Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...


Saturday, June 17, 2017

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...

Hmmm...In Mathematics,what is the value of X and Y?


Your blog always makes ones day. There's no day I dont visit but yet to get an Id. I will soonest, thanks to Martins aboy. I have been seeing the assistance you have been rendering towards getting an Id. God bless you.

Let me just go straight to the point. I clocked 32 this month from anambra with a stable job though not too fantastic take home but manageable. I currently have two men in my life. Let me call them X and Y. We are all lagos based.

The X guy from abia state will be 43 this year and has never been married. Cute, nice, comfortable and does everything you can think of for me without blinking an eye lid. I like him but not love. I dont really feel that relaxed whenever we are together and cant really tell why. I just always tell myself that if I happen to end up with him, the love will definitely come.

The Y guy from anambra is 33, just a year older than I. Handsome sweet looking guy but hes still struggling to grow even though he seems like the hardworking type, pushes and believes to make it big someday. The truth is I like and love him more than the X guy as in we blend more in terms of everything you know.

Its just that in this generation we are in now, everybody tends to go where there is comfort (money). Side eye at Queen and boss of this blog. 

Nobody wants to start from scratch any longer like our mothers did. So my people, I am just at a cross road at the moment and confused on who to go for. 

 Sweet Stella and bvs, please your little input will be appreciated while I read.  

Thank you.

*IF it was me ,I would choose the one that loves me more and willing to do anything for me.


  1. Go for X simple

    *Larry was here*

    1. Complicated.

      Your comment will be visible after approval.

    2. Go for the one that has the fear of God n sincerely love him (God)so that he can love you better.
      Money doesn't make someone happy neither poverty.

    3. Go for the older one. He has alot to loose if he doesn't make it work so he'll be serious and do everything he can to keep his home intact. Time is not on his side.
      Lucky you.

  2. Go for love na, love conquers all. Bit I hope it is the right choice.

    1. Love kwa my dear it doesn't work like dat😊 there will be time love will fade away, what other things will save the marriage wen they're both broke?

  3. At 32,you still dey simultaneous equations of X and Y.

    1. Very funny woman... When are mates are done with child bearing, she's still catching feelings.. Maybel

    2. @lady Bug, is 32 a death sentence? Don't make it sound as if this life begins and ends with marriage. So because she is 32, she does not have the right to make a choice abi! U are very myopic in your thinking.

  4. Since your mother is your role model biko follow her steps! D only thing I will advise u of is, follow the one that love u more.

  5. Poster choose Y the one from Anambra. Fa na agba mbo!

    1. 'Iffahear' ha na agba mbo fire,the likes of EVANS abi? Hehehhehehehehe

  6. Poster,don't suffer with a man cos most them don't treat their wives right when they make money!!...
    You can go for the Anambra brother if you are a suffer head!!...
    He is 33 right?...
    You will start looking like his mother after child birth!...
    Biko gbaa way the guy!!...
    Go for the Abia guy joor!!...

    1. It's not like girls don't want to start from scratch with the men they love, the truth this poor men have to much ego in them. Once they start to make money the girl who suffered with them will be like rubbish before them, then they will start spending money running after girls with big eyes.

    2. Go for the younger guy just don't let yourself go when u start having kids

  7. If I were u, I will date the both of them, after all non has promise to marry you. U guys might end up not marrying each other.

  8. After letters @X and @Y..

    Wetin remain? Na letter @Z

    Do wetin dey your mind mbok

    Una no dey kukuma follow all of our advice


  9. He does "everything for you", What do you do for him?
    Vagina, vagina, vagina; sure?
    "Everybody goes to where there is comfort?"
    Must you follow the multitude to do evil?
    You sound like a girl that does not have a mind of her own.

    1. Do you know you are so dumb??...
      So any man that is doing good for him self is into an illicit business?...
      Poverty is a bastard!!...see people reasoning like an imbecile!!...

    2. Madam,you might not know me because I don't usually comment but I just need to tell you that I admire you slit and always looking forward to reading your comments

      You are the kind of woman I am planning to become

      Some who uses her head instead of her heart...

  10. Stupid girl with a stupid question.
    You are at a crossroad you created yourself.
    Evans wife is comfortable now isn't she?
    Chanting like parrot from Ghana

  11. There is neither "cross" nor "road" here
    You fashioned all to suit your greed.
    If this younger guy should get a better paying job now, or kidnap and get money like "everybody" in you vain mind do,
    You will remember that you do not feel like a woman before the older guy
    You feel like a rat with fish brain!

    Some "women" should better be called "woe men"

  12. You need to decide what "evil" you or material comforts but know ye that however you make your bed, so will you lie on it eternally...marriage is not boyfriend/girlfriend, so LOOK before you leap. Forget this rubbish of who loves you more, it's called the honeymoon stage in any relationship, until you start facing life's dodgeball as a couple, that's when everyone's true character emerges. Now you have the luxury of pulling out when it doesn't suit you

  13. what Stella mean is dat she will go for d one day has money...ur mother already did d suffering y do u want that for ur self
    Just like Jesus he died on d cross for our sins
    Use ur tongue to count ur teeth

    1. No, Stella means that she'll go for the one that loves her more. He will keep pampering her

  14. This one is a disciple of the queen of the coast
    sure your mother has told you what you want to hear
    When you reach the main cross road, you will be on your own

    1. Oluwa ooo.. someone has two and is comparing who to be with.. half i dont even have after break up due to religion.its 8 months already😭😭😭.. no new friends no nothing.. just on my own every weekend

    2. Queen of the coast😗👸17 June 2017 at 21:15

      There's more to marriage than material comfort and "feelings". Pray to God to just direct your path n b ready to go with His will if not oyo is ur case. At 32 u sound a bit immature or should I say foolish. When u meet a cross road in life it's nor somebori that will tell u u haf reach crossroad. Jisike

  15. i think its better to ho with the guy that loves you more but all in all, marry somebody you love.

  16. poster, please go for the rich one.the love covering your eyes will clear and turn to severe hatred if you marry the poor struggling guy.

  17. @Stella
    And if the one that is willing to "do anything for her" (being God) is not attractive to her after marriage you receive a chronicle of adultery?

  18. Marry the man that loves you and will fight to be at your side...That will make you feel like a woman and be completely whole..I strongly believe in that , also ask God for direction and wisdom cause marriage no be moi-moi...

  19. Poster just choose the one that loves you and vice versa.
    After choosing the one you like ,feel free to share the remaining guy's phone number here so that our booless sisters will grab him asap.There is love in sharing.

  20. How do I send in a chronicle please

    1. Send a mail to


  21. Why are u asking us since u love to start from the scratch
    U better marry the guy that loves u more

  22. My dear marry the one that loves you more o, the true nature of a man is seen when he has money and power. That guy u think you love fit hammer 2moro nd turn to animal. Or see some1 else he is much younger than. Baby better go for the man that loves you more

  23. Bless u stella for that advice

    *That is what my mum always say. It's better u r wt a guy dt loves u more"

  24. Marry someone that loves you more but make sure you love the person too.

    1. Take this from jasmine,make sure u love d person bck oo,if not na regret afta oo

    2. Trust me, if you don't love that guy at all it will be difficult to accept him totally - his positive and negative sides. Marry the one that you love but love with ya head inn'it

    3. Innit... Lol..isn't?? ?? ?

  25. Poster you know your mind is directing you to the 33 year old guy because you like them young... Please don't suffer that 43 your old man... Follow your heart.

  26. Let's rehearse those ("everybody") that married "comfortable men"; what you girls see on Social media:
    Tonto Dike
    Toke Makinwa
    The other one they broke her eye socket em Mercy Aigbe x 2
    Ini Edo
    Monalisa Chinda; on her second or third?
    Funke Akindele; on third or fourth?
    Fathia Balogun
    Stella Damascus; scattered or stole one?
    Doris Simon
    Mbong Amata
    Kate Henshaw (dropped "comfortable Nuttal")
    Ayo Adesanya; which number?
    Oge Okoye
    Chika Ike
    UChe Iwuji

    Others too numerous to mention.
    The "comfortable" men; wife beating skate browsers
    If they buy you, you are one of the properties in the house or garage.

    1. Have you wondered why uncle X- with all the comfort and care, is still single at 43?
      Not all that glitters is gold... If he was that good, he would have be taken long ago.

    2. Kzy,I know you are a broke ass!!...
      My brother go and marry!...

    3. 100 likes for dis comment

  27. Love is not enough in a relationship,tick all the tickables and make your choice.

  28. No long thing go for X...well chose the one that is God fearing o & loves u,will be able to take care of your future kids without problem

  29. Biko marry my ABIA BROTHER if you are comfortable with the age difference.
    Since he does right by you, do same oo, don't come and take advantage of his kindness.

  30. Poster go with the guy that love more.

  31. Someone to grow with at 32? Ok I dey come.

    1. So what if she's 32.pls poster make ur choice..there is room 4 anyone 2 choose even if they are 45..Na God bring d guys.

  32. You think you love the 33 year old guy because he is from Anambra like you. Anambra people like to marry themselves even if they are dying inside the marriage. If the 43 yr old Guy is from Anambra, you won't be sending this chronicle. I rest my case.

  33. Hmmmmmm!what is the value of x when y=0

  34. Marry the one that love you mist, the one that will spend his last kobo on you.

  35. Marry d 43yrs old guy...cos he loves u ooo...leave dat 33yrs old guy cos he will break ur heart wen money starts rolling in .

  36. My dear pls go for the one you love and also loves you.I am in that now,ur mr x is the type of guy i married but am not in love with him and i am miserable even with the money and things he buys for me,am not still happy.Wish u best of luck.

  37. Dear poster, if you are not comfortable with the older guy then leave him or dig deeper and find out what is wrong if u are uncomfortable then there is something. Follow ur instincts. In marriage, it's not only money you would chop and it is not only love you would chop so please pray and do u even know how the money came abt? I would say you go with the 33 year old dude but please pray for guidance from God cos that's the ultimate. Fast and pray or join the Hallelujah challenge. My point is that u involve God and u won't be confused no more

  38. Go for the 43 years old guy. Where there's no money, the love will begin to shake. I trust at this your age u re already used to luxury, don't fall back on it. Do not settle for less. Life is too short to suffer for nothing. Especially for men of this days. If u were much younger, I Wud hv adviced u go for the 33. But as it is, leave the 33 for the younger ladies and go for the 43.


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