Stella Dimoko Actress Tonto Dikeh's Ex Husband Reveals On Instagram That She Birthed Her Son Via CS



Friday, September 29, 2017

Actress Tonto Dikeh's Ex Husband Reveals On Instagram That She Birthed Her Son Via CS

Actress Tonto Dike's ex-hubby took time out his busy schedule to respond to a follower's comment with a lengthy epistle...

SMH - Hmmm Geraldine If you are real,,well done oh;you had to ask the question for this long answer,everything perfectly fitted in.


  1. Replies
    1. Church please charge ur phone... Nepa no de stable o. Lol

    2. And her ex jumped and pass this Marvin hood

    3. Hahahahahaha. Stella ,your wisdom eeeeeeeeehhhhh. Yet,he never cleared the air on Rosey and TBoss. Anumanu. So now,we know he wasn't Obasanjos son. We also know that a cleaner in the state house is richer than the best doctor in Nigeria so Tontolet never meant his dad was poor so STFU. Did she say a gardener in LASUTH? Gardner that will just be cutting flowers and pick up 30 million dollars. Didn't we hear stories of Jonathans securities,patience house helps, and Alamesieghas house keepers that dissappeared with cartons of gold. National treasure . It is only a fool that will feel that a presidential Gardner is a pauper, the message there is that Obasanjos is NOT your father. There is a difference.

    4. Did Churchill tell us Obasanjo was his father. Or it was Tonto and her blind followers that were saying it. When all was well and good she shouted to high heavens OBJ was her father inlaw. Now a gardener is her inlaw now she's divorced.
      For the fools that believed her lies. Is it possible for baba obj to have a son and he will be bearing oladunni Churchill and not oladunni obasanjo. Have you seen where in this Nigeria one will drop such a name.
      Churchill has his faults. I'm not here to side him, as I even suspect his means of livelihood. Im no fan.
      But ppl need to know this. Tonto has an undiagnosed mental illness. She needs help.
      We don tire for your matter. Leave your yahoo ex husband as you claim and live your life. Raise your son. You are beginning to sound mentally unstable.

    5. Tonto dike again?
      Not again pls
      I am tired of seeing any "article" that has to do with her.
      She should take a clue from Lilian E, Toyin A, even the recent Dami etc, they handled their ish maturedly, but Tonto? No she wants to be the iron lady that she surely is.

      I'm tired mbok
      Internet never forget o

      King will surely get to read this someday when he's old, how do you guys think he will feel?
      Everything around her just keeps getting messier.
      My only concern here is the little boy King.


    6. Ladybird banks, 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
      Your comment cracked me the hell up

    7. Stella, I can't stop loving you. You got it, make dem continue.
      Am not a fan of Tonto, but them just won tarnish and destroy this lady; Haba
      Saying he married her even when people said otherwise; na real wah.
      I hope Tonto ignores and let this phase pass, its not easy but she needs to keep quiet, stop granting interviews, replying idiots, chill on this matter on social media.
      I feel for her because her mum is late, cos this is the time she needs her mum most, she no get friend oooo
      Its really sad when love turn sour. Its a shame the way the guy is even referring to the mother of his child.

    8. Thank you birds and roses. Who even starts a marriage by lying? Abeg I can't shout. I feel sorry that this is happening to The parents of that beautiful child.... I'm not so sorry for either of them.

    9. @chikito who even starts a marriage by lying? Pls Churchill did.
      His dad was Obasanjo's gardener whose wife was fucked and impregnanted by Obasanjo. Churchill is Obj carbon copy simple. his dad couldn't take the shame in the 80's. Pls verify. Tonto liar. Churchill liar.

  2. Shameful man. She had CS and so what. Inshort Geraldine and churchhill una heads no correct oo. Tonto sorry eh eh. Next time no follow demon

    1. Next time may God give U wife like Tonto dike or sister in law like her..please say amen

    2. 6 months marriage and we won't hear word for the past 2 years.
      Move the hell on Tonto and church.

  3. This is the final result of a sham marriage that was completely without foundation from the onset.
    It's now obvious that both of them never loved themselves.
    They both need to heal.

    1. Was it even a marriage. Do they have marriage certificate.

  4. abeg, tonto and churchhill, y'all can go die. both of you are liars. tonto is the bigger liar! all I ask of tonto, pls show us the documents from the evacuation they had to carry out in the hospital as a result of your miscarriage. since you have evidence of everything else.,,show us that and I promise you, we will believe every word you have ever said about churchhill! stupid woman

    1. Sometimes I'm a miscarriage, you don't have to have an evacuation via a DNC. The doctor might just prescribe a misoprostol to help the remaining tissue discharge from the woman

  5. Replies
    1. Lmao,Chi Exotic.....walking STD. Please they should move on already.....


  6. Geraldine is a fake account , I guess Churchill asked that Question himself and answered it as well ..

    1. Don't mind him
      Mr walking STD.

    2. Whether fake or not. There are some truths to his testimony.

    3. Loolz
      My thought exactly.

      Cos I never read anywhere Tonto called Churchill's father a carpenter.

      So that account is FAKE!

    4. Its a newly opened account, I checked it immediately churchill posted this had 2 posts and like 10 followers then.
      Btw am tired of hearing this their smelly gist. They shld moveon jare

    5. Kikikikiki Kikikikiki Kikikikiki

  7. What the fuck!!!!

    This guys is a weakling..!!!

    Who does this?? He should just keep quiet n face front abeg.

    Why slander n finish tonto? All because of what..

    Oga oooo oooo oooo..

    This man just wan finish person career sha, and them no go allow you...

    1. Weakling when some loose canon is slandering him,night and day.
      Bride price has been returned. Let Tonto let him be. Marriage not by force.

    2. E no fit! Abeg all Na noise.
      No be so Segun Egbegbe threaten finishing career. Where him dey now? #oshisco

  8. These people should leave Tonto Na. Which kind wahala be this sef? Well, I blame Tonto, She should just stop talking. Ahaan!!!

  9. Have always known dat Mrs I am radical for Jesus is trying to bring down her ex. I finally gave up on her when she said her ex hubby's dad was a gardener for obasanjo. Good Christians forgive n let go but mama king obviously does not know what it means to be a Christan. Radical for Jesus like seriously if someone shud call ur child a radical am sure it won't sit well with the mom den y b dat for Christ? Just asking

  10. The stench in this issue is too much...ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!!!!!

  11. Celebrities and SM are some of the problems we have Nigeria.

    So Tonto think we're actually forgetting her because of Psquare brouhaha and she needs the attention again.

    Tonto please let Psquare enjoy their few weeks fame to fullest, we've given you yours before

    *Larry was here*

    1. Larry don't be silly. Tonto has been quiet, it is Churchill and the other by force failed journalist that has resurrected this issue.

    2. Is it not the azuka lady that started it? Tonto didn't start it

  12. Lol.Stella you saw through it.This issue was Already dead till that good for nothing Azuka said tonto lied I mean, who does that? Her duty was to interview both tonto and Churchill and let the public decide who the liar is.And what crap show is that, that random people sit and begin to dissect celebrities. No wonder lib is always shoving it down people's throat.what nonsense.

  13. Na wa ooo, I thought I have seen it all

  14. can they all just shut the fuck up!!!!! azuba, tonto and Churchill... God!!!! keep shut guys!!!!... soldiers!!!! come with your koboko.. this people need to be flog hard

    ***that barrack boy***

  15. What has the question got to do with Tonto birthing via CS biko nu?! And you buying her necklace, Ehen, were you not her husband? This guy is very petty. All because she said your father was a gardener. If he wasn't a gardener what was he then?! Idiotic woman beater.

    1. The thing pain am well so much that he had to open a fictitious account and ask himself a very short question which ended up with a long answer. Like someone that was waiting for an opportunity to talk. He has sent that his attempt at fighting his ex through Azuka only made people sympathetic towards her the more,dude had to make out time from his "busy schedule"

    2. Don't think he is petty he was clearing his name from the domestic violence allegation,I stopped siding Tonto when she lied that she got all the cars, phones and diamond herself, when she said this guy has no money, she lied big time.

  16. Like seriously this two? Pls get over urselfs

  17. Churchill should be a man and forget this whole drama.. It doesn't worth it

  18. I give up on this people I don't tire


  19. So this tontoh brouhaha have come again? Abeg tontoh it is the period of the Psquare/okoyes, don't take the shine biko. Let them reign. U can resume ur own again later when their's have calm down. Mchhewwwsss

  20. Tonto bought it upon herself with her lies

  21. You people should go and rest abeg..
    E neva do Una?

  22. This agbaya should stop talking gibberish.......wetin

  23. The day I saw Tonto get angry and attack her husband, that was the day I knew she was mental.
    She will get angry after taking her drugs and will just change to a mental person dragging his clothes and breaking everything in site.
    Na only learners no sabi Tonto Dike.

    1. You had to blurt thus out to what end? You need help. Show us your perfect marriage. Nonsense. Couples have it dirty sometimes. Run all g and ask your parents. Onuku!!!!!!

    2. You sef, shut up and stop pissing and shitting everywhere with your comment about Tonto. Is Churchill clean? Two yeye people getting married. I'm just worried about that beautiful child being patented by a liar like Churchill and a psycho like Tonto. I'm sure You are Churchill so take this to the bank.

    3. Yinmu, which husband? Is It the one that sleeps around? Mstchew

  24. Why is everyone judgmental including you stella..we all never lived with them,there is no smoke without fire. Churchill and Tonto both have faults in the failed marriage. .Why should Churchill keep mute when his ex wife accused him of murder and many things. He has a right to defend himself. I don't know them both but honestly I think Tonto is too temperamental for a woman hence her failed marriage

  25. Two things.. Both of them might be telling their truths.
    Or they are both psychopaths!!!

    Whatttt???????? 😳😳😳😳

    1. Iphi'm hapu godu ndia biko.

      Geraldine asked a perfect question that got Churchill responding perfectly well to.
      How convenient.

      Pls Tonto and Churchill, allow us concentrate on The Okoyes war. Una time don pass.😏

    2. Bloggiem😂🤣😂
      They are distracting people from the actual drama of the moment.

      How has your week been?

    3. Abu nau. LOL.
      Been somewhat crazy hun but I got it all covered. 😗😗😗😗

  26. In all of this, I will still say Tonto is lying,first she misled us with giving us the impression that she bought the cars and gifts herself,when it is so clear that Churchill is a rich guy look at her saying he offered that a huge amount to Azuka,if Churchill was that poor he won't, Tonto is irrational though has a good heart, heard from people close to her, in this case she is not saying alot of truth, an intelligent person can see it.

    1. misled us? Us? as stakeholder for the relationship abi? kwontinu

  27. It's a lie! I had 3 C section operations. You only need six weeks to heal! And I had all my babies in the USA.

    1. Tell the ignorant man. Women have gotten pregnant a month after CS and even shortly after fibroid operations

    2. You just wanted to mention USA, ok make we do it that way... I also gave birth via CS in Italy and was given 2months to heal, its better we don't generalize because our bodies are different.

  28. Churchill and Geraldine weh don Sir and ma. No matter how nasty you paint Tonto, she still got her fans loyal to her without paying a dime. But for you Churchill, you will always pay to get people on your side. Love you Queen Tontolet.

  29. I didn't know it takes 3months to heal from birthing through CS! It took me just 6weeks to heal, and it is here in naija I did mine.
    Tonto and Churchill should sheath their swords for the sake of their son. Silence they say is golden"keeping quite does not make anyone a fool. I am so tired of Tonto and Churchill immaturity.

  30. Tohtoh Dike. Yes I slept it tohtoh . Lol

  31. Tonto, get your lawyers. Dont do social media court room...

  32. Well in my humble opinion, without the desire
    to offend those who think different from my
    point of view, but looking at it in depth, taking
    into account the characteristics of each person, I
    honestly think... I forgot what i was going to say... #me

    1. 😂😂😂😂🤣😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂

  33. Churchill we are no fools,this is the third time you've said it's your last time talking but you always have a way of coming back to are so petty ; I know you are trying so hard to get into politics hence the need to bribe to paint yourself perfect.oga yahooboy .Malaysia boy.i put it to you that you were abusive to her.

  34. You create a new Instagram page , asked yourself a question and still replied with an epistle.Go to bed churchill, She was so bad she ran away from you even after you begged for reconciliation.y would you beg for reconciliation if truly she pushed your mum .keep painting yourself clean .we now know the bribed azuka , the dirty cheap woman.

  35. It took me four months to heal from my CS cos I had a lot of of complications after. And I had my baby in USA

  36. Like tonto dikeh and

    like peter okoye....

    internet dramas king and queen

  37. Azuka, you just shot your career on the foot.Whatever happened to ethical journalism. You interview someone and then you go ahead taking sides.

  38. Tontoh and Churchill, where are ur parents? Definitely some elders gave them out for marriage. These elders need to have a meeting so that they can broker peace cos a lot of shitty stuff has gone down and a trailer load more in the waiting room. This has to stop as in yesterday and the marriage committee is the only set of pple to broker peace. Stella my bae, pls contact these elders so that this dirty linen exposure can end, abeg u in God's name.

  39. I don't care for Tonto and Churchill. But that's old hag Azuka! How dare she resurrect a dead and almost forgotten issue! Tonto was trying to move on...she just dredged everything up; saying the girl lied completely. Yes Tonto could have spiced the story but I believe she suffered in that marriage!

  40. Churchill so your father was not a gardener so who is or was your father. Since you have so openly told us how your mum had lived in UK and all, pls furnish us with that evidence of your father we need it.

    Some ladies are married but sleep with their domestic help because of one reason or the other. Abi TOntoh was let into an age long family secret that she is exposing now???

    Also what is the source of this your new found wealth because no one heard of you before now even as a big yahoo boy. So furnish us with legit details as you always have evidence.

    Mr "this is the last time i will address this", "i only say few words". You even talk more than Tontoh. Slow waters that run deep.


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