Stella Dimoko In House News -TUESDAY


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

In House News -TUESDAY

Good day good people of SDK...Hope everyone is doing just fine?......Have a great day and enjoy your chinchin*side eyes at Tetrina*........*Ibindhungerandjealousyfrommethisafternoonlol*


Happy Birthday to you Once again Dearie!



Shout out to mama boyfriends,keep moving the ministry to the permanent re so loved.

Will like to sow my registry dress above as a seed to a bride to be who needs it,as I am also looking up to God for so many miracles.

It's a size 8,as an orente that I am,lol.

Call or watsapp:07064356845.

Signed......Bv Olori Orente.

WOW A SIZE 8? look like Barbie Doll...I like!!!
Congrats on your wedding.




There was this time I was in the bus and the conductor was insulting this lady, the reason was change, basic change o! She wanted all her change but the conductor wanted her to forfeit some, she insisted she was having all so the conductor began insults after the lady ignored him.

The insults uttered in Yoruba were too much that even the other passengers were saying it is enough and some were laughing. He insulted her size and most of all her shabby provocative dressing, all in Yoruba for over 5minutes.

To my surprise the lady sat there and didn't say a word nor was she concerned, when she got to her stop she removed her earpiece which could have prevented her from hearing the insults and requested for her change in pidgin. 

Conductor replied in Yoruba and she said she doesn't understand, then it became obvious she didn't understand Yoruba. It pained the conductor so much, he had wasted his energy yabbing someone that didn't know what he was saying. Lmao. It was hilarious, he wanted to cry when he found out. He felt so sore. I just sat there and laughed at it all.



On my way to a function last weekend, I passed by an hotel where I worked years ago.

This brought back memories from my days as an hotel staff. After leaving my previous job, I had searched and searched for another job for months without success, so when a friend told me about this recruitment in this 'four star' hotel located in an highbrow area, I quickly applied,  luckily I was employed.

My folks at home frowned at the job, my church family too were not left out. Their reasons were many lols, in their exact words 'it won't portray a good image of you' 'the immoral activities there  will draw you back spiritually' 'it will take all of your time' and so on. The last point was so true as I barely had time for other things, I worked on Sundays and during public holidays sometimes, I only got a day off in a week which would fall on any day. 

One advantage was that it was rewarding financially and it afforded me the opportunity of meeting people including celebrities. I barely touched my basic salary while I worked in that hotel, tips from customers and service charge being shared weekly to the staff were enough for me to spend. I was a big girl among my friends in those days lol.

However, I had to quit because of the stigma. Yes, I said stigma. There is this stereotype assumption about ladies who work in hotels, people see them as promiscuous, indecent and irresponsible. I remember what happened during a family meeting of the youths while planning the wedding of a cousin. We were asked to introduce ourselves and state what we do. 

All others before me did their introductions without any question but when it got to the turn of yours truly, the expression on the faces of those present changed, some started asking why I chose to work in an hotel, some asked for the address of the hotel while others just looked at me somehow.

It wasn't funny, I couldn't contribute anything meaningful at the meeting for fear of being picked on.
Well, I got a new job soon after that epic family meeting. Some of my 'office brouhaha' while working in that hotel will make an interesting read. I will try and bring one interesting episode.

Mama Teee



We are on the lookout for a BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT EXECUTIVE to join our team. Our ideal person must be affable, a great communicator, a natural at sales and networking, possess a degree of self-accountability to deliver EXCELLENT results and should be able to work independently. The person must also have a wide network of industry contacts.

The person may have done a bit of account management in an advertising, PR or related agency. Ideally, the person must have a minimum of 2 years’ experience and should be able to work on Excel. Most importantly, and because our team players exhibit our values of Passion, Innovation & Excellence, s/he must great at delivering results.

We are a small and nimble team, so flexibility of work arrangement is an option our staff enjoy, and we need someone who aligns with our culture and gets things done.

We are looking for a closer, not just a talker!

If you fit the above criteria or know someone that does, please send an email with CV and a short email with bullet points stating what you bring to the table (no more than 100 words)

Thank you.



Hello my wonderful Stella tuale for you. Please Stella I have a huge burden and I will like to share it with BV to get any positive response.

The cleaner at my office I noticed always backs her baby to work and always have a very disturbed look. So I saw her and greeted her and she asked me if I was passing her route I told her yes so she joined me.

While she was with me inside the car the baby was still backed and I asked her how many months was the baby and she said eleven months immediately I got very worried.

I have a one year old son and I know how active he was at around eleven months so she quickly narrated her ordeal to me.

She said she had a traumatic birth and around 3months she noticed her baby was not balancing his neck which he ought to do with the milestones baby normally hit. Got to six months same and to date the child cannot balance his neck.I felt so sad that is why she has to constantly back him.He cannot move,stand,sit or do anything for a child of eleven months.

I asked if she has visited any hospital and what did the say. She said she has but could not give me any coherent thing they said. From things I have read I could deduce it could be cerebral palsy which could be from birth or during brain formation during pregnancy.

Please I want to see how I can help her that baby needs serious therapy and not backing him from morning to night is not the way forward. Anybody who has such a baby or a relative please how is it managed so I can tell her.

God bless you all or any good hospital in PortHarcourt she could go to please drop it in the comment section.

This is so so sad.



Dear Stella...

I am so glad to share this testimony because God has favoured me in ways no man can imagine. Please its quite long to read.

I got married in 2015 and got pregnant immedaitely.My husband and i were happy ,everthing going well with the baby. I was approaching my edd but no show of labour,doctors in my hospital kept saying "Be patient, cervix is closed".

 I was a bit worried because the baby was over due and contractions were coming often. After the new year day 2016,went to tell hospital that am over 41 weeks but as usual my cervix is closed.

Hmm from that period to the sunday they told me to come for inducing ,i just knew something was wrong. Besides,i was not comfortable with the way my pregnancy was exposed, my over joyful mother inlaw have been telling people about the day am due, the sex of the baby.

To cut the story short,on the eve of my hospital appointment ,my husband that never falls ill got sick and was admitted.Still my mil kept calling on rhe phone ;that 'my daughther inlaw will be induced tomorrow'.That action pissed me off so bad but i just let go.

Sunday came for inducing,reached the hospital was told to do ultrasound, from the face of the sonographer i knew something was wrong. I asked her, she said everything is fine. They admitted me but until the next day morning three doctors came to tell me 'madam we are sorry,there is no life in your baby'.
Stella my world came crashing and cried my eyes out, i was induced and delivered my son after which my husband and his father went to bury him.

After delivery my bp rised to 150/90, depression started and it wasnt easy for my husband and i.Looking back at the journey, buying our son's things,feelings of being new parents.Mid last year;i started trying again but nothing at all,my period became my worst enemy every month. DH kept assuring God will do it that i should patient.

Finally, March this year went for follicle monitoring scan and the scan guy said i was not ovulating. I saw a gynae and he said he give me some drugs to stabilise my hormones.

Stella i was very determined with my prayers and i believed God will show up even without those medications. I ovulated in April and met with DH all through that period, on the day of my anniversary in May - I found out i was pregnantttttttt!!!!!.

God did it for us,my husband was so happy because looking at year 2016 we cried. My prayer is that i will carry my  baby till full term and deliver alive and sound. God restored all i lost... HalleluyahπŸ€—.



Back then in Uniben though I was a Virgin but I had PhD in flirting, seducing and leaving guys high and dry. So there was this  guy who  was liking me and oh he was very cute.

Anyway he wanted more but I wasn't ready for a relationship and he got frustrated. One night I was reading in the lecture hall he walked in, sat beside me and started talking loudly, I took him outside. Cute guy was drunk and wasn't so cute anymore.

He started talking o,  saying I was making shakara because of my fine face that he will have that taken care of, this was the year a lecturer's daughter was poured shit in a lecture hall. Na so fear grip me. He also said other things that made me realize he was a cultist, I went back to my seat but couldn't read and I couldn't go back home I don enter.

I had to come up with a plan, one day cult guy came and we sat outside as I have never allowed him into my room. As he was talking I was just looking ahead and thinking how I was going to get out of this mess. He then told me I was commanding birds. 

 See we had this big tree covering the grave of the landlord's mother in the compound and even though I was staring at the tree I wasn't looking but for some strange reasons the birds on the tree seem to be following the direction of my gaze. I saw an opportunity and took it, I started forming stories of how I have been taken to places for deliverance and what not.  How 2 guys tried to rape me one was never found and the other is at uselu. Yimu.

He asked if I was an ogbanje I said no that people just misunderstood my powers. He asked what powers. I said I wasn't allowed to mention them. He asked who they were I asked him if he was ready to die. I played this guy in  my subtle innocent way I knew he was afraid that I had gotten him. He also asked what was the connection between me and the birds.

Anyway to cut the long story short he said I should get help I come form nollywood for am, seriously I had to act to save my life. I became teary I told him I was tired of going for deliverance that I just want to be left alone not like I deliberately hurt people that they only get hurt when they try to hurt me. He started petting me to stop crying and after everything he left.  

I wanted to see him off but he told me to get some rest. I watched him leave though he kept turning to look at me. I couldn't even laugh all the while I was praying that my stunt had worked on him and asking God to forgive me for acting like an ogbanje.

I didn't see him for a while and just when I thought I'd won he came back.
We sat outside again and he started chatting he said he knew I was lying blah blah blah and I just kept quiet. When he was leaving he said he told his mom about me and she said I should come to their church for deliverance, sad and defeated i told him I was tired of deliverance.

Even though he was afraid of me he kept coming then I knew I had to change plans.  I confessed my sins to the God and cried out to him to save me from the cult guy. God had mercy on me and the guy stopped coming around and even when we saw in school he would waved  from a distance.

The Iya beji 1



Dear Stella,

 Kindly help post this in In House.

This is to bring to your notice that someone else is chatting with my BBM PIN D8D93767. I don't know how this happened. Please disregard any message from this PIN above . Thanks. 


Small Chops giveaway to BV Starry Larry

Hello Stella,

I will like to give few packs of small chops to Bv Starry Larry for the Sallah Celebration.

@Starry how many packs can you finish ni? Hahaha .kindly send a mail to so that I know if you are available for pick up/when you need it otherwise I will have to give any other Muslim Beevee that is interested.

Have a wonderful celebration ahead.

Kind Regards,
Bv Madam Small Chops.

Congrats Starry Larry...
I know puff puff and stick meat but I want to know what you people put inside the Rolls...Veggies or what



  1. Replies
    1. cheap fresh vegetables from jos call 0703809799220 June 2017 at 14:36

      God is all thatmatters

    2. Congrats to the TTC woman
      I am next to testify ijn amen
      And bv orente,congrats dear

    3. @Sharon Amen and Amen

      Can't wait to read your testimony


    4. It's been a while. I want to thank Amaka for the data she gifted me to enable me participate in the Hallelujah challenge. God bless you.

    5. @DaRevolutionist is it Amaka the intellectual one?

    6. Sharon it's done already. Amen in Jesus name.


    TYPE "Jump on my", Press the space button, see the word your phone gives you..

    Mine is:

    Jump on my " mom". πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–

    Comment with your answer!!

    1. Please bvs, I sometimes chew my lips n bite my finger nails. I want to know if this won't stop my fast or a sin while fasting.

    2. jump on my 'phone, own, behalf '

    3. Mine is"phone"
      Shd I carry out d act?

    4. Jump on my phone

  3. Hello, is it me you looking for, I can see it in yours eyes πŸ‘€.

    1. Oh shut up u beggar

    2. I can see it in your smileeeeeeee

    3. Don't intimidate her to shut up anonymous. Her talking is exposing her daily. She's on Tetrina's chinchin story begging TGW for chinchin. Em jay Em jay I dig your style.

    4. are really @Anonymous "Orubebe


    5.'re all I've ever wanted and my arms are open wide 😁😁😁

    6. God bless the givers n d receivers Cheers

    7. Oh lord i need a birthday gift of a good job and future partner from you.I have prayed and I can see good dreams but I have this reoccurence fear of the unknown.Olowogboboro I need a birthday gift before the end of August 2017

    8. Oh lord i need a birthday gift of a good job and future partner from you.I have prayed and I can see good dreams but I have this reoccurence fear of the unknown.Olowogboboro I need a birthday gift before the end of August 2017

  4. You will never know exactly what another person is going through or what their whole story is. When you believe you do, realize that your assumptions about their life are in direct relation to your limited perspective. Many people you believe to be successful are extremely unhappy. Many people you think have it easy worked their tail off achieve what they have. Many people who appear to be wealthy are in debt because of their extravagant tastes for material possessions. Many people who appear to you to be old and uncool were once every bit as young and hip and inexperienced as you. When people start to belittle you or judge you, keep your head up and walk away. Never get low to their level, just know that you are better.

    - M&A Hack

  5. Replies
    1. Special needs baby; from your description that child most likely has cerebral palsy secondary to birth trauma. The mum should take him to UPTH for physiotherapy or BMH port Harcourt for treatment. I wish the child all the best.

      Ehen, mothers who always insist on svd delivery against the doctor's advice even when C.S is clearly indicated usually end up with a baby with cerebral palsy. Subjecting the baby to a lot of trauma ( esp to the brain) during the prolonged, distressed labour often causes c.p, a child which was apparently healthy in utero ends up with brain damage due to all the stress he/ she was subjected to whereas it would have been averted by C.S. There are other causes of cerebral palsy anyway but birth trauma is the leading cause. Mothers always heed to the advice of your gynae and attend antenatal clinics, if you can, use a tertiary health institution. God bless all the special needs children and their loving parents.

  6. Replies
    1. The iyabeji I really enjoyed ur story,have once fall into the trap of a cultis,this guy threaten my life back and front that I was now looking like a living ghost.
      To the lady that is pregnant, am so happy for you,congrats.

    2. threaten my life back and front that I was now looking like a living ghost.
      To the lady that is pregnant, am so happy for you,congrats.
      Happy birthday once again onyinye

    3. Welcome sweetie

    4. *fallen *threatened *forth


  7. Elastic we don't gat each other anymore, you can't eat your cake and still have it.. thought you were different from the rest, suddenly Ed came from nowhere and snatched you away and everyone is supporting you guys including my personal persons here(Bloglord,Chike Teflon, TGW and Sharon Aminu). But it's ohk I am moving on.. Hi Atheist!

    1. look for someone else. Baetheist is taken too.

    2. hahahahahahahaha that is how one FIRMOUS somebody stole my blog boo too oooh.
      e still dey pain me small. sorry ehn you will heal with time.

      *hangs leg on the window*

    3. Take tissue wipe ur 😭 nd blow ur nose
      U can also have some water

    4. My friend don vex oπŸ˜€πŸ˜πŸ˜‚
      So he was ur boo b4?
      I didn't know, why were u hiding the relationship??
      Elastic come and explain urself.
      Why are u double dating???

    5. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚overtaking is allowed,he also took me from my villager

    6. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

      What's going on here please?? Does it mean all the men on this blog ain't faithful?? Elastic, coman defend yourself!!!

    7. Lol

      Cinnamon Apple na Elastic announce say he dey single and need a boo. Bam Ed appear come carry him go... So who am I to stop the union? Lol

    8. Please ayam faithful!

      Just krix!(Stellz boo) via iPhone 7+

    9. Ed na boo snatcher na πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

      Don't worry, she will soon port

    "Drop any two English words with same pronunciation but different meaning.
    1. Fool & Full
    2. Sun & Son
    3. Buy & Bye
    Its your turn now.
    Let's see who gets it.πŸ’ƒ
    bloggie; where are you dear??
    tetrina; waddap wiv you hun??

    1. Flour and flower.

      Bow and bough.

      Plain and plane.

      Male and mail.

      Two and too.

      Die and dye.

      Hear and here.

      We and oui. (Lol! The latter is French o.)


    2. Meet-meat
      Groan- grown

    3. Cup & cop
      Sheep & cheap
      Pat & part

    4. Prey &pray
      Flare & flair
      Hail & Hale
      Bath & bat.
      To & two.
      Faze & phase.

    5. Homophones

      4.Peace and Piece
      5.see and Sea
      6. it and eat

    6. Knight and Night
      Hall and All
      Reign and Rain
      Rice and Rise
      Raise and Race

      *Larry was here*

    7. You are a full fool

    8. Doll & Dull
      Beer & Bear
      Dawn & Done

    9. Simi my love, I dey like dele 😊😊

    10. This Chike is a clown. Loool

    11. lmaooooooooo...nwanna international!!

  9. What is it with Yoruba boys huh? Every Yoruba guy I meet these days is a suspect.
    I just cant trust them.
    Chike baibai whats up?

    I want me some Pringles right now.

    *hangs leg on the window*

    1. Leave my Yoruba brothers for us, they never even reach us joor πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

      *Larry was here*

    2. What is it with this tribal wars all the time????

    3. I FIRM SteffySoFlySoFyn aka kokolet aka leg hanger aka cucumber grabber... Lol

  10. Had a torrid weekend! But thank God all is well!!!!

    If u haven't seen The Mummy....Then I wonder what u r wasting ur money on!!😍😘

    Kelvin Dat Edo Boi (Stellz Cousin)

    1. I know you haven't seen Wonder woman yet. keep wasting your money oπŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ€”πŸ€”.

    2. seeing the Mummy this week.

    3. Medusa, naaaaa Don't think I will see Wonder Woman on the big screen, piracy ti take over πŸ˜†
      Teflon, olboy mega pwessing weeeeeeeeeeeekend!!!! My palms dey pain me 😒

      Kelvin Dat Edo Boi (Stellz Cousin)

  11. If you’re with someone and you wish you were elsewhere, then leave. One of the cruelest things you can do to a person is make them feel like home when to you, they’re only temporary. We all deserve love and undistracted attention. We all deserve to feel wanted. If you can’t give them your whole heart, then don’t you dare hold it hostage.

  12. So i have beautiful onyinye as a birthday mate on the blog. Who else? Happy birthday to us all. Thanks to those who have wished me. Nothing good wilk be far from you

    1. Happy birthday hun. I wish you God's divine favour and blessing today and always.

    2. Happy birthday!
      Happy birthday sultry Onyx!

    3. Hello trinity how are you

    4. Happy birthday dear. God bless your new age. May all that you desire according to God's will be granted. Amen.

    5. Happy birthday Trinity. More blessings

    6. Happy birthday dear😘😘😘😘😘

    7. Happy belated birthday Trini 😘😘

    8. Oh, it's today??? Happy Birthday Mami

    9. Happy birthday, Trini darling.

      Live and prosper.


    10. HBD Trin! God bless u,always.

    11. Happy happy birthday lovey. I hope you're having a good day. I wish you all the good things this life has to offer ❤

    12. Happy birthday Trinity. IWULL'N'P. May God bless your new age. Age gracefully.

    13. Happy birthday T...
      God's special blessings now and always

    14. Happy birthday trinity
      Stay blessed
      Enjoy It's your day

    15. Happy birthday to you Trinity, many more beautiful years in life

      *Larry was here*

    16. Happy birthday


  13. @Onyiye you are beautiful

    @Iyabeji.. Eku Ise Ma....


  14. Replies
    1. Where's Queen and Boss??

    2. Oninye is desperate. Azi gbakwa!

  15. Ihn is here.Wet Tuesday.
    Someone should give me a Christian hug please.
    Faces of IHN are looking beautiful. Onyi NNE idi sharp.

  16. Replies
    1. The conductor and passenger story crack me up a lot,most conductors in Lagos are fund of that. The baby with partial paralysis have never heard of such before,doctors in the house over to you guys.

  17. Hope everyone is having a good day?need anything for salahh in Lagos?pulis shop o,I'm so boreddddd!!!

    1. Pls in case u need assistant am available

  18. iyammi!!! Bv oriente why are you so pretty na, thank you for not using filter to filter your face away. chai you look like an african barbie. i cant stop staring at you.

    let me go back and take another loooooooong look again lol. wishing you happy married life dear.

    1. Awwww thanks so much babe
      I heart you

    2. Happy birthday Oyinye.

      Happy married life Olori orente.

      Thank for ur @lady that gave testimony. U shall surely deliver safely and this one will stay with u and ur hubby.

    3. Amen..... She pretty!!

  19. IHN so full today,where will I start from,let continue my hustle of bugging people 😁,you all can face your hustle πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  20. Faces of IHN are beautiful.
    Wishing everyone a lovely day ahead!
    Krix leave my husband's boo now!OK let me come and be going.

  21. @ Onyinye face of IHN - Happy Birthday to you and many happy returns. I like your super filter pics wow you come fresh like obokun fish.

  22. Ihn is here....I want chin chin o

  23. Waooooo see me here again, thank you so much BV Mama Small Chops, I can't thank you enough, it's really my time on SDKB to shine.
    Thanks so much Stella, I sent an appreciation mail to you that one BV Bukky sent me money from USA, maybe it went to trash or something. I really appreciate you people, may the Lord always bless you continuously

    *Larry was here*

  24. Awwwww I look like a barbie doll
    I am grateful.
    Thanks mama boyfriends
    I heart you
    Happy birthday once again beautiful oyinye
    My wedding is over a year
    And the gown is just occupying space.

    I pray God grant my heart desires
    Enjoy the cold day everyone.
    Hijacking TGW hugs and share to everyone.....

  25. Trinity darl, happy birthday to you. May God bless you today and always.

    You and your son share same month... I like.

    My bro, his wifey and son share same month.

    My sister and hubby are same month. I think babies will arrive that month too.

    I share same month with boo. I wish I can have my baby same month.

    Pipi yo! Happy laughing.

    Sandy yo! Trust you're good?

    Cookie boo boo 😘😘😘

    Children of anger, how's the anger business? Moving to permanent site I guess

    1. Freshy Freshy...your wish shall be granted IJN, but your baby will be a Taurean born in the month of May. kikikikikikikikikiki

  26. Sign out meme is the truth


  27. Bawo ni gbogbo ile?
    Iya ibeji, your series be giving me liver
    Olori Orente, sweet potato


  28. Awww.... see my Olori orente ooh 😍 So you're petite like me? Awwww.... that's a pretty dress too. Fine face of IHN too. Hi Guys!! I had to set an alarm for IHN πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    From yesterday's SP, thanks @Tetrina *squeezy hugs* @Le Min Ho boo boo πŸ’‹πŸ’‹ @Miss priya πŸ’‹πŸ’‹ @D'Royalty πŸ’‹πŸ’‹@Lagos Shopper πŸ’‹πŸ’‹ P.S that's one kiss on the cheek for each of you. I didn't read till late at night.

    I ordered Mexican wrap from Wrap City off Jumia food and a glass of fresh juice to wash it down. #firstmealoftheday πŸ˜’

    Where's my ugebe and my aeegurl? Sending one million kisses your way. To all my darling BVs thanks guys for the love I'm grateful. God bless you and fulfill all your hearts desires.

    Have to go for lunch now. Na tea get me since morning *side eye at yori yori* The morning rain today though *throws groundnut in mouth*

    1. 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
      *grabs the groudnut*

    2. chikito darling. Good to have you on here. sure you're aiit. How's work going?? abeg stress yaself sofry sofry oo. Be good😘😘

  29. Fine faces for IHN - Bv oyinye and olori orente

    Pregnant BV, you will carry your baby to term. Your baby will come out alive and you the mother will be healthy as well. If cervix was closed though, why didn't the hospital give the option of C.S? I am asking because late April while I went to help my choir coord's wife out in the hospital, a lady who had been dilating and reached is it 8cm or so, got to know that her cervix was closed and immediately the decision was made that she'd be taken to the theatre for c.s.

    BV that wants to care for a special child, it's best in my opinion that you tell her to try a government hospital instead of a private one. The head not being able to balance reminds me of a book I read 'splendid' a true tale, don't even want to remember the heart wrenching details

  30. Hello people, IHN is here again. Happy birthday beautiful Onyinye, I wish you God's blessings. Bv Olori Orente, you are beautiful. Congrats.

  31. cant stop watching my forever crush tubaba Coded tins video.
    oooh mi Lawd!!! i love this nigga threemuch.
    *side eyes at annieidibia*

    Phyno be giving me mild orgasm chai his bear bear is doing me somehow.

  32. Ihn hot as usual.
    Beautiful onyinye and Olori Orente, you guys rock.

    Enjoy your day

  33. Yesterday was our baby naming ceremony. To our surprise, I mean my hubby friends and I, my dear hubby named our baby after his girlfriend. He gave our baby his girlfriend names just a name was different and that's the one I gave her. My baby first and second name is that of his girlfriend. We were all surprised when the pastor called out the names.
    I even overheard his friends even teasing him say O ga gan o, Ife yi le o meaning na wa o, this love is strong o.

    I thought the love story between these two was going to end but I don't see it ending.

    Chronicles of a Cairo housewife.
    Let me come and go...

    1. Na wah oh!, una no agree on the names before going to church?

    2. D luv is strong but did they part ways?

      Amebo Alert

    3. Hahahahahahahahaha very funny


  34. Happy birthday Bv Trinity, wish you God's blessings. Have fun dear.

  35. Ihn is bae.
    It will all make sense someday

  36. Ihn is bae.
    It will all make sense someday

  37. God knows my heart and that's all that truly matters.

    Beautiful ladies. Happy Birthday sultry onyx. God bless your new age.
    Happy married life olori orente. God bless your home.

    I had one stalker too back in sch. I tried all I could to get rid of him but was unsuccessful till my bro stepped in.

    I won't forget my one day hotel job in a hurry. I don't blame people that stereotype hotel workers. Imagine an hotel where the manager takes marijuana even during the day. No be my clear eye I take run.

    Congrats to the bv with the amazing testimony. Also using this to congratulate P-lav. Your testimonies shall be permanent. Amen

  38. Madam bv small chops, I love small chops and I am a muslim,may Almighty Allah bless you abundantly.

    Been long you saw me....

  39. Hbd Starry Larry
    Hbd Sultry onyx
    Hbd Beautiful Onyiye....I like Ur shoes
    Enjoy Ur day guyz
    Hml Bv Oriente!
    Una Doh!

  40. IHN.
    Happy Birthday Sultry, Starry and Trinity. God bless you ladies.
    Imagine wasting your strength cursing someone. Just when you thought you have given the person enough dose, you realise the person didn't even get it at,its funny Abeg!
    I had an encounter with two cultist. That was in secondary school though. I can still remember the fear that holds me whenever they come to See Me. They were staunch cultist, weren't afraid to tell who ever cares to listen about their escapades. Worst of it, both of them were in rival group. It wasn't the fear that cultist were asking me out that was killing me. It was the fear that what if they find they both find out themselves that both of them were asking me out being that the two cult doesn't pass the same lane at all. What kind of prayer did I not pray then. I prayed rosary for this Two guys that 1. They shouldn't find out about each other 2. They should leave me alone.
    Hian, for where? Both of them refused to leave me till I left for FGGC.
    Thank God they didn't find out about each other. What will be my news? Two rival cult are fighting because of one small girl.
    Till I left PH, I haven't seen both of them. I pray I dont, I don't even want to remember their names. Either they would have repented or they have graduated to grand masters of a higher cult.

  41. Beautiful Orente. Just like that your name like our Oluwadarasimi, will give names too. let me be saving una names for my diary. What is the meaning of Orente. Today is beautiful. Dont even know what to write self.

    Madam small chop congrats ooo. Starry enjoy it jare. You deserve it.

    The lady ttcing, God is not asleep, dont worry He will surely comfort your pain with Joy Amen

    Make i go watch Iron Rose finish.

  42. Mama tee you are so right. My elder bro worked in one hotel back then, he had money but no time. They used him until he fell sick and nearly died, he stopped work after he came back from hospital.
    Between, you write so well.
    Olori orente you are beautiful. Let me go and read more

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Iya Ibeji lmao. Funny write up.

  45. Welcome Ihn..... fine women. Happy birthday trinity.... you don't use that your 'end time comments'

  46. Ela dim OMA,kedu be ino? Oyi na atum o... Odim na obi,afurum gi na Anya nke ukwuπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

  47. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  48. Lol I remember lying to one guy that I am a lesbian that guys irritate the hell outta me, tho he started gossiping me but I didn't care all I wanted at Dat point was him leaving me.
    I have also Did the obanje stunt too. Some guys are just too difficult to deal with I swear.

  49. Happy birthday Onyin.
    Bv olori olrente thanks for giving out.
    Job vacancies good luck to applicants.
    Mama tees gist wehdonma.
    Iya beji I salute u too.
    Stella stay blessed.

  50. Happy birthday Onyin.
    Bv olori olrente thanks for giving out.
    Job vacancies good luck to applicants.
    Mama tees gist wehdonma.
    Iya beji I salute u too.
    Stella stay blessed.

  51. Happy birthday Onyin.
    Bv olori olrente thanks for giving out.
    Job vacancies good luck to applicants.
    Mama tees gist wehdonma.
    Iya beji I salute u too.
    Stella stay blessed.

  52. Thanks for posting Stella Nwanyioma ..

    Spring Rolls(the long one) filling is made up of veggies: Cabbage,carrot,spring onions,sweet corn etc (I play with the recipe depending on what taste I'm going for), you can also add either shrimps or chicken but for commercial purpose I don't add protein to spring rolls filling except the client wants it customized with a slight increase in price.

    Samosa (the triangle one) filling contains Minced meat and other veggies but most Indians use carrot and Irish potatoe or mutton cos they don't eat beef.

  53. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  54. Them still dey use bb messenger

    Let me go and read iyabeji's story

  55. Congrats my dear, God has visited you finally, oya learn close your mouth and pray more, affliction will not raise again, your mother inlaw was only excited to be a granma, but she no no say people of this life is wicked

  56. Hahahahahahahahhahahaah Stella, you have too many blog boos'. Would have gladly sent you some but you see ehnnn, I don't want their wahala x #crunchingonmychinchin #ooooyummy 🀣🀣🀣

    1. Afternoon tetrina. Missed you on hereπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

    2. Only you??? Is this life??? 😨😩😩😩

  57. back - bark
    sew - sow
    bingo - been go
    saw (at in cutting a tree or plank) - saw

  58. Happy birthday beautiful onyiye.... congrats Adeola may God grant all your heart ❤️ desire, congrats to the TCC woman.. iya beji Weldon πŸ‘

  59. Happy birthday Onyin.
    Bv olori olrente thanks for giving out.
    Job vacancies good luck to applicants.
    Mama tees gist wehdonma.
    Iya beji I salute u too.
    Stella stay blessed.

  60. Pls I need Etisalat data codes, I want to switch from this Glo.

  61. I see me up there #shines teeth.
    Happy birthday to you too Blessed Trinity. Good to have found a birthday mate in here.
    And thanks all for the lovely messages and heartfelt prayers. Chukwu gozie unu

    1. Happy birthday asanwa
      Asa Di o.k, ASA confirmed
      Baby ina ekoli m o!
      Age with grace

  62. Happy Birthday Onyi, you're so pretty..... Wishing you everything Good

    Trinity, My today bring many of your dreams to fulfilment.... Your latter will be greater than your past!! Have fun and enjoy your day!!

    Hello Everyone....... 'Cold is catching me'

  63. hahahahahaha Anon 15:03 is it your desperate. Onyin needs to sell her market well. You dont know we have good guys that comes here to peep.

    Onyin your market go sell Amen

  64. I hope I am early enough....
    Tetrina darl,I saw your shout out yesterday, thanks for always checking on me. You don't know how much I appreciate πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•. Much loveπŸ’πŸ’.
    Beneath, the cussing and hate,there is a lot of love and friendship here. Kudos TGW πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ.

    Cold but busy afternoon!

  65. Happy birthday once again beautiful Onyx,Lagos conductors who don't know them and their no change slogan, then once they start shouting no change I will just reply national anthem,bcus they like singing, goodluck to those that will apply for job, it is surely well with that baby, I have a friend whose child is like that but she has been going to general hospital and by his grace the baby is getting better, congratulations to the lady that got pregnant,God in his Mercy will see you through, Iya beji well done with the write up you are trying Biko, starry congrats for your small chops ohhh, good afternoon all

  66. This married man has been on my neck for friendship,told him no.but he won't let me. Stalking and embarrassing me. Shebi if I ask him for money,he will run.Abi my people. Wetin una think

    NB: I'm in a serious relationship though and I love my man


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