Stella Dimoko Message Tonto Dikeh Allegedly Sent Her Mother In Law Amidst Marital Brouhaha..


Saturday, June 17, 2017

Message Tonto Dikeh Allegedly Sent Her Mother In Law Amidst Marital Brouhaha..

Orisun T.V OAP Lara olubo wades in in Tonto and Churchill's marital ish and reveals message Tonto ALLEGEDLY sent to Churchill's mum...hmmmm.

Hmmm where is the Proof that Tonto actually sent this message?why was it sent from one person to another?why is it not showing a number or handle she sent it from be it SMS or inbox?I am sorry,she may be over doing things right now but I dont believe that she sent this...
And for some of the things written here about the make up part and all,They were dropped as comments on this blog yesterday.
This drama is too dirty already and I dont know about anyone else but enough already please!


  1. Getting messier

    1. Stell I really don't know why you're so behind Tonto
      I so believe Tonto can send that message, I thought she claim she's noww "BORN AGAIN" hmmmmmm, Born again of MFM that dress like a man, unforgiving n very vengeful Mchewwwwwwww
      To me Tonto is so childish
      Silly girl

    2. I have two sides to this, this msg cld have been typed by the sender and added" Tonto sent this" cos I know a txt msg , Whatsapp or any other apps has a format it comes with, she is also sounding all nice knowing this will hit d blog!!!!! 2nd Tonto everything is pointing against u in this case, from make up artist making u look like a man to a make up artist creating a domestic abused body, from u swearing u will bring him down which u admitted in ur initial tell all, to denying that child of his fathers love! Advice urself this is self destructive. U don't know who will live longer, U , Chuchil or ur Son! No one knows tomorrow , what if u wake up and meet that boy dead? Do I think d father will let u GO? Do u think society will let u GO? Advice urself! Get a proper divorce and allow a father to see his son, simple. Am not supporting Aunty or her 'txt' msg but advice urSelf woman b4 is Too late

    3. I have two sides to this, this msg cld have been typed by the sender and added" Tonto sent this" cos I know a txt msg , Whatsapp or any other apps has a format it comes with, she is also sounding all nice knowing this will hit d blog!!!!! 2nd Tonto everything is pointing against u in this case, from make up artist making u look like a man to a make up artist creating a domestic abused body, from u swearing u will bring him down which u admitted in ur initial tell all, to denying that child of his fathers love! Advice urself this is self destructive. U don't know who will live longer, U , Chuchil or ur Son! No one knows tomorrow , what if u wake up and meet that boy dead? Do I think d father will let u GO? Do u think society will let u GO? Advice urself! Get a proper divorce and allow a father to see his son, simple. Am not supporting Aunty or her 'txt' msg but advice urSelf woman b4 is Too late

    4. I have two sides to this, this msg cld have been typed by the sender and added" Tonto sent this" cos I know a txt msg , Whatsapp or any other apps has a format it comes with, she is also sounding all nice knowing this will hit d blog!!!!! 2nd Tonto everything is pointing against u in this case, from make up artist making u look like a man to a make up artist creating a domestic abused body, from u swearing u will bring him down which u admitted in ur initial tell all, to denying that child of his fathers love! Advice urself this is self destructive. U don't know who will live longer, U , Chuchil or ur Son! No one knows tomorrow , what if u wake up and meet that boy dead? Do I think d father will let u GO? Do u think society will let u GO? Advice urself! Get a proper divorce and allow a father to see his son, simple. Am not supporting Aunty or her 'txt' msg but advice urSelf woman b4 is Too late

    5. I have two sides to this, this msg cld have been typed by the sender and added" Tonto sent this" cos I know a txt msg , Whatsapp or any other apps has a format it comes with, she is also sounding all nice knowing this will hit d blog!!!!! 2nd Tonto everything is pointing against u in this case, from make up artist making u look like a man to a make up artist creating a domestic abused body, from u swearing u will bring him down which u admitted in ur initial tell all, to denying that child of his fathers love! Advice urself this is self destructive. U don't know who will live longer, U , Chuchil or ur Son! No one knows tomorrow , what if u wake up and meet that boy dead? Do I think d father will let u GO? Do u think society will let u GO? Advice urself! Get a proper divorce and allow a father to see his son, simple. Am not supporting Aunty or her 'txt' msg but advice urSelf woman b4 is Too late

    6. I believe everyone should mind their business for now! No one speaks unless you're married and have experienced mother in laws love and hatred. Let the will of God be done! No one has been a judge here so let's take this post with a pinch of salt.

    7. Rosemeure is at it again.
      You guys should leave Tonto alone for crying out loud.
      Marriage is not by force

    8. Rosemeure is at it again.
      You guys should leave Tonto alone for crying out loud.
      Marriage is not by force

    9. Na wah!
      See as abbreviation and short hand no let me read everything.

      Your comment will be visible after approval.

    10. Tonto is not stable the first wife supporting Tonto will definitely be on Tonto side cus she's happy Tonto showed them pepper. They suppose to settle them both instead of allowing olakunle to marry CRACKhead
      TONTODIKE.Stella leave every one with their opinion stop putting words in people's mouth.Tonto wrote that she is CRAZY

    11. God bless u @lilly simple...this is a girl that has anger issue and burnt someone's bag.. she cursed her colleagues and had never kept a man....malivelihood knew why he dumped her.....he is with his gf for years n nothing has happened to dat relationship.... Tonto is possessed and cursed..if Churchill take her back his life will be cut short that girl is no good.

    12. Anonymous your fada...idiot cos you are fucking Churchill you can come here and vomit insult to tonto. Thunder fire u dere. Kitipa la cha gi anya

    13. Jokers everywhere, irresponsible Churchil and stupid Rosa.If Churchil was that perfect he shouldn't have met Tonto, what happened to all his previous relationships and marriage? The idiot can't stay with a woman, simple!!! Sperm donor , serial baby daddy.

    14. This Lara and oversabi🙄

  2. This message is rude and not nice in all ramifications. She has oriki sef, Anike Ade, na wa. Tontoh will break the internet tomorrow with her reply.

    1. What is Anike?
      A pet name? What does it mean please?

    2. Iphie, it means I/we have you to care for you. Basically she is a precious someone that the person who calls her by name feels happy to have in their life and they cherish and care for.

    3. ANIKE,my first daughters oriki.Mine is Ajoke

  3. So Tonto rained all these insults on Churchill's mum and u r still calling her "Anike" and hoping Churchill and her reconcile? Una never talk true. Are u star struck or what? If anyone or wife insults my mum like that, I will curse that person more than the way Tboss cursed those pple who insulted her mum. Such wife will never come back to my family.

    1. Thank u. If she really sent that, dem for don send sango by now and write her off, saying d child will look for the father when time comes. Na now I believe Tonto, I always tot she was crayy so I no believe d beating tory before

    2. Tonto dike did not send those msgs. If she did you guys will treat her fuck up and not send love letters. How won't Churchill know his son's school? Who is the fool here?

      Please all these publicity and media whores should give it a rest. Even Tonto has to work on her self because she and Churchill are both immature silly people.

      And Churchill please I know you try to be coded but those who know know. You are a slut who feels his money should make any light skinned girl open her legs for you. You feel those who you approach should feel honoured because you've got some change.

      For the sake of your son you and Tonto should call of your dogs and let it be. What is it self. Are you Tonto the first to get a divorce? It's really sickening.

    3. Because you have hate in your heart for Tonto so much your head can't even let you know that this can't be real

    4. Babes its adult sense. Its a carrot and stick approach to lure her and get Churchill to see his son.

      But I pity tontoh sha she's having an emotional/mental meltdown right in front if everyone and no one can help.

      If we have child protective agents in Nigeria the family shld get them involved because this thing looking like play isn't a small matter.

      I do hope she doesn't end up killing herself or her son because she is losing it.

    5. Which device will deliver a message with the caption, tonto said:? It's a lie joor! Oap! Go to bed!

    6. Kill herself for what??

  4. But Tonto has always been s nasty unstable drug head. Why is this news!? Mama if your son is stable too he wouldn't have messed with Tonto

    1. Who does this one think she's fooling though? Well, definitely not me. You claim to show so much concern for Tonto, Churchill and their son but you released this text message to dent her image and sow a seed of hatred in the hearts of her fans. Mtcheewww, madam oap we ain't all gullible u know? Are y'all pained because Tonto seems to be balling without y'all?😂😂 Tonto has moved on already, Nigerians have moved on, why can't y'all do the same? Bunch of jealous in laws! I'm not even a tad bit buying this bull crap. Namsense.

  5. Did the sms surface today? Coincidence or deliberate?
    Birds of a feather!!!Churchill x Charity. Smh!

    Btw,I don't think anybody can send that text message,except they are actually not in their RIGHT FRAME OF MIND or the text was FORGED. Two things..

    1. Iphie, Tonto is ill. Churchill is not any better. The best thing they did for their son is that separation. Everything iv read is disgusting both from Tonto side and Churchill side. A child should not be brought up in such an environment and such a family including Churchills extended family. Thank God the boy is too young to remember all the fights he would have seen.
      Tonto that burnt boxes cannot write this. Nothing is beyond Tonto; trust me.
      Both she,Churchill and their families are all sick.

    2. ............
      There were two little birds
      Sitting on the wall
      One name Churchill the other named Cha
      Fly away Churchill (to rosy meurer) fly away cha (to that dry interviewer)
      Comeback Churchill (from rosy meurer) come back cha (with masculine costume)
      Oh come back two little birds and sit on the blog!!!


    3. I agree with you iphiee,this text was not sent by s normal human being.
      Again,the poster wants them together but indirectly trying to confirm every lie ee believe Churchill told about tonto.
      Whoever this poster is,you are actually the wolf in sheep clothing,I don't want to be connected with a person like you.

      Ogbu m,otoo m

  6. I'm laughing and disturbing my neighbourhood.

  7. Tonto can send such. We already know she is erratic, didn't we all read what she wrote about her own sibling and her own family. Tonto no get respect, she uses drugs, she is not the marriage type.

    1. Abeg leave matter..... so because she is erratic we should believe everything they pin on her without proof? That's the strategy they're using nau. Yeye dey smell. Okay. Even if she did what do they stand to gain by bringing this out here? No family that has a name to protect will do that!! They're just distasteful

  8. This is bad in all ramifications.

  9. Dis message is a scam!bloody lies! Yes tonto gave him fame.

  10. I love you Tonto!!...
    Hahahahahahahaha... See finishing!...

  11. Thanks Stella for this your statement,it shows you understand this situation more than the way it's been portray. Everybody cannot be a mumu. That text message get as e be! By the way,enough of this drama already!

  12. Tonto has always been crazy. She can say this and more when she's angry.

  13. why dont i bliv this? Nawa anything to spoil her name.

  14. All lies!
    Churchill's first wife has blasted them on behalf of Tonto.
    See fabricated chat

    Awon Oniro oshi.

    1. Who she go support before

    2. Professor Exotic, did you think she would support her ex husband?

  15. I don't know if these messages are lies or truth. But all I know is Tonto Dike is a sick woman that needs psych evaluation and proper diagnosis.
    we often shy away from mental illness in this country and say God forbid. But mental illness exist and a mental issue doesn't mean you are mad. With right diagnosis,drugs and therapy it can be managed.
    Where are Tontos ppl they need to intervene. I fear for her safety . Her cross dressing saga yesterday is a manifestation of her illness. It is well

  16. A minute of silent for those that will believe write up

  17. Shame to the Dike Family
    Shame to the Olakunle Family
    Shame to Lara Olubo n Family
    Shame shame shame to every body related to Tonto and Churchill.

    Simple family meeting you cannot force these 2 young people to attend, keep both of them on their knees before the elders and Clergy men. Then finally lock them up in one room and walk away with the key.

    They will shout, argue, quarrel and finally have a steamy love session. They will cry in the end and beg many for forgiveness. End of Story.

    This drama is beyond CLASS ACT. You people should respect Nigeria's social media space.

    Let me come and be going. Tomorrow is church.
    Too much bullshit in 48 hours. *shrugs*

    1. Hahahaha! Are you this method can work for that crazy Tonto.

    2. Lara, tell your Churchill to be responsible and stop being foolish.
      Family over everything, if your wife says she is not comfortable with Rosa then get rid of her ASAP.
      How can Rosa still be frolicking with Churchil and throwing shades at Tonto and you expect her to come back??? Awon weyreh.

    3. XP they should lock 2 mentally unstable people in a room? Especially Tontoh?? You wan bury person? Hian!

    4. Xp
      You have a point

      If Tiwa can go back to the husband after he disgraced her, called her a cheat, insulted her mother then Tonto and Churchill can reconcile.

      Moreover, some people do not have respect for elders so.. .


  18. Enough already ooo
    Una go dey alright soon.

  19. When private issues come on the internet how do you expect a private reconciliation. I respect Tiwa Savage and her husband for settling their differences. All celebrities should learn from Omotola. Marriage is no joke. You put in your best to make it work for you.
    Mind you, most people you call friends may envy your home and help you break it if you create the opportunity.

    I pray you all settle this. Fight no dey help anybody, if na lie ask Psquare.

  20. Also to add, I doubt Tonto sent that message.

    She wouldn't do that.

  21. If truly want to settle this amicably then you should'nt have put this out here.
    We are tired of tontoh's drama

  22. Churchill and his constant shenanigans, after the nannygate fail, he using his own mother now? How low will this dude stoop? Where is the proof that Tonto sent this message?

  23. If truly you want to settle this amicably then you should'nt have put this out here.
    We are tired of tontoh's drama

  24. This is not from Tonto, trust me

    1. Trust you say wetin happen?, Even Tonto's sibling won't talk with such confidence

  25. Wawu!
    .🎤And Beat Goes On.....

  26. Let's all be objective when we judge or say anything. Defending Tonto just because she cried domestic violence isn't the way forward, especially when we didnt see it happen firsthand, just hearsay. We've all heard about Tonto's antics, so it just might be possible she sent that in anger. Time will tell though.

    It is obvious they loved each other at some point, and when a man/woman is hurt, they can go to any length to destroy each other. They are both hurting, I just wish they can let it all slide for the sake of that boy. Boys always look for their dads, no matter what they've been fed by whoever. Sons are not like daughters.

    Domestic violence is wrong, I am supporting no one, they should let it slide already.

    Churchill should stop giving her audience, ignore her, and see the magic that does to a woman. If truly he did nothing, time will tell nau.

    1. "Boys always look 4 their dad"...Nigerian mentality. ..straight up

    2. Nma
      Not all the time. Not every boy looks for the dad. Moreover Churchill should not have that mentality. That child belongs to him and Tonto so he should ensure to be in that child's life.

      If he goes to court, do the proper thing and seek for shared custody, this whole thing will end immediately.


    3. Nmasinachi, I'm coming to this gist late but had to respond to your "boys always look for their dad" statement. I'm the one who constantly responds when my dad calls. My brother gas got absolutely no time for our father. He doesn't even want to hear what the man has to say. My mum has cajoled, begged, bullied and all for him to at least pick popsie's calls to no avail. Does it mean my brother isn't male? That mentality was eons ago, now more than 80% don't have that time

    4. Nma, what do you know? Boys always look for their father indeed. I wonder where you got your theory from.

  27. Short of words.

    God please heal everyone involved in this mess for the sake of this small baby.

    Please Lord. Please.

  28. When elders wade into Tonto and Olakunle's marital matter and they act as insinuators instead of peace makers. Shame on Lara Olubo, Why don't Mr Churchill post the message himself rather than you?

  29. Olakunle seems to be a man who seeks naive people to do his dirty works for him in public, while he maintains this business-man like image. First it was the nanny, now it is OAP Lara Olubo.

  30. U guys don't get it this Lara wants help I'm sure they promised her big money for this rubbish. Me I get sense and won't believe this scrab

  31. Where are Tonto's friends and families. Could you please help this girl. She is obviously depressed!

  32. If you believe this story then you are a big fool.
    We all know this message wasnt sent by tonto. Tonto is the queen if savagery. This is way too good. And we know tonto aint good. So pls y'all should try harder.

    *hangs leg on the wall*

  33. Mbok we are tired bikonu. Kilode? Attention seeking psychopaths.

  34. Ifa hear say I join mouth for tontoh/churchrat brouhaha again ehn..... *hiss* two mature children

    1. Hahahahha @Chikito
      The thing don tire you


  35. If any daughter in law sends such a message to her mother in law, forget it, that would be the end of that marriage.
    If truly Tonto sent that text message, Churchill and his mum won't be preaching peace and love. They would have long returned her bride price.

    That text is forged.
    Despite the fact that Tonto can be very erratic, I doubt she sent that.

    It's a pity how love has turned to so much hate between them.

  36. I don't believe his family wants him to settle with Tonto. Hmm..why don't I believe Tonto sent that text to her MIL? Hmm..My spirit tells me that text is not from Tonto ( I may be wrong )

  37. Churchill and his family are pathetic liars DAT text is forged.

  38. Whether Tonto wrote this or not, whether all these happened or not I raise Beyonce hand for Churchill and his family for marrying Tonto @ the first instant. Such a crazy life style of her smoking and fighting people publicly you still went ahead and married her and expect her to be a saint charity.

  39. Can't churchill take Tonto to court and get custody of the child. Abi this is not naija anymore?

  40. Tonto, I hope u read this.

    You are filled with scorn, anger, jealousy, hatred and pain and take it all out on your son. I pity your son and the drama and rubbish he's going through and would face in future cos of your evil ways. You can even separate acting from your real life. Aunty, you suck and your stupidity is getting the better of you. if you have any sense left, better allow your son to see his father whom he resembles so well. I bet you're pained by that. You can never be a good mother to that boy cos of your past evil ways which you keep repeating. I remember how you cursed mercy Johnson, when life showed you back, you had to apologize. Better do the right thing before it's too late be respectful to your elders and ex husband. Stop showing single ladies out there bad examples to emulate

    1. We know Tonto is crazy and had a wild past but if someone can marry a murderer, a thief and be proud of it then Tonto deserves a chance.

      She is a good mother and will continue to be a good mother.

      Churchill hasn't even tried to be in that child's life. I don't know why people are making excuses like... Tonto is preventing him, how? That child does not belong to Tonto alone. That man knows what to do when he is ready.


  41. I don't know Tonto Dike but I can see her writing that kind of terrible message to anybody. This is because she is a Coke whore 1. and 2. She is very disrespectful and cannot seem to have control over her emotions or anger. She has displayed no restraint in her dealings with different people including Mercy Johnson and the bag lady. I will implore her to spare us this drama. It is getting out of hand. Afterall we were not there at the club when they met themselves and decided to hook up. A won Oni were couple.

  42. Abegi, there is no way she will send that message and you will still want them to reconcile, and be addressing her with an endearing nickname..
    We are Nigerians abeg, we are not that kind and loving
    If you really care, you won't put this in public. You are jus acting a script!
    There is no proof it came from her phone- anybody, I mean anyone can write that up..
    The both families are jus playing a game of who craze past
    She grant interview, he grant interview. You guys pulled the Nanny stunt, she retorted and pulled the Father's day stunt
    Now you guys are back with sms stunt, hahaha. But Tonto is winning, that Father's Day stunt really got on y'all's nerves - the babe sure knows how to break the internet

    For those judging her for dressing like a man, chill. Tonto was simply sending a strong MEMO to the Churchills. She knew they would react and boom, they did! Who knows the emergency family meetings they called to plan this counter attack. Tonto is having a good laugh now, plan worked wella. I can imagine her telling him this : You can shout and bark, but you will never see King.

    1. Tonto that called a baby an ugly thing can send this any day...Girl has anger issues...mtcheew..Both Tonto and hubby are mad though...

    2. That just goes to show that the whole thing is seriously paining her. So how is she winning? She's merely exhibiting childishness.

    3. Sincerely Tonto has no right to prevent that man from seeing the child.

      To be fair, if he goes to court and seek for sole custody using Tonto's past of drug dealing as excuse or some secret he knows against her claiming she is not a fit mother, he might be granted sole custody of king. Why can't he do it? Because Tonto knows his secrets too and she will not back down until she is done. The best thing is seek for shared custody of King and move on or reconcile and keep your secrets.


    4. Xoxo , Churchil has his ugly past too, how do you know he doesn't do drugs? Abegiii.

  43. Stella, ask tonto if she did write that, she should apologize to that woman if she is now truly a repentant soul. She should speak to her pastor , the battle is of the Lord

  44. @Tonto I love you so much, please let the past remain in the past, forget Churchill and whatever he must have done to you and forge ahead. If you keep silent it doesn't make you a fool, it makes you the bigger person and also for your sin's future. There is an adage that says silence Is golden.

  45. Everyone will have an opinion regardless...the truth is only those who know know. Tonto and Church know what really went down and maybe the MIL. This Lara Olubo wey dey comment she also had something to say in Mercu Aigbe's case. Things are not always the way it seems, sometimes the crazy person is actually the sane one. Not that I am supporting Tonto. They should let her be, na until she commit suicide Una go rest. Smh! Nigerians like controversy Abeg.

  46. All this drama, pls make it stop already!

  47. Messy and disgusting brouhaha.


  48. Tonto needs help. Me i will keep saying it. All that cocaine, crack and weed is too much for her empty head to handle. I dnt doubt that she sent that message. See the pattern and she through her. She is a vindictive, violent and very scorned person. When she dated Rotimi Ajanaku and he left her drugged ass, she started to sat he was owing her. Tonto how can a senator owe u when u were living in that your lekki bq with your younger brother and sister inlaw? When Malivelihood left you, you started saying he was selling fake, when that girl called you out, you made a video of your madness burning her bag without paying. Tonto Dike is not mentally stable. Seek help and stop social media drama.


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