Stella Dimoko Saturday Spontaneous Post


Saturday, June 24, 2017

Saturday Spontaneous Post

#saturday #goodvibes #beautifulday #motherhoodrocks #amiraclethat soundslikealieisonitswaytoyou #boyfriendskaputfromtoomuchactivities #cantwaitforsummerhols #shorthashtagday

This heat here is not childs play at allll..I wish for piles and piles of snow...AMEN!

How are you coping with the Rains in Nigeria?Please send some my way.

Who dey go wedding today?#Jollofricethings

You all know how i love to send little memos.............*smile*

One sicko has been posting that I am the one running the Queen and Boss ID on this blog and I seem to have rested it cos Linda has not been posting....I am sure the nuts are missing in your head,If you Miss Linda say so or ask for her contact so that you can speak with her and hear her sweet voice.......or hold your fire,I am sure she will start commenting soon again.

I also noticed two of the famous three are missing for a few days now..Maybe I am the one also commenting as them huh?Hissssss,continue using your credit to discredit your destiny.

I wonder why Olori footwear went Anon ..hmmmmm!

Today I am hanging out with my boyfriends..They make the best conversation and I am so looking forward to spending mama time with them whilst they obtain me as we go shopping for school stuff for

Do you busy people in Nigeria ever get to spend time with your kids?Not time watching TV;time getting to know them,hear their opinion on stuff,ask them about school,their teachers,their friends,who they like,who stresses them and what they want...Heck I even ask them if they like how the week went with me and I hear all

Will be missing for a bit when i have to play my mama role but will be enabling comments..See why I say Motherhood rocks? 

Kisses to everyone!


I am reposting this advert from yesterday's IHN cos I forgot to include the giveaway...

The first caller gets 2 packs of rice (of their choice) with peppered chicken, goat meat or beef and moimoi or vegetable salad. This will be available to just Port-Harcourt callers unfortunately.'

Contact us - 07031577519 and


  1. Against all odds, you will be celebrated. Your sun will not set in the noon. God will delete your name from the list of those marked for death. You will reap the fruit of your labour. As God rises for you, all your enemies are scattered. God will surprise you pleasantly in Jesus name. Have a great weekend.

    *Heard TGW chinchin is causing serious holdup on this blog😁😁😁😁.

    Tetrina you don chop the chinchin finish?

    Bloggie where are you boo?

    1. Chei, how do some women cope? I did flat twists and used rollers for the tip and couldn't sleep well, woke with a stiff neck, darn!

      Stella, me dey go wedding today, wanted to try a new hairstyle but have my wig close by, can't shout.

    2. Sure by Gods grace. Amen! Howdy babes?

    3. Saturday football things on point.

      Your comment will be visible after approval

    4. Mouth watering advert. Choi! Stella it is so good spending time with your kids. Many parents should try to do this though not so easy with two full time working parents. Just try to make whatever time you have with your kids count and pray for them.

    5. Mouth watering advert. Choi! Stella it is so good spending time with your kids. Many parents should try to do this though not so easy with two full time working parents. Just try to make whatever time you have with your kids count and pray for them.

  2. You cannot go back in time and fix your mistakes, but you can learn from them and forgive yourself for not knowing better.

    Make your happiness and personal growth a priority in your life. The more you take care of yourself, the more you can take care of others .

    Good morning everyone and do have a wonderful day.

  3. "mummy what's virgin"?

    "It means when a girl has not allowed any boy put his pipi(penis) into her bumbum(vagina)"

    Hope I did well?

    Morning guys

    @galour n ladybug, I no fit answer una.

    1. TGW will give you the answer, just wait.

    2. Stella you noticed everyone's disappearance except me.. Infact let me go open my own blog....straight face

  4. A very good morning to the women with natural eyebrows. The rest of you can draw your good morning.😀😀

  5. Good morning Czech Republic

    How's Prague this morning???

    Here, I have come to see my left breast since kidneys have already been sold in Malaysia.

    1. U this babe, u really fit all those ur haters aswear

    2. Hahahhahahhahahahahaahha.
      Shift and lemme faint😂😂😂😂😂😂.

    3. You dey mind those people?

    4. This reply strong o. Hehehe enjoy babe, nothing do you.

    5. 😂😂😂😂😂
      Iblaughed when I saw the comment... Haters gonna hate girl... Enjoy yourself and buy something when coming back😊

  6. TO:
    Miss Priya Lolo EZE In any way I'm king EZE has offended you you, please forgive him. Other ladies are jealous that's why they said you should leave him(they want to take your position). If I open your eyes to see the kind of temptation he is passing through in the hands of ladies as a cute guy that he IS, you will know that he is trying. He opened up to me that if you still doubt his love for you that he will throw away his Ego and dignity just to show you how much he love you. Have you forgotten, just some weeks ago you were confessing how much you love him and promised never to let him go. I know he has messed up, but the temptation was too much. His spirit is willing to overcome the temptation but the body is weak. Biko Nwa oma gbahara maka na olu ya aku go and ahu ajuola ya oyi ka snow. Mgbe ona aku ona ato ya ka Maggi Knor mana omaghi na ihe na ato uto na amazi ula ka obuzi agbalumo. Just some days ago he bought engagement ring for you, now ibu nye ya the heat that you don't know what you feel again and now he is feeling the heat. Please give him another chance and believe me he will handle you with caution because he is regretting his actions.

    I'm king EZE has been crying since and I told him to clean his tears but he told me it's not possible because your PANT is his handkerchief. Miss Priya Nwa oma biko bikonu bikozianu do the needful, inugo? Lol 😂😂😂 so that I'm king EZE will wipe his tear...

    Cookie ika pasa eche mgbe mu ga enye Chikito ring? Nwanne iga atokwa there maka na akporugom nwunye m bu Chikito naa bem.. Lol
    We don't put our family on social media, inugo nne? 😂😂

    Thanks to everyone that congratulated me yesterday. I love you all... 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

    My Chikito, ugegbe oyibo m 1 worldwide. Have some rest, it's weekend... I will prepare your favorite food Nwa oma..😘😘😘

    Sharon Aminu my future ex Bae, biko what is your state of origin???

    Welcome back Kae Kae

    1. Teflon you get mouth! Lols


    2. chike Biko, bikonu, bikozianu Hahahahahajahahaha

      Because your PANT is his handkerchief. 😂 😂

      Because of you I have forgiven him, but he keeps getting himself in trouble, Pls talk to him.

      Good morning Prince Charming

    3. Hiya peoples 👋
      Chike boo, ugebe m... I'm fine oh. Been quite a stressful week. Like today now I'm going to be at work until 5pm. Im not upset sha cos there will be plenty food from cafe gourmet 😉 Congrats on your giveaway jare. Use the money well oh, you hear? God bless your hustle *hugs*

      @Olivia Silk thank uu 💋💋

      @Aeegurl check your mail boo 😚

      @shirley working with guys is fun for me oh. That's my usual setting. Abi the guys na agbero? Lol. Me i get free lunch, free drinks after work esp those who wait out the traffic, advice on a platter and plenty referrals to potential husbands (although that one sef na another headache 👀). Also do fun things for them e.g. Some days show up with fancy food nicely packed (guys like food!!) Other days ask them opinions about one guy toasting you that you dont understand. You will see they will be nicer. I feel happier than my friends who will be going to work with new shoe everyday cos of girl competition in the office. How would you even focus on the job duuuh!!

      @kae_kae congrats on your project. You rock!! 👊

      Choi! Make i go bathe 😁 S/O to all my lovers 😘😘

    4. 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

    5. Lmaooooooooooo....

      Chike, you no well oooo, I didn't understand what you wrote there anyway...

      Priya, don't 'off paent' ooooo, don't be deceived.....

    6. Chiki baby fire, how is you Baybay?

    7. Hahahahahaha hear hear!! .God bless you chike. But you are mad sha lol

    8. Hahahahahaha hear hear!! .God bless you chike. But you are mad sha lol

  7. Good Morning One Big and Happy Family, Happy weekend guys, one love

    1. Which big and happy family?

    2. Big family yeah, but happy? don't think so. Children of Anger plenty here o.

    3. Children of Anger😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

      Better collect your good morning and leave the rest

  8. Ekaro gbogbo ile..
    Its raining again..
    Wet weekend ahead..

    1. Baby!!...
      I heard you misbehaved when I was away...
      Is it true?....

    2. Misbehaved??😂😂😂😂

      No ooooo.. Not me ooo.
      Ask them !!! 😑😑😑😑😑
      Missed you darling..!!

    3. Queen how far? Word is your hubby dealt with you for your cheating posts, lmao...our BVs ehn!

  9. #Never forget 3 types of people in your life:
    1. Who helped you in difficult times.
    2. Who left you in difficult times.
    3. Who put you in difficult times*

    1. Thank you ibukunoluwa. They are pathetic tribalist and immediately they see someone beating them to thier game they start forming saint or victim of the situation. What actually made me go bunker on them was the way they tribalize odun adekola post of cursing those that wished him dead. I was aghast reading some comments. Some gollum said he was making mountain out of molehills. Who sees a death wish as a joke?????? I actually stoop to thier level to let them know we can all play the game. The fact that we ignore does not mean we are spineless.

  10. Abeg abeg for peace to reign on this blog let's stop being tribalistic.
    Wickedness cuts across every tribe same with cheating.
    Enough of you igbo women on this blog trying to sound like saints or like your men are angels abi Evans even with his busy kidnapping job didn't have other girlfriends aside his wife?
    That 80% of popular 🆔s here are igbos doesn't justify the fact that we the 20% Yorubas can't talk pls.
    Omotola went tribalistic days back and eka joy release memo but una dey see queen and love me jeje tribalistic comments and una dey pass am by bah? (all for the love y'all claim to preach here).
    This right here is one of the reasons I lost respect for most of you here.
    E don set.
    Good morning every other tribe apart from Igbo.

    1. Tasty Peppersoup For Events (08182519282)24 June 2017 at 09:16

      Lol...calm down

    2. Nwa nza na echere chi ya ọgụ!.... When the gods want to destroy someone, they first make him mad.


    3. Ibk oma wo n tie.Oga won lo ni ibi yi o ko ma n fori pamo si eyin won ni
      Good morning Ibukun love

    4. Lol. Good morning IBUKUNOLUWA

    5. Wetin don set?
      For you and your type to start going all tribalistic and constituting a nuisance of yourself?
      Because some people are tribalistic must you jump on the bandwagon cause you feel the 80% are oppressing you 20%?
      Do you see the tribalistic ones here being praised and decorated with medals?

      Be tribalistic and don't try to make excuse for it

      Some of us that embrace all tribes won't bother to bicker words with you and your likes.

    6. Why does dat kinda thing disturb you? Majority of yarabas abuse eebohs too na on a daily basis here. Are you saying you dont see dem or is it bcos queen and Yori use their ids ne? I do that too when its called for na. All na play! Just bone and shouldnt let it get to you sha.

    7. Most times I don't read or comment on anything that has to do with tribe here,cos at the end of the day, the comments will only make me sad... Can't we all tolerate each other??

    8. We wey no belong to the major tribes na siddon look we dey.

    9. Why are you shouting??? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

      You and who wan do 'War start'??? Aunty rest, abeg!!!

    10. Queen and boss I wish you the same
      Elastic same to you and yours
      Two illiterates that can't make a sensible comment in full English language.

      Chi exotic have you ever seen me been tribalistic? If ur answer is no then this ur comment right here makes you sound so dumb so I will pass.

      Suwa good morning dear

      Pepper soup I hear

    11. IB this is total bull, first if the Igbos are 80 and Yoruba 20 what about the other tribe here.
      Second of all let's not just go down that road at human is more important that the other, we should all learn to respect and at least be civil.

  11. good morning my county people... how una dey?

  12. Good morning world.
    Pls who is frying Sallah meat today, invite me for tasting, thank you

  13. Happy sm to my lovely bvs. I am alive and grateful. Thank God for the small hols.

    Stella, sending u lots of rain.

    1. This is a testimony from the hallelujah challenge and SDK you need to post it please,for over a month now my husband and I cannot make love simply because his manhood refused to wake up and I was wondering I couldn't talk to anyone about it. Fast forward he joined in the hallelujah challenge and his prayer point is to be able to function as a man behold this morning the manhood rose up we were like praiseeeee the lord and finally we did it. It can only be God because even doctor said he is ok,but nothing.
      Please post oh channel to praising God it even works faster! Forget the gbagam just receive the message

    2. Lmao
      Anonymous your testimony is funny o
      So the joystick don dey rise and shine now? Wonderful.

  14. A slay queen sitting at the back during lectures shouted" we can't see your voice sir. "Please be loudable
    Am still waiting for my turn to faint cos we are fainting according to our matric number 😂😂😂😂

    Good morning Ed.....


    1. Can you stop going MIA on me? Good morning dear💋💋💋💋💋💋💋

  15. Tasty Peppersoup For Events (08182519282)24 June 2017 at 09:05

    Good morning lovelies. Have a great weekend.

  16. Going on a train ride to Ibadan today and I'm so excited.
    Aregbesola made rides free today not like it wasn't affordable but this 4 days is for enjoyment and my trip to Ibadan is just a start.

  17. Yes Stella. Busy people in Nigeria are human beings with the same parental instincts as those abroad and also get to spend time with their kids and get to know them, spend time, ask questions, etc. Infact they do all those things you listed.
    Funny question!

    1. She no follow you fight now, and truth is some people barely make out time not because they don't but logistics before my Sister quit her job herself and hubby were Bankers out at crack of dawn back 9:30 /10 or later depending on traffic .She even worked weekends Sunday is day to catch up cook make hair etc so yeah it's a valid question

  18. I want to use this opportunity to appreciate Stella for gifting me with 50k business support giveaway from her pocket. Stella you surprised me yesterday on a serious note!I appreciate you so much. I will never keep calm to announce it here so that the children of anger here will cry more harder on my case!Thank you Stella and may your Pocket never run dry.More money to your bank account. Thank you once again!Love you my boo#

    1. Congratulations sexy daddy.
      Stella may God bless you.

    2. What of the BV dat wanted to give 50k to a male bv, who later got it?

    3. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

    4. Lol! Congrats to you and Chike

    5. Like say no b she tell u to come loud it here.She fit don refuse to post this comment but whossai?Forgetting that its better to give in secret which God finds more charitable than always wanting glory for measly giveaways.So Stella how did that your rant prove u are not queen and boss?U fit take frog comotfrom olodi apapa but u no fit comot olodi apapa from frog.

    6. Oh nicey! Congrats and enjoy!

    7. So are you going to invest it in ur spermy business?


    8. Amen😘😘😘😘😘congratulations

    9. Congrats Sexy Daddy, Thank you Stella & may God replenish your pocket.

    10. Congrats Sexy Daddy....

    11. Congrats man

      @suckDick, no worry en, u go de alright

  19. Wanted going with my friends to the beach for yhe first time i agreed to their requests.. and rain started this mornining .. is it my fault. Lol.. omo i wish i was married .. so i can be cuddled anyhw.. telling love stories eating and playing in bed... bt omo na only me dey.. no bf no nothing.. see my life.. he will come he will come .. when? I don tire oo

    1. like a thief in the night

    2. Nana pls encourage urself,am just like bf as well.though its boring some times

  20. Lady bug weh done oo

  21. Morning BVs.
    Clean up got me today. Later, I will cook beans and (Pap).
    Justyswt, if they told you it's available for pulse customers only whilst you are on pulse. Do it again today. It's one-day-in, one-day-out.

    Stella, Parents here do not have time for their kids. Where will the time come from. When they leave for work as early as 8am and come back by 7-8pm. Except for those whose work are flexible, a typical Nigerian parents doesn't have time for his/her kids.
    I am a case study.

    1. Na lie, speak for yourself.

    2. Greatlady,speak for yourself please. You all make it look like abroad is heaven and people there are super humans. Who told you that Nigerian parents don't take care of their kids? Nigerian women take care of their kids,create time for them and more. They are obsessed with their kids and go the extra mile. If you leave your kids for your odibo to take care of,na your cup of almond milk be dat.

  22. Ask Princess how is school will ask you what do you want to hear. They will tell you school is fine. So the best I do is mind myself except it is bad. But for now nothing bad happened so they are good to go.

    Good morning great people. Lovely day and I tap into it because God had made it beautiful for all.

    Happy wet day and marraiges taking place you are blessed but I know pray to know how you are feeling because you might feel the rain wants to disturb your day.

    Thank God that First Bank services is back and was able to do all my transactions from the comfort of my home. Good to get money to do what you love doing.

    My lovely friends may God bless you all for me Amen.

    The sky is too wide for everyone of us to collide. Let me get ready to go to my school. Chai school matters I am tired.

    XP I no pray to be in your shoes for running round for your projects and all that.

    Those struggling may God Almighty bless you all Amen. Keep communicating with God because it will end well. Amen.

    Thinking of peppered rice

    1. Pls send some my way, I mean peppered rice.

      Good morning Yori Yori princess

    2. Morning to you too yori yori

    3. Princess Yori Yori it's not an easy something at all especially when a certain Professor with a certain haircut and lifestyle has decided that you must use the last item left in your oblongata, okwa eeh AGHA!..God dey.

      Please I have to beg you, to stop trading words with the anonymous over your Bishop. That is Sacrilege. You don't know there's a special kind of curse that comes with ridiculing an Ordained Man of God, not just a Preacher, a Bishop? End those sperm stories NOW. End it. Make a comment with a Bible verse when you see such under your comments to shut the person up. Thank you.

  23. Cold morning ........ I need warm cuddling badly mehn..

  24. Goat meat pepper soup with body odour! Oh Kord of wonderment.

    Good morning everyone. How y'all doing.

    Cookie rest. I ain't spilling yet.
    Peacemaker I see you are back. Be good.

    TGW darling kisses to you 😘
    Tet. You know that I Know that​ you owe me.

    I need "baba dudu" in my life right now!

    1. I can teach you how to make it if u want

    2. Ibk I will so love you if you do.

      Thank you. Thanku. Thankings you 😘

    3. Lmaooooooooooo

      Wicked girl 😔

  25. It's been a very cold night, it's getting worse this morning.
    So because it's Ramadan Buhari now paid salary even before 25th.
    When it was easter salary came on May 5th.
    Now I won't even blame those who cuss him, it's obvious the kind of leader he is.

    OMG I tasted Edo black soup.
    I think I love it with white Rice. VictoriousEhis come and make me some black soup na 😀🙌🙌

    1. With white rice? I can't oh.

      With pounded yam or nothing.

    2. Sallah or not my company pays us on the 25th and its normal to be paid on time hence there is a celebration ahead.

    3. Black soup na for matured minds.

    4. Only one thing has stopped me from making black soup, all the people I have asked don't seem to know the name of the second leaf used

    5. My dear don't mind Buhari is only God will judge him I received alert by 8pm yesterday something that has never happened before because of Ramadan that's why he paid our salary

    6. Infact, was damn surprised when my alert came in last night. Issorai!

    7. Is buhari in charge now? Smh

    8. Pure Nigerian, any leaf can be used.

      Use uziza and scent leaf. My mum likes to add bitterleaf to hers.

  26. Hi Saturday am resting today

  27. Good morning everyone

    I have an upset stomach. Please send thoughts and prayers.

    1. Morning suwa. Sorry dear. God will heal you

    2. Special greetings Suwa🙌🙌🙌🙌

    3. You'll be fine sis IJN for by His stripes you're healed.

  28. Arrrgh!!!! These Dogs shaaaaa, waking me up from my beauty sleep!! 😰 Mscheeew'!!!
    Had to Rock ystday, been a bit 💃🏿

    Kelvin Dat Edo Boi (Stellz Cousin)

  29. Good morning lovely people, please do anyone know what type of work a WAHEB diploma cert.can get in food hygiene.want to take the exam but don't know if is recognized in naija. please anyone that knows should answer me abeg. Thanks

  30. Rainy saturday. Loving this cold

  31. Eka Joy Let me know if you are in Paris already so that i can send you something to take to Nigeria for me.*wink*..or call me,cant find your number.

  32. I'm chilling naked in bed with boo..happy Saturday bvs.

  33. Good morning my neighbours!
    In the office,on my office couch and I plan to sleep atleast 2hrs.

    I saw "to before warn is to before harm" here yesterday.Sorry but it was so funny.I once saw "what is good for the Jews is good for Uganda" here some years back.This blog's dope.

    TGW you are so cool.Work is good.I am happy the most important parts of the boyfriend's anatomy are all in excellent working condition.I quit chocolates a while back until I got a huge box for a birthday present last month.I tell myself I'm learning self discipline by eating just one a day but the excuses I make up to eat extra is hilarious.I often take credit for even things I had no hand in just to reward myself with chocolates.Thank God I never add weight.You do know how I feel about temptation.
    Hope you and yours are awesome.Don't forget everyday is meant to be lived and happiness and laughter is worth any price.

    That's all folks!

  34. All babies are colourblind when they are born.

    PS. Etsako Pearl, you're welcome dear. Saw your reply late yesterday.

  35. Na wah oh!...
    See what joblessness is causing!...
    So Stella is now me?...
    I'm no longer peacemaker James or Monkeynofine and several other names I have been accused...

  36. Good morning peeps,
    Sdk, no mind ndi uwa abeg. Missing the famous two and famous one jare. You guys should show biko cos una comments dey sweet me for body. Loolz!
    You all should enjoy your weekend and the long break as I am beginning to enjoy mine already. Attended one correct meet and greet dinner abi wetin dem call am last nite and was wowed. Recession dey but not affecting all biko. Hmmmmmmm!
    Have another big night wedding/party to attend this night. Cant wait! Kisses!

  37. Stella when is the next single and mingle I need a boo this cold too much

  38. Congrats Chike Teflon and Sexy Daddy on your 50k giveaway. May God bless Stella and Mrs Bolanle

  39. Thank you Lord for the gift of life.TTC ain't easy.been moody since Tuesday,a friend asked me for some money and I told her I didn't have,she then replied 'what are you doing with your money when you're not paying school fees or buying diapers,a anyways I don't blame stay there and be looking beautiful without children.Ah I died inside...I erased her as a friend that day.Lord when will my triplets come.its been 3 yrs.have mercy on me.#julyforsupernaturalconception

  40. Amen my miracle will sound like a lie. I am fruitful because God says so and I believe in God's word.

  41. Awwww Stella, with all those things you wrote there, motherhood really rocks. You are giving me long throat #Can't wait to meet that amazing guy and start having my own boyfriends.

    Top of the morning lovely Bvs.
    Where did Queen of the blog go to? Missing her comments.

  42. Ibukun my friend calm down oo. I love you or else I go flog ya bumbum 24 strokes and it is Kidjo and cookies I will tell to flog ya Ikebe.

    Who get party, I go pass from school visit una

  43. Counting down to Eid al-Fitri and nothing in the house to celebrate with. this economy is so annoying but we will keep hoping for a change. I wonder how my fellow Muslims managed during this fasting period.

  44. Would have gone for ma colleague's wedding in owerri but work didn't lemme😭😭😭

    Would be going for ma club meeting,then from there to work...

    A splendid weekend to you all...

  45. Rhoda, the Edo witch, kidjos younger sis since I exposed your begging antics, you've been tormenting me in my dreams. Please leave me alone o. I wasn't the one that made you a single mother.just leave me alone and let me enjoy my sleeps at night. Beevees help me tell her. And you lafresh,defender of the universe don't mesnsruate under my comment.

    1. Some of you will just open your mouth and talk rubbish, please leave kidjo out of your drama

    2. The dream wey you dey dream na small. Expect more.

      Touch not God's annointed......

    3. Hahahaha
      So a faceless person torment your dreams?...
      Go and take malaria medicine!...

    4. Na that single mother ish na go kill you. Idiot! I saw all the trash u wrote about me, wehdon ma/sir. And I also saw the other one that claimed I use to flash him/her. Really? 😕 Me, flash u? In your dreams! Stupid people everywhere. U guys won't allow someone to drink water and drop their cup. Any little opportunity you get, instead of making good use of ur time and energy, you'll use it to start jumping from one comment to the other to say trash about others. Make God punish all of Una. Fools!

    5. You have not seen anything ohhh.
      Better come out and confess.

  46. Lmao!

    Excellent answer Quicksilver!
    You go fear questions nah

    Ibk good morning to you too and I am Igbo.
    *Ije Kpoms looong hiss*


    I was so cold earlier this morning so I added a little brandy to my tea.I guess it wasn't so little as suddenly the world seems brighter and sounds sharper.I'm even laughing a little while longer than necessary.
    I do not have a head for alcohol.

    Sorry Suwa Nen.Emjay please pray for her.

    I used to like Ngbor Sira's comments.

  47. It's my birthday yay......happy birthday to me and anyone born on this awesome day, we rock, and June babies rock👑👑👑👑

  48. Today is gonna be a beautiful day for us all.

  49. Gradually loosing it, when you have not worked for 9months... My landlord gave me an ultimatum of 4dayz to leave since I can't renew my rent! Oh God hear my cry.

  50. Gradually loosing it, when you have not worked for 9months... My landlord gave me an ultimatum of 4dayz to leave since I can't renew my rent! Oh God hear my cry.

  51. Asides o2tvseries, what other sites are good for downloading series movies? I saw some others but their advert headache no be hear o. Pls it's urgent

  52. You can't visit Spontaneous post comment section and not laugh, mbanu.
    Stella your eyes have seen on this your hustle, imagine.
    That one that Rhoda is tormenting, you too leave her alone na, you want to die ni?
    Let me keep reading.

  53. Wet Saturday.....

    Special greetings to the Single and Happy Ladies.....


  54. Good morning lovelies from the city of Lagoos. Got in at midnight, my head hurts mehnn, the rain was aaaarrrrggghhhh. All for the hustle. God really cares.

    Stella Kork...any woman that wants to bond with her family will do that , it is called life goals. Anyone that feels otherwise can go ahead and raise a family where she'll be a stranger, even after providing every every. One came to peep after morning devotion because I didn't join, started screaming and now my bed is filled with everybody. Jumping on my body. All the happenstances in these few days I was away, I don dey hear am, good o, sweet o, plus those who smuggled their game kits to school. All gists. If you are interested in hearing, you will HEAR. Leave them biko.

    What exactly is going on with Ikeja Disco? Who brings light at 2:15am, to use and do what? Go play with the dogs or start watching TV? What manner of sabotage is this? Honestly I pity Minister Babs Fashola. The CABALS are crazy.

    Got to garner some strength to cook all the medemede I brought from Ibadan. Quality foodstuff at relatively cheap prices. And then settle down to deal with my plenty chunks of Ogufe and Amala takeaway but with peppered Egusi soup. Me no like Ewedu soup jor.

    Have a nice lonnng weekend people.
    Kisses muchos.

  55. Still in bed lazying... Weekend trips

  56. Rhoda Rex torment all of them ooo. I give you free hands. No sorry for them at all. Dem plenty. I go send you names.

    Congrats Sexy Daddy. My Queen welcome back. I miss you pass Sandy Yo.

    Ibukun behave yourself and be the good girl I like when you started commenting.

    You guys always complain of tribalistic comments from people. People cannot air their views again.
    I work with all tribes and we are all great. My Boss is a Yoruba man. Have I ever said anything evil. Abeg carry yourself comot for my front.

    Where my people. Pepper dem I dey una side

  57. Rhoda Rex torment all of them ooo. I give you free hands. No sorry for them at all. Dem plenty. I go send you names.

    Congrats Sexy Daddy. My Queen welcome back. I miss you pass Sandy Yo.

    Ibukun behave yourself and be the good girl I like when you started commenting.

    You guys always complain of tribalistic comments from people. People cannot air their views again.
    I work with all tribes and we are all great. My Boss is a Yoruba man. Have I ever said anything evil. Abeg carry yourself comot for my front.

    Where my people. Pepper dem I dey una side


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