This Narrative will leave you feeling cold in a hot weather.Please Read....OMG;Evans is a wicked man!
he miraculously escaped from their hideout. In this exclusive interview culled from Saturday Vanguard, the first since his freedom, Chief Dunu gave a vivid account of the hair-raising ugly encounter.
On the 14th February, 2017, at about 7:30pm, while I was going home from my office at Ilupeju, I suddenly saw an SUV opposite me. I wanted to reverse but somebody in the front came down with a long gun and dragged me out from my car. He pushed me inside the SUV. Immediately they moved away from the street, they transferred me to the back of the SUV and covered me with a car mat while one of them sat on top of me. They drove me to an unknown place but before we got there, the one at the back with me now put iron (chain) on my hands. There were about five of them in the SUV. I was carried away and didn’t know what to say. I was afraid for my life and was thinking whether they were assassins or kidnappers because I have some cases in the court. So, I thought maybe those people are the ones after me.
Trip to hideout
When we got there, they asked me to come down but remain faced down, which I did. The house was a bungalow with a parlour and their generator was on. They asked me; are you Chief Donatus, I said yes, what’s your wife’s name? I told them. They now told me that they were not going to harm me, that what they wanted was their own share and that I should cooperate. After that, they brought out one AK-47 and a pistol with live ammunitions and showed me that this is not a child’s play. They now brought out a locally made iron like chain and put on my legs, blindfolded me, then pushed me into one dark room. It was a self-contained room with bathroom and toilet inside. There was a standing fan, one high rise foam with bed spread and curtains on the widow but throughout my stay there, it was not opened even for one day. I was there till the following day.
There was no food for me throughout that night, but in the morning, they brought Indomie for me after brushing. I took my bath and ate. They asked me not to look at them any time I wanted to bath so when the time comes; I raised the blindfold up a bit, making sure that they did not see me.
Familiar voice echoes
After about two days, I heard a voice that sounds like my pharmacist, Emeka, and it was while I was eating, normally while eating, I used to raise the blindfold up small to enable me to see. He asked them where they kept me. As he was talking, our eyes met and he shuddered. He now withdrew, but before he left, he asked them whether they have contacted my brothers and they said no. I was hearing everything they were discussing. They even asked how they could get to my wife but he told them that my wife doesn’t usually come to the office. What I noticed was that, in the first one week, they were not harsh but that changed all of a sudden. I used to brush every morning but it became once in a week. I noticed that, any time they wanted me to bathe, they would come to my room early morning with one small bucket of water and asked me to get up and take my bath. Then after that, everywhere would be so quiet as if nobody lived in that compound. So, in the night before they put on their generator, it used to be around 8:30pm so that the neighbourhood would now think that they have come back from their home while they were inside the house all through without any music and no television.
I noticed also that whenever their boss called them, they would put on one small radio so that neighbours would not hear whatever they were discussing. After five days there, I started getting weak and I asked them how much I have to pay. Their manager now called their chairman and they discussed. Their chairman, as they called him, was not discussing with anybody except the manager, they were three. The manager now came to me and said his boss said my bill was two million dollars. I asked where I would get that kind of money. We don’t usually keep money at home; we do borrow from banks to do business. After much pleading, he reduced it to one million dollars. But after two days, he said he has gotten more information about me and it’s no more dollars again, it’s one million euros.
At exactly two weeks of my hostage, they contacted my brother through the phone number I gave them. When he called my brother, he asked his manager to connect me, I think it was a conference call because he was hearing the conversation but whenever he wanted to talk to me, he would put it on pause and would tell me what to tell my family.
Negotiation starts
Initially, I was telling my brother that they said it was one million euros but he said, “No, that I’m a mad person, that I should tell my brother that I have agreed with them that it is one million euros” and I did so. My brothers were crying because where would they get such an amount of money. There were times they would be beating me so that my brothers would hear and know that I was suffering. That iron was on my leg throughout my stay in the place except when I was going to bath. They used to serve me Indomie twice a day or sometimes, Semovita with one meat. They used to cook in the house. There was a lady that used to come and cook for them. The lady used to come with a small girl. My brother called and said that there was no money but they managed to gather fifty million naira and he said my brothers were all mad, that if they did not complete the money, he was prepared to keep me for the next one year and that they were not paying rent and that they were the owners of the house.
For one month I was there because gathering that money was not easy. I did not know whether I was the only victim there or not because throughout my 90 days incarceration, I was only in that one room. He vowed to collect the ransom complete. My brothers went to collect a lot of money from our relatives. I know when it was one hundred million naira, but he still insisted. I knew there was a time the exchange dropped, so, he now asked them not to change the money. When he said one million euros, the euro was about five hundred and thirty naira per euro. So, when the rate was dropping, he asked them not to change, that it was now naira they wanted because he thought naira was gaining value, which would have been five hundred million.
When my brother now told them that he was not able to get one hundred million, they said he was talking rubbish. It was Tuesday before Easter; my brothers were doing everything to get me out to celebrate Easter with them. He now called my brother and said he should bring whatsoever they had; my brother now told them what he had. He told my elder brother that he was going to be the one that would deliver the money and that he would shoot his two legs if he tried to joke with them. They were all quarrelling. The manger now took the phone from me and started insulting my brother that, he was very stupid, and very wicked, that he wanted me to die so that he could go and inherit my property.
On Thursday, before Easter, I asked the manager about their chairman. I used to chat with them, and I was trying to be friendly with them. Then the manager told me that the chairman travelled to America. He came back the next Sunday after Easter. I now asked; can I talk to my brothers? Because it was like I have already been cut off from the real world.
Effect of Vanguard publication
So, the first publication about my abduction in Vanguard newspapers was on Saturday, then, the chairman (Evans) called his manager and was speaking with anger saying that my brother wanted to kill me. After the call, his manager now came to me to say that, “your brother doesn’t want you alive. He went to do a newspaper publication while he has been begging that he doesn’t have money. Now, where did he get the money to do the publication?” On Sunday, the chairman called to say that I should thank my God, that if they had published that story in Vanguard before now, there was no way he wouldn’t have collected one billion naira from me. Then on Tuesday, the story was everywhere on Facebook. The chairman now called the manager again complaining bitterly about the publication on Facebook. But again, I pleaded with them that my brother didn’t have Facebook account just like me. He doesn’t have time for all these things, maybe it could be women that did that. They were very angry about that newspaper publication. After that, there was no communication from the chairman even my brothers again.
Calls for change of negotiator
Exactly one month after Easter, he now called again that he didn’t want to discuss anything with my brothers again, that I should call another person. I now called my cousin and the manager asked me to tell chairman whenever he called that my brother wanted to kill me so he should hands off this case. One day after that discussion with the chairman, I heard Emeka, my pharmacist, discussing with them. Normally, he did come there every day. Sometimes, he stayed till late night. And I was overhearing his voice. At a point I thought, he was no longer living with his wife because he stayed late there.
Decision to kill me
I heard Emeka discussing with manager but what drew my attention was when the manager said “….ehh…for that reason, we don’t have choice than to kill him, we would kill him. We don’t have alternative than to kill him. I overheard Emeka calling my staff from there. He was complaining that I was very wicked, that this was what I have done to some persons. He was complaining that one of my pharmacists was not cooperating.
When I now heard that they would kill me, I now encouraged myself that, maybe it’s not me. There was a day Emeka came again and said, “If you want to kill him, kill him, in fact, kill him”. Until that week that I escaped from them on Wednesday, Emeka came again and asked them whether they have killed me. They said no…that it is going to be on Friday night. I said to God, that it has been said that nobody knows when he is going to die but it is like I know when I’m going to die. Even the first day that they made up their mind to kill me, the manager now called the one that travelled to come back so I thought it was going to be that night.
Effect of Vanguard publication
So, the first publication about my abduction in Vanguard newspapers was on Saturday, then, the chairman (Evans) called his manager and was speaking with anger saying that my brother wanted to kill me. After the call, his manager now came to me to say that, “your brother doesn’t want you alive. He went to do a newspaper publication while he has been begging that he doesn’t have money. Now, where did he get the money to do the publication?” On Sunday, the chairman called to say that I should thank my God, that if they had published that story in Vanguard before now, there was no way he wouldn’t have collected one billion naira from me. Then on Tuesday, the story was everywhere on Facebook. The chairman now called the manager again complaining bitterly about the publication on Facebook. But again, I pleaded with them that my brother didn’t have Facebook account just like me. He doesn’t have time for all these things, maybe it could be women that did that. They were very angry about that newspaper publication. After that, there was no communication from the chairman even my brothers again.
Calls for change of negotiator
Exactly one month after Easter, he now called again that he didn’t want to discuss anything with my brothers again, that I should call another person. I now called my cousin and the manager asked me to tell chairman whenever he called that my brother wanted to kill me so he should hands off this case. One day after that discussion with the chairman, I heard Emeka, my pharmacist, discussing with them. Normally, he did come there every day. Sometimes, he stayed till late night. And I was overhearing his voice. At a point I thought, he was no longer living with his wife because he stayed late there.
Decision to kill me
I heard Emeka discussing with manager but what drew my attention was when the manager said “….ehh…for that reason, we don’t have choice than to kill him, we would kill him. We don’t have alternative than to kill him. I overheard Emeka calling my staff from there. He was complaining that I was very wicked, that this was what I have done to some persons. He was complaining that one of my pharmacists was not cooperating.
When I now heard that they would kill me, I now encouraged myself that, maybe it’s not me. There was a day Emeka came again and said, “If you want to kill him, kill him, in fact, kill him”. Until that week that I escaped from them on Wednesday, Emeka came again and asked them whether they have killed me. They said no…that it is going to be on Friday night. I said to God, that it has been said that nobody knows when he is going to die but it is like I know when I’m going to die. Even the first day that they made up their mind to kill me, the manager now called the one that travelled to come back so I thought it was going to be that night.
I was counting the days because I did not know when my end would come. I didn’t even know that this was even almost two months after collecting ransom from my brothers. I didn’t know that they collected it. I was told this when I came out. When their Chairman travelled, I thought he travelled to America like his people said or South Africa maybe; he went to save the money. Throughout that Wednesday, I wasn’t myself even when they brought the Indomie, I couldn’t eat.
Mysterious escape from the dark room
It was on Friday night that my miracle happened. Way back, for the 90 days period of my captivity, I was trying to remove that iron from my leg without success, but that night around 2:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m., something asked me to get up and I got up and prayed. After that, the voice said to me that I should try opening that padlock which I did. I squeezed small size of the bed spread and passed it through the padlock and pulled it with little effort once, and the padlock opened.
I said to myself, God, if I go and these people catch me, I will die, and if I remain here till daybreak, I would also die. So, the best thing is that, let me go and try it. It was God that opened this padlock, because I know that it wasn’t my personal power. That God will lead me out.
Mysterious escape from the dark room
It was on Friday night that my miracle happened. Way back, for the 90 days period of my captivity, I was trying to remove that iron from my leg without success, but that night around 2:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m., something asked me to get up and I got up and prayed. After that, the voice said to me that I should try opening that padlock which I did. I squeezed small size of the bed spread and passed it through the padlock and pulled it with little effort once, and the padlock opened.
I said to myself, God, if I go and these people catch me, I will die, and if I remain here till daybreak, I would also die. So, the best thing is that, let me go and try it. It was God that opened this padlock, because I know that it wasn’t my personal power. That God will lead me out.
Before then, I had begged them to be leaving the door linking my room to the parlour open so that I will be getting fresh air from there. Luckily, there was light that night and there was curtain and linen, so I made sure that the inside of my room was darker than the palour so that even if they opened the curtain and looked inside, they would not see me. There were two of them sleeping at the palour and because there was light that night, I couldn’t step on anyone of them. I said to my God, I will go; I will go. I left for the palour, from there to the kitchen. There, I saw another burglary at the kitchen door and I concluded that I could not open it and had to go back through the palour to my dark room again while those people were still sleeping. I carried the iron and put it back on my legs but didn’t lock it again. One mind said I should go again, I should go and try, I got up again went through the palour yet, they did not notice, then I closed the back door. Luckily, the wooden door that leads outside was not locked while the burglary was locked at the middle. The upper bolt and the down ones were just held down. When I pushed the upper bolt and the down one, the burglary opened and I now went outside their compound. I saw their gate, I turned the other side and I saw something like ladder resting on the fence. Their fence had broken bottles on top of it but at that point where the ladder was, the broken bottles were not there. That was where I climbed the fence, stepped my foot and jumped to the other compound.
Escape route
While inside that compound, I knocked at the door of a flat, one man and a woman came out. I told them that, I was a kidnap victim being kept in the other compound; I just managed to escape now, please help me. The man said, “Mr. Man get away from this compound before I call the police or vigilante for you” and I responded, “please call the police.” The man and his wife went back to sleep, leaving me there alone. All of a sudden, everywhere became quiet again. One mind told me that I should go somewhere and hide till day break, which I did. Not up to ten minutes that I left to hide, my abductors now opened their gate looking for me everywhere with their motorcycles. I was in my hideout praying to God to save my life. I was there till day break. I was looking like a mad person. For three months, I had not shaved, everywhere was white, and I was only putting up a dirty boxer that I had worn for the past 90 days without washing. When those couple woke up and saw me, they were surprised and as he wanted to raise alarm, I said no, these people there don’t let them know I am here. I said to him, “please, sir; can you just put me inside your booth and drive me away from here?” He said no …he was not going to do that, that I should wait here. He now said he was going to call the chairman of the estate.
After about 45 minutes, they came back. Rescue at last One young boy that should be above 20 years came with something like a plastic conduit wiring and started chasing me away that, I should go out of the compound and he continued calling me a thief. There was this uniformed security personnel there, he hit me on the leg and I fell down. I was injured while jumping down from the fence. I now walked out of the compound to one school very close to my abductor’s gate. I was there as people gathered. I told them that, if these people come and see me here, they would kill me, this is how much I have offered them, that I’m not a thief but they insisted that I should wait until the estate chairman came. I asked what if they come with gun and all of you will run away and they will kill me. Luckily, one young guy came and listened to me and asked if I could give him my wife’s number? I gave it to him, he called and the number did not go through. I then gave him my cousin’s number and he got him on phone. So, my cousin told him my story and he was now convinced.
From there, we took a bike to the express, from where we entered a bus. While inside the bus, people were just staring at me. What they used to blindfold me was a singlet, for ninety days, there was nothing like seeing the sun, so my body turned white. When we got to Idimu police division, we did not spend up to 20 minutes when my brother came. They now contacted Ilupeju police division, where they first made the report. From there, we went to command headquarters, where we wasted a lot of time before going to Anti-Kidnapping unit at Surulere. After that, we went to Igando. While going there, I could not recognise the road but the young man that took me out of that place led us to the place. So, when we got to the estate, I was able to recognise the school where they asked me to sit down which was not too far from the place where I was kept for 90 days. I recognised the house by the coconut tree there and I told the security operatives, that this was the house.
Escape route
While inside that compound, I knocked at the door of a flat, one man and a woman came out. I told them that, I was a kidnap victim being kept in the other compound; I just managed to escape now, please help me. The man said, “Mr. Man get away from this compound before I call the police or vigilante for you” and I responded, “please call the police.” The man and his wife went back to sleep, leaving me there alone. All of a sudden, everywhere became quiet again. One mind told me that I should go somewhere and hide till day break, which I did. Not up to ten minutes that I left to hide, my abductors now opened their gate looking for me everywhere with their motorcycles. I was in my hideout praying to God to save my life. I was there till day break. I was looking like a mad person. For three months, I had not shaved, everywhere was white, and I was only putting up a dirty boxer that I had worn for the past 90 days without washing. When those couple woke up and saw me, they were surprised and as he wanted to raise alarm, I said no, these people there don’t let them know I am here. I said to him, “please, sir; can you just put me inside your booth and drive me away from here?” He said no …he was not going to do that, that I should wait here. He now said he was going to call the chairman of the estate.
After about 45 minutes, they came back. Rescue at last One young boy that should be above 20 years came with something like a plastic conduit wiring and started chasing me away that, I should go out of the compound and he continued calling me a thief. There was this uniformed security personnel there, he hit me on the leg and I fell down. I was injured while jumping down from the fence. I now walked out of the compound to one school very close to my abductor’s gate. I was there as people gathered. I told them that, if these people come and see me here, they would kill me, this is how much I have offered them, that I’m not a thief but they insisted that I should wait until the estate chairman came. I asked what if they come with gun and all of you will run away and they will kill me. Luckily, one young guy came and listened to me and asked if I could give him my wife’s number? I gave it to him, he called and the number did not go through. I then gave him my cousin’s number and he got him on phone. So, my cousin told him my story and he was now convinced.
From there, we took a bike to the express, from where we entered a bus. While inside the bus, people were just staring at me. What they used to blindfold me was a singlet, for ninety days, there was nothing like seeing the sun, so my body turned white. When we got to Idimu police division, we did not spend up to 20 minutes when my brother came. They now contacted Ilupeju police division, where they first made the report. From there, we went to command headquarters, where we wasted a lot of time before going to Anti-Kidnapping unit at Surulere. After that, we went to Igando. While going there, I could not recognise the road but the young man that took me out of that place led us to the place. So, when we got to the estate, I was able to recognise the school where they asked me to sit down which was not too far from the place where I was kept for 90 days. I recognised the house by the coconut tree there and I told the security operatives, that this was the house.
When we came to the gate, it was locked with a padlock and they have all run away. They had to break it and go inside where their cars, motorcycles and all their properties left behind were there. The security operatives went inside and collected all the weapons they left behind.
When I heard that they were going to kill me, I said is this how my life was going to end? I was calling my wife, my son and my daughter in my mind, thinking that was the end. Emeka joined me in 2013; he joined me as a sales representative but later became a superintendent. I used to give him goods to sell and return the money. After sometime he stopped returning the money and I asked them not to give him goods again. I never expected to hear his voice there. Before then, something happened. They started telling me things that I did, it’s like they had a lot of information about me. I was told that I gave 40 Toyota Corolla cars to my staff and I said yes, I had 40 marketers and I gave them cars. Everything including my warehouses, they knew. One Sunday in April, I heard Emeka telling them they should go and start working, and that they shouldn’t talk about money which I suspected they were transferring goods from my stores to where they would take them out of Lagos. I heard him requesting for Form M which could help him out in case of police.
My plea
Now that they have arrested their kingpin, Evans, I plead with the police that did this good job to ensure that justice is done in this case. It is obvious that many of his gang members are still on the loose. They should all be rounded up because although I have been freed, I am still not only traumatised but also afraid of my life. It is unfortunate that since I came out of this ugly experience, the police did not deem fit to provide security for me. I have since relocated with members of my family to an unknown place. It is worse even now that I have no means of livelihood. I have been wrecked after borrowing money from banks to pay the ransom. What we are trying to do now is to start paying debt to the banks.
When I heard that they were going to kill me, I said is this how my life was going to end? I was calling my wife, my son and my daughter in my mind, thinking that was the end. Emeka joined me in 2013; he joined me as a sales representative but later became a superintendent. I used to give him goods to sell and return the money. After sometime he stopped returning the money and I asked them not to give him goods again. I never expected to hear his voice there. Before then, something happened. They started telling me things that I did, it’s like they had a lot of information about me. I was told that I gave 40 Toyota Corolla cars to my staff and I said yes, I had 40 marketers and I gave them cars. Everything including my warehouses, they knew. One Sunday in April, I heard Emeka telling them they should go and start working, and that they shouldn’t talk about money which I suspected they were transferring goods from my stores to where they would take them out of Lagos. I heard him requesting for Form M which could help him out in case of police.
My plea
Now that they have arrested their kingpin, Evans, I plead with the police that did this good job to ensure that justice is done in this case. It is obvious that many of his gang members are still on the loose. They should all be rounded up because although I have been freed, I am still not only traumatised but also afraid of my life. It is unfortunate that since I came out of this ugly experience, the police did not deem fit to provide security for me. I have since relocated with members of my family to an unknown place. It is worse even now that I have no means of livelihood. I have been wrecked after borrowing money from banks to pay the ransom. What we are trying to do now is to start paying debt to the banks.
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JESUS!!!...I can imagine how traumatised this man is..I kept thinking what if he didnt run?And the night he ran gave me goose bumps,what if they had woken up.....Thank God!!
Can dey just judge dis guy and let's move To anoda story Or criminal, pls.
ReplyDeleteThis man was Evans nemesis. ..
DeleteMeanwhile na Evans boys and Emeka wan kill the he don recognize d informant
Let the man and his family go abroad. Thank God for his mercies
DeleteGod of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. You only are God.
DeleteTo think some people want this unscrupulous element released is beyond me.Good riddance to bad rubbish.
ReplyDeleteI'm just speechless
DeleteYour comment will be visible after approval.
Wow...he made a good decision .he would've bn killed if he didn't was worth d risk
DeleteI cover i and my family members with the precious blood of Jesus. God, You are king, see how you rescued him, I am sorry for everytime I doubted you, see what he used to open the padlock, who says there's no God, mr dunu, God has given you another life o, to the wicked emeka, kai, someone that was giving you goods and letting you pay when you wanted, what else did you want. Greed is bad, as a matter of fact, emeka is more wicked than Evans.. And to you Evans they can't free you, never you must die cus keeping you in that prison is rubbish, when you can still run your gang from there. God help us. To the couple that dint help not even to put him in your boot, God is watching you. God really wanted to free this man cus he would have been caught several times, for the fact that there was light, then the bolt he unlocked dint wake them up, to the school he went to, God bless the guy who finally listened to him. Mr man you are a man after Gods own heart
DeletePls lord guide my family n I from all "emekaa" in our lives ...
DeleteI read every bit of it.... This @Evans guy is very wicked
ReplyDeleteJust imagine... He still said he would be in church for the man's thanksgiving.. ..wickedness from the pit of hell
@Evans if you like have 100 Cancers for your body or blood cell. shall be killed
Galore GALORE galore GALORE liar liar pants on fire. Madam go wash your children dirty clothes sun has come out.
DeleteYou read every bit of what post. There's no thanksgiving sentence in the post, this one is from another victim.
Rushing to comment when you didn't read. Animal
Galore wey don read am for lib comment tire tay tay 🙊
DeleteWhich man again? Na Onwa he told that one. This is Mr Duru's account and escape.
DeleteHe is not just wicked like you said, this Evans man is worst than lucifer!!! How can one b so cruel and evil. I had goose bumps reading this, Jesus! Jesus!! Jesus!!! go dey alright
DeleteCalling me animal, has it increased your bank account?
You are a wailer and a wailer you shall continually be
Yes, I thought it was for @MR Nnwa... I have read that and read it and I have commented on that
Choke Now on your hate @Anonymous '"Orubebe "
I cried reading this, Mr Dunu God really loves you.
DeleteI thought I've read this exact narrative here before? was it somewhere else?
ReplyDeleteEvans is a demon, he is a wicked soul and his judgment is not negotiable. he must die! these guys still run shows from their cells, incarceration won't stop them. after all he confessed with his mouth how his friend in Port Harcourt prison is still kidnapping through his boys in Osha. he,must DIE!
He has Colon Cancer already, but make his death 'quicker'
Pipi lee you don't read to comment. You have no iota of self-esteem, go back and read. Blograt
DeleteBlogLice, you just learnt a new word(self-esteem) today?👏👏👏👏👏
I'll 'comment to read' next time.
This useless bitchass lesbian with flat chest that her 54 years old dad is walking around Houston with ankle meter bracelet. I'm sending your Ibo curse back to your father, mother, grand parents your future and present generations to come BITCH! Smelly pussy!!!0
DeleteThose animals of a couple he ran into they house that refused to help should be arrested. Such callousness shouldn't be over looked. Afo tara ha nmiri!
ReplyDeleteFan this is Lagos...
DeleteI don't blame them...
Nne not their fault. Things are happening in this world especially that Almighty Igando. Have you forgotten they always record highest case of divorce monthly. Nne obodo adiro mma.
DeleteMy dear dont blame them oh. When I was in Benin, a thief ran into my bathroom wearing just a knicker. I opened the door and the door hooked. I tried to force it open more and behold someone was hiding behind the door. Little did I know that he was being pursued by some students and he ended up in the bathroom cos it was not a self contained room then.
DeleteOn Evans case, I had serious chills reading this. Thank God for his mercies on this man. This was the last straw that broke this man's back. Hope the wife is reading this. Cos God forbid I was the one, after reading this, I will personally lead him to the gallows.
OK.. This one is not the one of $1.3 million..
ReplyDelete@Evans and wife, if you like cry crocodile tears... You can't be free
Now person wen be @Evans by name now.. Dem don dey shame to use that name go job interview. Nobody go give "Evans " name job ....The memory of the name @Evans won't let any employer employ a person named @Evans.. Lol
This got me crying especially after the part he escaped and people still refused to help him. I don't blame them tho. I'm really happy they caught Evans. Isn't it time to lock him and his gang up and throw the padlock away.
ReplyDeleteMay we never get workers like that Emeka guy.
Odenson school teacher if u throwaway d padlock how do u secure d prisoners?I weep for d students u teach
DeleteExactly @ Eka.
DeleteWho be this Anonymous trolling all comments, kikikikikikiki.
Adadioramma the trolls are much
DeleteEkajoy versus fabmum
Gift e versus Ibukunoluwa
Bed n roses versus Queen n boss
Fabmum versus Ibukunouwa
Omotala Briana versus Kidjo
No vex anon, na key I mean. Blame it on my beauty sleep. Na one eye open as I dey type am
DeleteI almost cried when I read this story, Evans is the devil himself. To think normal human beings are clamouring for his release. Lord have mercy
ReplyDeleteAbi. And where on earth is this Emeka.?? I pray he is fished out soon
DeleteThis story is traumatising!!Haba!!I just hate Evans wife for coming up with that nonsense pity story,about his step mum,blah!blah! See what people had to go through because of your demonic husband.God bless that young boy that came to this man's rescue.That's why I love Delta State,they don't waste time.As soon as they catch armed robbers and kidnappers,the police shoot them straight,Firing squad.No time to waste.If a person is kidnapped,your life is 50-50,you may die or live.These kidnappers don't have human human sympathy.If I hear Evans have never killed before.Liars!! Cursed be any police or men in high places that try to temper justice with mercy for Evans,either by collecting bribe or because you will benefit if he's freed.
DeleteThis is a chilling narrative menh. I read it all. Wow! Evans is wicked. Jesus Christ see t he huge amount they call for Ransom yet they can't even use up to one million Naira or even 100,000N from inside to care for the kidnap victims sef. Couldn't give him better food. Buy him clothes to change everyday. Jesus Christ Evans is evil and greedy. They should check his account and whatever cash is kept there should be given back to this pharmacist. His business is wrecked and all. I'm just furious at the wickedness and greediness of Evans. Why didn't he kidnap politicians if he wanted plenty money it's hard working honest people ge saw
ReplyDeleteplease who is that idiot that started the free Evans thing on twitter. I think the person need to go through this trauma
ReplyDeleteSeen! The Evans was such a heartless beast. Wonder why he and his fam are pleading for mercy in da first place. Such guts.🙄😏😑
ReplyDeleteThis is soo heartless!
And that monster, that evil cretin, who deserves to be beheaded, disemboweled, and hung upside down, the Medellín way, said that he had never killed before.
I can't wait to see him convicted. Tueh!
I thank God for Mr. Dunu's life. You will rise again, sir.
It is well. May we never see the likes of evans, timothy, adaora and co again Amen
ReplyDeleteWorst part is that this idiot was kidnapping mostly his own igbo brothers,yet some funny people are speaking of biafra,is there love among our own people?Why kidnap your fellow igbo man,tufiakwa.Aru.
ReplyDeleteWould it have made you feel good with yourself if he was kidnapping people from other tribes?
DeleteU would have preferred for him to kidnap other tribes? Igbos just have a way of bringing tribal undertone to any issue on ground! Geez!
DeleteI find this funny. I don't know why.
Which tribe he for concentrate on?
It doesn't matter if he was kidnapping Igbos or Kanuris. Fact remains that he was an evil man.
Nne forget matter we loves our selves. That's why we teach our brothers whatever we are doing that's favourable to us. Okay what about ndi ofe nmanu that maime and kills they relatives at every slight provocation? Talk about rituals, juju and beheading of innocent souls, na dem get am. Ndi aboki nko, bombing and wasting of lives and properties in their OWN lands.
DeleteBelieve it or not, we loves our selves.that's why we say gwa nwanne gi eziokwu!! Nwannwe rapu okwu, Igbos are still the best.
You can argue with your left nyash
Fan na only we loves ourselves warrabout we loves weselves illiterate idiot 😂😂😂😂
DeleteNo I am not saying it's good he kidnapped other tribes, I am saying he doesn't even like his own people, pls peeps don't misunderstand me,kidnapping is bad
DeleteFan Emms,true sha, igbo amaka, just that tgis man doesn't even have pity for his own brothers,wicked guy, beeolah why are u insulting fan emma? Not called for
Delete@Fan, you never cease to amaze me with your off and usually senseless comments. Keep it up
Deletebeeolah egbe vurugi dia! Who are you to find my errors? Are you Chimamanda Adichie?? Onye ka ibu? Instead of you to advice your people to stop beheading others, ibia na find my faults. Uchu gbakwa gi fool! Anya kpogi ebe ina acho my errors
DeleteSee script for Nollywood producers!,..
ReplyDeleteEvans is a very greedy bastard!!,,.
They should sold off all those property of his and give back to these people he stole from...
Shey he said he has cancer? that cancer go kill him for prison!..
I cried reading all these!...
But u have been saying they should free him haven't u?
DeleteQueen and boss you cried reading all these. You are a sick woman
DeleteIt's a lie oooo, see. Dis queen of d damn, talking, gawd, u dey fear all d curses on u and ur family, u be goat abegg, mumu girl, no bi ur brother again, ur sharp Bro, idiot.
DeleteQueen But I thought you were supporting the demon as your sharp bros..
DeleteWhy the shedding of crocodile tears.
This Evans should be killed.
It should be hastag #killEvans#
Queen u dey fear curse abi, thats why you change mouth. No worry your time dey come. Get ready.
DeleteChief of this blog, I don't believe you cried reading it.
DeleteShe never supported him. All she said was that the wife was probably telling the truth which I believe as well
DeleteThank God for your life Dona, I still repeat many Nigerians are wicked, I don't trust most workers at all, I hope his worker was arrested too,heart of human desperately wicked.
ReplyDeleteHe should be given one of the houses of Evans to be able to pay off the debt.
ReplyDeleteThunder that is connected in series will fire those campaigning for this dog called Evans to be freed.
DeleteHad goose pimples reading this! Mehn
ReplyDeleteIt was God that saved him. What if that burglary made a sound and they found him running?
Evans should reveal all his gang members and they should all be fired!!!
They should be killed!!
Obviously God came through for this man!!! Only him be praised.
DeleteAs for Evans, if I hear say he escape. God's wrath will visit him up to his 4th generation.
Wicked beast!!!
It was just God's intervention. I join in thanking God for rescuing oga dunu,trust no one.but Stella I thought oga dunu said he doesn't want his pix been displayed.
ReplyDeleteKai!the world we live in,they should charge Evans to court already make we resthink mbok!
ReplyDeleteEvans is a devil.
ReplyDeleteOh dear Lord
ReplyDeleteI got scared reading his ordeal
God have mercy on the man and heal him completely
He just be like say I dey watch nollywood!
ReplyDeleteI read this...i had d exact nightmare last night. Just everything i read playef in my subconscious mind. Oh Lord protect us and our families
DeleteSorry for Ur Loss.
It's well ma'am.
Jeez! Thank God for the grace to run! God really rescued you. And some mad people are saying free evans?
ReplyDeleteMake i go back go read
ReplyDeleteYou this Stella this man said he wanted to stay anonymous and yet you posted his picture and full name . Don't you know the meaning of staying anonymous ehn .?
DeleteHow person wey no get sense fit know d meaning of anonymous e easy?
DeleteBut stil posted his full name though *sigh*
DeleteAnd somebody will say that this Evans does not deserve to die? How many souls has he sent to the great beyond? How many children has he orphaned? How many rich people he has destroyed their destiny?
ReplyDeleteWow! This looks like a movie to me, thank God he escaped ooo. I pray they find and arrest Emeka too, wicked man! Why bite the finger that fed you?
ReplyDeleteEvans got served by the way, heartless man!!! May he rot in jail.
They have to kill this Evans... he a very wicked uncle who was kidnapped by him even after the family paid over 100million in randsome... money the man has worked so hard for all over the years... Evans released the man naked. Could not even give him some dignity
ReplyDeletePeople on the road saw the naked man and started chanting mad man mad man.. this is a man who u collected over 100million. At the least wear him some boxers when u release him
They have to kill Evans abeg.... my uncle so traumatised. Has not slept in peace is a recluse now. Cannot even work for his family because he so badly damaged by what he saw in Evans hand
Let the other victims come and tell their story . U see how Evan is pure evil
Chaiiii how sad.
DeleteEvans deserves death penalty.
I am sure if they dig all those their kidnap den they will find bodies buried there.
The LORD shall strengthen your uncle.
You don't say!! May it never be well with Evans and every single person that was involved in perpetrating these evil deeds. May they never know what peace is for their remaining miserable lives. This story keeps rilling me up. Damn!!
DeleteOh my!!Sorry for your uncle.Haba!!see wickedness.Naked the man.They won't see all those wicked and greedy politicians that embezzle funds,use money meant to better the lives of citizens and create jobs,they will use the money for runs girls,orgies,importing foreign prostitute.They won't see those ones to kindnap oh!.It is men,hustling,sweating,risking their whole life to make ends meet,making an honest living for themselves,to take care of their family,friends,people around them and even their society.I feel this kidnappers work with politicians,police,people in high places and authorities.Because they get away with a lot of things.
DeleteChineke meee
ReplyDeleteWhat a chilling story. It is only God that could have done this miracle for this man.
ReplyDeleteI will write in capitals that is Uppercase: ANYONE THAT BY MISCHIEF, FOOLISHNESS OR EVEN PURPOSELY SEEKS TO PROPAGE FREEDOM FOR EVANS AND HISGANG OF KIDNAPPERS OR ANY OTHER KIDNAPPER SHALL LIVE IN PAIN, FEAR, UTTER MISERY ANS IN CHAINS. SUCH PERSON(S) SHALL SEE OPPOSITION TO ALL GOOD THINGS IN HIS/HER LIFE(S) IN JESUS NAME, BY GID'S GRAVE, IN SHA ALLAH, L'AGBARA OLODUMARE. ASË, AMIN, ISHË, AMEEN. It is utterly stupid that anyone in their right senses will seek the release of this Evans beast who creates avock on hardworking people and their families, have to iota of compassion on a fellow human being, seeks wealth by taking from other people's sweat and grace. E easy, he no set up shop, or go about kidnapping Babangida, Abdusalami, Obasanjo, Atiku, Okorocha or Ameachi? All the looters in government (no idiotic party excluded). God will bring shame to you all. Awon Oloriburuku
DeleteThese are the people that want Biafra. Seriously, your own brother, your own brother. Nigeria should not make that mistake at all. Where Igbos will kill and kidnap their fellow Igbos.
ReplyDeleteIf they grant them Biafra, all those eastern states will be a no go area. They will kidnap adult, kids and aged people. People that lack content.
There are ungrateful people in this world, so it is someone you know and helped that orchestrated your kidnap.
Na their way. They are soooo wicked. Anything for money.
DeleteAn average yibo man will say for him to be poor. Blood must spill. Whatever it takes.
Our enemies are always within. Same goes to domestic staff. Haven't we heard cases where drivers or help gave information to armed robbers?? That's why I didn't find what that lady did thay day. That lady that saw her families pictures in the bag of her help who worked for her for a month. If not juju, kidnappers or armed robbers. The world is too dangerous to say what if she took it to miss them.
DeleteLord protect us
I beg Evans na Biafra ambassador!!!
DeleteEvans ooooooooooooo, what a heartless man. Make that cancer hasten up and take your life away. I am yet to recover from Onwa's experience in your hand before Mr Dunu exploide. Nna idi too mean di anyi.
ReplyDeleteMr Dunu Chigi mu anya. It wasn't easy o. Your escape was like Saint Peter's escape from prison. It was God that brought down that endtime sleep to them. Please tell us more about that demon Emeka. Fear not, the God that brought you out will definitely protect and see you through. It is a miraculous escape.
Let Government sell Evans Magodo house and give Mr Dunu the money.
Sell Ghana house and pay Mr Onwa.
Who else????????????/
Make them line up and claim their ransoms back. Evans should confirm what he collected from them before parting with cash ooo, maka ada ama ama.
Ngwa gwazia ndi yard unu kam si kee ego Evans.
You are correct Ada. What a greedy man. That Emeka is a demon from pot of hell.
DeleteFG should sell off Evans properties and give the proceed back to the victims. We no wan hear story tomorrow. May God replenish ur pocket Mr Dunu. The God that rescued u from their trap will never fail you ijn amen. Ada you're very funny, let me go and tell my yard pple what u said.
DeleteYes dear. E reach to tell o. Evans story gives goose pimples.
DeleteThe problem with Nigerian news outlets and blogs is that they rehash, cut and join stories just to please readers. How many versions of this escape story will I read?
ReplyDeleteEven though I am all for punishing Evans, but Emeka and all informants and spies should not be left out of the punishments as well. No robber or kidnapper can thrive without informants.
Eeehhh we like it like dat...leave our journalists n bloggers aloke
DeleteHis escape is the lords doing ....Thank God he listen to his mind, when God is at work he will make every provision possible, is God that really helped this man, had goose bumps on reading this....This is a total wickedness...Chai... And Evans wife is now pleading on what they both know about denying she is not aware of her husband work for almost 13years....Chai Chai.... Thank God for this mans life... God ll continue to protect Mr dunu n family...That wicked Evans must face d justice
ReplyDeleteNa wa oh this evans guy is really really wicked.. The heart of man tho...God really saved you Mr Dunu don't ever stop serving him...He shld rot in jail...with hard labour rubbish!
ReplyDeleteAnd I also think this man needs to see someone... A psycologist or smthn he's not stable yet I think he's still traumatised tho
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing more scarier than this, omg! Evans needs to be burnt with hurt charcoal until he dies. God forbid evil
ReplyDeleteI knew people cannot be kidnapped without a rat inside the house. Emeka your end is near. Thank God for you Mr.
ReplyDeleteEmeka must die
DeleteEvans must die he killed innocent people
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine the amount demanded for his released? May God name be praised for his escape
ReplyDeleteGod!the heart of a man is desperately wicked indeed,Evans doesnt deserve to live...even reading this thing gave me chills,even bible said that a man's enemy is that of members of his household,Emeka the pharmacist should be arrested and tortured,his properties should be confiscated,and government should help this man to stand again,my own judgement
ReplyDeleteCorrect babe. I concur
DeleteWelcome back Sandra!
DeleteHow is u?
DeleteGod!the heart of a man is desperately wicked indeed,Evans doesnt deserve to live...even reading this thing gave me chills,even bible said that a man's enemy is that of members of his household,Emeka the pharmacist should be arrested and tortured,his properties should be confiscated,and government should help this man to stand again,my own judgement
ReplyDeleteDanmmit! You did it again double click woman. Welcome ooo.
DeleteThe man is so wicked. they should just sell all his properties and pay the people he has duped . I hope Emeka was also arrested? Wicked people
ReplyDeleteGosh! i cant even imagine what this man went through in the hands of Evans and his cohorts and yet gullible people are campaigning for him to be free. Rubbish.
ReplyDeleteI was so scared reading this even though he had escaped
ReplyDeleteEmeka had been arrested and locked up before they even got Evans.
DeleteHe's in prison
DeleteChill Anon. This is his first publication. All the concerns should work accordingly.
DeleteNo please PSN won't support that shit.
DeleteAwesome God. 'Makes me think of the Biblical account of Paul and Silas in prison.
ReplyDeleteThe guy should be killed jare and allow us to rest. Very wicked
ReplyDeleteMc pinky
Anon 12:24 you are very daft for writing those rubbish. Queen matter will soon send you to hospital
ReplyDeleteYori yori shattap has your baby daddy issue sent you to hospital.
DeleteYori yori you are mad. Is your queen making any sense all these while? You these bastards generations causing your fellow people pain.
DeleteMy princess,stop replying these people..
Most of them are hungry!...
After reading this story i re-affirm there's God. Miracles still happen. May God be praised.
ReplyDeleteSo so wicked, heartless, unsympathetic,Stony-hearted, inconsiderate, Evans, they should just deal with hi. Already
ReplyDeleteAnd the wife will think Emeka works in a company goes out every morning to legal job not knowing she lives with an evil.
ReplyDeleteFast track his trial and execute him.
ReplyDeleteI read this story and my legs were shaking. I hardly get scared as a horror movie addict but this story gave me goose bumps.
ReplyDeleteAnd Evan's wife said he has "milk of human kindness"? I guess she doesn't know the meaning of what she said. Chief Dunu and all the other victims, we pray for God's divine restoration for all of you.
ReplyDeleteA kindness flowing with Milk and Honey 😂😂
DeleteSomeone will labour hard to make it in life and another will just come and demand for ransom without knowing how you suffered to make that money.
ReplyDeleteIf you even demand for ransome and treat the person well
Delete.. maybe. If you read how Evans treated his victims
This man has no heart at all.
This story is chilling.
ReplyDeleteThere's a God in heaven and still works miracles.
The man's escape was simply miraculous.
God be praised.
ReplyDeleteIt's well Mr Dunu!!
You r in indeed a gud man n i bless God for Ur Life.
I would not be surprised if Evans also had the police working for him in disguise.
ReplyDeleteOMG is like something out of a movie. I don't think I would've been able to go back there, jeez the horror. Abeg this evans guy should be killed already.
ReplyDeleteFaithful God!!! Reading this I kept imagining alot of things..what if they caught him tryn to escape,what if there was no light dat night,what if????? God i cant thank you enough dis man is a living testimony..May your name be praised ever loving father. Deal with Evans and his team your own way oh Lord
ReplyDeleteStella Nwa nnem pls post this.
ReplyDeleteKidnapper evans contributed to the bail money that was used to free Nnamdi Kalu. That is why they are instigating the biafrans to cause confusion by foolishly and wickedly starting the free evans chant. My heart weeps reading the account of all the kidnap victims and how callous the wicked wife of evans after all she knows can come to play the tears game. Mrs evans we are talking crime here since your stony evil heart and conscience that has been seared with hot iron from greed can no longer see or feel the magnanimity of your kidnapper husband's atrocity. You want your husband back because the kids are crying? Do you know how many husbands and fathers your kidnapper husband has killed or wrecked whose children may never see again? Or who are alive but traumatized and wrecked from the whole experience and financial loss? Kidnapper evans wife you are downplaying the seriousness of this crime that the police put a bounty of 30 million naira on any information to capture your kidnapper loverboy and thinking nigerians are foolish, "you will come and beg with your children"? So in your mind you are Mother Theresa or a peace maker? You should be hiding your face o in big shame and hiding away but you boldly show up in our faces. This is not those times, you both get arrested and you bribe your way out, this is a national open case, your cups are full. You are the one who pushed evans to all these with all your mockery and blaming his step mother who never said anything wrong about him in this case. I cant even type more because I have things I will say and I will go beyond what needs to be said. A word is enough for you if you still have sense. Idiotic greedy evil wife of kidnapper evans.
Kidnapper evans contributed to the bail money that was used to free Nnamdi Kalu. That is why they are instigating the biafrans to cause confusion by foolishly and wickedly starting the free evans chant. My heart weeps reading the account of all the kidnap victims and how callous the wicked wife of evans after all she knows can come to play the tears game. Mrs evans we are talking crime here since your stony evil heart and conscience that has been seared with hot iron from greed can no longer see or feel the magnanimity of your kidnapper husband's atrocity. You want your husband back because the kids are crying? Do you know how many husbands and fathers your kidnapper husband has killed or wrecked whose children may never see again? Or who are alive but traumatized and wrecked from the whole experience and financial loss? Kidnapper evans wife you are downplaying the seriousness of this crime that the police put a bounty of 30 million naira on any information to capture your kidnapper loverboy and thinking nigerians are foolish, "you will come and beg with your children"? So in your mind you are Mother Theresa or a peace maker? You should be hiding your face o in big shame and hiding away but you boldly show up in our faces. This is not those times, you both get arrested and you bribe your way out, this is a national open case, your cups are full. You are the one who pushed evans to all these with all your mockery and blaming his step mother who never said anything wrong about him in this case. I cant even type more because I have things I will say and I will go beyond what needs to be said. A word is enough for you if you still have sense. Idiotic greedy evil wife of kidnapper evans.
ReplyDeleteKidnapper evans contributed to the bail money that was used to free Nnamdi Kalu. That is why they are instigating the biafrans to cause confusion by foolishly and wickedly starting the free evans chant. My heart weeps reading the account of all the kidnap victims and how callous the wicked wife of evans after all she knows can come to play the tears game. Mrs evans we are talking crime here since your stony evil heart and conscience that has been seared with hot iron from greed can no longer see or feel the magnanimity of your kidnapper husband's atrocity. You want your husband back because the kids are crying? Do you know how many husbands and fathers your kidnapper husband has killed or wrecked whose children may never see again? Or who are alive but traumatized and wrecked from the whole experience and financial loss? Kidnapper evans wife you are downplaying the seriousness of this crime that the police put a bounty of 30 million naira on any information to capture your kidnapper loverboy and thinking nigerians are foolish, "you will come and beg with your children"? So in your mind you are Mother Theresa or a peace maker? You should be hiding your face o in big shame and hiding away but you boldly show up in our faces. This is not those times, you both get arrested and you bribe your way out, this is a national open case, your cups are full. You are the one who pushed evans to all these with all your mockery and blaming his step mother who never said anything wrong about him in this case. I cant even type more because I have things I will say and I will go beyond what needs to be said. A word is enough for you if you still have sense. Idiotic greedy evil wife of kidnapper evans.