Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....



Friday, September 29, 2017

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....

Wow....This life!!!


......So, I finally went to the States to Visit My Fiancee of 2Yrs, who I was planning to marry and settle down at once with at once, only to find out she has been sleeping with a married man for months. 

The guilt was just written all over her face. Then, she finally confessed but lied she has stopped seeing the guy even before I came. Somehow, my instincts told me otherwise cos sometimes, she would just disappear, no calls, no texts and sometimes, she would just be edgy for no reason. Always conscious of her phone and asking for space. 

I was like, how can my Babe ask me for space when I'm fully committed to wifing her. Trust Naija guy wey I be. I hacked her iphone,and it was just a mess my people. I never knew I would cry because a woman. The betrayal, the backstabbing, I saw pictures they exchanged where they were kissing, different rendezvous where they go smashing. Some text messages where she was making fun that she could have been married to me if she wanted. 

When we started, I vowed to God never to go into premarital sex. Looking back now, I just bless God because I later found out the guy infected her with herpes, which would have been transferred to me if I had slept with her. But now, I think I have been emotionally affected badly because I find it hard now to fall in love, Every lady I look at now, all I see is a potential cheat. And I'm not getting any younger. I need help and have been praying for healing now since January. My solace has been her best friend who hinted me about my ex. But now I think karma is a bitch because I think I'm Catching Feelings for that her best friend who is now having my time.

 So people, I need advice. Should I proceed with her friend? But my fear is just the saying "Birds of the same feathers flock together" and then my ex fiancee is trying to come back now, we have been friends Tho, but just entered ghost mode now, which I feel is hurting her like crazy. I need advice. Pls don't comment if you have nothing reasonable to say. Would have typed this yesterday if only I was chanced. Thanks


  1. Please don't marry her best friend, that's my advice. Stella said there will be SNM post on Sunday, wait till then, who knows maybe your missing rib is here with us

    *Larry was here*

    1. So sorry how it all happened to think u were God fearing,because for you not to touch her that's to say you are a godly person keep it up tho.There are still good girls out there cos u fell into d wrong hands doesn't mean u have to look at all women to be same.We females that's how we see all men too but it's wrong.Pls leave her friend alone as @larry has said wait for SNM u can hook up with a good girl that will love n cherish u in return.stay blessed

    2. Good girl on this blog? Dream on. Everyone here wants to test before marriage. Everyone here wants a rich guy. I can go on and on.

    3. I don't have any thing reasonable to say. But I will say this, do what you want to do. You like the same kind of women it seems. Can't you start afresh with a fresh woman? Your type won't even recognize a reasonable woman if you met her sef. Anywayz good luck.
      PS, you cannot control what we type here, if you are worried why send your chronicle?

    4. 17:56 don't be fooled to think that you can categorise everyone that visits this blog. How better are you? There have been success stories here. You must not participate by force, but why discourage another?

    5. Poster, please how can I hack a Samsung phone and an IPhone? Thank you in advance

    6. Wooow, women are really their worst enemy, look at ladies here condemning the friend who ratted her out, no one is looking at the significance of her action and how she saved this guy from a worse chronicle. Poster, your decision to date or marry ur exes friend is up to you, but don't repay her evil for this life saving gesture.

    7. Anon 17:56 not everyone here What a nasty generalization.

      Poster I'd suggest you take things slowly with the friend cos she might have her own baggage. A friend who could wanna get so close to her girlfriend bf is not a good friend irrespective of the situation.

      You will heal
      Take your time I know the year is running fast but trust God for a better girl but pls stay off that girl completely.

      S&M is around the corner just be a spectator at least there will be few good girls on here.


  2. Mr Poster..For ur ex's friend to be exposing her friend..I dont know what to sayoo...You might not want to marry your ex,but please run away from her friend biko.....All the best.

    1. That is why people should be weary of friends.
      Your best option is take a walk.
      Her best friend isn't any better.
      If she could snitch on her best friend, then you are not safe either.

    2. Poster, ur ex fiancee best friend, is a time bomb waiting to detonates. Run far from her.

    3. That girl is evil, the so called best friend!!!
      What was her missiin for hinting you??? Now she has time for you? Please run away from her! She's a bitch!!!

  3. Dont date her friend. she betrayed her friend by telling you of that man. Pokenose people that wont mind their businesses.

    You can chop her free of charge, i give that to you, i will pray for you make you chop her for free.

    1. Wow see church secretary giving such a stupid advice ....for him to sleep with her and clean mouth ,sorry for you ! Pls poster do no such thing she saved from an incurable disease which you atleast owe her some gratitude.. if you don't like her don't use her instead d
      Look for someone else and date please don't sleep around anymore just take your time.if you feel she is okay go ahead study her before dating her. But please don't hurt her !!!

    2. Princess Scheherazade29 September 2017 at 17:10

      You will pray to God for the poster to be able to chop someone the same God created to be his child free of charge...!
      Who do you laidis?
      Hypocrisy at its finest. SMH

  4. Don't date her friend because you wanna hurt her. Find a space in your heart to heal and move on from their scenario.

  5. Eeyah..
    You have a soft heart.. Just like me.

    Those ladies up there, 👆👆👆. Abegi, forget them. Both the ex and d exconvict.. Just free them both.

    Girls plenty na... No worry.. Just free your mind, go out, hang out at restaurants, cinemas, go to the beach, churches or mosques whichever u prefer.. U go see one..

    Girls yapayaski..
    Just be calm n pray too..
    Your wife ll locate u

  6. Never date the whistle blower. This is because she had her eyes on you before stabbing her best friend. She has always wanted you for herself and she will pretend well until you enter her trap. The summary of my epistle is that, stay away from the ex and her friend. Start afresh with a neutral person.

    1. Blessed you jusy saved me the trouble of typing epistle. This exactly what's gonna happen. Pls stay away from that friend.

  7. Women oh!!...
    See how this girl's friend betrayed her...
    Going through her back telling you rubbish...
    If I'm still single,none of my friends will know my boyfriend...

    That your ex friend is the worst girl you can ever date..
    Good you know birds of the same feather...
    Meanwhile,why is your ex dating a married man?...
    Are you not providing for her?..
    Is like you are her toy boy so why get jealous?...
    Instead of you to calm down and help her chop the married man you are there doing what I don't know...

    1. "If I'm still single,none of my friends will know my boyfriend..."

      So all these your "sugar boys" are all fables?
      So you only have "a chained husband" and not boyfriends like you boast?
      I pity the gullible girls you deceive with those fables.
      Pity the marriages that have cracks or packed up due to your hypocrisy

      How will the poster calm down and "chop herpes?"
      You see how deluded and contradictory you are?

    2. Queen and Boss aka CHIEF
      Agu nwanyi
      Odi mfe anyi alu
      Ekene ooo 🙌🙌🙌

      Now to wetin Carry me come :
      His ex cheated on him because he was busy forming celibacy.
      I don tell guys, if you see nyash blow nyash.

      The last thing I will do is to tell my guy's girlfriend that he is cheating on her... Mbanu, adighi eme ya eme.
      Even if his girlfriend catch him red handed, I will help him brainwash her...when I'm done brainwashing her with my guy She will even be doubting herself if truly she saw the thing.

    3. But as for my guy, I will always caution him... Asi na okenye adighi ano na ulo ewu anwuo na ogbili

  8. This "her friend" is bad news!
    What was her motive in whistle blowing on her friend?
    Does her friend know that she pulled the dirty rug off her feet?
    Will they still be friend if you marry her?
    Why does she want to marry you in place of one she calls friend?
    Supposing the scorned ex takes revenge, in what form will it be and how will you be affected?
    Don't you see that you are dealing with muddied water here?
    Why not leave both of them to sort themselves out?

  9. Mister man leave the two girls and go find yourself a wife.

    She made you cry and she came back and you are asking me now between her with herpes and her friend which one will you choose..

    If you have feelings for her girlfriend, then lash her otele with condom and watch that feelings disappear...

    The two ladies are NO for me.

  10. Don't date the whistle blower jo. Date someone neutral

  11. Her friend is a no go area. Do not go for her friend. Any body that snitches on her friend is a very bad person. It just means she has been itching to have what you have with her friend all these while.

    She did all these damages and still has the guts to be close to you? That should tell you a lot about that girl's personality. Forget she ousted her friend to you, think of other things she will be capable of doing. That is a very very bad friend indeed.
    I'm sure there are still good ladies out there you can go for, just be open minded about it and don't let your past experience or hurt limit you from getting one.
    Leave your ex so-called 'beastie' alone cos that babe is no bestie.

  12. You didn't mention whether you still love her or not. If yes and if she's sincerely begging to come back, please forgive but don't forget. Don't allow a woman use your brain drink garri. And for that her friend, maybe she's been eyeing you even before now that was why she found it so easy to open her so called friends cans of worm. Don't let her use you too. In fact to be candid with you, run from both.

  13. Buhahahaha. Of all the places to find solace in it's her bestie? That blew the whistle??

    Let me ask you a question. If you knew your best friend was cheating, would you go and report to his babe? Won't you rather continuously caution him and leave the matter to God? No as true guy man you go do am? But no, the jealous friend (who wanted you for herself) gave you all the deets. And acted as a point of solace (because misery loves company and she knows) so that she can do all the things her friend wasn't doing for you (because she most likely has that much infor) and so you can fall. And you (like a pack of cards) have now fallen.

    I tell you people. Never take these men too seriously. They usually don't have sense. You can't even calculate for YOUR own good! See the hot mess you want to go and enter. Such nonsense. My dear, you're an emotional wreck! Take time off and stay off women for now - including that snake of a friend. Tell her friend thank you for all she has done and cease communication. It's simple logic and a way to detoxify your life of emotional yamayama, now and in the future.

    Nobody should even praise that friend here. Because the fact that you happen know something that can ruin someone's life doesn't mean you should open the can of worms. And im certain that her friend is worse. They are in competition right from time immemorial, so this is payback for something that we don't know yet.

    1. Lol@ like a pack of cards.

      Ugegbe m let me tell you something, if he lash that whistle-blower otele he will be free from his feelings for her. No be poster again, I know what he can do. Onye solace 😂😂😂

      Poster You go dey all right last last, inugo?

    2. Buhahhaha @know what he can go. Nna free this guy. Might be falling hand. *hiss*

  14. We are nothing but pencils: n the hand of the creator

  15. Oga poster,in my own view don't dare have anything to do with either your ex nor her friend! They are bad news permit me to use that world.

    Look out for new friend,I believe all ladies are not the same, as we still have lovely and Godly ladies out there even in this blog!
    Wishing you the best!

  16. Dude study her friend first... I believe she did a good thing in your life knowing fully well you deserve better.herpes has no cure which if she hadn't tell you you would have been infected by now... People saying she is bad news just because she saved you from an incurable disease are evil .... My point here is study her a d also check out other girls but take your time this time around... If she is meant to with you, you will know.

    1. There is nothing to study about that snitch of a bestie...they are the same. She will put up a show of pretense to seem good, that is why she told on her friend in the first seem like the good one. They are birds of the same feather. Poster runz girls don't make friends with decent ladies..they are always in a pack of the same kind. So forget her never can tell she might even be trying to revenge on her friend for stealing her sugardaddy. Don't trust these ladies patient you will surely find yours. This one you just described with her rotten friend isn't yours.

    2. You know which one the friend get?

  17. her so called best friend is a snitch whom u shld beware of...dnt u tink she knew wat she was doing all along she wanted to snatch u from ur ex. yes ur babe is a bad egg and also is her frnd. dnt mek d mistake of falling for her bc she will hurt u jus like her frnd. if she were a loyal frnd she wldnt hav snitched on her supposed best friend. think man. another thing dnt go back to ur ex once beaten twice shy just relax u will meet the right one. am available though if u ask me out lol.

  18. Forget the 2 women pls... That is the only way you can move on with your life

  19. In as much I won't encourage you to date her friend,though I will mind my bizness if I was the friend but also don't see anything wrong in saying the truth .its better for you to know the kind of girl you were about marrying,than been with a cheating a wife .any girl that dates a married man knowing fully well,isn't a wife opinion though

    1. Mtchew who are you to judge who is a wife material ? so men sleeping with all kinds of girl before and after marriage are marriage material abegi and for your info have never dated a married man, you have no right to judge anyone.

  20. I totally disagree with what most BVs are saying about the friend. She had you at heart to have told you. You sound like a good man and she perhaps she felt her conscience will not be at rest to allow you blindly go ahead with a whore. I think you should get to know her as friends and talk about everything that might be of concern to u guys.
    Since when did it become a sin to be good. Abeg.

    1. Don't date her she can be a frd no matter wat she just wanted him to divert the love to her. Dats a jealous frd

    2. 1. She has no right to tell him anything. She should only advice her friend and stay away.
      2. A good person will never date his/her friends ex.
      If truly she meant well, after telling the guy the truth, she will walk away from the guy and the ex.
      If she agree to date the guy, then she intentionally scattered the relationship.
      My girlfriend can never have my Guy's phone number nor know where he lives. I don't keep their boyfriend's phone numbers too. I don't do familiarity with their boyfriends to avoid stories that tickles.

    3. Lmao! Really?

  21. My dear.. her best friend is as poisonous as a snake's bile!!! You're better off letting the both of them be! Yes' it will take you time to trust and love again coz your love for her was genuine. Please stop communicating with both of them so you can heal need an away time from ur ex and anyone who reminds you of her...that's the magic to getting over someone fast. You don't have genuine feelings for her supposedly were vulnerable and needed succor so emotions automatically tilted to the closest female who you felt understood your pains. Both of them are bad news so let them need to do this so your ex can have a closure and stop hoping for a reconciliation move on with her life and her snake bile of a friend can also realize her plans didn't work and move the heck on..

    Don't give up on love..there are wonderful and homely decent girls who're praying for a man like you...just keep searching and tell God to direct your steps to the right one. All the best.

  22. Oga please move on,there one thousand and one decent women out there, get over your hurt and carefully make your choice
    As for her friend she is devils incarnate bliv me that lady is up to no good,don't I repeat don't date her talkless marry her cause you will bite your fingers the second time in regrets.
    Go for a neutral person,presently a male friend of mine is dating is ex gf friend, this girl destroyed her friend name to the guy,how she is a runs girl this and that till she managed to destroy their relationship and she is now dating the guy,the funny thing is this girl is still friends with her not knowing what is cooking,she still gossips her friend's present relationship to her ex bf and both of them laughs at her... May God keep us far away from unfriendly friends
    Friends wey be say na wetin u get them want.tufiakwa

  23. My own problem: the way herpes is flying up and down, I'm scared o, we have lots of problems in Nigeria, herpes should not be added, biko.

    To your own problem: don't marry her friend, she's evil, there are other fishes in the river. Be wise.

  24. You sound like you live off women and from your narrative, your ex dodged a bullet by you not marrying her. That herpes gist is just to spice your story up. You are not marriage material abeg.

  25. Her Best Frnd Is Not D Next Option My Brother. Jst Take A Wrk, And Let God Do His Wonders.

  26. see ehnn... nothing like birds of same feather ooo.. if I tell you what my good friends are doing and I can never do such in my life, I swear, it will shock you... date the friend if you love her for real but not for getting back at your formal girl... but you fuck up ooo... you for call my soldier so they can flog that your ex girl real hard...

    ***that barrack boy***

    1. He shouldn't date her
      Poster please don't date that lady she is bad news
      But why are girls like this?

  27. Nothing could be more psychologically devastating when you discover a person you have been faithful to is cheating in you., not even with a single guy but a married man. Well thanks to your fiancee friend that exposed the affair, at least she saved you from marrying a cheater as a wife, also from an incurable disease. Concerning your Fiancee friend, what is happening between you both is a natural chemistry that happens when two opposite sex suddenly becomes so close, probably because you are heart broken and needed someone to pour your heart to. I need you to also understand the fact your closeness to your ex friend does not signify automatic relationship, like I said its just a phenomenon.

  28. Take time off, leave that environment, forgive her, and move on. There are a thousand and one Beauties outhere. You will definitely heal. Be thankful to God for your life, it could have been worse in marriage. Settling with your ex friend totally depends on you, its a choice, but let it not be for revenge else you will miss it.

  29. My guy, leave these two girls alone, look away from them as far as marriage is concerned. You will be shocked to know what secrets your ex has about her friend also, just like her friend has concerning her, which you are now aware of. Let both of them go, not as friends but as potential marriage partners. There are many good girls around, and I'm blessed to have married one of them.

  30. Don't be in a hurry to date ur ex's friend,,she could be just the same as her or quite different. About her snitching on her friend. I do not see her as a betrayer. Who would want his brother to get married to such? Keep your eyes open to get to know who she really is. Also consider other ladies too. Yours may still be out there. Peace.

  31. If your ex cheated, what makes you think her bestie won't cheat on you?
    Let the two women go

  32. The way bvs are shouting herpes! herpes! One would think the infection is a death sentence.... U have cold sore from time to time and you don't know it's also herpes..���������� funny people and you give head.
    Poster, you found out cos ur fiancée is abroad where there is proper diagnosis. Most Nigerians either have genital herpes or are carriers but they never get to find out.
    My point.... If you feel your fiancée is genuinely sorry and you can forgive then by all means do so. If not, just move on.

  33. Unlike what most BVs think I don't think what her friend did is wrong especially seeing that an incurable std is involved here and a married man at that. Nothing like snitching or betraying her friend. Bad thing is bad and I say it as it is especially if she had warned her friend before and she's also a friend to the guy. If I know my friend is sleeping around and contracted HIV or any std I won't sit and watch her infect an ignorant partner... my opinion tho. As for dating her... I advise u don't to avoid complicating ur own life... cuz somehow ur ex will always be in d pix. Find someone new n start all over. Good luck

    1. Her friend didn't know of the herpes..she only knew of the affair which herself is of the same breed with her bestie .they are both runs babes. Poster stay away!

  34. Poster inasmuch that you are grateful to her best friend please search for a lady outside to wife not one of them

  35. So many bunch of insecured and venom spilling babes commenting on the issue.

    How is her bestie evil for telling the guy things she knows about her friend and what he needs to find out himself which he eventually did. Most of you here are snitches and definitely do worst to yourselves and come here to form holier than thou.

    Oga poster, if she is a good friend to you and someone you have known to be of better character, please keep her close to you and stay under her umbrella as a friend and if you see something good in her as a take home to mamma, kindly take the steps as your heart dictates.

    Nobody should deny you your happiness and most often, the closest shoulder during trying periods aren't most often not the best we can get. Live your life, get yourself occupied and let peace be with you...Cheers


    1. See this one ooo. Men don't do this. It is not the fact that she revealed the truth that is galling, it is the betrayal of her friend and the motive behind it, which points to her character. If she didn't have a vested interest would she have spilled? Mtcheew. Na una sabi.

    2. My dear..when the ex gets to know she will also spill the can of worms she has about her friend. Her friend didn't do it for any good intention..she was practically scheming into the guys life and if the guy is not careful, he will end up with another bad news. All this one she is doing is for show. They are the sane believe me.

    3. In as muchamuch as much we decide to state and conclude on all fronts based on our comprehension of wat was written.. Its clearly not evident she has a bad intention and scheming to win the guy may not be intentioaly but who am I to defend ladies of nowadays given their ways and schemes against one another...


  36. Poster......please leave the two of them and look for a neutral person. May God guide you.....

  37. Let's assume your ex now gets to know that you are dating hwr friend,dont you think she will also spill whatever dirt she has on her friend too? By then u must have been too deep in love which will leave your heartbroken and your trust for women shattered. Go for someone neutral. She has told you,fine,make she waka go front

  38. The problem is not just that the best friend reported her. The disturbing fact is that the best friend owes no loyalty to anyone. Someone without loyalty should be avoided. They are dangerous.

    Her best friend is her best friend.She is supposed to have her back always. Its her place to advise her friend to stop cheating.

    The similarities between your ex-fiancee and her best friend is that both lack loyalty. Your ex couldn't even be loyal to you and not cheat. Her best friend could not be loyal to your ex and not betray her trust.

    Are you just attracted to disloyal women?

    Moreover, you will just use her as a rebound and mess her up with the bitterness you have for your ex. Save that silly woman.


  39. You don't have to remain in the cycle Nah. Don't date her friend

  40. I can't understand why everyone is vilifying the girl's friend.has it occurred to you all that the friend must have talked to the lady to change to no avail and felt that she'd be her brother's keeper and hint the poster?
    Poster, I don't recommend you making this lady your rebound girlfriend, such a woman deserves better. The reason I say this is because the only thing that binds you to her is the heartbreak. You probably whine about your ex all the time and she feels compelled to listen to you since after all she feels guilty for your pains.
    Please feel free to mourn your relationship but privately, leave the lady alone for now. When you are really ready for a relationship, and you feel she's suitable, then you can approach her. Please back off that girl she deserves a man's whole heart, not yours that's been shattered to pieces.

  41. Cry baby no sorry for you. You should be ashamed of yourself for all you wrote up there.

  42. Don't marry the best friend,she I not a good friend,I think she wanted you along that's why she gave you hint in first place

  43. Do not marry her friend, look for another good woman to wife.

  44. Guy please move on from both of them.. Women are the worse set of people on earth if is men now they won't tell on each other.

  45. January till now! Hmmmm ! U ought to have healed na. Stay away from her friend oh. Move on. Fresh beginning... Ok

  46. So her best friend hinted you about her affairs so she could start one with you guy pack well.

  47. Sorry about heart break...hmmm but all girls are not same okey my advice is u shldnt go for her frd...


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