please everybody should be very watchful as you go out today. God help us.
God please intervene.
DeleteHelp your children and come to their aids.
Na wa o😎
DeleteIhn to bad
ReplyDeleteThe lady that gave birth congrats but that pic u used is terrible abeg.
Deletesomething must kill man
ReplyDeleteeven aids dey fear ebola
Hurray,bvs help me to thank God,today is my birthday,am so happy,I thank God for adding another year to my years.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday...more life and wins
DeleteHappy birthday to you
DeleteHappy birthday Authe nwa😘😘😘
DeleteHappy birthday @ Authenticbaby.
DeleteMay God bless your new age.
Happy birthday
Happy birthday
DeleteHappy birthday to you, WULLNP.
DeleteHappy birthday to youuuuuuu, age with grace
DeleteHappy birthday.
DeleteHappy birthday, LLNP
DeleteHappy birthday
DeleteHappy birthday dear
DeleteLast ihn for d week! May God comfort the broken hearted#feelingdown#feelingdepressed#broken#showyourselfstrongohLord
ReplyDeleteThe Lord is your strength.
ReplyDeleteThis is to notify the entire beeveleons, both "firmous" and "infirmous" of the opening of the HornyOvulation Support Group (HSG) which cropped up as a result of the "vassatality"of this blog.
ReplyDeleteTo join you have to prove that you indeed feel in strong need of "Cassava/Cucumber/Banana/Carrot or maybe pencil" during your ovulation days.
Proof is open to creativity. And screening will be done by President Chikito (the covener who declared the need for a support group) and the 1st 3 people who acknowledged under that comment that they undergo such an occurrence too.
Selection shall be done afterwards.
Slogans and greeting patterns shall be adopted also.
P.S This group would have been restricted to females but with the notice of males such as At***st who seem to undergo such occurences(at strategic times of the year), we are open to all genders.
I'm in! My charge is affordable...
Bipolar can I join Una? Lol
DeleteFree entry to me,no story😎
DeleteLoving today's IHN style. Stella you are so talented and creative. Ngwa, make I go order for my jellof rice and come back.
ReplyDeleteIf People Can Use "LOL" Without Even Laughing
ReplyDeleteSurely They Use "I Love You" Without Even Loving
Use your head faa
I kept on reminiscing on how far I have gone, all I have to say is thank you Lord.
I use to think that birthday serves as reminder that one is moving closer to the grave, don't wanna grow old one bit.
Birthday in a bit,not too excited yet not ungrateful.
Ekasan, shey alafia
Nice weekend ahead
Birthday in a bit? Okay... Happy birthday in a bit
Oh malaria lemme😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
ReplyDeleteSorry dear.
DeleteMay Divine healing fall on you.
It is well.
This kind of one that makes you laugh must be d**karia 😎
DeleteSorry dear
DeleteGet well soon my baby.
DeleteVery Long IHN😥😥. Got a wedding tomorrow, can't wait oh💃💃
ReplyDeleteToo much calling out
Reading mode activated
Operation call the callables 😎
DeleteStarry dear I'm good oo,hope you are good too.take 😘
ReplyDeleteThank God for your sister in-law Sexy Daddy.
I was scared when I couldn't reach my dad till yesterday evening.To think my dad is always lively and full of encouragement but he couldn't hide his sadness from yesterday's event.He left the house at about 8am and was back by 10am cos of the tension in Aba.
I pray God gives our leaders wisdom to make the right decision and may he keep our loved ones out there safe .Amen
Amen to your prayer.
DeleteWhy are all these pretty girls standing like crippled people?
ReplyDeleteMust one leg be bent or is disfigurement trending?
Lolz,you are mouthed.
DeleteOlori Oma, smallie 😎, happy birthday 😎
ReplyDeleteThanks lady bug
DeleteVery dramatic IHN toady... 😁
ReplyDeleteI tire ooo, very dramatic and mess.
DeleteSo bloody hell you have a flat stomach? So? Are you sure you are not possessed?
ReplyDeleteEven with her flat stomach she looks local and unkempt, who wants to come to such dirty environment and beat an akpu igbotic looking body like postpartum my ass
DeleteIs that even a flat tummy? Mshewww
Deletegeez! you people are so bitter.
No mind Stella ooo.
We no jealousness you oooo
U is a hot slay Chick mama...
Ola comot eye for person wife.. Lol
Olori, you are beautiful!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't get the concept behind the second picture, what message are you trying to pass across??
Honestly, if your mum isn't around, the house seems really empty... Mum went on vacation, and honestly I miss herrrrrrr....
Message of a slay tummy after birth 😎
DeleteHappy birthday Olori Oma.
DeleteGod bless you.
Hello everyone, miss me? I doubt that... Hello to the EEI fam 💋💋💋
ReplyDeleteIya Oshoronga (yeye aro igba aso ma bale), e jo e mail me ma... Mama Tee series, I'm your no 1 fan! Love you all!
... Jesus is my worth!
Hello Priceless Jewel♥️
DeleteAt least you also doubted your fallacy 😎
DeleteHappy birthday to me......hurray I am +1 today.
ReplyDeleteAm super excited, so over-pampered today
Happy birthday @ Abigail J.
DeleteHapoy birthday
Happy birthday to you
DeleteHappy birthday to you!
DeleteHappy birthday to me
DeleteA married woman can not sick in peace in Nigeria.
ReplyDeleteMe : I'm sick dear
Friend : awww, it's a double double things for you
Me : Its not what you are thinking. I'm just down with malaria. I haven't treated malaria this year and it's come calling
Friend : stop lying jor. Why are you trying to hide something we will see in some months time?? Please it's twins o. Don't stress yourself o. I'm sure they will be girls
Me : 😕 😕 ( confused because I'm wondering if they did the do on my behalf during my ovulation time. Me that stay 100yards far from the boo during that time, including 3 days before and 3 days after incase God wants to play a fast one
That's how I was tired 2 days ago in church because of the drugs and sat thru out the service and a lady said, ah, it has entered. Issa twin girls for you. 😕 (I'm always active in church, if I'm not dancing, I'm singing, or taking shots of myself. They are tired of my vain self in church but on this day, I did none)
Now I'm just wondering why everyone is watching me and hoping I say I'm pregnant. Some are even watching my tummy and asking why it's not coming out yet.
People don't know school fees in Lagos is not child's play? Who gives birth to plenty children this days when you take your 4yrs old to school and they tell you per session is almost 1m. Please stop watching my tummy people 😩😩
Please I direct all the babies they are wishing me to all the going to conceive moms out there.
Hello everyone....
U too talk abeg..
DeleteOne curly haired baby girl won't hurt Na...
Kisses to your over active Princes 💋💋💋who are patiently waiting for Their princess 😍
Sorry dear.
DeleteDon't blame her.
Hi fab mum✋. How are you feeling now?
DeleteLols... Born give me nah, Me go train them wella. I want twins..
@beloved, believe me when I tell you they are not waiting for any princess... They don't even want a price as it is
Delete@ thanks. I kuku don't mind her. Let her be waiting
@darasimi, I'm doing better now. How you doing??
@bee10, how are you?? Hope kano is calmed? Called my people and there is tension in their place. Let God take control
@elastic, so you mean with all the ways you follow women, you can't shoot twins?? Go and born and bring them for me to help bring them up. Of course with your money.. Meet Ed
Happy birthday to our girl Oma frm all of us in Edo/Delta group.
ReplyDelete@victory, u didn't need to tell us all dt story nao. U no need validation frm us . U fine Sha.
Will be back to read d call out n d reply
Thanks vicky
Delete#That awkward moment when you're at a party, where you only know one person and that person leaves you to fend for yourself 😁😁
Hi Chike, Atheist, Kelvin, Baracudanisa, V & V, 💋💋💋
ReplyDelete... Jesus is my worth
Hello Priceless Jewel.
DeleteOma you is fine. Hbd
Hot mama@Victory, nothing do you😅😅😅I salute 🙌🙌🙌🙌
ReplyDeleteHbd Bv Olori Oma, you and this your Uniben background nobi here o. But I thought you gals were on strike. wetin u dey do for school😕😕😕I'm going to tell your people at home.😛😛😛
Lol kidjo ... I'm home now and those are old pictures.. I no dey komot for house reach where I go snap new pictures
DeleteHow's work kidjo?
Delete@All: Thanks for the love shown on my pic yesterday.God has been so merciful to me.
ReplyDeleteThank God I wasn't decoded.Either my lovelies didnt read yesterday or kept me anonymous.Either ways i'm grateful.
@Sweetie: side eyes at claiming to be me.I know you did it just for fun but I hope my face wont be attached to your ID make person no go beat me for road one day as a "vassata" somebody that you is.
What again? Enjoy your weekend lovelies.
You go dey alright...
Elastic shift joor..
DeleteSee me feeling fly that I wasn't decoded only for me to get a chat greeting as "Madam FOIHN" I never thought this somebody was a BV ooo.
It's official going back to my ID,bye anonymous I enjoyed the bliss that came with you.
Last day as BV MSC
Victory congrats.
ReplyDeleteNice tummy.
Kisses to your baby😘😘😘
Olori happy birthday
Age gracefully.
Nice tummy?😎
DeleteIhn is Bae👍👍,happy birthday omo.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how it works but as a caterer if your customer ask you to cook for let's say 400people, you should budget for 450 and cook for that amount. Also, people should also keep their food for their personal people and family away from the one to be shared at the event to avoid stories like this.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, you two should forget the past and move on. No matter how well planned an event is there would always be a plan that wouldn't go perfectly. Thank God for a successful occasion.
Happy birthday Olori Oma, may your days be long. Victory, congratulations on the birth of your baby. LOL at I'm at home come and beat me. Drop your address o so some people who don't have jobs can come.
Thank u,an experienced caterer should always budget for more people
DeletePlease house I just got engaged to an Edo state man..esan to be precise. I heard they have a curse that any woman that cheats on her husband suffers terrible this true? Please can anyone married to an esan man from Edo state educate me please? Not that I want to cheat after marriage but I don't want to swear in front of any dirty or any of those rubbish.
ReplyDeleteCongrats dear. ...So true about the curse,And you won't be made to swear to anything in order to activate the curse.Just don't cheat.
DeleteGod bless u kidjo.
DeleteAnon u don hear o. Don't Cheat if u are married to an Edo man especially Esan and Bini(can't tell abt others)
Why so much call out today? Mrs post baby body, God is your strength. Your body set.
ReplyDeleteNowadays, I am so scared of opening my Facebook app. Pictures of dead bodies everywhere.
ReplyDeleteBanters here and there. What has Kanu turned the East too. Why are people so gullible.
I am tired. I am really tired. Now I'm so scared for my aunt and her family that reside in Aba
Is it just the east?? He's achieving what he set out to achieve? There is uproar in some northern state right now because they are trying to retaliate. Which is all Kanu wanted. So that Igbos in the north will rush back to the east and then he declares Biafra and set us 5yrs back ward with a war with the federal Government. And some of the supporters have refused to have sense. How would they?? They have nothing to loose. They are not even sure of the next meal
DeleteStella I met the LA bliss lady one on one this morning. She carefully narrated every thing to me.
ReplyDeleteMy question is why didn't this woman call her out since then?Why wait for one year after to call out her now?
I think the two should settle.
Eeehn somebody was asking me yesterday when I will get fat.Me personally I know noo.Lol
Stella, I'm not really down with ur advice for the cake lady.
ReplyDeleteI mean, if all she said up there was the way it happened, how then should she try to avoid call outs
Now, I don't know who to believe so I will just keep my judgment to myself
On average google makes $700 a second.
ReplyDeleteThe call-out up there is irritating. You took your marriage to a local community and cooked only one bag of rice? 5 canopies! You should have done your marriage in your parlour.
ReplyDeleteI'm not interested mbok.
Ermmmm madam Victoria, the Lord is your muscle. Aye leee ooo
Lmaooo @ your first paragraph! Choi!
DeleteSo, that was how I missed my period for the month of August. What?! What went wrong?!
ReplyDeleteHow can my lime and kai-kai disappoint me? The only contraceptive that works for me!
That was 4days later before I remembered, to confirm my fears I did PC test, loe and behold, it's positive.
I took extra shots of the concoction and waited for 2 more days to see if any show. No way!
God, pls dnt do this to me.
I didn't ask for any child, I only prayed for someone who's in need not for myself.
I only stood in church to represent her for fruit of the womb, wishing her"egima" so how can I b the one now to b carrying egima?
God pls no dnt do this to me. I don't wanna commit any more abortions.
Was preparing to go see my nurse for the usual when,after a week I saw the show. Wow! That was how it flowed for up to 2weeks.
Damn! I've learnt my lessons.
Never to pray again.
Na wa. La Bliss my own is that why did you not buy 2 bags of rice when you know that in the village, invited or not people will full there.
ReplyDeleteWhen we did for our brother in the village, despite giving the wife family money to cook, we had to cook our own too. we had to do many things to avoid all these talk talk. Imagine paying all those money!,1230,000 and you just spoilt everything. Make una settle jare. That is why i dont like using people on this blog. I prefer to go out and do the business with outsiders.
The lady that gave birth congrats ooo, i dey come beat you for ya house. Enjoy jare.
Happy birthday to our IHN babe. You manage fine small. Oya tell me thank you.
I am hungry jare.
Thank u jare,an experienced caterer should know what to do
DeleteSo, that was how I missed my period for the month of August. What?! What went wrong?!
ReplyDeleteHow can my lime and kai-kai disappoint me? The only contraceptive that works for me!
That was 4days later before I remembered, to confirm my fears I did PC test, loe and behold, it's positive.
I took extra shots of the concoction and waited for 2 more days to see if any show. No way!
God, pls dnt do this to me.
I didn't ask for any child, I only prayed for someone who's in need not for myself.
I only stood in church to represent her for fruit of the womb, wishing her"egima" so how can I b the one now to b carrying egima?
God pls no dnt do this to me. I don't wanna commit any more abortions.
Was preparing to go see my nurse for the usual when,after a week I saw the show. Wow! That was how it flowed for up to 2weeks.
Damn! I've learnt my lessons.
Never to pray again.
Stella,enable my comments now please, bikini, abeg.
Y'all here can like to get noticed shaaaaaa. Now what are we supposed to do with this information now???
Good afternoon and happy weekend all. This call out is very long. Let me go and read
ReplyDeletehahahahahaha anon 14:03 abeg help me ask them why them stand like that
ReplyDeleteMadam postpartum, why would you send in this type of picture? Who are you showing off to? You just had a baby and so fucking what(excuse my french) personally i don't think you are in your husband's house. It is women that have babies for random men that do this shit. You have dumped your new baby and quickly came to advertise for another man to knock you up. This is a very shameful thing. Leave americans to their bullshit. We are africans. After 3children (with two 2 being teenagers) i am a size 10 so there is no big deal.Stella if you don't post this i will know you don't like the truth being told on your blog. A lot of my comments are in your soup pot.
ReplyDeleteYou've said it all mama(agba yin adale)
DeleteShowing off is not bad it's just how it was done
DeleteIf she had worn a crop top and long skirt with a very classy pose it would have been better.
Thank God its Friday... Mrs and Labliss events,pls forget the past life is too short to hold grudges.. . Let me come and be goin
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to all the celebrants
ReplyDeleteMore of God's blessings in Jesus Name
Hi everyone.i am here just to say kidjo .i love you..
ReplyDelete😕😕😕 it ain't funny anymore, it's now torturing. How long re you going to love me in secret? Me don't do secret love o😞😞😞 better come out before those awon jealous aunties will start bashing me that I'm loving myself under anon.
DeletePost partum woman resembu u Stella
DeleteVictory hate you for what?once the baby leaves my tummy,and I get up from the delivery room,my tummy goes flat instantly,so no be only you,#parkwelljoor
ReplyDeleteSo I spent my 20min reading d callout n d response, mtcheww
ReplyDeleteMadam face of ihn, @ least u should've dressed up neatly na, dat ur hair n makeup di hideous biko.
Happy birthday baby girl..
Stella no come beat me, I just born,@kidjo thank u honey,luv u die, no homo
ReplyDeleteNa u be Victoria up there?
Madam Victory who just welcomed her baby, what the hell is that???
ReplyDelete😱😱😱😕😕😐 😵😵😵😵
Madam Victory stand straight and breathe out so we can see your real stomach.. . By the way why you no kuku naked
ReplyDeleteLol @why u no kuku naked
DeleteCall out Friday indeed.
ReplyDeletePls house, I need buyers for charcoal and cashew nuts direct from the farms. The charcoal will be processed to your specifications, we deliver on any contract - hard wood, non sparking, etc. We will also deliver on the cashew nuts too.
Investors are also welcome.
The Madam that contacted me the other day concerning investment, check your mail pls. Also the man that wants to buy cashew nuts, check your mail pls.
I hv read d story n I think u guys should forget d everything that happened.
ReplyDeleteOne thing abt party is that u must hv unexpected guests.
No matter d money used in a party, wen it's poorly organised or planned, it must turn out bad.
U guys just forget n let go
Victory what kinda razz tacky pix is ds. Did u actually send Ds in ursef. Somebodys mother. Am shaming ur shame. D hair n makeup tho . Can't deal.
ReplyDeleteUgly dirty looking mama of 2. Who is competing with you that you want to go naked just to prove a point?? ?
ReplyDeleteWhy e dey pain you na?
DeleteMadame it haff do abeg,you've bashed her 👆up there before. What is it? Did she snatch your husband or what. Her body , her life.Learn how to mind your fucking business😕😕😕
DeleteNah waohh, the story long,nor be small something.madam marriage pls let it go,since God took control of everything, though its not easy taking care of such a hige crowd. Though maybe you are being pumped by friends or family members that were there that she didnt tried,please forgive LA BLISS if she is wronged you anywhere and let it go,may God continue to bless your home.then LA bliss pls in anyway madam marriage has offended you,let it go,it's not easy pumping such an amount in an event and it didn't came out as she planned it though you've explained your own part,it wasnt easy with you handling the both have your wrongs,please forgive yourselves and let this matter die a natural death.
ReplyDeletePhew! Mehn av been very busy of late including work... House hunt....planning on relocating and the rest..its been crazy,though I thank God cos he's been merciful.
ReplyDeleteMa shout out goes to:
Ma ex boo Elastic😘
TGW...I don't like what I hate I😘😘😘😘
Sandy Yo,hope yu are good?😘😘😘😘😘
Sexy Dada,organizer of the unuverse😘😘😘😘😘
Amanda,nwa oma eji eje mba😘😘😘😘😘
Lady Bug,the ogbonge bugger of the universe😘😘😘😘😘😘
Mr Firmous,onye oru...nna biko jide ka iji😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Starry Larry😘😘😘😘
Stellastico,the number one ogbonge blogger international, NNE jisie ike o😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Mbok ayam tayad of typing...
ED darling.'How was you'?Lol
DeleteMy E to the d,why Mr firmous kiss come pass my own,take your time o😎😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
DeleteI am good dearie.🤗😘😘😘
DeleteElastic bia nalu nsusu.
Ed kee way
Edilicious baby I see you 💋💋💋💋
DeleteBut I can't help but notice only one 😘 for are trying. Very soon it will
LadyBug dont mind her... She gave me only one..I wont come back to you if you continue like this. Lol
@viva Ciara, congrats on the birth of your little cutie. Chilaka, happy birthday to you
ReplyDeleteI greet you all
ReplyDeleteWait you mean the wedding happened last year November and the bride is still burnt??! Like really??! Is that what is important? Abi your in-laws are still angry they havent eaten? I doubt that. So really whats the problem? Don't you know weddings aren't perfect?
ReplyDeleteAnd as someone that was coming from the abroad to marry, you should have let your family do the cooking. You really don't know how village scene works or maybe you forgot. Esp if you're from a royal family. Occasions in Nigeria are usually double the expected crowd, and you cant control village wedding crowd.
See what she wrote here: 'Some times our clients don't know that we give instructions and manage our events based on experiences. But rather they impose their decision on us the way they want their event . So I tried the much I could to remedy the situation .but it was obviously beyond my control'.
You people should learn to respect people with experience in certain field and let them do their job. Yes i know you are probably used to giving instructions as royal family that you IS, but let a contractor or vendor do the job according to their capacity. Don't try to micromanage. If they advice on anything with valid reason, allow them. I think the interference is what caused the issue. If its abroad where you dey you can't tell a caterer what to do once you guys have agreed and payment has been made. Anything you want to tell them would be prior to the event, not during the event.
Chikito how far
DeleteThank you Chikito darling.
DeleteSome People are so vindictive
@bee10 I dey oh. How far?
DeleteUgegbe m kee way
DeleteEvent plannner (La Bliss) and US client should just let bygones be bygones. An event planner should always budget surplus and you as the client sef should have back up food made personally by your family and not any caterer. Plus you the client, you didn't plan appropriately. Since you know you have a large family and crowd flowing, you would have made proper provision for professional security guards not vigilante to man the venue. All in all, forgive each other. These things are bound to happen occasionally.
ReplyDeleteWho snaps semi nude looking so razz like this hian, their is nothing one won't see in this blog. The bvs quarrelling should just forgive and move on, my opinion is that both of you are at fault most especially the bride, who ever has stayed in owerri will know that some of their young boys are full of touts and should make a separate budget for them during occasions but as we may have it,the issue is now in the past and should be forgotten.
ReplyDeleteEach time i keep wondering why people that make mockery of others can't take a dose of their own medicine, always screaming blue murder yeye people
Happy birthday Ibhade Ihenyen from your sis mama
ReplyDeleteIn is here Omo happy birthday
ReplyDeleteIHN is here, TGIF. I had to read the whole call-out & reply, & from my point of view, I stand with LaBliss Cakes because I learned Catering & Decorations & I know how this thing works. In an event, you can never feed all the crowd even if you cook 10bags of rice sef, some will eat double while some won't even eat at all & it is not the job of the caterer to control your crowd. She clearly stated that your in-laws ate to their satisfaction even before the event started, but your story says otherwise, so who do we believe now?
ReplyDeleteShe also stated that you both agreed on 1 bag of rice, but you guys later on added half bag which she had to cook separately.
I have plenty things to point out, but my battery won't let me, so just like Stella said, you guys should forgive each other & move on. This is an event that happened since last year & you still did Carry over with it. Please stop spoiling her hustle, she did not scam you, your crowd was just uncontrollable that's why your event didn't go as you intended it to. Please learn to forgive & move on.
Exactly. Imaging blaming an event planner about crowd control?? What happened to security personal?? And your father is an eze?? You didn't know every body in the village will partake?? Especially if not done in a gated place??
Delete2. La bliss, once the crowd gathered you should have closed your cooler. And explained to someone in the bride's immediate family that this is what is happening or about to happen. Afterall you're a professional abi? Learn to predict scenarios. Once things were getting out of hand you should not have allowed them sway you. You stick to your guts. If na me wey person threaten to break leg, that person would be addressed and I would be apologized to before we even discuss matters arising. On top how? It's business not war. When my mama still get two legs? Please everyone should learn manners and professionalism. If they weren't acting professional you should have escalated it, or put your foot down on something until they understood where you were coming from. Nigerian customers can be very difficult during events and even frustrate the contractor/vendor until you will become confused. Learn how to manage difficult customers/situations next time. As a business owner, try and take some courses/training. It will help you be more critical. Don't come and ask me who e epp. I know say you get 'money pass me' and 'school isn't everything'...... until you realise that you have some shoetcomings in running your business.
ReplyDeleteToday's ihn is loaded with drama, happy birthday olori, congrats victoria, hope baby sucking weller
ReplyDeleteVictory the slay mama..u get mouth.
ReplyDeletela bliss and client,i guess what happened was just.a misunderstanding ,it is well.
Victory congrats
DeleteIt is not good to handle over wedding preparation to one Vendor.Try to make it 2 to 3 Vendors if you have the money to avoid stories
ReplyDeleteMake Una settle that's my own.
Happy birthday Olori Oma, age with grace,Victory congratulations on the birth of your little cutie and sure you have gotten your body back nice one, the caterer, please I understood both of you, but please you both should please settle and forget about the past. TGIF, I so so so love Friday.
Delete3. Still on scenario prediction, charge more next time and get service people. 4 people wont have done the job and I must say for that list I saw up there 1.3m was really a fair deal. Don't try to over cut cost to please the customer. There are people charging more money and getting even more customers. Cos at the end of the day, it's your service that speaks for you. For future events, it's better you have service people in excess that has a shortage of them. Add that to you experience luggage.
ReplyDelete4. Really bride this complaint came too late. As in too too late. You've gotten married naau....if she whatsapp you there's no need cursing her. Abi all no well for house? If youre truly happy you would have moved past the wedding brouhaha. When my eldest sis got married, reception was almost over When food arrived. Food was stuck in lagos traffic. Many people left without eating. We recounted the incident when I arrived abuja on Wednesday and we were even laughing at all the drama. But once the wedding was done we apologized to all affected parties via text the next day and closed the case. This was a lagos wedding with reception by the water fronyt and many more elites than a village setting. Caterer too apologied and that was it. Cos really what can you DO??! Abeg youre building a home, thrive on positivity and leave issues behind. If la bliss is soooo unprofessional, time will tell. I don't like your call out coming so late it shows you havent moved on. Don't let unforgiveness eat you up. LET IT GO.
Ignore gbagauns. I won't bother correcting 😂
DeleteI can imagine what planners go through to satisfy a client, since the bride knows the whole villagers will be coming for the event,and also her parents are big shots,she should be prepared for 500-1000guests,any event done in a village,plus your parents are big shots,forgerrit uninvitees,okada riders,keke,village women and achikota ekwe onus, they won't even drop one kobo but no them go chop pass😪😪😪.
ReplyDeleteAunty bride and LA bliss forgive and forget, some days/events are like that.
I am going to take sides, if anybody likes they can curse their mother under my comment. I support the caterer 100%. Nigerians are very unruly, uncouth, uncultured and impossible once they see food at parties. They begin to behave as if they have never eaten in their whole life. I know what caterers go through because i have aunties that are caterers. You nigerians are a horrible lot once you don't have your way. An aunty of mine was attacked spiritually just because she got a multimillion naira job and believe it or not, maggots started coming out of the cow she bought to use for the wedding, how can a cow you just killed start bringing out maggots immediately. Story for another day. Madam caterer don't worry, God will use this call out to bring more business your way. What this bride meant for evil, Eledumare will use it to bring about more business for you. Remember i said so today. By the way, who in God's name asks a caterer for left over spice. Awon werey ti poju l'aiye yi sha.
ReplyDeleteI don't want to believe that's BV Viva Ciara... Because she just birthed too.. abi? And this tummy exposing person is Victory...
ReplyDeleteMadam, this photo makes you look like a ghetto pornstar. Very crass and ratchet looking.
People will always complain,those that ate more than one plate of rice will say the rice is not sweet. I went for my bestie trad.from lagos to Imo, i went to the event planer to get just a plate of rice oooo, the lady refuse to give me, that it is the instruction given to her by the bride, as in on no account, not untill my friend went to her on my behalf, so my dear, your family and friends have eaten half of the food b 4 the event started proper.learn from this and make peace with the event planner, cos you have so many celebration ahead of you."you can only ask one member of the family to monitor the event planner"and no other person should go close to her.
ReplyDeleteBV victoria is all I see 👆 there..someone should reach out to her fast..people should learn to understand that weed is not for everyone..choi..shame leave you dey catch me on ur behalf
ReplyDeleteLol @ weed is not for everyone.
Victory weldone o!.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't read everything but for the Caterer lady,please next time don't threaten to leave an already booked and paid for event in a lurch. At this point,the client is at your mercy and you know it.
ReplyDeleteCustomer service delivery is one of the most important aspect of running your own business but unfortunately this aspect is highly ignored.
I really don't know what exactly transpired between you and your client and as I applaud you for not literally coming to blows(with the insults) and all... Please know that some brides especially one that isn't used to our style are usually hyper,extremely paranoid and sensitive on that fateful day.
Nice having your body back dear, Unfortunately the pic wasn't tastefully done,more like for-your-eyes-only kind of picture.
Immediately I scrolled to it,I thought someone leaked your picture.
But its alrite. That body is good... 3days? Say whaaaat?????
BIPOLAR ME and Chikito. Both of you are craaay. Just remembered a scene in 'Best Man' where Nia Long had taken some shots of Tequila hoping that Taye Diggs would get down with her. He let her down.. The way she kept screaming about her hormones raging reminds me of how Ovulation can be with us ladies.
Hello Kami♥️
😂😂😂 @iphie dearie I remember that scene. Pardon us biko. Yesterday wasn't a funny day for me AT ALL. 🙈
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion as an Event planner and a Caterer, I would say both parties had their faults.
ReplyDeleteLA Bliss Events: You are in business and the truth is customer satisfaction is key. You may have 9 or even 15years experience but trust me no event is Same but what matters is how u are able to bring your experience to play.
What makes an Event unique is in its management which also includes delegation and that is why most event planners deal with different vendors because you can't be everywhere.
When it comes to catering for an Event outside your comfort zone( that is if you are based in PH and you are to work in Warri), there are certain deliberations to be made btw yourself and the family you will be working it especially if it is a Traditional Marriage because obviously you will see all manner of creature.
Also may be it is how you work as I won't judge you but you shouldn't generalize especially when you said " No Caterer returns condiments after cooking" because I Do.
BRIDE: its obvious you are still angry the made this call out. You have every right to be and I wouldn't blame you because this was the platform you met La Bliss.
Firstly: it is wrong to contract your event to one vendor knowing you are from a large home.
When you contract your event to a vendor, it is wise to explain to your family what is expected but as funny as it is, Our Nigeria parents will always want to be in charge because they have different invitees and they would want to ensure their invitees are ohk in order to save themselves fRom.any form of shame-The reason.I love my yoruba bro and sis as Families and friends go cook come.
Let peace reign, I rest my case.
Long Live we Caterers, Long Live we Entrepreneurs, Long Live SDK.
Madam bride, na wa for you. I believe the vendor, I know your type,all these yeye people that live in the diaspora and think anyone that makes a living in Nigeria can be talked to anyhow,those kind of people that think everybody wants to dupe them cos "they just got back", those kind of people that will ask for discount till a honest and hardworking ,hustling vendor will make almost no profit,and then will never pay the balance using one flimsy excuse or the other, mschewwww,we know your type. I hope Labliss insulted you well cos you deserve it. You want to spoil her hustle after almost a year,wicked person. Imagine, someone in the family was counting packets of juice,like you don't know people sometimes go away with drinks from parties for various reasons. I'm so pissed off,i rarely comment but had to on this issue. Arrant nonsense!!!!. Labliss and everyone out there hustling to make a decent living, God bless your hustle and may you never meet such a bridezilla as you do your business, amen
ReplyDeleteThat was how a reputable catering outfit almost damaged their reputation. A South East Governor's daughter wedding. The caterer was given the number of expected guests to cater for. Being a Governor's daughter wedding, the cuisine was for the elite and they went with their best plates and cutlery.
ReplyDeleteOnly for the Gov to choose the occasion to score a political point through inviting the disabled, the okada riders and what have you.
Of course the crowd couldn't be controlled and they scrambled for the food, went away with the plates and cutlery.
Please it is not the duty of the caterer to control the crowd. If you choose to do a village wedding have strong crowd control.
Not every Nigerian is corrupt. The caterer didn't scam you. We all know how expensive things have been in Nigeria from 2015 downwards. What you paid is not that much. And this is not LABLISS_I don't even know her.
I'm guessing the bride is Ify Yvonne, a youtuber I follow aka naijagoddess
ReplyDeletePlease let go Ok?
Having read both sides, I think the bride and her family did a poor job at their crowd estimate.
ReplyDeleteMore like expecting 2fishes and 5loaves to feed an entire community but forgetting that the caterer is not Jesus Christ to perform a miracle.
To the caterer, i think you did your best.
To the bride (and family), I understand that you only came back from "the abroad" for your wedding thus you didn't know much of how the event was gonna turn out.
Again, being a daughter of a reputable chief who will gather such crowd, your estimate and budget was quite poor.
I am sure if you knew that your wedding will pull such crowd, you would have opted for a "strictly by invitation" event and not an open free for all attendance.
To the lady who just gave birth. 3 days post partum you say? Very nice body but in honesty, the pic is in bad taste. This is the internet. If you must show off, let it be properly done. No insults intended, just an honest observation and feedback.
I honestly don't understand why you all have a problem with the post par-tum BV.. She's feeling herself and decided to post a pic.. Nothing wrong with that nah, If anything i applaud the confidence . BV Victory, U look good .Celebrate yourself and own it !
ReplyDeleteFirst picture, why are you standing like you are having paralysis? You look horrible, try and stand like an able body next time.
Most of you wish you have a flat tummy like the woman up there, you all cussing to make her feel miserable right ? when most of you single girls move around with big tummy sitting comfortably on your laps like you are six month gone. I dey see una ugliness from here.
Her dressing, her life.
Congratulations on your new born baby jare!
I think this victory is Viva or vica the lady that just gave birth. hahahahahaha abeg carry go nothing does you.
ReplyDeleteShow them your flat tummy jare. Not easy to get flat tummy. No mind anyone wey abuse you, dem dey jealous your flat tummy hahahahahahahaha
La Bliss and unsatisfied customer..Please forgive and move on..La Bliss i suppose you have add this as part of your experience..Unsatisfied customer Please bear with her and understand that that was the her best that she could do..I hope you have learnt your lessons.
ReplyDeleteBV Victory Congrats dear even me wey never born my tummy big pass your own..BV Olori Oma pretty girl, I knew that background in Benin but couldnt figure it out where, it looks more of FGGC Benin compound right?!!