Stella Dimoko Tuesday -In House News.


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Tuesday -In House News.

*Sniffs*...Smelling something dramalicious..Who is cooking it?LOL.
I am in a messing around with ya mood,you get?
Have a good day...Today's IHN is as short as the some cucumber...
Eka Joy thinking of posting the photo of you wearing bum shorts in the Abroad if you dont comment to clear the air from yesterday'S In house news eeeh...hehehehehhehe


Hi Stella,
I'm Promakeoverz
You're really doing a nice job...I sleep and wake up on the blog :-D

Promakeoverz is offering a promo of Traditional and white wedding make
up for a bride, 1 chiefbridesmaid and 4 bridesmaids at an affordable

#Outside Lagos attracts extra charges.

Call or whatsapp for more info: 08132493968, 08141117300
instagram : @promakeoverz
Tag an in tending bride.
Training also available.
Shoki for BVs

2532 5281 7673 9491
6189 9620 6955 0924
1025 1471 1254 3965
1005 4344 6880 0261

5651 3944 8463 0900
5584 7080 4556 9223
5554 5694 6800 2165
5499 6371 1557 1767
5658 1899 9029 6489

If you load any of the cards,please indicate in the comment section
Thank u Stella.



I'm Rufus but I comment as Money Making Machine,Thank you for the wonderful work your doing I have learnt so much from this blog.last Sunday was my birthday.

I hope I'm qualified for face of IHN

*Yes hun you qualify and happy belated birthday.



I'm giving out this beautiful foundation blender to the first person to call me 08066458385.




Hi Stella,

Please see below job vacancies that would be useful to BV.

A Recruitment and Outsourcing Company is in need of sales executives for Axa Mansard Insurance's top priority customers.  Profile - HND and B.Sc. Holder. Age 27 - 34. Candidates must be highly presentable and sociable with a good network of contacts. Having some form of sales experience would be an additional advantage. Attractive remuneration - basic pay and commission. Pls send CVs to


Good day  Stella. Please help me post this job vacancy.

Position: Raw Material Procurement Officer

Location : The office is in Ikeja but staff are not limited to any state.


1) The applicant must have worked for big Feed companies like Top Feed, Animal Care etc on raw material procurement position.

2) He/She must have resource of distributors or companies of raw materials and additives ‎.

Salary is very attractive. 

Qualified and interested persons should please contact Jumoke on 08033090149. Thanks.


REPOST....Note to self!


  1. A man placed some flowers on the grave of his dearly departed mother and started back toward his car when his attention was diverted to another man kneeling at a grave.

    The man seemed to be praying with profound intensity and kept repeating, 'Why did you have to die? Why did you have to die? Why did you have to die?'

    The first man approached him and said, 'Sir, I don't wish to interfere with your grief, but this demonstration of pain is more than I've ever seen before. For whom do you mourn so deeply? A child? A parent?'

    The mourner took a moment to collect himself, then replied, 'My wife's first husband.'

    Ed Good morning... Nobody looks after family like family. All we have is each other!


  2. Hello sweeties, any thing for the gurls?

    Oya Eka get in here...

    1. I think Eka did traveled out,shez only trying to get pple's reaction

      Beautiful n handsome faces up there.

    2. I think Eka did traveled out. She only trying to see pple's response

      Beautiful/handsome faces up there...

    3. Any message to the brethren?

  3. #That awkward moment when you don't know if you should invite your neighbour in or let them stay outside*

  4. Shoki without Glo is that one shoki???

    Shout out to EKA Joy! You rock big time

    1. Why u no share the Glo nah?
      Bastard!!. U are full of💩💩💩
      Devil punish you mama sadist.
      Poverty truly na bastard.

    2. Hey boo,make I perch here.How are y'all doing?

    3. Kikikikikikikkikikikikkikikikikkiiikikikikikki. Child of anger and depression

    4. That shot icon dey phone? What did u type for it to appear biko

    5. Anon,you is hungry and angry,I gerrit.

    6. Boo boo sassy! I'm good. Hope you're better now darling

      Jazzy what icon?

    7. 💩💩💩💩💩💩

  5. Those men who open their legs in public transport recklessly, are they the ones with the FIFA ball?😀😀

    1. And those that look at the FIFA balls carelessly,are they the referee?

  6. Thanks Aminat. Got airtel 1h

  7. Stop comparing where you’re at with where everyone else is. It doesn’t move you farther ahead, improve your situation, or help you find peace. It just feeds your shame, fuels your feelings of inadequacy, and ultimately, it keeps you stuck. The reality is that there is no one correct path in life. Everyone has their own unique journey. A path that’s right for someone else won’t necessarily be a path that’s right for you. And that’s okay. Your journey isn’t right or wrong, or good or bad. It’s just different.

    - Daniell Koepke

  8. Good day, Stella and my lovely bv's. Today is a sunny day. May God continue to bless our hustle

  9. Aminat, fine girl, u no wear niqab?

    Mmm, where's ur bear-bear?

  10. IHN is here.

    Your comment will be visible after approval.

    1. This one that Alloy is commenting frequently nowadays, his begging format is loading, that is if he is not disturbing Stella already.

  11. Tuesday ihn is bae
    Gudafternoon all how is the day going ,hope fine,couldn't load any of the card ,but all the same,let me go back and read.
    Hrt you bvs
    Hrt you stella

  12. Haaa! Una fingers fast for this blog. No Richard card... God bless the giver. Make I go read the stories up.

  13. Replies
    1. No need calling it thrice,no be juju things.

    2. SWEETIE clap for yasef finally u can abbreviate

  14. Good afternoon people.
    Priya baby .😙😙
    Sandy yo! .😚😚

  15. IHN!!! 13:02 and all the man cards are gone. it is well o. Shoutout to everyone, you all have a blessed day. Kisses madam stellz

    1. Ooma,thing surprise me o lol.

    2. 13:02🙄 and you think it will be there waiting for you?

  16. In house news is here, my fellow blog visitors, I have vaginal yeast infection with smelly discharge, have spent plenty money, seen a gynaecologist, but I noticed when ever I stop take my drugs it will come back, this has been like this for four years, egbami , Stella please do a post on this because have noticed people dropping comment about yeast infection, what can I use to cure it because am getting fed up already.

    1. Try galic, you can read about it first. However you need to change your undies also use pant liners then get good wet wipes to clean up when u pee. Try have a good hygiene down der.

    2. Try diflucan

  17. Hallelujah!!!!
    I got a job
    Tank u father

    1. Congrats darling......

      This night is the Night!!!! Loooool

    2. Praise thy Lord! More testimonies re coming in Jesus name. ☺☺☺☺☺

    3. Wow!Congratulations dear Sharon.More testimonies for you.

    4. Congratulations.may it bring you joy and fulfillment.

    5. Congratulations to you Sharon

    6. Praise the Lord. Halleluyah...

    7. I tap into a good job ijn.
      Congrats babe. As soon as you receive your first salary don't forget to send something my way o.

    8. Congratulations darling! We'll miss u on this blog

    9. Congrats girl. I know you got a bun in the oven too. GOD is faithful.

    10. Wow!
      Congratulations Sharon Dearie!
      Soo happy for u!
      We thank God!

    11. Congrats dear. More blessings.

    12. More testimonies on the way hun😘😘😘

    13. More testimonies on the way hun😘😘😘

    14. Mssheeew
      So u were jobless
      No wonder

  18. I.H.N
    The two faces today are so cute. Beauriful people.

  19. Face of ihn. U guys are fine.

    Eka joy, come and clear this ur identity issue o.

    Any drama?

  20. IHN is here.Rufus you are a handsome man.Keep shining.
    God is indeed a way Maker! God bless the givers and receivers amen.
    I will be right back

  21. Thanks to everyone that responded to my post this morning. TGW don't you ever get angry? You just have the right response for everything. Oya collect hug.

    1. TGW...... Takes a whole lot of self control to be calm in the midst of calamities.... She's mastered it well!! That's why we love her

      Sweet Mother, Sorry about your issue!!

    2. I do.
      But control is key. I know how to deal with whatever it is immediately and move on.

      Lol @ right response to everything.
      Not quite. Cos right now,I don't know how to tell these kids to respect themselves and stay away from all these their holiday demands. It's their second day at home and I am almost about to lose it.

      Hope u feel much better now.

    3. Generals wife gets angry only in anonymous mode

  22. Happy birthday to me


  23. Belated happy birthday Rufus a.k.a MMM


    Beautiful day today but my " pipe" be tryna mess it up. What women go through

    Wishing everyone plus me a fruitful week ahead

  24. Eka joy,we are waiting for your clarification, I forgot I read something like that yesterday

  25. Victorious Ehis and Kim Na Na, no I'm not .

    Aminat u are beautiful
    Mr Rufus you look good

  26. I still can't believe Lafayette of True Blood series is gone. He was one of my favourites. #Hottears#. Other characters I loved include
    Eric; He was(is) hot hot. #fansself#
    Pam: Eric's progeny.
    Jason; Always acting before thinking. Lol.
    Is there any other interesting series Lafayette acted? Let me go and check it out.

    1. He died in the movie or real life?

      I no de trust Una for this blog

    2. Can't believe it either ooh. But he is truly gone. I watched short clips of him yesterday and it's really sad. May he rest in peace.

    3. CrazyHornyWife11 July 2017 at 16:02

      He was one of the best!!! So sad,May he rest in peace.

    4. Yes Yes he is dead
      Saw the news In other blogs

  27. Today is hot mehn....
    Aminat you are beautiful

  28. All I'm seeing is the sign out meme. Very correct. It feels fulfilling and blessed to wear smiles on people's faces.

    Enjoy your day people...

    1. IHN without greetings and hailings is just IH

  29. Aminat na true you talk? abi you dey post us. You sleep and wake up on the blog, make una sofrey sofrey lie small.

    I love your work girl. Keep it up.

    Money making machine thank God you are not my money maker alias Peace maker, i for flog your ynash for you. Happy belated birthday to you. Hope you sprayed money, make i send you my accant number, oya answer me.

    Today is beautiful. Lovely weather.

    Eka Joy the bum bum Stella wants to show you get ikebe or na pelenge you be? hahahaha or you be sisi pelenge. I give hands to all pelenge people like me, no mind fat people, we better pass them.

    Eka Joy no disgrace us ooo, give us ROBUST REPLY

  30. Why do I always come late whenever there's Shoki??? I had the 'Shoki-feeling', I checked the time, it was 12:55, lemme just check out a mail, fiaaaaaaaam.... 1:09,is this one life?? Mscheeeeeeeew and I wanna Sub 😢 😢

    How far my People...... Any drama?? Eka, coman explain abeg!!
    The other dramarians, More grease to Una elbow......

    My Lovelies, Hope your day is going well?? 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

    Where's Shantelle?? Iphie?? Tet, XP, Nma?? Where did y'all go?? 😔 😔

  31. Beautiful Aminat, handsome MMM and Happy belated birthday, good afternoon all

  32. I want to ask a question and I need replies. Thanks
    When I was a kid, I observed that ants do greet or kiss themselves whenever they pass each other. It is like a culture amongst them. But I noticed that they no longer do it nowadays. I have been observing ants for three days now.
    And secondly, where do ants actually come from. I mean no trace of ant anywhere but drop a sugar and in 30 seconds, the conglomeration of ant that gathers around leaves you speechless.
    I want to know.

  33. hahahahaha Oluwadarasim dont mind them ooo. Thank God i have passed that stage where men or at times women will just widen their legs like say na them get the bus. shishi dem no get. spoke self dem no fit buy. Make you manage them ooo. He go better na poor man's language.

    Lolo thank you, let me go back and look if etisalat they there self. hahahahaha

  34. Plz help a house wife wit info any vacancies in nyanya or karu axis evn maraba plz

  35. OMG!!! I had a blast yesterday. Confession ko, apology ni!!! No, my account wasn't hacked. Yes, I'm in Nigeria but I just actually came back from visiting 5 European countries. I had so much fun in Vienna, Austria, y'all should totally visit the schonbrun palace whenever you are In Vienna.

    All I wanted to do yesterday was to let my blog fam know I was back in the country but then I decided 'why not look for a little trouble and drama with it'. Then I decided to lie that I actually didn't travel so I can actually have people air their opinions about my travel. E pain me say some people go anon go do am sha.

    I added that little twist about being threatened by someone to make it more believable, ah swear, I felt people would see through my lies. But mba, 3/4 of the blog fell for it.

    One even said people clone foreign numbers all the time. Biko, I'm not that smart abeg.

    Then one anon talked about how she was just yimuing with her sis when she read that I traveled. Lol. Wa wa alright.

    One even went ahead to release an epistle about how cursed I am and blah blah blah.

    The comment that drowned me in laughter was the one that said I lied cos of the way people have taunted me about being an ikorodu teacher. Like wtf!!!! Dyu think I care that ikorodu is a local place??? All that matters to me is that I have a roof over my head and a job that I can actually manage the pay. Apologies for my next comment but it has to be said, is it not the tush lekki people that are now practically homeless or swimming to go to their offices??? Let me make this very clear to u, kobo shame isn't catching me that I reside in ikorodu and no shame as well that I'm just a teacher.

    Yesterday, I developed a new found love for ideato. Geez!!!! Ur comment was as shocking as it was intense. I literally held my breath when I was reading your comment. It was beautiful, ah swear. Thanks girl.

    And love me jeje, I don't even know where I stand with u. One moment u are dissing me (e don tey but the next moment, u are making me weak in the knees). I appreciate the fact that u think I'm an upright person.

    And for the whole lot of people that didn't see this as an opportunity to finish me off, wow, u guys are the real mvps, I'm just a silly person looking for drama.

    So yea, this is your Eka and trust me, the zen Eka has gone to rest. Bitter Eka is back

    Nna, see epistle!!!!!

    1. Hahahhahahahhahahahahha

      lol @bitter Eka is back

      Love you sis

    2. Some people and their poverty mentality though....
      What's the big deal in travelling abroad?...
      The amount of local people on this blog is so alarming!..
      A friend of mine always travel with two of her house helps!!...I'm sure some of you here will develop HBP if those helps show you their kpali!..
      You people should upgrade biko!,.
      Get a visa and travel for once!,.its not a big deal...

    3. Welcome back and weldone ma.

    4. CrazyHornyWife11 July 2017 at 16:05

      Welcome back,guess I missed a lot on the blog!!

    5. Now that u hav a serious guy, hope u will stop sleeping around with ur exes, u can choose one of them who satisfies u and b using him to Grease ur kundus while here. Also, hope u will stop going anon to bash people a shake ur head under comments

  36. IHN always bae. Auugirl are you just watching true blood now? Old movie

  37. Rufus rufus my bestie before before.hows PH?

  38. Aminat issa fine girl 😍

  39. Amina, u r beautiful

    MMM, is that u?

    Stella, maybe her account was hacked or she's just joking.

  40. Wey dat mumu baby mama with the animalistic son?

    1. Anonymous may heaven destroy you for this evil comment. I see the reason your brother hated you, you have a devilish heart. Do you know what it takes to have a child? Thank your stars I'm not God, if not you don't deserve one. Dark soul

    2. She's up 👆.

      Lafresh, defender of the universe.

  41. someone bless my life abeg,things are a bit difficult for me right now.

  42. I keep on having dis dream repeatedly, seeing my myself in our former house where we moved frm few years ago,in a week I can actually ve dis kinda dream like 3 to 4 times,sometimes I would still see my family still living in d same house we lived in while staying in dat compound. I told someone,d person said it might be spirit of backwardness or maybe I still think about dat place which I don't. 😩 what might be d cause actually?

    1. The reason you keep having those dreams is because your life is stagnant!...
      Nothing is moving for need prayers

    2. Fast and pray about this issue,you will receive deeper meaning and how to go about it.
      Please be serious about it.

    3. Promising star11 July 2017 at 16:21

      Stop worrying yourself about it. Sometimes our minds play tricks on us and it appears in dreams.
      Think about something positive and you'll be fine.

  43. 😂😂😂 Chike you're a case i swear! You dey mind angry children? So after breakfast you didn't bring me lunch abi? No problem nau. I've sorted myself out 😋 #yesi'manungratefulboo

    @cookie no be small family friend you be 😂

    @miss priya my SiL 😉 how are you nau?

    @ideato sending 5000 kisses please take them ALL 😙😙😙😙😙

    Unfortunately I no see road today cos my desk is full.

    Stella I thought you didn't hear that GEJ son-in-law gist. Happened on Sunday, i think. Pretty sad and I think its high time he relocates to a bigger town before they kill him for his young wife.

    1. @chiki 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

    2. Chikito 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

      I'm fine baby thanks

    3. My Chikito, ugegbe oyibo m 1 worldwide... Don't worry, I will make you a grateful boo with love. I will massage you tonight and I will prepare your favorite food for dinner... Lol

  44. Aminat, why so beautiful?
    Rufus, you're cute.

    Hello everybody!

  45. please house....were can someone find adult education program please I'm in need of it, can someone help me.

    1. Is this choosen generation, loveme jeje or sexy daddy
      We av many educated iliterates who can kill with gbagauns here

  46. Special shoutout to my one and only presido, the only gallant presido. Our amiable presido, I'm talking about no other person than our own D'royalty😗😗😗😗. I just woke up now, how every for your side na?

    1. My fellow senior ancestor👌


    2. Presido D royalty 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

      Kidjo baby 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

  47. Talking about side chicks and karma,I remembered what happened in the first few years of my marriage.
    I married a man a little older than me,we were living fine and very much in love but didn't have children after 5years of marriage.
    My hubby became desperate,being that he were not a born again,he started visiting a lot of white garment churches and seers. He became a changed person and a total stranger.
    While me on the hand became closer to God and became more prayerful,praying earnestly for God's intervention and to save my home.
    One day,I could no longer endure the pain I was going through as a result of side chick calling my hubby all the time,he became a womaniser.
    I tried to advise hubby and to draw him to God but,it looked like the battle against my home was stronger than me but God had better plans. So I went low,and snooped,I saw this girl's number and text message. She was pregnant and was telling my dear hubby how much sick she was,I was shattered,I wept. I could not do much,I confronted hubby,and he did not give me a straight answer, I was broken but I kept trusting God.
    This girl will call DH anytime and anywhere, so one day,I copied her number and called her,I was so nice to her and never insulted her, I started with telling her,how beautiful she is,and just like me will get her own man in due time. That my hubby is just confused and treading on the wrong path and that she should please not allow herself to be used to destroy my home. I begged her to consider my efforts in building my home in the last 5years and to get away from hubby.
    I also told her that I had not conceived,does not mean I have a problem but the fact that she can,should not make her take away my right.
    What did I get in return,she abused me and even called her whole family to threaten me that if any thing happened to her that they will destroy me.
    I wept.
    Anyway she told hubby and hubby came back and told me he had made his decision,he chose her over me and left our home for good.
    I cried to God and felt forsaken by God,but God is too faithful to fail.

    I moved on with my life. Years later,hubby has become a born again,I was about to marry another when he came back to me,apologising for all he did and how he wishes to return back to his wife as it is God's wish for us.
    I refused but God asked me to go back and build my home,I then asked about the girl who was expecting his child then,I was told,that she miscarried the pregnancy and being that it was a condition before she can be married,they never got married.
    After the miscarriage,that a richer and more handsome guy who lives abroad came for her and that she got married and now lives in the uk.
    After our reconciliation,with hubby I mean,God blessed my marriage in a great way.

    The karma;

    The girl who now lives in the uk with hubby could not give birth after 2years of marriage. Her husband impregnated a former girlfriend and she gave birth to twins,a girl and a boy.
    She was divorced and she came back to Nigeria . She is working in ministry of justice Lagos as a lawyer.

    Dear T,I have forgiven you and I pray you get a better person to marry.
    I did not curse you but some people are not supposed to cry because God will fight mercilessly on their behalf.

  48. Aminat u fine ooo...choi...all the grown babies on this blog grow up jor...menstrate under my comment & bunch of ukwa fall on you.👻💀

  49. Hey 👋 my favorite ihn has lay

  50. Going through debie rise's IG page this morning, even though I don't follow her lol and seeing how much she has grown and glowing makes me happy.her style,makeup everything is on point but she shouldn't loose weight anylonger, those curves are necessary.She is currently in Dubai cruising with Melvin. Look at God!The Dubai they promised you when they win now you took yourself there.Bravo!!you and Melvin look really cute together but I know it's just a friend thing,cos Melvin doesn't look like he is into women. Do you Debbie_rise!! Meanwhile I just noticed today aunty Freda blocked me and am wondering why cos I have never followed her,maybe is the comment I made about her on Ay brouhaha lol.

  51. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. U nor even fit spell the spontaneous well. Yeye.

  52. Sharon baby congrats girl. Enjoy your job and God will keep it well for you Amen

  53. Lolo the guy died in real life. He died of heart failure from drinking. I dont watch it but it is a pity.

    RIP lafeyette

  54. SDK nation. How is everyone. Make una patronise me(cloths, shoes, gifts e.t.c). Follow on IG: @ma.emporium God bless u all

  55. Anon 14:51 i am impressed with your story. Thank God that fought for you. I will keep telling people let God Almighty fight for you. Dont behave like bokoharams that fight for their gods

  56. Anon 14:30 it is spirit of backwardness. THe person told you the right thing.

    Better go for better prayer to cancel every spirit of backwardness Amen

  57. Eka Joy, when you are good, i will tell you, when you fuck up, i will still tell you. So no yawah.

    welcome back as your come back na to break the internet. Anyway you don break am. You bring my chocolate?

  58. Eka joy, you really have time replying some people here o, most of them do not want to hear anything good about others.
    Yeah, I'm an old BV but just got an ID and it's so good being able to comment.
    Stella, I heart you so much and may God continue to bless you more .

  59. Sassy murrechee fire how are you today, hope you are good? Some e- hugs

  60. I need you to be a man and fight for our love. This uncertainty is killing me slowly. I love you so much, but these conditions are keeping us apart. If u love something let it go, if it's yours it'll come back they say. I pray I did the right thing by letting you go.


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