Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative


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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative



Goodday Madam Stella.

Please I'd like You to post my story, have been meaning to do this for a while now but just kept still.
Lemme go straight to the point please.

Have been on the straight for the past 7years, make an honest living and take care of my bills.

You see I finished my secondary school since 2011, I wrote weac 4times and had to combine resuits before I got admitted at National Open University of Nigeria. I did just a semester there and have not been able to continue since 2015.

You see I want to be educated, and I'm trying. But I'm fustrated. I don't feel belong among my peers, I never visited my home town since I left 7years ago, because nothing to show for my leaving. No any achievement yet.
I feel so bad, cries to bed all day, I don't wanna leave this way, I wanna do great things with my life but I'm tired. I'm a church girl and no one knows about my issue.

I serve God, I live good and make an honest living. And I'm very pretty.

A lot of people think i am a graduate. I don't associate with people. No one knows anything about me not even my flatmates.

Why i am stagnant I don't know. I have such low self esteem.
I really don't know what to do.
I need advice pls.
Things have got to change for me.

I'm a loner. Got no one but God.
Bvs what do I do, where do you think I'm getting it wrong.
I'm tired pls
And I need someone to talk to.
I am just at a spot
Thanks ma'am
Pls hide my Identity.
God bless.


  1. Replies
    1. Your anti-social behaviour is the cause of your misery and it has damaged your self-worth and your entire social well-being.

      You need to loosen up a little bit, socialise by mingling with those around you.You could go out and see new places you haven't seen before, relax on your "religiosity" but don't give up your moral values. Finally, you need to stay away from excessive use of the internet most especially social media platforms and focus more on building face-to-face rapport with people rather than using social media. Physical conversation, would help you kill loneliness because you'll always have to meet people in person, which would make you want to go out often. The need for this is that it would help you kill boredom and stop you from being a loner.

      The result is that you'll have more chances of meeting new people everyday and more opportunity to come across those who are genuinely interested in you and who might be ready to help you do better and gain meaningful experience. You'll become happier too!

      You are the only one limiting yourself and causing yourself so much sadness. Go and do new things, don't be afraid to tryout things you've never done before.

      You'll be fine.......


    2. You care too much of what people will say, you are limiting yourself. It's natural to feel some type of way because you haven't graduated but it's not a good reason to hold yourself back.
      Everybody has challenges, if you reach out to those around you, you'll find common ground somehow. Make a conscious effort to socialize and never give up on your dreams.
      If you fail, dust yourself and try again. And Abeg go home. What if you lose a family member and you haven't seen them for 7 years because you are thinking of what ppl would say?

    3. Paragon has said it all. Read what he has written captured it all. Awesome!

  2. God will do it for you, learn hand work not all graduate that are living large.

    1. My dear thank God you are close to Him, you can do anything as long as you set your mind to it, focus on the price, always be around happy people. You can be anything you want to, take a look at bisola she's no graduate but has pushed herself beyond measures, you can make you want ever you want, go and do something else but keep sticking to God. Happy birthday stella, I loveeee you

  3. Darling, you need a lesson teacher. Your educational foundation is weak and when the foundation is bad, it's really hard going further education wise. I don't have a lot of spare time but I could coach you for free on at least the basics, you also need to believe in yourself and have a can do attitude instead of a I'm not good enough and can't do it attitude. Nothing is impossible for someone with a can do attitude. Forget about showing off achievements for now and focus on getting better and making something good out of life. Education is key and very important. Cheer up and chin up, all will be well. Start to network, who knows you might meet a helper who would make you better and encourage you. Stop living in a shell, it won't do you any good.

    1. Also, while NOUN is good especially for distance learning and adult education, I feel part time doesn't help those who learn better when kept inside a class with a lecturer unlike those who prefer to get the materials and teach themselves. Learn a skill too, so you have a need and reason to leave the house. Having something to look forward to takes away that feeling of self doubt and loneliness.

  4. How do we help when you hide your identity. Dont just stay at home. Go out more often. You are a church girl? Who is your mentor in the church, have you talked to him or her. Have you talked to your pastor, brothers, sisters or someone that your parents listen to? Dont feel frustrated. Just keep your head up, you will get into the university. Dont give up. It is well

  5. Keeping trying and working hard, your hustle will pay someday.
    If you're feeling bad about you not completing your university education, don't worry, you can always do that later and if that doesn't work, don't get depressed about it, not everyone will go to the University.
    Not completing your university education does not mean you'll never be successful, God is not mocked, he doesn't base success on university education alone, else many people wouldn't be where they are today, remember the rejected stone became the corner stone. University education is only a stepping stone, and gives better opportunity, it doesn't equate for success.

    Try to move a away from being a loner, associate with people and social, it'll help with your self esteem,
    Always look up to God, he'll answer your prayers at the ripe time.
    God bless you.


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    1. *socialize.

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  6. I just wish to give you a hug and tell you that everything will soon be alright. I have passed through some similar challenges but I'm not giving up till I get there. Write out the things you want to do for yourself and start pursuing them one by one, don't just rush into everything at once(my greatest mistake) stop comparing yourself to your peers cos some of them are already lying six feet down. That you don't have what you dream of now doesn't mean dreams don't come through. Patience is the key word, love yourself like a princess, keep working hard and continually pray cos God still answers prayers.

  7. eyaaaah, i really feel for you dear.
    let me read comment on this one.

    *hangs leg on the roof*

    1. This leg no dey Pain you ๐Ÿ˜ฆ๐Ÿ˜ฆ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

      Am sure the elastic in your Ponyor would have slacked by now from all this hanging...๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„

      Poster you need to go out more, step out of your shell,mix more, volunteer more in church and you will make new friends.

      As for achieving big things start small.learn a trade, save up go back to school.

      You will be fine, Read Sdk and all your sorrows will fly away


    2. Hahahahahahahahahah LEP the reverse is the case. Dont you know hanging of legs is a new form of exercise ?๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

  8. Why not start by learning something you can building your career on, not even school this time around, you can always go back to school if you are determined to

  9. my dear being a church girl is not the answer to it. praying without work is nothing, you have to be passionate about life and be hardworking. you said you need peole to talk to hmmmm dnt go telling everybody your problem bcos some of them will laff at you. u need real friends who will help u.madam Stella if u can i wld like to have her email or anything, thnk u

  10. You will be alright poster

  11. Learn a skill, be committed to it and trust God to help you grow. It is well.

  12. The problem with we loner's is that we keep a lot to ourselves which is the first problem.not like we don't have ppl to talk to but don't wanto be a burden to them. I am currently at the same stage as this poster just that I am a graduate nd yet to serve. I just feel my whole life is on a stand income relationship being my only source of joy just crashed.I don't even wanto trouble my poor mom cos she has been through a lot,I want to make her happy but can't even make my self happy.I just keep on seeing myself keeping my distance from everybody no matter how I try I just want to be alone.I can't even get up to go get a job. Everyone thinks I'm fine but I'm not I don't have appetite for anything. My only escape is the internet.lord help me

  13. Hey hun! There's nothing wrong with you except low esteem which you can work on. It doesn't matter who knows or doesn't know about your education status(best to be open tho)
    My aunt says after secondary school,its left to you to make something outta life. A lot of people without tertiary education are better off than those with. I would encourage you to develop yourself by learning a trade/if you're working register with a professional body&get certified,also open up to someone(a mature person/s) around you. Be happy,you de alright

  14. It's well darling , chin up and get going and things will fall into places ok? Try and continue with the NOUN study and BTW is Bisola Aiyeola not a school dropout too?? She's a ONE ambassador today and she will speak before thousands of educated perssonel , the way of God is sure not our way. He can elevate you without all the norms. Keep praying.

  15. Go out, make new friends, have fun, YOLO, life's too short gal, fuck all the fuckables! I'm 30 & a virgin! Gonna loose it to a guy I met on SNM by next week, who good girl epp? I have a very long story but don't know where to start from, after graduation, I went to school for NYSC clearance because I got call up letter but the school told me im not a graduate... Got depressed, almost died, God saw me through... Who good girl epp? I need money for survival, this SNM guy has money, I hope & pray he helps me out with this my new school's fees & stuff... Don't know what to do sef. God will help us...

    Stella do you remember? This is your stinker bae on whatsapp ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜

    1. You're still hoping he'll help you out! Nne collect all money before giving to avoid oshofree.

    2. My dear,dont loose ur virginity 2 that guy talkin from experience.i got married at 33 a virgin.wish we can c face 2 face so u wil c ma sis good girl pay me oo.dont do what u ll regret then it ll become a scar for life...hand dey pain me 2 type sef!

    3. Anon 15:48. My dear, good girl pays o. Serving God pays much more. You be come dis far, pls wait till God rewards your faithfulness to Him.
      Definitely, u won't stay up to next 5 years before Tins turn around and your life is changed forever.
      Your setbacks, disappointments & delays are your tests in life, you are almost at d end of d tunnel, and your light will break forth.
      Don't be deceived by most people on dis blog and d evil some of dem right: many don't actually live DAT way, and others have already sold their souls to d devil. While some are leaving w terminal illnesses and almost all, in regrets, anguish and pain.
      Remember, all DAT glitters is not gold. D rich guy, Wats d source of his money? Is he a cultist, ritualists, yahoo plus, assassin, armed robber or clean?
      Baby girl, relax and let God sought u out.
      To be good girl pays ooooo, but at God's appointed time.

  16. I just so love all the comments am reading mmmmwaah to u all. And poster pls you are still very young I know education is key and very important but pls incase its ur brain that cannot assimilate what is been taught in school pls don't jst sitdown, think of something you love to do (handwork) and learn to start earning some money before u know it your story will change. Feel free to send me an email let me see how I can help. Don't ever compare yourself with your peers again I wish you know where some of them are and what some of them did before they get to where they are... #tighthugs

  17. #Experience, whether good or bad, makes people stronger. So take massive action and make things happen. Don't sit idle*

  18. @poster you have to bloom where you are planted.thats the key to life.appreciate where you are at the moment and you will see God do wonders in your may be going through tough time,or you may have some major obstacles in your path,all of which give you good reasons to be unhappy or upset.but being unhappy won't change anything for might as well choose to be happy and enjoy your life.when you do that,not only will you feel better,but your faith will cause God to show up and work wonders in your life.God knows that you have difficulties,struggles and challenges,But it was never his intention for you to live one day on cloud nine,and the next day down in the dumps,defeated and depressed.God wants you to be content and be very happy irrespective of the challenges.Quit worrying about everything going on with you at the one day at a time.I want you to see the best in you right now and learn to be happy where you are.crying wont solve nothing.have a greatful may not be where you want to be in life today,you may not have that perfect relationship,education,or that perfect job,but you must make a decision that you're going to make the most out of your situation right now.learn to be happy in spite of your circumstances.let not stop you from blooming .

  19. Bisola is an example of how far one can go with determination even without a university degree. Keep talking to God and talk to one can make you feel inferior without your consent. You'll be fine dear, just hang in there.

  20. Hope is not lost. Just a little connection is needed. Start doing something you love... it will take you places. Don't use your peers time table to judge yourself. Cry out to God to show you the way... Only Him can help. What handy skills can you learn quickly then you can do a part time while busy with your acquired skills. Keep the faith.

  21. Why not learn trade/handwork. It ll help. please dear boost ur self esteem. Ur condition is not the worst. Keep praying to God, HE alone know the good plan he has for u.

  22. Education is key no doubt, I will advice you plan towards achieving it if that's what you really want, also do you have any talent, something you do so well that people seems to be amazed at, why not build that too. You never can tell where God will lead you to achieving something great in life.

  23. Stay focus ND don't stop believing in God ND urself. Most gals u see smiling laughing are even going tru times2 of wat u going tru always do wat makes u happy once u are happy its attracts happy people ND things to u I also learnt dat

  24. Hi,I finished secondary school in 2001,I had B3 in maths and English & Cs in other subjects but no admission.I passed jamb,it's either state of origin or one flimsy excuse,people with lower grades in jamb were getting admitted.I was frustrated and kept pushing.I was admitted for diploma,finished and still nothing.By 2011,I bought part time form(uni abuja) and started business,started buying things in Lagos and selling in Abuja.I gradually moved from Lagos night bus trip to traveling overseas.My boyfriend (now husband) is a medical doctor and none of his colleagues knew I wasn't a graduate.I wasn't intimidated,I interact with them very well.I wasn't ashamed,I was determined and graduated last year.So my dear sis,be focused and stop all this you are stagnant.If you continue thinking like this,you can't achieve anything.Package yourself well and face your life squarely.My only regret today is that I didn't learn any handwork then.Imagine if I had learnt makeup or baking 15 years ago๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ. I'm grateful for where I am today so dust yourself up and go get your degree,thinking or crying won't do you nothing.

  25. Poster.....your self esteem is so low right now. You need to get good motivational books to read in order to boost your self esteem. So many people are going through worst situation than you are in.
    I will advice that you learn a handwork in the meantime until when you are able to further your education.
    You will be fine dear and move closer to God at this crucial time....huh

  26. This is deep... The girl needs sincere assistance, not help from carnal people. She has desires but can't fufil it bcos of financial constraints. Good girl pays my dear...continue in your good ways.

  27. My dear, the only problem u have is your mindset. Change it and your life will change for good.
    There are a lot of people in worst life situations than yours, but they are hopeful, believing and trusting God. Doing whatever dey find der hands to do.
    My sis, a graduate, is so resilient. D present lack of job is not detering her. Last month, she heard der was a 2 weeks daily pay job of 3k a day (which includes her feeding, trabsporting daily to d site, etc) in a far away state where she would travel more than 8 hours to get mum tried dissuading her: You won't believe she went for d suppose peanut job. Deduct d feeding, transport , etc. How much is left? But she was excited about it.
    On her return, d little she made, she went to beg a fashion designer to pay as advance payment, to learn tailoring. She cant even afford d luxury to be on d internet regularly, like u. Yet, She is unrelenting and focus. A church girl too.
    If u were in her shoes, I'm sure u will be wailing and complaining how life is not fair and wicked blah blah.
    I know someday, she will get a good job and make a good wife.
    So girl, decide to move forward, decide to change ur life and it starts by changing your mindset.

  28. My dear, I'm very worried about you. And the reason is because I see a lot of me in you.
    Being a loner doesn't pay o. Now, I am 42 and single. Still playing good girl role but I have practically let life pass me by.
    Yes, I'm pretty, God-fearing and nice. But, I have low-self esteem. I went to all the best schools o. Yet, to talk to people in public is a problem. And, it's not that I can't speak grammar o. I let myself get comfortable with being by myself all the time. I'm trying to change it now but it's so difficult.
    Please don't end up like me. Make lemonade out of the Lemons you have been given in life. Some of the most successful people in Nigeria didn't even attend Uni.
    Be more outgoing. Join the choristers or ushers at ur church. Go out with co-workers. Suggest a fun night out with your roommates. Give that guy that has been trying to talk to you a chance. Even if he's not your type just go on a date.
    Go for evening classes instead of NOUN. That way you will have an opportunity to meet new classmates.
    You can't see it but you are actually an achiever. You are not a failure. Your life is not stagnant.
    •you completed secondary school
    •you have been on the straight for 7 years
    •you pay your own bills
    •you got into NOUN
    •you take care of yourself
    These are your own words. You are actually an achiever. Your life is not stagnant. You are making steady progress in life.
    Please count your blessings. Name them one by one. Give songs of praise and thanksgiving to the Lord and watch him continue to make way in your life.
    It is natural to feel down sometimes. We all do. But, don't allow that to get in the way of your success. Good clean success comes gradually. Only black magic brings overnight success.
    Stop feeling sorry for yourself. If there are areas of your life you are not happy with, set a goal and make changes by working towards that goal.
    I wish someone had given me this kind of advice when I was younger.
    I wish there was a way I could meet you, sit with you and talk to you. But, Goodluck darling, it is well IJN.

  29. My Deaar,

    You are educated!!! The basic education needed is the secondary education and that you have.

    The only challenge here is your self esteem. Please be proud of yourself and what you have achieved.

    There are so many successful people in Nigeria and all over the world without a university education.
    Folorunsho Alakija (the richest woman in Africa), Mercy Johnson (One of the highest paid actresses in Nollywood), Cosmos Maduka (founder of Coscharis Group, sole distributor of BMW vehicles in West Africa). The list goes on and on.

    Maintain a positive attitude and brand yourself to breakthrough my dear!!!

  30. Be humble, appreciate who you her, don't claim what you r not, so that u will locate your helper


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