Stella Dimoko Domestic Violence -SHE HIT HIM


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Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Domestic Violence -SHE HIT HIM

*mouth hanging loose*

Yes a woman can beat up a man and for those of you who laugh and is how that happens...

Hello Stella,

I was the one that commented thanking you, about domestic violence coming from both sides and ones again Thanks for also addressing the issue of domestic violence and also emphasizing on the fact that domestic violence can also come from both sides. Though, I am a man but was also a victim of severe domestic violence.

NOTE: Not that I could easily overpower her (My ex-wife) and beat her blue-black! As I am naturally the strong type. My allowing her attack and hit me mostly had to do with my upbringing. I was brought up to respect women. In fact, my father while he was alive stood strongly against men who exercisedtheir physical strength against women.

 I remember hitting a girl in secondary school and when he heard about it, he punished me in a way that I will forever, live to remember. And he made it clear to me that no matter what a woman does, I should never ever hit her... And when ‘She overrun her mouth simply walk away’ because a real man will never hit a woman no matter how much she provokes him

Unluckily for me, I met my wife in Holland dated for some months came home to Nigeria to get married... I noticed her violent traits during our traditional marriage. She was so mad that I gave transport money to some of her family members, while she was cussing, all it took for me to provoke her was to emphasize that it was just a token and besides the people I gave the money to were her siblings! Oh my... she went wild and started to hit me and throw stuff around I had to pin her down till help came

Well after the marriage we came back to Holland and the violence continued. When she is calm she will tell me how sorry she is and promise it will never repeat itself again... of course give it a couple of weeks it sure does repeat itself! I have had occasions whereby she had hit me with TV Ipads laptops and stuffs worse there are occasions whereby she has tried to stab me with knives.

Stupidly, I would also make excuses for her and try to convince myself, that she was probably under work pressure or deeply in love thus her violent behavior. But it eventually dawned on me that 99% of the time she was provoked by very little and irrelevant stuff and she hates that when she gets angry and raise her voice, I keep mute or when I reply I never yell for the neighbors to hear us

The painful part was as she is hitting me she is also threatening that; if I talk or do anything she will injure herself tear her dress and call the police on me that I was the one hitting her.... after all, we are living in Europe where issues of domestic violence is taking very seriously and in most cases women are the oppressed and it will always go in her favour.

I endured this for a whole year and decided to either I stay for the sake of trying to make a marriage work and die in the process or move out alive hale and hearty till I find the right partner.

If your partner hits you one time, chances are they will continue. No matter how they plead for you to stay and promise not to do it again, please do not listen! And for those who are under pressure to get married, be careful not to accept anyone who comes your way just because you want to be married, the handwriting is always on the wall when you come by a violent person. Believe me, the same ones who pressurize you into getting married are the same ones who will later gloat when the marriage goes wrong

The truth is as parents it is very important we bring up our children with the knowledge that violence in any form and especially against your loved ones is totally wrong, because, from closely observing my situation, I had come to the inevitable conclusion that we were both products of our upbringing.


  1. Replies
    1. Stella forget that thing o. Men are also victims of DV. My neighbour's wife is an Hercules. She would beat the living day light out of this man and throw him out...To think that they have grown up boys(or should I say men) who cant call the mother to order is apalling. Sometimes,you'd hear him cry at night. What a wife!

    2. I applaud you sir for walking away and never hitting her back. It takes a well brought up man to do that. I have brothers and I have watched them walk away, when we bring out the beast in them. There was a day, i provoked my husband to see if he would hit me during the course of our argument, he just looked at me picked up his cars keys and left the house for me. Only me call am later tell am sorry.
      Say no to domestic violence but the thing is the more that is said about this dv, people will not hear, they will still sit put and tell you they are staying cos of the kids.

    3. Many women are capable of being extremely violent. What would u say about all those reports we see, read and hear about of women physically abusing kids or househelps? Isn't that domestic violence? You don't see those hypocritical women shouting when such is reported, but if their fellow married woman is beaten, they scream the roofs down.

      I have personally witnessed an argument BTW a man and his wife at their home (relatives). Then out of nowhere, this woman picked up a stool and threw at him. Thank God he dodged. This same woman once threw a kerosene lamp at her son's face which injured his eye. Thank God it only turned red and went away after a few days.
      I have also seen one mumu tiny girl try to beat up a 6ft plus fleshy guy because she met a girl at his house. You could see how hard he was trying to not retaliate. I was gobsmacked as to what the idiot girl was thinking. Only one hit would send Her to coma but the mumu continued. I was one of those who separated their stupid brawl.

      What is sickening about women is that they are experts at playing victims. All over the world, they lie and cover up their flaws and mistakes to make the men look bad all the time. But most times, they eventually get exactly what they deserve and end up with men just like them.
      I feel no sympathy for women who have no qualms beating up their maids or workers. If your man beats u up too, you are only getting what u deserve. Just because u are a wife doesn't mean u are more special. Many of you are here.

    4. I had a neighbour then that the wife will beat him up and push inside rain and people will be just be watching. She later left him and ran away with her daughter to logos.
      The man married another woman that is giving him peace till date,he looks very young cos the DV issue with the first wife happened like twenty years ago
      The worst thing that can happen to a man is to.marry a wrong woman, life go tire you

    5. We should put awareness on both genders domestic violence. Some women are so violent that they frustrated daylight out of their husbands too

    6. I 've a formal neighbour that the wife use to beat the man. The man kept quite for 25 years, everyone in the estate knows the woman has a trouble maker in the neighborhood, the husband shocked her that he divorced her at their old age and sold their house secretly that she started causing trouble to the new owner rebuilding the house, thank God d New owner na commissioner, everyday police in front of the house.

    7. That's how my momma sent my dad to an early grave. She showed that man pepper sha, I will go home and once she starts quarrelling I will cry myself to sleep nd the next day I'm back to school or go and stay in a friends house, I hardly go home o.

      The poor man slumped and died in church, like my bro will always ask her, what happened before you guys when to church....😢😕 she will shine her eyes and be looking*smh

      As young as I was then I knew my mum was starving my dad of sex, the man doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, a christian to the core, doesn't womanize o, he was doing okay for himself and took care of everyone, he was such a peaceful and kind man. But this my momma won't let him have peace of mind, always quarrelling over everything and anything.

      I always tell myself I won't be like her. I love her no doubt but her matter en, I rebuke am!!!
      Looking back I feel sad though.



      I remember o, I Dont do anonymous, no bother yourself.

    8. @GOonS mi

      Like seriously?😨😨😨
      What a world!!
      May his soul rest in peace.

  2. @poster your story is really touching. May God bless you greatly you're really a nice man.
    Well done..

    Say no to domestic violence ...

    1. Yes. Truly a nice man. Good upbringing, nothing beats it!

    2. Unfortunately I'm one of the people that have hit a man. I'm petite and very jovial and nice...I don't have a temper....I've never had a physical fight with Any1 all my life...but my ex boyfriend pushed me to the point that I became monster...he pushed me to the ppint that I hit him in public...I slapped him several times, removed my heels to hit him. Used my bag to hit him...I was a mad woman. After that episode my ex came to apologise o for disrespecting me so much...but I couldn't stay in the relationship knowing I had become a I insisted we break up so we can both have peace of mind. I have never hit any1 ever since them.

      Moral of the story...Any1 can be violent...once you see what you are turning into because of whatever reason...leave..

    3. At anon 19:45
      I can relate.
      I once dated a guy that we fight over almost anything. We can fight till dawn n ill destroy some properties if i sleep over.
      Sometimes i look at my self and ask if i was d one that did all that.
      Some partners can bring out the demon in u

  3. Wow!!! Practical example. I have heard of marriages like that. It is usually not that the man is weak but he doesn't hit back. Just one strike from man can send her into shock or unconsciousness. Thank you are alive and well.poster.

  4. It's good you left her, it's useless talking hints over with a violent partner, no matter what u did, it's never OK to hit a man or woman, we are all human.

  5. Domestic violence is a No No, whether it's a man or woman that is the victim.
    Poster you are indeed a man. I like your kind of person. There should be no reason whatsoever to hit a woman. No matter how tap like a woman runs her mouth, it's no excuse to hit her. Women beater should take a cue from you.

  6. Kpele dear. Hope you find a solution

  7. Kpele dear. Hope you find a solution

  8. hmmmmmm ekpele. Thank God you left her. I hope you are ok or you need another wifey?

  9. Real fact, I av one neighbour like dat, d man is smallish Nd d woman is huge, dey av 5kids,,,d man dare not start an argument, if he stays out late d woman will carry touch light Nd start lookin 4 him, anywhere she meet him dat evening, sorry na d man name...d man sef is ashamed 2 tell people or report d wife...smh

  10. Dats true, dated a gal Dr slapped me during an argument,i just got down from my car n walked for a while to calm down, day same night she was trying to apologize, wen I gave her d cold treatment, she flew into a rage n began hitting me wf a frenzy, I still kept calm,i could easily have beaten her to death,but I let it go because I would be blamed for hitting a woman, men go through dv too!!!

  11. Poster you be ntooor!My wife hit me?haha she chop winch?OK oooo let me come and be going.

    1. You're just an attention seeker, you better learn from stories here.

  12. Thank God you walked out. DV is vice versa

  13. Thank God for your life sir, hope you've divorced her? She can kill someone, even threatening you that she will call the police and lie against you

    *Larry was here*

  14. say no to domestic violence.some women can push a man to the wall that i know for sure, but a real man will never touch you.

  15. Your story reminds me of the lady in portharcourt who stabbed her husband to death with the knife she was using to dice okro. Her marriage was just a year old. She was pregnant and it was obvious she didn't mean to. She just couldn't control her temper, and the fact that her late husband was being unbearably calm drove her to the deep end. The guy did nothing wrong, she was just temperamental, she didn't plan to kill him, she just wanted to scare him, but he died anyway.

    1. Fuck...I think I should learn to control my temper

  16. Very close story with my uncle just that in his own case the lady carries knives and pestle to attack him, he kept it all a secret and when he finally opened up no one believed him because the guy sabi ginger outside till my mum visited and found it was true, fast forward today he remarried and he is enjoying his new wife, even his child with the first wife ran back to her father's house and she lives at peace with her step-mum

  17. An eye opener to singles still searching. Do not be pressurized into marriage. Look before you leap

  18. To those females that question DV against men, let's see this scenario together.

    There's an argument...

    The woman hits the man... *doesnt matter if he's stronger than her or not*


    1. Most would say walk away. Let's take another scenario: if you are in a gathering and a person is unruly/voilent, should the violent person be made to leave or should the normal law abiding ones leave?

    2. Go to the Police. The police will laugh at the man. Even if they act on it, the punishment she'll get will at most be a slap on the wrist.
    A case in point is that of OAP Freeze. This man posted pics of bloody injuries his ex wife inflicted on him but the authorities did nothing. Rather he was made a mockery of.

    3. Go to the media. It's even worse that going to the police.

    4. Keep quiet about it. This is what most men do. The downside is it gets bottled in and explodes at some point. This explosion is manifested in him hitting back! Majorly! At this point the woman will take the injuries to women's groups, the police and the media using lots of hashtags in the process. The man will be vilified and not one person or group will ask WHAT HAPPENED?

    The man will also find it embarrassing to confess that his wife has been physically assaulting him all along to the point he couldn't take it anymore.

    So you see, men are sitting ducks. The only way a man can overcome a violent/manipulative woman is to ALWAYS BE RECORDING!

    ABR is a trick I learned a long time ago because women can lie for Africa!

    When she starts her physically or verbally violent episodes, just pull out ur phone and secretly be recording. Audio or video would do. That way, when things go public, you, the man can have a defence.

    Note that even with all the recording in the world, society will still side the woman. What the recording affords you is she can't win a court case against you. Rather you can win a court case against her. However, in the court of public opinion, the man will still be vilified regardless. OAP Freeze documented his abuse yet women (even in this blog) still considers him an abuser for having the guts to expose his wife as an abuser (WITH EVIDENCE). You see how warped a woman's mind is?

    1. Hello Freeze.
      Is that you?
      I think it is easier for men who are victims of DV to walk away than women.
      Just document it, go to court. Opt out. You are free.

      For women? Most stay back despite the life threatening situation because
      1. They are probably totally dependent on the man. How do they survive?
      2. The usual talk of "staying back because of the children "
      3. The embarrassment and shame...probably they've been putting up a rosy front prior while amongst their friends or on social media.

      Bottom line is, be you a man or a woman, do not provoke someone so badly that he/she flips.
      A single blow can send one to an early grave.
      DV should not and never be tolerated.
      And yes, like the poster puts it, the root of DV is from the upbringing as a child as well as the kinda environment the child was raised.

      Poster, 'nwoke ki'bu'.
      Indeed you are a man.
      I seriously applaud you for not raising a finger at your ex wife.

    2. Bloglord I'm not Freeze. What's the point of the LOL under Freeze's name? Are you misandric? Are you in support of DV against men?

    3. Hey c'mon Anon.
      Calm down
      I was just kidding with the question.
      And no I am not in support of DV against men.

    4. @ esther mgbolu,shebi when ur sista been dey beat em husband dey break doors for house.u no see am warn to cum here they type sooo true anon.common gerrahere.benin cow

    5. anon17:38,you father,mother and siblings are benin cows,if you are married and have children,they are benin cows and also if you have a girl friend or boyfriend,they are benin cows

    6. So true domestic violence and rape against male should be addressed too cos is common here & no one seems to care to address the issues.

    7. @ esther abi you think say we never hear say dem don pursue pricila for house,sey em dey beat em husband the man tire con leave am run go follow small girl.make una dey there dey mumu for lagos.we don hear the story.if you bin warm am make em no dey beat em husband,you for no save to cum here dey type.make em just b say u dey type.u b mumu o.

    8. Anon 12:53 being provoked is a natural occurrence for any human being, but how one reacts when provoked will determine the outcome. I strongly believe that abusers can control themselves but choose not to when it comes to people they believe they can control. Abusers go to work and have bosses that "provoke" them, but they do not lash out verbally or physically. However, the reverse is the case with their spouses, children, domestic workers etc. The bottom line is this, if you know you have a tendency to be violent, walk away from your trigger. Walk away because one day you might reap what you have sown in multiple folds. A word is enough for the wise. Please choose to be wise today.

  19. Poster hope you have realised you were raised wrong by your dad as it concerns self defence?

    Your dad was highly influenced by gynocentricism to he point that he feared women.

    I'll teach my boys the power of self defence. Also the power of escalating issues to higher authorities e.g. Reporting to the Principal, Boss, Police etc. Ladies are taught this and use it effectively. Boys are taught to "man up" and solve it themselves. How can you even tell a BOY to MAN up?

    Anyway, my philosophy is if she gives u an attitude, give her one back.

    If she insults you, insult her back.

    If she hits you, hit her back but with a commensurate energy.

    If you can't do this then ensure you report her to a higher authority for every assault she brings your way. Don't stop there, follow up to ensure an appropriate reprimand is made. If nothing is done about it, take the matter to a higher authority!

    I'll never teach my sons to condone abuse from any gender! Fight back! Literally or otherwise! But document things tho!

    1. Yep you are preparing your sons for a life of self induced hell. Violence never, I repeat, never pays.

  20. Hmnnn.... this is deep!

  21. Oturugbeke!
    Bros come and complete the story as an anonymous biko.

  22. Not excusing any gender,but Women that can't control themselves when angry scare me.
    If na man,Na just to run.

    Reading this story and Its like I'm just hearing voices in my head chanting "Abiku Abiku,Ogbanje,Ogbanje"

    Sorry bro. Hope u are in a better place now.
    You are the real MVP for ur self control. May love find u sir.

    1. I think that's one problem "Nigerians" have, attributing some attitude to ogbanje or abiku. Some people have real issues like manic disorders, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorders, we just don't get help. Extreme anger to the point of violence is actually a disease of the brain, that person needs to be evaluated.

  23. Notice how all the female commenters are saying SORRY O. TAKE HEART etc. None of them is saying LET HER BE JAILED.

    That's misandry for you.

  24. My husband beat me up last two weeks. I left home to sleep at a friend's house. I returned the following day after plenty begging. He beat me up in public on Wednesday . I was shocked and embarrassed. I went to the police and asked them to invite him,make him realize it's unacceptable to hit anyone in a fit of anger make him sign an undertaking. A police man followed me home to see him.he had gone out.whwn we got back to the station, the police man handed me to the dpo who asked me to go and fast and pray for my husband to change. He told me to go to a pastor for prayers. He kept saying fast and pray for him to change. I left the station more defeated than I arrived. The police didn't check on me since. I am still trying to heal from the disgrace of being beaten up in public. This morning we had another row and he started to slap me again.even threatened to pour the oil I was heating up on me.i am angry I have been reduced to a punching bag.i am angry I cannot get help from the police cos I know they will ask me to pray and fast. They ll make it seem like it's my fault he hits me.i need him to be dealt with. I want him to know it's wrong to hit me when he likes.i am angry and bitter cos I cannot hit him back or defend myself.. I hate myself. I just want to die! 😭😭😭😭😭😭

    1. You just want to die ke?
      Remain there, when he gets back and starts with you again, that might just be it (God forbid)
      Don't you have parents?
      Who married you off to this man?
      What is the issue between you guys?
      My dear, leave that man.
      I mean leave! Not going away for a few days to return later.
      Leave for good else he kills you one day.
      See threat of pouring you hot oil and all.
      Daily doze of slaps abd every other day beating in public like it's a prescription
      And you are still there.
      Die de hungry you true true.

    2. Have you not heard that police is not your friend? Don't you have a supportive family or friends? No job? Those are your lifelines dear. Prayers are good bit in matters like this are better offered while taking shelter far away from the abuser. You better love yourself oh and don't die because of one useless man who can't create a fly. You're priceless and worth far more than diamonds. Know that today and take a proactive action again his abuse. Report him to the women rights in the state you are, move out of the house for him and get yourself together. Na the person who die lose last last oh.

    3. Now don't make me cry😢

      Come here,come here darling.
      Dry your tears and listen to me.
      You won't die. U can't make him make u wanna die. You can't give him that power over you.
      I am soo sorry for all u are going through.
      Don't even know what to say. Just wanna hug u and tell u it wil be ok. Where are ur people? Why's r eh letting him think u are worthless? Don't u want to live for ur kids?
      Oh no! I am soo sad for u. For once I don't know even know what to say😢
      I am soo sorry darling. Mighty sorry.
      And I pray God dries ur tears and make u happy.

    4. But pls why do women remain with violent men or vice Versa? Once you raise your hand to hit someone, trust me, it's not love anymore. Except in the case of parents correcting their children and that one has limit sef.

      I can't advise you to leave o, you wear the shoe and know how it pinches you, I only pray to God you don't become another statistic.

    5. Madam can u pay for people to give him dose of his own medicine...Anytime he beats u as he is going out he will collect his own share outside...don't worry he won't die but they will inflict serious wound on him..can u pay??

    6. Aww! Please hun, don't do anything to hurt yourself (this one you are already saying you want to die). Your husband is clearly an animal. Get a divorce if you can. If you can't, Leave his ass temporarily. Go stay with a family/friend until you heal. Be strong dear. Don't try anything funny please. Erase every suicidal thoughts you have. God bless!

  25. Hian, this one has ogbanje spirit true true. I wont even cuss/abuse my significant other while we are arguing, talk less of hitting him?? See ehn, if a man hits me, I know I'll definitely do something terrible to him, maybe get people to tidy his fuck up. And I won't train my son to be beaten by a woman either..mbanu. Neither will I train my daughter to allow herself to be beaten. If you hit someone, you deserve to be hit as well...simple!!!

  26. Poster, divorce her and come for me.
    sorry about your experience.

  27. I just pity men that go through domestic violence because of the way the society is. The mockery and the shame nko? Men also get killed by their wives over irrelevant things shebi the lawyer who killed her husband is still in court? Whatever gender you're, speak out and give the abuser a wide gap, don't die in shame.

  28. Some women are sooo terrible,they are the architect of dvs.soo many men go through HELL in the hands of their spouses,then when all the accumulated anger escalates,they end up hitting their wives or girlfriends,something they never intended to do.Then you see those ladies shouting dv up and down,saying lies to suit them,they will never allow us hear word or see road and as usuall the awon derfenders of the universe will be saying trash.All men are not same,this man TRIED i swear.
    Women stop stop pushing your men to the brim,

  29. Anon 13:53 when your husband beat you again, look for something to hammer him. Enough is enough. Dont just die, stand up for yourself. Go look for area boys, pay them money to beat him very well.

  30. I know there are men that are abused but every one man being abused, there are millions of women all over the world abused by their partners.

    It is not fair to relegate those cases to the background and concentrate on the very few cases of men that are abused. It is like racism in Europe, yes it exist and has no colour but we all know the specific race experiencing it first-hand...Black people. If we talk more of white people experiencing it, it means we are undermining the millions of black people experiencing racism everyday.

    It is easier for a man to walk away when abused but it is not so for the female gender. We have not done enough sensitization on how to curb domestic violence on women before we start taking up cases of men , which in most cases, have done something already about it. There are hundreds of women killed by their partners every day all over the world, most were too ashamed to admit they have been abused to their loved ones.

    Dear Poster, I am so sorry for what you went through, no one deserve to abuse anyone and I am glad you walked away.

    Stella, I know your platform have been fighting against domestic violence on women and children, I applaud you for that. Please do not relent, we need more people to know it is wrong, we need to follow up on cases to know the outcome. We need other states in Nigeria to follow suit like Lagos state and have a law in place to prohibit that.


    1. Abuse is abuse. Saying that abuse against men should be relegated to the background just shows that you approve of abuse against men.. Gerrarahia mennnnn!

  31. Anon 13:40 i dey office come and beat us as we tell the man ekpele

  32. Some of us men can't share our stories lest this blog crashes!

    God is on the throne.

  33. God bless you sir. Feminism is not solely about women. Let's learn to bring up our sons to be feminists and to respect women as well.

  34. That is why I hate when women rush to defend fellow women in every divorce story. If men in disospora tell you what they go through in the hands of women, you will weep. I know a doctor who attempted suicide, but God saved him by his grace. The woman has brainwashed his children. Every time the man is in court. He has given up. Tomorrow when those children grow up, they will say their father abandoned them, and we women in our usual way will start cussing the man. I have learnt not to take sides until I have all the facts. Some women are evil.

    1. I am abroad and I know the reason why most men are dealt with badly,is that they misbehave. You work your butt off thinking the money you are making is for your household not knowing it is being used for someone's selfish purpose. When you go to the ATM you can't even withdraw money because your account is in the negative. Then friends back home are telling you of the many houses your spouse has built, which you know nothing about, in short, the list is endless. Also, these men can lie for the universe. They tell people they are suffering at home, but they conveniently leave out their own part in the brouhaha. Mstcheww, I even forgot to mention the side chics they give heaven and earth to, meanwhile their wives are at home cracking their brains on how to feed the family. My dear, leave that thing.

  35. This is a rubbish story invented to make men sitting ducks for women to abuse. Absolute bunkum! Walking away from a physicaly abusive woman does not make you a man. It makes you a wussy! What do you teach your children? To timidly walk away from intimidation? Walking away simply means the abuser have chased you away. Only weaklings, walk away from abusive women. My take? Just give her a dose of her own medicine! If any woman ever lays hands on me, all bets are off. I will beat the living daylights out of her! I will never lay hands on her but she has better not try me too. If she feels violent, she should leave the house to go and cool down. I am not leaving my house for anybody. The partner who is provoked is the one that should leave the house.

    1. U are a crazy man and until u 've the death of someone in ur hand before u learn ur lesson, u better be wise cos u just talked like a big FOOL

    2. Dr David...u too much...what rubbish, any woman that lays her hand on me, I go beat am like criminal...fuck y'all with walk away shit...the moment women start to understand that running unto a moving vehicle can kill u, the moment dv ends...women are manipulative, men shouldn't accept what women want...mayb u should b the one to walk away after I hit u...foolish fish brains


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