Stella Dimoko Sunday Spontaneous Post.


Sunday, May 28, 2017

Sunday Spontaneous Post.

#sundayishereandblessed #thedayisbrightandfairohhappydayofjoybabyjollofrice #lmao #thefeelingtodaygivesisawesome #naonlymewakacome #nathewrkweywedeydo #myboyfriendsrock247 #kaimotherhoodsha #noneshallbebarren #jaymoore #

How Una dey?Any work today?
Caary go and enjoy your day.

BV Lagos shopper and all others with long adverts on their blog handles,please reduce it as I will stop enabling your comments from today or tomorrow...Make it tidy and short.

Mama Nnuku,I am still waiting for the feedback on that stuff....

Lagos Blog visitors,please Watch out for a very important mail by 12 noon my time....

Kisses to everyone!


  1. If man runs with men, its called RACE, but when he runs with God, it is called GRACE. Grace keeps Us from Disgrace.
    May God's GRACE be sufficient for you and your household today and beyond. No matter how overloaded a bus is, the driver's seat is always reserved. I pray fervently that no one shall take your rightful position in Jesus name, AMEN.
    God bless you.
    Happy Sunday.

    1. Still on bed giving praise to God for the gift of life and acknowledging on great he is and how far he has taken me to

    2. I am blessed
      Going out,coming in
      I am blessed oo
      I am blessed
      Happy Sunday to y'all !

    3. Amen.Thanks Emjay...good morning Stella and beautiful BVs. Yesterday left me in deep thoughts until this morning. I attended a programme organized by Kemi Ajimobi themed God of a second chance at Trinity House, Oniru.

      One thing struck me aside the survival testimony of Kemi, we had in our presence, Mrs Abimbola Fashola, wife of the frm. governor of Lagos State. This woman was seated, no fanfare, no escorts, no assistant, no announcement, the MC, didn't even noticed her presence, she even had to apologise for not acknowledging her. I kept looking at her, i was distracted....then i said a prayer:Dear Lord,give me all, fill my table with joy, wealth, health and above all, humility. The present state government spouse should take a clue.

    4. @Em jay,i tap from ur words dis morning.Amen

    5. Stella, owa lara e. Nah you gave them the hints to use their blog Id to advertise their business, now you dey complain. You are Kogbona Kotutu, owa lara e, lol anyway nah your blog, you can do as you wish.
      Remember one thing, your BV makes this blog alive. Other blogs will wish to have your active BV with their long ass user ID. You dey complain, as a result of Ajeyo Ajesekun. Better retrace and stop your harshness. Owa lara e, you might not post this, but you go read.

    6. Should a lady ask a guy out? . . . Yes if you like him... But here is the trick so do don't get burnt and you can always leave with you head high if need be. I am a guy, so I will talk from men's perspective.

      Lady: "Hi, I saw you back there and you look so cool, I wondered if we could be friends."
      Guy: (in his mind "wow" then a quick mental assessment of the lady, if he like what he see he replies ) " Sure, and does this Angel have a name? " other conversations continues.

      Have normal conversation with the guy, laugh at his jokes, contribute intelligently. During all these the guy is doing a mental calculation the fastest way to land her on his bed, so he starts "fishing" on the lady. He gently navigates the discourse to more intimate and sexual topics. My lady, blend in without without giving away much info. If he asks you direct questions that are sexual in nature answer with "Hmmmm that never crossed my mind". Tap his hands and tell him you need to get going, that you need to meet up with your mum (bringing up mum does 2 things for you, shows you are homely and responsible) ask for his number, tell him you had fun and leave. (Being the one to leave does 3 things for you 1. puts control back in your hands 2. Diminishes the notion in his mind that you are a free fish 3. Create the yearning to want to see you again. ) now the chase has begun.

      Give him calls, talk over the phone, tell him about your work, ask for his advice (even when you clearly know what to do). After a week, tell him you will like to hang out. Go with your cash, let him pay for a few things, you pay for the rest. Say something like, "you have been a gentleman, please allow me take this tab, thanks dear" (this will create in his mind that you are also a woman of resource and very considerate).

      Back in his car, he will make his move, he will try to grab you, let him peek you. But no kisses, no breast touching, this is the moment to take absolute power. Hold him, look him in the eyes and tell him you like him alot, say this past weeks just talking to him has brought so much illumination into your life, and what he is trying to do now is not really him, because you know it's just the man in him reacting but he is much more than this (after this moment every thought that you are a free fish will evaporate from his mind and he will come to see you in the true light "a woman to hold on to"). Afterwards let him drop you at home.

      After the above, call him two more times then stop calling. When he calls, sound exasperated, apologize for not calling and put it down to work. Now you have skillfully turned the tables. He will do the chasing from now on. Go on one or two more dates, then miss a date with him. Put it down to work again. If he sounds angry about you missing the date, my dear he is hooked.

      By now, he would have had a whole new reorientation about you without him knowing. In his mind, you are:

      1. Open and spontaneous
      2. Fun loving and bold
      3. Resourceful yet grounded
      4. Intelligent yet homely

      He will get to this point in just 6weeks, if you play you card well.

      Take it from here, but keep your trump card in mind, let him do the chasing.

      I know you will want to know when to give the cookie. You will know when the time comes, he won't ask for it, it will just happen naturally. If he is the man of your dreams ensure he has met your family and vice versa before you give the cookie.

      This does not work all the time, but it works most of the time.

  2. wispers*
    Hello, it's me..

    Good morning. 😆😄😄

  3. Steve goes to the doctors with a problem with pre mature ejaculation...

    Steve: Well doc. it just seems that when ever I feel like I'm enjoying it I just arrive suddenly and I cant seem to get my mind away from the job, and need less to say my wife is not terribly impressed.

    Doctor: No problems, when ever you feel your self starting to arrive just give your self a nasty shock and it will reset you drive.

    A few weeks passed​ and the doctor is doing his rounds in the local hospital and notices Steve sitting​ in a ward.

    Doc: Afternoon steve hows things at home?

    Steve: Not so good doc, took your advice to heart and decided on buying a starter pistol. My wife and I were in the 69 position and were having a great time when suddenly I felt my self arriving so I let off a around.

    Doc: And how did that work out for you?

    Steve: Well all at once my wife shat on my face, bit the end off my cock and our post man came out of our wardrobe with his hands up!!!


  4. Good morning beeveeleons😘😘

    Still rolling on my bed ooo
    I have small stomach wuruwuru..😑😑

    TheQueen love💚💚💚 where are you?
    Its been awhile dear..

    Happy Sunday to us all.
    Love you all.

    Happy celebration to us Arsenal fans.🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
    We outplayed Chelsea at the Wembley.
    Twas a beautiful match.
    #FAcup champions
    #I LOVE ARSENAL 💖💖💖💖💖💖

    1. Come n win epl first, FA na cup? Lol

    2. @BlackBerry CurveOne😂😂😂😂

      We have won the EPL more than you
      We have won the FAcup more than you
      We have won the Community Shield more dn U
      What again are u saying??😝😝😝😝

  5. Happy Sunday everyone. .. Today is gonna be a beautiful one

    Martins how far ? Did you see my second message ? Where I told you my phone make

    Rx dearie...I dey o...What's cooking today ?

    Sugar better mind yourself o...instead of you to beg me to cut you some...jealousy.toorrr
    Elastic can attest to that #Elasticnofallmyhand o


    #Sundayisbae #9ammassgotme #Whoeatsyamonasunday #SDKisbae #MyWomancrushanyday #Ilovethiswomanlikekilode #Ilovelove

    1. I got it beloved,sorry its coming in late..

      You can use puffin browser or chrome would be perfect and would solve the ishh of not reading more than 200 comments on your phone..

      Bydway,you need to clear your browser cache as well so as to free space and avoid irrelavant issues which might spring up due to lack of storage memory..

      Go to your browser,then "setting"; then go to "privacy and security" would see " cookies",click on "clear cookies" …Thats all dear,but try downloading the browsers i listed above first of all before clearing your browser cookies..

      Hope this helps tho..


  6. I had so much fun yesterday enjoying my owanbe at the same time keeping up with sdk, it's been over a month I honoured a party invite and it seems I've lost touch of my dancing skills 😀😀.

    June babies loading........
    My world all repping June (hubby and kids)

    Good morning sdkers😘😘😘

    1. I❤U,my Lagos babe with elegance 💋💋

    2. Good morning @lagos babe

    3. First time commenting, I just admire your person sha, working and enjoying life 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

  7. Happy belated birthday LA Swaggie LA Freshest!!! IWULL'N'P

    Happy belated birthday Oluwadarasimi!!!IWULL'N'P

    My Chikito, ugegbe oyibo m 1 worldwide, Enenebe eje olu, Achalugo nwanyi, udala mmicha m, My Sweetness... Happy Sunday. Where are you??? I dey miss you. 😘😘😘😘😘😘
    Remember you still owe me 1 gist (about your secondary school days)

  8. Lagos bvs?
    What's the koko,ears on ground 😎

    1. Good morning all.I meet SP today.Had a lot on my mind lately,but it's just a phase,this too shall pass.
      Happy Sunday all.

  9. Top of the morning to y'all

    chameleon HI
    Lady bug, Iffa catch you
    Gethsemane chapel here I come

  10. Lagos bvs?
    What's the koko, 👂 on ground 😎

  11. A husband and wife are trying to set up a new password for their computer. The husband puts, “Mypenis,” and the wife falls on the ground laughing because on the screen it says, “Error. Not long enough.”
    #whatifitwascopiednko #takemeasiam #iamjusttooplayful #iamsobored #sexydaddyhiwsexyareyou #chikewhereareyou #slliky #olawealthisnotmyfriend #takeitseriousifyoulike #irepeatiambored #fcuksex #madhashtag

  12. Those of you going to church, pray for us at home.

    I'm still wondering why i'd go to church, worship, come back steal meat from pot, lol or shag, I'm deceiving who naa? Make I stay house stream with the potters church.
    Blesses are the pure in heart, for they shall see God...I keep wondering, apart form children, which adult is pure?

    1. We were born sinners, BB. All of us. Which is why God in His great mercies sent His Son Jesus to for die for our sins on the cross of Calvary, thereby granting us salvation and redemption and the Holy Spirit, who renews our mind daily and helps us to be pure in heart.

      I encourage you to read your Bible, start from the Gospel of John which is about God's love. If you don't understand, there are lots of great commentaries online to help. Guzik's is one of them.

      Don't think that you are not and can never be good enough, or that God has given up on you, or that you have too much sun for God to forgive. His Grace still abounds and He is Faithful to those who diligently seek Him.

      God loves you so very much, BlackBerry. If only you could experience just a teeny went but if that Love, you would be awed by it. Just think, the Creator of heaven ajd Earth, the One that sits in the heavens and used rhe earth as His footstool callscalled you his own and wants to be in a relationship with you. If only you would accept Him. He is knocking on the door of your heart, waiting for you to open the door to Him.

      Jesus is coming soon.

  13. CrazyHornyWife28 May 2017 at 09:04

    Hi everyone!!! Happy sunday,its been a while but I try to keep up.
    Lost 2 sickle cell people within a month from the support group I belong to and it's so sad even tho they are free from the horrible pain!!
    May their souls rest in perfect peace,Amen!!!
    You all have a beautiful sunday!!

  14. That Terrifying Moment When You Are At A Football Viewing Centre And You Want To Charge Your Phone,..And Then You Mistakenly Switched Off The DSTV During A Penalty ShootOut,.
    Shey You Remember When Your Mum Always Tell You That Your Phone Will Kill You One Day?
    That Day Has Finally Come.... Good morning all.

  15. Y'all know @msjazzyfied the celebrity manager? She manages Ireti Doyle, Adesua, Lala etc. She is Tboss' manager, haters choke on that.

  16. Lagos bvs,we dey kampe!

    Good morning 😘😘😘

    1. Take anointing. Yo........... LMAO. I'm paying you back in ur own coin. Ntoooooor.......... Lol.

    2. Yes
      Take anointing 😁😁😁😁😁

    3. You all anticipating your Monday dose😂😂😂😂😂

  17. Happy Sunday all. Let's make it a date in church today. Remain blessed.

  18. Happy Sunday everyone... Please make sure we all attend church today and give praise to God for all he does for us even without asking.... I wish everybody a blessed Sunday today AMEN

    1. Yes I am flawlessbae.... Also feeling the pains with all the parade

  19. Happy Sunday

  20. #Wake up every morning with a smile on your face, go through the day with your head up and don't let words take you down*

  21. Wehneva eye sea a bus inskriped 'starf bus', beeefeee Idiota cums to mind, alzo wehneva satorday brakefas pose cums up, Misis Romars cums to mind.....Maybi eats jos mee.

    Harpy sornday fulks.

  22. Happy sunday all. Just waking up

  23. For everyone that wished me a happy birthday I say thanks a bunch. Appreciate.
    pastor's daughter
    Iphie dearie
    fab mum
    Olori orente
    sandy yo
    Pipi Lee
    xhlrted p
    miss ess
    lagos babe
    et al.
    Heart you muchoo💋💚💋💙😘💜🔸❤🔹.

    1. you are welcome anytime Simi.

    2. 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💋💋💋💋💋💋

    3. Happy belated birthday, darasimi

    4. Happy belated birthday oluwadarasimi. 💋💋 Hope you had a good celebration? Been offline

    5. We Thank God, hope you had fun o 😊

    6. Dara thank you too, and thank you again for helping me to mention names, I heart them all

    7. You welcome dear. Hope you had fun💕

    8. priya😘
      Iphie dearie💋💋
      sandy yo; yeah. thanks😘
      ijay; you're welcome
      cherry; yeah
      chikito; thanks. Yeah, good to see you on here😘😘
      Lagos babe;😘
      Eka joy; thanks

    9. Sorry I missed it, happy belated birthday, hope you had a great day


  24. "*cleans tears* My life has been a struggle since I can remember. I struggled to write Waec and neco exam in my secondary sch back then. Struggled to enter school, struggled on the day of delivery(after I laboured for 3days) struggled to finish school, I now struggles to feed with my son, get bashed by all and sundry, called names, abandoned by family ad friends even church members. Only my son is remaining for me. I am not too sure if God too is still on my side, maybe he is, since we are still breathing. I'm in anonymous because bashing will add to this tears. Just felt like pouring out my heart."

    I can't remember where I saw this comment, just want to tell you that sometimes life isn't about the swiftest,nor the strongest,nor the one that set out so fast. It is by God's mercy.

    Yes things might not be according to how you want it right now,but you have your child,and your life. These are what matters. People will laugh at you,talk about you.. but that is like pouring water on a stone. Brush it off. It will surely end in praise.
    As Long as God is on the throne,you will smile again. Happy sunday.

    1. It was on Friday SP. The story is really touching. It's well with that poster.

  25. Those of you that organise charity events regularly, I doff my hat for you!!

    Only yesterday, you need to understand the level of stress we went through. We prepared for at most 120kids and ended up with about 200-250 kids (blame it on Buhari) so, you can imagine what the struggle felt like. The event was strictly for children, some parents came and we're struggling for children's food.. We didn't even know what to do, we had to get more Food because the food didn't get anywhere...

    Then time to share gifts; this is where the real struggle was. People tugging at me and other volunteers, some even cursed because the gift didn't get to their child.. In all, the event was worth it. At least, we made people smile yesterday

    Going to church to wash off whatever form of curses from yesterday.. Phew!

    1. Eyah.. God bless you for reaching out..
      Don't worry much..
      The curses can't have any effect on you..

    2. Eyah.. God bless you for reaching out..
      Don't worry much..
      The curses can't have any effect on you..

    3. LMAO @ the last sentence. Anyway, nice one. U try.

    4. Oh tnx Omotola.
      Happy sunday Miss priya AKA nwa pawpaw. Lol

  26. Mr WHO-ARE-YOU

    On a recent visit to Lagos, Nigeria, one of my spiritual sons invited me to speak to his congregants. I was thrilled, as I had not seen him for well over fifteen years, while he trained under me as a young minister.

    On my arrival, I was pleasantly surprised to see he had the ushers lay a red carpet and line up on both sides for the ‘guest minister.’ from Ireland.

    What an honor, I thought. Then I discovered there were two entrances into the hall. The main door was for the special guest. The smaller door was for ‘other members’. As they alighted from their cars they were directed by the ushers towards the smaller door, and so was I! They could not recognize me, as I came wearing a pair of jeans, a simple cotton shirt and sporting a beard.

    We were hurried to our seats, per adventure the ‘special guest’ arrived simultaneously. After all, they would not want us to be in the way, would they? So, I obeyed the instruction of the ushers to sit somewhere near the back of the auditorium. No complaints for me, as I despise been fussed over anyway.

    After the church service had started, the worried pastor left his seat, wondering why his ‘special guest’ was so late. I watched him from the corner of my eye, make his way outside the hall, three ushers and two ministers in tow.

    As he passed, people were kneeling and doing obeisance. Some were old enough to mother him. He barely acknowledged them. How could he anyway, wedged between his handlers!
    ‘Have you seen the invited speaker arrive?,’ he asked the head usher. Alas, he was told ‘We have not seen the man of God, sir.’ On his way back in, looking flustered, I tried to walk up to him but was halted by the usher beside my row.’ “Please wait for ‘papa’ to pass though, sir” he said
    irritably. ‘Papa’? He is only in his early forties!’ I almost

    Not one to be hindered, I cleared my throat and beckoned to 'Papa' from my humble back row seat.
    ‘Bro, I am here,’ I said. He almost fainted. And so did the usher. Who dared to call Papa an ordinary ‘bro’?
    ‘Ah sir, when did you come sir?,’ Papa gasped, nudging the usher out of the way. ‘Didn’t the ushers outside see you? And why are you sitting there?’

    “I tried to come up to you at the front,” I protested, ‘but your bodyguards, sorry ushers, blocked my path. They told me the front seats are reserved and led me to the back seats. So I sat in the midst of God’s children.’
    ‘Sir, I am so sorry. Please let’s go to my office,’ he said. ‘Why,’ I asked.” The service already started.”

    As he led me to the front, I could sense the congregation looking at me suspiciously. I was like a fish out of water among the front sitters. Who is this not so important person taking an important seat?
    Why is he not wearing a suit? Where is his tie? How come he has a beard? Where is his protocol team?
    As I often refuse to be introduced until after the sermon, the church greeted me with caution, wondering what kind of ‘man of God’ is this, wearing jeans on a Sunday morning?

    But then when the Word of God came, many left with tears of conviction in their hearts, including the Papa.
    I visited the same church last year and he had taken my counsel. Papa had died and Bro had taken his place. Long gone were the protocol team. His seat was now same as everyone else and he has learnt the lesson of humility.

    Does this paint a picture of a Pentecostal church you know? If not watch out, there is one coming near you. The outward show is one of the most disheartening things about Pentecostal Christians. I mean, it won’t really be Pentecostal if there was no hype, would it?

    Why are the pastor and his wife’s chairs different (nay, more comfortable) than the congregants? Are their own bottoms made of eggshells? Why do you allow your mothers and fathers age-mates to call you daddy? Because the church gave you a title? Hmmm. . .

    Why do the pastor and ministers have special parking spaces? Surely if they arrive early enough, they could park anywhere? Oh, one more thing, why do you treat your Pastor like bono

  27. Champion does not have two meaning. They are champions, we are champions, God is everywhere. Gunners it is.
    Beautiful day to be happy!

    1. Ola only one team from london has won the most coveted trophy in Europe..... That team is the king of London okay

  28. Goodmorning BVs, a new morning, a new week.
    This past week was thelaziest most hectic and one of the craziest week I have had in a while, I thought I will run crazy sef.

    Darasimi, Ijay, justywst, lafreshy.. Happy belated birthday ladies. God grant ur heart desires.
    Isaacson, freshest Otondo, the way the otondo dey show for your face ehn, it's as if they rob it like a paint over your face.
    Miss Ess, I was broken and shaken with your "first cut" story yesterday. It is well, love will find you again.
    Bloggie, get well soon, don't fall sick o!

    Off to church. If you are contemplating whether to go to church or not, Biko gà ukà.
    Happy Ramadan to all my Muslim brothers and sisters.

  29. Who stays at ajah and wants to hang out at the movies later today? Male? Where do we meet? Don't drop number just give clue like, the type of clothes you will be wearing, the type of car you will come with, your complexion and height. Let me solve the puzzle

    1. Hahahaha
      Nice one. Would love to see how this turns out.
      In a sane place,this should be fun. These days creepy people are everywhere. *sighs*

      Btw,What if 4 guys turn up wearing same outfit?

    2. Iphie it's not possible now. All 4 cannot be same complexion and height

    3. Mischievous thoughts came into my head.
      Like what if someone else that fits the description Someone dropped here plays a prank..
      what are the odds of having 5 fair guys in the midst of 20 guys in Nigeria? On this blog?

      This should be fun. I wish the date happens!

    4. Purple T-Shirt
      Blaq jeans
      Blaq seekers
      A Spec.
      You know Kehinde Fried Chicken(KFC) beside O2 arena. I will b waiting👦

    5. Ola time? KFC? In Ajah? Please which side?

  30. My neighbors child dedication today.
    There's gonna be jollof 😀😀

    Happy Sunday fam, may we all have a splendid day.

  31. Happy Sunday Everyone! Have a blessed one!!💒💒

    Ramadan Kareem to all our Muslim brothers and Sisters!!🌃

  32. Mehhnnnn,yesterday was lit,plenty food and drinks to eat,from ma club meeting to a 50 the birthday celebration... Some people in this country no know Wetin be recession... Chai! God help me ooo...
    Good morning ndi yard anyi😘😘😘😘😘😘

  33. Happy Sunday everyone... Time to pray and prepare my heart to receive God's word. I have been feeling depressed lately and I need to find me happiness soon. Madam stellz biko what is happening by 12 noon o... I will still be in service then. kisses to everyone. Have a wonderful day.

    *The lord is my rock

  34. Thanks everyone that wish me well on my birthday yday. May God bless u all. U guys rock!

    1. Thank you too Justty, trust u had a great day

  35. Up Gunners...


    We still have more EPL TROPHIES THAN CHELSEA

  36. continuation-He stays in the office during Sunday School and announcements, pretending to be praying. He has the whole week to pray, surely? But when everyone has ended praising God, he makes a superstar entrance to preach, his iPad carried by hefty bouncers.

    Excerpts from 'FREED TO GREED-How Pentecostals moved the goalposts.

    1. May I know the author please? Thanks.

  37. Good morning y'all...Always keep your hope alive for greater tomorrow, if God answer ur prayer he's increasing ur faith. If he delay he's increasing ur patience. If he doesn't he has something better for you. Good morning and happy Sunday.
    I am off to school, part time program is stressful sha

  38. I wake up this morning crying and weeping Pls God i bring my case to you

    1. That's why he is a perfect God(your name), he knows the perfect timing so wipe your tears. Is it related to cash?

  39. Happy birthday to my son. He is six today and I'm so happy. All these years he has been my one true friend, confidant, companion, brother and source of joy. I thank God for keeping him alive. I have faith that by God's grace on his next birthday when he would be seven yrs old, he would stop falling sick every month lol and he would be in school. Also, he won't have to go to bed hungry again most nights by God's grace.
    We are preparing to go to church, I have to thank God in front of multitude to show Him my appreciation.

    1. Happy birthday to your son

    2. Happy birthday to your son,Cutie

    3. Awwwww. Happy Birthday to him.

    4. Morning cutiebee. Happy birthday to your son. God will bless & keep him

    5. Happy birthday to your son. God will make a way

    6. Happy birthday to ur son. May he grow up to be a blessing to u and ur family.

    7. Happy birthday to your handsome little dude, may he age with wisdom

  40. Martins aboy, pls help. My gmail comes out in netherlands language, I can't read anything, it has been so since the day I opened the gmail account last year. Now I can't even use it for anything, how can I change it back to English? Thanks.

    1. @cutiebee,If you want it to be easy for you,use a desktop or laptop to log into your gmail account..
      Once you are logged in,go to "settings"..the icon for it is like a wheel and it is located at the " top" of the page,by the right...
      Once you click on "settings", a new page would pop up;scroll to "language" and click on the drop down arrow,then select "English" or any other language of your choice...then scroll down and click on "save changes" so it can be saved..

      Thats all! Happy sunday to you and yours..


  41. miss Ess sorry abt ur pridicament, i read yesterday in inhouse gist. hope u re teaching ur son to stay away frm pre marital sex. u said u were young and naïve, maybe if u had waited and decide to marry him before having unprotected sex, u wont end up as a single mum with a boy whos dad died before he was born. pls train him well. i know truth is bitter but we hav to say it. no am nt mocking u, i also had sex befor marriage bt i was wise before i started, i insisted on condoms even with my husband after introduction and if d sex was during my unsafe time i will still use contriceptives with the condom. God wil help u

  42. Holla "errrbody". Yes Mama, I made it to SP 👏👏👏.
    Bloggie boo, I'm here, just a late comer. I've officially taken the title from Iphie D. Love you mucho ❤❤❤. Nuvi honey' s fine, she's tied up at the mo' and hasn't got good internet connection where she is...
    Fab mum, I came late to the blog yesterday, veryyyyy late (9pm) but I saw where you wrote you lived in the north and have family there, hmm, I may just know you. Still got half my family there😊. Please drop the kunun recipe😘.
    Simi my Love, belated birthday hunny. I'm sorry I missed it. Sent you mail but I'm not sure your email address is right. Hope you had a swell day xx
    It's mum's birthday today and I'm excited cus it's taken me a month but I planned a good surprise all the way from here, she deserves it ❤

    1. Happy Birthday to your mum🎂,so where the party @😀

    2. Awwww I love that. Happy birthday to your momma and may God bless her new age.💕💖💋

    3. Happy Sunday ma'am. It's been a while. How is you?????

    4. Happy Birthday to Mama T.

    5. Happy birthday to your mum, pls brings g it later😀😀😀

    6. Happy birthday to your mum. Didn't get the mail. Kindly resend. Thanks hun💋💋💋

  43. Morning blog boos, lovers and trolls 👋

    Kai! I've been sooo stressed!! Just getting a breather.

    @Omotola dear i saw your apology. Student life? We have all been there joor. Calm down you will laugh at these days soon. Will send you and email this week.

    @Aeegurl 💋💋💋 @fab mum much love from me ❤❤

    1. Happy Sunday sweetie. Yes ooooooo I know it will end in praise. Thanks.

    2. Pastor Kris, I hope all is well???? May the lord be with you.

  44. @swaggie Friday was crazy for me. Happy belated birthday. Hope oga did you some good? 😉

  45. @sissy pidgin saw your S/O too 💋💋 @cookie how are you? Beloved, pipi lee, bloggie, miss priya, corper isaccson (saw ur otondo pics 😂) greatlady, iphie dearie, ola wealth, sandy yo, trinity, Cynthia iyede, sunshine, villager, ibukun, kidjo, sliky, rich princess rx, emjay, sharon aminu, le min ho, abass...... I've tried nau.

    Sorry if i missed your name 😂 I'm in church. Today na sleep get me. See eye bags. Abeg can anyone recommend a giid eye cream? I tried body shop vit E eye cream. Mbanu!! No joy. Should i just get clarins? You know this is recession 😂 I saw oriflame eye cream too. Has anyone used? Their serums and sunscreen are good sha. Please help me ooh. Rx get in here. Fabbie any idea?

    1. Happy sunday hun! For the bags under your eyes clarins is gooood!

    2. Happy sunday dearie😘💕💋 Take it easy o biko. Is there really any solution to that eye bag of a thing sef. I kinda have it and I sleep wella o! I do see people recommend cucumber or something for it but have never tried it.

    3. Happy Sunday to you too Chikito ❤️

    4. @trinity ehen? Okay let me go to montaigne place tommorow and see if my wallet would be in the mood.

      @sandy i would try. The hustle is real and i spend alot of time on the computer. Oh yes!! Cucumber is good for the eyes (side eye at beauty queens 😂 who found other uses for it)hope you're fine?

    5. Looolz @dat shade. Abi o! Ayam very foineee. Thanks

    6. Hi Chikito baby.
      Yea their eye cream is good.
      Morning and night facial cream is awesome too.
      Happy sunday darlyn💕💕💕💕

  46. Replies
    1. @chikito,i like the name..#smiles

      Good-morning ma! #wink
      Wishing you and yours a beautiful sunday ahead...


  47. I went to olusegun obasanjo presidenial library in abeokuta. Wooww. I was really impressed. And i grudgingly went there oh. When it was time i almost didnt leave. I was re-inspired: to preserve memories and be more careful about how i live my life. I kept asking, what story will be written about me? Am i really on course? His life has such a beautiful story and they expressed it well through antique collections, infusing Nigerian puzzles and stories in between. They really tried and i recommend anyone visiting abeokuta to touch base with them. Infact, I'm taking my muffins there when next they visit.

    1. Was it a free pass or there are protocol?

    2. @lagos babe 3k to see library, 6k to tour complete facility. The fomer would tame about 1hr30mins, the later would take more than 3 hours. Prepare yourself 😁

    3. Oh 😀, thanks,that will serve as good educational outing with ​the family.

  48. Happy belated birthday Simi and lafresh! Sorry it's coming late, hope u girls had fun? so much on my head at the lately but I will be fine last last!

    Krix signing out via iPhone 7+

  49. Happy belated birthday to Simi and lafresh, hope u girls had fun? Sorry it's coming late, so much on my head at the moment but I will be fine last last!

    Krix signing out via iPhone 7+

  50. Good morning fams, happy Sunday to everyone, Thank you Thank you to all the wonderful people in this blog for the beautiful birthday messages I really do appreciate you all, thank you very very very very much, I heart you all from my beautiful heart,do have a great Sunday all.

  51. BlackBerry dear, no one is perfect and what is most important is striving towards perfection... Should we continue to sin and let grace abound? God forbid! the Bible long as we are dissatisfied with our current way of living and ask God to help us live better He will. The bible says we are transformed by the renewal of our minds and not to neglect fellowship with the brethren ( via sermons, personal word study etc). Just as Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God ( continuous process) we are transformed each day ( continuous process) into the likeness of Christ by the renewal of our minds by the Word of God.


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