Stella Dimoko Friday Morning Spontaneous Post


Friday, May 05, 2017

Friday Morning Spontaneous Post

#awoofdeyrunbelle #boyfriendsrock #blogboorocks #undertheweathersopleasebearwithmefortoday #obsessedwithhashtags #thankGoditsfriday #Godblessyourhustleaslongasyouarenotyahooyahoo.
#hungryforakarachai! #okbye!

God bless your hustle if you are already at talking about hustles.....A few days back one SAN CHUKS sent me a roughly done video of a man allegedly looking for help and demanded I post it:I watched the video and something was missing from the plea for help....Every time he said something and asked the man a question,he quickly answered the question cutting the man out.He kept begging i post I took time to reply him and told him (copying my exact text)

''its not a matter of please,people will not help when it is not properly done..all you will get is always need to let a victim tell their story..all the video contains is shouting and not letting him properly talk..badly done video.
i cannot post a text instead please and stop making it look like i am a villain.people are going thru hard times..who exactly do u think has money to throw around?
i am not a charity organisation,I am a journalist who blogs''

And Yesterday he went under Anonymous to cuss me out quoting the exact underlined text ,He was all over the Chronicles cussing out as well.

Mr,Its a pity you feel so pained and have to waste time on a blog cussing out instead of trying to perfect your cry for help....Some of you on this Blog have perfected lies to ask for help and so it takes a lot for me to believe anyone becos obtaining monies from people has taken a whole new turn and i will not help anyone collect peoples hard earned money...If you send me a plea and I do not believe you,stop coming here to cuss me out,look for someone who believes your story and let them post it...I am practically one of the few blogs who does such and i have seen people try to milk this aspect.I AM REFERRING TO ALL THOSE AS WELL WHO FEEL PAINED AND COME OUT UNDER ANON to cuss out..I choose to address this today..Enough is enough;I cannot please or reach out to all.

My apologies to the Lady inside IHN yesterday who is almost losing her job,if my comment was insensitive then I am sorry....#Moving on!

It's Friday and I cant keep
Have Fun and try to reach out to those in need  if you can -IF YOU BELIEVE THEM!

Wow aside from this blog's famous three,I have noticed Famous two and famous five and famous one....Wow,beautiful friendships formed on this platform makes me so proud.I will not be calling names of all the famous' becos of blog Jealousy..LMAO

Abeg let me come and do and be going......What do we have coming up by 10am sef? OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! *side eyes*

Kisses *Pheeew!*


  1. Replies
    1. I am checking something

    2. Nigerians and their self entitlement. Not everyone that gives is rich, and not every mouth that doesn't ask is full. Some of us are hustling and dealing with our daily problems while most here will come with some sob stories and all talking about how broke they're yet you have money to subscribe for internet๐Ÿ˜•my dear you still get money if una see wretchedness trust me SDK will be the least and I mean it the least of your worries. I was at my brokest from monday-wednesday and all I did was kneel down every middle of the night telling God to relieve me of financial struggles, and not let poverty,hardship and sadness be my companions. All my customers promised next week to pay and I was thinking of how to survive this week. Yesterday morning my elder sis sent me N15k telling me she understands my struggles that I should hang in there, an old friend of mine stopped by too and dropped money too, how marvellous is God. If birds in the air don't worry about how to survive or eat you all shouldn't too. Stay focused on your hustle and never ever think people owe you shit. Everyone is going through their own struggles too and dealing with life. Spend more time talking to God than writing long epistle about how bleak your life is.

    3. Stella you've started with this your OMG bah? Issorai

    4. No mind Stella with her Omg.

      Morning to my lovely bvs.

      Emjay and Cynthia iyede, I saw ur shout. I hail u guys back.

      Pleasant day to us all.

  2. Your remarkable potential

    Don’t let negativity win the moment. Don’t let negativity win the day.

    Life is too valuable to spend it in despair, destruction, deception. The positive possibilities are too important to let them languish unrealized.

    Recommit yourself right now to all you love, all you care so much about. Choose to focus your actions, your energy, on furthering life’s goodness.

    The superficial, sparkling trinkets of depravity and indolence can be enticing. Yet they are heartbreakingly empty, and have no place in your beautiful life.

    You are destined for, capable, and worthy of so much more. You have value, substance, beauty, meaning to create, and dreams to bring to life.

    Challenge yourself to live up to your remarkable potential, every day. Your life is worth every good thing you work to put into it.

  3. Beautiful things dey happen eeh..

    when d sun goes down..

    and when d light is darkest thats

    when my light shines bright..

    its good to take some time away..

    and put a smile on someones face..

    no matter where u are ..

    we can be together in love….

    I just love this caller tune like kilode

    1. Happy birthday pipi lee live long and proper
      ED I sight you yesterday, you're beautiful
      I am always reading post late. Abeg I don tire to go work, miracle money should enter my account jor
      Have a blessed day

    2. Happiness is sure...talatalala๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    3. Stella mercy just posted on IG with pic of her bloodied nose and everything shouting her husband must "PROOF" the things he said about her lol๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„...i don't know why i don't feel sorry for that woman.

    4. Where Smile for me smile for you
      Happiness is sure come enter ??

      Who will i call now... Let me check

    5. I thought it's only me.
      Wishing the person never picks the call so I can all back and listen

    6. Same here. The caller tune gives me life.

      Am I the only one that has never subscribed to caller tunes since inception?

    7. ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜@Adara..... Abeg I'm still in the euphora of banky w n susu....enough of mercy mbok....

  4. I heard it's good to mix that stuff with your body cream. Sexy daddy get in here..... Abeg forget that thing you said on Wednesday SP about not donating for some time. I need you to deliver 25litres of that stuff to me. I need it undiluted pls. I can do anything to stay frosh abeg.... d only problem I have is that I hate d taste on my tongue therefore wondering how am gonna survive rubbing it on my skin....but omo nothing dey pah. (Don't 4get the undiluted part o bcos i will definitely taste it to confirm whether it's original.... ywcuk๐Ÿ˜œ) Pls treat as urgent Sir.
    Goodmorning ya'all. Wishing you all a sexy day ๐Ÿ’˜๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’Ÿ #ihopestellanogopursuemecommotforthisbloglastlast

    1. Chameleon your very funny.I'm now into full time ministry oooo.

    2. No matter how much sperm you smear on your body, if you don't follow it up with good (I mean healthy) eating and sweating it out sometimes, it will not last.

      I agree it work to keep the skin fine but to mix with your cream? Ewww
      I can confirm for face as a mask for say 15minutes then you wash off followed by a good moisturiser, it works well.

      Better invest in a good quality hyaluronic serum and mix it with your cream instead.

    3. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚chai sexy daddy... Hope you are good now?

  5. U nor get money,no Dreams,no Educatn,no skills,no manners,no future ambition n u say u want some1 that would love u for who u are,

    who are u?

    1. Hahahahaha
      Who are you? Human barrel ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚

      Somw people don't even know who they really are.
      Chai, you just made me laugh

  6. Good morning my fellow SDK addicts
    Wishing us all a pleasant day.
    Saw this on IG and thought I should share with us

    "Be disciplined about what you respond and react to. Not everyone or everything deserves your time, energy and attention.
    Stay in your light.

    Ibukun Olรบwa your love for amebo, I never see am before. I position stainless chair for you o

    The General's Wife biko resume duty nau, people are missing you.
    ร€bรญ you haven't finished unpacking?

    MVBM Bloggie how school runs?

    1. Stainless chair kwa....kikikiki

    2. Vivi wetin you wan make I do nau, if I give am glass chair, the amebo fit break am and e go wunjoram

      Howdy, Mami?

  7. Hey my favorite day of the week is "frinally" here. It rained all through the night, it was a struggle getting up for work.
    Have a great day my Asahd's, I love you.


    Once when I was a teenager, my father and I were standing in line to buy tickets for the circus.

    Finally, there was only one other family between us and the ticket counter. This family made a big impression on me.

    There were eight children all probably under the age of 12. The way they were dressed, you could tell they didn't have a lot of money, but their clothes were neat and clean.

    The children were well-behaved, all of them, standing in line two-by-two behind their parents, holding hands. They were excitedly jabbering about the clowns, animals, and all the acts they would be seeing that night. By their excitement you could sense they had never been to the circus before. It would be a highlight of their lives.

    Their father and mother were at the head of the pack standing proud as could be. The mother was holding her husband's hand, looking up at him as if to say, "You're my knight in shinning armor." He was smiling and enjoying seeing his family happy.

    The ticket lady asked the man how many tickets he wanted? He proudly responded, "I'd like to buy eight children's tickets and two adult tickets, so I can take my family to the circus." The ticket lady stated the price.

    The man's wife let go of his hand, her head dropped, the man's lip began to quiver. Then he leaned a little closer and asked, "How much did you say?" The ticket lady again stated the price.

    The man didn't have enough money. How was he supposed to turn and tell his eight kids that he didn't have enough money to take them to the circus?

    Seeing what was going on, my dad reached into his pocket, pulled out a $20 bill, and then dropped it on the ground. (We were not wealthy in any sense of the word!) My dad bent down picked up the $20 bill, tapped the man on the shoulder and said, "Excuse me, sir, this fell out of your pocket."

    The man understood what was going on. He wasn't begging for a handout but certainly appreciated the help in a desperate, heartbreaking and embarrassing situation. He looked straight into my dad's eyes, took my dad's hand in both of his, squeezed tightly unto the $20 bill, and with his lip quivering and a tear streaming down his cheek, he replied; "Thank you, thank you sir. This really mean a lot to me and my family."

    My father and I went back to our car and drove home. The $20 that my father gave away is what we were going to buy our tickets with.

    Although, we didn't get to see the circus that night, we both felt a joy inside us that was far greater than seeing the circus could ever provide.

    That day I learnt the value to Give.

    The Giver is bigger than the Receiver.

    If you want to be large, larger than life, learn to give.

    Only if you Give can you Receive more. The Givers heart becomes the Ocean, in tune with the Almighty - The Source.

    Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get - only with what you are expecting to give - which is everything.

    Katherine Hepburn

    1. Darasimi thanks for sharing. I had tears in my eyes reading this. It reminds me of my neighbour who stays in an uncompleted building with his 7 or 8 kids and wife. Whenever this man begs me for stuff and I give him the way he'll prostrate on the floor to thank me always makes me wish I have more to give. I don't have much but the small things I used to give him always leave me with you thereafter. God bless us all.

    2. Thank God I didn't skip this comment.

      Wow, this is deep. I'm so touched and have learnt.

      Thank you so much Dara, foe sharing this piece.

    3. Hmmm....Food for thought

    4. This is beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing.

    5. Wow simi๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
      Kudos chameleon. As U give God will change ur own story๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™

  9. Today, I'm alive, well and happy.
    Today, I will bask in the presence of the Lord
    Today, I will make every minute count.

    P.S: You are what you do, not what you say you'll do.


    Good morning beautiful people.

    Positive Vibes Only ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

  10. Some doctors and their level of unprofessionalism though... jeez!

    So I wasnt feeling quite well late noon yesterday so I thought to stop at the hospital.
    After normal routine of vital checks- bp/temperature/weight and all, was waiting to see the doctor. The nurse had specified his name on my case form.

    A few minutes later, a lady walked in, exchanged pleasantries and a brief tit-a-tat with the nurses and proceeded to the doc's office ( the doc i was to see)
    Then nurses mini hush gossip began...
    "I like that Dr. ABC babe bag o!.Very nice. The other replied. "That's part of her new arrivals in her STORE. I bought a similar one from her. Oh! You were not on duty yesterday. That's what I carried to work......"

    My turn to see the doc. I knocked and went in. The "doctor's babe" sat on an adjacent chair. The doc asked me to sit.
    Then he goes...
    Good Morning Mrs.... (As he looks at my case form for my name. ) How are you and what's the matter?

    I turned to look at the lady. And like he knew what I was thinking said "Oh don't worry bout her presence, she is a doctor too."

    A frown formed on my face (i wan begin para) but i quickly broke it to a smile and said to her hello doctor ? (Seeking her name) She replied Tina. Dr Tina. (not real name)

    I go...hi Dr Tina. Can you kindly excuse us. My form says to see Dr Abc not Dr Abc and Dr Tina. So do you mind?

    Doctor Abc cuts in.. Mrs Bloggie but I just told you....
    I cut him short..Dr Abc I am here to see you privately for my health without the intrusion of privacy by your fiancee who I strongly believe runs a store. If I need a Dr of bags and accessories, I know where to find one.

    Turning back to the lady...who by this time got up abruptly, mumbled "i will be outside" and left.

    Me to doc- you know what? I'd better see another doctor. As i made to leave...he stops me and begins to apologise profusely.

    Can you imagine????????
    Sorry for my epistle jor.

    Cold wet morning.
    Good morning guys!

    1. Morning bloggie. Hope you better now??. Sorry dear

    2. It isn't an epistle abeg.

      U r so right.most docs dnt knw how to handle privacy. Had dt experience while I was preggy for d 1st time but dnt hv time to type now

    3. Let me perch here today.. TGIF.. I can rest properly!!! To be an adult, ain't easy... #walks out.. Have a nice day everyone

    4. Good morning Bloggie๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜

    5. Eeyah sorry about your health. Hope you're feeling better now? Sending hugs to you.

      I love it when people stand up to anyone against their right. Yeye!

    6. Imagine d crap, thanks for putting her in her place.. Yeye dy smell

    7. Bloggie boo you be case. Lol. I hope you are feeling better now???????

    8. Smh. Na becausse say Na private hospital. U can't try that crap. In a TH. How d fvck am I supposed to learn

    9. Ooh how I love you and your guts bloglord baby!

    10. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚why yu come give her her life story? You b bad pikin o.....

    11. Hahahhahahhhahahaahhhaah.
      I fell on the floor after reading this.

      'If I need a Dr of bags and accessories, I know where to find one'.
      I too love you Bloggie, you nor dey disappoint at all.

    12. Are you for real! I like your boldness joor.

    13. Some Nigerians can be unprofessional, imagine the rubbish, I need to give u a kiss for this *no homo.

    14. Imagine the nonsense?He doesn't have but you are mouthed blogg"Dr of bags and accessories"

    15. Don't I just love women who know their right and refuse to settle for less.

      If she's a doctor nkแป? What rubbish
      You did well, Bloggie.

      Hope you're feeling better now?
      Would've helped with a relaxing neck massage but... Ok bye

    16. Some doctors sha. Good thing you stood up..... He does it often and I think no one has reported him.

      In the woman's mind, she will think you've bought something from her before. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ dr of bags

    17. I feel somewhat better today guys. Thanks.
      Anon 8:44, it's a different thing if it's a teaching hospital and you are a student doc.
      In this case, the lady is nowhere a medical personnel. Na shop owner. Smh

    18. Anon 8:44 she is the doctor's girlfriend not a junior doctor.

    19. Chai....I too gbadun you bloggie. I trust you to handle them properly and put them in their place.
      Nara ise ✋
      Only in Nigeria would you see such stupidity. Mtchew

    20. Bloggie that was RUDE of you. The fact you heard d gossip doesn't count, at least he explained her to you, even if it was lies.
      We mustn't always sound instinctive because we know we are right. Most time give flexibility, let it fly. Except such patient has a terminal disease.
      If she was a dr (though not) if the main doc makes prescription mistakes, she can always correct

    21. Ideato huh???? Rude? I hear you.

      The point is She is not a doctor! Garrit?

    22. No one shld annoy my Bloggie please

    23. Ideato, have you heard of doctor-patient confidentiality?

    24. Lolo you might have your own valid point but don't be too quick to judge nne.
      So its OK for him to lie about she being a medical doctor? It's only okay for Bloggie to beat him to his own lies. After all there's nothing bad in being a business owner.

      My privacy is my privacy and if I choose not to be used as an experiment, then it's my money and my health.
      When it's your turn, you can comfortably lie on the examination table and have your privates checked by an assisting doctor so that the main one doesn't make a mistake.

      It's OK for him to tell a lie and forget office ethics but it's not OK for a woman like you to stand for her right?

  11. Goo morning my SDK family...this blog is Da Bomb....TGIF

  12. It's a beautiful Friday morning. A cold at that
    Stay alive,stay healthy&stay positive.
    Wishing all bvs a wonderful day ahead

  13. My bf and I were fooling around on YouTube last night, playing old Naija songs and I decided to write out the lyrics(@least, what I could make of it, because I honestly couldn't comprehend some words and sentences)of this one by stereoman.

    Stand fit mudiaga,
    No matter the weight of Elephant e nor fit cause earthquake,
    Still on colonizing Warri level
    Sample Ekwe!
    Sample Ekwe!!
    Sample Ekwe

    I never count them say I be fake, now when I don count dem dey see me dey shake, say I nor be fake,
    Wait for your turn one day you go make
    ***I did not catch some of the words here***
    If Nigerians see me them shout Ekwe!
    My brothers see me them shout Ekwe!
    My mothers see me them shout Ekwe!
    Shout original Stereoman shout Ekwe!
    Na me u dey play,
    Nor try me play,
    Nor take me jaire,
    So rhyme don come Stereoman dey for the place,
    Play play play play, na small dey play, I pray
    From Babylon dem say I nor know my way
    But still, Stereoman dey kamkpe
    I nor run away,
    Coded one dey tell me say my miracle year is on the way.
    Some bad mind people dem dey give me advice
    But for their mind na to see me kpai
    ***I could not comprehend some of the words after this and decided to call it quits biko***
    Good morning you all.

    1. STAND FIT!

      The dance then was to curve your arse to the back and bend your leg like grasshopper.


    2. The missing part you didn't get is probably "children them see me them shout Ekwe". I can't be sure sha, e don tey wey i sing d song last.

    3. You just made my day. I been dey sing this song in the shower some nights ago.
      I wonder where that guy dey now.

  14. I dont get why some women like fighting men. You'll see them pulling his shirt,slapping him,shouting like they can actually beat up the man. No matter how angry i get i can never hit a man oh cos i don't want anyone to use me to learn how to be the next anthony joshua. Some women are just trouble makers

    As for the san chuks guy people have to understand its not a must to help everyone abd so many like him are now taking advantage of the help others get on this blog to try to con us with their stories. This is why this country is not moving forward. The mentality of the people in it

  15. Stella nothing by 10am I don't believe you jor!

    Beautiful people happy weekend ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹ almost at work enjoy my people!

  16. Hahahahahahaha Stella that omg won't work today. ...kolework !!!

  17. A beautiful morning to everybody. So sad through out last night!Jesus take the wheel!

    1. Awww....what happened dear? E hugs

    2. Eeyah!! Hope it's nothing serious? Whatever the problem is I pray for divine intervention for you. How's your darling wife? Pls no matter the situation do not be completely moody so it doesn't rub off on your wife (remember she's not as strong as you as per weaker vessel thingy) You'll be fine dear...believe me as hours runs into days and days into months you'll be fine.

    3. What's making you sad?

      Sending you lots of love and hugs.
      Wisdom to do right IN Jesus Name, Amen.

    4. Morning sexy daddy. Try to pull yourself together. God is in charge

    5. SexySpermyDaddy,
      I hope all is well?

      Ed darl. I love you.๐Ÿ’‹saw your s/o -face of ihn but couldn't type much. How you doing? Cheers to a lovely weekend.

      Emjay baby! Surprise surprise coming through...๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’‹

  18. Your remarkable potential

    Don’t let negativity win the moment. Don’t let negativity win the day.

    Life is too valuable to spend it in despair, destruction, deception. The positive possibilities are too important to let them languish unrealized.

    Recommit yourself right now to all you love, all you care so much about. Choose to focus your actions, your energy, on furthering life’s goodness.

    The superficial, sparkling trinkets of depravity and indolence can be enticing. Yet they are heartbreakingly empty, and have no place in your beautiful life.

    You are destined for, capable, and worthy of so much more. You have value, substance, beauty, meaning to create, and dreams to bring to life.

    Challenge yourself to live up to your remarkable potential, every day. Your life is worth every good thing you work to put into it.

  19. I'm on my way to work already. Thank you so much Lord for another day to be thankful.

    Canaanland here I come tonight...

    Good morning good people

    Enjoy your day and weekend.

  20. Beautiful morning to us all

    God I thank you for another brightened, new, wonderday you've given me. It can only be you Lord, all Glory, praise and adoration be to your name, Amen!

    Shout-out to all the lovely and beautiful souls on here.. Happy Weekend to you guys.
    And may you all have a blessed day today ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜

  21. Been a while here,Good to be back.

    Good morning beeeeeeeeveeeeeees.

    1. Welcome back, Lady C
      Where's is our bread?

  22. Despite the fact that there are many dubious beggars, there are those who are really in need. They can as well try other platforms on sm, NGOS like big church n the likes, cos this isn't a charity org or an NGO instead of coming under anon to curse u out. Stella keep up the good work still, don't be dismayed.

    1. Cursing her out because they couldn't get help from her shows either of two things

      They are not real or
      They don't deserve help.

      Once things are not done some person's way, the demon in them is unleashed, which shows they're not real humans at heart after all.

  23. Good morning queens and kings......๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜to all my blog boos.... Please where has my villager gone to? Sharon darling please are you alright?

    1. ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜

    2. Hahhaaha. Just left a comment for you up there under -"sexzy" daddy's.

  24. Stella, stooopeeet! Don't even try that OMG thingy with us today! Cos I can't raise my amebo antenna for nothing sake. Noff said.

    Good morning everyone... One love!

  25. I am Firmous 1.

    I went down memory lane yesterday into 2013/2014 Posts....
    Ezenwanyi International. I hail o
    Rubynnia where art thou
    Tetrina were you tetrina daries?
    I can't even remember all.... I greet all the Ancestors on this blog. Kisses to you all.

    Ed Omo daada... See as you fine! Chai. Amebo no lemme comment on IHN yesterday o... E hugs to you.

    Athiest you have 24 hours to either turn down my proposal or accept. Iru radarada woรณ leyi?๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

    Errrm beloved now that you seen an international boo. You wee no collect o. Take! I dash you Anthony.

    Everywhere Na so so burial. I have two to attend today and two tomorrow. Burial food is a no go area for me.... Lemme sha goan help them cry. I heard they will pay.


    1. No Thanks
      I am married

      To Jesus nah

    2. The original Sugarlicious...๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜i heart you sweets

    3. Hahahahahahahaha @your last sentence. How much are they paying?

    4. Wat proposal??
      Wat did i miss?

    5. Athiest check yesterday's SP.

      Chameleon.... I heard o. I am not sure.

      Beloved no problem. Take Lanre Gentry then.. Ed๐Ÿ˜˜

  26. Mercy has finally opened up. Its a shame really.
    How's everyone doing?
    Docs in the house,how can one bring up or stabilise a very low blood pressure. Any ideas?anyone? Please leave a comment. Thanks

  27. Good morning cuties๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹
    The cold here Tho๐Ÿ˜“
    Ok just for fun roll call!!!
    If you are igbo say " holla"?!!
    If you are Hausa say "hey"??!!
    If you are Yoruba say "hello"?!!!!!
    Other tribes say "Hyy"!!!!
    One nigeria ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ. One love keeps us together.
    Lovely day people

    1. Hyy and holla ๐Ÿ˜‚

      Hug your pillows very tight and use a duvet

    2. Holla๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿ™‹

    3. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚Anna I tell Ya. Still under d duvet. No other choice
      Hey boo boo beloved ๐Ÿ˜˜
      Simi bae๐Ÿ’‹
      Ed Edd and eddy ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜
      Ur attendance has been taken☑️
      Oya go forth and have a fruitful day wit blessings n Gods favor working 4 U all day long๐Ÿ’œ

  28. Stella on the area of people cussing you out, I'm sure by now you must have developed a thick skin.

    Exploitation is the highest form of wickedness.
    Its a pity that because of selfish reasons, some people refuse to see the previous good done and choose to be sarcastic and uncultured because things didn't go their way.

    You cannot please everybody, Mami.
    Flip your hair, shake those hips and strut away.
    Your blog, your rules, you cannot be less of who you are to please others, that will be betrayal of resident trust.

    Where's Fake Queen abi the original Queen and Boss don nack pidgin for her head?

    Firewood cooked burnt Jollof rice on my mind. Ok bye ๐Ÿ‘‹

    1. ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜

    2. And it has be firewood own...chaii

      I love burnt rice too...i what I will be craving when i am preggy

    3. My sister was craving same at the early stage and she always want it fresh. Her husband goes to Apapa everyday from the Island to buy it. I pity for am that time.

    4. You mean "shake that yansh". Me i sha have a problem with this Stella's yansh, you can remove 10 of my own inside. The only consolation is that i know how to whine and jiggle it during ......... (fill in the blank space). Another consolation is that the yansh shoots out whenever I wear leggings. The biggest consolation is that hubby gat mad love for this dynamite yansh.

  29. Wet morning here...that kinda weather...๐Ÿค”

    1. Which kinda weather, Lara?
      Stop spoiling me

    2. Good morning blog family, this is wat we call 'weather for two'

  30. Goodmorning beeveeleons๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜

    FreshPetals (eyeballs glasses)
    Iyoba1 (he just gave birth)
    You guys are too funny!!

    White wedding, court wedding, traditional wedding, Engagement.
    Can I do the 4 together??
    Omo I was confused yesterday ooo.
    Someone should please explain better..

    TheQueen ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜.
    I already sent 11million to your heritage bank account, for the RANGE ROVER VELAR. Will send the rest before 4pm..

    Stellz ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜ Boo2..
    I heart you.. Do you want RANGE VELAR?

    1. Iyoba is the new savage. I almost pee for pant from laughter yesterday

    2. Ah Ola,
      Na here you dey today?
      You too go far oh!
      Why na?

  31. Yagaaaa!

    I'm on time today.

    Howdy everyone? How're y'all doing?

    Beautiful weekend fam.


    1. Whiteyyyyyyyyyy!
      I miss you Baybay.
      Stop doing hide and seek joor.

    2. Hallo White.
      Good Morning babes.
      This your dissappearing to appear.๐Ÿ˜Š

  32. Fine morning to all SDK blog faithful..wishing you all a blessed and hassle-free day..Te amor

  33. I never knew Nigeria is this hard,...
    until I saw my friend eating bread with anointing oil.๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    Good morning everyone and SDK please nor dey answer those people abeg,just free them

    1. Hahahaha Isaacson
      He's Anointing his intestines

    2. Hahhhahahahahha.
      Hello boo.

    3. Hahaha. You think anointing oil is cheap?

  34. Good morning wonderful people guess you all had a wonderful night.
    As my pregnancy progresses I realize I have lost my appetite anyway its all part of motherhood experience and I thank God for he made his grace found me.
    Hmmmmm, my shakara this days no get part two again o, hubby will ask we make love and I will turn him down not that I don't want too I don't just understand why i am always like that, sometimes I will initiate it first then when it comes to doing the do I will start forming my stomach hurts God help me I intend to make the weekend lit ๐Ÿ˜œ
    My dearest Ink, I couldn't access your profile to view your mail you can do well and drop it under my comment or make your profile visible.
    Stella, I want to join the Germany party too as per June baby on the way I will just use that opportunity to birth my little charming there,#whatdouhavetosayaboutthat.
    See you all at noon, got a meeting to attend in school against resumption on Monday, nice day ahead.

    1. Kpele
      Different experiences for different women during pregnancy.
      Some turn to nymphomaniacs while some don't just feel it all.
      It's a phase and it will pass.

      In all, I advise you always make it an open discussion with your husband. Don't assume he understands or should understand.
      Offer him a good BJ if you can't allow get under.

      If you ain't feeling pains, just close your eyes sometimes and sacrifice for your relationship.

      Safe delivery as you count weeks.
      Are you doing Kegel or Perennial massage?
      If this is your first, it will be very helpful.
      Easy pushing to you

    2. You will be fine dear.Try to dey satisfy bros before we hear chronicles.Ndo ooh.

  35. Stella ure so blunt and unprententious dats what i love abt u the most,continue to do what ur gut tells u biko,if dere was no sdk wont ppl source for money elsewhere.

  36. wonderful morning, thank you lord cos today is friday, weekend.

  37. Good morning people!. I haven't been this excited about Friday since last Friday.

  38. Good morning. I. Read about the traditional and white wedding ish yesterday. I have always known that d white wedding is for the white. I did my traditional wedding. Went to court lol wit jean and kente. Hubby too was casual we came from work sef. After signing the papers. We went to church on one Sunday for blessing. .. i keep saying d white wedding ish is just stress n money wasting. I hv documents and God blessings .

  39. hahahahaha Oya stella, i am firmous 5. Na wa.

    Good morning great people. The rain had to do its job that it was sent and everywhere was cold. I was just praying for those that water enters their house, I pray God send help so that you can move out to a more comfortable place Amen.

    The water was just too much and we were advised to take the express one way. Thank God Lastma or any law enforcement agency never come out. Goodluck to those they will catch. Me i don jump and pass.

    All those doing yahoo yahoo it wont pay you because a lot of people have learnt now.

    May God provide for everyone of us Amen. Drinking Tea to cool body.

    Good morning to lovely people here. Lets stay blessed because today is a blessed day for us all Amen

    1. Morning yoriyori. Abeg double your tea drinking this morning cos of the cold

    2. Yori yori baby. Infact that your tea go make sense for this cold morning.

    3. Amen!
      Good Morning my Yori yori

    4. My Yori Yori princess ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

  40. Sp always onpoint, TGIF, my lovely bvs I need a job, please help me. This boredom is making get depressed.

  41. Bloggie good morning, wetin dey sick you, oya whisper to me only.

    come and follow me enjoy this American tea i am drinking. stop taking local tea.

  42. Hmmmmmmmmm.................... No money, no money, queue no dey finish for bank. For the past 2weeks have been unable to withdraw. Morning,afternoon,night even midnight sef there will always be queue.

    I don't know why pple get annoyed anytime they were down. It's nobody right to help you.

  43. Good morning boos, wishing y'all a blessed day.

  44. Good Morning Lovelies.......

    Today is my Mum's birthday.... Yaaaaaaaaaaaay, I'm so excited like its my wedding!!! I Love you Mummy, thank You for EVERYTHING ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜

    1. Yaaaay happy birthday mama cookie
      Thank you for giving cookie breast even up till

      We are turning up with our toyata velar abi range rover velar !!!
      OsikapA jollof and NRI ji na nsala !!

    2. Morning cookie. Happy birthday to your mum. Long life in good health

    3. Happy birthday mummy cookie.

      May God bless and keep her, He will be gracious to her. She will see plenty more years in good health and reap the fruit of her labour.


      ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜ to her

    4. HBD to your cookie's mum

    5. Happy birthday to mummy cookie๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Happy birthday mama cookie, we love u

    8. Hbd 2 Ur mum.God Bless n Keep her.

    9. Happy birthday to your mom cookie.
      Good health, long life and more blessings I wish her.

    10. Happy birthday to your momma xx

  45. Happy weekend everyone, especially chikito the lady with a heart of GOLD.

  46. Baba God thank u for this day.. *singing*.. Only you can do what no man can do Jehova..

  47. It's my daughter's 4th birthday today, yipeee! The one who keeps me on my feet and the reason I would never add weight ( she got me running around after her), lol. God bless you today my darling

    1. Happy birthday to your princess

    2. Happy birthday to your daughter

    3. Happy birthday to her. She will grow and shine in God's goodness.

    4. Happy belated 4th birthday to your angel. May she fulfil her purpose on earth.

    5. Happy birthday to your baby girl.

    6. Hbd 2 Ur cutie.....God Bless n Keep Her!

    7. Hbd to Ur darling daughter❤️๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ‘ญ

    8. Happy Birthday to your babygirl

    9. Happy birthday to your girl, give her a hug from me x

  48. Stella I don carry my diamond encrusted chair siddon dey wait for 10am... And the news must be juicy fa... Blessed weekend to everyone... Kilzes

    1. Don't just waste your time for the gist, e no juicy anything, looool

  49. Good morning fams, I so love this cold weather, hmm although I woke up late '"side eyes at my oga'". Thanking God for today yes is Friday, may his name alone be praise, do have a great day all

    1. Good morning Ijay....๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

  50. Good morning stella and bvs.
    Pls the cussers should leave stella alone she gives and gives....

  51. This is stella not beggars blog abeg.stella bae no need for your thing if na you make dem you to the moon.Chop kiss.muahh

  52. Don't mind those doctors,some of them don't even know what they doing...

  53. Yori yori Princess how far naaaaa. I am still waiting for you to take me to your bishop. Abeg help this my Germany party ministry.

  54. The lady that posted about suspension on ihn yesterday, you should knack pigeon on that your direct boss head, then email the oga patapata directly so that they can revisit the case. I just have the feeling that it is a banking job.

  55. Stella my aproko antenna don dey up already o. 10am ko? No wahala.

    Gdmrng BVS.
    God bless your day/weekend

  56. So I was reading the 'Art of Seduction' by Robert Greene. And I came to understand some of this celebrities we adore and love their uniqueness, starting from Beyonce to Genevieve, to even Adesua Etomi sef. Women! Read that book to learn a little how to keep your man from side chicks and side hens. Then add prayer to spice it up and thank me later. About the woman with an abusive husband who has 650,000 worth of land tp sell. Here is what my aunt did about her own predicament. She opened a business secretly with her mum 's name as the owner, her mum acts and comes to the shop like it's her own. Her mum employed a Sales girl that help them out with the day to day sales. Then my aunt will now visits once in a while to 'see her mum' and stock up the shop. Her mum sends the money into a private account she opened. The husband gradually stopped intimidating her and abusing her when she stopped begging for everything but still looked good. Then when e reach to born a second child, our family summoned the husband family.. the wife started her conditions for continuing in the marriage or she take a walk. Plus that the man will refund her his own share of money she used in taking care of their child. The husband shaa agreed after plenty talk talk and she went back. Oga husband come calm down and apologised that it was frustration. So dear woman... if you can do what my aunt did and you sure your husband will soften?... please do and Good luck. fellow Bvs please I'm still begging... i will appreciate any movie audition location you drop for me.....i really need to start taking thus my passion serious. And I can really act very well. stella boo boo... my love for you is a hit back to back... this is my third comment on this blog even though I have been a long ago visitor. chikito and the professional fire for fire... are you the same person?... i love your blog personality. how can I get a blog ID please?

  57. Ola wealth how far, they don they take your first to comment position? but it will not work for them. Fake queen and boss how "is" you. Chike the Firmous guy how you dey. Stella dear don't mind them, keep being you. Aminu Sharon hope you are getting ready both emotional and physical for your triplet because it will hapen soon

  58. Divorce everywhere. People marrying for wrong reasons. This is not what happened in the Bible when Serah was calling Abraham my lord. #justsaying

  59. Abeg let me go and drink my local tea as the president of Tea drinkers association, "side eyes to yori yori princess

  60. @ darasimi thanks for your write up. I learnt alot from it. But if it is in Nigeria here they will judge the man by saying, why must he go to see the circus when he knows that there is no money, that he suppose to think of food and shelter for his family not luxury

  61. Nawah oh!!

    So, dem don dey do video...

    Them don abuse this blog begging too much sotey genuine beggars sef are suffering as we don't even know who is truthful anymore.

    Stella no vex too much. That is human being for you...

    Oga Chuks stop embarrassing Igbo men na, go and hustle biko...

  62. Vivilicious abeg come to the Island and join me for this tea. I am loving the weather and again the AC is really doing its job on me.

  63. I hail all of Una. Blogites if dat English is correct. Una doh! Mrn to you all. Stella for life. I hope d 10 am gist na say anoda banky dun slid into anoda Susu frm if not ehhhh. E dey do me for body jare

  64. Thank God I met spontaneous post this morning. Don't know why but I seem to be missing Chikito's long epistles and chi exotic's narratives. Anyway, Lord I'm grateful to be alive and may this day be filled with lots of laughter for all of us

  65. I wonder why people cuss Stella. She owes us no obligation to be posting plea for help, it is becos of her good heart that she do such. If she did not post your plea, dust yourself and keep trusting God if you are genuinely in need. May God bless you Stella for what you have been doing, He will reward you.

  66. Stella, you have no idea the amazing friendship formed from this blog. Friendships that will last a life time especially when you're on the same page as the individual. Today I celebrate all the amazing people I met here who are now on my contact list and we chat, video call, text, WhatsApp. Love you allllll ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•
    Bloggie boo, hope you're feeling much better lovey x


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