Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....


Thursday, August 31, 2017

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....

Wow.....really really sad!


Stella thanks for a platform like this
. I need to share my story.. I want to talk about my mum but I will
start from the beginning

my dad:divorced my mum when I was a year old. he took me to the village
to stay with his old aunty and he never come to check on me, never
sent anything to me, I was later picked by mum, I never saw or heard
from my dad..

 I went thru primary school without his help and when I
got to sec school him come dey pay only my school fess(on phone). I
had to beg from friends to feed in school.. I saw him in 2008 when I
and my sister start going to his elder brother place for new year, we
stop going in 2010 cause our cousins treated us like trash.. since then
I never see this man ooo... he don't call me or my sister not a text..
he don't even know my birth date... including the year he gave birth
to me... what a father..

We both don't know where each other is staying.. well, he had a
wife later and they both gave birth to a girl(1998).. I don't call him
too but if I need money I call but he will promise and later send like
2k.. yes!!! my dad sent me 2k for upkeep may be once in 6 months..

my mum: working with the federal govt of Nigeria but she complains like
kilode.. her own case is worse... chaiiii, this woman dey frustrate my
life.. through out my sec school she don't care whetherI needed scandals,
new uniform...wentin concern her when she never buy the asoebi in

This woman will travel out of Lagos for owambe party and leave
nothing at home to eat..she don't get me anything but she dey buy
clothes, shoes, watches and give money to her now husband who stays at
the other end of town.. I started working immediately after sec school
at 17 to provide for my self my needs..i work for 13hours daily Mon to
sat for 8k monthly which was later increase to 10k.. she stopped letting
me use her toothpaste, soap, beverages and some times food cause I dey
work, I come dey buy my own.. I shared my first salary and I gave her
the other half after that I stopped cause the money was too small....
naso this woman vex ooo...

She go dey swear for me.."you think you have money abi... na stone dey your hand ooo no be money, all this clothes you buy go fade and you will walk naked".. she tell me that I will never get married not too talk of having children.. 

Stella we be strong mfm members ooo.. but she go say she can't pray for me.. her only prayer point is that she must not die. in 2015 I wrote jamb and
passed oooo... her friend was telling her to help me runs my admission
she finally agree to pay 150k which I totally refused..after paying
house hot pass fire ooo... she said she regret paying that the
admission will not work out... lo and behold I no get that admission,
I lost my job too...

Stella can you believe my mum cursed me cos  I used her 20naira detergent to
wash my clothes... even bvs will not forgive me if I type the curse
here... she asked me to pack out... I have been trying to call my dad
since then but he is not picking my calls.. am scared cause the last
time she nearly stab my sister and I around 2am cause I mistakenly
broke her lamp when cleaning

My sister was mostly not at home cause of school and now she dey
serves.. she always ask if am not the one offending her... but she saw
things her self after coming to prepare for service and she swore
never to come back home.. she is also a bv and she will read this too..
may be she will add one or two about our parents.

*Na wah oh.....Is it frustration that causes some parents to behave this way or the stress of parenting?


  1. Replies
    1. Dearest poster, pls accept my deepest sympathy!

      Stella, You see, some parents do not intentionally express hate, it's just that, the child (the hatred is directed at) is a representation of a life, a memory, an act they would like to forget or wish never existed. So your constant presence is a reminder of her failure/shortcomings/ so sorry poster...
      Please leave her presence cuz as it is, I don't know what value she's adding to your life. Pls reach out... is well

    2. Some people are not meant to be parents. Just because you can reproduce does not necessarily mean you should.

    3. Na real wa

  2. Replies
    1. It's like both parents had a very bitter experience and they are now taken it out on their children. Poster try to find out what happens in the past not that it concerns you as a child, but atleast it will help you to understand.

  3. Oga ooo. Yorubas would say iya o da, baba osunwon.

  4. May God continue to strength you because I don't want to write my own story for fear of yash will scale through my wasnt easy for me but God was my strength.

  5. Did you say your mother is married now? All I can say is you go to SCHOOL and stay there! , limit your coming back and pray for your mum. Maybe she needs psychologically help too, she might be hurting from her broken marriage with your dad hence the lashing out on you and your sister .

    1. "go to school and stay there" while you pay the school fees?"

    2. Please go back and read properly. He has not even gained admission and where in Nigeria is education free? Go to school and stay their ko!

    3. Who will train her in school

    4. School fees from where?

  6. I am yet to read about someone from another part of Nigeria behaving this way toward her children. Please do not get me wrong. Not all of them behave this way. But it is just exceptionally the norm among them.

    1. This is painfully true and elicits tears. Why? Why is it just this way.
      Why do my people behave this way?
      Though my parents did not treat us this way but I always feared that if they ever separated, my siblings and I might descend to the abyss.

    2. N50k can get u guarantee admission into uniben as far as u scored above 200 in jamb. You for kukuma use that N150k (chai) enter poly. Why waste such huge money.

      Most parents are like this really. My father will buy one rubber of rice n expect it to last for two months. ThankGod we all girls if not na every two days e go dey finish.

      Some parents are psychologically abusive. Thay want to be king and possess everything you have including money. They know what they're doing. I don't know the joy they feel when their children are discouraged. In our house we are not allowed to open the fridge twice a day if not my father will insult your life.

      I followed him hand for hand, if he shout i shout, my sisters were all afraid but me lai lai. He insult i insult, a man that used to womanize with my mom's meeting members even when she was alive and my mom loved him inspite of all even being the breadwinner. Imagine slapping me outside i slap am back tho i for no fit beat am. If you need someone to aid in discouraging you, meet my dad. completed my uni hustling now working n living on my own. Tho i still go home but me n my dad don't talk. I have peace.

  7. Some chronicle gives me instant headache. This is one of such. Smh.

    Poster, may deliver u and ur sister from ur evil parents.

    1. Honestly, you read some chronicles and it just leaves you EXASPERATED!!! You no fit even offer advice. Hmmmm...

  8. I really don't believe this story.The way it is written. It is written 'carelessly'. The writer is just written for attention. No substance.

    1. Because na substance she go chop. Someone is voicing out her pain you're there using your wretched hand to type "no substance". Idiot!

    2. Is it supposed to be a best seller? It's a chronicle for crying out loud.

    3. Anon if you want a well written story, go and get yourself a paperback novel. See you stupid grammar "the writer is just written for attention" and you're looking for well chronicled story. Your comment lacks substance too.

    4. Anon 15:16
      U write carelessly also. Read your comment over again and correct yourself.

      Don't blame it on typographical error cos your tenses suck

    5. You are looking for substance yet you don't know the difference between 'written' and 'writing' or can't even spell 'writing'

  9. Baba fix this, fix it in your infinite mercy in Jesus name. Amen!

  10. hmmmm this is fregin serious.parents doing this to their child their blood?kai my dear i dnt have much to say but pray that all the curses ur mother has been placing on you be neutralized by the blood of Jesus Christ, focus on being free from her curses pls. may God c u thru....... mouth wide open

  11. Hmmmm when parents turn against their kids, you will be wondering if you are the one that ask them to give birth to you. It's even worse when your mum look you in the eye and said that she regrets not abandoning you and your siblings when your dad died to remarry just because you couldn't get a Job 3years after graduating. She later apologized that she was just frustrated about the hardship she was subjected to just because she lost her husband but the deed has been done. So dear I understand your situation very well and it's only prayer and trust in God that we will make it one day. So that we can repay them with goodness.

  12. Some people don't deserve to be parents, it is well with you and your sister

  13. This is sad. Extremely sad. I'm glad you're a strong hustler because some people would have become stray street kids because they're trying to escape from a toxic home.

    Staunch MFM members you say? There lies a part of your answer. Report her to the church asap. Tell the pastor she respects the most about your situation and let them have a serious meeting with her.

    I would have written her off completely but from what I can see (especially from the fact that she gave you 150,000 for your admission) is that she is angry that she singularly has to bear the responsibility of taking care of you. Your existence is a symbol of the mistake she made by being with your estranged father. I'll advise you to find another job, retake jamb and get the hell out of the house. I would also advise you to never repay her wicked outbursts with evil. She could have gotten rid of you guys when she was much younger but the fact that you're still alive and under her roof shows she still has a drop of mothers milk left in her. Just a drop but it's still there.

    Ignore her as you usually do. Stay out of her way. Greet her and plan your exit strategy fast. You're not a child anymore and in some societies you'll be living on your own. I wish you the best and I pray that God blesses you and your siblings beyond your wildest imagination. And I pray he keeps your mother alive to see God's blessings upon you all.

    Damn though. Some people really do have life tough!

  14. Please causes should not be taken lightly. Especially from mother to children. My mum also causes a lot now things are not going well with all her children now she has changed and she prays a lot. I pray God answers her prayers.

    1. I wonder why parents curse their kids. It scare me.

    2. This is one of the resaons I love whites. They are so scared of failing as parents. White married couples will tell you they are not ready to be parents reason "they will suck at being parents". But here in Africa, once you are married, they next thing everyone will expect from you is to get pregnant and breed babies like a hen without minding if you will suck at it or not. You will see a young girl that doesn't know her right from left, will start panicking if she isnt pregnant after 2months of being married. Most parents aren't worthy to be called parents, they don't know what it takes to be parents, they dont know the sacrifices of being parents, they think its only breeding children that matters. Jesus christ. My parents can never try this, not that they are perfect, but they are extremely good. We dont even curse in my house, how dare you ??. The biggest curse in my house is "get out", then someone that calls herself a mother will render all sorts of abuse and curse on her own child. If an outsider does that, will she defend the child from what she has subjected her to??

      This is not the 1st time an hearing such story. My younger sis' friend' mother calls them "ozu nwuru awu" meaning "dead corpse", "I ga gi aba uru n'uwa gi" meaning 'u will never be useful to yourself", and I wonder how God could give such women children, then again the bible says "God will have mercy on whom He wants to have mercy on"

      Poster Pele, the Lord is your strength .

  15. This chronicle reminded me of the landlord and landlady of the place where I lived during my university days...

  16. Na lie...tell us what u did to ur mom....

  17. Bad story. I feel sad for you poster.
    Take your destiny into your hand. How did your sister manage through university?

  18. Hmmmmmm Stella, some parents are just parents by name o. The worst anyone can have is a bad mother, bad father is even better.
    The child is a constant reminder of the ex husband, or ex wife they hate so much. That is how a colleague of mine too doesn't treat the son well, just because the boy resembles the boyfriend that impregnated her and married someone else. She's been heard saying she wishes she got an abortion.
    My dear poster if you can find good nanny work with a good family, do that for a couple of years,maybe 3years to get money for school or trade. Atleast you are guaranteed food, shelter and clothes. You can atleast get up to 40k a month and you wont need to touch your salary. If you can find a good Christian family that will treat you well. I know someone that is even presently sending her nanny to school so the girl isn't ideal when everyone has gone to work and school.
    That environment you are living isn't healthy. Face your life and forget about parents. Know you only have God and your sister. See it as you are an orphan. When you get married you can build your own family.
    I wish you well.

    1. Sorry for all what you've been through poster.please endeavor to get a job or source for funds to move out. Your present environment is very toxic, leave oh abeg.peace of mind is worth more than diamond.

    2. My dear that is not enough reason to treat your own child that way, a child that lived inside of you for 9 solid months, a child you passed through hell to bring into this world. A wicked person is a wicked person. The child didn't ask the mother to birth him/her, the child didnt chose whom to resemble, the child isnt the cos of whatever problem the mom has with the father. Tell all the GOOD single mothers to kill their children cos of their awful experience with their children's father, tell tonto dike, lilian esoro, mercy gentry and the others to kill their children. Most mothers suck at being mothers and are not worthy to be called one , cos they are wicked and heartless.

    3. What are you saying. Did I say I support her. I said colleague wetin be my business with her life. Is she my friend? Just using her as example of ppl that birth kids and not worth being addressed as a mother.

  19. Ur mother does not love u and she paid 150k for admission for u...u don see Mumu ba...commot for here Abeg

    1. Toh. Help me ask. All the bad things wey she do you. Which wan you do her?

      You mean to say you wake up early,
      cclean the house,
      Wash her clothes
      Cook food
      Dont talk back at her
      And she Go just look you dey curse you. I see.

      End time mama. End time baby

  20. Dear Poster..IF IT IS TRUE..Then you need to see a Shrink..Chai If na US social welfare would have handled this properly..SMH for this country..u need to leave that environment its very toxic..Chai I wish your life ended like Matilda u remember that movie..That Mrs Honey nasty life..

  21. Stella frustration it's not an excuse. Even animals try their best to rare their kids until they are independent enough to fend for themselves.
    This why I will always be a proponent of abortion and a good social system.
    If you can't be a good parent then their is no use bringing into this world someone to suffer and end up being nonentities. Down the line these ones still, kill people for rituals and we end up locking them for life or worse still the ever reigning jungle justice.
    All this guy needs is good education and social support... not people telling him to put in prayers and then continue their safe/healthy lives.
    His parents have totally failed , that's the honest truth and what we can now is to help assist him. No religious gibberish advice

  22. No kids should be trained in a toxic environment,the pain never really goes away it hides somewhere in that child.

  23. Follow miss kenefo's or bed and roses' advice. Be strong!!

  24. This is the poster's sister,I have actually written and explained better but I can seem to find my comments maybe bcos this is my first time of commenting.someone asked how I mananed through uni goosh it was really really tough I never bothered my mum cos I know she'd complain and is my brother that will be at the receiving end so I call my dad sometimes he'd send 2k and I had a friend who understands the situation but I never told her my mum rain curses at us.junior has HBP we almost lost him to stroke last year and it all bcos of my mum always passing aggression and curses etc and am also physically challenged so there's just little I can do for my brother although I dont allow that get to me but I know with God things will be better.

  25. Poster I was trained by a single mother, we are 5 4girls & a boy, let me tell you the hard truth is not easy a woman training children alone while their father is alive, you don't roll with her well, why will you make money & won't give her some in a month becos you feel she makes money, when I finished secondary school I got a job with a studio where I do backup singer & sometimes lead singer, I make sure I dropped something in the house every month to support her that made my mum to pray for me & my brother who was an instrument packer with a live band, then drummer today he is a lead vocalist & live band owner,everyday cos we make sure we drop something to support the house, is not ur mother's role to train you that's ur father's role & when ur mother house you in her husband's house, you should be, hardworking, up& doing, communicate with her, obedient & supportive to encourage her invest more in you that woman loves you so much for her to come back for you but ur sense of entiltilement & calculation on how she live her life made her upset with you, why will u be calculating that she spend on her husband while you eat from her pot, stay in her house, how much did u save from ur salary when you are working, she is upset with ur father non supportive with ur upkeep, with ur behavior, attitude, non communication,
    You want her to go naked cos she is separated from ur father, Pls if you feel u can't cope with her again Pls go to ur father Atlist he is not dead besides you answers his surname not ur mom's, change ur nagging chacters & ur picking up fault attitude & watch ur mum turn to the loving mother she use to be, cos she trained you tru primary & secondary school alone with love but she changed when ur attitude changed cos I use to behave like you then I was fighting with my mum till I learn how to communicate & support my mum that's when she became my friend today she prays for me all the time to prosper in all I do, today she is staying in the house I built with my money in 33 onitsha while I reside in Lagos, when I collect rent from my tenants I give her some money from it,
    Try bound with ur mum & enjoy mumsy blessing & support.

    1. This is a very good response Amacastel. Many children raised by single parents don't understand the stress the parent goes through. And the child now continues with a sense of entitlement. This poster should read your advice over and over again. Get a job. Either as a help or something like shop assistant. Drop something for your mother no matter how small. She will begin to appreciate you. Fight will reduce. Her cursing is out of frustration. There's something you are doing that is adding to her frustration.

  26. This is the poster's sister have actually written and explained in my comments but I think I dont know how to post comment,cos have never bothered to learn how to post ever since my brother introduced me to this blog all I do is just open read, smile, and that's all but am forced to learn today and have been trying to post since I saw his/our chronicle. yes she lays curses on us he had HBP bcos of my mum constant nagging someone asked if she just start raining curses for no reason yes! she just comes back from work sometimes and start shouting yes shout and next thing is no food in this house til further notice and it happens like that we would meet friends and they'd feed us even without telling them wot happened cos we grew up in a single parents environment.there's a lot to say but am tired of typing cos I dont even know if this one will be posted again.thanks everyone for your advice I also want him to leave the environment but we dont have any place in mind am physically challenged I can only do little for him.

    1. My dear since you're a graduate please take him out of his present location. HBP for a child is bad and no matter how much he suffers living with you he will have peace of mind which is the best for him for now. He can equally get a job where you are to cover his expenses. Some parents are just wicked and good at passing aggression to their children. May God prosper you both and make a way for you


  27. "Na wah oh.....Is it frustration that causes some parents to behave this way or the stress of parenting?"

    All of the above Stella.

    1. Esp when the other party don't care, any little thing agitate the training party


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