Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...



Sunday, July 23, 2017

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...

Hmmmm,this isnt easy at all..


Good day Stella, i have been reading your blog for a few years

now, i must say its quiet educative. God bless you.

I really need advice, pls my wife just got pregnant which we did not plan for its a mistake, since four weeks now we found out it has a big issue in the home no peace, in the middle of the night she will wake up and start crying even me i dont sleep again.

This week she wil say she is removing it, me i wil no that is wrong,next i wil say remove it, while she will be the one preaching against it, you see we are both born again christians we both married as virgins i dont know if this is temptation, but people do abortion daily so why are we finding it diffcult to do. We have been praying for it go but no way.

Let me give you a little reason we cant have this baby,we have had the number of kids we want.

Last year because of recession i lost my job, stella do you know i cant take care of my family, i have hustled and hustled no way, my rent is over due everyday i keep on begging landlord

Early this year, a friend introduced to a supply business i went
around looking for client at the end four months nothing came out I cant pay my children's school fees, had to go and beg so that they will write exams, that means next term they will stay at home.

Let me not talk about feeding because its bad

Stella are these not enough trials why add this baby issue.

My wife has been looking for job since everyday she is on the net applying still no way, personally i took her cv to some friends and organisation still nothing.

If she can get a good job she is the type that can work till the day she will deliver, she has done that before, then we can keep this baby she said it herself, but nothing is forth coming.

I kept on thinking that God will see what we are passing through and come through for us but it seems heaven is closed.

Last week, she went to see a nurse, she was told to bring some money,yesterday the nurse called her and said even if she doesnt have the money yet she should come on monday

The nurse called that she should come on monday, later my wife can now pay, when i got home yesterday she told me, i didnt respond.

That is reason im writing cos she is waiting for my approval, what do i say stella? If i am to be your brother what do you suggest going by all these problems here and there.

Stella i know you are a moral person and people bring all manner of issues to you, pls talk to us, we are suffering bringing an innocent baby into it? Cant God understand and remove this guilt in us? People do abortion on daily bases and still move on with their lives, please she (my wife) is waiting for my response.

I know we did wrong, we have blamed, cussed, insulted ourselves, If you can advice me personally i will appreciate a lot

You know the ladies (bvs)here can cuss and bash men especially one that is poor, but i am not poor it is just what happened that put me in this condition of lack, but i have hope.........please advice me.

This is a private mail that I have decided to share and taken out private details....I share cos I cannot do this alone...

Please if you feel the need to reach out to this couple to counsel them or to support them to keep this baby,please do so via this email

Oga i am not new to abortion but heaven forbid that i write that your wife should abort the baby..I have tasted the love of a child and I WILL NEVER EVER TELL ANYONE NOT TO GIVE THAT FOETUS A CHANCE AT LIFE......whether in poverty or in riches,keep that says the Lord!

Do not come in here insulting this man lest the wrath of God falls on you......


  1. Just lukatwu, yeye man, u no get money but u sabi fuck, born again my ass,i guess ur stupid church is against family planning,instead of u to waste d pregnancy,just use d blood for money ritual since u are looking for advice, I hate all these ignorant born again.

    1. Jesus!! Poster please look past this cursed human being. Dont let the comment get to you.

    2. Don't mind him.. Wen he was doing it he didn't come here oo.

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    3. Madam , do u v to be insultive? Did he beg u for money? Y d yabbing? Just pray u don't find urself in such situations. Madam perfect.

    4. There is something ABOUT ABORTIONS which I will like us to see. When one kills (or encourages the killing of; see Prov. 6:16-17) innocent children, the consequences are three. 1. You deny yourself the joy of having a home (remember the Hebrew midwives who spared babies against Pharaoh's advice to kill them; God rewarded them with families; Ex.1) 2. You risk "sudden death" in the hands of another fellow/accidents etc. remember Gen.9:6 and thirdly, you deny yourself eternal life! What a life! God isn't going to call you to glory if you do not repent. Jesus said; come to me all you that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest; that's Matt. 11:28. If you do not repent, you'd keep on laboring for the Serpent. But if you repent and make Jesus your Lord today and begin to read your scriptures; you'd find peace and the above three lots will not be yours. God bless you.

    5. Please pack one side, your stupid advice is not needed

    6. Born against

    7. If u want to advise him pls,do...
      Don't come here and insults his church... Did mention his church while narrating???

    8. Dis poster u are vry stupid I swear. Is this the rubbish advice u will give. I have seen that ur brain have been use for ritual. Idiot

    9. This is not right..he has accepted his mistake. Why hit him more with your words?

    10. Angel are you an angel of devil? That's the meanest thing to say to a fellow human. Poster the Lord will surprise you. I was once in your shoes not because I lack but I was diagnosed with a deadly disease and all I kept asking God was why he will let me carry a pregnancy in such condition. My child is almost 3 and I still feel guilty each time I remember that I thoughtof aborting him.

    11. U must be a fool for this comment, u must be a real bitter and angry bird in real life, I pity the ppl around u

    12. Ur 1st line is on point u dnt need go further.

      Poster leave God out of this. For christ sakes condom is cheap n it's not made 4 fornication or adultery alone. U knew ur predicament yet kept banging ur wife without protection. N ur wife too nor knw wetin revention b huh? Now ure here mentioning Stella up n down cos u damn well knw she has a soft spot 4 babies. My advice is to carry ur cross. D God whom u believe in will see u tru. Keep gbenching n observing weather 4 two u hear.

    13. Lady T/ am worth more than a thousand dollars23 July 2017 at 16:23

      Children come with a blessing, pls keep this one. You never know with God. And by the way, is God listening to you? Has he heard your prayers? Isa. 59. Says my hand is not short that I cannot save nor my ears dull that I cannot hear...ask the Lord to forgive whatever it is you may have done without knowing. 1Jn 1: 9 says if we say we have no sin we lie and do not the truth but if we confess He is faithful and just and will forgive.
      Is there a curse that you do not know? Gal3:13 says, Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, then read Col. 3. For He has translated us from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom if His dear son, if you have done this.
      Then pray according to Jer.33:3 call upon me and I will answer and show great and mighty things that you do not know of.
      Your miracle is around the corner. Don't give up and stop beating yourselves. People who do family planning still get pregnant talk more of you. Is not a sin, God in His infinite mercies allowed this conception. Pls don't remove it.
      Its not when a man and woman make love that conception takes place it is God that gives life to the chemistry.
      I have been trying to conceive and I still believe the Lord. Cos I know that I know that I know God never fails and is no debtor to anyone.
      PS 89:34 my covenant will I not break...
      God is too faithful to fail

    14. I believe that God has already answered all of your life's questions with the bible. I know you may think you have read it all and know it all but I beg you to read this with the innocence of a child. God is the same, yesterday, today and forever and He is still in the business of doing miracles.

      Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than you? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?
      And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ (or how do we take care of this baby and our family?) For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

      **And for those of you the judges and judginas, this is for you:

      Do not judge, or you too will be judged.For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

      May God bless your family!

    15. Angelray4sdk for every word of your mouth God will judge!
      Who are you to condemn and judge your fellow man like this?
      It's bad enough they are in a low situation why bury them further? Whyyy? Life is not fair you know. Anything can happen in life, if you have nothing else to say just keep quiet. Silence is indeed golden. God have mercy on some bvs here

    16. Tessbaby, he knows he did wrong, advice him or ignore. He didn't come here for us to point out his mistakes.

    17. I have a feeling u r a bitter person n u lack true love n happiness in ur life! Hw iz ur insult goin 2 help dis person??? Did he personally beg u 4 anythng? If u dont hav an advice den go n kuk rice abeg

    18. Poster I am completely with Stella on this. Abort the idea of abortion. God will somehow see you through. That baby could be the one God has sent to be your saving grace. You are believers, believe. What you need is financial help, no? May God come through for you.

    19. Why are u bring so insensitive, the man has accepted his wrong, and u still rubbing it on his face. Pray u don't find urself in financial difficulties.

      Poster, just ignore her comment

    20. Children are blessings especially ones born in difficult times don't abort the baby rather pray for it to bring u the resources to take proper care of it

    21. God isn't sleeping, He sees you, watches over you and cares for you.. Please do not abort the child, it is difficult, but trust in God, He always comes through for His children

  2. This life is a pot of beans.
    The same baby people are spending millions just to have yet some have it but cant afford to cater for the baby.
    Me too am weak, i dont even know what to say

    1. All you righteous people preaching against abortions, are you prepared to look after the abandoned children on the streets?
      I hate reading all these ignorant self righteous rubbish from some BVs.
      So you will prefer kids are born into the world to roam the streets living in poverty with deadly diseases.
      Poster if you cannot look after this child then please do the right thing or give the child up for abortion. We already have enough ashewos and fuckboys roaming the street due to parent that can fuck but can't cater.

    2. I am going to use myself as an example, when I had my first child my hubby lost his job, then I took in for the second, I cried and cried for it to go away but it refused, I normally take geston injections to help keep my babies, but this time I did not take any of the medications cus I wanted it to go, at the end of the day I had to pray to God for forgiveness and just two months to my delivey my hubby was called back with a better pay, I got a bigger shop etc. my dear trials may come but Gods got you, I do not support abortion so if the baby isn't going it means it came for a reason, let it fulfil it's destiny after all the baby no send una assignment

    3. @Push up, I'm happy for you. It is that type of babies that won't abort. This is because God knows they are your ticket to your desired testimonies. So poster, you will be surprised how God will shock you. Just believe.


      Ezekiel 37:1-12
      Jame 1:6

      I pray some generous BVs will bless you🙏

    5. Poster, do family planning immediately she puts to bed to avoid stories that touch the heart

    6. Poster U n Ur wife won't go free coz of Ur mindset. U guys re already guilt filled already. As U said some do n go free but not U n wify. Ur minds will work against U with this Ur mundset. So just keep d baby

    7. @spirit shit! How many babies have killed? BITCH!!

  3. Please keep the child,I know how difficult it may be but don't kill an innocent child.
    Who knows, his birth may pave way for you.
    All the best

    1. Religion has destroyed the black man's brain. You know you can't afford to cater for another child yet you're here talking about being "born-again"- whatever that bullshit means. Go and flush that pregnancy if you like your sanity. The hypocrisy-filled Nigerian Christians will preach all manner of thrash for you to keep it, but insult you when you fail to provide for the same kid instead of coming to your aid. You do not need a doctor or nurse. Neither do you need more than two thousand naira. Google misoprostol and your problem would be solved. For a better result, you could also google mifepristone. Finally, re-organise your life by taking charge of it. Do away with this born-again bullshit. It I exactly what it is-bullshit! Religion is fraud.

    2. Blunt is right about religion, its the biggest fraud of the age, religious beliefs has caused more fragmentation & conflict than anyother ideology, yet ppl still dont see.

    3. May God see you through this...

    4. Oga comot the belle, all these people Wey dey say make u keep am, them no go help u train them... #Alinko

    5. Blunt thank u for this comment, u are one of the reasonable people we have here, advising him to keep a child he cannot care for as of manner will fall from heaven.

    6. Ode ki ni manner?

    7. @blunt! Go and ask your mama why she didn't flushed you. Fool!

  4. You were right by saying some ppl carry out an abortion and theyre fine afterwards, i dont perceive you & wifey as kind... DandC leaves post traumatic disorder in some women, & they carry that "murder" guilt for a long long time, blaming their failures & predicaments on their past decision, i have a feeling ur wife is soft hearted... keep the baby!

    1. You are a wise man. Embrace Jesus❤

    2. ive not seen him to embrace oh, i hear he was born in Bethlehem, and Isreal took control of the city, & later Isreal turned it over to the Palestinian authority... only for me to go there na, na war zone, i ran away wondering why there are muslims all over & not xtians! Anyway tell him in stl in searchnod him, there r too many questions he has to answer, him and his oga...

    3. Atop forcing him to be Christian. Live and let live

    4. "him & his Oga"...your mouth nah wire

    5. I hate it when I hear someone is about to bring in a child to this world without a plan or means to take care of the kid but if you are both Christians then I suggest you put your GOD to the test.

      Keep the baby,call God into the matter, tell him about your fears and your needs, if he knows you as you say you know him, he will come true for you.

      This is the best time to show God you will trust him in all situations.Trust him

      Keep your kid,your break through might just be on its way.


    6. @smart move....not forcing him just telling again and again the need for Jesus in his life. There will come a day it will be too late to tell him about Christ so why not today. And the guy is so so smart....he will make a fine witness for Christ

    7. And you think doing it this way would make him a convert? My dear stop. You looking dor converts, go to places where the gospel has not yet reached. Like i said live n let live. Stop playing God. You can pray for him silently.

    8. And btw busy body yes your moves are annoying, tell God to touch him, open his heart to accept him. What do you people learn in your churches these days? I am a Catholic Christian and honestly you pentecostals (though i dont know your denomination) have this annoying way of foisting your beliefs on ppl. Fine you have preached the gospel of Christ to him severally, allow him be. Pray for him. My ex is agnostic and I saw it was not my battle to fight after talking and preaching the Gospel to him. I handed him over to his maker to undo whatever situation that led him to that path. Be wise

  5. end thyme burn agane krixtians.

  6. Some have food but cannot eat,some can eat but hv no food

    Lord pls remember all those waiting upon u for blessings like this dt this man wants to remove.,...

    1. Yes Sharon,i join my faith wt urs, God dt did mine is still in d business

      @Greatlady,i just flipped thru SP and saw ur comment to me. I really do appreciate it ma'am. Thank alot bcx for u to come back today to write dt means u had us in mind

      God bless u richly and i promise to do something abt it....will try see how we can balance both

      Again, God bless u n mk u great as a greatlady dt u are😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

  7. Keep the child, he/she might be the answers to all your prayers.. The birth of the Baby might bring blessings upon blessings and change your family story.. Trust God!

    1. Oyah take this miss Juliet advice, she make sense.

  8. Replies
    1. Saint...wetin happen today na, the matter no gree you fit write your usual quotes ?

  9. Queen of the coast😗👸23 July 2017 at 15:19

    Pls keep d baby. Have faith. God will see u through

  10. Keep it. Keep the baby. There's this song by Trip Lee. Beautiful life. Awesome and emotional song. It preaches against abortion and encourages people. Keep your child. After this be more careful but I can assure you that this child will bring you great joy. Please you and your wife should keep this child.

  11. Stella I am in the same position as this man my husband now has serious high blood pressure and in our own case we didint find out until I was about 3months gone....I bought ante natal drugs based on experience (I have 2kids before) everything is on stand still our friends blame us why should we do this now. am so confused and terrified but I am a good Christian and I believe in God that all will be well

    1. Eyaaa... you need help also.

  12. Abortion is not the way out. God who has allowed the pregnancy will bring forth all that is needed to cater for the baby and your children. That child could be the star in your home. May God see you through. Though times dont last.

  13. Just learn to trust God.

  14. Born the pickin now, since you like suffer head... Im in london with two kids, still if I get pregnant now, I will find solution to it by myself, I dont even need a nurse.. Been doing it myself since secondary school when I was in Nigeria before I came here..Family planning, say it after me.. FAMILY PLANNING 😯

    1. Have you considered that your wife can die in the process?
      There is something ABOUT ABORTIONS which I will like us to see. When one kills (or encourages the killing of; see Prov. 6:16-17) innocent children, the consequences are three. 1. You deny yourself the joy of having a home (remember the Hebrew midwives who spared babies against Pharaoh's advice to kill them; God rewarded them with families; Ex.1) 2. You risk "sudden death" in the hands of another fellow/accidents etc. remember Gen.9:6 and thirdly, you deny yourself eternal life! What a life! God isn't going to call you to glory if you do not repent. Jesus said; come to me all you that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest; that's Matt. 11:28. If you do not repent, you'd keep on laboring for the Serpent. But if you repent and make Jesus your Lord today and begin to read your scriptures; you'd find peace and the above three lots will not be yours. God bless you.


    2. Why not have this baby and give him up to couples; even in this blog who are looking to adopt?
      Supposing after abortion, you or your wife gets a job?
      Supposing your wife dies after this abortion?
      Supposing you lose one of your kids before teenage years or when you wife has passed menopause?
      A colleague of mine who owns and runs a hospital does "abortions of all kinds". I had always wondered that in spite of being a well trained specialist, he seemed to have settled on just aborting kids and it gave him so much money. No matter how much we (his colleagues) warned him to "reform his practice", he did not take heed. Once he was travelling with his wife and two kids on an interstate highway, he suddenly began to scream; "look at that kid crossing the highway, imagine that kid . . .!" His wife who was seated on the front passenger seat told him that she couldn't see any kid, His kids behind said same (the man NEVER had any psychological issues in life and was NEVER on any addictive substance). next he matched on the breaks and the car flipped severally. He woke up after a few days in a hospital and when he asked about his family, was told that they were all dead; he began to weep. He wanted to get up and found that he was limbless.
      Exodus 1:15 The king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives, whose names were Shiphrah and Puah, 16“When you are helping the Hebrew women during childbirth on the delivery stool, if you see that the baby is a boy, kill him; but if it is a girl, let her live.” 17The midwives, however, feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them to do; they let the boys live. 18Then the king of Egypt summoned the midwives and asked them, “Why have you done this? Why have you let the boys live?”19The midwives answered Pharaoh, “Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women; they are vigorous and give birth before the midwives arrive.”20So God was kind to the midwives and the people increased and became even more numerous. 21And because the midwives feared God, he gave them families of their own. NIV

    3. And why hide under anonymous; conscience?
      If you are asked by a friend, an employer, your parents, pastor if you have aborted before what will your answer be?
      How much peace do you have and how much guilt did you have going through it?
      Supposing you lose these two kids or do you own their lives?
      Since killing is your lifestyle and you are proud of it . . . the fact that you did it does not make it right; does it?

    4. @ anonymous 15:54 you will loose most important thing in your life,for not minding you own business..

    5. You already lost your English.

    6. Yes if they have the child I will be interested in adopting it

    7. Anonymous 21:40 I CANCEL THAT STATEMENT IN JESUS NAME. The Lord rebuke you!! Are you God? May God have mercy on your life in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

  15. Pls don't abort the pregnancy, the baby's arrival might bring breakthrough into ur home

    1. That person is not a "pregnancy", he is a person
      A full fledged human being; dimpkpa
      change your diction so that you do not make same mistake in future.

    2. Shut up, give advice and go. Stop mensuration under someone's else comment

  16. I strongly believe this baby will open a new door of blessings and fortune for you guys.

    1. My believe too.... don't know why I have this feeling that this child is coming with hands full of blessings. ...

  17. May God provide for you, after this, please go for family planning.

  18. I'm not married but I'm a christian too.I think if both of you agree to abort it there won't be problem with abortion,except one disagree, I strongly do not think its advisable to add more stress to your already stressed life ,i have seen a couple who lost a child bcos they couldnt feed properly or even treat the sick child,so won't it be better to avoid such a situation & trauma by having the foetus aborted? im not saying same thing will happen to you,life is unpredictable.
    well since you both don't have the mind to get the abortion just have the baby & manage what ever you can with life.

    1. Nice one 'Lifted'... Religion is actually what the white man has used to enslave the black man and put him in bondage. God has given us the power to think and design our lives, yet we still expect him to do everything for us.
      Bros, why bring children into the world to suffer? To me, that's even a worse sin than abortion... Access yourself and given the circumstances you're in... Do what you have to do. It is easier with the fact that your wife is ready to follow your decision​.
      The same people telling you to keep the baby and wait on God to feed you, are same people that will rain curses on you when you can't provide for the kids and you come begging.
      Nothing is good nor bad, thinking makes it so.

    2. Which part of your 'Christian bible' says abortion is right if you both give your consent?

    3. Kzy Brown if you die now, hope you have the explanation you will give God for the trash you wrote?😒

  19. You can pass your message accordingly without bringing wrath, thunder, fire etc of God everytime.
    What is that supposed to do, make people quake?

  20. My dear poster from the deepest of my heart I'm writing to you. B4 I give my advice, let me tell a true story of a very close family friend that was in d same situation if not worse than yours, they actually had 4 kids b4 another pregnancy came up. They hadnt told a soul about it; until we went 4 a vigil and she was lucky to receive a prophesy that she will have a baby boy to be precise, and that child will open doors of opportunities all around,that pple will say it's blood money.To God b d glory she kept and dliverd d baby and the boy is 5yrs now and they have uncountable houses here in lekki,Abuja,delta state to mention a few. So Wat am I sayin?That child will open doors you never thot would,It's a gift from God and you will testify. Shalom!

    1. story..
      their other children na devil pikins abi

    2. Hahahahahaha,anon15:54,abeg leave me oo

    3. Hahahahaha anon 15:54 u no well. Lol

  21. some have shoes but hàve no leg, some have food but can't eat, you have and you can eat glory be to God Amen.
    hmmm poster you have kids and pregnant no job !!! me looking and begging God for pregnancy. God you are faithful and à Just God.

  22. My dear poster pls dnt remove dat baby!God dat gave u dat baby wld definitly provide for u and ur family!its well with u ok?

  23. Funny world we leave here looking for 1 and people have the one they dont wa

  24. SDK, you're really the mouth piece of God in this end time where morality has been relegated.. At poster, if truly you're a born again brother like you claimed you won't even contemplate abortion to start with. Thinking about it is sin on its own. I won't judge you.. But Whatever you do ,just make sure you don't touch that baby. O.k. no child is a mistake in life. Before that baby was formed in your wife's womb God knew about it and he has ordained the child for signs and wonders. You never know if that child will be your ticket to obodo oyinbo oooh.
    My mum told me that when she took in for muah,things were so tough and rough for them,they cant even afford one square meal. She had to hawk before she and my dad could feed but what happened later I brought good luck for my family. I took my family out of the slum to a nice comfortable area in Lagos, rent paid by muah. I asked both parent to stop working and placed them on monthly allowance
    Each day my parent wakes up they always bless God for giving them a child like me..I've really made them proud. I've done what ten sons can not do for them. My parent can't imagine there world without me. My mum calls me her shining star..(irawomi, imoleayomi) so poster imagine I was aborted bcos things were pretty tough for them what would have been their fate to day? So leave that child ooh, just like muah that child will be the star in household. Haven't you heard of the rejected stone becoming the chief corner Stone?
    Wishing you and your family open heaven. God's countenance will shine on your family. Every closed doors shall be opened ..


    1. God bless you @ Intelligentsia Princess. @Poster God can rewrite the story of your life as soon as this child arrives. God can indeed give you a new story through this child. Please don't abort the foetus. It may be difficult initially to take care of your existing family and taking care of a little baby can be overwhelming especially when there is no money but put your trust in God, he will surprise you in a positive way.

    2. See what's muah muah ? You guys should write something sensible or don't write at all. Do you think you are the only one to read it after written. Much nonsense

    3. 22:23 guess she meant moi

  25. Dear poster, please keep the baby. This is the ultimate trial of your faith, God is watching to see your response. This will determine alot of things for you and your family. Consider this, what if your wife dies during the abortion? Don't do it. Children are a gift from God. God loves you exceedingly, keep trusting Him, don't DO IT!!!!

  26. Poster do not abort the child God works in mysterious ways he who allowed your wife to get pregnant is more than able to turn your story around in one second. I agree there is hardship now but it is only temporary so in summary Keep the child.

  27. Mr...yu don't have a problem. Never ever say a child is a mistake. Let me halt on the insult,I have a bigger problem
    Please bvs I need accommodation,the distance From my house to my place of work is killing me. Please any bv that wouldn't mind a roomie or squatter should please hit me up on please help a sister I beg yu. Any bv around lere,Costain or lekki please and I am not a trouble maker. God bless

  28. Bros keep the child it's Gods own way of opening doors for yu, God knows yu and your wife are done with children and he also knows ur situation financially but he still gave you this child, please keep the child! Yu will definetly testify because I ve seen situations like this before

  29. My dear, that child you want to abort might be the one to open doors of blessings for you. Don't even try it. See me, I got pregnant 3 months after the birth of my baby girl, I was upset, but I didn't remove it, later I found out that it was another girl, I got more upset, I got advice from someone close to remove it, but each time I look into the eyes of my baby, I knew I would love this baby the same whether it's a boy or girl, so I kept it and by God's grace, in a few weeks time, I will be carrying my new born in my arms. So please, no matter the condition, keep your baby. He or She is a blessing

  30. Dear poster, u feel for you n ur wife, forget all the judgina on this blog, u wear the shoe n knows where it pinches, the Lord is ur strength

  31. This story reminds me of one couple den in my family church years back, d wife got pregnant after a few months of giving birth to d 3rd child,she went and aborted d child n after which she strted having complication n died few wks latr, d husband was so frustrated cos everybody knows howmuch they love eachoda den, d young man became d shadow of himself,was sick and latr died,leaving the three children including d lil one d wife birthed before she died.

    So poster think twice.
    for the fact that it's not good today doesn't mean tomorrow wont be better,u never can tell what d future holds..don't do sumtin stupid.

    1. You all just tell fake stories to back up your post!
      After having abortion,she died few weeks later,how come there is a little one she birth before she died?

    2. I said three children, d last one inclusive. Don't assume everybody tells fake story cos u hardly believe yourself dear. Why would I tell dis kinda story if it didn't happen? Smh for some ppl.

    3. Lol, Lady bug. According to da diva,the woman already had a newborn before taking in again.

      So when she died,she left the little baby and other kids behind.

    4. Lady bug you are daft I swear

    5. Hmm my uncle wife's sister died as well due to a similar situation and they never stopped blaming the man.

  32. The baby shall bring in good tidings, don't remove the baby please.

  33. Av faith in God's, He can change the most difficult situation.As a christian we do faces hard times, so hard that our faith shook, but believe me if u go for that abortion and succed, you will have a bigger probm wit your prayer lifes, where you will have to count any unanswered prayer to that abortion, Guess! you must have bn mapping alot of unanswered prayer to sm old sin in the past, despite God has forgiven you of them..Hold on to your God..Those that know their God shall be great..

  34. Poster... There something about abortion the guilt stay with you for ever. Pls don't kill that innocent child. God that has a reason for everything. Maybe you and your wife should look for a small business do for now. Even tho na plantain chips. Good luck.

    @just Bella

    1. You are right about that at @bella . the guilt of abortion stay with the perpetrators for every. I am still living with the guilt of abortion I committed when I was 20. God please have mercy.

  35. I work in a hospital and the most cases of "septic abortions" (abortions that get infected etc.) that we see is usually during the first quarter of the year; a fallout of vaginal pounding during Christmas and valentine. Chai, come and see beautiful dead girls, lost wombs, bedridden ones and so on. What pains me most is that these girls will continue denying that they had abortion as if the doctor is a magistrate that will sentence them to death. One denied aborting till she breathed her last only for the nurses that were to prepare her body for the morgue to pull out a mangled baby's remains from her vagina.

    And these boys just continue to prowl on the next victims -any vagina that opens! Girls, there is no "rest in peace" if you did not let babies find peace in your womb when the "mistake" of premarital sex was made. If this is your case and you survived it; repent, we all make mistakes.

    The guilty ones who do not want to repent are those that will come under my post to rant. Having said it, they will perhaps hide under anonymous and talk about how "nothing happened"! It takes just one day for the thief and murderers to be caught!

    1. My sister in law died 6yrs ago from abortion. Pls keep this child

    2. @Anon 16:29....Don't blackmail or scare them into keeping the baby just advice him. Do you know how many women die from child birth and pregnancy related complications as a result of the mother not having good medical care. I think what is most important is we all rally round this family and help solve the issue so they can keep and also take care of the baby. All you forming born again Christians PLEASE reach out to them and get the man a job good enough to take care of the unborn child and the rest of the family. Stella has dropped their email. Be your brother's keeper and stop all this bible quoting and testimonies. Action speaks louder than words.

    3. 20:44 Why not allow others make their opinion even as you make yours? Do you work in a hospital? What is blackmail in what is written up there? The fact that you have aborted doesn't mean another should; does it?

    4. This if hilarious. A "guilty one" has commented already!

  36. Oga poster, please don't abort that baby, let your wife keep it, this is just a trying time and dis too shall pass.......... Pls nxt time, try and use condom to avoid such ish again.......

    I pray open doors unto you and yours.... Stay blessed.
    *Faithful bv*

  37. God will see you through but most times I find it hard to pity some people.I am married and I use condom cause we are not ready for another child.Why not do the right thing to avoid all this issues and abortion.Then you find a suitable family planning till things normalises.I believe God will see you through despite how difficult it is. My security earns 20k has a wife and a baby how he is able to survive I don't know but he is always happy.

  38. I just weak😪😪😪, for this to be coming from a man speaks volumes because I know men have pride GOD is still in control. Sending a mail straight away. Don't touch that baby he/she might hold the keys to your unopened doors.

  39. Poster,pls keep d pregnancy. 22yrs ago, my parents faced d same issue. Today, that child, a boy is our pride. Has been a star from childhood, xtremely brilliant. Already building his own business now in a foreign country... Pls keep d pregnancy.

  40. Pls don't kill that innocent child that God has blessed you with. Things will turn around for good. Many are praying and fasting daily for this precious gift you want to remove

  41. Poster don't let your wife to go ahead of the abortion, let her keep the pregnancy....this baby star will shine in your family

  42. ANGELARAY4SDK,how did you feel typing that comment up there? Are you above mistake? Does been born-again immunize one against errors? Na wa ooo.

  43. I will advise you to keep the baby,you don't know what can happen before your wife delivers.After she delivers,try and do family planning.Stella,what's with Gods wrath falling on people?Are you Gods assistant or who are you to lay curse on people for their opinions?

  44. Pls tell your wife that the baby may be the family lock

  45. If Gods wrath fall on us for advice/insults,what will fall on a so called born again Christian who wants to abort ?Poster,truth is bitter but I will tell you.What happened to family planning after your wife had her last child since you both already have the number of kids you want?cos I am sure you were still working when you had your last child and family planning is almost free in government hospitals.Just leave that child and tell the nurse to keep her instrument,you want to abort in a nurse place,what if she dies or complications arise?Make sense fall on you oh.

    1. In some private hospitals,IUD is subsidized just go to the hospital with #500.

  46. This is a no brainer.
    Don't take out that baby.
    Once your problem has reached here,people will genuinely help you.
    It is what you do with the assistance you get from here that matters.

    Once she puts to bed,Go to the clinic and get some kind of family planning.
    God bless you. I know help is here.

  47. Please do not abort the baby, look for any honest menial job,let your wife do the same even if it's frying akara or yam etc that require less fund. Pray every time with your wife, reach out to friends and family for help. Pray for a smooth pregnancy and delivery. Use protection after this one.Things will work out. Sell your pride seek help even from the church.

  48. Oga, there's nothing like getting pregnant by mistake. That baby has a purpose on this earth.

    Do you know your wife can die from complications of abortion?

    Please keep the pregnancy.

  49. Pls keep the baby,if u do abortion, u will never forgive itself.God will make way just trust Him.u may die on the process.

  50. Poster that child is a trophy seed can you just trust God. Talk to God and listen for answer.

  51. Keep your baby.

    After delivery, let your wife do family planning. It is very very cheap and even free in most govt hospitals.

  52. Enter your comment... Enter your reply...Angel ray you are so insensitive! Miss judgegina. Are you God? if you don't have good advice to give better hold your peace.
    Mr poster please don't abort the baby. Favour will show up for you. babies are blessings not mistake. Before we were formed He knows us. No child is a mistake. As a believer it is a sin to kill. Trust God and He shall perfect everything concerning you. Let your wife look for a teaching job around and trust God to supply all your needs

  53. Please do not abort that innocent child. Let me tell you my story, I got pregnant when I was serving, I aborted it, a doctor advised me not to, in her words 'what if that's the only child you have been destined to have' I waved it off. Now I'm single, down with endometriosis. I regret aborting that child anytime I remember and each time my gynecologist advises me to get pregnant as soon as possible because it's difficult having babies with endo. This sometimes bring tears to my eyes. I understand your situation is quite different from mine but I've been looking for a day to say this just to get a bit of relief. God is a miraculous God and He'd do it for you at the time you least expect. This child might be the one to open doors of blessings and mercies in your life. God will bless you exceedingly and exceptionally. Kinda emotional now. All the same, the decision is still yours to make and God will help you make the best decision.

  54. poster do not abort the baby...miracles still happen!!

    That we how I took in for my 2nd child, next thing hubby lost his job...I had no job...1st child was 8mths old,less than a year...I cried my eyes out...eventually I told myself that The blessing of God won't take me where the grace of God cannot sustain me.

    9 mths later, the baby came. 2 mths after baby's birth hubby had a better job than the previous...when baby clocked 6 months I, too had a job...a job that I made 1 million within a year and that was my first million in life. Today our story has changed from a gloomy one to a bright one

    The God who did it for me will do even more for u...only BELIEVE!

  55. Abortion is a sin and I don't care the circumstances....yes it's your prerogative but be ready to bear whatever consequences you get....your situation is only temporary and God will def turn things around...face your cross and do not abort...once conception happens a life has been recorded

  56. Oga poster you don't believe in god you are serving, if you believe, you wouldn't have brought your life issue here on the blog. You want the people here to help you with token, when you can talk to your god to direct your path and make the unborn baby a blessing and a turning point in your life.. You are a disappointment of a man.

    Born again ko

  57. Poster I wish pregnancy can be transferred to someone, I wish you could say pregnancy oya move to another woman, that would have solve the problem but pregnancy cannot be transferred. I will advise you keep the baby, no matter the mistake, please keep the baby, no child is conceived by mistake cos it takes two to tangle. Alot of people want such blessings look at you crying for God to take it away, God will open better ways for you and your family.

    1. Yes ooo. It is only human beings that will tag a baby a mistake. God has a plan for that child. That child's conception was never a mistake to God. Jeremiah 29:11, Jeremiah 1:5. Poster read these scripture and be encouraged. As long as you are not a scammer and you are sincere, it shall be well with you.

  58. First of all as a born again child of God, ask the Lord for forgiveness for even considering terminating the pregnancy.

    Never mind all the harsh comments on this forum because Yoruba people have an adage that says ......" eni Ija o de ba lo n pe ara e lokunrin" loosely translated as when you have not experienced some levels of battle you hail yourself as a courageous or brave man.

    Find your way back to the Lord for direction in how to get your family out of this famine. I mean by yourself seek His face ...

    Let that child be...." God does not run your life with what is in your hands.

    Some children are game changers; once they come into a family there's rapid acceleration of blessings .

    For your children education; depends on what class they are in, pending when things change, consider home schooling them. Maybe your wife can do that?

    While you follow whatever instructions the Lord tells you. Trust in the Lord with all your heart... Shalom

  59. Please keep that child.. Dont punish it over your mistakes.. God has a purpose for everything dear.. as you said you have had the numbers you wish for, and amidst your worries God still added this one.. perhaps it's a test for your family, perhaps your Gate way to ease and success.. leave that temptation and keep on praying

  60. Heed to aunty stellas advice

  61. I will share my experience with you. When my husband n i got married, we didn't have much. I was working, n he was doing business that was barely productive. I took in almost immediately after I had my first baby. It was unplanned and I was scared and frustrated because we were barely coping with taking care of the first baby who was still a baby when I took in. My relationship with my husband was strained because he felt the pregnancy was a blessing notwithstanding our circumstances. I was frustrated at myself for getting pregnant for a man who could barely take care of his family. I lost that pregnancy. It wasn't an abortion, it was a miscarriage. The doctor called it an ectopic pregnancy. One day
    In Church, the pastor have the word that a woman who lost her pregnancy would have it restored. I got pregnant immediately after that ministration and I was mentally prepared maybe because of the word that came before the pregnancy. Shortly before the baby was born, we bought a new car and life gradually improved. Now, the children lack absolutely nothing and we enjoy a level of comfort that I didn't know was possible. Keep that baby but more importantly hold on to God and His word.

  62. No child is a mistake! You cannot stop a child that is meant to come to this world and if you do, you have a lot of regret. In 2008 when my wife fell pregnant with our 5th child, my wife did all she could to get rid of the child, she went for abortion but it failed to stop the child from being born but it turned out that it was boy, the 2nd boy we would be having (what she had been looking for) and her favourite. We gave him the name which means who can tempt God? Things have become better for the family now.


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