Stella Dimoko Spontaneous Friday.


Friday, May 19, 2017

Spontaneous Friday.

#excitedmuch #thankBabaGoditsFriday #Boyfriendsdoingstufftoday #offtoschfirst #rainydaytoday #irock #urock? #boorocks #motherhoodrocks #goovibescanincludepositivedramanauahah #iloveyou.

Already at your place of hustle?Thank God....

Fridays come so
Not much to say today..just thankful for so many things.
Have a great day people and spread love and positive vibes.



  1. Sad day but I choose to be happy.
    Lost someone so dear to me some years back on this same day.
    I choose to be grateful for the things God has done rather than cry.
    Life goes on.

    IOT, training is over. Felt like I was going to faint sitting for hours.

    Missed trolling comments.

    Buongiorno miei amici

    1. Please take heart ok. Mark that date very well, before it approach, fast and pray very well, then watch your God in action. Mine is on Sundays, all the loved ones I've lost(Dad, grandma and my elder brother) was on Sundays. So I always pray about it, and check on them on Saturdays. Am not scared of Sundays anymore.

    2. It is well dear. Be happy.

    3. Chai!!!!
      Ariana took first today
      how is the baby kicking?
      Good morning bvs
      may GOD bless our Endeavours today

    4. Awww Arii. Baby u'll b just fine. Cheer up ok

    5. Awwww
      Chin up baby girl!
      He or she is in a better place. So smile.
      How's the bun dear?❤️

    6. That's the spirit Arianna!! Stay positive!

    7. Sorry dear.... You will be okay this I know, wherever he or she is right now is a better place

  2. A wife was making a breakfast of fried eggs for her family.

    Suddenly her husband burst into the kitchen.

    "Careful ... CAREFUL!! Put in some more butter!! Oh my Gosh!! You're cooking too many at once. TOO MANY!! Turn them!! TURN THEM NOW!! We need more butter. Oh my Gosh!! WHERE are we going to get MORE BUTTER?! They're going to STICK!! Careful ... CAREFUL!! be CAREFUL!!You NEVER listen to me when you're cooking! Never!! Turn them! HURRY UP!!

    Are you CRAZY? Have you lost your mind? Don't forget to salt them.

    You know you always forget to salt them. Use the salt. USE THE SALT! THE SALT!!"

    The wife stared at him: "What the hell is wrong with you? You think I don't know how to fry a couple of eggs?"

    The husband calmly replied, "I just wanted to show you what it feels like when I'm driving"


    1. Hehehehehe funny couple...

    2. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaa

    3. Haahahahah Elastic funny dude!

    4. Lmao... I can relate wella
      ever since I learnt how to drive, if you carry me for car, you don buy market be that..Lmao

    5. Hahahhahahaha🤣

      I can imagine how frustrated Oga was.
      I hate Bn interrupted while driving.
      And some people don't realise it's soo unsafe to constantly interrupt a driver while he is at the wheels.

      Just get down if u don't feel safe. Why u would ride with a not-so good driver beats me.
      So if he isn't a poor driver,then sit back and enjoy the ride and don't make it a chore for the driver. Eishh!

  3. Good morning beeveeleons💞💞💞
    Shey ewapa.?
    Its Friday again ooo.🙌🙌
    Wishing us all a wonderful weekend ahead

    Wokeup early today, I had one dream like that. The dream took me back to the Seminary, where I was to sing the responsorial psalm. I sang the first line n forgot the remaining part.
    I tried to crack my brain on the remaining part of the song. I couldn't remember oo, naso I hang for sit ooo, everywhere silent. Then one nawti boy shouted from the back, 'ITS ONLY TO FOLLOW GIRL HE SABI'😨😨 inside church?? As shame just catch me, naso I wake up jare. I love my school days ooo, just that we are single not mixed.😖😖😖.

    Then, I was the school organist, I play the keyboard to an extent. Also the best TENOR singer. Seminary helped me a lot ooo..
    But now, I don turn 'badt guys'😖😖
    Tiny voice is goneeee, long gone.
    Agbo-jedi tii takeover😑😑
    Wish to be a music producer, a musician
    Donjazzy, tecno are learners where I am.😂😂😂
    I remember a day at the cathedral, I was to play KYRIE (LORD HAVE MERCY), I played OFFERTORY. Come n see *side-eyes* everywhere. Even our Priest side-eyed me from the altar. I just bone jare, later corrected my fault. 😂😂😂😂
    #TheQueen where are you? I miss u much

    #YoriYori how r u? Saw DT ur msg😉😉

    #GALORE😱😱 nice meeting u yesterday


    Happy weekend ooo
    I'm just too happy this morning😂😂

    1. Awwwww..... really Ola??!! I can so relate.
      I used to play the keyboard too but ive forgotten now. I used to have a keyboard teacher who came thrice a week. My brother learnt how to play drums and he plays very well until today. One of my sis plays the bass guitar but not as well as when we were young. Also tried learning bass guitar after high school but my mum said she didn't like the way the teacher was looking at me 😂😂😂 so she stopped me from going to lesson.

      Then, I'm a trained alto singer. I remember while learning how to switch octaves, i lost my voice for a few months. By the time i gained it back, they pushed me to the back because my voice became the loudest among my part singers. Till today, if i want to sing any song before i know I'd just switch to alto as if i heard the tonic solfa before. I'm a natural. I sang in a children's mass choir as a child. We used to go to all them big churches to sing and raise money for the school ans charity. I still sing alto till today cos i no drink agbo jedi like you 😋😋 One of my sisters sings soprano very well till today, one sings treble and the other sings tenor. So morning devotion for my house that time be like studio session mehn! See raw talent 😂😂 I miss my childhood days 😭😭

    2. Hahahahahaha @ it's only to follow girls he sabi🤣

      I can imagine that dead silence in church. Choi
      Couldn't have tried it during my Juniorate days o! We always sang from the song book. U can do it off by heart if u want but it's always dere too incase u forget.

      Meanwhile I had a dream last night too. Wasn't going to mention it esp cos I don't understand the dream but seeing this your own now,I am like let me talk this dream o. Cos it doesn't make sense. It doesn't just make sense🙄

      I saw Dino Melaye in my dream. From nowhere o. He was singing and doing that Ntoor dance for me.

      I told the General and he just stared at me and after a while,calmly replied "Pls come again. Who did you say you saw in ur dream"

    3. Oh.... ehen i used to play ghe flute recorder then too. I could read some stave readings page by page - the easier ones sha. Last week i visited my childhood bestie and she said she used to tell her colleagues that she played the violin and viola very well as a child (we were in the same choir) but they were laughing at her that she's a joker. Say she no even kuku argue cos if they bring it to her now she cant even even make music from one string 😂😂 See as we hang head dey pity oursleves. #Whenparentsaretryingforyoubutyoudontknow 😂😂

  4. The moment you give up is the moment you let someone else win

    Love yourself enough to remove yourself from anything that you know isn't good for you.

    My bee10 may your birthday be filled with many beautiful things, may you continue to love life and never stop dreaming. May beauty and happiness surround you, not only on your special day, but always.
    Do have a wonderful day. 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘

    Chikito I am good thanks.
    I love you girl. 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘

    Fabmum thanks for the recipe, the rice pudding is yummy but I added vanilla and cream. Thanks baby. 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘

    Good morning everyone and do have a wonderful weekend

    1. Good morning what happened to my queen of queens? Beautiful woman I missed you plenty.
      Thanks for your wishes 💋💋💋💋

    2. Good morning Priya😘😘😘

    3. Hi miss priya..
      Oh that's lovely. It will come out so tasty. Will add that next time..
      Have a great day..

    4. My priya gudmorin
      Were went u?😘😘😘

    5. Love the second paragraph


    6. Miss priya I like the write up!

  5. Replies
    1. I just lost my dog... So broken, took me a while to recover from thE death of one in 2015, now another is gone.
      1 still alive though.

      so broken right noW, I can barely concentrate at d office

  6. Good morning everyone.... I love each and everyone of you here more than I show it, true family to me is more than blood relationship but more about loyalty and love and that is what I get you in abundance... Gracias SDK FAMILY. 💞❤❤💞❤💞💞❤💜💜😘😘😘

    Making A Woman Laugh Is One Of The Keys To Winning Her Heart.
    Unless She's Laughing At Your Penis.😂😂

    have a good day everybody, more blessings and grace will locate us all today AMEN. 👍

    1. Congrats latest Otondo..... Enjoy Anambra state!!!

    2. *what I get from you all in abundance

    3. Congrats my dear.
      God bless u

    4. Yeaaaaah... its friday...morning every one

    5. Isaac congratulations on your mobilization and posting! God gat your back!

    6. Waoh,you are in anambra?congrats,shaaa tell us your PPA,if It falls around my area/villa,i will give you a very comfortable accomodation

  7. Good morning all.
    NOTE: If you know you are a very very good girl/guy pls kindly waka pass my comment without reading it.

    Chike I saw your comment in ihn ystd. Let me assure you that nobody hacked my account. It's just that hubby isn't around which is why the X-rated comment has reduced. He's gonna return today...I'm mad excited. Watch out for update soon.
    Guys pls I have a problem o, its about my landlady's son, if I'm to guess his age I think he should be in his early 30's. Pls oooo you people should help me beg him to stop walking around in boxers. The outline of his pipi is soooo obvious in that boxer, the annoying part is that I've measured it with my eyes and believe me when I say it is SMALL!!!! How can a 30+years old man be walking around with an 11year old pipi. Another annoying thing is that he has a big bumbum... hope you all know that big bumbum is equal to small pipi....
    In my own school of thought I believe that if you want to flaunt your diiick it must be big strong and reliable. I dey even shame for the guy, flaunting tiny thing that isn't capable of giving me goosebumps. He should stop blackmailing my eyes biko.
    If you rep small pipi kindly pls wear pant under your boxers
    Abeg make hubby return make I blow big strong and reliable whistle jare #safejourneytohimijn. #saynotopencilcoverpipi #ichoppipithathasgotmadveins #myhashtagisbadderthanyours #ihopestellanogopursuemecommotforthisbloglastlast #allnaspontaneouspostna

    1. Lol...... Good morning ma'am. Thanks for the compliment.

    2. Chameleon 😂😂😂😂 #allnaspontaneouspostjoor
      Call him and tell him to respect his manhood and keep it under cover 😆

    3. 😂😂 chameleon may your eyea not cause you to sin. Say amen?

    4. 😅😅😅
      Let me help her say AMEN!

  8. Bloglord if u can see this,kindly send me a's on my profile.
    Good mrn all

  9. Good morning people.
    Work load...

  10. I am so scared... fulani herds men disturbing my village.. pls guys pray for my safety

    1. God! It is well with you and yours by His grace. Please update us please

  11. Begin while others make excuses, Keep going while others are quitting.


  12. Begin while others make excuses, Keep going while others are quitting.


  13. Pls bv's I want to know how fast does cupcakes sell in supermarkets.

  14. Once a ship was wrecked at sea due to storm and out of all the crew only two men were able to swim themselves to a small deserted island.
    After both reached the island, they didn’t know what to do and both talked and reached a conclusion that there was nothing they could do except to pray to God and wait for rescue.
    However, they both decided to divide the territory between both of them and stayed at opposite sides of it. They did this to determine whose prayers would be more effective.
    First thing they needed was food. So the first man prayed for food and the next day he saw fruits bearing trees on his side and saw that the other man’s side was still barren.
    After two weeks, the first man felt lonely and prayed for a wife and the next day a woman survivor from a ship wreck swam to his side of land. On the other man's side there was still nothing.
    Next the first man prayed for home and clothes and more food. Like magic he got all those things. Still the other man's side was same as before nothing changed.
    Finally, the first man prayed for a ship so that he and his wife could leave that island. Next morning a ship docked at his side of the island.
    He boarded on the ship with his wife. Then the first man thought, “Since none of that persons prayer have been answered. He is unworthy of leaving this island.” First man decided to leave the other man on the island.
    As the ship was about to leave, the first man heard a voice from the sky saying, “Why are you leaving your companion on the island??”
    The first man replied, “Since i got everything I prayed for that means my blessings are as a result of my faith and prayers. His prayers were unanswered that's why he has nothing on his side and so i figured he doesn't deserve to leave the island with me.”
    The voice from the sky responded, “You're sorely mistaken. You're in great debt to that man.”
    “How's that?”, asked first man.
    “It was that persons faith and prayers that invoked your blessings as he was the one who prayed that all your prayers might be answered.” replied the voice from the sky.
    Moral: Most times when your prayers get answered speedily with little or no effort. There could be someone out there interceding on your behalf without your knowledge. Appreciate, Embrace, Acknowledge and Love people around you because you never can tell who it is.
    bloggie; please don't tell me I told you so cos you were so right about it😥. kindly re-send. Thanks hun💜

  15. Chewing two slice of bread...e dey hungry u? Lol longerthroat.
    Plenty water, hope it won't block my yansh.
    Have d nicest day!
    *sips water*

  16. nawa o, just now just now Friday don reach, anyways good morning one big and happy family. wishing you guys the best of today

  17. For all those that fell victim to d street...Rest in goes on🎶

  18. Buenas Dias Mi Genre(Good morning my lovely people). The weeks past have been up close and personal. Work, family and prayers for the young one writing Entrance Exams into many schools, was on lockdown so there won't be thwarted blessings, besides we're not gonna take him from an A+ school to an A or even a B school. Naaaah. Not when I'm expected to raise Godly and impressionable kids. Noooo.

    Thanks to all who reached out, I missed a whole lot and catching up. Work continues but presently, I'm in the Corridors of Trailblazers, wasn't easy but I feel relieved having being caught in a web of Byzantine Complexities. You know, that threshold of success and now I feel chuffed, like enjoying an exhilarating experience, after Management tells you and your TEAM to 'forge ahead'. Hahaha.*fans self*. So yeah, Uyo and Eket trips finally close to a successful project story. Can't write many things here but OMEGOKWA! Then PH own didn't pull through but hey, it's all good. In the voice of my Oyibo Boss "You don't give up woman, do you?". Thank you Lord.

    New bvs...welcome. Too many new folks following the Jalabia story lead I guess? Then some if you ate already engaged in brazen savagery? Hmmm.God is watching. And to the very old bvs who continue to 'commit' and turn around, trying to brazen it out, our menu don do! The era if Dr Jeckyll and Mr Hyde is over. Many now see through the lies and double identity of your clownish undoing. Easy biko. You all grow up please, or you don't like the maturity in other places? Na wa. For 30 days in a month, some wear toga(togas) of Hood Dogs barking up and an while typing trash. I love love, still do but let's tone it down please and balance it out with reasonable comments.

    I can only imagine a Hood gang, let's say the dogs in 22rd neighbourhood in Festac Town Lagos in that quadrangle opposite the old AP filling station that has Tantalizers by the left and some shops at the front. And then the dogs assemble to entertain the tenants. That is the scenario I read in Spontaneous posts this period. Odiegwu!

    1. Mama Lo&Behold��������������

    2. This your comment dikwa very cryptic. Only the wise wiil understand.
      I use yo like you before, dunno what happened and all the love just vanish overnight

  19. Good morning all thanks to all who wished me a happy birthday yesterday. I heart you all oluwadarasimi I had fun,manna bee,chike,aftermovingon,yori yori princess,sexy daddy 😍😍. My boss ordered for a very big cake for me and a friend is sending me another cake this weekend Orela hola me on sunday make the fried rice and chicken,samosa,spring roll and salad no pass you by oh!
    Miss priya what happened I hope you are fine?
    I am at work now! Phewww

    1. Morning bee 10. Good to know

    2. My bee10 Pls enable your email address Pls, or drop your phone number with Stella I have something for you.

    3. Happy belated birthday.
      Live long and prosper.

  20. At this stage of my life, I don't need too many friends. I surround myself with only destiny partners. Good morning my SDK fam. Bee10 where is my cake?

  21. Ladies, you know that tingling feeling you have when your are falling in love?
    That is common sense leaving your body.!

  22. A beautiful morning to every good soul here!
    My major concern now is how to make Heaven! Who is on me on this thought?

  23. Good morning ☀️ Please BVs, who knows any hair shop that sells nice double drawn weaves or good weave in general. Preferably a walk in store, but I won't mind an online store that is trusted and I can check out on IG. Thanks. Please it's urgent so make you people no jump my post and pass abeg 🐼

  24. Yaaaay, it's friyaaay. I have plans. Bad bad plans. Don't ask me what..

    Meanwhile, iphiey dearie, where is the recipe you promised na. I did the pap and it didn't come out very brown like my pap makers own come out. I used 2 measures of Guinea corn ( dawa), 2 measure of millet and 1 measure of corn (yellow corn). I think the woman that makes for me uses 2 measure of Guinea corn, 1 measure of millet and half measure of corn. Because hers come out really really brown like when you make pap with just Guinea corn. Well first trial isn't always perfect. I hope it's still so nutritious. Or should I throw away and make another one??

    Shout out to you all.
    Let me troll better people today.
    Have a great day.

  25. There's a time for everything in this life...

  26. Gudmorin Stella..
    Gudmorin bvns
    Kisses to ur bf..
    Esako Pearl,gudmorin
    Chikito love😘😘
    Ed,miss corrector😘😘😘
    Teflon,my future ex boo😘😘😘
    Sexy daddy😘😘😘
    Oluwadarasimi gudmorin😘😘😘

  27. Happy Friday everyone! Forget all the shitty things you've encountered this week and have a great weekend.

  28. Ututu OMA ndi yardi anyi,unu aboola chi?

  29. *Mi gente

    *some of you are already

    *our mumu don do

  30. Good morning. Used sniper on my car because of mosquitoes, now I am having running nose and sneezing. What can I take.

    Right now I am taking peppermint tea but I don't think it can do much. I have never had running nose for a long time.

    Good morning great people. Let me go back and sleep jare. All is well

    Ola thank God you are OK. I pray for peace in Ivory is well

  31. I am on the Lord's side

    Thank you Lord for the gift of life


  32. Hailing my people 🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋

    Yesterday Empress made a post and Juliet jumped at it, Looool, that's what happens when you don't read to understand... Empress and Juliet were actually saying the same thing, DV shouldn't be one-sided!!! And some people were saying Empress should get married first before talking, really?? Was she not once a victim?? Maybe she was talking from experience... In as much as there's no excuse for DV, we should try and avoid it in every possible way that we can( some men don't need any excuse to hit a woman,in that case....TAKE A WALK, LEAVE!!!) don't stay there and be running mouth because na beating go end am.... It's just about using wisdom to handle situations, May God help us jare!!

    This MP comes in different forms and style that I don't even expect, I didn't take sugary stuff this month oooo, yet it won't let me be great 😥😥😥😥😥😥😥

  33. I love you too Stella and the good people here...

    Good morning people, it's another sweet day to be thankful and grateful, please be in that vibe cos God is just so good jare.

    Another weekend is here, ope o! Rest mode activated.

    Justyswt , Pipi love, Chikito dear how una dey? Gallant I guess. Enjoy

    Have a blessed day everyone.

  34. House help me o. I have a guy that we have been going out for like 6mnts now, I just recently saw is dick, this guys dick is d smallest in d world.he dosent even have those balls under. Since I saw him have just hated him, everything he does pisses me off. Please how do I break up this engagement without hurting him?

    1. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂...hahhhha my goodness😂😂😂😂😄😄😄😄😄😄

    2. Are you in love with him or his dick?😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    3. Sex is not food,, lolz

      But some men that have small Amu knows how to make use of it..

    4. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

  35. House help me o. I have a guy that we have been going out for like 6mnts now, I just recently saw is dick, this guys dick is d smallest in d world.he dosent even have those balls under. Since I saw him have just hated him, everything he does pisses me off. Please how do I break up this engagement without hurting him?

    1. Dick as small as biro cover huh?

      Small dick is a huge turn off for me
      You've a small P? bye boy.

      How to break it off? Just tell him that you need space and if he doesn't see you for a month or two, guy man go go him way.

    2. Eeeya I just felt for him now.
      Anyways don't be cruel while breaking off with him.Remember he didn't create himself.
      So be kind and sensitive.

      Tell him u have decided to join the Convent.

  36. Yipee 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾
    It's Friday
    And my leave start soon
    Time to pack for a trip.

    So my hockey date paid off, someone is madly in love wtih me
    And it seems I'm going to get bitten by the love bug soon
    Nice day lovelies
    And kisses to those who scouted out my outfit the other day.

    1. Welcome in board SisterGirl...... Love is a beautiful thing!!!

    2. Good to see it paid off.
      Congratulations! And enjoy ur new love. But pls let your head dey there. Be good and keep God in ur dealings.

  37. You think what all men love big butts and breast? No!!!,There comes a time in a mans life all he wants is peace of mind.Enjoy ur weekend

  38. My nipples hurt ooo and cant wait for six months to be over ooo... My little prince can feed for africa!! Shout out to everyone!!! Jesus sure loves you

  39. Sex
    What is the fuss all about sef. My bf disflowered me last month and to be honest I don't see what the whole thing is about. It's just there, once in a while I feel a little sensation but that's about it. Na wa o

    1. Your bf is an akamu case simple. Don't underrate sex simply because a wall flower got first access.
      I feel for you kept it all this while to give it out like that to an unworthy fellow.

  40. TGIF💃💃💃💃
    There is no me without U Jesus💜💜🙏
    You ve made me a Real life princess. Crowned me with success , granted my heart's desires.
    Why not think of all the good things he z done for U and say thank U to him. Quit complaining and he ll do more. Make praying Ur lifestyle n remember without faith U can't please him. N watch Ur self live the dream life🚢😋💑☕️🏊🏇
    Omotola U r so pretty. Pipi lee baby U fine. Xoxo
    Bloggie I still love U 💜💜💜

  41. Wow! Thank God its Friday! Am writing my final paper today!Am so excited!Alhamdulillahi#Final year things# Unique uniport## I really missed commenting on this great blog. My phone died few weeks ago.. RIP# Lenovo is the worst phone ever... Oluwa provide a new phone for me oh... Good morning fam.
    Bv Alabi Ganiyat

  42. Thank God it's Friday. Have a blessed day

  43. @ isaacson, i can't imagine the look on your face when you drop your phone after sending that your thanksgiving message on sp yesterday. Yoo will just laugh and say mugu don fall. There is God ooo

  44. Thank you for today been Friday, already in the office, hmm saw an accident today Okota road, God I pray the people survived it, may our day be day be fruitful.

  45. I am feeling How market with Nedu on 95.1 wazobia fm. That guy is really crazzzzzzzzzzy. Germany here i come

  46. Good morning lovely people..

    My 2year old daughter woke up this morning with swollen gum. I couldn't brush her teeth, she was crying seriously... Abeg who has an idea of what I can do.. She went to school, but I'll take her to the clinic in the afternoon.

    1. I think you can gargle TCP diluted in water as first aid. She most likely ate something she's alergic to. Pele for her

  47. Anambra girls pls be careful, a guy by name isaacson is on his way there to do alot of harm than good

    1. Anonymous 9:20,please take honey 2 litres so that you will be alright..
      You Go dey alright soon..

      Are you Isaacson girlfriend, Ayam not understanding?

  48. Bv Krix via I-phone 7,i got #25,000 yesterday from you and truthfully the euphoria i had and still having is out of this world cos the money came when it was needed most in my life..

    Words really fail me at this moment as im still gobsmacked at such kind gesture from you to a stranger like myself..

    You source of income will forever remain blessed!! You shall not know the definition of the word "LACK"..

    I really appreciate this from deep down my heart!!!

    To you Madam Stellz,**sigh**!! I dont even know where to start...
    Thanks for allowing God use you to bless are such an angel and a blessing to mankind..
    God bless you,your family and all your endeavours always!!

    This money will really go a long way..i appreciate you all!!

    @MARTINS ABOY signing out via I-phone 8...#smiles

    1. Congratulations Martins.... Stay blessed!

    2. Martins Martins 😊...the feeling of money can make one loquacious abi? You deserve it ☺

  49. Good morning people, hope everyone is feeling alright? Thank God for life, too many deaths this time. God will deliver us.
    The FG should look into this fulani herdsmen issue now before its too late,I've being hearing about their activities in Edo state since last week, they've being kidnapping people and killing some in their farms.
    @VictoriousEhis check Icore Natural on Facebook, your solution to natural hair is there, its a deeper lifer that owns the product and she's not based her, I heard her products are good and affordable. you just need to try it.
    princess yori yori I greet you, I miss you oo.
    Those of you asking for miracles that will sound like a lie biko be specific with the miracle oo,before your 64yrs old mama gets pregnant. I'm a witness oo, don't say I didn't warn you.
    have a great day ahead everyone. kizzzez.

    1. Gudmorin
      Fulani can't get to my side,I trust my Edo people, they will finish them..with no mercy.we don't take all those nonsense Benue people are taking.. They will follow them to their homes,kill their wives nd children.. What rubbish
      This people are really looking for war

  50. Good morning BVs.TGIF!
    Please, I need help on How to remove excess oil on my face. I have a very oily face, have been struggling on what to use to reduce the excess oil and pimples.Please help me out on what to use....I have a sensitive/delicate skin. Will Facials Help?

  51. Good morning FAM

  52. I just dey dey wonder how i got entangle with so many bullshit. Lord have mercy

    *hangs leg on the wall*

  53. Scarlet Gruber19 May 2017 at 09:27

    wishing everyone a blessed and restful weekend.

  54. Lord please help me get over this, I know I made the right decision to call of my wedding but it still hurts. Will I ever find love again? Will I remain single till I die? After so many failed relationships and a broken engagement.... But how will I marry a man 14yrs older than I am that cannot even buy as little as recharge card for me and is waiting for my father to pay for the whole wedding and even cajoling me to get money from my dad for him. Why are men like these? Where are all the good men?

  55. Thank God,its Friday..

    Good morning Dearie's.

  56. end time IHN...Hello everybody, how una dey nau? The Queen and boss you have been MIA, hope you are ok?
    @Villager how are are your livestocks and yam barns? regard to your village people

  57. Its a new day, tank u God for d gift of life...When dere is life, dere is hope....

  58. Part 2

    King XOXO is a Butterscotch. Me love you long long time. Thanks for being The Voice of Reason. Warm kisses. And also to EkaJoy for lending her support to the move. Reading comments I marvel and sometimes wrinkle my nose at what ADULTS are up to in a 24 hrs and I believe many do so too. Enough of the Pure bunkums. Thumbs up dear, you said it as it is. Many comments have been deleted, bvs should consider latecomers like us nau so we know what went down ,fully.
    May I also plead that we reduce the 'gbagauns'. E don plenty. Average propensity to gbagaun is very high. Please before you shout "who English EPP?" Remember that one day soon, a microphone may be handed over to you. Save the family that labored to see you through school the disgrace. Same applies to 'howler merchants'. It's painful to see graduates using exclamation and question marks wrongly. I don't jump in to correct but currently, it's an eyesore. I gladly recommend the book 'CORRECT ENGLISH by J. E Metcalfe and C. Astle. Find the book and read it religiously many times over, practice the exercises at the end of the book and you're good to go.

    Anonymous...stop typing XP XP allover, use your ID. Stop envying my hustle like we don't have the same 24hrs. I repeat it again 'if you want a FUTURE, you have to CREATE it'. Go work your brains and hands. Get a life. Is it too much to ask? Envy is the junior sister of witchcraft o. Eiiishhh!

    Etsako Pearl...I see you bebe. So much to do and sometimes it feels like I'm floating on air. And when I finally hit the bed? I CRASH I don't sleep. Hahaha. Then until the owners of boobies want to suck and they start to scream. End of sleep. Adding daily social media routine to my life is a killer to my bones. I missed the fun here. How's fine Bobo and The Boss? Greet them for me specially biko.

    Happy belated birthday to BEE 10 and other celebrants and my condolences to Bv Messi and Sharon Aminu and others mourning. Our God will do a new thing. Multiple births in Jesus name. Amen!

    Swag La Fresh... Congrats. Me love that you were taken unawares, you wey dey form 'strong head' love come do you 'strong thing'. Kikikiki. Enjoy jare.
    Nmasinachi...onyem oo. Love you till the end of time. Maintain code biko and don't allow any Busu to bug your pretty head. Rapu ndia! I'm fully on ground now but mehnn trip to Yola is still the coolest. There are schools and there are schools. Thanks to Alhaji Atiku. Enjoy your life jare.
    Fruitilicious...I see you too. We cool here. More of God's blessings upon you.
    Mena...catch you on the other side at 1pm. Get ready to laugh like crazy. It's a promise.

  59. who is dat anon on Sexy daddys case, the anon mean business o, I read yesterdays Sp last night and saw the comment about sexy daday and wife. oga

  60. I saw this person on FB few minutes back and i thought it wise to share.

    It's an interesting read

    Do you know that a week after you die, it is very likely that your brothers and cousins will ask your wife and your children to pack out of your house? That means your daughter may end up selling "pure water" in the street to survive, while that your good-for-nothing brother is living in your house and driving your cars, and marrying extra wives or taking new chieftaincy titles?
    This will happen because you were stupid when you were alive. You refused to empower your wife. You treated her as if she was a stranger. First, you refused to give her a proper marriage. You insisted only on traditional marriage. You refused to add her name to the landed properties you bought. None of your cars are in her name. Her name is not in the title to any property. And now you're dead, cold dead and lying in the mortuary unable to help yourself. How can you expect to enter heaven. Stupid people are not allowed in heaven, you know?
    So if you don't want your daughter and your son hawking gala snack and peanuts in some Nigerian traffic, empower your wife today. It is very simple: add her name to all your properties. I mean ALL your properties
    However bad you may think your wife is, at least you know she loves your children. If your wife "steals" your properties, she will do what every thief does - she will use the proceeds of the theft to feed her children, who are your children. If your wife "steals" your money, you know that money is going to end up your children's pocket money or school fees. But guess what happens when your brother steals your money. It will end up in the purse of your brother's girlfriend. And why else did you make all that money if not for your children?
    The beginning of your downfall is that you failed to recognize your wife as your authentic next of kin and your treasurer and custodian of your wealth. Do you realize that if you allow your wife to keep your money, she will not allow you to squander your money? She is thinking of the children's future. But if you hide your money from your wife, you're likely to squander it on frivolity and politics in efforts to impress the wrong people.
    Bottom line: the way you relate with your wife (I mean your one and only wife) will determine the quality of your life and how well you live. Those men who abuse their wives generally end up miserable and empty. So, my brothers, when I tell you to treat your wife as your equal and with respect, I'm telling you so in your own best interest. Men, yield to your wives. Let them lead the house, the way the Prime Minister leads the government. Try to be a figure head, the ceremonial head, while your wife is the principal administrator. Otherwise what happened in the screenshot here will happen to your wife and children the day you die.
    Emeka Ugwuonye
    Founder, DPA

  61. I saw this write-up on FB few minutes back and I thought it wise to share.

    It's an interesting read.

    Do you know that a week after you die, it is very likely that your brothers and cousins will ask your wife and your children to pack out of your house? That means your daughter may end up selling "pure water" in the street to survive, while that your good-for-nothing brother is living in your house and driving your cars, and marrying extra wives or taking new chieftaincy titles?
    This will happen because you were stupid when you were alive. You refused to empower your wife. You treated her as if she was a stranger. First, you refused to give her a proper marriage. You insisted only on traditional marriage. You refused to add her name to the landed properties you bought. None of your cars are in her name. Her name is not in the title to any property. And now you're dead, cold dead and lying in the mortuary unable to help yourself. How can you expect to enter heaven. Stupid people are not allowed in heaven, you know?
    So if you don't want your daughter and your son hawking gala snack and peanuts in some Nigerian traffic, empower your wife today. It is very simple: add her name to all your properties. I mean ALL your properties
    However bad you may think your wife is, at least you know she loves your children. If your wife "steals" your properties, she will do what every thief does - she will use the proceeds of the theft to feed her children, who are your children. If your wife "steals" your money, you know that money is going to end up your children's pocket money or school fees. But guess what happens when your brother steals your money. It will end up in the purse of your brother's girlfriend. And why else did you make all that money if not for your children?
    The beginning of your downfall is that you failed to recognize your wife as your authentic next of kin and your treasurer and custodian of your wealth. Do you realize that if you allow your wife to keep your money, she will not allow you to squander your money? She is thinking of the children's future. But if you hide your money from your wife, you're likely to squander it on frivolity and politics in efforts to impress the wrong people.
    Bottom line: the way you relate with your wife (I mean your one and only wife) will determine the quality of your life and how well you live. Those men who abuse their wives generally end up miserable and empty. So, my brothers, when I tell you to treat your wife as your equal and with respect, I'm telling you so in your own best interest. Men, yield to your wives. Let them lead the house, the way the Prime Minister leads the government. Try to be a figure head, the ceremonial head, while your wife is the principal administrator. Otherwise what happened in the screenshot here will happen to your wife and children the day you die.
    Emeka Ugwuonye
    Founder, DPA

  62. Stella sup now? It's been a while we saw you on IG live, show face soon ooo. Xoxo

  63. Good morning bvs. Happy weekend to everyone including Stella herself.

  64. Stella greetings!

    Elastic your gist cracked me up 😁😁😀 cause I can relate.

    Emjay hope your week went well, have a blessed weekend.

    Happy weekend all.

  65. Reading some comments here gives life. thank you to all the inspiration comments posters

  66. April small woman na wa o. Where you dey hide since. Miss you plenty. Hope you are good.

    Hahahaha anon on Isaacsoon case abeg I don't want to laugh much. Make una bring una own lies but you must have an ID

    Stay at home nai get me today

  67. Last part

    Ehen! Please who else watched the film clips of the Investiture ceremony of Mrs Ego Boyo as the 60th President of the International Women Society (IWS)? Mehn. I can't stop gushing. These ladies are climbing the rungs of Success fast. What! My eyes popped at some speeches. Real ladies, doing real things, real time. I kept pinching my Bestie and she did so too, we went like Jeez, see intelligence and doggedness at play. Wow. Billionaire wife, running her businesses effortlessly and remaining focused and level headed. I virtually muttered "God, this is where I wanna be". I waaaaaant.

    There's nothing as sweet as knowing that tribalism and nepotism is having a wind down in the Women's Circle in present day Nigeria. Women are beginning to support women.

    For the Rivers State @ 50 video clips on Women's Day Celebration in Port Harcourt, I'm rewatching the lovely clips plenty times. That one eeh, it's a story for another day I gat work to do. All I have to say is "God bless Prof Mrs Uche Azikiwe, Hajia Aisha Lawal and Justice Eberechi Nyesom-Wike". We are coming behind you on the promises. And to delectable actress Hilda Dokubo? "Onwere gi were mmadu". Udo!

    Hmmmmmmmmm. Longest epistle. Kikiki. Biko calmdan it has tey so I poured many things out. All the fabu and beer parlour stories wey una dey write since nko? I saw it all o. Make una no dey bo-bo me, I know whatsup.

    Nos Vemos Muchachas
    Mucho Besos
    (See you guys later, plenty kisses).

    I will be back.
    Let me come and be going.

    Singing in Tekno's country people, na so so talk talk. Forget about the big things, let's talk about the small things oooo......

  68. Yeeeeeah!!!




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