Stella Dimoko Read And Argue...


Friday, May 12, 2017

Read And Argue...

This is very thought provoking!


  1. Yes the lady sinned, infact they both sinned. Winning soul for Christ shouldn't come with sin. It is a choice.

  2. Yes the lady sinned, infact they both sinned. Winning soul for Christ shouldn't come with sin. It is a choice.

    1. How is consensual sex between two grown adults a sin?
      Brainwashed Africans. So 150years ago our ancestors sinned when they had sex without knowing Christ or without church wedding?
      Marriage and sex is between two people and once you agree to do it, it's nobody's business. It's grownups' thing that come with complications but one should always be prepared.

    2. You guys should stop carrying sin on Ur head. For all have sinned n come shot of Gods glory. The only reason Jesus came to die for us is because he knows we ain't perfect. Non of us is without sin snd that is why grace constantly abides. Don't be a judge. Don't judge Ur self, don't judge others. All you owe him is to love Ur neighbors n to love him endlessly. N constantly plead for forgiveness. Oh coz he z a merciful father. Remember he z lived here on earth (Jesus) and he knows first hand how difficult it is not to fall into temptation. So yes try n just be religious free whiles living God and Ur neighbors) for this is wat he desires from us). Aside that his blood has made us guilt free that we might b able to call him Abba father. Wen u realize all he did for U on the cross, U'll even love him the more.
      So will this girl b forgiven-of course
      Has his soul been acceptedby my loving father in heaven-of course

    3. Anon 13:22, did our fore fathers have sex with one another without marrying? Use your head

    4. Anon 13:22 in trying to justify what I don't know you ended up confusing yourself.
      The society then was very strict and morally upright. Our ancestors kept sex between married people and a woman must prove her virginity by showing a white cloth stained with blood, so what are you saying?
      It's a sin then, it's still a sin now. Sin is sin no matter how you want to camouflag it.

  3. Sin is sin. No big sin, no small sin.

    This is wrong but most people will not see it as a sin.

    It is a sin in the sight of God. Pastor or no pastor. Dont have sex when you are not married and dont use sex as a gratification because it is very wrong in the sight of God.


  4. Whether the lady sinned or not the must important thing is that a soul has been won for God. So for that GLORY BE TO GOD.

    1. Lols....I concur! Afterall Jesus ate with Zachaeus who was considered a sinner and that single act made him a believer.


  5. Hmnnn...
    this is twisted but well.... the end justifies the means.

    1. God cannot be mocked. No man wins a soul for God,the holyspirit does. You can talk to somebody about Christ but convicting and conversion is for the holyspirit.

      The writeup up there is not true,never happened but a lie from the pit of hell to twist the ways of God,only those in the spirit will truly understand this trick of the devil.

    2. What is wrong is wrong.
      The foundation was wrong.She was wrong to have accepted to do evil. No matter the price she stood to gain at the end.
      God can't be mocked. What's wrong is Wrong.
      Galatians 6:7 I think.

      Hey TZ baby!😘
      My darling!
      Good to see you sweetheart.
      Hope you are good sis.

    3. Triumphant zion please check your mail.

    4. TZ and TGBaibayyyy,
      Na so devil de confuse person. Mtcheww

    5. TZ and TGBaibayyyy,
      Na so devil de confuse person. Mtcheww

  6. scholars get your ass here ,serious issue on ground .

    Atheist i think i like you .

    1. About u liking atheist
      Pls don't go there ,I'm still beefing sugar cos of that😒

  7. Does this even make sense?

  8. She got a soul,

  9. Very senseless. If he had asked her to donate her right leg and hand would she have done that for him to be saved? You can't use sin as a wager for conversion.

  10. I Dey fear this end time evangelism
    I jump and pass

    1. I dont even think it was the sex that change him..
      It was guilt

    2. My dear,forget them. No such thing happened,it is just a tactics from the devil to get people to think like that.
      No one can help God,no one can win soul for God,the holyspirit wins soul and not man. If such a thing actually happened,then the man has not become a child of God neither is the lady a child of God.
      When you receive Christ,the holyspirit comes upon you and you lose taste for sin, so if that story up there truly happened,then the man would have separated from the lady because he would have understood that he is still heavily bound in sin with the lady,and cannot be truly born again unless they separate.

  11. Thought provoking indeed,sin na sin.

  12. Are churches still interested in winning souls for christ?? That don't seem to be their main goal, i can only say for Jehovas witnesses.

    1. Lol
      Na tithe and offering be some pastors goal now

    2. Hahhahahahaha
      Atheist what do you mean?
      So what are they winning?
      Church offerings?☻

    3. JW seeks to argue and not win souls just like an Atheist. They always wanna be right in all things and their thought pattern suits your kind of person. They are odd and twisted. You should join them. I think they are originally of Atheist origin...

    4. Yes sir that's all we do in my church. We win souls sir

  13. Even if you coat it with sugar, wear it a cassock, perm its hair or funkify the name, a sin remains a sin and nothing changes that.

  14. This is just a peculiar case and not a one-size-fit-all scenario..Dont even want to believe that through sex, one can get salvation..are we trying to mock the word of God or seem wise in our eyes..Both Of them are deceiving themselves..God is not an author of confusion...

    1. You hit the nail right on the head!

  15. Replies
    1. It is not strong.
      It is just an imagination of an agent of darkness somewhere to get people's mind twisted.
      This did not and cannot happen.

      Again,even if it did happen,bringing someone to church is different from being born again. There are many agents of darkness in the church whose mission is to turn the house of God into a club,where you dance,spend money and go,without true repentance.

  16. God has forgiven her long ago!

    So far she asked for forgiveness.

    1. Sorry but it seems you didn't get the point. Forgiveness wasn't mentioned at all

  17. Mama if you want to have sex, please do so without stupid conditions as this

  18. God cannot be mocked,

  19. she only asked him to convert for her selfish interest nd not cos she had intentions for soul winning...

    sin is sin.. no need 2 polish it

  20. Very funny post. Both of them do things conditionally. Why can't he be a Christian without sleeping with her. And why would she also give him conditions.

    We shouldn't sin all in the name of winning souls. God cannot be mocked. What a man sows, he reaps.

  21. She sinned. It's the work of Holy Spirit to convict sinners After doing your evangelism. The person who started out ministry as a sinner and later turned pastor needs regeneration he can't last in ministry, such are the ones who later becomes bad egg. As for the lady your love has a condition attached to it. If he stops getting satisfaction he will look elsewhere. The flesh profiteth not. Also Bible warns us not to be unequally yoked with sinners. Love Of the world enemies Of God. Shalom

  22. Did this lady commit sexual immorality? YES!
    Did God command that we avoid sexual immorality? YES!
    Did Christ teach that "soul winning" is through offering sex? NO
    Did God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah due to sexual immorality? YES
    Did Joseph stay away from sexual immorality to be honored by God in Egypt? Yes
    Supposing Joseph had sex with Potipher's wife and became "king" will he have received God's commendation? NO
    Sin is sin and no matter the outcome remains sin. Prostitutes of whatever ramification do not get to heaven because they used the proceeds of their sin to do charity works or sponsor gospel programs. In fact, the word of God proclaims that the earnings of a prostitute shall not be included into the Lord's treasury (Deut. 23:18).
    Rev. 21:8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”

    Jesus will deny such "pastors" on the last day:

    Luke 7:21“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

  23. 1. No the lady did not win the guys soul. can you give what you don't have? I'm not a Christian o but to my own knowledge pre marital sex is wrong in Christianity, the fact that she said she would give him sex if he becomes a Christian shows she is not deeply rooted, all forms of pre marital sex is wrong, having it with a good Christian doesnt make it right, she should have said sth like 'no sex until you give your life to Christ and we are married'

    2. yes she did sin

    3. no we shouldn't sin to win souls, infact it is written that 'if your eyes cause you to sin then pluck it out' and God is not an hypocrite so under no condition must you sin to win souls, that is like building a house on a shaky foundation...the person you converted might also think it's cool to do same and the trend will continue until supposed good Christians start using that as an excuse to sin!


    Luke 7:21“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

    The "pastor' and the lady in this story are EVIL DOERS!

  25. Old things have passed away, every thing is legit now.

  26. what a demonic story! can good come out of evil?

  27. Jesus Christ left the Church a pattern for winning souls and this doesn't look like it. We should be mindful of the things we do in the name of christianity because we would receive reward for all we have done while in the flesh. By the way I think this is just a scenerio conjured up in someone's imagination and we all know the truth! How can a God who is so holy, whose eyes are purer than to behold inquity accept sin in the name of "conversion"? What would this "converted pastor" preach? What is his testimony?

  28. First i'd say our ways are not God's ways.
    To my opinion - You can't use sin to cover sin but if there is genuine repentance from both of them after the act, then God will forgive them. So yes she won a soul for Christ.

    2) yes she sinned. Sin of immorality is what the devil is using to get old and young, married and unmarried, in trouble.

    3)NO. We tend to focus on grace abounding, using that as a yardstick to commit atrocities forgetting Rom 6:1.

    1. Honey,to tell a soul about God,is your duty but to convict and convert is of the holyspirit. So she only showed that she is just a church goer who knows nothing about the God she thinks she believes in.

  29. This reminds me of a story told a few years back, a pretty 6feet lady with sharp curves had a long queue of suitors, they all had diffrent intentions just as their faces & body size differed, but she was more drawn to Idris alba kind of guys, with deep pockets, even b4 questioning compatibility or personality, being in her early 20s, she was no whr near desperate, & she kept turning down men for the slightest attribute she considered negative.... But she knew her values & wasn't ready to settle for less, above all she needed to be comfortable & happily married, not exactly Dangote rich, but a home in Lekki & a trip to Paris 2wice a yr isn't too mch to ask for na, she said....
    This newly employed guy in his 30s, caught a glimpse of her walking out of the mall one saturday, he summoned courage to speak to her b4 she gets out of sight, but his height was 5"9, which she ruled him out immediately she could see the top of his head, plus his gradually going bald sef, she turned him down but he was determined not to give up, so he stalked her to her home, and secretly learnt alot about her, place of work, friends around, choice of attire, & her name and number, thanks to the gateman.... Straight he headed to Ijebu Ode in search of a good charm doctor that can make the impossible possible, after all the requirements were paid for, ofcourse u can't find a pregnant ant na, or a butterfly that just had sex an hour ago, u gats pay him to do that... A love potion was given to him & instructed hw to get his target, he did as the charm guy instructed & the lady was eventually head over heels in love, she couldnt wait to pick a date & asoebi colour.... Long story short.... They married & the kids came almost immediately, he continued to treat her like a queen & though he was under a spell, she kept living happily married, DH got carried away by his beautiful family & he 4got to renew the potency of the "Jazz"... Gbamm!! It faded, where's my Idris alba she wondered? Her kids still looked beautiful to her, and the joy in her heart remained fresh n intact, but her DH was far from handsome, she wasn't this loving n romantic wife anymore, so his brain booted & was gonna make another apointment to Ijebu, but on a second thought he came clean n told her, she was pissed initially, but looking around her friends that married Idris, she came back n hugged n kissed him, cus they were not happily married and the cover of the book didn't really matter but the content.*Side eyes at Chikito*

  30. This reminds me of a story told a few years back, a pretty 6feet lady with sharp curves had a long queue of suitors, they all had diffrent intentions just as their faces & body size differed, but she was more drawn to Idris alba kind of guys, with deep pockets, even b4 questioning compatibility or personality, being in her early 20s, she was no whr near desperate, & she kept turning down men for the slightest attribute she considered negative.... But she knew her values & wasn't ready to settle for less, above all she needed to be comfortable & happily married, not exactly Dangote rich, but a home in Lekki & a trip to Paris 2wice a yr isn't too mch to ask for na, she said....
    This newly employed guy in his 30s, caught a glimpse of her walking out of the mall one saturday, he summoned courage to speak to her b4 she gets out of sight, but his height was 5"9, which she ruled him out immediately she could see the top of his head, plus his gradually going bald sef, she turned him down but he was determined not to give up, so he stalked her to her home, and secretly learnt alot about her, place of work, friends around, choice of attire, & her name and number, thanks to the gateman.... Straight he headed to Ijebu Ode in search of a good charm doctor that can make the impossible possible, after all the requirements were paid for, ofcourse u can't find a pregnant ant na, or a butterfly that just had sex an hour ago, u gats pay him to do that... A love potion was given to him & instructed hw to get his target, he did as the charm guy instructed & the lady was eventually head over heels in love, she couldnt wait to pick a date & asoebi colour.... Long story short.... They married & the kids came almost immediately, he continued to treat her like a queen & though he was under a spell, she kept living happily married, DH got carried away by his beautiful family & he 4got to renew the potency of the "Jazz"... Gbamm!! It faded, where's my Idris alba she wondered? Her kids still looked beautiful to her, and the joy in her heart remained fresh n intact, but her DH was far from handsome, she wasn't this loving n romantic wife anymore, so his brain booted & was gonna make another apointment to Ijebu, but on a second thought he came clean n told her, she was pissed initially, but looking around her friends that married Idris, she came back n hugged n kissed him, cus they were not happily married and the cover of the book didn't really matter but the content.*Side eyes at Chikito*

  31. God cannot reduce His standard for ANY man, The Bible says "The bed undefiled"

  32. I really don't bother about what's sin or not these days, I just live for myself.

    It must be because I am struggling with being a Christian or even religious. I believe there's a God and all but I stopped striving to please Him. I've just lost my faith and passion in all things spiritual.

    MISS Jacobs.

    1. Angry with God??? Get to know God more and see if your anger is justified.

      Just so you know,you are either black or white. A child of God or a child of the world.

  33. Anon 12:51, please thrash this story. Someone jazzed her. The end definitely doesn't justify the means.

    Back to the question up there, Psalm 23 says " he leads me in the paths of righteousness, for his name's sake". Don't even play urself thinking it's okay to sin in the name of winning souls for Christ. What's the point in winning souls,when urs is holding on to a one way ticket to hell? It's even better to save urself completely first before trying to save someone else. I remember when I used to go out for evangelism and I was still living in sin, one day the Holyspirit sat me down and told me the hard truth" going out to save souls doesn't mean urs is saved, u need to repent of ur sins ,get saved urself, before trying to save others or young lady, ure going to hell". That woke me up!

    Jesus said if u preach against adultery,fornication, lies ,stealing, but u still do any of it, ur arse still going to hell! Don't even play urself.

    Here what the bible says,"Do not be deceived! God is not mocked"!

    And again,"Nevertheless the foundation of the Lord standeth sure, having this seal,that the Lord knoweth them that are his, and let everyone that nameth the name of the Lord depart from iniquity". Selah!

  34. Sin is sin no matter how small or big

  35. Yes, they both sinned. But our God is a forgiving God.

    1. Friendship with the world is enemity to God. She has not even repented and likewise the man.

  36. Just when U want to judge remember the men after Gods heart
    1) Abraham committed adultery coz his wife was barren. After which God blessed him and called him father of many nations , calling him his friend and also saying he is righteous.
    Abraham lied that Sarah was his sister n God punished the person he lied to not him.
    Why did God ️love Abraham so much ? Because he loved God and chose to please him. Simple and short.
    Some will say it's because the ten commandments wasn't given then. But
    Do u know Jesus came to shed his blood so that U can be free from those laws? Oh yes Thats what he did. Therefore Christianity and its doctrine is all about freedom and love and grace. Actually notin less. wen u realize this u'll b happy to love Godn serve him. Coz despite all our short comings, he doesn't love us any less. I pray God opens our hearts of understanding🙏🙏

    1. Christianity is about freedom but not freedom to live like the world does.It is freedom from the bonds of satan.
      Friendship with the world is enemity to God. When you live as the world does,you are not exercising your freedom but renewing your captivity with satan.

  37. They both have sin in the eyes o God, when God said we should win souls for him it wasn't through fornication

  38. How can she win a soul through fornication? That means the Angels were clapping as they were fornicating...
    She's a baby Christian that needs to go back to Sunday school.


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