Stella Dimoko Wednesday Spontaneous Post.


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Wednesday Spontaneous Post.

#wednesdaydonland #sleptlikeababay #thatiswhatididlastnight #myboyfridnsareofftoschool #summerholsapproachingsoon #cantwait #dontreadmyhashtagandjumpintoconclusion #maketodaycountplease #positivevibesonly.

Is it Raining today where you are?How do you people in Nigeria check the weather to know what to expect? I heard it rained all day yesterday in the city of my birth...Lagos.
We need the rain here,abeg,if una no want am,send it my way cos this heat eh.....

It just occurred to me that Peacemaker has finny vanished from this blog or changed ID and no one noticed or asked after him...I guess his reign is over..shout out to you!

If you are following Yaw on Instagram,today Efe of BBNaija and 9ice will be live on Wazobia FM,I plan to watch cos I love the programme,please join me there so that we can later discuss it here on a post....I think its 9 or 10am Nigerian time.

Faces of IHN and Business memes,please send in....
Yesterday was Chronicle free day,today we continue in our quest to make it good for someone out there.


Kisses to you all....



  1. Some Have BOO But Cannot Cheat
    Some Can Cheat But Have No BOO
    We Have BOO And we lalala
    Glory Be To Jah Jehovah!!! (Amen)


    Please yesterday was not my birthday, what I mean to say is I was born on Tuesday, so I love Tuesdays. I'm an August born, #ProudlyLeo, thanks so much for your love. 😘😘😘😘😘

    To BV Bukky and Mama Small Chops, thanks so much for your love towards me, may everything you lay your hands on always prosper, may you continue to be the head and not the tail, thanks and more blessings

    *Larry was here*

    1. Today is a good day

      Winning Wednesday

      I am off to class

      Abeg, I read where one Lady teacher by named @Jacinta, carry her pupil for the school wen she dey teach, @Jacinta carry this young girl go another class, den commot her pant and begin dey Finger fuck the girl.... ..but why?.. ..As a lesbian, if konji hold you like that, Shay Na small pikin life you wan come spoil?

      And this @Jacinta fool was in Lagos court yesterday, she still get mouth to say, she no dey guilty with explanation... After this little girl don talk say @Jacinta finger her "Ponyor " and even evidence dey for this small girl toto

      This is sickening


    2. @starry Larry stop using Jehovah's name to write rubbish. May God forgive you.

    3. Using Jehovah's name to write this is so wrong.

    4. Evans Onye Magodo21 June 2017 at 09:48

      Bia Starry Larry, as you old reach you no fit borrow yourself brain? If I kidnap you now for this rubbish you wrote you will start shouting that all your relatives dey work for railway.. respect your old age,pretend you have brain

    5. Really? I never knew it's wrong, never meant it that way, I'm really sorry about that

      *Larry was here*

    6. Why not face your "Allah" and leave us the heck alone?
      These Muslims una own dey una body

    7. You use our Lord's name in vain huh?
      Why not *Allah** yeah I know Allah is same thing as *God*

      If na Christian wrote that up there now, u guyz will start World World 111

  2. Good morning beeveeleons😘😘

    One funny thing about this game, the result it gives changes everyday..!!


    TYPE "Sleep with my", Press the space button, see the word your phone gives you..

    Mine is:

    Sleep with my name..

    Comment with your answer!!!

    BlogBoo in a Switch!!😝😝

    SultryOnyx darling.!! 💚💚

    Hope you don't mind if we "boo ourself" for a week..? 😍😍😍
    TheQueen is out of town!!😩😩
    She won't be back until next weekend
    And my libido is high..
    Dunno where to keep my "herecsion"

    Kris DarlingBoo.. How are you? I ain't scarce oo
    Na you scarce!!😂😂 hope STELLZ is takes care of you very well!! 😑😑😑

    Abeg make una enjoy una day ooo😂😂

    1. Lol,dont even try it with Sultry onyix.she is unavailable,wait for Queen biko.
      On another note,Biko Sultry onyix,nne please contact me privately,you a private message inugo?
      Have a beautiful day every one

    2. Ola u no well😀😁😂
      Make Queen husband catch u
      Gudmorin dear

  3. I DECLARE TODAY THAT As you're stepping out ,the presence of the the Lord shall go before you. I declare this week, evil and calamity free for you. You will suffer no casualty. The glory of God shall envelope you. Your destiny is empowered for greatness. If it's only one person to be favoured in your line of duty. It shall be you. Everything you lay your hands on shall be golden. You're anointed to excel in all ramifications of life. Exceeding grace, uncommon favour, incomparable joy shall be your portion today in Jesus mighty Name. Can I hear a thunderous amennnnnnnnnn?

    Happy belated birthday to Onyx and Trinity, live long and prosper guys.

    Ibk did you get my mail?

    I am so cold, chaiiii, I drink the blood of Jesus, I drink the blood of Jesus ohhh.

    1. Beautiful Trinity and onyx happy birthday. Wishing you ladies favour ,open doors,and unlimited exploit as add plus one. I pray that all your hearts desires and expectations shall be delivered to as your birthd surprise package.

      @Pipilee,I know you to be very classy what exacyly happened to you madam? The way you talk down on people is very alarming. What really came over you? You don't have to insult and scream your lungs out before you pass your message across.. When did you join the children of anger? I pray that whatever is eating you up shall be arrested by olowogbogbororo.. God that did it for some popular formally sad bvs here will also do yours too.
      I still love you o.k.bcos you're my sister from the same senatorial zone.kisses.

      @xoxo mystery, you won't kill me with your fabrications. You said I was an old beevees who changed blog I.d .hahahahaha.. Am still waiting for you to reveal my old I.d. if not you owe me an apology. Who made you SDK CIA agent self? Madam be guided. I respect you alot on this blog pls,I demand the same from you too. Respect is reciprocal.

      Biafra discussion has really brought out the true disposition of most Nigerians about the Igbos. Am sacred of the future of this country. The hates speech from the yorubas and hausas is scaring. And this was the same reason why the igbos are agitating for Biafra. What's with this hatred for ndigbo? And you guys wants one Nigeria? Then it begins with us. Let's learn to love each other irrespective of tribe,religion or political affiliations. Let's unites and be one. Let's stop the hates speech..let's learn to tolerates each other... Enough of all this madness already...

      #spread love and not hate#
      #let the igbos breath#

    2. Beautiful Trinity and onyx happy birthday. Wishing you ladies favour ,open doors,and unlimited exploit as add plus one. I pray that all your hearts desires and expectations shall be delivered to as your birthd surprise package.

      @Pipilee,I know you to be very classy what exacyly happened to you madam? The way you talk down on people is very alarming. What really came over you? You don't have to insult and scream your lungs out before you pass your message across.. When did you join the children of anger? I pray that whatever is eating you up shall be arrested by olowogbogbororo.. God that did it for some popular formally sad bvs here will also do yours too.
      I still love you o.k.bcos you're my sister from the same senatorial zone.kisses.

      @xoxo mystery, you won't kill me with your fabrications. You said I was an old beevees who changed blog I.d .hahahahaha.. Am still waiting for you to reveal my old I.d. if not you owe me an apology. Who made you SDK CIA agent self? Madam be guided. I respect you alot on this blog pls,I demand the same from you too. Respect is reciprocal.

      Biafra discussion has really brought out the true disposition of most Nigerians about the Igbos. Am sacred of the future of this country. The hates speech from the yorubas and hausas is scaring. And this was the same reason why the igbos are agitating for Biafra. What's with this hatred for ndigbo? And you guys wants one Nigeria? Then it begins with us. Let's learn to love each other irrespective of tribe,religion or political affiliations. Let's unites and be one. Let's stop the hates speech..let's learn to tolerates each other... Enough of all this madness already...

      #spread love and not hate#
      #let the igbos breath#

    3. Intelligent princess Maami I dey hail ooooooooo. Bawoni nkan

    4. Stupid intelligentsia princess biko its too early for dis rubbish,go have several seat my dear

    5. I'm sorry, can't really remember what I said, was just pissed after the tiring back and forth tribal slurs the previous day, you came back with another one the next morning. not sad
      I'm not a madam too

      love you too😘😘

  4. A blessed morning to us all. May the Lord favour us in our endeavours today, amen.

  5. Once a little boy slowly walked in to his mother’s room. His mother was sitting at her desk writing. His mother took a glance at him and saw that he was carrying a vase that was given to her by her grandmother.
    Seeing that vase in the little boy’s hand his mother got worried and said, “Baby, please put that vase down before you break it by mistake.”
    The Boy replied, “Mom, i can’t get my hand out of it..”
    The Mother now left her work and looked at him and said, “Of course dear, you can put it down.”
    “I know mom but I still can’t get my hand out of this vase.”, replied the little boy.
    His Mother got down on her knees and looked at his hand, she saw that the neck of the vase was very narrow and the little boy's hand neatly fitted inside the vase up to his wrist.
    Seeing this mother got little worried about him and called out for his father.
    The little boy’s dad came and looked at it. The father gently held the little boy’s hand and tried to pull his arm out of the vase but still couldn’t get it out.
    Now he tried it to loosen his hand using soap water but still nothing. After it, he tried to loosen his hand using some oil around the wrist but the hand still didn’t budge.
    After trying everything the father said, “I give up… I would give a dollar right now to know how to get his hand out of this vase..”
    The Boy exclaimed, “Really.!! Dad??”
    Just then his parent heard a clinking sound and saw the kid's hand slip right out of the vase. His parent were relieved and surprised to see that.
    They turned the vase upside down to check the reason for the sound and found a penny dropped out of it. They were confused and asked, “Son what’s this??”
    The Little boy innocently replied, “Oh that.. It’s a penny that I put inside it but when I tried to get it out my hand got stuck but when I heard that you would give a dollar to have my hand out of that vase, I let it go..”
    Moral: In your Life, there are many times when you keep Clinging to things that keep you stuck. You should Learn to Let go so that you can move forward in Life.

    1. That boy is a crook😂😂😂😂

    2. You no dey tire? Hian. Everyday copy and paste!

    3. Ed; morning dear
      Ijay; morning
      Lady bug; morning
      sharon; morning dear

  6. Its a new start...
    New level, new business, new patronage, new success, new me, new grace, new favor.

  7. "F*ck u till u burnt out,... Cremation" this song gives me Orgasm!!!... Wild Thoughts Dj Khaled, Riri and Bryson Tiller

    Who directed that movie Power Rangers?? Oh dear!!! Absolute shiiiiite!!!

    Kelvin Dat Edo Boi (Stellz Cousin)

    1. 🎙🎤🎶🎵🎼🎧🎹

      ...i know you wanna see me nakey nakey naked
      I wanna be your baby baby baybay

      😝😜😝😜😝😜😝😜my order. money you should have used to see wonder woman.

    2. Pipilee that your comment of yesterday still cracks me up till now. You want to kill me abi

    3. the SARS comment ?
      I reposted what someone posted. comment not mine.

  8. Its international yoga day today...

    Do a sun salutation today to warm up that body, you can check out on IG to see how...they're doing 108 sun salutations today, join them if you're in Lagos...

    @Pastorsdaughter you don't have to run, I'll break it down to make it easier for the beginners, yoga will improve your flexibility so much that you'll move from hanging on the ceiling to the sky if you please, come and join us..

    @Pffft I made the post for lotus pose, check it out...

    and to all you fly sistahs and brothers...NAMASTE...


  9. I missed the chronicles yesterday ☹️☹️☹️

  10. Don't stress too much over worldly matters. Worrying about the future or regretting the past is a waste of time. Leave it to the Almighty.

    I'm outtie

  11. Woke up craving something I can't have
    and it's going to be a long fucking day.

  12. Mama Nnuku stopped commenting for some time and cane back with a fabricated story, issacsoon did same. All in a bid to get money from Stella. Now it is Rhoda Rex.madam,come out of hiding. We know you are here. You also want to hide and come back with heart wrenching story after your baby mama series didn't fetch u money.You people must really think we are gullible here.

    1. Why don't you slip into something comfortable......... Like coma??????

    2. 😀😀😀😀😀

    3. Well said annony. My thought exactly.

    4. Sorry for your life. Rhoda is writing exams.

    5. Anonymous 09: 03. Good you noticed their antiques too. Those names you mentioned up there are smooth criminals.. Imagine that Rhoda Rex used to flash my number and talk or chat with me but thebmimeht she knows I dont listen to sob stories she stopped checking in again. They have all sort of ways of milking unsuspecting bvs. Awon ole.

    6. Anonymous 9:44, use your ID next time

    7. Anonymous 9:44, use your ID next time

  13. I want to tender my unreserved apology to a lady I was dating her husband while I was in school years ago. I didn't know he was married when we met initially but when I found out, I was already in love with him. I was young and stupid with my emotions all over the place. I was so in love with him and was carried away by the attention and money he gave me. My mum could barely pay my fees then so I couldn't quit the relationship ...I was so STUPID. We had a disagreement shortly after I found out and i was so hurt I decided to hurt him too so I stole her number from his phone (this was after I saw so many happy pictures of him and his allegedly bad wife that he claimed he will soon divorce on Facebook) And told her everything (up until today there is nothing I regret more in my life than this). I sent her so many nasty messages and the only thing she said to me was "be guided child".
    I went to her Facebook page weeks later and saw a post she made during the period I sent her those messages "heal me of this pain Lord".
    I immediately sent her series of messages begging her to forgive me. She didn't reply any

    Mrs Damilola, if you are a bv, pls forgive me for those messages. I am so sorry ma. I know I caused you pain but I beg you in the name of God pls ma binu I didn't fully understand the implications of what I did. In fact I had no reason or excuse whatsoever for what I did. Pls find a place in your heart to forgive me pls.

    PS: There's no insult you guys will give me that I haven't given myself already so pls save it.

    Should I still send her my apology messages again just in case she's not a bv? It's been over 5 years now

    1. I think as long as you have sent her apologies via fb, then it is okay even though you might never be okay for a while. I like her initial response to you and in that vein I say 'be healed child'. The important thing is that you have realized your wrong, have sought restitution and have asked God for forgiveness.

    2. What if she isn't a bv, go back and make peace with her, beg her till you quench.

    3. Wow. Just pray to God to forgive you. Sending her messages all over may open old wounds.

    4. U no get her no? Call her on phone to apologize, or better still go to her house, lol

    5. Why will u insult another man's wife? Why don't u face ur lie lie sugar daddy? U lucky she only said 'be guided child', some woulda wrecked ur life with partial madness or make u ugly in spirit that any guy dat sees u would see a mask n you'll be running from church to church doing deliverance.

    6. I guess something has started pursuing you? locate her and beg for forgiveness.

    7. Seems Karma Don hook your neck.

    8. Anon9:03, let that woman be.OK. Ask God for forgiveness and keep it moving. Its five freaking yrs already. Believe me,she had closed your chapter along time ago. Stop allowing the devil use your past against you,ask God for forgiveness and mercy and keep it moving already. We learn everyday.

    9. Yes. Send her a direct message.

      You also have to forgive yourself and ask God for forgiveness.

      Be good

    10. Since you have moved on and deep in your heart you feel sorry. I think by your strips you are healed!!!

      But flee from fornication..
      You can go to her Facebook page and send more apologizes... As long as you are honest with it..

      May God guide you

    11. God bless you dear.Thank God you realized your mistake and asked for forgiveness.I believe that Mrs Families is a true child of God and has forgiven you and I know that God has also forgiven you since you genuinely seek his forgiveness.It is well with you.

    12. I think u should let her be,ask God for forgiveness and forgive yourself too
      Or are still dating the man???

    13. You will die of guilt. Ashewo bastard.

    14. Forgive yourself and move on 🏃

  14. Please who has used this ivory caps for lightening or is probably using it. Does it have any side effect cos I'm sure it definitely will. My good friend is using it and to think she bought it quite expensive. I don talk tire. Everybody wanna be light skinned.

  15. Good morning Stella and everyone here....

    Good to be here today, been so busy. Being an adult is no joke at all, it is well.

    Have a great day people!

  16. Mama Nnuku stopped commenting for some time and cane back with a fabricated story, issacsoon did same. All to get money from Stella. Now it is Rhoda Rex.madam,come out of hiding. We know you are here. You also want to hide and come back with heart wrenching story after sometime. You people must really think we are gullible here.

    1. So you woke up this morning with this on your mind, probably you didn't sleep well, cos you were waiting anxiously for 8am to post this.... Smh.

  17. Good morning people
    May the Lord bless your hustle
    Have a lovely day

  18. I Thank God for saving my hubby from accident. He is a faithful God. Good morning my SDK fam.

  19. Good beautiful morning to you all.

    God bless you all as you go about your hustles😂😂😂😂😂😂.

    I want to go inspirational,the thing no fit me😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    1. Lady bug the bugger how are you

    2. For the first time in my life, I love an SDK troll. It doesn't mean I won't spray you with baygon and sniper sha.

    3. Babe I like u jare. Gats not time to lick ass

    4. Stella no chronicles yesterday? ABEG instead of anonymous gists let's bring to chronicles nauu. Na wa oh! I scrolled and scrolled nothing. #bringbackourchronicles 😂

    5. Ehen.... chike ugebe m I saw your S/O yesterday. You ehn 😂😂 You go do this blog boo soteey some people go begin jealous. Have a nice day di m oma ❤ hustle well oh so we can pop dom Perignon(s) 😉

    6. Cray😂😂😂😂😂😂

    7. Ah! My crush @Lady Bug. Better be a fine girl cos I am a handsome dude.

  20. When u want ur woman to be an angel for u, u must first create a heaven for her

    Click on this link to join d WhatsApp group of Edo/Delta 2017 SDK party holding in Benin

  21. Sp is here....Kisses 2 u too Stella....Benue bvs are we not having Sdk party? or rather middle belt region...hehehehe

    1. Na so so fried yam go full the party menu😂😂😂

  22. In the office......

    Good morning my neighbours!

    So yesterday BV Ola Wealth asked us to try a game.As I no dey like carry last,I quickly typed "Jump on my....
    I was shocked when "bum" was the suggestion.Nawa o!

    "Time carries all things......Virgil

    I recently realized the pubes turn grey too with age.What a bummer!Can laser be used for the down below?
    This made me sad.

    TGW a beg send some hugs my way.*in Justyswt's voice

  23. Good morning All.
    Feeling sad this morning but God got me!

    1. Hope it's not that your sperm dried up because I still need some against next year.

      It is well.

    2. Don't be sad ohhhhh, God will perfect all

  24. When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us.#inspiremyWednesday.
    Good morning fam,remember don't be a shitty person today.....

  25. With grateful heart I say thank you lord.
    Good morning beautiful people with a beautiful God.

  26. CrazyHornyWife21 June 2017 at 09:05

    Hi Atheist,your brother is doing good and acting much like you,with all his million dollar questions about God and Christianity that is driving me nuts!!!!
    How does your wife/gf\spouse cope????????
    Hi every1.hope you all are doinggreat!!! Goodnyt😘😘😘😘

  27. Good morning FAM!I have python fat for thick stretch does wonders for stretch marks so ladies with stretch marks,click on my profile to place and my hustle pls plsss and plsssss.

    1. Now you are talking, follow your hustle 😁😁😁😁

  28. Happy Wednesday all Miss priya I heart you!

    Where is beloved?
    Simi,Sharon,manna bee,sexy daddy,sandy yo, Xp how are you all doing?

    I just heard people have started leaving Kano pls bvs in Kano confirm this story abeg!

    1. Sexy Bee10 how is you and family?

    2. Were is beloved oooo???
      Gudmorin love

    3. Beloved is busy with her project questionnaire.

    4. Morning bee10. I'm good. How have you been??

    5. I am very fine ma darlyn. Trust you are doing good too.
      Heard so too from ma people in kano. They have made people to start panicking like relocation is an easy something. Mscheeeeew.

  29. Good morning fellow beevees
    God will bless our hustles and shine his light on our path as we step out today.
    I pray I get shortlisted for the job...beevees please pray for me, your prayers will go a long way.
    I will come back and share my testimony.

  30. Good morning this morning.
    Chai,my body is just sweeting me.
    Yay...I'm gonna be a year older tomorrow.
    Kisses to everyone😘😘😘😘😘

  31. to all those who asked the chronicles' lady of June 11 to keep hiding her dirty secret from her husband, i pray the same fate befalls all of u and may u never find out, amen... such wickedness in women's hearts... how do u people even live with yourselves??

  32. Good morning Sdkites...

  33. Animals can rain from the sky, it's a rare phenomenon but it has occurred in many countries throughout history.

  34. So yday I was able to join the hallelujah challenge for just 5mins on fb. And healing has come. I am grateful lord.


  35. A thousand shall fall at my side,ten thousand at my right hand but it shall not come near me and my household in the name of Jesus Christ.That is my portion and yours today.Good morning and stay blessed.

  36. Good morning great people. I cant follow yaw or listen to news because we dont like noise in the office. So those that watch may God bless you all.

    Something entered my mind this morning about this Halleluyah challenge and it is about seed sowing. Those of you doing the challenge, has it entered your mind to sow a seed and tell God what He should do for you. Try it and see the difference. The seed of the woman will bruise the head of the serpent. David was a singer and also a giver. He said to himself i will never give to God what does not cost me. So I am asking again, you all doing Hallelulay Challenge have you given God what cost you so much so that your prayers can be answered. It is between you and God and no one. When you have made the vow to sow a beautiful seed, go a church you think you are good with and sow your seed, you dont need to let your Pastor know about it.

    I am saying this because I knew the seed we sow during my sister's wedding brought a beautiful wedding that people are still talking about.

    Let your seed speak for you. Just like the wicked ones that sacrifice anything to see that you dont progress, you too you have to sacrifice too to see that they dont win in your life. Do it ooo. It entered into my heart early morning by 3.00 a.m. to talk about this.

    I have seen what God does when you sow to reap bountifully. No be only sing sing you go do, try and give God your money too and see how the mighty rain will fall on you.

    Go and ask all those big men what they do that made them to be strong despite the recession.

    Had to leave early because of the hold up and thank God i got to the office by 7.10 a.m. Taking green tea this morning with cake. Wedding cake things.

    Love you all and see you again

    1. They have been sowing seeds in form of recharge cards.

      It must not be to a church.

    2. That seed sowing na true talk cos I just learnt so much about it yesterday. Yori princess how are you? Enjoy your tea

    3. Yori yori princess you are 100% correct! Sacrifice is the most financial secret people have not know.Some people here don't even go to church or pay their tithes.

    4. Yoriyori, nice word. Trust you are good

  37. Lmao!

    Lady Bug it's easy nah ...
    Just go copy and paste.

    On second thought,it might not be so easy as all the inspirational messages have already been copied and pasted here.

    Thank God for people like Chikito and Doppelganger here.At least the stories are original and fun to read.

  38. Anon 9:03
    Its not only mama nnuku, Thelma cakes and Olori bata abi na photography, have also disappeared. They will tell Stella stories that tickles the bum bum when they are contacted.

    1. Lol.. @09: 13. There are so many smooth criminals here on SDK

  39. Tuesday, 20th June 8:47pm

    Hehehe... Thats how stella's blog has made me a superstar!! 😂😂

    Just this afternoon one of my direct bosses asked me if I'm friendly with the overall boss. I told him no oh that we don't talk and the man is always shouting anyway. So me sef dey give am space cos I'm still new and i don't understand his personality.

    So, oga came back from Abuja today. And met us closing for the day. Being his dry self, he just stared queerly. And went to his office. After about 10 minutes, he came back to our office saying he just got a call about one Evans guy that has anyone heard about his arrest. I was just facing my computer, and the other three guys were giving shallow responses. (Hehehe! For where i learn amebor for SDK?? Never!!) *clears throat* Ah! I gave him the low down. When he was sceptical about my details, i told him that i will come to his office with something. One of the other guys now asked me if i have interest in investigative journalism, i told him no oh. (Emi ke? Oluwadarasimi's anike? 😂) I carried my laptop there opened some of SDK's accounts and showed him. Infact the way i was talking you will think I'm police PRO. Action movie descriptions. From the one they kidnapped him, to his wife's report to the victim's accounts sef and how it matched his own. Oga's eyes lit up in amusement 😂😂 He now called others on the intercom to come and listen. And went on to give us a mini-lecture on how to reduce personal information that goes to the public, using himself as an example.

    Anyway, he thanked me and said i should keep him updated cos he wont have time to fllow this news. How's that for being an ardent BV? 😁
    Thanks Stella bae 😚😚 See why I love you? 😉

    Make i begin go house *whistling happily*

    1. Hi chikito and congrats, we will still relate anyhow as I am your fellow malabress

    2. Morning chikito. Have a lovely day dear💋💋

    3. Lols😂😁😀
      Stella's PA

    4. 😁😁😁😁😁, investigation mama 🙆

    5. Chikito you are indeed a blessed lady. I remember people were congratulating you on your new job less than 2 months ago. You got promoted in less than 3 months of getting a new job?
      The God that did it for you will definitely do it for me...IJN, Amen!!

  40. Anon 9:03 have you asked God to forgive you? If you had done that and you also asked for forgiveness over 5 years, then forget about it and look forward. Dont let the past bring you down. You did it when you were stupid and now you are grown and have know the repercussion. Go to God in prayers and ask for His sincere mercy on you. It is well.

    That man is a HORSEBAND

  41. Good morning beautiful people. May God direct our steps today. Stella its not raining here this morning, maybe before it will.

  42. @Trinity happy belated birthday. Sorry I saw it late yesterday. I just posted my comment and ran off. Hope you had a swirl time? God bless you and your cutie pie.

    Pls if i forget to return a S/O, congratulate or wish you Happy birthday, just bear with me. These are trying times. As you can I'm trying to meet expectations so I can balance well for this corner wey i dey. I no wan hear say them shoot bird the mama fly....

    Do have a nice day everyone. God bless our hustle oh. Check back on IHN

  43. Good morning y'all

    Learn what the trouble has to teach, and it is trouble no more. Grow to be the person who can deal with the problem, and it is no longer a problem.

    By making a mistake you empower yourself to never make it again. As morning always follows night, the light of wisdom emerges as a matter of course from pain.

    If you had never known darkness, you could not fully appreciate the wonder, the miracle, the power of light. From every experience you grow stronger.

    Now, take that strength you’ve earned and point it toward what you love. Today, life is yours and possibilities abound, so make it all count.

    Live joy so completely that it seems it will never end. Endure pain boldly, knowing you’ll soon be looking back on it from a stronger, higher perspective.

    Whatever happened yesterday, today is your opportunity to do better, to live smarter, to exercise new power and create new value. Appreciate where you have been, and move solidly now in the direction you seek to go.

    1. We don hear all these things tire,abeg😏

  44. Good morning y'all

    Learn what the trouble has to teach, and it is trouble no more. Grow to be the person who can deal with the problem, and it is no longer a problem.

    By making a mistake you empower yourself to never make it again. As morning always follows night, the light of wisdom emerges as a matter of course from pain.

    If you had never known darkness, you could not fully appreciate the wonder, the miracle, the power of light. From every experience you grow stronger.

    Now, take that strength you’ve earned and point it toward what you love. Today, life is yours and possibilities abound, so make it all count.

    Live joy so completely that it seems it will never end. Endure pain boldly, knowing you’ll soon be looking back on it from a stronger, higher perspective.

    Whatever happened yesterday, today is your opportunity to do better, to live smarter, to exercise new power and create new value. Appreciate where you have been, and move solidly now in the direction you seek to go.

  45. Hello bvs, do have a blessed day today.

  46. My whole area is on lockdown, some guy was shot and killed last night. Police will have a field day.mass arrest ti take over.

  47. People like pipilee should be exposed on this blog.gossiping about bvs at their back and laughing wit dem here.
    SLIMY bvs are pipilee, chiexotic, diva, I have dirt's on dem.

    1. For your mind?

      The one wey you and your fellow anger child wan spill about me years ago never still brew finish till today.

      Get away from here

  48. @Sharon I saw your comment yesterday....... LWKMD. I am not that bad. Thanks for answering. Please, I am not an affronter.

    There are many Faultfinders, carpers, castigators, cavilers, censurers, criticizers, disparagers, critics, hypercritics, knockers, nigglers and nitpickers on this blog but I've realised that they are not worth the replies. They have the right to say whatsoever they want to say and I have the right to see it and move on without wasting my strength and I.Q on anger. Na the work wey dem they do. They actually add spice (chilli pepper) to the blog.

    1. Hehehehehe Arcadian arch, let me tickle ya bumbum...hehehehee

  49. Good morning all, may Jehovah name be priase for another beautiful day, may we all have a fruitful​ day ahead

  50. Good morning everyone, ThankGod for another beautiful Wednesday morning, thank Him for His mercies and blessings in our day to day activities, may His name continually be praised.

  51. It's a cold morning. I nearly got into a fix yesterday, didn't know when it isn't Itam market day, the place (the main section where traders gather to make the market bubble - forgotten what they call this section) will be empty...thank God for Akpanandem market and this is one reason I miss Lagos.
    I do not feel the 'remember me' video of Jennifer Hudson. Video is too dark, I expected something different. I even prefer her performance regarding the song on the just concluded 'the voice' but great voice Jenny. You caught my attention in dream girls and I remember arguing with my gem till my voice was hoarse, how you were better than Beyonce and how your voice can give chills. I haven't seen that again, it's as if you are more cultured now, trying to give a tough girl vibe.

  52. When you received a call that gives you beautiful insomnia.
    There is more happiness in giving than receiving.
    You guys made my day yesterday
    I am so grateful for all the lovely compliments

    Today take a decision, commit and succeed
    Today I will be meeting a great person that will impact my career positively.
    God pls direct my steps.
    Stellz,chikito my petite twinnie,pastors daughter, darasimi darling,yoriyori the tea boss,Sharon we re fruitful.
    Wishing us all a miracle filled day
    Iphie its been a yle ooo.
    Peace unto us.

    1. Morning orente. Fab day ahead

    2. Amen ijn
      Motherhood is our portion ijn
      Gudmorin dear

  53. Good morning!!.. I met spontaneous post!!.... how y'all doing. Chikito I'm still a fan

  54. Thanks God I meet sp today.advice to the generous wife, stop out doing urself all in the name of being relevant in a faceless blog, haba, na only u waka come? Mrs nice, see ppl should beware of this kind of ppl,y mind is telling me that her ways no pure. Have u ever seen her comments on any post that has nothing to do with tohtoh n dick? She is vain! She doesn't even have her own identity, she.has to put somebody s name to define herself, idiot I know u won't reply with ur known id, jobless thing. BTW u forgot to tell her the part where u woke up from ur dream, in the story u told us about meeting another arindin like u at the airport

    1. The interesting aspect me I loved was that she was busted when she lied she went to Germany , to wipe the embarrassment she had to fry chinchin and distribute, bringing out the stupidity in her friends.

    2. Na wa oh people like you needs to be locked up!

    3. wa for you so the chinchin pain you reach?

    4. Anon 09:48 really? I must have missed the post she was busted abeg gist me na

  55. The day is really brighu today. We thank the lord

  56. To everyone out there, working hard & smart to earn a legal good living, God will bless your work/s soon IJN. Don't give up, stay blessed!

  57. Thank you Jesus gradually getting better I refuse to be sick in Jesus name

  58. There's a big difference between "discipline" and torture.
    My neighbor tortures her maid, and it tears my heart because she's a mother just like me.
    Why would you beat your maid and leave marks on her body and put pepper in her eyes(cause she "stole" your soup).
    1-2 hours of nonstop beating(every now and then, especially at night).
    Her husband doesn't talk.
    No one wants to talk,because the last person that confronted her fell ill for months and spent a lot on treatment.
    This last one was the height, one of my neighbor couldn't bear it and shouted at the woman.
    I can't bear it, the pain in that maid's voice as she cried out for help before running out though...
    God have mercy on children all around the world being tortured or abused.
    Wicked people everywhere...

    1. If you can, secretly report her to the police

  59. On way to work I love Jesus bless me


    Click this link and know WHO IS WHO on blog. The days of honest commenting is near to end as slicking and dry comments.

    I will be back in few days to come. Get ready to take the blog to the sweet days it used to have.

    1. U mean the insults and hates
      I don't comment then CU's the hate was too much

  61. Good morning bvs. It was a coldish nite. It rained heavily here as well. A beautiful day to us all.

  62. God almighty pls heal me completely. Am tire of seeing my period every month, pls God bless my womb. I want to carry my children in my hand accept my prayer in Jesus name name.

  63. Ripudex thank God for your husband. May God keep your family free from accidents Amen.

    Bee10 Mama twins come and enjoy tea with me jare.

    Yogi Delma are you in Lagos. I think i want to join this yoga class

  64. Ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa

    I'm just reading comments and laughing here...

    Una weh don oooo

  65. Waow!

    Intelligentsia Princess,calm down babes!Your comment is so sibilant reading it out aloud makes me sound like a snake.

  66. Cold want to finish us here. Count down to Eid al-Fitri
    Olorun a bawa mojo lowo. Ameen.

  67. God please attend to my cry for a child.


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