Stella Dimoko Tonto Dikeh's 'Orubebe' Writes A Long Post Defending Her As Regards Her Paying The Bride Price On Herself..


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Tonto Dikeh's 'Orubebe' Writes A Long Post Defending Her As Regards Her Paying The Bride Price On Herself..

Newly Single Actress Tonto Dikeh and her Anonymous 'Orubebe' put up a defence after people doubted that she paid her returned Bride price #TontoGATE


  1. Replies
    1. Now that the marriage is officially over, can they both rest now and stop with the noise?

      All the Mr X... this is how it ended. #sad.

    2. "You all should shut up already"..
      I personally find dat paragraph insulting..
      The painful tin is dat Tonto doesn't have good friends that tell her the truth. She's been surrounded by assholes because of the little stipends they collect from her.. they're all ass lickers.
      Her sick game has backfired and many more will still backfire on her. I guessed she cooked up the story about her paying her own bride price to rubbish Churchill and damage his ego but rather it turned against her. I mean how can u pay your own bride price and also have same bride price returned back? I simply am finding hard to understand and correlate. Tonto is beautiful so why on earth would she even pay her own bride price? Was she dat desperate to be married or what? The Tonto i know won't have married Churchill if he had no money coz we all know she's very materialistic. She can't even date a broke ass nigga. So Tonto plz quit trying already coz your game is up. You ain't fooling anyone anymore coz we have minds of our own and can't be part of your sick mind games. You have tried all u can to rubbish churchill but it's simply not working. You're a pathological liar. All your marital stories lack inconsistency n are incoherent. They're not adding up at all. Quit using people to fight for u. The truth is u can't bring Churchill down coz he's a master of this game!!!

      @Cutie_juls plz pick a struggle coz your own kind of journalism is sick n wack. You're full of hate n bullshit!!!

    3. Tonto. Shut up u mad fool,how much is bride price that a man can't pay, maybe your poor father wanted too much andu decided to go behind chuchill bk to please ur dad,all I know is u lack home training. No man will ever marry u,go and get a husbad from jupita evil child

  2. πŸ—πŸ—πŸΈπŸΈ

    1. And the fool defending the Tonto, why are you now shouting? You people will make selfish, wicked and stupid decisions, but come out playing the victim card when things go south. Excuse me, Tonto's voltron, did u advise ur friend against sleeping and marrying a married man?? (plus the others prior to Church) Did you advise ur friend against marrying someone after only 6months simply because she got pregnant? WHY DIDNT U ADVISE HER AGAINST PAYING HER OWN BRIDE PRICE? What the hell did u think would happen when u marry someone who has no sense of pride enough to pay ur bride price? (that's assuming ur allegations are true, which I strongly doubt)
      You fools will see fire, carry ur legs to enter that fire, then come out bitter and spitting nonsense after fire has burnt you. And still won't tell yourselves that you were wrong. You would rather keep blaming the fire when all it knows how to do is BURN.

    2. Lily Rose why you dey shout?

    3. I thought divorce is for people who are legall married in court or church. Why is Tonto confusing people with this her divorce nonsense. Your dumb of a husband who saw all the cool headed girls and maltreated them told us he only did introduction because you got pregnant. So when has introduction become legally binding. Again Tonto u came here with your drama to say you paid for your bride price. So if it's true you paid your bride price, why ask Churchill for divorce. Divorce on what grounds? I expected you tell your father or whoever collected your bride price from you to return same to you and allow the poor man and the general public rest.

      You seriously need help as you are tending towards mental instability. And who are your friends that can't even advisee you to reduce your show of shame.
      Honestly I think you are mentally sick and rehab not a bad place to restore you. The level of hurt you have on the inside is heavy. Pls go to a secluded place and let it out. If it means crying, my dear cry and let go.
      This show of shame is very embarrassing to the womenfolk. Pls are there no elders in your family to advise you or have you turned to the proverbial agama lizard....I'm seriously shaking my head for you.
      Pls mellow down and find strength in God to pull thru your heartbreak. It may not be easy but if you seek God and learn the act of forgiveness, you will overcome. The rate you are going is scaring, I just fear you won't do something stupid one day...Pls guard yourself and stay out of unnecessary pretence.

      May God help you honestly.


    4. My dear. Her friends and those she surrounded herself with are them Abuja big babes and known married lesbians them YUTEE the Elephant lady with her twins Mercy Igbokwe etc. these people are not telling this mentally unstable Charity DIKE the truth.. ISO pity Churchill however Tonto finally disgraced herself , she overdid the whole thing.

  3. Hmmmmmm it is well.

    Churchhill shame on you. Oya return the 5% of tontoh brideprice.

    Shameless man

    1. Youu are still stupid as ever. I hope you are happily married. Tribalistic idiot

    2. What is more shameless than paying your own brideprice? Sounds like "desperation" is tattooed on her soul! Nobody needed to hear how stained their underwears are or who smells worse in the morning, two grown adults should learn to act their age and NOT shoe size especially when a child is involved. What breed of moron dances on social media after the brideprice she allegedly paid was returned? Can't she keep quiet and let this phase of her life go by and give sanity to a poor child caught in between this nonsense

    3. Anon 19;49 no she can't keep quiet.. Leave her to be talking nonsense upandan. I'm not siding Churchill buh d guy is mature. Tonto tink say every tin na madness.

  4. Abet shut up! Be there drinking panadol for another man's headache. So tontoh didn't know Churchill was married before now with kid?

    Love was blinding her then abi? You guys have helped her to become baby mama now and I hope you all have good time together. Bird of the same feather.

    1. Don't mind the fool. Tonto knew and the wife then wanted to reach out to her but greed wouldn't allow her.

  5. Stella please ask Tonto to go on vacation. She also need to go for mental evaluation. She isn't alright please. This girl is about to break down.

    1. That's a good advice,let her go overseas and cool down.she needs to cool off somewhere fast,she's gradually losing her mind but she doesn't know.d emotional torture is too much pls Tonto,u can go to a monastery it will help u bounce back

    2. E go pass TeeBillz own? At least water plenty for Rivers State...make she kuku jump

    3. Good suggestion. But I doubt this would work. This is Tonto's normal. Even if she goes on vacation, behaviour na smoke e must find way to express hinsef.

  6. Lol @ Orubebe

    The parties involved have moved on. All these trolls should look elsewhere.

    1. You dey mind thm? Talking shit when the did is already done. They should just welcome her now to their club.

  7. I think Tonto is really confused. is there a need for a divorce for a traditional marriage???? They didn't marry in court so what is the request for divorce for?

    1. God bless u anonymous 17:51. Ds tonto must tink we are all as daft as she is! Common sense,she nor just get! I tink she's seriously loosing it o! Hw can u ask for a divorce frm a man dat neva married u? Does ds girl tink before she writes her comments at all? Tonto ur market price don diminish now o! U nw a second hand! A tokunboh! Ur market value don reduce tremendously! U are nw one of d members of baby mama's association! U nor get value again!u had beta go bk to acting ur first true love,and embrace it warmly! U nor go sell for runs market again! Besides abuja guys are no longer smiling! Recession and ds buhari govt de deal wit dem big time!so go pick a hurstle so dat u go fit tk cr of ur son Andre! Me I don talk my own!

    2. You guys are the one that is wrong. Traditional marriage is the widely accepted marriage in Africa. White wedding is an imported marriage. Without traditional wedding , no church will wed you. And Jesus in the Bible attended a traditional marriage.

      No marriage is greater than that payment of bride price so yes she can ask for a divorce. And divorce for traditional marriage is returning of bride price while that for court is what it is.

      Yall should free her. She said her story. Churchill said his. We all don't know what the truth is. If they have divorced and moved on, then we should move and and stop dwelling on other propels problem

    3. Teach them....traditional marriage is the real deal na the only wedding in the bible...white wedding is not our culture it's oyibo them kind.make una hear.

    4. In my place oh,i.e Anam bra, bride price is returned just like they did in Tonto case. It's form of a divorce. Alot of people are ignorant here oh. My cousins had problems with the hubby just after traditional wedding.after two years,she found a man and was going to marry. We needed to return the things the ex paid for. She told my grandfather to just return 50k to the man's family, that she did most of the expenses any case, bride price must be returned to end the marriage even if the bride loaned the money to the groom to pay. Abeg I'm too busy to explain but from all the comments here and other places shows alot of people are really ignorant of Nigerian customary law concerning marriages.

  8. I hope this ends soon already

  9. Mtchew, pls go to blazes. Next post pls...

  10. Make we hear word na. Tonto this. Churchill that. una nor dey tire?

  11. awww the fork did 2 strensh craetures mate and got marrid!!! ???

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. Hehehehuhuhu

      Good morning Villager

  12. Chimo, no wonder the marriage did not work,how can a woman pay her own brides price.

    1. Hahahaha @ monkeynofine
      But alas, u have spoken d truth

    2. Monkeynofine your mama born you well

  13. Wow wow wow oshey ambulance πŸš‘πŸš‘πŸš‘

  14. Hmmmm! What really caused tonto's marriage to crash!!!! Side hen? Cheating? Dishonesty? Voodoo? STD's? Or what! If Church gate was a good man, they will still be together right now! So I won't blame tonto but the immoral spirit taking over marriages and youths in najia and other parts of the world!

  15. This thing is just getting messier by the day.
    Tonto you do realise you left this marriage with a son who one day will get married and need the support of his father,or who will act as his father on the wedding day. Whose family compound will they use. Dike compound or Churchill compound and kingsmen. You don't fight a man you have a son for to the extent of drawing blood. Always leave a bridge open. Because you cannot teach a boy how to be a man. Only a father can effectively do that. Even if you have all the money and love.
    I have friends who have divorced parents who don't neccessarily like each other but they tolerate each other and even seat together with their respective spouse on the wedding day, naming ceremony etc. They do not like eachother but they tolerate eachother for the sake of their child.
    Some in-laws are funny and may judge a child who has no father or mother present on some crucial days like wedding,naming ceremony etc.
    I have a church member whose father inlaw and grooms familt refused to pay this girls bride price because they didn't present the father as the parents were at war.
    Then Tonto do you still have intention of marrying one day. Because I don't know the sort of family that will come across with all your drama with Churchills mother, family etc and the sordid details and feel comfortable their son marrying you.
    Some things are better left unsaid or kept as gist between you and your close ally. You alleging a son sleeping with his mother and saying it outside the confines of your close alley isn't wise.
    I hope you know what you are doing. You can fight your ex yes,but not in the media with all the details as public knowledge.

    1. No leave her to bring out all her dirty pants in public.. Na she go lose last last cos Churchill doesn't send her. I wonder wat happened to having mature separation without instagram knowing. Rubbish

    2. Remain blessed 4 this comment.

    3. Where is that Ola that was crying upandan that Tonto didn't send that text? You see yourself? Vouching for who you don't know. If she didn't sent that message wouldn't she have debunked it thru this medium? She sent that message to Churchill's mum jooor!

    4. This is the truth B n R, the internet never ever forgets. There are divorce couples that still manage things just for the sake of their kids. Tonto be wise!

    5. Bed And Roses, I like most of your comment. The only part I take exception to is the one where you call people being careful about single-mother raised girls funny.

      They discriminate such girls with very good reason. I repeat, very good reason. Look at Tonti for example, if her child were a girl, would you allow any son of yours to marry her? Let's be honest here.

      Now, the reason why Tonto's case is trending is because she's a star and has a platform and bloggers are pouring petrol on their fire to make money.

      Imagine that there are some relatively unknown single mothers who may be just as emotional dysfunctional as Tonto and try to think of the damage these scorned women will do to their children just to spite their father.

      You talk about couples putting on a front for the sake of their children, now imagine how bad it is that a father isn't invited to wedding or intro of his children, ir he flat out refuses to show up. You think it's just a little thing? Do you even know the psychological implications on the psyche of the child involved and how it colours their view of marriage as an institution?

      Abeg o.

      Go to divorce court and here stories. Some children are damaged and you would never know until something triggers a manifestation of how badly they have been brought up.

      TD Jakes made a statement, "some women do not know what it feels like to have a man in the home and how to manage that relationship". Is it a girl who has been told not to "gree" for any man that I will praybfor my sons to marry? Na fight dem dey go fight for marriage?

    6. Oh spare me with this father nonsense!!! I'm not supporting tonto her but any man who does not want to play a father to a child he fathered is not a woman's problem. The world is changing and people don't care anymore. Anyone that showed u love when u were growing up becomes ur father/mother. D sperm donor can go to hell. My hubby was brought up by d mum's family and now na only them he sabi o. Dnt even make d mistake of mentioning his father to him. And guess what? He is well behaved more than the so called people that had father figure.

  16. She has come up with another lying tales again, hisses

  17. When she was posting pictures of gifts from "mr X / kingkong" she didn't know it will turn out this way. If Mr x could buy you a car and other things, why can't he afford your bride price?

  18. Up tontoπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

  19. Can Tonto stop all this? You r writing and defending yourself and at the same time defaming Churchill.

    Ain't you bitter? You've gotten your freedom and danced right? Then shut the fuck up and let us rest.

    You didn't know he was married but u were hiding him.

    Thank God for malivihood or what ever he calls him self. God saved you from Tonto and her venom

    Kunle, u want fame and a celeb and a slay mama right? Good for you. You think bad girls make better wives? Hahahahahahahaha

    1. Jasmine only u get sense for here

  20. @Anon, I think she meant a traditional divorce. A 'divorce' though an english term is simply a dissolution of marriage. So yes, she got divorced traditionally yesterday.

    And no, she is not mentally deranged. She is just doing something different from the norm. Ours is a culture of shame, everyone expects a woman whose marriage is over to bow in shame and ashcloth and cry out for pity and help. The refusal of Tonto and Toke to submit to such norms are making people go crazy. How dare them be happy after all these? How dare them live like they didn't just lose their marriage?? It is Marriage oh, almighty marriage, the holy grail of Nigeria. But why are we a people so bitter?

    We want her to be 'humble' and 'timid' and beg her husband and be Mrs Longsuffering and Mrs submissive even in the face of cheating and battering (if all alleged is true). So we can give her a title of 'good woman'. Well, she refused to be all this. Girl refused. Let her live, please.

    She released a dance video yesterday but even at that, some of you were seeing pain. Truth is, you want her to show pain. Cos what is y'alls business measuring people's happiness anyway? I say I am happy, you still want to force sadness upon me. You simply want her to release a crying video so you can 'pray for her', 'share her sorrow', give miserable advice and throw a pity party. But she doesn't want that and y'all are mad. That's why all the sad chronicles come in anonymously. You live in a fearful marriage, without the courage to leave. Which is fine, but why judge her decision to do different?

    Please let us stop measuring who is happy and who is not abeg. I know the Naija culture has a lot of hate, wickedness, amebo, envy and bitterness in it but we can grow past it. I have grown past it. Life is better that way.

    1. Thank you o. Help tell them congratulations to you Tonto.You went in and came out alive. There's every reason to be happy my dear.

    2. Ladies Pls stop encouraging nonsense. She came out alive my foot!
      Tonto is weird and should be grateful someone agreed to marry her.
      Who pays her dowry!
      Stupidity and shameful in all shades.

      If she likes let her dance like Solomon.

    3. Tonto please dance well well, this is the problem with Nigerians thinking of what people will say, if i may ask who are the people, yes she made a mistake, don't expect her to die in the mistake, this shows that nothing is too late, every mistake can be corrected. Abeg tonto collect hug.

    4. My dear Anon, plenty women pay their dowry oh. I didn't pay mine but if you're okay and the man is struggling financially, nothing wrong in being supportive. That someone paid her bride price doesn't mean they present it, it means she gave the man money to be presented that waoh for people oh. I seems this place only have few adults . How come alot of peeps are reasoning like kids. In as much as I don't support her bringing her business out there but saying that she lied cos the bride price was returned is arranged nonsense. The bride pride must be returned for the marriage to end even if she gave the groom the money. Please know your customary law people.

  21. Na real orubebe Stella! You too much

  22. I still don't believe she gave him the money. Aha!, was the guy that broke, was she that desperate?

    1. He doesn't have to be broke. He does not just value her. That is part of emotional abuse.
      She got pregnant, probably thought she was helping the guy.
      The guy is a scammer. He played on Tonto's immaturity. He is a wicked person.

    2. Anonymous 20:11, abeg clean your mouth. Emotional abuse for not wanting to marry someone? And this is just an allegation, not even proven fact. Come on.

      How do we know Tonti didn't intentionally get pregnantvfor him to force a commitment out of him? Is he the first guy to pour akamu inside her abunna?

      You women need to tone it down on the mental gymnastics. Comments on this thread and other topics on this blog are mind-boggling. A glimpse into how most of you women think is frightening.

      Emotional abuse? Come on.

  23. Hmmmmm. She practically got married to heeself

  24. This man,you have been jumping from one woman to another in the name of marriage. It's safe to say this is your final bus stop!You met your match,Tonto is so ready to drag you till their is no dignity left in you. I honestly feel for you.

    1. Story, Nne no matter what she does to ds man there are plenty fine chicks ready to marry him asap so leave matter

    2. Give dis supposed "dignityless" man another 1yr n watch him walk another beautiful lady 2 matrimony but can u say same 4 Tonto?

      If Tonto feels shes dragging him down she better think again. Shes practically dragging herself down n I pray she doesnt fall into d pit she thinks shes digging 4 churchill.

    3. Final bus stop? Na Japanese man you dey talk to?

      No be naija man be this? E go even quick marry make e pain Tonto.

      And naija babes, na Mrs dey hungry them pass anything.

      Abeggi leave that tin. 3 months e don marry again.

      Dey der make mumu do you like shawamar.

    4. If only Nigerian ladies know what Tonto did for them. There is good side to every bad thing. At least Churchill is well noted as a serial husband. At least he will be careful now and any lady that is not prepared should not go near him. Cos I won't waste my pity on her oh.

  25. MtchΓ¨wπŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺ

  26. Tonto orubebe, this talktalk no tire you??? See the konga wey dey your neck.You are losing it babe, you are! Get a grip of yourself,focus on your child,he needs you now. Shut up for once! HEAL!!!! This drama is not good for your mental health. Go on vacation, cry, have a deep sleep! And Eat. You will be fine. No be only you go go through Divorce, but this drama too much abeg

  27. Tonto please dash me dat pink iPhone 7 Mr X bought for you since una no do again😡

    1. If possible dash me d car too.lool.

  28. Tonto, where is your dignity? You are too small for Churchill. Go and lick your wound. Loser!

  29. Tonto, I will marry you on one condition that is if you promise to pay my bride price.

  30. Chinny baby (in flavor's voice) You are the bomb.

  31. I'm so happy for tonto mehn, everybody know Churchill is a yahoo boy , trying to clean his money now , a cheat and a woman beater . Churchill y beg for reconciliation if you weren't guilty then you release a false text message, no woman leaves a good man. Good riddance to bad rubbish

    1. Actually to be honest with how desperate Nigerian women are do marriage, it takes a looooot for a Nigerian woman to let go. Even if she is dying she will stay put.
      Not because she cares about the man but because of married title.
      For her to leave like that hmmmm

    2. No man leaves a good woman

    3. Anonymous, Tonto left, no woman leaves a good man oh. We woman loves marriage die. A guy can leave his wife because of another pussy,or any flimsy reason but when a woman leave a man, look very well before you go near that man to avoid had I know. Try to see through his lies, watch him blame his wife,how he did everything perfect but run oh. He will never change unless you're ready to tolerate all his shortcomings.Tonto is not an angel, but Church might might be a devil himself. Just like some women, some men are just good for dating not marriage.

  32. Well said chinny.

  33. Enter your comment...Am just sooo bored...what do I do?

  34. Thank you chinny

  35. How come almost everyone here is anonymous? Lol! Scared to express how you really feel with you blog i.d?

    1. Hehehehehehe. Once bitten, twice shy I guess. You know with the Tiwa/TBillz saga

  36. Tonto, what do you want to do with our names? I don't need to put my name to say how it is. What is your orubebe's name? I pray I get to meet you in person soon so that I can tell you how foolish and frustrated you are. Shame!!!


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