Stella Dimoko Friday IHN -THE CALL OUT!


Friday, July 21, 2017


My people how far?


Today is boxing ring day..if there is any grudge,please vomit it or move on............we need to stop making a fool of ourselves in the comment section and fighting as if our lives depended on it...Call out anyone who is trolling you or state why you are trolling anyone and refuse to let go..........why are you so bitter?
There is someone I had as friend and sister on this blog....we used to talk about everything via phone and BBM;We used to laugh and gist but i lost her friendship when i introduced her to another BV .....

I wanted to call her out today but it just Occurred to me that if only one person sees that there is a problem then there might be none at all or it might not calling out this person might derail this post and raise a storm and i dont want that so let me sit back and watch you guys call out each other and make peace .....

The lost friendship I mentioned up there?I dont want it   back but girl just know that I love you back and forth..LOL

If you go under anon to call out anyone you are a coward....
I might be active in the comment section replying anything I need to using my ID...I dont do Anonymous cos I fear no one.


On my way back from work yesterday,i decided to drop by and pick my clothes from my tailor.i had to use bike home later to avoid traffic. 
There is a particular spot that police use to stay and cause unnecessary traffic.bikes were jumping to the other side of the road but my bike rider insisted 

On getting there we were stopped and they started demanding money as usual,i just sat and kept policeman just came from nowhere and started flashing light on my cleavage,i adjusted thinking my button was open or something,but it wasn't. I asked him 'oga why are u flashing torchlight on me na'...he put it off and on again and this time coming closer like he wanted to have a peep.

Cars were moving slowly and other policemen around yet they couldn't do or say anything till the bike man gave them some change then we left.

I felt so dirty, humialated and embarrassed.
I saw the policeman again today and couldn't contain the hatred.if i have a gun i will shoot him and go to jail.
All this was happening in amuwo odofin,festac extension before the bridge.
What a country. 



Dear Stella,

I'm one of your very quiet beevees. I have a very special request. I would be so grateful if you would oblige.
I'm turning 34 very soon and I really would like to get married soon.

The truth is men walk up to me all the time but I'm yet to meet a responsible man I would like to get with. I might as well do it right if I've waited this long.

Honestly, I'm not team snoop but I'm a firm believer in researching any potential suitor. I've met the potentially violent ones, the couch potatoes, the yoruba demons etc. I just want to meet the right man now.

About Me:
I'm female...yoruba...Lagosian
I really don't look anything near 34yrs, more like
I'm very fit, moderately tall, pretty face.
I'm naturally gentle and quiet 
I have a good job and a masters degree

What I want
Good looking man, fit, at least moderately tall
Anywhere from 30-40yrs old as long as you are mature.
Very well spoken
Christian, not just a church goer but born again
Lives in Lagos
Genotype AA
Has a good job or business
Has marriage on his mind within the next one year
I don't mind if you have kids, as long as there's no baby mama drama

Any interested guys can reach me by email:

Thanks Stella.

Good luck Lolly!







I Am Emmanuel 35year from Benue, resides in Lagos. I work as a Client Service Officer in a financial firm. Am dark complexion AA genotype. I am easy going and pretty ready for a relationship that will lead to marriage. 

I fear God and love the people of God. I will love to meet with an understanding lady from neither Delta, Edo and or Yoruba tribe within the age 27 to 31. She must be a Christian, beautiful and working class or into business no matter how small. 

Please I don’t want someone that will play with my emotions, know what you want and be able to take decisions for yourself not your parents make decisions for you, note am not out for sex.

 Kindly note that am very inquisitive and can discuss on any topic as far its productive. Please, if you think you meet the caritas contact me on BBM D8D93767 or WhatsApp 08039326065. Thanks

I advised Emmanuel to send something for me to post so that he can try again.he was so in love with someone from Singles Mingles and thought they were dating but she thought otherwise.....used him well and when he proposed she sent him this text when he was excitedly awaiting an answer......
He kept in contact with me cos he was too excited and needed someone to talk with...I was also shocked when she sent him this...

I advised him to move on and that is what he is trying to do,please no cussing out.Thank you.


Dear Stella,

I hope this email meets you well.

A new start up Company is looking to hire smart individuals for an internship position.

The person MUST have basic interpersonal skills, can create reports, must be able to make use of MS Word package and Corel draw. This position is opened to diploma holders residing around Isolo.

Interested candidates should forward their CVs to
Only successful candidates will be contacted.





  1. Replies
    1. First, I want to start by saying everyone is anon here, except you have ur picture on ur handle, forget it, you're anon.
      I want to call out Iphie (not so ) dearie. I've been watching you for a very long time and I want you to know I Julianah, do not like you. You pretend like you're nice and wonderful but deep inside you have an angry soul. There was a day (very long time ago, a certain bv SDK love child- I think corrected a certain English gbagaun you made in your comment. You almost destroyed that poor bv that day. I was shocked. So many other incidences when your real you peeks to show her arrogant face. Fake ass Iphie meanie.

      2nd call out to Chikito prof. Runs girl cum fire for fire cum anike. Girl you're fake! Why don't you choose a struggle.
      When you started out on this blog, u were a corporate runs girl - and I believe that's really who you are. From there, when you saw that you had to start pretending to win more fans on this blog, you started talking deliverance, talking going to mfm church like say you be born again. Only you, model for petals cream, only you everything. Mehn, the extent of your fakeness is so deep, it can't be measured. The only thing real and consistent thing about you is ur HR career and girl, you ain't decieving anyone.
      Even TGW seems to be more real than most of u cos she's been consistently goody two shoed.
      Queen and Boss is a yeye woman but at leats, she's not fake. M-amie- Hazard might be weird and silly but her honesty comes through. So also bv Yomi Odukoya, may her soul rest in peace.
      People sitting behind a faceless blog name judging poor chroniclers, like say they are saints.
      Thank you Stella, for the platform *drops mic* BV Julianah

    2. Call out???


      Mine may not even be a call out but an observation that makes me laugh and sometimes smh*

      Dear WOMEN why is it so hard for majority* of you to have a mind of your own???

      There is pure BLISS in being YOURSELF!!!

      It cost you NOTHING

      And keeps your COURAGE on the HIGH

      Forcing yourself into places you dont belong only makes you a COWARD and a HOUSEHELP to those people who are very gifted in the act of LURING gullible souls.

      A word is enough for the wise!!!

      A dozen kisses 💋💋💋💋💋 from me to ALL the STRONG women out there who are not afraid of being themselves!

  2. Welcome Kung Fu Friday IHN.

    I'm your official Referee in today's game

    Overstepping your boundaries is an offside offense.

    Calling out real names and blog name attract a Straight Red card

    Yellow Card for using derogatory words and abusing of your opponent parents and family.

    Here's the starting whistle 📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢

    *Larry was here*

    1. Red for you!
      Why the blow if whistle?😎

    2. Red for you!
      Why the blow if whistle?😎

    3. Starry Larry shift let me join you as an assistant referee that I IS nau... Lol

  3. It is okay to be at a place of struggle. Struggle is just another word for growth. Even the most evolved beings find themselves in a place of struggle now and then. In fact, struggle is a sure sign to them that they are expanding; it is their indication of real and important progress. The only one who doesn’t struggle is the one who doesn’t grow. So if you are struggling right now, see it as a terrific sign — celebrate your struggle.

    - Neale Donald Walsch

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Why call the anonymous whiteberry?,since you also don't like people calling you whiteberry 😎

  5. Replies
    1. Why the announcement 🙄?
      We already know!😎

  6. Good afternoon y'all...
    I have got no issues with anyone here...
    I need ya two cent on this issue...
    It was actually raised in the class last weekend, we were treating this particular topic in class "law of torts" so he told a story abt a lady dat was kidnapped, d kidnapper wanted to rape her and she begged to give him condom in order to protect herself from contacting Aids cos there's disease was rampant in that year, he had sex with her and ran away, two month later, he was caught and the lady insisted on charging him to court...... He now asked that if the lady sue the kidnapper will she win... The lecturer said she won't win cos she already gave her consent by handling him the condom but I am not satisfy enough... What do u think?Hh

    1. I am a lawyer ... your lecturer us wrong here. There was no consent please

    2. She still has a criminal right of action
      Tortious liabilities 're for damages. She needs his arse in prison

    3. What sort of lecturer is that and how's rape connected to torts? Consent is not forced, it is willingly and voluntarily given. At the point of the intercourse was the rapee a willing participant? The fact that she tried to lessen the consequences that comes with the atrocious act by offering a condom is irrelevant. There was no consent period.

    4. I'm beginning to suspect that your Lecturer... He get plan

    5. The consent she gave was given under duress. So if she decide to sue the rapist,and she is able to prove that she was under duress when she gave him the condom, I think the court will find the rapist liable. From my own little knowledge.

    6. Consent under duress is void. Your lecturer didn't attend law school

  7. KIDJO Happy birthday. More more ikebe to you, IWULL'N'P. May God bless your new age.

    Kelvin dat Edo boi sorry for the death of your cousin. May his soul RIP.

    TGW, Iphie Dearie and Same girl please who is the Siri you guys are talking about? 😂😂😂 bikonu answer a curious BV.

    The Anonymous lady that said on SP today that she will fight her MIL and SIL when they bring the new wife for her husband from village. Poster/commenter the person you need to fight is your husband for not being man enough to set boundaries in his marriage.

    Trinity aka onye nso, how far? Amam na ino mma..

    Esther Mgbolu kee way?

    Stella nwanyi oma, Nwunye Korkus, odi mma eme mma, Nwanyi manarisia, okwulu oka, ugegbe oyibo korkus 1 worldwide, oje mba enwe ilo, iga adirim ka echi maka na echi adighi agwu agwu.

    My Chikito, ugegbe oyibo m 1 worldwide, Angel of beauty , how is work going? Get ready because I'm coming over to take you out for lunch... My love for you is like ocean and it will never dry... 😘😘😘



    1. PriZe2017
      Yes ooooo
      Hi chike

    2. Man wey know man! Chike idi egwu!!


    3. Me sef dey always wonder 😎
      @TGW and co over to you😎

    4. Lmaoooooo

      Siri is a fine girl, if you meet Siri, you'll forget Chiki. Kikikiki
      Nobody should tell him o, nwannem a na chuu pieces,

    5. When una go do marriage sef. Don't turn our sisters to lord of the rings

    6. Hahahahahahaha @who's this siri you're always talking about

    7. Chyko nwoke Ike!😂

      Siri is an Intelligent Personal Assistant,developed in 4th October,2011 which is part of Apple Inc.'s iOS,watchOS,macOS and tvOS operating systems.

      The Assistant uses voice queries and a natural language user interface to answer questions,make recommendations and perform actions by delegating requests to a set of Internet services.

      The software adapts to users' individual language usages,searches and preferences with continuing use. And returned called are individualized.

      I hope I have Bn able to help u as to who our Humourous,witty Siri is🤣🤣🤣🤣


  8. God didn't create you to keep everybody happy. Do what you can, but don’t become a garbage dump where somebody is always burdening you with their problems. That’s out of balance. Recognize that’s a peace stealer. You have to take care of your emotional energy. You have a limited supply each day. I’m not saying to be selfish; I’m saying be wise. You can’t fix everyone. Joel Osteen

  9. Eating my hot akpu with my delicious oha soup and cow leg....singing I have no call out to make!
    This life too sweet abeg!Wishing every body a very wonderful weekend.Love you all.

    1. Hope my sperm against next year is still fresh in the reservoir?😎

    2. *stretches hand*
      *grabbing all the cow leg*
      *enjoy your delicious empty Oha*

    3. Sexy Spermy Daddy biko does akpu, oha soup and cow leg increase sperm production... Lol
      Biko answer a curious BV 😂😂

  10. Why are black men pipi bigger than white men?
    Answer : Because as kids white men had toys to play with! 
    I have a grudge with no one here in particular but with all of you. Maybe I will talk about it on the next boxing ring post bcos i no get power to type for now make the small beans wey dey my belle Since morning for no quick digest

    1. Lol.......... Long time no see. Aw have you been????

    2. All of them excluding me😎

    3. Chameleon I'm calling you out, why do you like Pipi and juliana too much? Lol

  11. Let the boxing begins.......👊

    I have no qualms with nobody,
    your data!,your hand!,your comments!, your epistle!

    If I have to comment base on your comment/epistle, it's
    My comment!,my ✋.....if I bug you😁😁😁😁😁,my name says it all, bugging is my hustle 😜

    The moment I close a post,I don forget everything concerning that post unless I need to point an order as a senator that I is 😁😁😁,if not unto the next post!

    I'm an happy girl 💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃

  12. Just here to read and laugh..

    Let the comments start rolling in.
    SDK blog rocks big time..

    1. Keep laughing as I'm laughing at you😎

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I'm calling out my 7months yet to be born baby. Why do you have to kick all the time you hear daddy's voice ? I'm so jealous . Damn it

    1. Issa Daddy's boy!


    2. Awwwwwwwwwwww

      Abeg! This is too much!
      I wan born, I say I wan carry belle today today.

    3. Okay now we know you're 7months gone 😄, congratulations 😎

  14. Different folks with different problem.See this one doing shakara when I can't find a good guy to toast me since the beginning of the year.Wish you luck Emma.

    1. Go for deliverance as they always say here 😎

  15. Emma, just hook up with the yoruba lady up there, unless u r looking for a spring chicken.

    I'm calling out.....*sneezes*

    1. *hands her a hanky*
      It's not for free tho, account deets in bio. Pay up!

    2. Blackberry stop sneezing we all know that the people you want to call out are those ladies that alasia ha otu free they will come here to complain of heartbreak as if they are ashawo that needs money before ila ha otu...😂😂😂

  16. Welcone ihn, Happy birthday kidjo and to the anonymous trolling on all of my comments, I hope you are not the whiteberry using another id and tying to turn attention away from yourself. Don't worry your life will soon get better because I observed you are so pained.

  17. IHN toh badt.just happy today.
    Want to thank Iphie dearie,Chi Exotic,Cynthia iyede,Em jay,Anonymous Orubebe and all who wished me a happy birthday.. I love you all.thank you.

    1. We love you too. Happy Birthday dear.

    2. You're welcome. I love you too but God loves you much more. Enjoy your day.

    3. Okay,put me on the list😎
      Happy birthday 🙂

    4. Happy birthday to you chika

  18. #That awkward moment when you see something you like, check the price tag and slowly walk away 😂 Bubu is on his bed in UK, come and go and beat him 🚶🏽🚶🏽🚶🏽🚶🏽

  19. Listening to my colleague blabbing😥😥😥😥

  20. Yippee, whatsup my people. It's still my day.make una nor vex say I never drop shoki o 😉. There will be shoki later when I go out.😅😅😅😅😅

    1. Happy Birthday sweetie. Next time send ur pics so that I can tell you, you need more swag as July babe that you is. LMAO. Have fun dear.

    2. Happy Birthday KIDJO. Have fun.

    3. Happy Birthday Small girl... Ensure you have mad fun!


    4. Wetin you dey do weh you no go out?, making out?😎

    5. Happy birthday my dear
      God bless u,enlarge u ijn amen
      Just for u dear

  21. Nothing but love I wish for everyone. Happy weekend starter house, remain blessed.

  22. the lady was pretending, and blocked him on fb, whatsapp. it's so bad and boring

  23. Nobody to call out. I no dey look for person trouble, if you look for my trouble, you go see me for your dream with my cane on you hahahahaha.

    Oga that his heart is broken ekpele ooo, our girls need money love not kobo kobo. It is well with you. You still dey look for wife for blog again? you never learn ya lesson. You no dey attend church or you no dey work? abeg go out jare.

    I have been sleeping in the office today. Let me go back and sleep till 2.00 p.m. before i come open chronicles.

    The lady with policeman ish, dont mind them. The policeman like your bwest. He is kevin bros. Go and ask Kevin that is what they do

    1. Lmaooooo
      Vacancy dey dis your office so?
      Yesterday, you were watching Telemundo
      Today, you are sleeping
      The other day, you were downloading movies with your office wifi
      And you do all these in between having breakfast, checking SDKB, instagram, having lunch, facebook and Youtube. WOW!

      I'm relocating to your office today today.

      This is my humble call out!!!

    2. Yinmu,you weh I go see for another post now commenting 😎

    3. Lols... Mumu!


    4. Yori Yori Nwa I'm calling you out for not prescribing a Yori Yori sugar tea for our anonymous children of anger... Lol

  24. I don't even have the energy to quarrel. Have a great weekend everyone. No movement in Lagos tomorrow. Let me stock my kitchen.

  25. Yea very's boxing ring

    From what I have observed this "hate" or peppermint Started manifesting from that boxing ring Ish. Ibukunoluwa there's no doubt that you vied for the cash price with your other blog I'd but didn't get selected. Awww what a pity. Your aura stinks like fowl's droppings !! Be brave enough to beg with your I'd ! oh Scratch that. You choose to live on your married men's handouts. Why will you have any girlfriend when you will go behind and date their husbands ! And sowing seeds of discords.  Duckling Mucheche Side-fowl !! how can you not be BITTER  when you have soiled your destiny. Continue sleeping with married men.

    You have shared your whole dets here to know if you could get more daddy customers, desperate much !  
    Your type can kill I swear. The same Beloved your opened hands and collected her money is the same person your body has been peppering because she is far better than you in a million ways, at least your thick skull understood that. Taa shaatap ! don't even deny it, cos your jealousy can be smelled from a million miles away! Gosh That's one of the reasons I don't giveout here ! They will praise you with their main I'd and cuss with anonymous !

    Or do you fling both sides too ? Hahahaha seeking her attention , right ? Poor thing with no atom of home training ! And no I can't be caught exchanging words with a dirty yam-legged razzed didirin girl abi boy.eyin Mayweather,omo jati jati!

    Outtie !!

    1. and you had to go anon to say this?

      isssh let me come and go

    2. Anon, where is your ID?
      Be gone!!!

    3. What's your own now?😎

      Why are you so pained than the bereaved?😎

    4. Leave IBK out of your bitterness.....start praying for your president if you are too idle.


    5. Why are u going under anonymous??
      U dey fear?😀😁😂

    6. Why go anonymous,abi u dey fear.

  26. Mr Emmanuel pls move on
    Love will find you.

    And all the best to you too Ololade.
    May you find what your heart seeks

    1. I'm calling you out!!!
      Yes you!!!!

      I love you Bloggie.
      Of cos, you know that already...kikikiki

    2. I hate you because you too know book.... End of my call out!


  27. Children of angers step in.

    Haters of people's progress step in as usual.

    Bitter leaf Cythnia's step in.

    Those bearing grudges in dear hearts step in..

    Reading mode in Progress,

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. The first boxer I've seen on this post😂😂😎

    2. Nwanyi oma pls don't patronize them! Your value is high!


  29. That anonymous on my matter pls stay away from me...i feel u know me personally and i intimidate u that's why u will come here and say rubbish.. It u don't have anything positive to say pls don't talk to me..
    If ur life is a joke,mine is not...from now on if u insults me,I will curse u
    Stella longtime
    I don miss u
    Hello bvs..

    1. Sharon Aminu My future ex Bae don't mind the anon... God gat your back... Me too gat your back, inugo?

  30. I met a nice person on snm..we got along so well I thought he was my knight in shinning armour. We broke up recently because he said he may cheat as a man that he is.
    The heartbreak no be here bt I am moving on. I cnt settle 4 less.
    Wherever you are oga, I luv u bt I deserve better and I thought you have sense..apparently not.

    1. so you left him before he even cheated? hahahahahahahahahahah
      we have bunch of clowns in this blog. well guess what? the next man coming you way might tell you he wont cheat but still fucks your friend behind you back. which one is better?

      my aproko too much sef.
      i don dey go

  31. Humiliated poster no vex,the policeman is tempted to touch... Lol *reminds me of kelvin little's song *
    Kelvin dat Edo boi please help me tell her that the Police was tempted to pwess bwess... Lol

  32. Happy birthday Shakiti baby, fine lady with a good heart , thanks to sdk for bringing you close,blessings fall on you babes.Ofcos you will know who this is , even in my Anon say a word of prayer for my friend .

  33. Gheghee...
    Will be back to read comments.

  34. Please let's show love to people. Love is one of God's attributes and if we say we are children of God then love must be seen in the way we talk and act.
    Why hate people in a faceless blog?

  35. IHN toh badt.just happy today.
    Want to thank Iphie dearie,Chi Exotic,Cynthia iyede,Em jay,Anonymous Orubebe,Pipi lee and all who wished me a happy birthday.. I love you all.thank you.

  36. Nobody to call out! I actually don't dislike anyone here. I've learned a lot from here and I believe they're a lot of good people on this blog.

    Even though I don't usually agree with a lot of people's opinion here, I believe we are all different in our thoughts, lifestyle, experience etc; so, our opinion is bound to differ.

    The lady that was assaulted by the police man, so sorry for your bad experience with those glutton. Don't feel dirty and don't feel guilty.

    The guy looking for wife, may you find your missing rib.

    What else?!
    I shall wear a crown.

  37. Memo to self - Saturday and Sundays are stressful days for you, enjoy your Fridays well😇

    Did you ask your friend what went wrong, Stella? I have very few friends in this world, I don't just call anyone friend; I feel if you asked and weren't satisfied with her reply, then you are free to do whatever. This is however my opinion/suggestion.
    'Friend' 'Family' and 'I love you' are terms that I don't use lightly.

    1. Oh my goodness Stella! I just watched a video of a pastor mandating the single members in the church to choose a spouse. Hilarious! 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂

  38. I just came to say....

    1. Pipe Lee, I might not be one of the expressive type here but I do love you a whole lot 😍😍😍. I love your blog personality, your sense of humor and your I don't care attitude. Your comments are one of those comments I don't scroll thru, I read them, laugh so hard and continue reading. You make the blog so lively. I need the baby girl form to fill please 😄

    I love a lot of people here too, I don't say it doesn't mean I don't.

    2. Those of you that will be doing the call out should endeavor to use your ID please. Don't go anon, well unless you don't have an ID. Why some of you go anon baffles me. Say your mind with your ID. No one will beat you. It's your phone and data.

    1. Fabbilistic!
      Iya Drake!!
      I love you too.

    2. Very true about Pipi Lee aka Medusa... I always imagine how playful she will be in real life

  39. All anon on my case, I know you people have valid IDs, please use them or leave me alone. Thank you.

  40. Stella Gbam!
    I don't do Anonymous cuz I fear no1 xpt my God.remember wen I was rude to u for refusing to post my mail? Shebi I blast u immediately and u blast me back shapally....I apologized and we've moved on,dats how life shuld go.May God Help us.

  41. Honestly, I don't have the strength to type. I would have asked Ibukun what's up with her. Damn girl! Anyways, I hope you are ok health wise.

    Chikito... What happened to Our love? Enh! Nkor amé kene chike. Ufan ado anie etok mfed o. Orrh kap kpeme idem.😁😁😁😁.

    1. Ibukun dey her period. Mark the date. This time next month, she go start again.

      Make una leave her🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃

    2. 'etok mfed' Abasi mbok! Anamdie adiongho?😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    3. Lols😀😁😂
      Ibuku is on her period
      Longtime dear
      Were have u bn

    4. Sugar biko speak English because my name is there, okwa maka mmadu na ibe ya iboba onwe ha aja.. Lol


  43. And you want us to call others out? Stella you should call the person out, yes it will derail, but for a good course, so the person learn from it.

  44. No call out for me.
    To the lady looking for love, i pray you find one.
    @ Emma from SnM, it is better a broken relationship than a broken marriage. She probably didn't see what she was looking for in you.
    @ the sign out meme, is forgetting really possible unless you have partial amnesia.
    Last IHN for the week. TGIF!!! Wish y'all a splendid weekend.

  45. WALTERSMART CONCEPTS21 July 2017 at 14:19

    Stella Tnx so much
    Please order for your 2017/2018 grade A jerserys..dnt just b a fan, REP your TEAM..

  46. Sometimes you just cant tell someone how you feel, you can never really find the right words to make them understand.

    If I really want to air any issue it will be with IBK dunno why or how she takes things of late but that's that before I start wat I can't finish or just don't want

    1. Hello isaacson, howz nysc threating you? I thought of you when I spoke with my pastors wife last night and she said her daughter is serving in anambra state (that's where you are right)? Her daughter said she defeats the place.

    2. No vex
      No take ibuku serious

  47. Stelz why don't you want d friendship back.? I think Emmanuel should hook up with Lola and see how it goes. #okbye

  48. Well...some friend(ship) arent meant to be forever.

    I have learnt/seen a lot. So nothing surprises me anymore.

  49. Me grudges? Na ebee kwanu? Where my QnB, TGW, Em Jay, Chike Teflon to mention few are here spicing up Stella's blog.
    TGIF, no movement tomorrow. Sleeping mood activated. No time to waste in the name of voting them imposed candidate.
    Emmanuel from Benue, adjust your age frame and smile to Sola.
    Ngwa gwazia ndi yard unu.

    1. Baby Boo!😘
      How are u and our Mini Baby Boo?😘
      Agworo m ji last night and felt like disributing to everyone of my pals here. With Ukpaka. Na okro. And plenty onions😉 Eruru dikwa ya too😂Ka m bia,ka m sinye godi Ukwa a n' oku tupu Uka Mgbede eruo kita.😂😂😂


    2. Nwayioma😘😘😘😘😘😊

    3. Adadioramma iga adi Nwa oma.. Kedu maka Baby?

  50. I love Friday IHN
    So today am wishing my Ex a happy birthday,she knows herself.
    As you add one more year today I pray you find happiness peace and someone who would love you better than I ever did.
    Thou I can't change the past between us I can only hope for a better future for you and ur mini mee.
    God bless you and have a fun filled day.😊😊😊😊😊

  51. Happy birthday @ Kidjo
    May God bless your new age..
    Live long and prosper.

    Where is the venue of the party..

    Do have fun..

  52. *humming and pressing my phone*

    No body should mention my name today o. I no get time to dey find trouble again o.


    Chike Teflon thanks for your shout out. Abeg do fast marry Chikito make we come dance Efik dance.

    Kidjolistic Kidjo, happy birthday to you my beautiful chocolatey, tall, slim and shapely princess.
    Many more years in success, good health and happiness I wish you.

    To my sweethearts here, blessings I wish you all. Priya pretty, Darasimi, Chikito, Kidjo, Ideato, Chike, Sexy daddy, Rhoda, Loveme jeje, Sandy and the rest of them.

    1. Gods Abundant blessings fall on you too dear. Tankio!💋

    2. Bless you too President D'Royalty,
      Enjoy your weekend 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

  53. Hi guys. Please I've just lost a ton of weight but my inner thighs are still black from when I used to get chubb rub. Anyone know of any home remedies? Thanks in advance. Look forward to the Lagos BV party :)

    1. Always wear spandex-tights. Don't wear just pants. Don't allow your thighs rub against each other-the friction causes the dark patch. Now that you have lost weight it will ne easier.
      You can buy a dark thigh fading cream or simply apply a mix of baking soda, lemon juice and scrub your inner thigh with it. Leave it on for a couple of mins and wash off. You can alternate with cucumber juice and lemon juice. It will take some time though but patience!!
      If you want to buy or make a dark thigh fader yourself, comment under

    2. You want to show off your inner thigh there������������

  54. Eyaaaah sorry dear Emma, i trust you will find the missing one here soon.

    Kai heartbreak hurts like hell.

  55. Nawa o. Must a girl wait till you are proposed to before you tell the guy off. That's wickedness. Once you see things are not clicking, cut it off before emotions set in. Good luck man.

  56. Emmanuel and Ololade you guys can hook up... From your write up you possess the qualities she want and vice versa... Congrats to you you guys.

  57. Emma n Lola should pls hook up already😁
    Gudluck Guys.

  58. Stop living fake lives. Lolo Ideato aka Felicity Haruna Ishaka This one is for you.

    1. This is Ideato trying to confuse us with a fake name. Babe, relax, those that know you do. Don't kill yourself

  59. I hate u & u know yourself after all the sweet sweet names u used to call me,now its the next bv congrats to you.

  60. Stop living fake lives. Lolo Ideato aka Felicity Haruna Ishaka This one is for you.

  61. This is not a call out.... this is more like an intervention! So to Eka joy and all the bitter people here I have learnt not to argue with you here cos It's pointless going back and forth with you because it will take you the rest of the day to figure it out and I don't fight with bitter people , they will just lower me to their level then beat me with
    experience and it always keeps me wondering if its that time of the month ?.so I'm sending warm hugs your way hoping you get well soon sweetheart before you start looking older than your age.

    1. Eh ya, so sad a story. Do you even know what intervention means?

    2. Baby tell me wentin Eka joy do you? What happened so that I will know how to deal with her.

      Action: Eka joy oya start crying because I'm coming with my 🔫 🔫 🔫

    3. Eka joys bitterness has no cure for now. Maybe if she gives birth, the baby will take away the bitterness just like portable vivs

    4. Lol @ " intervention"
      Hug and make up guys. Biko!

  62. Ahn ahn. Its not that serious na. Lol. Just imagining how I'll hold a grudge with someone here for over 5 mins sotey e reach to come call the person out on IHN or box them for ring.

    Life isn't that serious Abeg. Not on a faceless public platform as this. If you insult me here na for your pocket. If you troll me, I no dey even see you. Yeah, that's how I roll!

  63. Interesting, I wonder how those who keep grudges with people they do not know in person are in real life! ComON sense ain't common sha... reading comments mood activated! Ooooh boi the sun in this part of the world is FIRE! Chai nigeria is blessed with a nice weather sha.

  64. I really do not have anyone to call out. I just have peeps i admire a whole lot.
    Doppelganger, i love your intelligent contributions to every post.
    Queen and Boss, i love your bluntness and your fearless demeanor.
    Chike teflon, isaacson, kidjo, TGW, em jay, uriel, JHW, chikito, swag la fresh, chy sugar and a lot more. you guys make this blog interesting.
    I love love you guys.

  65. Ok i have a long list of people to call out but let me start from
    My boo you know i miss you baby.
    Who has knack pigeon on your head ?

    Let me go and look for 7 white pigeons to knack on your head too.

    I miss those things you do with your both hands. And cant wait to......... *clears throat*

  66. Oh Stella why? I came to IHN like 😝🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃
    Happy birthday Kidjo 🎂
    Hello awesome people, Stella hi5🙋
    Am out .....

  67. hahahahah D'royalty i am calling you out? You don repent. wetin happen. Abeg come back to yaself jare

  68. Waiting to read comments
    Happy weekend everyone, enjoy yourselves

  69. So I read Vice and Virtue's comment this morning and it has set my heart on fire since morning. I don't even know what to think. VnV why did you do that to my mind, I'm trying to be fine and you give such a clear picture of what could happen to me? Now you want me to face it, to agree that maybe I'm depressed. To stop forcing the smiles and stop ignoring the fact that my eyes are swollen for days now from tears. You want me to face the fact that I actually thought of how peace of mind would come with dying or that I've not been eyeing that sniper all along. VnV you fuck up mehn.😫

  70. Pls guys, when is the Lagos parry abeg. And shey we are still allowed to drop 2k abi cos it's 2k me I have oh

  71. everybody will come and form born again now.

    the thing with me is once i tell you what in my mind i automatically forget we ever had any issh.
    is it normal? i dont even remember your name or why we fell out in the first place.
    maybe bcoz i no dey take anything for this blog too serious.

    how do you dramarians and sdk Liberians do it? how do you remember the root of every beef or drama?
    kai the thing is "harding" me to understand fa

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. That awkward moment of silence when Abraham and Isaac were walking home after he tried to sacrifice him.
    Abraham:I love you son
    Isaac:papa abeg abeg abeg,make I hear word abeg na so you for me if toh say that ram nor show.

  74. I understand how you feel Mrs Korkus.I have been in that situation more than once. I had friends whom I introduced to one another and they both went behind my back to start a serious friendship and totally ignoring me. What was my offense? I wasn't so hippy like them back then. I was pained at first but I let it go. I am no longer friends with any of them and I heard they no longer friends with each other too. Let it go please. That's life

  75. Me I just want to during chrismas time last year when we were doing secret Santa I helped 5 people out of the little i have. After the whole celebration was over 4 Bv were still commenting regularly and i check up on them.
    But the last babe never commented again after chrismas giveaway so I decided to email her to check up on her and see if she and her kids were okay and if not so I can send her little cash
    Only for gmail to tell me the email doesn't exist. So you mean to tell me people just create Id to steal and Rob other needy people of blessings.
    Issorite, continue....

  76. I want to call out the yoruba demon I met on snm, I want to ask if it's a crime to love someone deeply or care about you. I am in pains since the beginning of this month. Why lead me on when you know you only used me for your selfish interest? Why give me the silence treatment when you don't want me again? I have stayed away from love and relationships for 2 years before I met you December 2016 snm. Ifeoluwa I am not olayemi your ex, why pay me back what I don't deserve . You are a lawyer yet you lied about everything that justice you can't even uphold. You abused and blackmailed me. May the God I serve pay you in your coin. Karma has your address.

  77. The colour orange was named after the fruit. It was previously referred to as yellow-red.

  78. Lol. No fighting abeg. On a lighter note, I don't want to be Khloé Kardashian right now. The trolling on Instagram is so crazy 😂😂😂.

  79. 😂😂😂
    As expected,u didn't post my comment Stella.Either way u answered my question

  80. Movies to watch this weekend-The Prison,The Saint,Cars 3, Spiderman Homecoming,Despicable Me 3 and this old movie I come with the Rain.Have a good weekend.

  81. Is it true mercy aigbe is back to gentry?


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