Stella Dimoko Sunday Spontaneous Post


Sunday, May 14, 2017

Sunday Spontaneous Post

#Howfar #Wetindeyhappen #LookslikeASunnyDay #Howwork?
#Boyfriendsofftochurchsoon #Inevertoosureaboutmyself #Coffeeonmymind #sideeyeatthefamousonesonthisblog. Γ€famousthree #famousone #famoustwo #Hehehehehe
#Blogboorocks #irock #tongueclick...

I just remembered Sunday Rice in Naija...Kaiiiii!!!

Who is back from Church already?
Faces of In house news from Monday you can start sending it in.

Yesterday I did a post on a couple who want to Marry after 15 years of dating and one of the Angels on this blog called and asked for their account number..I dont know how much they will get but I am sure it will change their lives..Their Angel who is VIP says he will get them jobs if need be to encourage them....

The Angel promised to send me money to give out and I will give this money out as Start up to a good business idea....I dont know how much this will be yet but I will choose blog visitors with known ID's who do not insult people and have been of responsible and respectable conduct.

Kisses to Everyone!


  1. Good morning beeveeleons😘😘😘
    How are you this morning?
    So grateful to God for giving us another beautiful day.πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

    Happy mother's day to all the fantastic mummies in the house.
    Either single mom or double mom, May God continue to crown your efforts with joy.
    Happy mother's day to Stellz.
    Being able to control a large family here, isn't an easy job.
    May God continue to see us through.

    TheQueen how are you? Hope you are fine? Happy mother's day.πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

    1. Happy mother,s day to u stellz onyem, my one and only boo, any other boo is a counterfeit. May songs of joy never seize in ur mouth. Also Happy Mother's Day to all big mums here and small small mums..
      if you are a mother from 18-35, u still be obere onye nne. 36 above is big mummy.
      I use this opportunity to celebrate u all, it's not easy to be a mum, God bless u all.
      Ola I'm coming for you. Hv not been ard so keep having ur field day. Wink!

      Krix signing out via iPhone 7+

    2. See you in Sunday laughsπŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›

    3. Hahahahhaha,see how stella is writing "names"of noise makers by saying she will give the money to some one who doesn't insult people,no wonder every where is so calm today,hahahhahaa

  2. Good morning happy people and happy Sunday.

    Concerning 'The Wedding Party' movie, I've got over 20 people requesting me to send the link to them. But unfortunately, the link a BV shared with me where other BVs and I downloaded the movie from is no longer functioning, I guess they've deleted the movie from that site. I'm working on how to get another link, as soon as I'm able to do that, I will get in touch with everybody. Or if there's anybody that can share the link here, kindly click on my name and send it to my email. Thanks and have a beautiful Sunday.

    *Larry was here*

    1. 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁.
      Does it mean the one I sent out isn't working as well since it's from you?

    2. Ayo ti de ile wa niodun yi o, see me dancing on their behalf.there shall be testimony! My comment on that post about the couple who dated for 15years says they have tasted rough waters its time to enjoy life with riches. God is doing it already. Wow am happy.
      God bless the angel,God bless stella

    3. Happy Sunday my people. I need help with my new skill....πŸ˜†. So hubby loves meatpie, and we order it always but Ive been trying to learn how to do it. I surprised him today with my new skill, and he was so pleased. My stuffing is good, but my dough doesn't come out as crispy as the ones we order. How do I get that crispy dough? I use baking powder, butter, egg, salt, sugar and cold water to mix my flour. What else am I missing? Youtube doesn't have this answer. Help please.....

      Happy Sunday people.

    4. Happy Mothers Day Beautiful Ladies. God bless all women today and always. Iya ni wura.

    5. Nma where have you been?
      Happy mother's day in advanceπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

    6. Yes o @Emjay, it's not working again, you can click on it to check, and this morning alone, I've received 8 messages requesting for the movie 's link

      *Larry was here*

    7. Happy Sunday Every1.
      Hi Nma,
      Pls dnt boda adding sugar n egg to Ur pies,xpt d egg is for glazing d top b4 baking.
      Try Flour
      Pinch of salt
      Baking powder
      Cold water.
      Egg(for glazing)for crispy pies, ensure d butter quantify is d same wit d flour.....I use 250grams of butter for 250grams of flour

    8. Nma you are not getting your mix right, magarine in the right amount gives it that crisp, plus you need to knead properly, those big bakery have machines that knead their dough.use your egg to wash over your dough and don't add sugar use salt

  3. 😘😘😘😘😘

    1. Stupid idiot. Begger oshi. You think we don't know what you do behind this blog. I will let soon expose you. Irritant. I will make sure you vanish from this blog. Ugly fool.

    2. Choose Miss Ess and who again self? Let me think .

  4. So after 4 years of immortal konji, 4 years of winshy Magic and mixing potion here and there, Sista Freya ( who's hot by the way) decides to give her OTELE to wolf lady??😑 please leave me, it's pepper that's in my eye 😭....

    Kelvin Dat Edo Boi (Stellz Cousin)

    1. Don't tell me she gave it to Hailey?

      If yes pls shift let's cry together 😩

    2. Ha spoiler alert, am saving the Originals, prison breaks and the 100 till after next week.

    3. I'll do Freya anytime...any day. @IBK, not Hailey, one other wolf girl like that, dark skinned.

  5. When a lady is dating a guy, her friends will say, why date someone who doesn't go to school?

    If the guy is a graduate...they will say, why date him since he doesn't have a job?

    If he is working...they will ask, how much is his salary? Why date a broke guy?

    If he is earning 6figures and have other ladies as friends, you know money attracts ladies....they will tell her, why dating a cheat?

    If the guy is rich and said no sex till marriage....her friends will say, are you sure he is not gay?

    When the guy say let's taste the cookies before the marriage...they will tell the lady, he want to fvck you and dump you.

    Very CUNTfused set of people.


    1. Hahahahhahahahhshahshsh

    2. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. At times listening to friends advice can be more confusing than d situation itself, na to follow ur mind sure pass

    4. LmaoπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ soooo true!!! Life for us jare. Smh! Cant believe ayam just waking up. Too much enjoyment in this O town that is home of sodom and gomorah. Hmmmmm! Morning my good neighbours and happy sunday!

  6. Yassssssss, I got my sneakers, they are cute, exactly the way I like it, TGW sure has eyes for good things mehhh, I can't stop gushing. Thanks so much TGW, I love my sneakers, thanks so very very much, I am grateful ma,God bless.

    Happy Sunday darlings.

    1. Your love for sneakers Emjay love.
      Let me collect this thank youuuusss before she comes.⛹️‍♀️⛹️‍♀️⛹️‍♀️⛹️‍♀️⛹️‍♀️
      Happy sundayπŸ’‹

    2. Happy Sunday boo....Am happy for you

    3. XP is coming to give you memo soon. Where is that witch sef? She has disappeared under anony?

  7. Once a kid used to live with his mother. They were poor and could earn just to manage their needs. His mother had only one eye and because of that, the kid used to think of her as an embarrassment.
    One day when the mother went to her kid’s school, everyone in the school laughed at him and taunted him about his mother having only one eye.
    Due to this, the kid started to hate his mother and thought that his mother's presence is just an embarrassment for him and he doesn’t want to live with her.
    So he decided that he would study really hard and will leave his mother. The kid completed his studies with good grades and landed a good job in other city.
    He left his mother and got settled in the city. He bought a big house, got married and had kids. He was living a happy successful life. There he had nothing to remind him of his mom and the embarrassment caused because of her.
    One day his mother came to see him. When his kids saw her they felt scared and went to him. When he came to see who was at their door he found that it was his mother.
    Seeing her he said, “Who are you?? How dare you come to my house??”
    His mother understood that her son didn’t want to see her and quietly answered, “Oh, I am so sorry. I may have gotten the wrong address.” Then she just left.
    Then one day the kid got a letter from his school about reunion. After reunion, he went down to his old house where his mother used to live. When he entered there he saw that his mother was lying on the floor lifeless with a piece of paper in her hand. It was a letter to her son. She wrote:
    My son,
    I think my life has been long enough now. And… I won’t visit you anymore… but would it be too much to ask if I wanted you to come visit me once in a while? I miss you so much. And I was so glad when I heard you were coming for the reunion. But I decided not to go to the school…. For you… I’m sorry that I only have one eye, and I was an embarrassment for you.
    You see, when you were very little, you got into an accident, and lost your eye. As a mother, I couldn’t stand watching you having to grow up with only one eye… so I gave you mine… I was so proud of my son that you were seeing a whole new world for me, in my place, with that eye. I was never upset at you for anything you did.
    I miss you so much. I love you. You mean the world to me.
    Moral: Always Love and Respect Your Parents especially your mother as you can Never understand how Much they sacrifice for you. Learn to Respect and Value their Sacrifices and Hard work. Even When Grown give Time and Care to them.

    1. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    2. Waooooo so touching, thank Dara for all this wonderful post every morning, you are bless.

    3. I'm all teary eyed right now. I'm so emotional and its scary

    4. What a story...Guess this story is for mothers day celebration.

    5. Hmmmmmmmmm.... What a touching story????? I'm so touched. Nice one oluwadarasimi.

    6. The realest love on earth is a mothers love for her child every other love na wash.

    7. How did I miss this comment?? ❤❤❤

  8. Replies
    1. Congrats to the couple, 15 years no be beans o...God bless your home.

  9. Can't believe I made it here today. Haven't slept a wink all night, entrepreneurship is no joke I swear but its so fulfilling doing what you love to do and getting paid for it too. God bless our hustles, have a great Sunday everyone!

  10. Healthy ikpu is now a world class brand.
    We can help you make your Ikpu effortlessly clean and healthy,
    Ikpu sensitization is our job.

    BV healthy ikpu

    1. This your organization needs some healthy 'amus' to service your numerous 'ikpus' at a free course.


    2. *chokes on tea after reading elastic's reply*

    3. Elastic! Chi mu o πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  11. Stella don't forget me ohhhh, ejoor.

    1. You have started begging again? Na only you waka come? All the people you lick their asses here don't help you? Issashame! Anyway I have a feeling that droyalty will get this one. She haff jazz Stella

    2. Anon pls let her be na, nor forget me too Stella nd VIP bv... I don beg also, so crucify me now

    3. Ure a thief@emjay

  12. Good morning beautiful people.

    It's about time to go to the Kings house. Hope y'all are going.

    You miss this blog just a day, and you'll be feeling like...

    Happy Mother's Day to all the sweet mothers on here and specially to my momma. I love you all. We are blessed. πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

    Awwww. That's so sweet of the Angel. God bless you real good. I'm so happy for them.

    Loyalty pays.

    Positive Vibes Only 😊😊

  13. #sexonmymind

    1. May God deliver you, u better carry you two legs enter church make God deliver u.let Christ be seen in you

    2. Rufus get the hell outta here. Nigerians are too religious but very wicked set of people. Everything is not about going yo church. I'm not the anon but I hate it when people make issues about religion. Instead of you telling him or her to desist from it because of the long term consequences, you are talking church. Do you even know if the person is a Muslim or an atheist?

    3. I mentioned church cos today is Sunday, this one u carry the matter for head like Gala,Biko how market? 😎

  14. Good morning famπŸ’œ
    Make sure U go to church......
    Couldn't make it to sp yday (went out on a dinner date) but
    TGW Ur reply melted my heartπŸ’œπŸ’œ
    Help me Lord to be that sweet in this blog and especially outsideπŸ‘ΌπŸ™
    Bloggie the story on sunshine typing iphone dearieπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Thought as much anyway
    Hey Beloved,Simi,Sharon,Priya,Ola,Sharon,Pipi infact everyone that has made my almost one month on this blog worth it. I'm grateful guys. Muah !!!😘😘😘😘😘😘

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I recommend you contact bv Ade Esther, she might be of help

    2. Happy sunday Stella and BV'S.. Happy mothers day to all Mother's and to ME!!!

      Happy to be a mum.

  16. Good morning beautiful souls here!Wishing every woman who has been a responsible mother to her child or children happy Mother's Sunday!Wishing prospective mothers here happy mothering Sunday as every responsible lady here is a mother.

    1. Your hashtag is gay af

    2. Thanks Sexy Daddy. Happy mothers day to all mothers out there.

  17. Something big brewing. God help me!!
    Have a fabulous week everyone.

  18. Elohim..... Jehovah, you're the Lord.

    I'm sure it's only my family that don't eat rice on sunday.

    Who rice help?

    1. Kuku kill me la froshhh, if you know, you know I don't joke with rice, any type, white, jollof, fried, concoction etc...

    2. Like seriously?😨😨
      Rice with dodo, beans, egg, snail, fish, meat, spaghetti... Chai..

    3. Who rice help? Really...Sunday Rice in nigeria should be added to d constitution...Sunday Rice is Bae

    4. OMG.... ....... Sunday rice is the bae.

    5. Lafresh, we hardly cook rice on Sundays as well because we cook rice from Monday through Friday, so weekends are for something else. Today we took pap and Akara

      *Larry was here*

    6. We don't cook rice weekends in my house.

      Yam and pepper soup, akara and pap.....

    7. I don't joke with Sunday rice but I prefer rice and stew on Sundays.
      Jollof rice in Sundays is nooooo for me..

  19. Wow true love does conquer it all, am so happy for them both, may God bless that VIP for what he is doing, and may he never know lack ijn amen...

    As you rise from your bed this morning, the land you walk on today will produce blessings, the sky above you will release happiness over your life, the breeze around you will blow peace, every step you take will bring fulfilment. May He who raised heavens without pillars and built the universe without bricks bless, protect and sustain you now and forevermore....Have a Blessed Sunday..!

  20. May God be praised forever!
    May God continue to bless the Angels on thus blog.
    Congrat to the couple!

  21. #When you arise in the morning think of what a privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love*

  22. Wishing all the mothers here happy mothering Sunday.Its not easy to be a mum!God bless Nigerian mothers.
    # Sexydaddy'wife#

    1. Proud wife! Behind every sexy daddy there is a sexy mummy...Keep it up!


    2. Two beggars in a ship. Both on this blog begging with style. Stella e don be for you

    3. Anonymous, 9:02,is it your begging. Free her joor.

      Pretty Nneka happy mothers day..

      Happy mothers day to all the loving mother's out fer..

      Stella,Sweetheart, happy mother's day..

  23. Awwww congrat to d couple. they really deserve it

  24. Wow! Congrats to the couple. Truth be told that lady tried, don't think I'll be able to wait that long when i wasn't among the cast of 'lord of the ring'.
    Getting ready to go to church. God bless the angels on this blog and God bless Stella and fellow BVs'.
    Happy Sunday to you all.😘😘😍

  25. Ah! I knew sometting good was headed towards that couple. So happy for them.

    Ehe.. the only reason I'm here is to rant about #OneAfricaMusicFest
    How will they do us like this? Saw sneak peeks and OMG!! All my Fave artistes performed.
    Tiwa!!! Flavourrr nwa MamaπŸ™†πŸ½‍♂️!!! Sarkodie!!!! Olamideeeeeee!!!
    Now my question is this... Will they ever,ever... show on our Local channels?

    1. Morning iphie dearie. Happy sunday

    2. Morning Darasimi dear.
      Happy sunday. Xo

    3. You're here early today Iphie D πŸ‘πŸ˜‚

    4. Iphie go n buy Dstv or Gotv if u must watch #OneAfricaMusicFest..
      Stop been stingy to yourself

    5. Happy Sunday Iphie Dearie

    6. Ah Tet I am... I surprised myselfπŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      How are you sweerie? Read your comment down thereπŸ‘‡ and can totally relateπŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹ I went for a bridal shower recently and boy did I unleashhhhhh!!! Felt so gooodddd.

      Thanks Jostified darlyn.

      What I mean is will they show on channels in our locality? Can we see them?
      Sometimes we never get to watch most of them except you went there yourself.@ Ola wealth.

      Pipi lee is usually my partner when it comes to shows and when it will air on our channels. I can't find her anywhere here. Lol

      πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹ Kisses over dose!

  26. Was ffk_werey suggesting in a previous post that Precious's son is not FFK's biological son? See drama.

  27. Happy Sunday to you all. God bless us all and please don't fail to go to church if u can.


  28. Happy Mothers Day To My Mum,To Sdk And All The Mothers In This Blog.

    But wait, I thought we have celebrated one mothers day earlier this year?
    Every 3months na mothers day?
    I'm confused and need answers.

    1. I got confused as well when I saw the wishes hitting my phone, lol.

    2. Don't mind the UK and the US. These two countries celebrate mother's day differently which is why mother's day is twice in a year for other countries that follow suit.

      Happy mother's day to my elder sister cum mother. I can never get enough of that woman and distance has made our love sweeter than honey on a honeycomb

    3. CHI you can never have enough mothers day cos what dos women do for their kids can never be quantified

      Plus yes it's almost every 3 months so that they can charge us kids for new clothes to celebrate the day

  29. Do u know that if u find yourself thinking about someone all the time, it simply means they were thinking about u before you started thinking about them or they are thinking about u that same time you are thinking about them, it's pure science, Good morning my fellow blog visitors, today is Sunday, and I wish you all happiness and favour today ijn,Amen

    1. Yeah! Happened to me yesterday. I have this friend, a lady I haven't spoken to since this year. As I was scrolling to her number to holla her, her calls came in. I was like OMG!!!


    2. Kind of true. Most times I pick my phone to call my boyfriend his calls comes in. and I'm like wawu

  30. Good morninnnggg!

    I typed one long Epistle and vlooom! It vanished when I clicked on publish... No strength to type again mbok.

    Happy mother's day to all Mamas in this yard... I called my mom to wish her happy mother's day and she was like.. How many times? Look at you trying to prank an old woman like me. Shuuuu!


  31. I dey go Anglican. 9am service na till 1:30 e go end. Make I wak eba first.

  32. A beautiful morning to u all
    Thanking God for another beautiful day
    Happy mothers day to all the wonderful mom's, u guys rock

  33. Good morning all, happy mother's day to all the mother's on this blog, thank God for another beautiful day, on my way to second mass,may his grace be upon us.

  34. Goodmorning BVs, hope we slept well. Be grateful and thankful to God in midst of challenges, you never know the test he is putting you through.

    So girls still steal in this 21st century.... Amazing!
    On Friday night, an acquaintance of mine(we work for the same NGO) called me that she was stranded, she came to a friend's house and nobody wants to open the gate, so since my house was closer she decided to come sleep over. I had no problem with that and welcomed her with open arms. I was glad someone was coming to stay with me. When she entered into my room, I left her and went outside to do somethings. I came back and observed that my bags were disfigured(not the way I arranged them) I didn't suspect anything but went ahead to arrange them back. We gisted, ate and slept.
    Yesterday morning, she woke before me and said she was going, I waved her bye and continued sleeping. I woke up by 9am, do the chores I was supposed to do and dressed up for the market. I reached for my bags to take the money I was supposed to use and that section of the bag was empty. I brought down the bag, searched again and even turned everything inside out and there was nothing, no money. I went berserk, searched the other bags and nothing but am sure I kept that money in this particular bag so where will it be. I kept the bags and overturned my room incase I mistakenly hid it somewhere, no money.
    My mind went back to the scene my bags were disfigured, could it be she stole the money? But how can she? Since She is one person I like her fashion sense, she dresses so well during meetings and she carries herself well, the Thought of it stealing the money is sickening.
    Immediately, I put a call through:
    Me: ****, no vex ooo. Did you see/take any #5000 from my bag?
    She: (she started shouting) ah, what do you mean, that I stole your #5000? Wetin that money fit buy for me sef. Abeg oh, because I slept in ur house that you now want to call me a thief? Which kind Yeye talk be that.
    Me: The bag was the place I kept that money. I couldn't have misplaced it.
    She: Abeg, check well for your room. Just tell me say you want me to give you some money, as a matter of fact, my boyfriend gives me more than that in a week so what will I take your money for? Well, for now I don't have any money, would have given you some but let me see if I can borrow to give you. We are friends nah, what are friends for (she ended the call)
    My mind travelled way back from the ATM, my mind remembered how I withdrew the money and how I came back home to keep the money. Of course, I wasn't expecting her to own up to stealing it but something deep down was pleading that she would call back, say Am sorry, it's the devil's handwork. I will understand and forgive her being that that is the last money I had.
    I look at the bag and imagine that the money will appear and I was all mistaken. It beats me that someone will steal and use what he/she stole without any conscience of consideration for the owner. How do they have the heart to do it?
    Off to church jare. No time to waste. Have a lovely Sunday y'all

    1. Girl dey thief wella now
      Especially the well packaged ones that slays.

      Na the work wey dem dey do.
      Awon Kudi Klepto.

    2. Have you ever been in a situation where all evidence points at you but you know that you are innocent? I have been there dearie(4 years ago.. A very big case) and it is not a good thing. It drains ones mental strength.

      What If she didn't take the money? I am not saying she didn't oo but what ifshe is actually innocent.

    3. OK I stole it, I dey my house now come and beat me

    4. Omo see thinking..
      Na confusement be that ooo
      If i was d one, I wouldn't bother calling her...I will just bone n drink garri ontop.. But next time, not allowing her into my house

    5. You fucked up babe, you are suppose to call her to return your money immediately, you go dey ask her.

      That's how a frnd stole my frnd's golden necklace, after Pop that yr, she called her and asked her to return her necklace or else, na sharp sharp the foolish girl dropped am with a neighbor.

      My very good frnd stole my charger, I was coming from church one Sunday and decided to breeze into her house to say hello, per say I dey carry charger wherever I go, I sat down and gisted as I was about leaving I asked his bro to bring my fone and charger, on my way out I decided to drink water, I dropped my big clucthbag, the fone and charger, that was the last I remember, when I got home, like after few hours I decided to charge I nor see charger ohhh, I called her immediately and she promised to help find it, I waited and didn't hear from her, so I called her back, and she said didn't see it, I searched everywhere with the help of my sister and mum, I went back to her house and she was telling me I took the charger home, probably I lost it on my way home, or my bag has hole, bag when I put as tiny as a pen, every other tin was in there except my charger. I didn't just concluded that she stole it for no reason ohhhh, someone that visited me in school back then, and stole my boyfriend polo, make I rest here, before I spill everything. I let it go bcos na just charger.

  35. Happy Sunday my people,Jehova God is a faithful God.Thank you Jesus.always wake up with a thankful heart.God will never fail u.ur next in line for a miracle

  36. Good morning everyone...

    Thank God for the success of my bro's wedding, it was awesome. Will really miss you big bro.

    Thanks for all your good wishes fam. God bless you.

    Heading back home is ours in Jesus name. Amen.

    God bless the angel the is showing all these kindness. God bless you too Stella.

    Happy Sunday everyone.

    1. Journey mercies dear. Amen and me too. Slide into my mail with the wedding cake. Lol.

    2. Happy for your brother dear, journey mercies again nd nor forget my rice ooo

    3. Congrats to your bros and mercy journey as well..

      Thank God..

  37. Today is Mother's Day in US and Catholic Church

  38. Goodmornings bvs..... dat impostor impersonating Sandy yo God is watching u nd any curse dey lay on u here will happen just know dat there is power in the tongue ... There is power na okwu onu so better respect yourself now end of rant.. Concerned bv.

  39. Happy Mother's day to all the mothers out there and to my darling wife as well, I don't put her for big work as she is carrying my baby, when I see how her body has changed, I just continue to love her more. Baby if you are reading this comment section, just know that I love you so much and you are Medicine to me, you give me everything I need.

    1. Awwwwwwwwwww......... Happy Mother's Day Mrs anonymous.

  40. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  41. Some will come out now to say they have been courting for 150 years
    The same people who always castigate long relationships.

    1. Spot on..
      They will start writing to Stella,how they dated for 20yrs,30yrs.

      New trend loading..

  42. Thank GOD 4 life

    BV__ PUNCH

  43. Happy mothers day to the women who actually RAISED their kids properly and to those who just donated their kids to the public to raise for them...#side eyes

  44. Happy Sunday and happy mothers day to all the women in the house. Short holiday in UK precisely east London.I want make I meet fine correct naija babe for here .help a bro out.

    1. LMAO........ I'm at west London. Holla me........ Lol. Sorry I tot I was still in the dream. Sorry.

  45. Pls bvs,i need 2 know what to do. I've being having this pains in one side of my body 4 the past 2yrs,its as if something hot/peppery is consuming my flesh(inside my body)and I've been 2 hospitals a number of times buh nothing was seen 2 be wrong and I don't have a signs of sickness but just this tormenting/discomforting pain as if something inside me just need 2 be sucked out 4 me 2 enjoy my body.

    1. Today is Sunday. The lord will intervene in Jesus name.

    2. Are you sure its not your imagination, babe be positive and remove your mind from such and you will be fine.

  46. Happy mothers day (Africa) to you all, lol cus I'm sure some parts of the world have already celebrated theirs.
    I feel so refreshed and happy, for the first time in how long, I went out on my own, no kids, no husband, no pamper changes when out, just me, myself and I dressed to the nines. We were all meant to go together but my oldest picked a bug from nursery and he had a temperature so the hubster was like, there's no point driving 1hr and 10 mins with an ill child to my cousin's christening/baby dedication party so I should go, he'll take care of them. Sweet, Gracious Jesus! The best news ever!!! I got dressed, did not even bother driving cus I wanted to take the train into London again even though it would be a longer journey as I had to go from London to Berkshire-the county of the royals. Wanted to go on the underground again, watch the hustle and bustle of people trying to get to their destination -the crazily dressed ones, those who would not stop kissing and smooching on a public train whispering sweet nothings to each other, those who just had their ear phones on, reading a book. Got there, partied away, had such a good time, met friends and family I haven't seen in years since I moved away to another county. I got home laaaate (oh, I had to take advantage,lol) slept like I had been beaten, was super tired but I wouldn't have it any other way. One of my best days ever!

    1. Enjoyment galore....... Twale mama. Happy Mother's Day.

    2. Wow you really did have fun o, happy for you Tet dear. Ehn I don learn new word from you "hubster". Happy Mothers Day to us all

    3. Morning tetrina. Sure you had fun. Happy sunday. *kisses

    4. Motherhood can be overwhelming sometimes. It's good to have an escape route every now and then.

    5. Mama mia😍😍
      Glad you had fun!

      Happy mothers day❤❤

    6. Enough fun.
      Thank God..

  47. *singing*
    Hello everybody
    Hope you're doing fine
    Hope you're doooooooooooing fine.

    Happy Sunday y'all. Happy Mother's Day to great mothers we have on this blog.

  48. Happy sunday

    Happy mother's day to all the great mum out there.

    Blessed day to us all.

  49. I am loving today's spontaneous post.

    I want to wish my beloved mom a happy mothers day. Happy mother's day my Xp and Nma.

    Sweet mother
    Thank you for giving birth to me and inculcating manners in me. Thank you for teaching me about Christ. I love you baby.

    Bye guys and for those estranged from their mothers, reach out to her today.


    1. Your comment of yesterday on sp got me laffing seriously and so I decided to expanciate on that this am. You are really a funny being aswear. So you were indirectly trying to say that you call out people 'unnecessarily' when you dont enjoy their comments as a co-owner of blog abi perfectionist that you IS kenan! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ What a wawuuu!!!
      Ermmm, I enjoy your comments here sometimes too except when your kraze that is normally uncalled for like the one you were trying to do to our MVBM, Bloggie and La effizy few days ago wants to start and I will just say to myself that its like sombori has forgotten to take her meds today. That has been you anyways but I thought you have 'shanged' abi the 'shosh' things has suddenly worn off. Kikikikiki!
      You see how you quickly replied to Ekas comment that yesterday? So you guys are being yourselves by not trying to hail and play around right? I seeeee!
      XOXO, I know where you clearly and categorically belong tey tey bet you seem to always forget that we all cant be like that naaa as in all different so why not do your own thing and let others do theirs in peace then? Some of us are here to learn and just play around abi unwind including moi and not looking for baseless drama that is uncalled for on a faceless blog like majority of you call it. Well, I know that what I just yarned wouldnt make any sense to you and If you decide to take it south as a dramatician that you is, na you saka. Bye

    2. Lmao
      Na so dem dey change
      What have I done that I need to change for?

      You can hail people but when you send two pages of higher exercise books hailing someone then you need to summarize and tell them what you want. I love the diversity of blog commenters but recently, everyone tries to be the same. Be yourselves.

      I am not perfect, I am the least perfect person on this blog self but God loves me the most... You see.

      I just call people out for fun or when they derail or just because what the heck

      By the way, you lowkey love drama too, stop fronting, if not, you won't reply a self acclaimed dramatician and you definitely won't be on SDK blog. You enjoy celebrity drama too

      LaEffizy gets on my nerves with her comments which is neither here nor there
      Bloglord mentored me in the school of drama in my upcoming days now she is acting brand new like she is sister positivity.

      Have a nice day Sandra


  50. Good morning and happy Sunday everyone, how is your Sunday church services going? No church for me this Sunday morning. Happy Mother's Day Stella and the beautiful woman in this blog

  51. Still dealing with morning sickness. The Lord is my strength.

  52. Happy Mothers Day to you Stella and all mothers in the house. May all mothers live long to eat the fruits of their labour on their kids, e nor easy.

    Stella, start running to church osiso, you need deliverance from my jazz o. You see that anon up there saying I yaff jazzed you, he/she is right o. I don nack correct white pigeon for your head..

    I am now a born again o, as you can see, I did not call that anon FBG.


    1. Dry like harmattan

      You need snow on your comment

      Bye love

      Please note, I will be trolling.


  53. please Stella when the time comes for the giveaway please include my name ooo
    I need that money ooo
    Kelvin DtEdoBo how is your health now

    1. Am good now babe! How u doing?? Have a fab weekend!

      Kelvin Dat Edo Boi (Stellz Cousin)

  54. Happy Sunday all, Positivity is all I c. Jezzzzz, no more comments under anonymous for me, mba.

  55. Please who has a solution for menstrual migraine as all this Nsaids have refuse to work????
    Both orthodox and modern medicine is welcomed because the only two solutions I know is get pregnant or use oestrogen patch.

    1. Wait a minute
      Does menstrual migraine mean you experience headaches during your period?

      Have you tried taking blood tonic during and after? It could be mild signs of anemia.


    2. I thought I was the only one experiencing headaches when my period is near but I found one thing helpful... Blood tonics.

      If I take it a whole month before my period, I am less likely to experience headaches. So honey, try that.


  56. One of the giveaway should be to d id singleMon that's if she still comments

  57. Kelvin you and films Na 5&6
    please some one show recommend for me were I can download films before my subscription we expired thanks

  58. Oluwadarasimi's story touched me, tears filled my eyes when I was reading.
    Happy mother's day to mothers all over the world, to Stella our mother on the blog, may God bless you.
    I wish I could be considered for a business capital giveaway, If only wishes were horses hmmmmm...

    1. Morning cutiebee. Thanks. Happy mother's day

  59. DROYALTY I particularly do not find that you jazzed me comment funny at all.I refuse to agree that i am under any sort of bondage and i particularly reject it becos i do not know why u made that comment...being nice or gullible does not mean stupidity.please refrain from using me to make Jazz comments.I do not like it at all.

    1. She is just kidding joor

      If me and the world are against D'royalty , do you have to be against her too?

      Is it in her house in Okokomaiko that she will stay and jazz you in Germany.

      D'royalty loves and respect you, that I know. She can never take advantage of your niceness.


  60. I followed a neighbour to Catholic church today for a program. Lols. As a jjc that I is I was just murmuring nonsense when they were saying those their things. Kikikiki. I like their simplicity though, nobody get time for show off or dancing round with big headgears. Lols.
    Today is mothers day again? Wow
    Happy mothers day to all mothers in the blog and around the globe.
    Angel VIP God bless you for blessing the couple and bvs.

  61. Kai,am dancing for the couple,God bless you guys.when God says it's time,nothing can stop the flourish.
    God bless the angels here,they inspire me and I can't wait to be an angel too.

  62. Stella no vex abeg. I'm sorry for upsetting you with my joke. God in his infinite mercy will never allow me to know where they do jazz. If I jazzed you I won't come out openly to say it. If they even accuse me like that anon did, I will deny it vehemently. I'm sorry my joke got you annoyed.
    No jazz shall work for you In jesus name.
    I decree and declare that every jazz targeted at SDK should go back to the sender in hundred folds in Jesus name.

    1. Lol... Yeye. Sdk, Abeg forgive her. Abeg

    2. So you can apologise? Always misyarning.Your problem is you talk too much, elejo wewe.

  63. Haaa XOXO MYSTERY, so you know my house in Okoko, you be winch walahi.
    Thanks for that.
    Stella knows it was a joke, I think she just don't like anything jazz especially when her name is mentioned with it.
    Stella e ma binu ejoor. Me too I hate jazz, na Queen and her people wey dey always joke with knacking of pigeon na dem put me for wahala this morning chai! How I hate offending Stella.
    Abeg make una beg Stella for me o.
    Anonymouses, stay away o cos I know say na fuel una go dey pour inside the fire, Stella sef don sabi una, so she no go listen.

    1. You are welcome love


  64. Happy mother's day to all women all over the world.

  65. Happy Sunday.. .Happy Mothers day to all the mothers in the house.

  66. Thank God, just back from church. Happy nothers day everyone. Stella please remember people like us in the business giveaway. God bless

  67. Happy Mothers Day everyone! Hope y'all went to church.

  68. Happy sunday everyone and pleasant week ahead in Jesus name, Amen

  69. Happy mother's day to Stella
    Happy mother's day to all the mother's in da house.

    Happy mother's day to my mum,sisters..

    God bless all the Angels in da house.

    Stella, remember me ooooo...


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